Saturday, November 8, 2014

3rd period, week of 11/10-11/14

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/14

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Laying Out a Case for Deporting Human Rights Abusers
    Article Date: November 9, 2014
    Who: The United States involvement in El Salvador
    Where: El Salvador
    When: Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014
    What happened: This article was about a murder of four American churchwomen in 1980 taken in El Salvador. This action relied on the United States’ involvement in El Salvador where committing political murder and any other human rights abuses within Americans home. However,the churchwomen who worked in poor areas lived under terror due to deaths and killings. The law prohibited the human rights abuse which cause corruption in El Salvador.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Human Rights was discussed in our chapter that was read in class.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel sad that this happened to the people because they faced severe pain and suffer within their lives.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that El Salvador should dispose this case or take act on this situation.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting and it dealt with El Salvador Human Rights.

  2. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Federal Government Boosts Pressure on States’ Teacher-Equity Plans
    Federal Government Boosts Pressure on States’ Teacher-Equity Plans
    Article Date: Updated Nov. 10, 2014 7:51 p.m. ET Updated Nov. 10, 2014 7:51 p.m. ET
    Who: The Federal Government
    Where: In the United States of America
    When: On Monday.
    What happened: The Federal government is urging many of the states to study the quality of teachers so the many students who come from families with very low income and different races all have an opportunity to learn their best with highly qualified teachers. The Federal government has compiled 4.2million dollars to share with the multitude of states, so that in return attentions can be brought to the collection of ideas by all states by June. The ideas would help to evaluate certain teachers that could go to school of less attention and help them build good infrastructures into their students lives.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there still are lots of schools that are overlooked when it comes to the qualities of teachers and how they provide education for future persons. This is a major problem that needs an answer that will actually be helpful and benefit all.
    Reaction (I do understand the need for good teachers because the right person can make all the difference for either one or more lives that may be affected negatively by other factors in their life.)
    Opinion (I think that if this call for teachers do go right that everything will go on to become well, while there still is a chance that many things could go wrong because even though they’re students from low income families and that they are different they may still have attitudes that many nice people may not want to put up with and that they do not have to put up with. If you think about it teachers already know what they needed to learn to survive, so if a hard time is given to them if they quit you just made a problem for yourself.)
    Connection (I have seen good teachers come and go and many of them may stay for the good students, but when that is not the case you just dig yourself into a whole as a bad student. I know most of the teachers in my school do not play games, because if they did their education values for the students would not be as high as they are, that’s what I believe.)

