Saturday, November 8, 2014

5th period, week of 11/10-11/14

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/14

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title :Massive: Postal Service breach hits employees
    Article Date:11.10.14
    Who:ups,United states postal service,Fbi
    Where:United States
    When: 11.10.14
    What happened:750,000 U.S postal employees and retirees information was hacked, when a hacker broke into a U.S postal service computer and stole all these people information such as their social security and other valuable information, as soon as they known about the incident they begin investigating right away they people that are in charge at the investigation is the Federal Bureau Investigation formally known as the FBI, all the information that were stolen from the system of 750,000,all the employees where notified right away about this incident and they will pay for their credit monitoring only of those who were affected, by these action , the FBI is working hard with u.S postal service to get to the main problem of this investigation and to find the suspect who did this and bring them under arrest.
    Why this event is relevant: because this have to do what's going on today in life
    Reaction: shock to why would you want to do that to innocent people
    Opinion : who ever did this should get life
    Connection: have to do with the government has to face today .

  2. Source: (entire website address) This article was found at
    Article Title: The title of this article is “Two children's rights activists awarded the Nobel Peace Prize”.
    Article Date: This article was posted on October 12, 2014.
    Who: Malala Yousafzai, Liesl Gerntholtz, Kailash Satyarthi, and the Islamic group ISIL are mentioned in this article.
    Where: This event took place in Pakistan.
    When: This event took place on October 10, 2014.
    What happened: Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi are two children’s rights activists that recently won a noble peace prize that was given to them by other young girls in Nigeria, Iraq, and Afganistan that are going through the same situation they went through. Malala said that she received the award for becoming the voices of the girls who were scared to tell their story of the men of the ISIS or ISIL group kidnapping young women and adults off of the surface and straight out of their homes. These girls were mistreated, beaten, and raped and nobody was helping them. When Liesl Gerntholtz a Human Rights Watch director for women’s rights officially awarded Malala with the peace prize she said that Malala was receiving the award because she expanded the knowledge of the abuses against girls
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because even though Malala and Kailash are standing up for their rights, it is not stooping or slowing down this process of the young girls getting mistreated.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This is horrible that people can just sit around and let things like this occur and not even feel disgusted about it.
    Opinion (I think..) I think it is said that young girls in other countries don’t get the right to live as they choose to but instead they have to be forced into marriages and can’t get an education.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because we began reading about Malala in English class and I wanted to read more about her.

  3. Scorce-
    Article Title-Local School drive inequality.
    Article Date- 6 October 2014 at 9:57 ET
    Who- in this article schools are mentioned and families from different backgrounds.
    Where?-the united States
    when?- October 6 -
    What?- This article is about how less fortunate families should not have to limit their school options based on their background and their financial abilities.
    Why is this relevant-this article is important Because a child should not feel that they cannot go to well educated schools because their parents don't make x y and z amount of money, or because they came from a lower class family on the other hand some other kid get to go to a school with a better lunch program or a better academic stability .
    Opinion- My opinion on this article is that all kids should have the same Opportunities no matter what your financial benefits are. Education should never be limited to certain kids.
    Reaction- my reaction to this article was "that's unfair". My reaction was that the article was being unfair because its not their fault they group up in a lower class income, why should they be penalized on how they're living standards are? They're children, innocent... They all should be able to receive the same education who cares if you are a middle class person ,you should go to a school with middle class people, lower class people, education shouldn't be based on your background for some people .
    Connection- I connected this article with another article I read and it talked about how Mexican kids weren't getting an education in mexico because of their background or their lifestyle so they seeked to coming to the united states for better education opportunities and still could not receive it because of their financial stabilities they couldn't afford it and they did not have any help or support.

  4. Source:

    Title: ISIS Online Recruitment: 3 Colorado Teenage Girls A Textbook Case
    Article Date: Tuesday November 11,2014
    By. Maria Vultaggio
    Who: ISIS networking skills are improving.
    When: This event happened on November 11,2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in the United States.

