Saturday, November 1, 2014

1st period, 11/3-11/7

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/7

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: as reconstruction-begin/
    Title:UN chief in Gaza as reconstruction efforts begin

    Published October 14, 2014
    Associated Press
    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip –  The U.N. chief goes to gaza on Tuesday to help them move fard with the international reconstructionwitch led them to a disaster summer war, saying the destruction was "beyond description" as Israel allowed the first shipment of construction materials to welcome to the coastal strip since the fighting
    Gave them strength for the Gazans hipe to see better light.of a 50-day war that flattened entire residential areas and left tens of thousands of people homeless. this makes me that no one does not care about your life. They rather have wars and put people in streets to live, them to use the money for war and build homes. I think that they should be more aware of how they are effecting the community in which young children and senior citizens live. I Am Very fustrasted from what u read. I wish that I can go more in to detail about the t mm story because the United states want to be involved but they have no input from the Web site. This reconstruction should have been to better the people not to start a conflict in Gaza. This is relevant because the United states is alway being the big brother to other nations. And wanting them to stop fighting.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Rosetta spacecraft set to land on Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
    Who: No particular group or person
    Where: On the Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in space
    When: November 12, 2014
    What happened: Next Wednesday the Rosetta spacecraft is suppose to land on a comet. This will be the first time that humans will land on a comet. This opens the opportunity of learning about early space, possible alien life and space in general to humans. This will go on to another achievement of space exploration like walking on the moon to viewing Pluto.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it involves every nation on Earth and their knowledge of space.
    Reaction: I feel excited to see this happen and I will tune in to watch it happen live on the Science channel. I feel that we are making great progress and that our technology is improving rapidly because landing a delicate device on a rocky moving object is hard.
    Opinion: I think that this comet will open up a lot of questions and answers. I also think that not only will this gives us knowledge but this will open up a new way of obtaining resources because comets and other things alike are speculated to be worth billions.
    Connection: I chose this article because I have an interest in astronomy and none of the other events are intriguing me right now.

    1. This post does not meet the requirement of involving government in some way.

  3. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: U.S Jets Strike at Khorason military group in syria

    Article Date: nov 6 , 2014

    Who: American Soldiers and Khorason Military group

    Where: Northwestern Syria

    When: September

    What happened: American jets carried out a series of airstrikes in northwestern syria. The american soldiers were plotting to kill leaders of a qaeda linked military who were planning to attack on the west america. America called the group khorasan and said they could pose a soon threat to the united states than the islamic state, which has seized territory on both sides of the iraq-syria border. While the united states bombed the islamic state in syria and iraq, it had not targeted khorasan since hitting its bases with a cruise missile. After the strike, american officials expressed optimism that the missile barrage killed at least some of khorasan's leaders but in recent weeks analysts sifted through field report, they grew more certain that senior members of the group had survived. The khorasans group is still believed to remains dangerous.

    Why this event is relevant: because it tells how a new terrorist group is trying to attack part of the united states

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) confused because why is that every terrorist group always try to attack the united states and why is that the terrorist always come from a islamic country

    Opinion (I think..) I think its something about the united states that people of other countries hate so they keep building up terrorist groups to attack the united states

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I think its good that the united states bombed this group early before they can start progressing as a group to start their attacks. By the united states strike it lesson their strengths leaving them to not have a full team to start their attacks

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Doctors Warn Sitting Disease Could Become The New Smoking
    Who: This study affects Americans
    Where: The United States of America
    When: Nov. 3, 2014
    What happened: Recently doctors have been studying a health risk which could affect millions of Americans. That problem is sitting for extended periods of time. Doctors say that sitting leads to many health problems in future living and is even comparable to the effects of smoking cigarettes. These studies suggest that hours of sitting can lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease, the number one killer in Americans. This primary targets jobs with hours of sitting such as working in an office. Some workplaces started to put in treadmills to fight off these risks. The doctors also suggest that people should move for at least ten minutes an hour.
    Why this event is relevant: This is event is relevant because this addresses a big problem specifically Americans face and can change schooling and workplace laws.
    Reaction: I feel like this study will change the United States if we decide to dig deeper into this.
    Opinion: I think that since at school we sit for a majority of the day, we should have a mandatory PE class every year. If not this then I think we should have some type of physical activity for every class that pertains to the subject matter so we can combat this problem and improve the health of Americans. I also think that laws will be set in place to keep the health of Americans healthy.
    Connection: I chose this article because I read about it last year and how it can cause colon cancer but I didn't know about this.

