Sunday, September 28, 2014

5th period, Week of 9/29-10/3

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/3

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:ISIS fighter says U.S. airstrikes aren't effective
    Article Date:Mon September 29, 2014
    Who: ISIS and US
    Where:Gaziantep, Turkey
    When: Mon September 29, 2014
    What happened: A Syrian fighter had a interview with a CNN person saying said the militant group has been preparing for such attacks. Abu said he been waiting for a long time . He know his bases was known so they had backup locations. He bothered the US led coalition that has been whip by ISIS targets in Syria, still having attacks on oil refrineries and cars. Have revenues other than oil. They have other avenues, and they finances are not going to stop just because of oil losses. They have more then what people think. ISIS fighters took over Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city. If they are pushed back in Iraq, they advance in northern Syria. Obama said the U.S. government miscarried what had been taking place in Syria.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it;s telling us about what is happening between us and ISIS.
    Reaction: I don't really have a reaction.
    Opinion: I think ISIS just need to leave the US alone.
    Connection: I chose this article because it popped up on CNN website first then I read it.

    1. Jasmine, you need the complete web address in order to receive credit. You have until Friday at 3:30pm to correct your work.

    2. Source:
      Article Title:ISIS fighter says U.S. airstrikes aren't effective
      Article Date:Mon September 29, 2014
      Who: ISIS and US
      Where:Gaziantep, Turkey
      When: Mon September 29, 2014
      What happened: A Syrian fighter had a interview with a CNN person saying said the militant group has been preparing for such attacks. Abu said he been waiting for a long time . He know his bases was known so they had backup locations. He bothered the US led coalition that has been whip by ISIS targets in Syria, still having attacks on oil refrineries and cars. Have revenues other than oil. They have other avenues, and they finances are not going to stop just because of oil losses. They have more then what people think. ISIS fighters took over Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city. If they are pushed back in Iraq, they advance in northern Syria. Obama said the U.S. government miscarried what had been taking place in Syria.
      Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it;s telling us about what is happening between us and ISIS.
      Reaction: I don't really have a reaction.
      Opinion: I think ISIS just need to leave the US alone.
      Connection: I chose this article because it popped up on CNN website first then I read it.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Obama announces 'My Brother's Keeper' expansion in light of Ferguson unrest
    Article Date: Sun September 28, 2014
    Where:Ferguson Missouri
    What happened:in the month of february Obama have started a community support among the african american boys , the name of this program is called “My brothers keeper”after 6 months ago when the program first started he couldn't believe how people broke out into a debate due to the related race issues, this program was in the honor of the young unarmed boy that went by the name Michael Brown who was shot by a white officer in Ferguson Missouri, in middle of august Obama feels that the county is finally realizing the conflict between African Americans and some law enforcement in many different community throughout the entire country.The community was divided in ferguson after the young Michael Brown was shot and killed, Obama also says that too many young African American men/boys fell tho they are being target by law enforcement now a days because they are walking while being black any thing that have to do with the stereotypes of their skin color.Obama made this speech during his 4 days of annual legislative confession where he announced his program to try and limit the violence towards the african american men of today.
    Why this event is relevant: because this have to do with a event that is occurring today
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) proud that the president is trying to help limiting this type of stuff among the african american race
    Opinion (I think..) I think nobody should really have to worry about how its directed to the African American race because its only really occurring among the african american.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can make a connection to when me my mom and my boyfriend was waiting for the bus and cop car stop at a light and the officers looked at us as if we was doing something suspected until the light turned green and they pulled off.

  3. Source: The Washington Post

    Title: After a beheading in Oklahoma, debate over what to call it

    Article Date: September 29, 2014

    By. Mark Berman

    Who: ISIS recruiter Alton Nolen beheading is debated to be a murder or a terrorist.

    When: This event happened Monday, September 22, 2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in Oklahoma.