    What happened : The extremist terrorist group ISIS is rapidly expanding. They are using their networking skills to gain more recruits even in the United States. Due to ISIS networking skills this force the US to go to the extreme on stopping the spread . However these tactics are only trying to stop teens of joining the terrorist group. Not only the US are trying to stop this but American allies are too. They use recruitment videos that can be found on the web. These videos are what intrigued the three Colorado girls. Thanks to US allies Germany stop them in their tracks.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be. ISIS members are very intelligent that they networking on the internet to find hopefuls. It's very simple that you can go on to get recruited. However US counterterrorism group found a way to monitor ISIS social media skills in an act to stop them. Also how US tries to stop them.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone and it's sad . It's sad that because we have the technology doesn't mean we're one step ahead of them. How are we supposed to suppress this with ISIS one step ahead of us?

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news and can possibly happen on our soil.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Russia flexes muscle with bomber flights near U.S.
    Who: Russia and The United States
    Where: Near the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico
    When: November 12, 2014
    What happened: Russia has invaded U.S. territory by flying jets capable of holding nuclear weapons over places near the U.S. This is the first Russia is flying jets over the Gulf of Mexico ever and it raises concerns. This report came after other reports from NATO saying Russia violated many rules. Russia violated the airspace borders and has even sent men and weapons into Ukraine. The White House warned if continued, Russia will end a ceasefire treaty between the two countries. Putin also gave a threat basically saying that America doesn’t want any troubles with Russia.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the U.S. safety from foreign threats.
    Reaction: I feel as though Russia is being a bit childish by blatantly disregarding NATO’s and other countries policies.
    Opinion: I think that the world should come together and stop Russia as a whole because Russia has been pushing the limits of everyone and the world constantly allowing them to do this will increase in higher and more boldly acts which may ultimately lead to war.
    Connection: I chose this article because this could possibly be the start of something bigger which will cause more damage.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Is HIV the cure to cancer?
    Who: Cancer victims
    Where: No specific area
    When: Wed November 12, 2014
    What happened: Today a report of the HIV virus curing cancer was being reported. A patient diagnosed with aggressive cancer is now in remission thanks to being injected with the HIV virus. The doctors gave this to him as a trial to help with the research of the cure for cancer. The doctors injected the patient with deactivated white blood cells from a harmless form of HIV which attacks the cancer virus and then becomes dormant until cancer arrives again. Research is being put into this to test more and possibly find a cure for cancer.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is about cancer which affects every part of the world.
    Reaction: I feel happy that this is happening because I know people with cancer and they seem to suffer from it and knowing a cure is possibly out there is exciting. I do feel uneasy though knowing that if I had cancer I would need to be injected with HIV
    Opinion: I think that more money should be given to this research because this can become the end to cancer.
    Connection: I chose this article because I saw this story on the news this morning and decided to look more into it.

    1. This sounds interesting, but how is the government connected to this article?

  7. Source : http/
    Title: In Sierra Leone village Ebola avoid too little too late.
    Who: the citizens of Sierra Leone.
    Where: in Sierra Leone.
    When:during the month of November.
    What happened: the first few months when Ebola was discovered, up until now there have been 13000 cases and out of that 1300 there has been 5000 people who have been affected with Ebola, but then there has been new cases of Ebola spotted in Sierra Leone , which cased the death of to people in a town called DEVIL'S TOWN. The name given to this town is because Ebola was most prominent over there. But then after the two people with Ebola died , the body was laying outside for 5 hours, and the man who carried the bodies did it without any protection and tun into the forest because, he did not want to be quarantined. The sick people who had been affected by Ebola laid there without help. There was also a check point which was nit was supported and did not really have a lot of infrastructure, which posed as a danger. Lastly there was a village by the name "ghost village" it has this name because, it was completely wiped out by the virus, so the solution that the country came across was quarantine a lot of places.
    Why is this relevant: this article is relevant because, as I have been saying in my previous blogs, it helps people to know how big or small a problem Ebola is becoming.
    Reaction: when I read this article, I was surprised be caused, now that we know about Ebola, I really surprised me that it took5 hours for the paramedics to get there.
    Opinion: I think this is unbelievable.
    Connection: I don't really connect to this article, but instill think it is unacceptable.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS announces new currency
    Who: The Islamic State
    Where: In ISIS territories
    When: November 13, 2014
    What happened: Today ISIS announced that they have plans for creating money for their own. Instead of using the world’s money they decide to make up their own money in order to be apart from the “global economic system that is based on satanic usury,” This money will be based on Islamic principles. ISIS is the wealthiest terrorist group ever being that most of its money is self made through oil, ransom, sales and taxes. This currency will consist of two gold coins, three silver and two copper.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about economics and a terrorist organization.
    Reaction: I feel surprised about these facts. I didn’t know how rich ISIS really is and the thought of them implementing their own currency into the world is huge.
    Opinion: I think that ISIS is really dominating the Middle East and is acting on their word of creating an Islamic state. One key factor of what makes a country is the economics and ISIS making their own is the beginning of a possible new country.
    Connection: I chose this article because I was shocked about ISIS doing bigger things.

