Saturday, November 8, 2014

1st period, week of 11/10-11/14

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/14

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Feds charge Va. man with kidnapping of Carlesha Freeland-Gaither
    Article Date: November 7, 2014
    Who: the man , FBI
    Where: VA , Philadelphia
    When: N/A
    What happened: a man abducted a young lady on October 2, 2014. Delvin Barnes was charged with the kidnapping of free-land gaither. U.S district court says he admitted to abducting the young lady. Barnes is also being charged with rape. Barnes abused the young lady leaving her naked smelling of gasoline and with third degree burns. Both detective Jim and John made it a must that they find the young lady.
    Reactions: my reactions towards this is upset because why would you attacked a young women who did absolutely nothing to you its a shame
    Opinion : my opinion on this article is that he should serve life in prison or either be prosecuted because of his horrible actions.
    Connection : my connection to this is when was watching a movie on LMN and the baby was kidnaped and was found in the garbage can .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Article Title:the title of this article is federal judge exposes flaw with the argument against marriage equality.

    Article Date:this article took place on November 7,2014

    Who:the person who published this article was zack ford.

    Where:this issue took place in Michigan.

    When:this was published on november 7,2014.

    What happened: A lady made a great point while arguing same sex marriage which caused others to question wherther it was right or wrong. Now their are arguements happening on whos with it an whos against it.

    Why this event is relevant:This is releveant because there are alot of same sex marrigaes happening today in Philadelphia i thought this law was passed why is it still an issue.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Im mad because why are people worried about people and their happiness i feel that people who judge others on who they love are truly jealous and miserable people.

    Opinion (I think..)That this law should stand and people should mind their business if its not you why do you care find your own happiness and leave same sex marriage hapiness alone.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I relate this to one of my friends who are gay hes happy and i love the fact that he is. i do not judge him in no way an feel that i dont have the right to everyone needs to mind there business.

  5. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Pittsburgh professor convicted for fatally poisoning wife with cyanide.

    Article Date: Sat November 8, 2014

    Who: Robert Ferrante vs. The Truth

    Where: Pittsburgh

    When: April 17, 2013

    What happened: Robert Ferrante's was a scientist who manage a laboratory that conducted clinical trials using various drugs and chemicals. He had beautiful wife with an a 6 year old daughter but recently he have been accused of his killing his wife with cyanide. Neighbors say the couple wanted to make a another child but were having fertility difficulties. Text messages was found in both couples phones of husband Robert telling his wife to try using creatine to get help her get pregnant. They say it does help with building muscle mass etc but National Institutes of Health says females who are pregnant or have plans on becoming pregnant should not take that drug. Authorities then found out that later that it wasn't creatine that killed her but a mixture of creatine and cyanide. The day before Robert made his drastic call to 911 stating his wife was dying authorities found out that Ferrante had used a credit card to place an overnight order for more than a half-pound of cyanide. The odd part about this was recently he has had no labs at work that involved the drug cyanide that week. When investigators looked at the bottle that Ferrante purchased they found that over 8 grams of cyanide were missing from it. In July 2013, Ferrante was charged in his late wife's death, arrested in West Virginia, then extradited back to Pennsylvania. Another issue that came up was neighbors said everyone knew that his wife wanted to have another paper but Ferrante himself did not want to it was obvious. Ferrante has also have became very suspicious of his wife, Ferrante would confronted his wife three times within weeks of her death about whether or not she was having an affair. The case went on for months, before finally going to trial in October. they say things will take time but he will not be returning home before deciding on the defense team's next steps, including a possible appeal. Klein's parents in the other hands will care for their young daughter Cianna.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because one should not get away with killing their significant one should not kill at all and bad people deserve to be put away

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): Right about now my attitude is very angry with this man, I think he is sick in the head and deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison. I Hope he does realize that he will never probably see his daughter again especially when she gets older and realized that he killed her mother.

    Opinion (I think..) I think there's too much evidence for him to not be arrested even his lawyer said he couldn't back him up and lawyers are paid to lie for you no matter what. That's how you know he’s doing serious time. I think he deserves it to.