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Learning From Disaster: Exploring the Ebola Epidemic
    Article Date: October 1st
    Who: Ebola victims
    Where:Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone
    When: march
    What happened:The disease has killed thousands, and is causing widespread fear and disruption in West Africa. This has become the largest outbreak of this virus ever to be recorded.Schools have shut down, elections have been postponed, mining and logging companies have withdrawn, farmers have abandoned their fields. The Ebola virus ravaging West Africa has renewed the risk of political instability in a region barely recovering from civil war, United Nations officials said Tuesday, hours after the World Health Organization reported that new cases could reach 10,000 a week by December 10 times the current rate.Only 4,300 treatment beds will be available by Dec. 1, and even those would not have an adequate number of staff members. The acceleration of any new case or cases,could easily overwhelm them.
    Why this event is relevant: shows and explain what these countries in west Africa are experiencing and the possible ways that they are seeking help of this virus.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Surprised since I found this crazy to hear that the level of increase overtime.
    Opinion (I think..) they should do a much better improvement and help these people out.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article since its relevant and is very common over the world.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Mother Kills Autistic Son to End Fictional Abuse
    Article Date: Nov 12
    Who: Mother Gigi Jordan and 8 year old son Jude Mirra
    When: Nov 5
    What happened: Gigi Jordan , killed her 8 year old son Jude Mirra with lethal dose of medication in a hotel room in Feb of 2010. Her reason for killing her son was because he wasn't mentally ill but because she fared that her husband would get custody of the child and will sexually abuse him, which she thought was happening for years. she says that her son told her, by typing on a key board. the cops and others believe that she guided her son's hand to say that he was being abused.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because many people take care or ill or disable people and its very easy to do this. and this need to be known how evil people are.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i feel like she as a mother was wrong because you should try to help her son instead of killing him. she should have sought justice so that there can be just for the child, he was only 8!
    Opinion (I think..) that it was right for her to be locked up , and i feel as though there should be more to her punishment !
    Connection (why you chose this article) because this reminded me of the book Of Mice and Men, with Lennie and George.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:How Ferguson, Missouri, became a global conversation
    Article Date: Thu November 13, 2014
    Who: This involves the citizens of Ferguson Missouri
    Where: This event happened in Ferguson Missouri
    When: Thu November 13, 2014
    What happened: This article is about the proceedings of the Michel Brown shooting by a whit police officer. His death as said by the police officers sparked a racial spark in the state. A grand jury is now deciding weather to indicate the officer in question. The Federal government has decided to investigate the two civil cases.
    Why this event is relevant: Because it can incite a new civil rights movement.
    Reaction: I have no reaction to this event.
    Opinion I think it is a shame to see this in todays media.
    Connection: I have no real connection to this event.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Keystone xx Pipeline Lame-Duck Congress Fast-Tracks Legislation
    Article Date: November 13, 2014
    Who: Daniel Arkin
    Where: Canada To Texas
    When: 2015
    What happened: Both houses Of congress is XL pipeline. When the bill reaches President Obama he has to make a decision to vote or veto it. He said that the project has to be approved because it crosses international borders. The Keystone XL it is a oil pipeline that would stretch from Canada all the way to the gulf coast.
    Why this event is relevant: Many Republicans and some Democrats believe that building the pipeline would create many jobs for Americans. Environmental groups believe that building a pipeline would speed up climate change and lead to more carbon dioxide.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) If the law passes than Congress may override President Obama decision.
    Opinion (I think..) I think it will cause global warning if you put a pipeline down the there.
    Connection (why you chose this article) Because people can have health problems and Pollution.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:100th female member of Congress sworn in
    Article Date: November 12,2014
    Who: Alma Adams
    Where: House of representatives
    When: Wednesday night
    What happened: Alma Adams is a democrat who is a new representative in the house o representatives. She became the 100th member o the congress to join as a woman. Alma won two elections last week or a two year term in congress. She also served in the state house for 20 years.
    Why this event is relevant: she set a milestone in american history by becoming the 100th woman to join the house o representatives
    Reaction: Im happy or Alma and I wish her the best of luck
    Opinion: I think this ill encourage woman all over the country now to see that they can do anything they put their mind to
    Connection: I chose this because at one point of time, woman were fighting or the right to vote, and years later they are working inside the house of representatives.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Poverty, Obesity Go Hand in Hand, State by State, Studies Find
    Who: Impoverished Americans
    Where: In poor states of America
    When: November 13, 2014
    What happened: A study went out that shows a trend between poverty and obesity. In America’s richest states there tends to be slimmer citizens whereas in the nation’s poorest states there tend to be bigger citizens. This could be a number of factors but it primarily says outdoor activity and health choices affects the people’s weight. Places like Montana isn’t rich or poor but its rich in natural resources which makes citizens want to walk and be out. Poor places tend to not have any attractions outside thus making citizens stay in. Food choices is also an important thing.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about the well-being of Americans.
    Reaction: This makes me think more and feel lucky I live in an okay state,
    Opinion: I think that the reason behind this is also because of fast food chain availability. There may be more McDonalds in these poor states and since McDonalds offers a huge amount of protein for a small amount of money, being overweight is guaranteed. Poverty is something that we may can’t fix instantly but we can fix obesity. I think that we should limit the amount of fast food restaurants in poorer states and we’ll be able to defeat the problem of obesity.
    Connection: I chose this article because eating at McDonalds recently I seen all of the fats one can consume for low prices. This made me think about poorer people with low budgets that can only afford McDonalds and other fast foods and how this might be a real issue.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Desperate Democrats resort to race-baiting to spur black vote
    Article Date:
    Who: President Obama, Governor Anthony Brown, Democratic parties
    Where: Maryland, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and other places in the south
    When: October 19, 2014
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant: this article is relevant because it discusses several different unequal events that not only happened decades ago but in the year 2014. Within politics you don't usually see a lot o reaching out to a certain group of people but by doing so the outcome could be much greater. By letting the black communities know that there vote can make a difference and let their opinion be known the Democratic Party has opened up an opportunity for more blacks to want to vote.
    Reaction: I feel a little in different towards the article. Personally going to a school for 9 years that was centered around African American history has made given a strong outlook on the subject. Sometimes I get a little tired of hearing blacks say we have to do something because our ancestors caught for it or we need to do this because we have the right to be equal. To me it is sad that racism and racial stereotypes and things of that nature are still so prevalent that they are being used in politics. Hearing about cases like Mike Brown takes me back to learning about segregation in the 4th grade, shouldn't we be over this by now? But somehow I know the answer to that is no because we as a society are so closed minded and stuck in our old ways.
    Opinion: I think that what the democratic parties are doing is for a good cause. By getting the information out there they are paving the way for more people to vote. It is known that if you know more about something then you will be more likely to be for it. In the black communities it is widely known that we did not always have equal rights such as voting. Most blacks don't vote but if they want to see a change that is beneficial to them and their communities they most get more involved.
    Connection: I picked this article because it talks about several serious events that have occurred way back in history and even as close as this year.