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Surgeon tied to India sterilization deaths arrested.
    Article Date:This article was published Thu November 13, 2014.
    Who:This event involved a surgeon,83 year old women and Dr. R. K. Gupta.
    Where:This event took place in Chhattisgarh state.
    When:This event is event is very current it just happened not to long ago.
    What happened: A surgeon was arrested for not properly taken care the sick women that were recovering sterilization operations. Dr. R. K. Gupta, had to opereate on 83 women that were sick but it was dangerous. The sterilization was very dangerous thats why these doctors were arrested because they were risking women lives. He is getting charged for a operation that he did over the weekend and a women is still recieving sideaffects from it such as vommiting.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because doctors can't just be jeportizing people lives like that. They should be careful of how they operate on people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was shocked when I read this because I just thought this event was crazy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think doctors should just be more careful with patients.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect with this article because a lot of people in my family has gotten surgery.


  10. Source:
    Article Title: Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties
    Article Date: This article was written on November 13, 2014
    Who: This article includes American citizens and expert analysis
    Where: This event is taking place in all of the U.S.A
    When: this event happened on November 13, 2014
    What happened: In this event Obamacare is set to raise Obamacare plan prices. And with this raise in prices, there are penalties for not applying to the plans that prices have been increased on. The new penalties are meant to be an incentive for the people to get a new plan. Prices will rise from $95.00 per person to a whopping $325.00 per person. This will affect lower and middle class families.
    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because it has to do with all American citizens who pay taxes and want healthcare.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as though that the price is going to overwhelm some families and cause finacidk troubles.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that don't her system should be implemented to better help with the cost of healthcare
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because it will affect my parents flow of money.

    1. This is an important issue for all families. It looks like we still have not resolved the best way to ensure every American has health insurance.

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Could immigration cause another government shutdown?
    Article Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014
    Who: Barack Obama, Republicans and the Senate
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Thursday, November 13, 2014
    What happened: Republicans are swearing to fight President Barack Obama plan to edit immigration intentions. But, he is having trouble doing this without shutting down another government.John Boener is being pressured to be spending a specific bill. Also, to attach a language.Leaders are having a problem coming to Obama with this information. Obama pledged he would not shut down the government. Obama is traveling to Asia. Immigration will be fully addressed by the end of this year. According to Obama this is what was said. But White House secretary told reporters that he strongly feels Obama is nearing a final decision.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it has to do with President Obama and his affairs with government and the immigration problem. So that is why this event is relevant.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is just surprising that so much has to happen for someone to come to The United States.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that President Obama should stick to his word about not stricking another government because that would be wrong.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I choose this article because it is very important and it has to do with immigrants and seeing what our president might do about it is very interesting.

  12. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of the article is "3 American servicemen harassed, assaulted in Turkey".

    Article Date: The article was published and updated November 12,2014 at 5:37 PM EST.

    Who: This article is about three U.S. Navy servicemen.

    Where: The event going on in the article is taking place in Istanbu ,Turkey.

    When: This event took place on Wednesday November 12,2014.

    What happened: Three active United States Navy men were attacked in Istanbul,Turkey by a group of Turkish men. The U.S. Servicemen were attacked by bags thrown over their heads. While the Turkish men were attacking them they called them names and demanded they go home. The reason they were attacked was because the Turkish view the U.S. as murders so they do not want us on their land. Nobody had any major injuries and the servicemen were sent home safely.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because our servicemen were put jn a situation where they could have lost their lives. They were lucky to come out of this scary situation alive . It's important we are noticifed about problems like this because we need to know what is going on .

