Sunday, October 6, 2013

Period 5: Week of 10/6-10/11

Current Event for Week 7: 10/6-10/11

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (website)
    Article Title:National Journal Hosts Forum on 'Obamacare'
    Article Date:Thursday, October 3, 2013
    Who:Rep. Rosa DeLauro
    When: October 1,2013
    What happened: The National Journey hosted speeches to discuss ObamaCare
    Why this event is relevant: This could determine the popularity of the bill which could affect whether or not it will be passed.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Initially I was intrigued by this article, I wonder what this reporter views on ObamaCare would be. Then I was curious whether her speech would be for the new health care, or against it.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this bill is long over due, and should have been passed when it was first proposed.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This article reminds me of mandatory car insurance, why has car insurance always been required when health insurance is recommended but optional.

    1. Antanique,
      Your post must be much longer. Under the "What Happened" section, you should expand your summary of what the article talks about. Your post needs to be a minimum of 10 complete sentences.

  2. Source: (entire website address) : The Week Volume 13 Issue 637
    Article Title: A terrorist massacre at a Kenyan Shopping Mall
    Article Date: October 4,2013
    Who: Militants and Kenyans also the terrorist
    Where: In a Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairbi, Kenya
    When: October 4,2013
    What happened:Well terrorist had killed and slaughtered kids and women and men inside the Westgate Mall with machine guns, rifles, and hand grenades. They injured 175 people, the G1 shoppers dead and some under the buildings and 18 western victims.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we need to know whats going on not only in America but in Africa too. The reason why is because it will still be in history later on in life also people might want to do a project on Africa and needs to include bad situations that happened.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : Well I am shocked and angry because what was the point of killing all these people then kids are looking and asking people where are their mothers. It really makes me angry and sad also wanting to cry.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think its sad that this happened because their was no reason or cause for the militants to react like that , I'm trying think its for rebellion but that's entirely too much for resistance.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : For what happened in America and a guy came in a school and invaded , killed children and teachers that worked there especially the principal.

    1. Credit was given for week of 9/8-9/13 in grade book.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama To Talk Shutdown With Congress
    Article Date: 10/9/2013
    Who: Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul President Obama Mike Majchrowitz Congress
    Where: White house
    When: 10/9/2013
    What happened: the shutdown and debt ceiling issues are resolved.
    Why this event is relevant: its a good opportunity to finally resolve these issues
    Reaction more of a relief that there finally dealing with this topic at hand
    Opinion They should have dealt with this topic long ago
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. connection this is a real hard topic that no one will get to and finally had.

  4. Article Title: New hope for debt deal, but not for shutdown

    Article Date: 10.04.13

    Who: House Speaker John Boehner

    Where: Washington

    When: Friday, the fourth day of a government shutdown

    What happened: The republicans and democrats claim that they can't stop or take charge of they can't control how the government shutting down

    Why this event is relevant: this is important because everyone is scared that there will be no money for the working people of America . If they take the actions to fix the government what will happen next,?

    Reaction: I think that their being childish !

    When something doesn't go your way , you want to cancel everything.

    1. Krista,
      Your post must be much longer. Under the "What Happened" section, you should expand your summary of what the article talks about. Your post needs to be a minimum of 10 complete sentences.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Obama signs military deatg benifits bill
    Article Date: This article was posted October 10, 2013.
    Who: This article includes the military, and the government
    When: This event happened today.
    What happened: Even with the government shutdown, Barack Obama continued the federal funding of death benefits for military families. This funding was cut at the beginning of the government shutdown.
    Why is this relevant: Since the government's shutdown, funding has been cut. This is one of the first cases where the Shutdown has affected the public who are outside of the government.
    Reaction: It's good to know that even while we are in a rut right now, the government still tries to help the people who need it.
    Opinion: These families receive $100,000 plus burial cost, traveling, and housing. Though people of natural disasters receive very little. I know that soldiers give thier lives everyday to protect us, but those who can't protect them selves from natural disasters don't have it as easy as those families.
    Connection: This reminds me of the many budget cuts done to schools. Some schools lost thier music programs and at programs. Of course schools who were "Better" than other schools didn't receive funding cuts, while others had to raise money to bring back their programs.

