Saturday, October 25, 2014

1st period, Week of 10/27-10/31

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/31

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:treatment in U.S is rare chance to study Ebola

    Article Date:August 17 2014

    Who:Nancy writebol


    When: August 17

    What happened:she is one of the two people who came a long way since she got Ebola that's a serious virus that wiped out a whole village doctors want to try and stop the death rates it originally broke out in Liberia in a hospital she volunteered at she didn't know she contacted the disease they assume that they caught it from a co worker who died and was positive of having Ebola
    Why this event is relevant: this matters because this disease is killing people and theirs not cure for it and people don't even know that they have it which is said

    Reaction :I'm mad that this is killing people and I wonder would it spread to Philadelphia an I have a fear that we all might get it because what are the symptoms

    Opinion (I think..)someone needs to find a cure to Ebola more research needs to be done no more trying these specialist need to do there job and find a cure now before someone else dies

    Connection (why you chose this article)because I was watching the news and heard about Ebola and I didn't know what it was and when I found out what it was I wanted to do some research on it

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Nurse's discharge leaves one with Ebola in U.S.
    Article Date: October 28, 2014
    Who: Amber Vinson
    Where: Atlanta
    When: October 28, 2014
    What happened: The nurse is Ebola free.Unfortunately the fight for Ebola isn't over yet. But the nurse still want people to focus on the people in West Africa. The two nurses that gotten Ebola was lucky that they caught the disease faster than they did in West Africa.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the nurse is Ebola free.
    Reaction: I'm happy that they were able to cure the nurse from Ebola.
    Opinion: I think it's excellent that they were able to catch the disease faster.
    Connection: I selected this article so I can know what's going on about Ebola.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Administration denies plan to bring non-citizens to US for Ebola treatment

    Article Date: October 28, 2014


    Where: United States

    When: didn't say.

    What happened: The article was basically about rumors going around about the U.S. allowing patients from West Africa with Ebola to come to the U.S. to be treated. Homeland Security later told that those things were not said. Most people think, why would the U.S. treat patients from West Africa when they can be treated at their homeland. Obama's administration also told that West Africa's allowed to use U.S. planes to go back to their homeland, but to come get treated in the U.S.? No.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the rumors pretain the United States. I live in the United States, so this rumor could affect me. But it's also relevant because, what if the rumor was true? Then there could be a chance that the disease could break out and spread rapidly across the United States.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I felt confused. Confused because who would create a nonsense lie like that? Why would the U.S. even let patients with the disease in the country when they're trying to keep it out? So that rumor do not make any since at all.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that somebody lying. I mean nobody would just create a detailed lie like that. Meaning that someone in the U.S., a U.S. official had to have said that. And now the person that said it are denying the fact that they said it, so that they do not alarm everyone.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this artice because it's an important topic in the U.S. and if it was true it could cause a national health issue in the U.S.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: John Cantlie, British Hostage, Seen in ISIS Video Apparently From Kobani

    Article Date: Tues October 28, 2014

    Who: This articles talks about ISIS, John Cantlie and the soldiers fighting ISIS

    Where: Kobani, Syria

    When: The battle for Kobani has been going on since July last year to now

    What happened: Today reports of ISIS proliferation may have been confirmed. A British hostage, John Cantlie, was filmed talking about the fighting over Kobani. The video shows no real fighting and how calm it is there because ISIS already controls it. This is contrary to the US because the US has been telling us there is a great battle over there. Cantlie also says that ISIS is taking over Syria and that all he sees there is a numerous amount of ISIS fighters.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because we are seeing proof of how strong ISIS is. ISIS has become a real threat to the United States and this video shows that they are only getting stronger which is bad for us.

    Reaction: I feel like the US is really keeping a lot of secrets away from us. To me, ISIS doesn’t bluff and if they’re staying true to that in this video then this is a scary realization of how much they are conquering.

    Opinion: I think that ISIS is a bigger foe than what the media is saying. I think the US government is lying to us. If the US is lying about simple stuff like losing a battle than they could be easily lying about other stuff.

