Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week of 10/13-107, All classes, EXTRA CREDIT blog

Extra Credit blog post: This is not required this week, but can be completed to replace a homework grade. 
Due by 3:30 pm on 10/17

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:treatment in U.S is rare chance to study Ebola
    Article Date:August 17 2014
    Who:Nancy writebol
    When: August 17
    What happened:she is one of the two people who came a long way since she got Ebola that's a serious virus that wiped out a whole village doctors want to try and stop the death rates it originally broke out in Liberia in a hospital she volunteered at she didn't know she contacted the disease they assume that they caught it from a co worker who died and was positive of having Ebola
    Why this event is relevant: this matters because this disease is killing people and theirs not cure for it and people don't even know that they have it which is said
    Reaction :I'm mad that this is killing people and I wonder would it spread to Philadelphia an I have a fear that we all might get it because what are the symptoms
    Opinion (I think..)someone needs to find a cure to Ebola more research needs to be done no more trying these specialist need to do there job and find a cure now before someone else dies
    Connection (why you chose this article)because I was watching the news and heard about Ebola and I didn't know what it was and when I found out what it was I wanted to do some research on it

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Obama on ISIS: 'Expect Long-Term Campaign'
    Article Date: October 14, 2014 (UPDATED)
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Joint Base Andrews, outside of Washington D.C.
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: Obama attended a meeting, involving U.S. military leaders, some Iraqi Military leaders, and Syrian opposition members to discuss that the "ISIS Campaign" is in fact a long-term thing. Most people thought that Obama would appear to take affirmative action with this situation and then let it "go by". However, he has now proved with all the planned airstrikes and meetings that he is completely serious.
    Why this event is relevant: Because this lets everyone know that President Obama has not shrugged this topic off and that he's willing to do whatever it takes to put an end to ISIS's "reign".
    Reaction: I'm pleased by President Obama's move because personally I have not heard any news about ISIS for the past few weeks and I thought maybe it was a topic shrugged off. However with this article, I now realize that Obama and the U.S. military have not given up their efforts.
    Opinion: I applaud Obama for what he's continuing to do. He has met with military leaders of countries surrounding Syria and has informed them of his plan of to keep this ISIS campaign a long term goal.
    Connection: I chose this article because like I said before, I thought the ISIS elimination topic had settled down because I have not heard about it in awhile. However after reading this article I am pleased to know it has not settled down but rather is ongoing.

  3. Source-
    Article title-News disasters.
    Article date-October 8th 2014
    Who?Eric Ducan
    Where?-this article took place in the united States.
    When?-this article took place October 8th but other events took place during that week as well like on October 12th Thomas Duncan treatment begin.
    What?-a man name Thomas Duncan cane to the united States specifically Texas from west Africa specifically Liberia because he found that he was diagnosed with Ebola.
    Why?- Thomas Duncan came to the united states came to the united State because he wanted to find a cure for Ebola.
    Reaction-my reaction to this article was wow, I personally think he brought Ebola to the united states which means it can spread quickly and more people will get it and its scary and hard to cure.
    Opinion-my opinion is that more people will start getting it and the more people who get it the more it will spread and be effective. Also its hard to go out and be surrounded by people because you never know what they have. They could have Ebola and you'll never know. Also I found it strange how the guy on the news mother and brother died from Ebola they were African Americans but the haspanics had cures and survived.
    Connection- the connection I made to this article is my other article that I read was similar to thus article because it talked about how Ebola got here and it also talked about cures and what could be done. Cures may not always work especially on everyone and its sometimes heart breaking when the doctor knows that the patient is dying because they couldn't find the proper cure or it just didn't work.. Like cancer cells attacking each other sometimes chemotherapy isn't enough to help sometimes you have to find other outside the countries to find a cure. So hopefully its a cure like somewhere for Ebola because it would be very disappointing for someone to have this illness and not have a cure that will work.