    What happened :Last Thursday Muslim follower Alton Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods. Speculators however have not determined why he was terminated. Because of the firing Nolen went to another part of the building attacking two co-workers Colleen Hufford and Traci Johnson. Injuring Traci but unfortunately beheading Colleen. CO of Vaughns Foods and honorary deputy of Oklahoma Sheriff's Department then opened fired on Nolen sending him to the hospital which he is now in stable condition. With all the commotion however no charges has been filed on Nolen. Because of national attention there has been two sides of this those who says this is workplace violence and others who says he’s working for ISIS. But FBI says that theres no liking to ISIS practices.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone,

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news.

    1. Iyannah, you need to include the full web address so I can find your article. You have until 3:30 Friday to fix this.

  4. Source-

    Article Title- Ebola fact sheet.
    Article Date This article took place May 2014.
    Who- this article involved people from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and sierra Leone.
    Where- this started in west Africa.
    When-september 30th
    What? Ebola is a virus disease, which is deadly.
    Why? This is happening because of careless decisions being made, like touching trash and not washing your hands after the fact.
    Reaction- my reaction to this was eww because not thinking before you do something, like picking up something from the ground to put it in the trash and not washing your hands afterward then later on you'll great that person, passing on germs and then they'll go eat a sand which thinking their hands are clean when they're not, then they'll touch somebody book or something, passing on germs which causes people to get sick etc. Another reaction I had was OMG!! Ebola is back, that's crazy because we thought we found a cure, but we didn't cause if that was the case it would not be back, and its hard to go to school knowing it back, that's why keeing your hands and space clean is very important, plus 1, 800+ people had it. So keeping clean is extremely important, especially with something that can be easily passed on.
    Opinion- my opinion on Ebola is that it's mainly in developing countries, and its easy to catch in a developing country because that country gas a small index and a low living conditions , developing countries really don't have good conditions where they can have fresh water and hand sanitizer, to keep clean etc. So its harder for them.
    Connection- I connected this article about Ebola to a stomach virus because germs are being spread in both cases and it's a hard to get rid of.

    1. Kiyah- the website,, is not a news organization. This post does not qualify as a current event. You have until 3:30pm on Friday to submit another post using a news article involving government in some way.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ebola patient's leaving Liberia was 'unpardonable,' its President says.
    Article Date:This article was published Thu October 2, 2014.
    Who:This article involved Thomas Eric Ducan, Liberia, Health Officials.
    Where:This event took place in Liberia.
    When: This event occured sometime in the end of September early October.
    What happened:Thomas Eric Duncan, went to help Liberia patients that had been infected with Ebola.When Duncan was leaving, Duncan never mention if he had touched a body of someone who died in an area infected by the disease. If Duncan lied he will be prosecuted, but Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has to speak with lawyers to see what they will do with Duncan when he comes home. Health officials are trying to reach everyone that have come in contact with Duncan. So that the virus wont continue to spread, and so that they can help those people as well.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevent because this is a deadly disease.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) When I heard that this disease was spreading I was scared, it makes me want to be even more cautious of people and my surroundings.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that people should be careful with body fluids, and take care their hygiene.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect this disease to the Flu, becuase it's deadly just like that.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: the tittle of this article is Treatment in U.S. Is Rare Chance to Study Ebola
    Article Date: this article was issues on August 17, 2014
    Who: who was involved in this article was Nancy Writebol and children from Liberia
    Where:This took place in Liveria to the U.S
    When: It happened August 5th when she was diagnosed with Ebola.
    What happened: one day writebol was at the hospital where she worked wanted her sons to bring her food and and while working there she had contracted the disease while working in the Emory university hospital, they flew her to the u.s and kept her away and wrapped up so no one else will catch it. She was being given oxygen the other who had it was Dr.kent they are recovering which no one thought would be possible the doctors was hoping they could find more information on the disease so less people in Africa will die if any. No one knows how they became infected. Writebol husband had to leave and be isolated but he sat out her window and prayed with and for her recovery, and no one knows for sure when they can even leave the hospital.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because Ebola was a big topic discussion during civics class today.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel that this is important people need to look more into this if it's becoming deadly to people.
    Opinion (I think..): I think it's kind of scary cause like im still unsure of even how they got the disease I heard it was from Africans
    Connection (why you chose this article):I chose this article hoping for more information on the known to be deadly disease, and hoping no one around me has it.

