Saturday, October 18, 2014

5th period, 10/20-10/24

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/24

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney leading the 2016 field
    Article Date: Published October 19, 2014.
    Who: Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Rand Paul, Gov. Chris Christie and Rep. Paul Ryan were all talked about in the article.
    Where: Polls were conducted by telephone.
    When: There will be potential nominations for 2016.
    What Happened: Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney are two candidates undecided but willing to run for president in 2016, because of their double percent of votes compared to other potential rivals. Two other democratic candidates running for president are Vice President Joe Biden with a 13 percent of votes and Sen. Elizabeth Warren with a 11 percent of votes. They are going to have a hard time since Hillary Clinton leads the 2016 Democratic field with 64 percent of votes so far. While on the Republican side, Romney is supported by 23 percent of Republicans and 20 percent of independent voters. Some voters want someone other than Romney, so that is why Gov. Jeb Bush falls behind Romney with 10 percent of votes. Then there is Gov. Mike Huckabee with 10 percent of votes too. Sen. Rand Paul with 9 percent of votes is next. Gov. Chris Christie with 8 percent of votes and Rep. Paul Ryan with 5 percent of votes are the last two also wanting to run.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because it is letting us know who wants to be the president in 2016, so we can be able to vote for the best candidate.
    Reaction: I was surprised to see that Gov. Jeb Bush wanted to run and anxious to know if he would do the same as George H.W. Bush did when he was in office, since they are related.
    Opinion: I think this political campaign will be hard to determine who should be president in 2016 because of all the percentages of votes to each candidate.
    Connection: I chose this article, because I saw Hillary Clinton’s name in bold stating that she is leading the 2016 field. It made me happy to see a women in a leading position, especially Hillary Clinton, because I feel as though she is the right person for the office.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Bill Clinton: Stop the Ebola blame game
    Article Date:October 20,2014
    Who:Bill Clinton
    When: Sunday, October 19,2014
    What happened: Bill Clinton was on a trail camping when he made a comment on that people need to stop playing the blame games, blaming where Ebola came from and work together to find a solution to this problem. Clinton was getting a bit upset because people that don't know a lot about Ebola is blaming other places that they are the cause of Ebola or just listening to the media and blaming people for the Ebola outbreak, he suggested instead of blaming people we should do what we do like we would do If it was an tornado strike,what he mean by that is we need to stop bot others and work together to and figure this Crist Out to gather, he also started that the 2 female nurses have received the Ebola virus from taking caring of the patient that had Ebola and that the hospital is a good healthy facility that wasn't ready to treat that disease just yet,he took up for the CDC by saying there was only one miscommunication was when they allowed one of the nurses to get on the plane after help taking care of the patient that was affected by the Ebola virus and that she later have gotten the disease from the first former patient that she was helping taking care of. Bill Clinton helps the CDC to help work stations in west Africa, and he said without the CDC it could be way worse then it is now.
    Why this event is relevant: because it have to do with the government and one of today's crisis going on in the world
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) glad that somebody finally said something about the fact that people keep accusing others for this disease.
    Opinion (I think..) this was a good article to give a little more light to the Ebola topic.
    Connection (why you chose this article) to today Ebola outbreak and how people blame others when they have very little knowledge of this frantic crisis.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The name of this article is Rwanda orders Ebola screening for visiting Americans.
    Article Date: This article was written on October 21st, 2014.
    Who: This article is about East Africans, Americans, and Spanish people.
    Where: This event takes place in Africa.
    When: This event happened currently.
    What happened: Africa decided that anyone visiting from America or Spain had to have a screen test for Ebola. This test was mandatory whether they were getting the symptoms of the virus or not. There are three cases in America of Ebola. Rwanda is now denying all visitors who are coming from the countries Liberia, Senegal and Guinea. Also, Rwanda is denying anyone with body temperatures over 99.5 Fahrenheit.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is a common virus talked about recently.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This is kind of a surprise because they’re rejecting people from entering the country but I also understand them trying to protect the people.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that they should continue to reject the people to continue protecting the people of their country.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it related to the country I lived in and also a common talked about country.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: My article’s title is, “ISIS forces launch multiple attacks on Kurdish territory in Iraq, officials say”.

