Sunday, October 13, 2013

Period 3: 10/13-10/18

Week Eight: 10/13/13-10/18/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:American held after car bombing dies in Egyptian jail

    Article Date: October 13, 2013

    Who: James Lunn

    Where: Egypt

    When: October 13, 2013

    What happened: A man names James Lunn was found dead in a bathroom, hanging from his shoelaces and a belt while waiting Awal police station in Ismailia, Egypt. The American man was arrested back in August after a car bombing near a police station in northern Sinai, They found a computer and maps of vital installations on his person when he was arrested. Egypt. He died the same day his detention was extended for another 30 days. The vise consul for the U.S. government visited James in prison and found nothing wrong wit him. Perfectly sane. They were unsure whether it was a murder or a suicide but they later determined it was a suicide.

    Why this event is relevant: Too many people these days take the easy way out in situations like this. It is happening to common these days.

    Reaction: I sort of understand why he did what he did with killing himself. he probably didn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail, but he should of did what he did in the first place.

    Opinion: He is a coward for taking the "easy way" out. Face the consequences.

    Connection: Back in 97, a woman was the victim to a pipe bomb, her husband tried to commit suicide by slashing his wrist. Like James Lunn, he thought this was his only chance of freedom.

  2. Soruce:

    Article title: Heroic Army captain receives Medal of Honor

    Article date: Updated 4:21 pm EDT 10.15.13

    Who: William D. Swenson, President Barack Obama

    Where: This event happen in Ganjdal Valley, Afghanistan

    When: This event happen September 8th 2009

    What happen: Captain William D. Swenson durning the battle in the valley of Ganjdal his commander was wounded and he help into the helicopter and kisses him on the forehead. President Obama awarded him the highest honor of military in action medal.

    Why is this event relevant: This is relevant because its important to honor those who deserve of his heroics.

    Reaction: My reaction was, I was amazed how he took the time do that while fighting a battle that if you take your eye the enemjy for moment they could kill you.

    Opinion: My opinion on this event is I would probably have done the same helping my fellow soldier in need.

    Connection: I chose this article because I like to read about soldiers and wars,battles, and fights.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Obama signs bill to pay death benefits to families of fallen soldiers

    Article Date:October 10, 2013

    Who:President Obama

    Where:Washington D.C

    When:October 10, 2013

    What happened:President Obama signed a bill on Thursday to pay death benefits to families of soldiers who passed during the partial government shutdown. When Obama signed the bill it brung alot of criticism from Republicans over White House press. One of the secretaries named Jay Carney comment earlier in the day that it was "not necessary" to sign the bill because a charity group named "The Fisher House Foundation" had already planned to step in and provide the fundings. Carney also stated, "Now, we're learning the president has taken his political obstinacy to a new low". Others did not believe this the chairman of the House subcommittee, Rep. Rob Wittman said and believed, "That is to find a way to treat our families with the respect and dignity they have earned."

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Obama is trying to help families fund fallen soldiers burials and funerals even with the extra help of a charity group.

    Opinion: I think it was necessary for Obama to do this because the government is still down so there would be no way to fund these things so he has to step in and help.

    Connection: I chose this article because I like to read about the things President Obama does to keep our city together .

  4. Source:

    Article Title:Montana Rapist out after month sentence

    Article Date: 9/26/13

    Who:Stacey Dean

    Where: Montana

    When: Thursday Sep. 26

    What happened: A high school teacher was let out of an Montana jail after a one month sentence for raping a 14 year old girl. The judge said he's not a free man exactly, he's on probation for the next 14 years and 11 months. They said he will not be able to have a cell phone with photo, video or Internet capabilities. The victims mother is still hoping to see him behind bars again very soon. He would have to agree to ex offender treatment and not going places where children are. Prosecutors said it was illegal to the Montana Supreme Court. They believe the judge mad a mistake letting him go. The court stated hopefully they'll make it right. Cherice Moralez committed suicide before Rambold went to trail. Hamlon told Erin Burnett not to worry about the man who raped her daughter. And she says someday she hope she can forgive him.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because he raped a 14 year old girl and basically got away with it.

    Reaction:I was upset because I have younger sisters with meal teachers and I'm not that old myself so I would hate for that to happen to someone I'm close to and nothing happens.

    Opinion: I think he should still be in jail.