  5. Bahsil Franklin


    Article Title: Obama: 'I hear you'

    Article Date: Wed November 5, 2014

    Who: Preisdent Obama and Mitch McConnell

    Where: Capitol Hill

    When: November 5, 2014

    What happened: The president had a press conference with Republicans and Democrats and others about the past election and also about his few years of presidency and what he plans to do about renovating his health care plan. McConnell wants Obama to do his job. He had said that he should follow the steps of Ronal Regan and Bill Clinton because they have a strong legacy. He also said he should follow them because they are good examples of the government instead of Obama sitting there and fantasizing about a good government. Obama does indeed want to make a statement before his time ends. He said in the conference, "To those of you who voted, I hear you," and, "To those who didn't vote, "I hear you too." This shows that he is understanding and aware of what is going on in our government and our country.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it touches on our government's next move as a whole.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was shocking because of what McConnell had said. I would believe that he show the president some respect but I guess not because.

    Opinion: I believe that Obama will leave his mark in the office and in the U.S. by making a big positive change in our society and government. It might not happen right away but it will happen.

    Connection: I chose this article because this affects ow our country is run and I have to pay close attention in order to understand why things are going on around me.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Register now for 'Wasting time on the Internet' 101
    Who: College students in University of Pennsylvania
    Where: In the University of Pennsylvania
    When: Thu October 30, 2014
    What happened: The University of Pennsylvania is allowing students to admit into a class called “Wasting time on the internet” for actual credits. Students must stare into a computer for three hours doing anything on the internet such as tweeting, having chat rooms, watching videos and other time consuming stuff. These classes aren’t just a waste of money and enrollment but it would eventually be turned into a work of literature. Many students believe this is better than reading the New York Times.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this may change how colleges across the nation make classes and is a new, innovated way for students to learn. This is also relevant because this is one of my options for a college.
    Reaction: I feel like this course is logical and reasonable and that if there is a high success rate then many schools will add this to their courses. This also makes me excited because I spend a lot of time on devices similar to computers like video games and this offers me something.
    Opinion: I think that this is great for lazy or inactive people. The US government might not take this too seriously but I think they should keep this in consideration.
    Connection: I chose this article because I heard about it on the news and was immediately interested in how this course might work and how it’ll affect the future of their students.

    1. Very interesting article choice, but how do you feel about paying tuition for a class that is about wasting time?

  7. Source:

    Article Title:50 arrested in slaying of Pakistani couple

    Article Date: November 6, 2014

    Who: Pakistani citizens and a Christian couple.

    Where:Islamabad, Pakistan

    When: November 6, 2014

    What happened: Christian couple beaten and pushed into a burning kiln. Police arrested 50 people. They believed the Christian couple was guilty of blasphemy. The mob dragged the couple out of their home. The government with pay the family 5 million Pakistani Rupees (about 49,000). The mob see death of life in prison.

    Why this event is relevant: The couple shouldn't have been beaten like that.
    Reaction: it's sad that the couple had to go through this and how their family has to deal with this.

    Opinion: I think the people from the mob she get the death penalty.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's crazy that people are still going through these things.

  8. Source:

    Article Title:Philadelphia Kidnap Suspect Hit With Federal Charges

    Article Date:November 6, 2014

    Who:Carlesha Freeland-Gaither,Delvin Barnes

    Where: Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

    When: November 6, 2014

    What happened: Carlesha was abducted over the weekend and was just found yesterday her abductor Delvin Barnes is facing federal charges not only for kidnapping Carlesha but for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a 16 year old girl.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Carlesha is getting justice and this is headline news on the east coast

    Reaction: I'm scared because I realize that I now have to constantly watch my back to make sure I'm not the next girl to be abducted