    Connection: I chose this article because it’s important for people to know how the government is feeding us lies and also how ISIS is advancing at a rapid rate.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Seattle Times 'Outraged' Over FBI's Fake News Story To Catch Bomb-Threat Suspect
    Article Date: October 28, 2014
    Who: The FBI and the Seattle Times
    Where: Over the internet
    When: They’re outraged now in 2014 due to something happening in 2007
    What happened: The Seattle Times, a newspaper company in Seattle, took to publicly shaming the FBI for the way the FBI handled a situation in 2007. In 2007 a person was constantly threatening to blow up a high school. The FBI sent this person a fake news story mimicking the Seattle Times format. The FBI used this to send malware to the suspect which ultimately led to his arrest. The Seattle Times was furious about this, they even compared this to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the FBI and how they handle threats and issues. It also involves a dispute within the FBI.
    Reaction: I feel as though the Seattle Times are being extremely childish. This might be because of them wanting money but the way the paper company is handling this is comparable to kindergarteners.
    Opinion: I think that the Seattle Times should think about how they’re treating this event. I think they only see lawsuits and money but the FBI did this for a purposeful cause. The Seattle Times doesn’t realize that the FBI doing this prevented hundreds of people getting killed or injured. I think lives are more important than the issue of being copied.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think it’s interesting seeing how little kid arguments can make its way to industries and national security.

    1. I read about this! I agree with you, the Seattle Times is taking this too far.

  6. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Missiles Of ISIS May Pose Peril for Aircrews in Iraq

    Article Date: October 26, 2014

    Who: ISIS


    When: October 3, 2014

    What happened: An Islamic state jihadist fired a missile and blew an iraq army helicopter out of the sky, killing two crew members. Days later, the islamic state released a series of images from a video purporting to capture the attack in northern iraq a jihadist hiding behind a wall with a chinese made missile launcher balanced on his shoulder. The missile blasting from the tube, its contrail swooping upward as it tracked its target, the fiery impact and the wreckage on a rural road, as iraq weigh the added risk to their aircrews and potentially to civilian aircraft they are particularly concerned about the threats of shoulder fired heat seeking missile, commonly known as manpads short for man-portable air defense systems.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it tell how ISIS is planning to Attack Other countries with Missiles

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Shocked, because i don’t wanna see ISIS Achieve much

    Opinion (I think..) I think Iraq should be more prepared because this is the seventh aircraft of theirs that ISIS shot down, it seem as though when ISIS plan to Attack Iraq Military Aircraft they succeed.

    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because it seem as though ISIS, are not being stopped because, this not the first time ISIS blew up a aircraft from iraq up and it seem as iraq are not prepared enough defending their territories

    1. I agree with you, Iraq should be more prepared. It seems we are in all too familiar territory here; we have seen consistent problems with Iraq being able to hold their own. What do you think we, as a foreign country thousands of miles away, could do?

  7. Source-
    Title- Scots decide whether to declare independence.
    Date- September 18, 2014 was the date.
    Who- Scotland's government is who it's about.
    Where- Scotland is where it is at.
    When- September 18, 2014 was when it happened.

    What happened- Scotland wants to become a independent state. Many Scots wanted to stray away from the union in England. Voters went out to vote when it started at 7:00 am. The outcome will be announced on Friday September 19, 2014. Scottish independence is important to the Scottish citizens.

    Relevance- This event is relevant because it is currently happening today. It shows how serious countries take independence. Being independent shows you can do things on your own. The United States is one of those countries. England controls Scotland so they are trying to break away from that.

    Reaction- My reaction is that this isn't surprising. You would think Scotland would've tried this years ago. It makes perfect sense. They want their own laws. They want their government to control how they live.

    Opinion- In my opinion this is a good idea. It shows that countries still care about things like that. Independence can take you a long. Makes you feel like you can do things on your own. This shows good leadership.

    Connection- I chose this article because it stood out to me. There were many other articles but I can relate to this one. I like to not depend on people for a lot of reasons. One is that I don't want to feel like I owe somebody something. Also I don't want people saying they are the reason for my success.