    Connection:This remains me of the Zimmerman case and how he wasn't put in jail for killing a teen for no reason.

  5. Article Title Why is this man smiling? 15 winners and losers from the shutdown crisis:

    Article Date: Thu October 17, 2013

    Who:The and House of speaker John Boehner

    Where:The White House

    When Thu October 17, 2013
    What happened: The President and the House speaker has finished fighting and has lifted the government shutdown. The president got the least amount blame because the house speaker was asking him to stop his health care plan.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because almost everyone has health care.
    Reaction: I was happy to hear that the government is no longer shutdown.
    Opinion: I think that the government shutdown was pointless.

  6. Source: (

    Article Title:Economist Caution: Prepare For 'Massive Wealth Destruction'

    Article Date:Wednesday, 16 Oct 2013

    Who: United States' Economics

    Where:United States

    When: 2008-present

    What happened:foretelling that the rich will lose 50% of their money

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it is telling what the future will soon hold.
    Reaction This is a good thing for the people who is getting low income. People who are getting low income will get more and that will make things better.

    Opinion I think this will help people who aren't so rich and stop the rich from getting a lot of money when people are struggling today to get a reasonable income.

    Connection I chose this article because i felt it was really important. The reason it is important because it is telling what is going to happen soon.
    People deserve to know what will happen in our future.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Five Things You Need To Know About The Role Of Taxes In The Government Shutdown
    Article Date: 10/16/2013
    Who: Government
    Where: White House
    When: 10-16-13
    What happened: There have been serious negotiations in the past few hours that seem to indicate that we might have a work around. But for now they still remain shutdown.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this important information about the role of taxes in the government shutdown. The House Republicans tried to eliminate funding for the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which the Senate Democrats rejected. Medical device companies been trying to get the percentage of medical devices up as it sits at 2.3% excise tax. The tax is expected to raise nearly $29 billion in revenue. People still need to rely on their medical insurance so we can't allow that raise.
    Also, Obamacare would allow those who are not exempt from purchasing health insurance but they not able to pay the entire costs to apply for government subsidies to help pay those costs. Based on the income, the person gets a certain amount of subsidies. The only thing is that in order to get subsidies, incomes of the applicants will have to be verified. This will drive up costs and create delays. That's why the Republicans disagreed with the idea.
    Reaction I feel that this is a good idea. I understand what they are trying to prevent and being safe than sorry.
    Opinion I think we do need to find a way to get the Obamacare back and reopen the government being it's a huge impact on our country right now.
    Connection I'm a United States student of Freire Charter school. I connect to everything that happens in my country.

  8. Source:
    Article title:You've reached Cory Booker.I'm not here to take your call Mr.President.
    Article date: 10/17/13
    Who: President Obama and Cory Booker
    Where:Washington D.C.
    When: Wednesday at midnight
    What happen: President Obama has called his old friend Booker to congrats him on the accomplishment of winning the United Stated senate election. However, Booker was not able to answer his call. The President did leave Booker a message on the voice machine. Earlier in the week before calling Booker, President Obama had made an announcement that whoever he call, is the greasiest thing ever because he knows they will answer.
    Why is this relevant : This is relevant because president Obama don't just call anybody. He calls certain people and for him to call an old friend, shows that even though he has power now and better living then most, he did not change on nobody that he use to be friends with.
    Opinion: I think this was nice of president Obama because he took time out of his day to congrats some one from his past on an wonderful accomplishment. Even if they don't answer, it's still nice of him to leave a message.
    Connection: I chosen this article because it was very interesting to me. This article showed me that even when being an old friend doesn't mean you can't call each other up and see what's new .