    1. I just read about this woman this morning. She is recovering in Atlanta at Emory University Hospital and the CDC is using her medical case to study the transmission of Ebola.

  7. Source: (entire website address) Studentsnewsdaily .com
    Article Title: NBC only network to report president was warned about ISIS threat.
    Article Date: October 1 2014
    Who: President Obama and ISIS
    Where: The white house.
    When: since last year
    What happened: CBS's 60 minutes travel that aired on Sunday said that ,the director of national intelligence Jim Clapper is to blame for not recognizing the ISIS . The NBC nightly news offered a stack contrast as it aired a two and a half minute segment. Including Obama's comment and also said that the president knew about the threat and potential of the ISIS. And the president's own senior intelligence told him(Obama) that the ISIS was on the move. Obama and the Whitehouse held the secret since last year. And the news reporter Brain Williams gave that statement.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because now everyone knows that the ISIS threatened the US and so it is important for us to know if the President had already knew about this.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was surprised when I read this because I thought the president was as new to this information as we are.
    Opinion (I think..)I think the this is very important, because we have to know what other countries to not want the better of this country.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this topic because it seems that I am vey interested in the issue about the ISIS and I think that is because of the fear that I have.

    1. Adwoa- I need the full and exact web address that provides a direct link to the article. Please correct this before 3:30pm on Friday.

  8. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title: Ferguson Charging High Price for Michael Brown Case Files

    Article Date: September 24, 2014

    Who: Ferguson Government and Ferguson Citizens are involved.

    Where: Ferguson, Missouri is where this event takes place.

    When: August and September 2014.

    What happened: The Ferguson Police has been making people play ten times some of their salaries to get copies of the files that have to do with Michael Brown's shooting. Many people that wanted to know more about this case are now backing away from it because of the high cost of the files. The files could actually be given out for free, though, if they were for the public to see, which is a law in Missouri. They charged the Associated Press $135 per hour for a day's worth of work, just to get emails that were sent during that time. The government uses this pricing tactic to keep files they don't want people to see. But, Missouri is still chasing hundreds or thousands of dollars just to retrieve simple things like text messages or emails.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because for months now Michael Brown has been in the news, and on social networks and no one has really been receiving information because of the government making them pay for files that could really be free.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though Missouri shouldn't be doing so much to cover up the shooting. It makes them seem like something bad is behind all of this.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that a lot more has to do with this shooting that we know about because of the fact that Missouri is trying so hard to cover things up. No one would make up all these excuses and ways to conceal somethig if it didn't make them look bad.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I saw that it was about Michael Brown and I knew that he had been discussed in my school and on the local news, so I thought that I should read this article.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: HONG KONG – Schools and banks closed as Hong Kong paralyzed by protest
    Article Date: This Article was published on September 30th, 2014
    Who: This article involves Hong Kong’s communist government, Angry protester, and riot officers
    Where: This event is taking place in Hong Kong, near the Hong Kong government headquarters.
    When: This event happened on the 28th of September in the year 2014.
    What happened: Thousands of student protesters stand outside the Hong Kong government building demanding that the government become a democracy, and that Leung Chun-ying step down from power. The protesters are enduring through riot police tear gas and pepper spray attacks but they won’t let the violent attempt of the government stop them from fighting for their freedom.
    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant because its a start of a revolution, it shows how other places in the world want to take on the form of government the U.S has utilized.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as if that any people in a oppressed society should speak up and fight for what they believe is right.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that if they keep the protest pushing then some form of change will come.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it shows that people will eventually always stand up for their rights of freedom and liberty.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Source: (entire website address) I found this article at

    Article Title: The title of this article is, “In Georgia, police at some schools getting guns from the military”.

    Article Date: This article was written on August 30, 2014.

    Who:Michael Brown, Congressman Hank Johnson, Marlyn Tillman(co-founder of Gwinnett SToPP), John Lester, and Roger Stearns were people that were included in this article.

    Where: The information found in this article states that this took place in Ferguson, Missouri.