    1. Kiyah- the website you chose is not a news organization. Please select a different article from a different website. See my list of suggested websites.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ebola Outbreak: Liberia Needs 79,940 More Body Bags
    Article Date:October 15 2014
    Who: Liberian patients
    Where: Liberia
    When: the present
    What happened: Ebola is speeding widely in Liberia. The virus has taking a deadly toll on the country, thousands have died from this virus. It came to the point where Liberia needed to get 80,000 more body bags for the victims that died from Ebola. As of October 10 2014 2,425 Liberians have died and this is including 95 health care workers. Some soldiers have been deployed to Liberia to tackle this virus. The U.S. Will also send 5,000 more body bags to Liberia.
    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because many of innocent people are dying because of this deadly virus. Also people are trying their best to stay away from this virus but it's hard because it's so easy to get. Also it's relevant because it's now inside of the U.S. And this is a scary thing.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I'm nervous about this virus because of its already over here its chances that's it'll stay here and won't go away. Also because of all the people that's getting it in Liberia it's sad because they don't have the advance medical treatment that's we have and and that's not fair to them.
    Opinion (I think..) that the medical people find a cure for this sooner than later. I think that the problem will hopefully resolve its self.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because when I first heard of Ebola I made a connection to the movie contagion. And how one little thing was passed in and passed on and killed so many people and that's what happening with Ebola.

  5. Source:

    Article Title:Wider Ebola outbreak in Africa would threaten U.S. health: CDC

    Article Date:October 16, 2014

    Who:President Obama and Dr. Thomas Frieden



    What happened:Dr. Frieden believes that the ebola break will become a threat to the united states health system , it was stated the 4500 people have already been killed from this virus in liberia, sierra leone, and guiena. bipartisan calls for an meeting to here the U.S goverments response to this. the american public is losing confidence each day because of the virus and its effects. 4,493 people in west africa have been infected and died from this virus. this disease is not airbourne its exchange through body fluids. CDC directore states that protocols need to be revised.

    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because this virus is very extreme and needs to be taken seriously because it can cause death.

    Reaction: my reactions to this is upset because this has been a threat to our country a major one and the fact that its killing a lot of people and you dont know if you’ll ever get it or not

    Opinion: I think the goverment should be more aware and take more caution because the virus have entered our country.

    Connection: i chose this article because it was interesting and i like to know about the health issues going around the wrong.

  6. Source:
    Article Title:Nurse with Ebola being moved to Maryland
    Article Date: October 16, 2014
    Who: A nurse with Ebola
    Where: Texas and Maryland
    When: October 16, 2014
    What happened: A nurse in Texas got Ebola and they are planning to send her to Maryland to cure the virus. Also, how others contracted Ebola from Thomas Eric Duncan.
    Why this event is relevant: Ebola is getting closer to philadelphia.
    Reaction: It's sad that the nurse received Ebola.
    Opinion: I think that since the nurse is in Maryland it could come to philadelphia sooner then we think because of the flights.
    Connection: I picked this article because I'm interested where Ebola is and how bad it's getting and seeing if it's going to get closer to philadelphia.

  7. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ebola sparks fear in Ohio, Texas; nurse to be transferred; health officials grilled.
    Article Date: This article was published Thu October 16, 2014.
    Who: This article involved Nina Pham, Thomas Eric Duncan, Health Officials.
    Where: This event took place in Texas and Maryland.
    When:This event is taken place now in the world year 2014.
    What happened: A Texas nurse named Nina Pham, is being sent to Maryland hospital because she has symptoms of the deadly virus Ebola. Maryland specializes in deadly viruses, ont to mention another person in Conneticut showing signs and symptoms of the virus. Nina Pham will be getting special Ebola treatment in Maryland. There have been a lot of people that have been exposed to this deadly virus, such as Northeast Ohio, and a student from Yale University. The nurses Vinson and Pham treated Thomas Eric Duncan when he had the virus, and October 8th he died and gave it to them. People that have symptoms and are exposed to this deadly disease shouldn't be in contact with people that don't.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this virus has spread to the U.S.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) When I heard about this deadly virus I was really concerned and scared about what will happpen.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the U.S should think of the best ways to get rid of this disease.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it is the most relevant topic in the world today.