  10. Source:

    Article Title:Child fighter tormented by ISIS

    Article Date:November 13,2014

    Who: 15 year old Yasir.

    Where:This took place in Gaziantap, Turkey.

    When:This happened two weeks ago.

    What happened:15 year old Yasir was a trained ISIS soldier. HIm and other kids were kept away from their family and loved ones for a month, they weren’t allowed to speak or see anyone.He said they made them do different things to train like run for 2 kilometer and if they stopped they would be shot. ISIS made videos and put them on the internet.Yasir thought it was right to stay with ISIS but his dad tricked him into going to Turkey with him and explained to him that they were not following the right religious beliefs.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because these are kids being used to fight and they are only kids not even able to live their lives and they life could be taken away in a second.

    Reaction: This is horrible 15 year old? Being soldiers and carrying explosives and took away from their families is outrageous.

    Opinion : I think more of the kids that are there need to have parents like Yasir and try to get them to stop being soldiers.

    Connection: I chose this article because I have been a little interested in the whole ISIS topic since we read in class, I just wanted to find out more stuff that is going on.

    1. Sadly, this is nothing new. Countries in Africa have been guilty of taking in tons of children and forcing them to become soldiers in their armies.

  11. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: PA. faces $2 billion deficit, and credit is tight:
    Article Date: November 14, 2014
    Who: Amy Worden
    Where: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    When: November 13, 2014
    What happened: Pennsylvania has maxes out with money, and will soon face an outrageous budget cut estimated from 1.85 to 2 million dollars. Pennsylvania as a whole will suffer in the years of 2015-16 due to this cut. The state has maxes out its borrowing.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because Pennsylvania is running out of money while in a recession. With the money being limited and budgets cut, this may result in possibly more schools in the state closing.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I am not surprised to hear that this state is running out of money, because recently schools were shut down due to lack of money.
    Opinion (I think..): I think it is very sad and unfortunate that as a resident of Pennsylvania, we basically have no money, but when it comes to the irrelevant things, suddenly there is money to fix or redecorate.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article to show how the state barely has money for anything these days, and kids have to suffer from these mistakes. Schools are shutting down and homes are being destroyed due to the lack of income by the parents because they are being laid off.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Secret Service Blunders Eased White House Intruder’s Way, Review Says

    Article Date: November 13, 2014

    Who: Omar Gonzalez, Secret Service

    Where: Washington, DC

    When: Month of September

    What happened: This article basically explained an incident that took place in Washington, DC that involved an intruder, carrying a knife, jumping over the White House security gates, and easily getting passed security. What makes this incident so significant is that he was only inches away from where President Barack Obama was just standing a few minutes ago, before he left for a meeting. This article's main focus however, was on the Secret Services failure to protect the White House from incidents like this that they practice for.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it could have potentially put the President's life in danger.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was disbelief because they are considered "elite" and prepared to take on anything, but they can't even keep watch on the White House properly because an intruder easily snuck into the White House.

    Opinion: In my opinion, their excuse was bull. I feel as though the White House will make up any kind of lie to cover up their mistakes, and this is a perfect example of one.