    When: The information found in this article took place on April 27, 2009

    What happened: While reading this article, it was discovered that after the death of Michael Brown, police officers thought they were not prepared enough to be ready to stop people from harming one another. Since then they decided to give police officers military weapons such as, M-14, M-16, and grenades. Once the police had these weapons they were using them against innocent people. The police that were given the military weapons worked in high schools, colleges and universities therefore those students were the people getting killed.
    After so many people got killed, Marlyn Tillman stated that this was causing a problem. She brought it to the attention of John Lester that society has taken the weapons too far this time. Soon after that was said Chief John Lester said that the military weapons would be limited to police or take the privilege away from the officers. They would no longer be able to have M-14, M-16, Tanks or the smoke grenades. Instead the police would not be able to use any gun larger than a .50 caliber. Thus this should be making the area safe and less harmful to the students

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this has been going on since 2009 and now officers are deciding that giving the police officers the military weapons were a bad idea once they killed too many innocent people with the weapons.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think it was obvious that something bad was bound to happen. If you give an officer a weapon of course they would take it too far and accidently hurt somebody.

    Opinion (I think..) I think it was a horrible idea giving police officers military weapon.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I thought it was interesting that something that has been causing a problem since 2009 is just beginning to get solved.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: "Opinion: Why U.S. Can stop Ebola"
    Article Date: Updated today 10/2/14 at 5:42 pm.
    Who: The U.S. and their health system, the Center for Disease Control and West Africa.
    Where: The crisis is in West Africa, but the diagnostics are in the U.S.
    When: The first case of Ebola being diagnosed in the U.S. was in March, but the
    announcement of it was on Tuesday.
    What happened: The U.S. predicted that a traveler from West Africa with an Ebola outbreak
    would travel to the U.S. Since they knew that a traveler would spread symptoms, the U.S.
    diagnosed their first case of Ebola. It was done by spotting patients with a history of traveling
    and symptoms showing that they they have Ebola. Then they would seclude them in a private
    room and talk to their health department to get them tested. Recently the CDC consulted on
    about 100 cases and 14 were severely at risk. Now, everyone understands why the U.S. Can
    stop Ebola, since it's healthcare is powerful and the professionals are determined to keep the
    people healthy and make sure this case of Ebola will not terrorize the nation.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because some travelers may not get identified for
    having Ebola thay can spread it to anyone surrounded by them and those people will get
    really sick and may even die.
    Reaction: I am very cautious of my surroundings now because Ebola can spread easily.
    Opinion: I think Ebola will soon spread everywhere in the U.S.
    Connection: I chose this article because this topic has been popular all week and I wanted to know what the U.S. was going to do about the outbreak.

  13. Source:

    Article Title:The title of my article is Ebola Patient's Leaving Liberia was 'unpardonable,' its President Says.

    Article Date:This article took place on Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 9:12PM.

    Who:My article involved Liberia, and Thomas E. Duncan. .

    Where:This event was present in Liberia.

    When: The event in this article took place in late September.

    What happened: An american citizen, Thomas Eric Duncan, went to help Liberia patients that had been infected with Ebola. He later picked up the Ebola virus while in Liberia, and arrived on the plane with it. He not once told anyone about the virus that he has picked up, and claims he doesn’t know he has it. However, if Duncan is proved to be false, he will be prosecuted in full extent of the law.Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, his representative,is up to the challenge for making a case for him, and being aware of what will happen to him. She will represent him and try to help Duncan when he arrives back. Health officials are reaching out to anyone that Thomas might have had a connection with to prevent any spread across the U.S.A.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it concerns the well-being of all american citizens. Also, it is relevant because a man’s life is at risk of a troublesome disease.

    Reaction: Reading this made me nervous because this virus has the ability to spread. I do not want to catch this virus and not know where I got it from.

    Opinion: I think that Thomas Duncan should be put off somewhere until a cure is produced. That way, there is no chance of the Ebola virus spreading.