  8. Source-
    Title- Scots decide whether to declare independence.
    Date- September 18, 2014 was the date.
    Who- Scotland's government is who it's about.
    Where- Scotland is where it is at.
    When- September 18, 2014 was when it happened.
    What happened- Scotland wants to become a independent state. Many Scots wanted to stray away from the union in England. Voters went out to vote when it started at 7:00 am. The outcome will be announced on Friday September 19, 2014. Scottish independence is important to the Scottish citizens.
    Relevance- This event is relevant because it is currently happening today. It shows how serious countries take independence. Being independent shows you can do things on your own. The United States is one of those countries. England controls Scotland so they are trying to break away from that.
    Reaction- My reaction is that this isn't surprising. You would think Scotland would've tried this years ago. It makes perfect sense. They want their own laws. They want their government to control how they live.
    Opinion- In my opinion this is a good idea. It shows that countries still care about things like that. Independence can take you a long. Makes you feel like you can do things on your own. This shows good leadership.
    Connection- I chose this article because it stood out to me. There were many other articles but I can relate to this one. I like to not depend on people for a lot of reasons. One is that I don't want to feel like I owe somebody something. Also I don't want people saying they are the reason for my success.

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of the article is SRC cancels teachers' contract
    Article Date: This article was published on October 6, 2014
    Who: The author of the article is Kristen Graham and Martha Woodall
    Where:This action was taken place in Philadelphia school reform commission
    When: This happened on a early morning SRC meeting
    What happened: What happened is the SRC will close funding and finally start to hire more teachers and nurses and consulers.They were trying to destroy the school community, no one really agreed , after all the teachers have done so much for our children. The benefit change will have a big impact on retirement. The district will continue to pay for the funds. It's been hard because when school have started they didn't know if they had enough money or not.SRC has imposed some work rules.unions have offered millions the district has declined to take it.schools were doing bad financially. They couldn't help it this year.
    Why this event is relevant: a This is relevant because my aunt is a teacher and they talk about cutting teachers, nurses ect.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):I feel that it is fair that they go by there salary depending on how they charge them so ur will be fair
    Opinion (I think..):I think this is something all teachers and any admit involving in school teaching or helping should read this article.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it caught my attention, because of "teachers" and I want to know more on their background salaries.

    1. This article was shocking to me. It's an interesting topic we will surely hear more about.

  10. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:W.H.O. To focus on containing ebola in africa

    Article Date:October 16,2014

    Who:The World Health Organization

    Where:West Africa

    When:October 16,2014

    What happened: The World Health Organization is planning to ramp up products to prevent the ebola virus from spreading outside the three west african countries where it is now concentrated. Organization's director Ms.Nuttall said,''Their data shows that the virus is spreading highly every four weeks,'' The number of people killed by the disease will pass 4,500 this week. And the number of people infected with it will rise to over 9,000 this week. The World health organization is focusing on the three worst-hit countries to try to keep the epidemic from spreading. They will dispatch teams of experts to two of them in the next few days to run simulation exercises testing their readiness for dealing with any case of infection. The team also test the neighbors' readiness to set up rapid response teams that can deploy quickly to identify any reported infection, take samples and trace people who had contact with any suspected infection. And advice on prevention and control engage with local communities to raise public awareness of what to do if they encounter people with the infection.

    Why this event is relevant:this event is relevant because it's helping a disease from another country to stop spreading so the disease can be treated where it is discovered and abolished

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)my reactions were surprised because this is a good concept to stop a disease that killing a lot of people

    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a good plan to help stop the virus from spreading because that's how our country is being affected because it's spreading and a organization came up with a plan to stop the spreading Protecting are country.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it's saving a lot of lives in are country and in other countries by coming up with a concept to stop the disease from expanding. this plan can easily bring the disease to a end because it can't really spread nomore and when the disease is located it can be treated in the areas easily step by step killing off the disease

  11. Source: This article was found at

    Article Title: This article is titled “For electronics consumers, it’s out with the old, in with the not-so-old”

    Article Date: This article was published on February 3, 2014.

    Who: Best Buy Co. Inc.,, Jeff Shelman, Louis Ramirez, and Anthony Scarsella are people and companies that are important in this article.

    Where: This event took place in Minneapolis.

    When: This occurred on January 17, 2014

    What happened: While reading this article it was discovered that people are selling there electronics. People are selling or returning their electronics from at least a year ago. While this is happening consumers are buying these items. Since people have learned that they are getting more cash or credit when they return the electronics, more people are doing so. Anthony Scarsella from said that gotten offers of at least $600 for iPhone 5s and iPhone 5Cs. Since then people have been starting more businesses for consumers. The thing that makes the process of re-selling your old electronics is that the consumers are able to get a warranty of the product. This has been a huge spread of consumption across America. Many people wanted to know it the item was going to actually work after the bought it. This process helps everybody to get what they want.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has been happening for many years and is still continuing today.