    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article cause the title just caught my eye, I would never think anybody as successful as he was would ruin and just throw their life and career away over misunderstandings, jealousy and guilt. Also I would think nobody would ever kill the mother of their child.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Bill Clinton Calls George W. Bush Out On Twitter, Bush Responds Perfectly
    Who: Bill Clinton & George W. Bush
    Where: Over social media
    When: November 13, 2014, Thu
    What happened: George W. Bush’s book “41” was released yesterday which talks about his father, the 41st president, George H.W. Bush. Bill Clinton recently received the book from George W. Bush and posted a photo of him reading it on Twitter titled “Received my copy of #41 by #43, George W. Bush. Touching tribute! #HowAreYouSTILLNotOnTwitter #PresidentialTweeters." This was a joke thrown at George W. Bush for not having a twitter. Bush came back on Instagram, a mobile photo editing app, He came back by saying #HowAreYouSTILLNotOnInstagram. This of course was a friendly and comical dispute between the two former presidents.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about two former presidents of the US and their interaction between each other.
    Reaction: To me this is hysterical. Its good to know how the former leaders of our country is doing and how they’re treating each other.
    Opinion: I think that its interesting that these two, as old as they are, are using twitter and instagram. I also think that them adapting to new technology and properly using them is good.
    Connection: I chose this article because I thought this would be a funny piece of current events that still relates to the US.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Marijuana Legalization: How The War On Drugs Is 'A War On Black And Brown People'
    Who: African-Americans
    Where: Across the US
    When: The article was published on November 7th 2014
    What happened: An article was posted stating that the “War on Drugs” isn’t really a crackdown on drugs but Black Americans. Blacks and Whites use marijuana at the same rate but blacks are 3.4 times more likely to be arrested than a white. Its even worse in DC where blacks are 8 times more likely. This ultimately leads to more blacks being imprisoned which also destroys and ruins the chance of Blacks getting a decent job. People sentenced for weed also cant get a student loan for a year after being freed making it harder for enrolling into college.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about the War on Drugs America issued and the life of black americans
    Reaction: This doesn’t surprise me because I felt as though this was already well known that prisons discriminate.
    Opinion: I think that this touches on a lot of issues. This is racial conflict and prejudice. This leads to higher prison population and the booming economy in the prison system. This leads to lower college graduation and employment which leads to poverty and slums. I think that race determining your fate is sickening in this time of days and I also think rules should be put in place to stop this.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think that this issue is ridiculous and because I know people whose lives have been affected from this.

    1. Great post! You may want to look up this topic- the new Jim Crow. We'll talk about this in February and March

  9. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Series of Secret Service Blunders Eased Way For White House Intruder

    Article Date: Nov 13,2014

    Who: Omar Gonzalez

    Where: Washington DC

    When: September 19

    What happened: An intruder climb a fence and enter the white house because of a succession of, performance organizational technical. And other failures by the secret service, according to the review, it was found that the secret service's alarm system and radios failed to function properly, and many of the responding officers did not see the intruder as he climbed over the fence. It said that the intruder, Omar Gonzalez could have been stopped by a secret service officer who was stationed on the north lawn with an attack dog, but the officer did not realize that the intruder had made it over the fence, because the secret service officer was sitting in his van talking on his personal cellphone. The officer did not have his radio earpiece in it was only after he saw another officer running towards Mr.Gonzalez

    Why this event is relevant: because it tell how an intruder got close to being in the white house without being spotted by security guards

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) surprised, because I thought the white house would be hard to get close up to and none of the guards saw a random man climb over the fence, seem as though it's not a challenge to get close to the white house.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the guards should have been more secure of the white house because in the article it said they were have technical problems with the radios, so they should have been more securing that they did not have a device to be updated on everything around the white house

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this could have not turn out good the man who climbed the fence could have been a terrorist and none of the secret service guards did not notice him climibing over the fence

  10. Source:

    Article Title:Child fighter tormented by ISIS

    Article Date: November 13,2014

    Who: ISIS child soldiers

    Where:Gaziantap, Turkey

    When: November 13,2014

    What happened: Yasir was strapped in explosive vest and had a pistol and a AK-47 in his hand. Yasir and his father was first with al Qaeda but when ISIS took over they joined. 100 children for a month couldn't see their family. They had military training everyday. They had children as young as 12. After time went on they stopped caring about their families.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because they show how they have children young as 12 fighting for ISIS.