    Connection: I would hate to make a connection to this because I refuse to be known as a failure.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: they are deadly
    Article Date: updated
    Who:U.S, ISIS
    Where: this is happening in Syria.
    When:  this is currently happening
    What happened: Isis is killing Egypt security guards.
    Why this event is relevant:it show ISIS show no mercy.
    Reaction I feel like ISIS is only attacking the weak. Opinion (I think we that the u.s and it's allies are making great improvements to stop ISIS.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chosed this article because it show that ISIS is killing people for thier own entertainmentDuring the time period in July 2013 the terrorist group ISIS have murdered hundreds of Egypt’s security guards in multiple accounts of suicide bombings, and carried on by shootings and assassinations. Almost all of the uints where young officers. The greatest assault happened about a month ago when ISIS slaughter 31 troop in Sinai, prompting the Egyptian government to order stronger security linings to avoid more men being harmed.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: Lower Oil Prices Give a Lift to the American Economy

    Article Date: November 13, 2014

    Who: Gas and Oil prices being lower and helping the economy.

    Where: The United States Of America

    When: 11-13-14

    What happened: This article is about how oil prices has drop in America.
    Oil barrels has become more cheap. So that means we can buy more and have an abundance of it. Which will help the U.S economy in the long run. Gas price will decrease and be more affordable for people. Citizens of America is very happy about hearing this news. They think it's the start for a better America economy.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it has to do with the economy in America. The economy is very important and needs some improvements. Now that oil price has drop that means gas price will drop. Meaning spending less money on oil barrels and saving more money. That will help the economy grows and improve.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like having lower gas price will help the citizens of America. Gas price was getting a little bit to high for some people. Now that it's less than three dollars a gallon it's back to being more adorable for most people.

    Opinion (I think..) I think having lower oil price will help the economy in the long run. That mean gas prices will also drop. So more oil will be saved just in case something happen. The U.S will have a lot of oil stash somewhere.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it had something to do with the economy. I like to learn more about money and how it's used in the U.S. Also I heard something about oil on the news that seem interesting. So I looked it up and started reading about it. That's why I chose this article to do my current event on.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Bill To Consider Later School Start Times In New Jersey Advances
    Article Date: Nov. 13, 2014
    Who: New Jersey students
    Where: New Jersey
    When: In the near future
    What happened: Politicians in New Jersey are thinking of changing school hours for elementary, middle and high schoolers. In Jersey elementary students start schools at 9:30, middle school students at 8:30 and high school students at 7:30. Politicians are considering reversing the time for elementary and high schoolers for health reasons. These reasons consist of stress levels, the risks of obesity and heart diseases, high schoolers not going to sleep before eleven and a low level of energy. Most people agree with this and sides with the teens but there are some opposition.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to because it talks about the educational systems of America
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): Im actually mad about this. Im mad because by time Philly tries to do this I'll be out of school and it wont apply to me
    Opinion (I think..): This is great because I really think that students are stressed by homework and other assignments. Giving us more time to rest is great for us teens
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I heard about this last night and thought this is right for us

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Sikh student sues U.S. Army

    Article Date: 11.14.14
    Who: Sikh student and U.S. Army
    Where: Hofstra University
    When: Today
    What happened: Iknoor Singh. a Sikh student at Hofstra University has once decided to join the U.S. Army but was rejected due to his religious attire. Being Sikh requires men to have a beard but the army would not allow that. But it's illegal to ban that since it's a religious practice which is why he chose to sue them, they are going against the Bill of Rights.
    Why this event is relevant: This is not the first religious offense in the U.S.
    Reaction I've never heard of suing because of a situation like this.
    Opinion I think that as the army, they are expressing a more break of the law or the Bill of Rights.
    Connection I chose this article because it is interesting and I've come across real people I know that have been religiously offended at one point on their lives.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement of 10 complete sentences.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:The title of my article is Officials: U.S. wants to know how ISIS recruited 3 Denver teens

    Article Date: The date of my article is November 13, 2014

    Who:This article deals with ISIS and The United states and some colorado Girls between the age of 15-17.

    Where:This event happened in Colorado.

    When:This event happened This event doesnt have an exact date on to when it occurred but I think it resent because the article say last updated 9:44am 11/13/14 so it has to be resent.