    Article Date: This article took place on October 21, 2014 at 5:42PM.

    Who: This article mainly involves the members of ISIS, Northern Iraq, Barrack Obama, and Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It also involved minor places such as Syria, and smaller cities such as Kobani.

    When: This happened all throughout October of this year.

    What Happened: In this article, ISIS militia are attacking countries in the Middle East to gain territories. In the northern parts of Iraq, ISIS attacked. They sent about 15 surprise attacks to go against Iraqi fighters. Although their efforts were not successful, they managed to destroy a Peshmerga checkpoint along the security belt circling the dam. However, the dam did not break, there were guards left to die due to ISIS faced tons of deaths as well. Two villages in an area close to Sharaf ad-Din were seized by the forces of ISIS. To rebel their attacks more, the United States struck back with Turkish support. They did so by airstrikes, however, that only went so far. ISIS fought back, but their efforts proved meaningless. ISIS was forced to turn back, and retreat.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because ISIS will eventually aim its forces somewhere else. Their forces have already killed many, therefore, they will kill more.

    Reaction: I am confused because to me, it doesn’t make sense of why ISIS is so powerful.

    Opinion: I think the United States, Syria, and others need to hit ISIS at all of its bases. That will stall them for a long point of time.
    Connection: I can make the connection that ISIS’s war tactics are similar to air warfare. This is because ISIS and U.S.A are in deadly combat in the air, fighting with planes and its weapons.

  5. Source:

    Article Title: U.S. Government Watching Ottawa Developments, Not Increasing Threat Level

    Article Date: October 22, 2014

    Who: The people involved are President Obama and the prime minister of Canada.

    Where: This happened in Ottawa, Canada but effects the United States too.

    When: Today

    What happened: Today, outside the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, a shooting happened which left a soldier dead. Because of this, President Barack Obama has been keeping a close eye on Canada and what they do with this situation. President Obama says this situation doesn’t worry him and he is not increasing any agencies’ security because this isn’t a threat to the United States. Obama is helping Canada with this and is willing to give additional support to them if needed.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this can relate to the national security of our nation since Canada is bordering the US and our protection.

    Reaction: I feel as though Obama is right but also wrong. This problem can inspire other terrorist but the chances of that is low.

    Opinion: I think the US should be interested in this situation but we shouldn’t intervene or do something extra. This is a Canadian problem and should stay a Canadian problem.

    Connection: I chose this article because I thought the relationship between the governments of the US and Canada were bad but this proved me wrong. Its important that we have many allies and that means we should always have good relations with other countries especially those in North America.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Three Denver girls who skipped school in alleged attempt to join ISIS under investigation
    Article Date:Wed October 22, 2014
    Who:Three girls from Denver, ISIS and US
    Where: Germany and US
    When: Wed October 22, 2014
    What happened: Three teen girls, two sisters and one friend, skipped school today in Denver, Colorado today to take a flight to join ISIS. These girls told their parents that they were running late for school and when their parents left they took $2,000 in cash and flew to Germany. The girls’ ultimate plan was to go to Syria in which they can be recruited to serve under ISIS. These plans fell short however when German police stopped them and immediately sent them back to the US. When they got there they were sent to their families after the FBI interrogated them. The girls may not face severe charges because it is undetermined how much of a connection they have with ISIS. The FBI has taken the girls computer to investigate and pull up charges.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because this talks about ISIS who is a strong force in the headlines and how alluring they are.
    Reaction: I think this is crazy that people would actually want to join ISIS. I could see if you had ties with ISIS and were already involved but not from joining through their propaganda especially after hearing what obscenities they do.
    Opinion:America should use their power to make sure more cases like this doesn’t happen. I’m sure many other cases like this happened but the differences is that they were successful. The NSA spies on computers and other electronics so they should use this to shut down aspiring ISIS recruits.
    Connection: I chose this article because I thought it was crazy that three teenagers can make it to Germany undetected and also because there are girls who wants to join a global terrorist force like ISIS.