    Opinion: I think it's a good thing that Delvin faces federal charges to make sure that he can't hurt another child

    Connection: Carlesha's abduction has been popular in the news since it was first discovered

    1. This post does not meet the requirement of being 10 complete sentences.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: The fight for Death with Dignity comes to Western Slope
    Who: People with terminal illnesses
    Where: Across the United States
    When: November 5, 2014
    What happened: In recent news there has been a controversial topic of if a person has the right to end their own lives if diagnosed with a non-curable disease that’ll kill you like cancer. This statute is called the Death with Dignity act and it basically means that a doctor can give a lethal amount of drugs to a person who has a short time to live. This act came to attention after 29 year old Brittany Maynard took her own life after her diagnosis of brain cancer.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about potential laws and could be comparable to abortion which is also a controversial topic.
    Reaction: What I feel would probably anger some people so to say it without offending people I feel like this shouldn’t be put in place.
    Opinion: I think that this law is giving doctors the right to murder and be an assist in suicide which is a crime. I also think that this will encourage people to take their own lives which isn’t a positive message. I agree and fully understand why people would want this but I don’t think this should be at the top of our concerns right now.
    Connection: I chose this article because this could bring up the possibility of a debate and that I wouldn’t mind too much. This was also in news headlines recently.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: 50 People Arrested in slaying of Christian Pakistani Couple
    Article Date: November 6, 2014
    Who: Pakistani couple, mob of 50 people
    Where: Village of Kot Radha Kishan
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: A group or mob of around 50 people killed a Pakistani couple for allegedly desecrating the Quran. This mob marched towards the couple's house, broke door their door, dragged both of them out and beat them to death, eventually throwing them into the "brick kiln" they worked in.
    Why this event is relevant: Some may believe that this is just a regular murder, like they don't see this everywhere. However, this killing involved the government in a huge way. The government will pay the Pakistani family 5 million rupees -- about $49,000 -- as compensation for their deaths.
    Reaction: I am shocked by this event. However, I was interested in how the government compensated money for their deaths. This is basically like blood money, like in the U.S.
    Opinion: I think this is crazy how a whopping 50 people killed 2 individuals.
    Connection: I chose this article because I was shocked that basically a whole village took out 2 individuals. Now religion is a huge deal but the couple desecrating the Quran was alleged. This is very shocking.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: "New Jersey voters approve of Christie's Ebola work"

    Date: This was written November 6, 2014

    Where: This event took place in New Jersey.

    Who: The people involved with this is Governor Chris Christie.

    When: This happened November 2,2014. After the voting poll.

    What Happened: Most of New Jersey's residents agreed to Christie's Ebola policies.These policies made the Jersey residents be quarentined for about 30 days and anyone that might possibly have it is being detained, like that nurse was about a month ago.

    Reaction : I dont live in Jersey but i agree with him. I think it will keep them safe.

    Opinion: I think Pennsylvania should do the same thing for it's citizens. It will help the state.

    Connection: I wouldn't want it to be me to get this virus.I would want my family safe and not in harms way. If this ever happen,God-forbid, that I would hope not to suffer like Ebola patients do

  12. Source:
    Article Title: How will Feds deal with legal pots in D.C.
    Article Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
    Who: Justice Department, Voters
    Where: Washington, Maryland
    When: Their thinking about passing a law in 2015
    What happened: The Justice Department are afraid for Washington passing the law of marijuana being legalized. The effect of it maybe a disadvantage for the citizens health and the public safety. Unfortunately the Congress would have to get involved to stop Sen. Ran Paul to succeed.
    Why this event is relevant: I found it relevant to me because it might effect me in a way as minor. I wont feel safe anymore because it may increase the amount of people that will pot and also increase a death rate.
    Reaction : My reaction to the article is infuriating towards Sen. Rand Paul because it i unfair to the citizens who have really bad health and legalizing it would maximize their issues.
    Opinion : I think this law should not be passed because it cause many problems; increase issues of health, increase of cancer, and increase
    Of death for many people who doesn't smoke marijuana.
    Connection: I chose this article because It made me curious as to how the justice department felt about Washington legalizing pot.