    Reaction: it's sad these children are so young doing this.

    Opinion: I think ISIS should stop getting kids that young.

    Connection: I picked this article because I thought it was inserting to see young children fighting with ISIS. Also, I was seeing the latest things that's happening in ISIS.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is, "Out of control: How the world reacted as Ebola spread."
    Article Date: The date of this article is November 13, 2014.
    Who: The people who are involve are everyone who was infected by this disease and the people who reacted upon the spreading of the disease. So basically everyone with access to the News, internet or a cell phone.
    Where: This has happened over in Africa and in the United States.
    When: This has happened since the Ebola virus was announced which was December of 2013.
    What happened: In this article, a big timeline has been created to show readers what has happened over this long period of time since the virus was annouced. First a 2 year old boy died of what was thought to be an unidentified fever, then his mother 7 days after him, and then his 3 year old sister about a week later. This was the first reported case of the virus. Then more and more people began to become infected and dying with the same symptoms and causes of the first family. Then studies and lab work was being done over a long period of time to identify what was going on.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows all the events leading up to where we are now with the Ebola virus. Also because a good number of people have suffered and died and lost loved ones due to this deadly virus.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that I was shocked to see all the events that led up to where we are as a human race. All the work that has been done to help stop the spread and create awareness is very powerful.
    Opinion: I think its crazy that we are just getting the worst of news about the virus when it was only considered a "fever" in December of 2013.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to see how far Ebola has gone back and I was surprised by the results.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Stem Cell Breakthrough May be the cure for Parkinson’s
    Who: Parkinson’s victim
    Where: This doesn’t mention a specific place
    When: November 11, 2014
    What happened: Scientists are finding hope in stem cells being the cure for Parkinson’s Disorder. Scientists were able to revert brain tissues dying out in rats due to the use of stem cells. Human implications are slowly being tested however results are mixed which is why its not fully a cure. More research needs to be done along with more laws allowing abortions since most of the stem cells come from aborted fetuses.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant its about the potential to cure a disease and the topic on abortion.
    Reaction: I feel indifferent about this because it doesn’t affects me however I am happy to see a cure for Parkinson’s.
    Opinion: I think that stem cell is amazing and can cure almost anything which is another reason why abortion should be allowed in states. Hopefully more research can be done which can improve the stance for abortion.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to learn more on both sides of abortion earlier this week and I learned about stem cell which can do wonders so I decided to blog about it.

    1. I just saw this article! They are getting remarkably closer to this new technology. You should bring this up in your Biology class to learn more about how this works.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: European space probe marooned in comet’s shadows.
    Who: Nobody
    Where: In space on a comet
    When: November 13, 2014
    What happened: Yesterday the probe, Philae, landed on a comet which was earth shattering news. This was the first humankind has ever done this. The probe however landed .6 miles away from its original landing point and made it land in the shadow of a cliff on the comet. This affects how our information of space since the probe is solar power and was suppose to receive six to seven hours of sunlight but is now only getting an hour and a half. The scientists wants to using its landing gear to push it out of the shadow but theres the risk of ruining the entire mission by accidentally destroying the probe.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it affects the Earth’s knowledge of space.
    Reaction: I feel worried about this but I’m still happy and faithful for this big accomplishment.
    Opinion: I think that the organization in charge of the probe should leave this alone and allow the comet to potentially move the probe into a better position. I don’t think a little shift is worth millions of dollars.
    Connection: I chose this article because I’ve been following this Rosetta Mission for awhile and I’m hoping this gives us ground breaking information on space.