  7. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Social Security benefits will increase by 1.7% in 2015.
    Article Date:This article was published October 22, 2014.
    Who:This article included a senior citizen named Barbara Traynor.
    Where: This event is taking place all over the world.
    When:This event will take place in the near future.
    What happened: Social Security checks will be rising to 1.7% in the year 2015. A lot of people will start to see the increase in their checks starting January. Even the cost of living will be cheaper. A lot of seniors still struggle with utilities and grocery bills, and housing costs are raising the expenses make it hard for senior citizens to own their homes. Barbara Traynor Barsbara is a very good with budgeting her money on medical expenses.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because increase seniors checks.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I'm happy they're deciding to do this because senior citizens struggle with their little income problems.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that they should continue to increase checks because senior citizens need them.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it has to deal with the world and it would affect seniors I know.

  8. Source:
    Title: 3 girls sneaked off and tried to join ISIS
    Article Date: October 22, 2014
    By. Ben Brumfield
    Who: Three US girls are trying to go to Syria to support ISIS.
    When: This event happened Wednesday, October 22, 2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in Denver, Colorado.

    What happened : This morning. Assad Ibrahim was notify by his daughter school that she didn't report to her local school. When Ibrahim came in contact her she said she was on her way to join Syria's group. What he didn't know was that she actually meant it. She along with her two closest friends daughters of Ali Farah decided to go to Turkey by having a connected flight to Germany. Ibrahim and Farrah helped each other during this time. They realized that all three girls stole their passports and 2,000 dollars each. An F.B.I agent was hired and tracked the girls down at the US Airport in Frankfurt. They were sent back and thats when the interrogations started. The parents were flabbergasted that this could happened to their kids. But with how ISIS is proliferating around the world is not a shock. F.B.I are trying to prevent the spread of recruiters.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone and it's sad because they're minors.

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news and it happened on our soil.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS: We’ve Got the Weapons U.S. Meant to Kill Us With
    Article Date: Oct. 21, 2014 at 2:57 pm
    Who: ISIS and The United States
    Where: The article doesn’t say but probably outside the town of Kobani.
    When: Oct. 21, 2014, Tuesday
    What happened: What had happened was yesterday a U.S. aircraft dropped off ammunition and other supplies in Syria for the Kurdish forces fighting against ISIS/ISIL but the wind pushed one of the packages into ISIS territory. ISIS got the packages and filmed it as propaganda calling the packages “spoils of war”. The video shows an ISIS member opening the packages with explosive artillery. The packages had old grenades, probably made during the Cold War, rocket launcher ammo and more modern grenades. A Pentagon spokesman reports that these packages aren’t confirmed ammunition packages from U.S. forces but there is a high possibility they are even though they were supposedly destroyed by the aircraft that dropped it. The spokesman also said these packages won’t help ISIS as much so we shouldn’t worry
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the US Air Force and them messing up. This is also relevant because ISIS is a threat to the United States and we unintentionally gave them help.
    Opinion: I think the United States need to be more careful while doing procedures in war. The wind may have affected the outcome of where the packages landed but the pilot should’ve been over Kurdish territory more. These packages may not have a big impact with ISIS or the Kurds but the Kurds need as much support they can get because currently their towns are being invaded and taken by ISIS
    Connection: I thought that the United States messing up with a simple procedure was important for others to know so I chose this article.