    1. This is the same current event you posted in September. This does not receive credit.

  8. Source:

    Article Title:NJ man says ISIS flag flown on porch a misunderstanding

    Article Date:August 14, 2014

    Who: An Islamic man and Garwood police department

    Where: New Jersey

    When:August 14,2014

    What happened: A man was believed to be a supporter of the terrorist group Isis. This thought came up after a flag that is symbolic of ISIS. The guy was supposedly unaware that the flag had any relations with the terrorists group because he has had it for over ten years. He had no problems with removing the flag without being ordered to do so

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS might take it as a sign that the United States is supporting them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I'm glad that he did take flag down because I think that it would've become a bigger problem for him

    Opinion (I think..) I think that he should've taken the flag down because it could've created problems for the United States

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because even though ISIS isn't the headlines of the news really anymore I think that it should still be brought up until their is something done about it

  9. Source:
    Article Title: FBI Most Wanted Fugitive Eric Frein Captured Alive
    Article Date: October 30, 2014
    Who: Eric Frein and the FBI
    Where: In the Pocono Mountains
    When: October 30, 2014
    What happened: September 12, 2014 a former national guard ambushed a barracks killing an officer and injuring another. He’s been on the run for more than a month. Reports says he’s only trying to kill law enforcers. He is considered very dangerous and have an extended range of arsenals from AK-47’s to pipe bombs. It’s been hard tracking him down and finding Eric Frein because he hid in wooded areas and is an expert of survival. Many tips and attempts to find him were useless until today when they arrested him alive.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this happened in Pennsylvania and the FBI were involved.
    Reaction: I am happy that this menace is taken off the land. This morning I was watching the news and it said a drone couldn’t find him. I thought he was going to get away with this. His only goal was to kill law officers and that’s wrong because they’re here to protect and serve. You would think he understood the meaning of this being a former national guard.
    Opinion: I think that the manhunt took a little too long to find him especially since it was only in one area. They could improve from this but it’s good that they have him. I think they should give him an evaluation because he shouldn’t have snapped like that unless a law official really pissed him off. He may have a mental disorder and with info like that, the armed forces could try to settle and prevent things like this from repeating.
    Connection: I chose this because one of the FBI’s most wanted has been detained and its comforting to know this.

    1. I can't believe it took so long! This reminds me of the hunt for the DC shooter nearly 10 years ago.

  10. Bahsil Franklin
    Article Title: Battle for Congress hits final stretch
    Article Date: October 30, 2014
    Who: Everybody running for congress.
    Where: In almost every state of the United States
    When: The end of the race I believe will occur in January 2015
    What happened: The race for senator is becoming very tight and is becoming harder and harder to obtain states between the two parties. Political figures like Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton and others are trying to win over states by voting for their party.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it actually lets the people of America have a say and who they want to control their state and possibly their country. This always deals with Democracy which we have been learning in civics class
    Reaction: My reaction to this is not as shocked as I expect it to be because It doesn't affect me yet.
    Opinion: I think that this is pointless to me right now because I have no say in who can run what because I am not 18 yet. But I believe that the Democratic party should win the election because they are more for the middle class people.
    Connection: I chose this article because we learned about the democracy of America and class and also because it can effect our daily lives and how we live.

    1. The race ends on Tuesday; it's election day!

  11. ource: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Ukraine Family escapes
    Article DateOctober 28 is the the article was posted but this has been going on for 6 months.
    Who: Ukraine families and the human rights mentors are involved.
    Where: this takes place I need in the Ukraine erea.
    When: In the last six months the Ukraine government has been restricting the people from there right to there homes and
    What happened: The United States wants Ukraine to give the people back there rights
    Why this event is r Human rights ask who witness the situation and soon to do and interview with them.they talked a a about how they became victims of artillery, mortar, and rocket attacks. The government forces others to killed or hurt the civilians. These attacks were justified from incriminating people . other words the forces either did not or could not distinguish between civilians and combatants. 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that the government always try to fake protect the citizens. They are the main ones hurting and killing us when we need there help the most. I hate the fact that they take away human rights but still argues that everyone has a right to liberty and happiness but they restrict everyone of everything. The government knows that putting people out there homes and not testing them like people will soon to get around the world and become a big story to talk about.