    1. You should check CNN for another article on this topic, however, the article focuses more on what the scientists are wearing rather than the accomplishment.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: Obama determined as ever to bypass Congress

    Article Date: November 13, 2014

    Who: President Obama and congress

    Where: United States

    When: November 13,2014

    What happened: Ever since the 2014 elections the republicans have been in charge. For the first time in years republicans have control over both sides of the congressional chamber. Currently the president is in Asia and it is believe that he will take an upfront approach when it comes to dealing with congress. President Obama wants to expand the immigration reform so that up to 5 million people have enforcement relief. The enforcement relief would include having green card and visas for the immigrants. The senate majority leader and Republican Mitch McConnell thinks that Obama's immigration reform is a poison pill and wil gravely affect the new republican congress that comes into power in January.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it seems that with the republicans having so much power in government President Obama and the remaining democrats in office are going to constantly have to fight to get something that they want in government. Also a lot of bill that are proposed by the President will most likely be ignored because the republicans are against him and the democrats.

    Reaction: I feel that this year is going to be a very hard year for the president because with the mass majority of congress being republicans he is going to be constantly fought against when it comes to presenting bills and other things to congress since the republicans are against democrats. I also feel that 2015 will be the year of stand still in America .

    Opinion (I think..) I think that this year will be hard for America because when there was an almost even amount of democrats and republicans every time the president presented something it was immediately voted against by the republicans.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I want to be involved in politics one day I enjoy being able to express the feeling and ideas of others. If everybody is a republican when I'm old enough to run for office then im not sure if im still going to want to be a politician because the democrats care about the people and put them first and in government ghats the way it should be. The people should always come first when talking about government in America.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: 90-year-old Florida man charged for feeding homeless people

    Article Date: Wed November 5, 2014

    Who: Arnold Abbott and Fort Lauderdale Police

    Where: Fort Lauderdale, FL

    When: November 5, 2014

    What happened: Arnold Abbott, a 90 year old loving person was arrested for feeding the homeless, something he does daily. Making hundreds of plates everyday. The city of Fort Lauderdale passed a law saying you are not allowed to share food with the homeless. People believe that the law is insane and that they should be ashamed of themselves. Arnold is looking at possible jail time and a $5o fine.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant cause once again Police are being unjust and unfair to the community of those trying to do good.

    Reaction: My reaction towards this was unbelievable. I thought this was a lie but when I seen it on CNN I was really shocked.

    Opinion My opinion is that all these ridiculous laws should be passed on to the national government before they actually get passed.

    Connection: I chose this article because justice has not been survived lately and the police have been one of the main calls for it.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is North Korea's Kim Jong-un to send special envoy to Russia.
    Article Date: This article was published early morning on November 13th, 2014.
    Who: This article involves Communist party official, of North Korea, Choe Ryoung-hae. Mr. Choe is also one of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un's closest associate.
    Where: This article took place in North Korea.
    When: This event took place on November 13, 2014.
    What happened: On Korean Central News Agency, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced that he will send a special envoy over to Russia. His special envoy will be his close associate Choe Ryoung-hae. When announcing this he did not give reasoning on why or when Mr. Chow would go. Recently North Korea has had tensions with nuclear tests and strikes towards South Korea and the United States. Since then North Korea has also pulled out of a talk involving China, United States, Japan, North and South Korea and Russia, towards disarming their nuclear tests.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because nobody knows why they are sending someone over to Russia. North Korea could be planning an attack. We also don't know when they are planning to go over there. It could be at anytime and we won't know until it happens.
    Reaction: I think that this event is something we should be aware of and keep open eyes to. We should pay more attention to announcements and the news. I think North Korea is up to something.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. It's something I'm not familiar with. I learned something new and glad to know that I know about this event now. It's an example of why I should be more aware.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Obama's immigration plan: 10 executive actions being weighed by the president

    Article Date: November 14, 2014

    Who: Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson cotributed to the report

    Where: United States

    When: Wednesday November 12, 2014

    What happened: President Obama is planning on overhauling the laws that were set forth on immigration. Overhaul meaning that he wants to take somethings away and further improve it or just to examine it more. However, many people do not think that President Obama should do that. They think that if he would do think something bad would happen. Following after, Obama's plans were described and explained as to what he was planning on doing, changing, and enforcing.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has a lot to do with the United States and people who don't belong in the United States. It could be a matter of security if immigrants or the wrong kind of immigrants would enter the United States.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though the President should do what he feels is right. If he thinks that it will make the United States better, then he should do what he feels is right.