    Connection: A connection I made is the common cold because like the Ebola virus, it is contagious. Also, it is spreaded through germs.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Amid chaos in Iraq, U.S. paints optimistic picture for new Afghan government
    Article Date:October 2nd 2014
    Who:The U.S., Iraq and Afganistan
    When: October 2nd 2014
    What happened: Now, Afganistan has gotten a new president. They have also signed a deal with the United States to keep groups that are from here to stay in the U.S.. But lately the country has been involved in so much violence. Just Thursday the third death occured targeting this army in 24 hours. Daniel Feldman(U.S. representative for Afganistan) says that unlike Iraq, Afganistan has unity and he is letting american troups to stay here.He also said although, everything that Afganistan has went through. It was implied and expected. He said that the security forces has also did a good job as well. There was a historic signing. It happened with Abdullah Abdullah.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with the U.S. and it alliances with other countries. Which is important in crucial situations such as war so a country can have another countries back.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel this gives Americans a sense of relief knowing that we have strong bonds with other bonds. I feel is very good and not trying to make enemies.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Daniel didnt have to come at Iraq's neck like that athough you would choose the country that has signed a hugh contract with you.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I felt very educated just reading it. It also helps county relationships and it involves The U.S.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: American journalist in Liberia tests positive for Ebola
    Article Date: The article was published on October 02, 2014.
    Who: Both Ashoka Mukpo and Dr. Nancy Snyderman are involved in this event.
    Where: This has traveled from Monrovia, Liberia to the United States.
    When: This event took place earlier this week.
    What happened: Ashoka Mukpo was recently hired in Monrovia, Liberia as a cameraman. Mukpo actually returned back to Liberia during the time the outbreak occurred. Upon his arrival in Liberia it has been proved that he has tested positive for Ebola. Dr. Nancy Snyderman has had contact with the illness, but has not contracted it. She and others will be held under quarantine for the next twenty-one days. Mukpo is actually the fourth person from the United States that has contracted Ebola. However the other three people that did contract the illness have been cured. Ashoka Mukpo was placed in the isolation unit today.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because Mukpo is the fourth American to contract Ebola, and he has came back to the United States with it. Being as though four Americans have already contracted it, this essentially means that there is a greater chance of the United States having an Ebola outbreak.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) As an American citizen this is pretty astonishing that Americans have contracted the illness. I question how many people have actually come in contact with the person carrying the illness, before the display signs of Ebola.
    Opinion (I think..) I think as a nation there needs to be a law that required anyone who has traveled outside of the United States be tested for the illness, before allowing them to walk amongst the common people. Once they start to display symptoms of Ebola it actually may be too late.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This article grasped my attention, because it raised many questions in my head, as to whether or not the United States could actually prevent there being an Ebola outbreak in our nation.

  16. Source: (entire website address) :

    Article Title: The title of the article I'm writing about is
    Article Date: This article was published on October 2,2014.

    Who: This article is about governor Kim Guadagno.

    Where: This event took place in Sea Bright, New Jersey.

    When: This event happened on Thursday morning, September 02,2014.

    What happened: Governor Kim Guadagno was out riding her bike, getting some good exercise and enjoying the day when a car almost crashed into her but she stopped her bike very hard to prevent a crash. But because she stopped to quickly and hard Guadagno lost her balance and fell off her bike injuring herself .

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Guadagno is now suffering a broken wrist and elbow ! And she now currently in the hospital . This means she is missing work . Being a Governor is a big duty.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : My reaction towards this accident is shocked . I would have been terrified in a situation like that .

    Opinion (I think..) : I think that car that almost hit her should have been paying more attention because it is their fault for why she fell.

    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article because It was about a Governor getting injured. So i was curious as to what happened and how it happened . I hope Guadagno will be okay .

    1. Source: (entire website address) :

      Article Title: The title of the article I'm writing about is

      Article Date: This article was published on October 2,2014.

      Who: This article is about governor Kim Guadagno.

      Where: This event took place in Sea Bright, New Jersey.

      When: This event happened on Thursday morning, September 02,2014.