    Opinion (I think..) i think that the government should let them peel stay in there homes.they should not let the government over rule them. The Ukraine system has denied the rights of the people and I think that they should be charged for violating the city and the people.
    Connection (why you chose this article) i chooses this article because this reminds me of the lessons we learned in civics about human rights.I also chchoose this article because the Ukraine government is trying to help now that it's story has gotten around the world to show people are still being treated poorly. This is a great article to think about when we talk about human rights during the year.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is "Ebola Battle Brewing, Obama heads to Maine."
    Article Date: The date of this article is October 30, 2014.
    Who: This article is about President Obama and the Ebola virus.
    Where: This event has happened in the United States.
    When: This event happened on October 30th, 2014
    What happened: What happened during this event is that the Ebola virus has been getting the country concerned because of all the recent individuals becoming infected with the deadly virus. There was an indivudual who was infected with the virus and is being held in a medical institition in Maine. President Obama has held a meeting in Maine but sources say he didnt come within 300 miles of the individual being held under quarantine. The President has held this meeting to confront all the talk about America not treating the infected Americans with proper care. Obama says, "They should come home and be treated with proper care."
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people in America are very worried about how the people caring for the infected and the people who are infected are being treated Also because the Ebola virus is just being talked about in the news and the paper and the internet. Basically everywhere.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I still dont think it is going to make a different because people are still going to overreact no matter what anyone says.
    Opinion: I feel like it was necessary by the President to do this just to alert everyone who is worried that everyone is being treated properly and woth the highest amount of care.
    Connection: I chose this because I find the process of taking care of the Ebola virus is very interesting. Every time its being talked about I always wonder what the President is doing about it since he also has ISIS to worry about.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is Do Americans think the U.S. ground troops are needed to fight ISIS ?
    Article Date: This article is from October 29,2014.
    Who: This article is about the US and president Obama.
    Where: This event happened in Iraq.
    When: This happened only a couple days ago.
    What happened: This article is about whether or not people believe if Obama has a plan to fight back against Iraq. They wanted to know if the should send more troops. Or if they should send ground control out to Iraq.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: My reaction was that I'm am very upset that this war is going on because America has more important things to handle.
    Opinion: I think that they should just find a common ground and focus on more important things
    Connection: I chose this article because I have seen this topic many times and it just so happens to stand out to me.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie argues with Sandy heckler

    Article Date: October 30, 2014
    Who: Gov. Chris Christie and Jim Keady
    Where: Belmar, New Jersey
    When: Wednesday October 29, 2014
    What happened: On Wednesday the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, argues with a troll at a Sandy recovery meeting. The heckler shouted out things like “Do your job” and “Finish the job”. Gov. Christie responded with a bold “Sit down and shut up” which evolved to a debate between the two. The two went back and forth discussing how well the Sandy reform was going. After the brief debate the heckler remained quiet.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it talks about the governor of New Jersey and how well reform budgets are.
    Reaction: I felt like this was funny because hearing a person who leads a nation and is suppose to be a professional use bold language is amusing.
    Opinion: I think that Christie might not be running for president but he needs to. All politicians have flaws and people can easily forget Bridgegate. I think we need a president like Christie because he isn’t afraid to speak his mind and gives good responses to situations.
    Connection: I chose this article because New Jersey is like a cousin to Philadelphia and anything New Jersey does we’re usually reporting on it.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Homeland Security Orders Increased Security for Government Buildings
    Article Date: October 28, 2014
    Who: Homeland Security
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: Homeland Security Agency has ordered increased security around various U.S. government buildings. They are in charge of providing a safe facility for the 1.4 million visitors that pass through government facilities daily. There's no such thing as being "overprotective", especially when the U.S. is the "target" of many inland attacks and from other countries.
    Why this event is relevant: After the 9/11 crisis when one of the planes hit the Pentagon, the U.S. government has had to keep an eye out for attacks such as these. They are now focusing on increasing the security in government facilities which is good.
    Reaction: I love this idea. I kind of believe it took a long time before they wanted to pull this off. This should have been in effect since the 9/11 disaster. But maybe it has and I don't know of it. But as for this idea, I am ecstatic about it.
    Opinion: I think this is just what Obama needs to solidify his resume of presidency even more. I believe he has done a wonderful job in all he's done, and this is only one step closer to solidifying himself as one of the "standout" presidents.
    Connection: I chose this article because it intrigued me. Airport security and other government facilities are really strict and stable. However, this does not mean they can't go further with their security protocols.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS subjects Yazidis to 'rape, sex slavery'
    Article Date: October 30th, 2014
    Who: The Islamic state, Yazidi women
    Where: Erbil, Iraq
    When: The event started in August but is continuous
    What happened: ISIS went to the town of Erbil, Iraq and captured hundreds of Yazidi women to make them their sex slaves. They also went to a local school and shot every boy that was over the age over the age of 10. The girl they were referring to in the article was captured by ISIS and her brother and dad were killed in the school. Once captured, her and the other "slaves" were taken to a huge house filled with hundreds of other women just so they could get raped and mistreated by ISIS.
    Why this event is relevant: Because it shows why ISIS as a whole needs to be eliminated
    Reaction: What they're doing to these young girls is honestly sickening, they don't have any reason to do it, they're only doing it to show they have power. What made me angry was that the article said one of ISIS's websites they talked about the rape enslavements they had on the Yazidi's. It's like somewhere in their mentality they think it's okay.
    Opinion (I think..) that someone needs to put an end to ISIS immediately before they gain even more power and take over more people and towns because now it's getting over extensive because they're gaining power instead of losing it and if the allied groups against ISIS see that the airstrikes aren't working they should change the method
    Connection It reminded me of Malala's story, so maybe some of these girls will overcome this and make the best out of the situation by speaking out about it.