    Opinion (I think..): The President Should do what will benefit everyone. Of that means to enfore the rules then do so. If it means to take something away then do so.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this artice because its something different than what I always choose. Also it's something that if not fixed now it could hurt or help the United States.

    1. Obama is testing his executive power with this. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  18. Source:
    Article title: Sikh student sues U.S Army
    Article date: This was written Friday, November 14, 2014.
    Who: The people involved is Hofstra University, Ikoor Singh, and the U.S Army.
    When: This took place Wednesday, November 14, 2014
    Where: This took place at Hofstra University.
    What: The U.S Army refused to let Mr. Singh join ROTC because of his religious belief and attire. He felt that he had to choose between two things that he loves. It's impossible to him.
    Why relevant: this isn't the first time this happened in history. I never heard of anything in the Army's rules that because of your religion you can't partake in serving you country.
    Reaction: They should accommodate him because of his religious beliefs
    Opinion: If women can pull their hair back and still serve because their women, anybody should be able to do it.
    Connection: The puritans left England to be able to exercise their beliefs even more, so they went to what is now called America, where there able to practice there religion. Which is why I say that he should be able to join the army and still be religious.

    1. I'd like to know about this. We may be missing pertinent details that would be necessary to take a side on this. It sounds so wrong.

  19. ource: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Ukraine Family escapes
    Article DateOctober 28 is the the article was posted but this has been going on for 6 months.
    Who: Ukraine families and the human rights mentors are involved.
    Where: this takes place I need in the Ukraine erea.
    When: In the last six months the Ukraine government has been restricting the people from there right to there homes and
    What happened: The United States wants Ukraine to give the people back there rights
    Why this event is r Human rights ask who witness the situation and soon to do and interview with them.they talked a a about how they became victims of artillery, mortar, and rocket attacks. The government forces others to killed or hurt the civilians. These attacks were justified from incriminating people . other words the forces either did not or could not distinguish between civilians and combatants. 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that the government always try to fake protect the citizens. They are the main ones hurting and killing us when we need there help the most. I hate the fact that they take away human rights but still argues that everyone has a right to liberty and happiness but they restrict everyone of everything. The government knows that putting people out there homes and not testing them like people will soon to get around the world and become a big story to talk about.

    Opinion (I think..) i think that the government should let them peel stay in there homes.they should not let the government over rule them. The Ukraine system has denied the rights of the people and I think that they should be charged for violating the city and the people.
    Connection (why you chose this article) i chooses this article because this reminds me of the lessons we learned in civics about human rights.I also chchoose this article because the Ukraine government is trying to help now that it's story has gotten around the world to show

  20. Source :
    Article title : ISIS new currency
    Article Date : November 11th 2014
    Who : ISIS wants to make a new currency.
    What Happened: The terroist group realeased a video stating that they wanted to make their own money. They woould be coins made out of gold, silver and cooper.They said they wanted to separate themselves from World's economic system.
    Why. They have millions of dollars from takinv over the oil companies in the coutries they are taking over. They are going to mess up trading for their country's necessities.
    Opinon : I really think its rediculous that this country thinks it can survive on thier own without nobody else.
    Connection: I choose this article because this terroist group.needs stopped financially and physically. They are continuing to be a threat and if we dont stop them they will become a bigger one.