      What happened: Governor Kim Guadagno was out riding her bike, getting some good exercise and enjoying the day when a car almost crashed into her but she stopped her bike very hard to prevent a crash. But because she stopped to quickly and hard Guadagno lost her balance and fell off her bike injuring herself .

      Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Guadagno is now suffering a broken wrist and elbow ! And she now currently in the hospital . This means she is missing work . Being a Governor is a big duty.

      Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : My reaction towards this accident is shocked . I would have been terrified in a situation like that .

      Opinion (I think..) : I think that car that almost hit her should have been paying more attention because it is their fault for why she fell.

      Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article because It was about a Governor getting injured. So i was curious as to what happened and how it happened . I hope Guadagno will be okay .

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: NBC only network to report president was warned about ISIS threat.
    Article Date: October 1 2014
    Who: President Obama and ISIS
    Where: The white house.
    When: since last year
    What happened: CBS's 60 minutes travel that aired on Sunday said that ,the director of national intelligence Jim Clapper is to blame for not recognizing the ISIS . The NBC nightly news offered a stack contrast as it aired a two and a half minute segment. Including Obama's comment and also said that the president knew about the threat and potential of the ISIS. And the president's own senior intelligence told him(Obama) that the ISIS was on the move. Obama and the Whitehouse held the secret since last year. And the news reporter Brain Williams gave that statement.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because now everyone knows that the ISIS threatened the US and so it is important for us to know if the President had already knew about this.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was surprised when I read this because I thought the president was as new to this information as we are.
    Opinion (I think..)I think the this is very important, because we have to know what other countries to not want the better of this country.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this topic because it seems that I am vey interested in the issue about the ISIS and I think that is because of the fear that I have.

  18. Source:

    Title: After a beheading in Oklahoma, debate over what to call it

    Article Date: September 29, 2014

    By. Mark Berman

    Who: ISIS recruiter Alton Nolen beheading is debated to be a murder or a terrorist.

    When: This event happened Monday, September 22, 2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in Oklahoma.

    What happened :Last Thursday Muslim follower Alton Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods. Speculators however have not determined why he was terminated. Because of the firing Nolen went to another part of the building attacking two co-workers Colleen Hufford and Traci Johnson. Injuring Traci but unfortunately beheading Colleen. CO of Vaughns Foods and honorary deputy of Oklahoma Sheriff's Department then opened fired on Nolen sending him to the hospital which he is now in stable condition. With all the commotion however no charges has been filed on Nolen. Because of national attention there has been two sides of this those who says this is workplace violence and others who says he’s working for ISIS. But FBI says that theres no liking to ISIS practices.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone,

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news.

  19. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:The title of this article is “US unemployment rate hit a six-year low in September.”

    Article Date:This article was written on October 3 2014.

    Who: This article is about the unemployed people in the United States.

    Where: This article is about the US.

    When: This article is about the recent rates of 2014.

    What happened: This article is about how the unemployment rate has decreased. The percentage went from 6.1% and now is at 5.9%. It is said that this ma have been the lowest percentage since the year 2008. To decrease the unemployment rate 240,000 jobs have been added.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because I’ve been a witness to seeing people laid off and the employment rate was something that i heard discussed before.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel excited about this event. Six percent doesnt sound like a lot , but just to hear that it is improving is a good thing to hear.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the employment rate decreasing is a good thing.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting. seeing that thousands of jobs are given out is an accomplishment for the united states.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: UK raises terror threat level, citing risks out of Syria, Iraq
    Article Date: Tue September 2, 2014
    Who: Who this article is talking about is UK Government.
    Where: This takes place in UK, Syria, Iraq.
    When: When it takes place if Friday.
    What happened: What happened was that the UK government raised its terror threat level. That means that a terrorist threat is highly lightly to happen. ISIS actions in Iraq is prompting the United States to target its fighters with airstrikes there and to threaten more such strikes in Syria. Uk has gone to Syria and Iraq to fight Islamist groups. They had increased the society labor day weekend to make it safer.
    Why this event relevant: this is relevant because they were making threats to the city.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I'm happy they made it safer labor day weekend.
    Opinion (I think..): I think if they would have made the attack, then it would have been another war.
    Connection (why you chose this article): A connection is when someone is telling someone else they're are going to beat them up.