    Article title: Embattled Alex Rodriguez Sues Major League Baseball
    Article date: This article was published October 4, 2013.
    Who: The baseball player Alex Rodriguez is involved.
    Where: This is happening in Fort Lauferdale, FLA.
    What happened: Baseball player Alex Rodriguez is suing Major League Baseball. Rodriguez is suing Major League Baseball because he claims that they are out to destroy his reputation and career.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because only one baseball player is suing the whole Major League Baseball just because he feels as though they are out to end his career.
    Reaction: This is silly to me and makes no sense. Why would the Major League Baseball only go after you?
    Opinion: I think he should just drop the law suit. It's no point he is going to lose anyway.
    Connection: When I was like 12 years old I had an interest in baseball but not anymore.

    1. credit given for week of 9/8-9/13 in the grade book

  7. Source:

    Article Title: US intelligence assets in Mexico reportedly tied to murdered DEA agent

    Article Date: Published October 10, 2013 

    Who: DEA agent Kiki' Camarena,  Rafael Caro Quintero, DFS(guards that protect drug lords), people of the federal courts, and people of the white house.

    Where: Mexico

    When: In February,1985.

    What happened: DEA agent Kiki camarena was kidnapped by Rafael caro Quintero. He was tortured and killed. All of which was taped. quintero was sentenced to 40 years in prison but was released after 28. This was because he was trialed in federal court. They released him on a legal technicality. They did not inform the white house. Therefore ignoring a U.S. extradition request.

    Why this event is relevant: They broke a foreign policy to release a reckless man who by the way hasn't been seen since the trial.

    Reaction: My reaction while reading was wow this is just like a movie. The guy is a foreign drug lord, he makes a lot of money has a lot of guys behind him, and kills a lot of people. Then I realize this is real, this really happen and it was shocking. I never knew somebody could be so powerful in a negative way. He ran a pipe line from Colombia to the US, Mexico, and other countries. Only selling cocaine. It took years to find him and get him into custody. Unfortunately they lost an important man when he was finally caught.

    Opinion: I think They should locate Rafael and make him serve the rest of his time.

    Connection: I like foreign things so when I seen foreign policy it stuck out to me.

    1. Interesting article!
      Credit given for week of 9/29-10/4

  8. Article Title: President Obama: Shutdown The Government

    Article Date: October 1, 2013

    Who: President Obama,

    Where: Washington DC

    When: October 1, 2013

    What happened: The government was shutting down which was causing more of such public goods to shut down. The funding was being threatned to stop. Both political parties are pointing the finger and blaming eachother for the misfit. The republicans are trying to get use Obama care against him.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because hundreds and thousands of people lost their jobs and were being laid off because of this situation and because of funding.

    Reaction: I was kind of mad because this situation caused people to lose their jobs and now im sure that it is hard for them to provide for their families because they are out of work.

    Opinion: I think this whole thing is unnecessary and I think that the republicans should just get over it and go back to what they were doing instead of costing people their jobs and making them finically unstable

    Connection: I chose this article because ever since I heard about this whole government shut down my parents have been telling me to be careful because since people lost their jobs , the only other way people can get money is by robbing and stealing from people.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:House GOP proposal emerges on debt, but not shutdown
    Article Date: Fri October 11, 2013
    Who:House of GOP
    Where:House of congress
    When: Fri October 11, 2013
    What happened: In this article is about the house of GOP (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) decision to propose an alternative option to the shutdown. This proposal came after a very positive meeting after with the white house. This proposal has not been announced as of yet. there is also no indication if it is at all different than the proposal from Thursday a vote on this can come as early as friday. surprisingly Paul Ryan has become a key player in the proposal affair in meetings with Obama. Also the house of congress wants to move quickly with the proposal to get Americans back their job.
    Why this event is relevant: This events relevant because this proposal could help the shutdown or be just as bad as it.
    Reaction:my reaction to this is that it is a blessing that congress found what my be a better way then to shut down.
    Opinion:i have no opinion about this event because as far as i know it wount effect me in the slightest.
    Connection:i have no connection to this matter other then i have been reading about it for the past month waiting to see if they find better solution to this problem.

    1. Wrong class period, Jamal.
      Credit given for week of 9/22-9/29