    What happened:This event has to deal with 3 girls wanting to join ISIS to see how to see how the military group recruited young people in the west. The U.S. The mothers of the children started noticing the children passports missing and starting noticing certain things on social networks that the children were putting. The children even started to converts to Islam to be able to go over to ISIS. The FBI Started to realize online action towards going over to ISIS. How People were recruited online.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because ISIS can become stronger and stronger and if our people keep going over there it's hurting out country.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I Feel scared and betrayed because ISIS can find out all our secrets.

    Opinion (I think..)I Think That The US should make awareness all around everyday and we need signs up making this aware.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I Chose this because this can be a major setback to our country if they keep recruit our people.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Arkansas governor pardons his son on drugs

    Article Date: November 13, 2014

    Who: MIke Beebe(the governor), and his son kyle beebe

    Where: Arkansas

    When: yesterday

    What happened: the governor mike beebe excuse his son from a felony charge from years ago. It says that the person has to finish all his terms of their sentence, but there is a time when they can show that they have straightened their life out. So the governor son Kyle Beebe was charged for the possession of marijuana. After being sentenced for three years under probation, the son was asking the governor for a second chance to show that he have thought about his decison with possession of drugs and have became a better person. The governor said that" his son have grown up alot after those days".

    Why this event is relevant: This event is revelant because the many people make mistakes and the governor

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): my reaction was kinda supprise because the governor would just pass the charges on his son

    Opinion (I think..): i think that it was good that the son learned from his mistakes and became a better person

    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because i wanted to see the outcome of the governor decision with his own so

  19. Source-
    Article Title- Has ISIS peaked after Iraq setbacks
    Article Date- 14 November 2014

    This article explains the "peaking" of the of ISIS. The actions of ISIS seems to make things look as if they are overwhelmed by the airstrikes. These airstrikes have limited the freedom and movement of ISIS. Barrack Obama even says that the airstrikes have degraded ISIS's abilities to attack and make plans. This is important to me because this may be able to the ISIS has been destroying the world. It's not fair that ISIS sees themselves as dominant because they're not better than anyone, especially if they are killing and making disruptions. In my opinion it would be good if ISIS was destroyed completely and forever.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement of 10 complete sentences.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS declares its own currency
    Article Date: November 14, 2014
    Who: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
    Where: This takes place in Iraq and Syria
    When: Yesterday, Thurs. November 13, 2014
    What happened: The terrorist group ISIS is planning on issuing currency to its followers. ISIS is reported to be the richest terrorist group in the world but all of its money are from its own expenses such as controlling oil rigs and holding people for ransom. The money will only consist of coins made of gold, silver and copper. Its unknown how much this currency will be worth on international levels or if this would even be profitable on the world's market.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the funding of a terrorist organization that we're fighting
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like ISIS is really developing as a nation and might actually become a real country
    Opinion: I think all of our efforts to stop ISIS is useless. We need more support in order to stop the fast spread of them.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this because what ISIS is doing is important and we need to know what they're doing

  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Rape allegations haunt Bill Cosby in the digital age
    Article Date: November 14, 2014
    Who:Bill Cosby
    When: in 2005
    What happened: A woman named Barbra Bowman claims that she had been raped by Bill Cosby
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because a man who have been on TV for years and that most people know may be facing time in jail bemuse of rape charges.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was shocked when i first read the story because i don't see Bill Cosby doing something like this.
    Opinion (I think..) I dont know whether to believe this or not.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because i found it inetresting.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement of 10 complete sentences.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Obama determined to bypass congress
    Article Date: November 11th 2014
    Who: President Barack Obama vs Congress
    Where: Asia
    When: November 9th 2014
    What happened: The president felt as though it was necessary to over step congress because they were trying not to pass laws involved with over seas traveling , thus he proceeded on with his own plans for the law .
    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant because many people may want to some day travel but how could that be possible if they are unable due to the congress they voted on to ensure everything runs smoothly.
    Reaction : I feel as though this is the right thing to do because people may have holiday plans coming up and it's not fair if they can't fly out to see their families .
    Opinion : I think no one else is better suited to handle international tasks such as this one , claps to president Obama .
    Connection!: I myself always loved to travel with my family and in due time it maybe Asia that I wanna go to so it's connected to everyone because people has business to tend to as well and they will need to travel .