  13. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: Court upholds 4 same-sex marriage bans; will Supreme Court review
    Article Date: Fri November 7, 2014
    Who: No one in particular.
    Where: In the court rooms of America
    When: Doesn’t have a date other than the article itself
    What happened : Same sex marriage continues to be a problem in the U.S. although it was said to legal in all states that is untrue for the states of Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, and Kentucky. All states who refused this new law
    Why this event is relevant: all people should have equal rights that includes the right to marry whoever he or she wants.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : I think this should be taken to the Supreme Court so that these couples can get married
    Opinion (I think..) : I think everyone should have the chance to marry their spouse equally and without jugdement
    Connection (why you chose this article): I know a lot of homosexuals and I would love to see them get married one day

    1. This post does not meet the requirement of being 10 complete sentences.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: Facebook demands DEA stop using fake profile pages to conduct investigations

    Article Date: October 18, 2014

    Who: Facebook vs. DEA

    Where: United States

    When: Did not state

    What happened: A lady noticed that she had two facebook accounts. One that she is able to log onto and the other she has no way of getting into. The facebook account she is not able to get into was activated by a member of the DEA who's using her as a source to bring down drug trafficing. The lady never gave her consent to the DEA for them to use her and she felt that her safty and her well being would be threatned. So she wanted to open a case about it and facebook inc. agreed with her and her reasoning. Facebook said that they have rules and policies that everyone should follow and the DEA don't have special authority, so they should act the same as everyone else and make their own account. The health department also agreed with the lady and the case is being taken to court. In the week that the article was posted they went to court. Anything further as to what was decided in court I am unaware of.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because lately law enforments have been breaking the law daily and getting away with it. If you are involved in the government in any way, shape, and or form they should be the main ones to obey the laws.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I felt as though what the DEA was doing was unfair. If someone else was to create a fake profile of a person the government would jump quick to bullying and impersonation.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that the DEA shouldn't be sued but they should be given a warning since it's the first that it was seriously brought up.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I strongly do not like how the police department have been abusing their power.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Nov. 7th 2014
    Article Date: General to ISIS: We can hear you
    Who: US Military official, ISIS
    Where: Washington DC
    When: Thursday, November 6th
    What happened: The US Military commander had a meeting about ISIS. He stated that Obama's effort to degrade and demolish the group are coming in to play. The airstrikes are the reason they have been successful with bringing down some of the group. In the article, they also discussed further ways to bring them down as a whole to stop all the hatred and crime in the Middle East.
    Why this event is relevant: It shows the efforts that President Obama said he would use to defeat and degrade ISIS about two months ago.
    Reaction: My reaction to this was happy because I've been keeping up with what has been going on in the Middle East with ISIS and this is the first good news I have read or heard about. Everything else I heard was about them conquering more towns and doing disturbing crimes.
    Opinion (I think..) We do have the power to actually eliminate the group as a whole it's just taking some time but people shouldn't lose hope
    Connection: I chose this article to keep myself updated with the Islamic group and how their power is changing.

  16. This post does not meet the requirement of being 10 complete sentences.

  17. Yes it does my article tile and source is togather I didn't space that out that's why you think that its 10 sentences ma Rachael

  18. The article, date, who, where, and when are not complete sentences. You have 5 complete sentences.

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Text to Text | The Bill of Rights and ‘The Bill of Rights We Deserve’
    Article Date:September 25, 2014
    Who: Bill of right and citizens
    Where: New York city
    When: September 25, 2014
    What happened:New York City announced in 2012 a proposed limit on soft drink size, the beverage industry fought back by saying the ban was an attack on “our freedom of choice.” With that happening many people weren't so pleased to hear about this and felt that this was changing their right of freedom. The right of the people to consume alarmingly large sandwiches washed down by more than 16 fluid ounces of soda shall not be infringed
    Why this event is relevant: currently is a problem for others since they cannot drink as much soda as they would like to.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this is very unfair and doesn't follow up to the bill of rights.
    Opinion (I think..) you should be able to drink as much as you please to since its not affecting anyone else but you.
    Connection (why you chose this article) found this interesting and wanted to know what was the whole situation with drinking soda and how it had to deal with the bill of rights.