  17. Source:

    In the article, Doctor Tests Positive for Ebola in New York City by M. Alex Johnson and Maggie Fox. They wrote about how Ebola has got to another American in the United States. Today a doctor named Spencer came back from West Africa and he tested positive from the virus. Ebola is a deadly virus that is spread by body fluids. If it becomes more serious, this could turn into the plague. This means that everyone will die and no one will live. My reaction is that I'm a little scared of this virus will eventually get out of control. I think that the doctors should stop going over there, because they are getting affected with the disease. That just causes problems in the United States. This reminds me of the plague and smallpox. These diseases killed many people. Doctors like them are one cause of the disease spreading.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is "ISIS subjects Yazidis to 'rape, sex slavery'."
    Article Date: This article was posted on Thursday, October 30, 2014.
    Who: The people involved with this article were ISIS, and Iraqi Kurdistanian (Yazidis) people, but mostly the women and female children
    When: This happened in the Middle East in Kardistan. It started around August of 2013 and is still continuing.
    What Happened: ISIS, the terrorist group that has been trying to take over the Middle East, force the Yazidis to covert to Islam. Not only did they do that, they would separate the males from females. The UN then would describe that they send boys over ten to a disclosed location and shot them. With the women they would send them Mosul. They we're put in a three story house, where they turned into sex slaves.
    Reaction: I think this is ridiculous. It's ashame that the women in Iraq have to go through this. I wish I could help.
    Connection: Sex trafficking is happening all over the world and it seems that know one is willing to help. It happens in China, South America, Africa, and Europe. We need to make this a big cause.
    Opinion: Make sure that the U.S has their eyes on our girls here and make sure nothing like this ever happens.

  19. Source:

    Article Title:Job creation tax credit to be extended to five years

    Article Date:October 16,2014

    Who:City Council


    When:June of 2014

    What happened:The city wants to raise minimum wage to where employers of any fast food, hotels, theaters, or restaurants would be getting paid 12 dollars and hour. if the law is signed to the mayor then he would be taxed 5,000 dollars for every new full time worker it hires. The bill is sponsored by William Goode. There is an activist group who supports all efforts on increasing minimum wage. The bill hasn't been passed yet but Mayor Nutter has until October 30 to consider the bill. The bill was approved however, the tax break could be even more than 250,000.

    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because it affects many workers all around the city and it benefits them all because they are going to be paid more than what they were getting in the past.

    Reaction : my reactions towards this is good because it helps other who have to provide for many children and are only working one job, or someone whos having very bad financial problems.