  10. Source:
    Article title: Jeb Bush campaigns with Haley in South Carolina.
    Article date: The date is October 23, 2014.
    Who: Jeb Bush and Gov. Nikki Haley.
    Where: It's in South Carolina.
    When: It was October 23, 2014.
    What happened: Haley is running for governor in South Carolina. Gov. Jeb Bush helped Haley win the election back in 2010. Haley hasn't campaigned in South Carolina since 2009. She called Bush so they could decide on how to improve education. They want to make a transition team together.
    Relevant: This is relevant because it is happening today. Governors for different states throughout the U.S.A are having campaigns. They want to persuade people to vote for them. Many governors are helping each other. This shows that even if they are not from the same state everyone can support one another.
    Reaction: I really didn't have a reaction to this article. This didn't surprise me. I'm use to hearing about people running for governor. I'm starting to see more commercials on tv with campaigns. I really don't pay them any attention honestly.
    Opinion: I have a good opinion on this article. I like that they want to improve education. That is a good cause. I want to see how they will do that. I think the results would be good.
    Connection: I made a connection to the article. Education is important to me. Without it I wouldn't be able to express myself. Education is the key to success. I want to be successful in life.

  11. Source-
    Article Title- the name Of this article is without Lucrative marcet potential Ebola vaccine was shelved for years.
    Article date this article took place on October 23rd 2014.
    Who?-Doctor James E.Crowe.
    Where?-this article took place in the untied States; Texas.
    When?-west Africa 2010/2011
    What happened?-what happened is researchers found a vaccine for protecting monkeys and try to use it on humans that was never accomplished the vaccines never happened 5000 people die from Ebola in West Africa
    Why is this relevant?- this article is relevant because it explains what is going on in different and it explains the effects of Ebola and what needs to happen.
    Reaction-my reaction to this article is Wow something needs to be done in order for our country To succeed in fighting Ebola and finding a cure.
    Opinion-my opinion is that President Obama may feel some type of way they all these people from different countries such as Africa are coming to the United States trying to find a cure for Ebola and its not succeeding close to death have been reported from Ebola.
    Connection-the connection I have made with this Article is that on the news it talks about how President Obama needs to help out with finding cures for Ebola patients that is coming to United States for help also President Obama is not letting others into the United States until we have a cure but that does not help because people constantly come into the United States like nurses from West Africa places like Liberia , not knowing and trying to come here to help but passing on ebola because they don't know that they have it also on the news they said vaccines cause lots of money and to help raise money they will start raising prices store items to help pay for vaccines for Ebola patients.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: “Ex-counterterror chief: U.S. lost track of terrorists after Snowden” is the title.
    Article Date: My article happened on Wednesday October 22, 2014.
    Who: This event focuses on The United States of America, Edward Snowden a former NSA Contractor, terrorists, and Matt Olsen a Former leader of the National Counterrorism Center.
    Where: This event happened in the United States, Iraq, and Syria.
    When: It occurred in mid October.
    What happened: The United States government gained communication with underground terrorists by hacking into their communication server.It did not take long for the United States to loose this newly found communication because former NSA Contractor, Edward Snowden thought it was wrong and too risky to keep surveilance on them.In response, he exposed the truth to the world. This caused terrorists to clear their tracks and change their ways. It soon became impossible to monitor them because they changed their passwords, encryption codes, and locations. Afterwards, terrorist groups attacked Syria, Russia, and Iraq. They took over, and became well known. An example of this is ISIS. Because of Snowden’s confessions, more and more groups became out of the United States’ reach.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it tells why and how terrorists got under the government’s radar, and why they managed to last for so long.
    Reaction: Reading this, I became angry as of why Snowden would compromise the well being of Nation by exposing us to terrorists.
    Opinion: I believe that the United States government should help fight back in this war to end ISIS. They should be the one to hit hardest and hit ISIS right in the base because if it were not for Snowden an American citizen, terrorists would still be controlled and watched over.
    Connection: A connection to make would be terrorists forming their own groups because they need support, just as many citizens do everywhere when needing support.