  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Turkish lawmakers OK military action against ISIS
    Article Date:Thursday October 2,2014
    Who: Turkish army and ISIS is evolved in this event.
    Where: This takes place in Turkey and has to do with Turkey's border areas.
    When: This happened on Wednesday but will not take place until Saturday October 4, 2014.
    What happened: Turkey is starting to become irritated with ISIS crossing their borders. Since ISIS is crossing their borders Turkey wants to take military action to keep ISIS off their territory. Thousands are passing through Turkey's borders so the Prime Minister asked Parliament to think about using military action. Turkey was severely in chaos from Syria and Iraq. ISIS has been capturing certain areas of Syria and took control of them. Residents in Turkey were told to evacuate for their safety. ISIS has confiscated more than 350 villages from Kobani.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's about ISIS. Turkey and ISIS are have been opponents for a long period of time now. Now Turkey is trying to fight them back for their territory now.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This makes me anxious because Turkey will finally stand up for their selves before it's to late. I feel as though that ISIS is only doing this because no one is standing up to them. Now that Turkey is using military ISIS may back down.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Turkey should try to fight against ISIS. I think they should fight back because if they don't then they will be taken control of. If Turkey defeats ISIS then the United States would not have to worry about them.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This is a bad connection but when my uncle lived in California gangs tried to take territory from each other how ISIS is doing to Turkey.

  22. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:”Frustrated Woman Quarantined ,with sheets and towels Soiled by Ebola”

    Article Date:This article was published on Friday October 3rd,2014.

    Who:A woman in Texas named Lousie,her partner named Thomas Eric Duncan and Louise’s two nephews and one is involved.

    Where:This was originally originated from Africa but Mr.Duncan brought the Ebola disease over into in the U.S specifically Texas.

    When:Mr.Duncan arrived in america on September but it wasn't until Louise, Mr.Duncan’s girlfriend took him to the doctors on September 25 he’sbeen quarantined.

    What happened:Mr.Duncan took a trip to Liberia,Africa and when he comes back he has no immediate symptoms of the fever but later on he shows it.Once his girlfriend finds out that he’s been having high fevers she rushes him to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.After this event they later on quarantined him and told him that he might have Ebola.His girlfriend is very frightened and is also being kept in their apartment they share along with her nephews and son and isn't allowed to leave until authorities lets them know so.Some like professors don't agree with the quarantine of the family and them being stuck in their apartment.They feels as though they are not doing enough and should be doing more than just taking their temperature everyday.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is very relevant because this is the first known case of Ebola in the U.S.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)They shouldn’t have allowed passengers to travel from the affected areas of the country of Africa because than mistakes like this happen.

    Opinion (I think..)This is very scary to even think about and anyone who has the knowlege and money needs to make up acure quick and come up with vaccines.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because I saw some of this on twitter and I was so surprised but then I kind of knew that Ebola would spread and makes its way here, but its just scary knowing that its real.

  23. Source:

    Article Title: ISIS Puts Literal Price Tags on Abducted Girls.

    Article Date: The date of the article is October. 3, 2014.

    Who: ISIS and the abducted girls.

    Where: It was in Iraq.

    When: This happened on October. 3, 2014.

    What happened: ISIS kidnapped girls and used violence. They were trying to sell them. The people who wanted to purchase them were young people. They were also from the same community. The religious majority were targeted.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relvant because it is happening today. Also it involves ISIS. They have been doing violent attacks in Iraq lately. The U.S is trying to stop them. ISIS continues to show up in the news for bad things.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is bad. I dont understand why ISIS did this. They are using a lot of violence. All they are doing is causing problems. Innocent people are being harmed.

    Opinion- My opinion is that ISIS must be stopped. They are doing a lot of bad things. People are being killed for no reason. The girls didnt do anything to get abducted. ISIS is just making it worst for them.

    Connection- I really could not connect to thsi article. I never heard anything like this before. Why would they abduct innocnet girls? This doesnt make sense to me. I think they just want attention.