    Opinion i think that this is really a good idea, but then again its bad because it raises the tax break a whole lot.

    Connection I choose this because i know many people who work and were getting paid at a low minimum wage.

    1. Good job keeping in mind there is a cost for everything. They may increase minimum wage, but that means every business paying higher wages will increase the prices of products or services sold.

  20. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is Bomb kills 2 Lebanese Soldiers Near Syria Border
    Article Date: This article was written on Sept.19, 2014 8:30am EDT
    Who: This Topic is about the Lebanese Soldiers .
    Where: This article takes place near Syria .
    When: This article is Friday Sept. 19, 2014
    What happened: This article is about on Sept. 19,2014 A bomb that was towards a passing army truck near the Syrian border kills 2 soldiers and wounded many other soldiers . But on Wednesday , Some gun man from Syria snatched a Lebanese soldier , they also snatched of soldiers and police in August . 8 Soldiers are still held . These killings are question by police and believes that the Islamic state group , which control parts of Syria and Iraq also killed two Americans and British citizens in the recent weeks .
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because if they killed Americans then we have to get involved in it and this could cause a great big war . They could be a threat to attack us . This could be a start of a new big disaster .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though America should get involved to stop this because they killed some of our people . They crossed the line when they messed with our people . We should go attack because enough is enough . We gave them chances so we need to go now .
    Opinion (I think..) I think that we should attack and end all of this and show them what we are about . This should not go on .
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I like hearing about the war and bomb attacks . It Got My attention . I also choose this article because every article that has to do with bombing recently is boring and I searched things that happened a month ago and this was interesting.

  21. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Why Turkey needs to take ISIS threat seriously

    Article Date:October 31st, 2014

    Who: Isis And Turkey


    When:October 31st, 2014

    What happened: Many people believe that turkey need to help in defeating this battle against isis in order to help protect the world. But Turkey feel like they don't need to get involved if isi isn't bothering them. They Feel like they need to protect themselves from isis fight before they try to help anybody else. They also feel like since they are always in a battle with PKK they don't need anybody else on their heads or getting involved with anything else. They want to let isis do what they got to do in order to keep them from getting involved or getting hurt.

    Why this event is relevant: Because Turkey don't want the world to believe they aren't entering because of selfish reasonings they really don't want to be involved in something that don't have anything to do with them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think i was feeling more supportive, i Can understand where they coming from but at the same time they need to still understand they have alliances.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Turkey needs to make a decisions and do what's best for them and their country.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i thought everybody was willing to take down isis, involved or not.

  22. Source: www.
    Article Title: The Police chief in Ferguson, Missouri, has problems
    Article Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014
    Who: The Police and African-American
    Where: Ferguson, Missouri
    When: Thursday, October 30, 2014
    What happened: This article talks about the Ferguson case. Ever since the Michael Brown case, there has been protest for his justice and the police man who shot him should be locked behind bars. However, things got out of hand since the police wanted to take control over things because of the protest. The police did things to the protesters that should not have been done to.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it show that people can get away with things that should be known and something should be done. Also, it shows how after times have changed, discrimination unfortunately, has not
    Reflection: This article is an outrage and very embarrassing for the police department. They should not have behave to that certain situation. There reaction to the protest was the se reaction in the 1940s; when African-Americans were protesting for their rights, but the police behavior towards the situation was uncalled for. This is to show that racial discrimination has not changed at all.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think this is article should be know to show the way how Ferguson is treated badly after the death of Michael Brown for no apparent reason.
    Connection - I chose this article because this connection to Trevon Martin and other African- Americans getting discriminated for any purpose. Till this day African-Americans doesn't receive justice.

  23. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: 1 dead in SpaceShipTwo test flight failure
    Article Date: 10/31/14
    Where: This event took place in California.
    When: This event took place on Friday October 31, 2024.
    What happened: During Virgin Galactic spaceship test one person was injured and another person died.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows that during scientific activities and or experiments people should be more cautious. People risk their lives during these sort of tests.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think that it is not necessarily anybody's fault for why these two people were killed & injured but I do think that they should take more time with preparing these sort of events & experiments

    1. This post is missing the source and reaction. Also, it is not long enough.