  13. Source:

    Article Title: Terror connection not ruled out in axe attack, police say.

    Article Date: October 24, 2014 is when this article was published.

    Who: New York City police officers are involved.

    Where: This event takes place in the Queens area of New York City.

    When: This happened on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014.

    What Happened: The New York police department shot and killed a man after he attacked officers with a hatchet in Queens. The police say that evidence shows the man targeting four police officers. Minutes before, the man pulled the hatchet out of his backpack and began to swing at the officers. Police believe that this man may have been a terrorist, since they have taken a look at his Facebook posts. The man was promoting a revolution in these posts and also wanted to use war tactics in this revolution. He also was planning and telling others how one could carry out this revolution. During the attack, the man swung the hatchet at a police officer, who blocked it with his arm, but hit another in the back of his head who then fell. He tried to hit the other two officers but they began to shot at him and ended up killing him.

    Why This Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because it could have happened anywhere, and if this man is a terrorist, he could have a whole bunch of people backing him, which the country does not want.

    Reaction: This man is crazy for trying to injure police officers. He shouldn't have been killed though, he should have been shot to stop him, but arrested and trialed so we can see what the judge has to say.

    Opinion: I think that this man was just trying to gain media attention. If there weren't any social media for him to post on, he wouldn't have to talk about a revolution somewhere the whole world can see, and I guess he felt as though since he has mouth he has to have something to back it up and that's why he attacked the officers.

    Connection: I connected this to Civics because the man wanted to plan a Revolution, which we are learning about in class.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:U.S. drug war in Afghanistan is failing
    Article Date: October 22nd, 2014
    Who: United States and Afganistan
    Where: Afganistan
    When:October 22nd, 2014
    What happened: The drug war in Afganistan is failing miserably by The United States. Oppium puppies are being grown by Afgan farmers. Last year, they used 209,000 hectares. The United States spent almost 7.6 billion to stop this production. The government is saying that they have alot of illegal opium. We gave alot of money for Afganistan. Temperoray drops in production have gone down. In 2008 was not really there. But it began to boom in 2012 and 2013. Which is a problem.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it has to do with the government and the United States dealing with a foreign country.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is that Im shocked. Funding that much money for Afganistan and for an anti drug use policy seems very shocking.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the fact that opium production didnt exist in Afganistan at one point but then that it started to boom is interesting.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it seemed interesting to educate myself on the United States and drug use and how it should be prevented.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Clinics to Stay Open
    Article Date: October 14, 2014
    Who: The Supreme Court
    When: Tuesday
    What happened: they allowed Texas abortion clinics to open up again. Usually the women would have to travel far to get sbortiond but not anymore.the regulations were expensive.
    Why this event is relevant: it's relevant because it abortion is important when growing up and being sexually active.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):I think it's wrong that they did that by banding abortion.
    Opinion (I think..):I think this is really important to know about.
    Connection (why you chose this article):I chose this article because it Makes be think about what if it was always banned everywhere and anywhere.

    1. Your post needs to be at least 10 complete sentences long to earn credit. Next time, expand the "what happened" section to be at least 5-6 sentences.

  16. Source: My Source is

    Article Title:The arIticle title is Putin Accuses U.S., West of 'Unilateral Diktat' over Ukraine. Article Date:The article date is October 24,2014.

    Who:This article deals With The President of Russia and The US Government.

    Where:This took place in the mountains above the Black Sea.

    When:This happened last Friday.

    What Happened: The Russian President accused the US government of many wrong doings. He stated that the US is trying to take over the world.

    Why This Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because this could start another cold war. Even more extreme than that it could start a real war. Both countries are powerful and have many allies which could start a world war.

    Reaction: I felt suprised like why is this man saying these things about our country? How does he know what this country plans to do?

    Opinion: I think Obama will try to make peace with this man because a war with Russia is the last thing our country needs. I also think the US shouldn't spread rumors about Russia if they really are not true.