    Reaction: Although this may be a good way for people to get what they want, some people create scam websites that are also robbing consumers of their money.
    Opinion: I think this is a good idea. It is smart to get money for things that you are not using anymore but could come in handy for another person.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I thought people were making good decisions by selling their old items.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:U.S. health officials grilled on Ebola at congressional hearing
    Article Date: 10/16/2014
    Who: CDC and Hill Member
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: today
    What happened: They had a congressional meeting to ask the CDC about the Ebola disease, they are more concerned now after a second nurse in Texas has been infected. Some repulibcs are looking for ways to help prevent the disease from spreading in the country and are suggesting to ban flights from over seas. Officials are saying that the banning of flights could make the situation even worst.
    Why this event is relevant: Because it's about the recent Ebola outbreak from West Africa.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I never knew that the congress can be involved in this way, so I was surprised and of course curious.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the banning of flights is a hard debate and will be even harder to come to conclusion to the situation now including the government.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I've been interested in the topic and recently I've been up to date with news about the disease.


  13. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is called, "The White House takes So Everything approach to respond to public health crisis."
    Article Date: The date of this article is October 16th, 2014
    Who: The people who are involved in this article are the President of the United States and workers in the White House.
    Where: This article has taken place in the United States of America.
    When: This happened on October 16th, 2014.
    What happened: What happened was that ever since the Ebola scare has hit the US, many Americans are very afraid and worried that an outbreak may occur. This information has hit the white house and President Obama is here to try and clear things up and calm the worried Americans down. President Obama is trying so hard to calm his fellow Americans down that he dropped some of his fundraisers to focus more on the problem of the dealt disease, Ebola.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Ebola had killed many people outside is this country and a few cases have been reported to be here in the US.
    Reactions: My reactions to this article is that I am very proud that Obama has done this to show that he cares just add much as we do about the crisis.
    Opinion: My opinion on Ebola is that people are overreacting when it comes to the situation because there hasn't been more than 5 outbreaks of the virus and outsole are going crazy. I just feel like it's waisted energy and they're doing it for no reason.
    Connection: The reason I chose this article because Ebola is all over the news and I havent heard about what the president had been doing about it.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: White House 'intruder' Omar Gonzalez faces new charges
    Article Date: This article was written on October 16, 2014
    Who: An Iraq war veteran named Omar Gonzalez
    Where: I believe that this took place in some form of federal court.(Doesn’t say)
    When: This event took place October 16, 2014
    What happened: After climbing the fence and running into the white house with a weapon, the iraq veteran was charged with crimes, but was pleaded not guilty, following this, more charges were filed against him. Those charges include two federal counts of assaulting, resisting, or hindering certain officers and employees, and one count of unlawful possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows that some people will do anything, any type of way to hurt Government officials.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)The Iraq veteran was either crazy or just very bold.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that there is a conspiracy behind why he did what he did.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I picked this article because it reminds me of how terrorists have attacked the U.S

  15. 1. This Article is about how a man named Sabein C. Burgess was convicted of a crime, but after all the trials he was let free. After spending 19 years in prison without punishment.
    2. This happened in Baltimore City Circuit Court
    3. It started on Oct. 1994
    4. Burgess was convicted of first degree murder, after allegedly killing his girlfriend in the basement of their house. Evidence was found that Burgess had gunpowder on his hands and residue from the gun. Neighbors heard shots so police were call. when pull into handcuffs he was read his rights. Then trials were set ,but there was a snowstorm. So it was delayed. After delaying trials and new evidence coming up like confessions. It was 19 years when he received his trial. So the judge decided to let him go.
    5. I think that his rights was violated. There should be no reason for someone to wait 19 years before being trial. Then to find out that he was innocent the whole time. The evidence should have been pull on the table unless there was an adequate counsel somewhere.
    6. In Civics we learned that you have the right to a speedy trial, but he didn't get a trial at all until 19 years later. Which is another right violated.
    7. Duncan, Ian. “Man Cleared From Munder After 19 years In Prison.” The Baltimore Sun. 15 October 2014

  16. Source: (
    Article Title: U.S. Ebola Response Is Slammed by Lawmakers

    Article Date: Updated Oct. 16, 2014 10:47 p.m. ET
    Who: Barack Obama, Fred Upton

    Where: This news takes place in Dallas, Texas

    When: On Thursday a call for National Guard troops and reservist has been sent out due to our President Barack Obama and the recent problems caused by the new and spreading virus in Africa known as Ebola.