  9. Source:
    Article:homosexuals in the military
    Article date:10,10,1999
    Who:society and homosexuals
    Where: united states
    When: n/a
    What happen:swift blows in the 80's homosexuals were given the damage after blacks were equal.homos were often denied from jobs and not allowed placed due to there sexuality.some women were not out goin with there sexuality but most men were "coming out the closet"this was and epidemic to the human played a big part in and women who did not approve of dating the same sex were outrage and started protested for it to be illegal for same sex marriage.and not to join the military.
    Reaction: I am shocked that people would not allow someone to leave there life how they be comfortable in there skin. Also to be denied from the military even thought they are the few that want to support there country.
    Evwnt is relevent : this even is relevant to because there are people today that cannot express there sexuality because if there society.Also this is important because hiding your sexuality can spread diseases .
    Opinion: in my opinion people should be treated equal no matter the race or gender.they should choose base on there personality.
    Connection: I know people today that have problems with being friends with people because they like the same sex. Also people who cannot come to the truth of letting people no they are homosexual. I know that people want to be free of want they want but they cannot because of the society we leave in with people of religion and people who just cannot adapt to today's society of being equal.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:House Approves Debt Ceiling Agreement to Reopen Federal Government
    Article Date:October 17th,2013
    Who:The Senate,President Barack Obama,and Vice President Joe Boehner
    Where:Washington D.C.
    When: October 17th,2013
    What happened:The House of Representatives passes the debt ceiling agreement to reinstate the national government.This happened after the 16-day delay of the government's shutdown.The Senate passed the measure by a vote of 81 to 18 followed by the passed measure of 285-144 in the House.President Obama put into law the measure early Thursday morning.Vice President Joe Boehner noted that the House wouldn't vote on the Senate agreement.
    Why this event is relevant: This event describes the current event in the government that will go down in its books.
    Reaction:I feel compelled to learn more about this current event because President Obama put the measure into law which made everything come into place nicely.
    Opinion:I think the House made the right decision approving the debt ceiling agreement because it ended the 16-day government shutdown.
    Connection: This event connects to history classes because the approved agreement will go down in the history books.The President has signed it into law which is a big deal considering his role had a big impact on the positive outcome of the agreement when it was approved by the House.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Republican shutdown pain may boost Dems in 2014

    Article Date: October 17th, 2013

    Who: Republican Party, Democratic Party, and Tea Party representatives.

    Where: Washington DC, House of Representatives

    When: From October 1st to the 16th

    What happened: Due to disagreements between the Republican party in the House of Representatives for ObamaCare. This disagreement was so fierce that the government was shut down for over two weeks. This caused employees to be unable to work, all museums and historical properties were closed, and protection of America was completely turned off. This caused an uproar for Americans all over the world, it was unfair! This article discusses how because of Republicans irresponsible decisions could cause more Democratic parties to be in the House of Rep. They may not be reelected due to petty arguements.

    Why this event is relevant: This caused Americans to be unprotected, unemployeed, and other situations. This was abuse of not only my rights but all of us Americans.

    Reaction: I wasn't surprised. My family discusses politics often. We knew this was going to happen. I was actually pretty happy to see someone had the same opinion my family and I had.

    Opinion: I believe this is just proof of how messed up our government is. They simply do not want Barack in power because he's African-American and he's grabbing attention all over the world. I'm not rascist. However, I believe our government is. They don't want to give up their power and money. Also, they do not want to see a black man in power. Simple. Same with Democrats, not all of them are on our side either as middle- and lower-classed. Which is why I'm independent. I don't like politics. I'll abide to American laws and what-not; however, I refuse to be abused by selfish men in power.

    Connection: I chose this because I believe the government abused their power and caused a horrible incident if the government was down for a long period of time. The Government of America should be shown for who they truly are.

  12. Source:

    Article title: ObamaCare sign-up numbers begin to emerge, show slow start amid website problems

    Article date: October 18, 2013

    Who: •President Obama
    •federal government

    Where: in & around the country

    When: more than two week ago

    What happened? Many people are trying to be on and use the site for Obama care but there is/was a glitch with it so there were not given the content they needed to use the site Causing a Problem and speculation after big amounts of money were invested into the project for the people but not working at all, this may mean that large amounts of time and money were already wasted on this project only to have to go back to the drawling bored in the end

    Why is this relevant? Because we are already in a recession as is so any further waste of money will negatively affect us as a people

    Reaction: I think that things like this are to be expected but it is unfortunate that it would happen on this scale of things.