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to reading and watching this video was shocking . I felt angry because those navy men could have lost their lives. I felt sorry for them and their families.Im glad they are safe though.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the Navy should have a better plan next time they decide to send those three men by theirselves again. We should have attacked the Turkish men right back and its not their right to approach out men.

    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because I needed to know what happened and if those men made it home alive or not. I was interested in the title so i felt the need to be read it and im glad i did. My cousin is in the Navy so I automatically thought the worst and i shouldnt have. The world is a crazy place.

  13. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of the article is "3 American servicemen harassed, assaulted in Turkey".

    Article Date: The article was published and updated November 12,2014 at 5:37 PM EST.

    Who: This article is about three U.S. Navy servicemen.

    Where: The event going on in the article is taking place in Istanbu ,Turkey.

    When: This event took place on Wednesday November 12,2014.

    What happened: Three active United States Navy men were attacked in Istanbul,Turkey by a group of Turkish men. The U.S. Servicemen were attacked by bags thrown over their heads. While the Turkish men were attacking them they called them names and demanded they go home. The reason they were attacked was because the Turkish view the U.S. as murders so they do not want us on their land. Nobody had any major injuries and the servicemen were sent home safely.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because our servicemen were put jn a situation where they could have lost their lives. They were lucky to come out of this scary situation alive . It's important we are noticifed about problems like this because we need to know what is going on .

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to reading and watching this video was shocking . I felt angry because those navy men could have lost their lives. I felt sorry for them and their families.Im glad they are safe though.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the Navy should have a better plan next time they decide to send those three men by theirselves again. We should have attacked the Turkish men right back and its not their right to approach out men.

    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because I needed to know what happened and if those men made it home alive or not. I was interested in the title so i felt the need to be read it and im glad i did. My cousin is in the Navy so I automatically thought the worst and i shouldnt have. The world is a crazy place.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Latina Lawmaker Makes History in PA. Legislature
    Article Date: This article was written on Friday, November 7, 2014.
    Who:Leslie Acosta is involved.
    Where: This event took place in Pennsylvania.
    When: This event took place on Election day.
    What happened: Leslie Acosta has made history by becoming the first female Puerto Rican legislature. Acosta describes herself as being a very humble girl from the streets of North Philadelphia. While she is making history, Acosta is also supporting the education system by helping to improve it. Acosta, is representing the 197th legislative district. Since Acosta has been elected the first female Puerto Rican legislature, she is essentially paving the way for other Hispanics. Leslie’s father; however, was a state representative. Ralph Acosta, Leslie’s father legacy was to unite people,and fight for their rights, essentially Leslie is following right in his foot steps.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Leslie Acosta was elected the first female Puerto Rican legislature.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I’m actually really happy for Acosta, because not only is she paving a way for the minority but also for women, because at one point in history politics was ran by men.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this article can empower a lot of people considering the fact that Acosta has made it so far, and has honestly worked hard for where she is now. This shows that one can honestly do anything they want as long as they put their mind to it.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because it shows that everyone is capable of something, and where you live does not define who you are as an individual.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: The article title is "Obama's immigration plan: 10 executive actions being weighed."

    Article Date: This article was published on November 13th, 2014.

    Who: This article involves President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner.

    Where: This article takes place in The White House and the House of Senates.

    When: This event happened last week.

    What Happened: President Obama has written a draft proposal of a 10 point plan to fix the immigration problem, and is getting ready to announce it. He is ready to announce it as early as next week, a source tells Fox News. There is already gossip that Obama plans to go around Congress, which has angered many Republicans, whom have already tried to motivate him to not take this step. House Speaker John Boehner vowed that they will fight against Obama head to head if he tries to go around Congress. The White House says that Obama has not made a clear decision yet, but he may act soon. The 10 points are: to expand 'deferred action' for young illegal immigrants, expand 'deferred action' for parents of U.S. Citizens and legal permanent residents, prioritize deportations for serious criminals, end 'Secure Communities' and start a new program, boost the pay for ICE officers, expand high-tech visas, strengthen border security, expand provisional waivers to spouses and children of legal permanent residents, expand 'parole', and to promote the naturalization process.