  21. Source:
    Article Title: Reid to Obama: Wait on immigration orders until after CR passes.
    Article Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014
    Who: The President and Congress
    Where: Washington D.C, Maryland
    When: The Deadline is December 11
    What happenede: This is article is about Obama extending the law of immigration. However, it would be impossible to do so because during the 2014 elections, majority that were elected were the republicans.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant to the people who are immigrants and they have to leave their child in the US and they have to go back home because they don't have the right papers. Also, this is relevant because I can relate to this circumstances.
    Reaction- This article would put pressure to the Congress and the President. If the republicans would allow him to pass it then it would benefit many immigrants.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think this was interesting article because now there is all Republicans in the house party it would be hard for Obama to to extend and change the immigration law. The President should go to any measure to make this law happen because it would help a lot of people who is struggle to keep there family together in a place where they think is safe.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Obamacare's fight for survival
    Article Date: November 14th, 2014
    Who: Congress
    Where: DC
    When: Ongoing
    What happened: Obama's Obamacare Act is getting attacked again by republicans. Since the republicans take office in the House of Representatives in 2015 they will have more say in what goes in the laws and repeals. Obama wants to keep Obamacare going but a lot of the people in congress don't like it and they have tried to repeal it before and fight it to get it replaced.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it affects the lives of several Americans
    Reaction: I feel like the republicans shouldn't have complete control of the congress because then they're going to try to change Obamacare
    Opinion (I think..) Although Obamacare failed at first it's a good thing for the middle class
    Connection: I chose this article because the name of it. It seems like Obama is struggling to keep Obamacare alive. I feel like the republicans are going to try to end it or change it and it will affect the millions of people that are covered by it.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: The article title is Could immigration cause another government shutdown?
    Who: The people involved are Barack Obama, immigrants from Mexico and Republicans
    Where: This takes place in the government
    When: 13, November 2014
    What happened: Recently the president has decided to help immigrants by allowing them to stay in America. There are around 5 million immigrants Obama is trying to save from deportation. The republicans of the House is furious with President Obama and are considering him to not do this. They have gone as far as cutting the budget on immigration. There are concerns on this though because the last time they used money to stop the president the government had shut down. The differences between the parties are risky and may even cause a shutdown but niether sides wants this.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this involves the President, the Senate and immigration policies.
    Reaction: I feel worried and concerned like other people because last year shut down was no fun and I think it had hurt the economy.
    Opinion: I think that Republicans should just agree with Obama on this one because this is a human rights issue and fighting to send humans away to bad conditions is wrong.
    Connection: I chose this article because I am concerned about the government and the differences.

  24. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: Sikh student sues U.S. Army, says ROTC enlistment blocked because of his faith
    Article Date: Friday November 14, 2014
    Who: A Sikh student from Hofstra University, whose name is Iknoor Singh.
    Where: This article has no specific location.
    When: The first incident happened April 2013. Singh was denied acceptance to his ROTC program.
    What happened: Due to Singh religion he was denied acceptance, to a military program at his school because he would not shave his beard or remove his turban ( a religious head piece for males).
    Why this event is relevant: This is another example of discrimination
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : The military should be the safest place for anyone to be without worrying about being pointed out as an odd ball.
    Opinion (I think..) : You can’t force anybody to believe in something if they have different opinions about it. We are all made different and that is never going to change, it is pointless to try to make people be the same because it just doesn’t work. Religious discrimination is a nasty thing that needs to be put to an end. Also Singh should be accepted in to the program.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : I don’t like to see others being discriminated againist whether its about skin color, religion or special needs.

  25. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is Sec. of Defense Hagel talks about fighting ISIS, Syria
    Article Date: The date this article was published was November 19, 2014.
    Who: This involves Syria, Isis and the secretary of defense Chuck Hagel.
    Where: This happened in Syria.
    When: This happened yesterday/
    What happened: They are talking to the Secretary of defense to see if the national campaign is helping Bashar al-Assad.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if al-assad is getting indirect help this might mean that they have to involve more military.
    Reaction: I feel that these two places need to find a common ground and stop the fighting.
    Opinion: I think that they need to kill al-assad because he is causing alot of problems in the U.S.
    Connection: I chose this article because this is a reoccurring event and I want it all to stop.