    Connection: I know how it feels to work hard on something or just work on something at all then to be told or have to face the fact that it's not good enough are painful feelings.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: US Government Employees Head Back To Work
    Article Date: October 17, 2013
    Who: The US government is involved in this event.
    Where: Occured in the United States.
    When: This event happened today October 17, 2013.
    What happened: The two parties came to extension so that thousands of US government employees can go back to work.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this caused many workers in the US were out of a job for 16 days because of the shutdown of the government. Therefore, budgets have not been paid for certain things which is not good.
    Reaction: I am happy because my aunt can now go back to work to make her money.
    Opinion: The government shutdown didn't help at all and could've been dealt with more efficiently.
    Connection: I connected to this article because in a movie Coach Carter the coach shut down basketball until the players got their grades up however it actually helped.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Obama's next three years could be tough
    Article Date: October, 17.2013
    Who: Obama, Republicans and the government are involved.
    Where: This happened in Washington D.C in the state dining room of the White House.
    When: This event took place on October, 17.2013
    What happened: After 16 days of the federal government shutdown it has finally reopened. President Obama addressed this issue. He felt that it is a privilege to be apart of the government and it is their duty to do their job as best to their ability. Also, he blamed the republicans for the government shutdown. Obama has over 3 years left to be president and it will be tough being as though there are a lot of things due and coming up in early January and he can't do it alone. He feels that the relationship between the republicans and democrats have to change if they are planning to get any work done and problems solved. They will have to gain each others trust.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the federal government is no longer shut down and there is bigger things that need to be handled.
    Reaction I was so happy when I found out the government opened back up even though it didn't effect me.
    Opinion I think the future for government might change because there's a possibility democrats and republicans could work together for the sake of the people.
    Connection I choose this because I think Obama is a great president and it's so much pressure on him and he still has 3 years left to go, so I can relate to how he feels about everything that's going on and not having people on your side to get things done for the public good.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Official: Forged documents used in prison break from Fla. prison
    Article Date: October 17,2013
    Who:Charles Walker and Joseph Jenkins
    Where: Franklin Correctional Institution in the Panhandle community of Carrabelle
    When: October 17,2013
    What happened: The article I read was about two African American man who were said to be escapes from jail for forging their own releasing out of jail. Investigators discovered forged motions to reduce the two men respective sentences and forged court orders granting the request, according to authorities. which is how the two men were set free when they weren't supposed to be. It was said that,''Walker and Jenkins, both serving life without the possibility of parole sentences for murder, were released from the Franklin Correctional Institution in the Panhandle community of Carrabelle''. They found out because said in the article,''Law enforcement learned of the prison escapes on Tuesday after a family member of Jenkins' victim contacted the State Attorney's Office to ask about the convict's release, Ashton said in the statement.'' While both of the inmates are still on the loose. And they also heard of other inmates making attempts to doing this. For example, the discovery of the forgeries comes as Florida is prosecuting another inmate, Jeffrey Forbes, for an allegedly similar scheme. They don't really know much about how they thought to do that and how they were so successful but their planning on it never to happen again.
    It was said that,''It is now clear that the use of forged court documents to obtain release from prison is an ongoing threat which all law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, court clerks and prison officials must address and stop.'' So their making plans on ways to figure out how they did it and saying that they should turn themselves in.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because this is a major thing that a inmate could get such valuable information enough to get them out of jail early and free. Also because this is not safe their are criminals, killers all types of crazy people getting out of jail free of their crime with out anybody knowing it this could harm citizens and make people feel unsafe and cause more violence.

    Reaction: I was shock because if two people can get there self out of jail just like that then imagine how many others can and did this before.

    Opinion I think that the government should do more about the system and make sure things like this don't occur again or any more harmful inmates get out with a jail free card.

    Connection : My connection to this article was the movie I saw called ''Life'' where to African American man after being in jail for nearly a decade escape from prison and got away with it and never was found.

  17. Source:
    Article: 2 inmates mistakenly freed from fla prison
    Article Author: Joseph Fletto
    Date published: 10-13-2013
    Who: 2 men by the names of Charles Walker And Joseph Jenkins.
    WHAT: The two men who were both convicted of murder were free from jail when they made papers look like release papers. Even though they were released at two different times. They both are free and on the run.
    Where: Florida
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has something to do with the law. It could create a danger to someones community and make someone feel unsafe. This is something someone should be aware of so that they can be safe.
    Reaction: I was surprised with this article because I didn't know that it could be that easy to just forge some papers to get out of jail. I wondered about how the men that escaped felt when they escaped out the jail because that's not something many people accomplish. I hope that this didn't happen again because this is unsafe and many people can get hurt.
    Connection: I made a connection to the show prison break as soon as I was done reading and how careless the guards must have been to not check the paperwork.