    Connection: My Connection was formely learning about the Cold War so i chose this article.

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of the article is NYC Tries to Ease Ebola Fear After Doctor Infected.
    Article Date: This article was last updated on Friday, October 24, 2014.
    Who: Mayor Bill de Blasio, Dr. Craig Spencer and Gov. Andrew Cuomo are all involved in this article.
    Where: This is taking place in New York.
    When: This event has been taking place, since Dr. Craig Spencer has returned from Guinea.
    What happened: Dr. Craig Spencer has recently returned to New York from Guinea where the Ebola virus is prevalent. Since the return, Dr. Spencer has been displaying Ebola like symptoms. The doctor has used the subway, a taxi cab and went to a bowling alley since his return. Due to his usage of the subway, New York residents are in fear of using the subway. Many believe that they will contract the virus by using the subway. Health officials are emphasizing that using such things will not lead to the contraction of Ebola. The only way one can contact Ebola is through the exchange of bodily fluids. Dr. Spencer has not been in contact with any patients since his return and does not pose as a threat. Ultimately, it can be concluded that health officials are reassuring New Yorkers that they are not in danger.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because the Ebola virus has made it to New York, which happens to be the most popular city with more than eight million people. In addition, this has caused many concerns of the people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Personally I feel like Dr. Spencer lending a helping hand in Guinea was a good thing, however, now he is potentially risking the lives of many Americans.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the government could be doing more to prevent the spread of Ebola. Especially considering the fact that the Ebola virus has made it to such a large city.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because I feel like it's just a matter of time, before Ebola makes it to Pennsylvania. In addition, I feel as though there needs to be more awareness raised as far as Ebola.

  18. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of the article is “Senator Coburn highlights ridiculous government spending in final Wastebook”
    Article Date: This article was published on October 24, 2014.
    Who: Senator Coburn was the person included in this article.
    Where: The event in this article took place in Washington.
    When: This events occurred in August.
    What happened: Senator Tom Coburn reported the ridiculous spending choices that have been happening. Recently, money has been going to use for a human-size foosball field to a Belize embassy. Sen. Coburn stated that the only reason that all of this money has been going to unimportant use is because many people are using money that does not belong to them. It was also discovered that many people have been let go from their jobs due to the misconduct of money. $19 million in have been taken from people. This was because of the government’s acts of willing using large amounts of money for any type of use.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it discussed how many people are having to pay large amounts of taxes because of the government.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this event is important. More people should know what is really happening with the money they are working hard to gain.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that more people should make sure they really know what their money is going toward.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it has to do with many people in the society. It also talks about taxes.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Man stopped after scaling White House fence
    Article Date:October 23, 2014
    Who: Dominic Adesanya
    Where: At the White House
    When: October 22, 2014
    What happened: On Tuesday a man hopped over gates around the White House. He was taken down quickly though unlike the man before him them. The man was fighting with dogs that were apart of the security but he was taken down and arrested.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because he could’ve been a threat to politicans in the White House
    Reaction: I think the White House has improved since the last jumper
    Opinion: I think that the White House security are now improved since the last hopper
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to know how well the security at the White House are doing since the last attempt

  20. ​Source: The source is Title:The article title is Obama: Health Workers Must Be Treated 'Properly' When Returning From West Africa.Article Date:The article date is October 29, 2014.Who:This article has to do with President Barrack Obama.Where:This event happened in the United States.When:This happened on October 28, 2014.What happened:President Obama stated that health workers must be treated properly when they come back from West Africa.Why this event is relevant:This lets us know Obama cares about his citizens. Also that Obama is for funding a cure for Ebola.Reaction I am happy Obama wants health workers treated properly. That just shows that the president cares.Opinion I think this is the right command because it is only right they are treated properly. They are on the front line when it comes to this disease.Connection My connection is everyone is talking about this disease but Obama is trying to help the people trying to find the cure.