    What happened: In Dallas, Texas at one of the hospitals it was said that two nurses have attracted the virus due to a mishap of some sort when they treated a Liberian man who was a patient. Discussions on what happed have been taking place as many government officials retrace steps that may have lead from infected nurses as she was checked for the Ebola viruses after boarding. Leading back to the planes Obama discusses that if the evaluators of the Ebola situation say the problem is out of hand then a ban on air flights to and from Africa are to be put in order. Even though reports have come in and shown that the virus is in the U.S. bans still have not been called for. Also having spoken to the doctors of the hospital in Dallas, the doctors admitted to there being a mishap in treating the patient causing the transfer of the virus. It was thought to be through misplacement of clothes, but since then strict upkeep of all nurse personnel has been put into place making all protective gear ready on the spot.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is the most new and upcoming news and seems to be starting to affect many people. Multiples of people can run into this problem and the word needs to be spread on what to avoid.

    Reaction (I feel as though many jobs that could have been done to the upmost extent have not been done to the upmost extent, because if that was the case then reports about the virus being in our country and spreading would not be going around.)

    Opinion ( I think that most officials and others have gotten a late start and now the consequences are showing up and causing problems that cannot be solved until a considerable amount of time has been used to study and decode how to stop this virus.

    Connection ( I can understand that the reports may be a bit dramatic, but sometimes the dramatic reports hit the right type of build up the problem is worth.)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: U.S hid chemical weapons finds in Iraq
    Article Date: This happened October 15,2014
    Who: The U.S Gov and Iraq was involved.
    Where: This took place in Iraq.
    When: This Happened Tuesday, October 14, 2014.
    What Happened: The U.S government keep secret info about a chemical weapon that was found in Iraq. The American found about 5,00 warheads. The Iraqi soldiers were found on several occasion's burned by chemical weapons.
    Why: This is important because U.S government is suppose to tell America about these weapons so they won't get hurt.
    Reaction: This needs to get fixed.
    Connection: I think this is similar to the atomic bomb back during the Vietnamese War. Where we were bombed at Pearl Harbor and thousands of American were killed because of this secret bomb that was created by Vietnam.

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Report: United States kept secret its chemical weapons finds in Iraq
    Article Date: Wed October 15, 2014
    Who: United States and Iraq
    Where: Iraq
    When: 2003
    What happened: Iraq is saying the United states have secretly bombed them back in 2003 and told 17 people not tell. They are currently saying that they were reportedly given inadequate care and told not to talk about what happened. Iraq says they secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs. Iraq think the united states have secretly gone to war. They say all 17 people were left with mustard burns. They also claimed that 20 were wounded by chemical agents.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if Iraq actually really do believe that we bombed they will most likely try to get us back in some way of form from something that's from 10 years ago.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): While reading this i was upset because Iraq is seriously saying we bombed them and they have prove of it but is just now saying something almost 10 years later.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Iraq needs to stop lying because they will cause unnecessary problems in the world today.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article simply because our country is being blamed for something we did not do.

  20. Source:Daily News EXTRA article
    Article Title: Fictional vs. reality in court
    Article Date: June 23, 2011
    Who: Judge, district attorneys'
    Where: Philadelphia
    When: June 23, 2011
    What happenede: This is article is about two lawyers, that compares the trial about the crime of the cabdriver to the fiction criminal television shows and how they best fit for the trial in this situation.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because one day I would have to be a jury to do my job as a citizen. When the people who were evicted of crime, I would know what too look for if they are lying or telling the truth.
    Reaction- This comparison of the trial about the cabdriver with a trial television show makes me want be apart of a trial or a crime scene just have a say in something that could probably change the whole trial around.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think this was suspicious that they could not have find the man who actually killed the cab driver instead of just asking the Alexander, the man who was involved, where he is.
    Connection- I chose this article because it seemed interesting about the differences in reality court and fantasy.

    1. Unable to find article from source provided. Please provide the full web address so that your article can be found.