    Why This Event Is Relevant: This event is relevant because I did my last current event on thousands of immigrants trying to cross the border, and this is Obama's solution to the problem.

    Reaction: I feel as though it is good that Obama is trying to make a plan for these immigrants trying to come in, and to protect those already here.

    Opinion: I think that Obama should go around Congress and pass this act because Congress might deny it just because they can.

    Connection: I chose this article because it relates to my previous current event.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: Obama plans to shield up to 5 million immigrants from deportation: NY Times
    Who: President Obama, Republicans, Immigrants
    Where: Within the U.S. and to an extant Mexico.
    When: Nov. 13, 2014
    What happened: President Obama has decided to protect 5 million immigrants from deportation in an upcoming deportation act. Obama says these people he’s saving can provide security to the borders and help us with other high tech jobs. These people are also people with no criminal record and has ties in America. Republicans see this as blatantly disrespecting them and is like “waving a red flag in front of a bull,”
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this involves immigration laws, the president and congress.
    Reaction: I feel like Obama is doing a good thing because if he deported every immigrant this would destroy families.
    Opinion: I think that Obama is in a way disrespecting the Republicans but he needs to be more careful because this can drop his approval rating and the Republicans can impeach him if they want.
    Connection: I chose this article because its been constantly on the news.

  17. Source: (website)
    Article Title: The article is titled Obama 'close to acting alone on immigration'
    Article Date: It was just updated.
    Who: President Barack Obama and the U.S. immigration system are involved.
    Where: The negotiation is happening in the U.S. at the White House.
    When: Not known, because everything is still being planned.
    What happened: There has been an announcement that President Barack Obama is planning to change the deferred action plan for the US immigration system through executive actions. This plan is to protect children who were snuck to the US illegally when they were younger from being transported back once they grow up to be a young adult and it was planned to stop family break-ups because many lived in the US for a long time and that is something that will affect them in the future. The forms of execute actions that would keep the children safe were that they would use them as new high-tech workers while allowing them to live in the US.
    They would help out with their delayed action plans and move border securities to each boarder such as the US southern border. Many people think the president may not take any executive action if Congress acts, because the senate passed a immigration bill in 2013, and the House has not shown any concern to that so they wouldn't to this plan either because there would be no permanent changes. The Republican and the Democratic Party disagreed with it all because it would turn in raises that will cause a government shutdown.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant, because it shows how our President is being generous to the people of America and their family. A president should not only show leadership skills but care about the people too.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): When I read the part about them getting deported back made me worry about them because that's a scary sight to depart from your family because of a law.
    Opinion (I think..): I think this law could work because President Obama is very smart and he will do his best to get his plan passed to protect families.
    Connection (why you chose this article): My mothers friend grew up in America but was born in Haiti. He was deported back when he became an adult according to a law. Thinking about that scenery made me want to know what was going on in this article based on the title.

  18. (entire website address) Title:
    Article Title:The title is "How ferguson went global"
    Article Date:This article was written in the beggining of August.
    Who:The people involved was Michale Brown and the police officer that shot him.
    Where:This event took place in Ferguson,Missouri.y
    When:This happened in the beggining of August.
    What happened:This article was about how nobody new about the ferguson shooting until now.A officer shot and killed a unarmed young black teen. He had been shot in the forehead and left in the street for hours. After this event occurred several riots non violent and voilents took place.These events has been on the news and this grabbed peoples attention around the world making them aware of them.After the violent riots the goverment said its not acceptable and had to stop.
    Why is this event relevant:This event is relevant because this was on news channels around the world.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)I think that the ferguson mishap shouldnt have happened.
    Connection(why you chose this article)I choose this article cause it was very intresting.


  19. Souce:
    Article Title:Obama architect mouths off again as video cause problem for Democrates.
    Article Date: November 14 2014.
    Who:Who are the democrat and Obama administration.
    Where: The Massachuchets health federation.
    When: The video arose one January 2012.
    What happened: The video shows Gruber and Mitt Romney discussing the Maddachuchets overhaul. They discussed how they were able to con the Feds of millions of Medicade dollars.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Obama Care is ment to help the people of the U.S afford health insurance. This cannot be done if all of the money that is suppose to help these people is being taken away.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) To me this is very upsetting.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that even though this happen this should not affect if people receave insurance or not.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this article because a lot of people who really need insurance can't afford it And some of these people are really hard workers who don't have it.

  20. Source: The Source is .
    Article Title: The title of the article is Tuition lawsuit pits daughter vs. Mom and Dad.
    Article Date: this article was written on November 13, 2014.
    Who: This article is about a college student and her parents.
    Where: This story takes place in New Jersey.
    When: This event is a current trial.
    What happened: A college student has had separate problems dealing with her family and is now suing them for her college tuition. Her parents say they told her that once she moved out they would no longer be paying for her expenses. In 2013, the judge ordered the parents to pay for tuition, books, and fees but they said she still didn't.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its hard to understand how someone is suing their parents who have taken care of you all your life and now is the time that i start thinking about college also.
    Reaction: I was surprised because this is my first time hearing about a child suing their parents.
    Opinion: I honestly believe that she should be paying her own tuition. The moment that she left home she chose to be an adult and now she has to take adult responsibilities.
    Connection: I can connect this to children who leave home and want to be treated as an adult but don't want to take the responsibilities.

  21. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: The title of this article is Ferguson grand jury papers full of inconsistencies.
    Article Date: this article was published on nov. 26, 2014.
    Who: this article was mainly about the death and shooting of Michael brown.
    Where: this incident had taken place in ferguson Mo.
    When:the incident had happened on August 9th 2014.
    What happened: in this article they talk about how there were a lot of different stories about the day of the mike brown shooting. People who have made statements about the shooting who were witnesses have had inconsistent stories. It was hard to find what really happened so they decided not to charge Wilson the officer. When it was announced that he will not be charged a lot of people thought of it as abuses of power and racial inequality. Some people who testified were fabricating the whole time and was not even at the scene so they say. This was a debatable situation, though you can't really go on a humans memory it is still usefull. In this case not really it was too many different stories, not enough real evidence and started too many problems
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because of the whole TRAYVON Martin situation, the boy who had got shot for no reason it seems.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): my reaction to this article was unbelievable, I was upset reading it because it seems that they stereotype young black males and make them seem as though they are always in the wrong. And the authority just does what they feel is right.
    Opinion (I think..): I think it has something to do with racial inequality and the position of power that the officer has because even though blacks shoot each other everyday they don't question the shooter's reasoning or decision they just lock them up because they feel that everything they do is wrong but when a white officer shoots a black boy, he just had to have a reason.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I don't really have a connection but it makes me think of my 2 big brothers and older male cousin because if something was to happen and I was to lose them over something I think is especially unfair I'd lose my mind.

  22. Source:

    Article Title:Why Ferguson touched a raw nerve

    Article Date: November 29,2014

    Who: The protesters against the Killing of Michael Brown.

    Where: This is taking place in Ferguson, Missouri.


    What happened:Inditment of Michael Brown and the Killing of Tamir Rice has cause protesting in over 150 cities blocking hundred of bridges and roads.

    Why this event is relevant: Police brutality is a very serious topic all over the country especially against african americans.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think it is very sad how these cases happened. In both of these situation unlawful procedure had been taken place.

    Opinion (I think..) that police need to have higher consiquences because in reality you would not see a white males being stoped for no reason as much as African Americans

    Connection (why you chose this article) I know many people who have gone through this. And they have lost many friends and family.


  23. Source: (entire website address)Budget Bill in Senates court:

    Article Title:December 12 2014

    Article Date:Dec 12.

    Who:The Democrates are out raged with Obama and the conservation Republic.

    Where:In Washington D.C.

    When: Thursday night of last week.

    What happened: It was only 3 hours before the deadline when the spending bill was published.

    Why this event is relevant:Because the publishing bill the goverement is running out of finaces. And without finaccing the goverment will shut down.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I think that if the U.S fundings went to better use we would not have this problems.

    Opinion (I think..) If the govermet shuts down what would happen to those with goverment funding. Families would go unfeed and people will loose sections eight.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because in the past the goverment has shut down before this has happened. And this could lead to lost treaties, alliances and ect.