    1. Wow, Trey, excellent article choice. This is appalling and I hadn't heard of this yet.

  24. Source:

    Article Title:My title of the article is Ebola Patient's Leaving Liberia was 'unpardonable,' its President Says.

    Article Date:This event took place on Thursday, October 2nd, 2014.

    Who:The country of Liberia, and Thomas E. Duncan were involved.

    Where:This event took place in Liberia.

    When: This article was published in late September 2014.

    What happened: Thomas Eric Duncan, an american doctor, went to help Liberia patients that have the ith Ebola. He later picked up the Ebola virus while in Liberia, and almost arrived back to the United States. He however, claimed he did not know he had the virus. However, if Duncan is proven guilty of lying, he would be tried and sentenced to jail. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, is pointed to be his lawyer, and hel[ him in this struggle of the virus. When he returns to America, he will be greeted with her, and the trial will begin. The people that had contact with Thomas are being greeted by Health Officials and are getting put in protective care.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there is a deadly virus going around, and can take innocent lives. Many of americans are in fear.

    Reaction: Reading this made scared because this Ebola can potential kill that man and spread.

    Opinion: I think that Thomas Duncan should be in isolation because it will prevent the spread of the virus.

    Connection: A connection I made is the flu because like the Ebola virus, the flu can hop from person to person, making them ill.

  25. Source: (

    Article Title: Kurdish fighters gird for battle as ISIS threatens Syrian city of Kobani

    Article Date: Fri October 3, 2014

    Who: Turkish, kurdish, australia, and U.S forces are fighting ISIS

    Where: The Syrian Kurdish city of Kobani

    When: As of October 3rd

    What happened: In this article the unite forces of australia, the United state, kurdish and Turkish forces are preparing to hold a crucial the syrian city of kobani where ISIS force are planing to more in there conquest in syria. In this news piece it is also state that in the recent weeks it is was said that australian forces have joined in the fight in aiding the U.S in airstrikes. In the wake of the information that ISIS is moving towards the city civilian living in the city were advised to leave the city. While during all of this The YPG (kurdish fighters) Have set up position in the syrian city with snipers to hopefully hold ISIS forces from the city.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the ISIS force is a serious threat to any nation because they are recruiting all around the world and the have already killed three innocent people in the position and when times arise like these they should be stopped.

    Reaction (My reaction to this is a hopeful this is because people a ready and willing to fight for their home and the will rather die than give up)

    Opinion (I think these are the appropriate actions are being put in place for the ISIS threat)

    Connection (I chose this article because it was a interesting article to see how other s rather than the U.S is handing the ISIS threat)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: United States kept secret its chemical weapons finds in Iraq
    Article Date: October 15, 2014
    Who: United States and Iraq
    Where: Iraq
    When: October 15
    What happened: The U.S. government was sayin about the weapons found in Iraq and how several people got hurt because of these weapons. Some Americans and Iraq police officers got hurt after 2003. For sevens years, we were training our forces and have gotten injured on many occasions. We found 5.000 chemical warheads. The United States service men who got injured were told to keep their mouths shut. At least 20 U.S. service men were exposed to chemicals. Some of these munitions were made in Europe. So they are partly responsible. Some of these weapons were old. Made before 1991.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because if we have an allie on our side. Then if they have weapons they could help us out in certain situations such as war. It is also important because people are getting injured and hurt.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is that this makes me a bit worried. Knowing that there are so many weapons involved.
    Opinion (I think..) I think if the service men were getting injured then charges should have been made.
    Connection (why you chose this article) It was just interesting and it was pretty nice to know how the United States and other countries deal with there affairs.

  27. Source:
    Title: Feminist Critic Anita Snakeskin and # Game Gate.
    Who: Anita Sakeesan made a video about Game Gate,
    Where: At a government meeting.
    When: 10/17/14
    What happened : Anita made a video as to how women are being defiled and degraded in video games , especially violent ones. But after that people started threatening her with ape and death warning her to never peak of it again. So after that she annousedy making a speech that nowadays people do not have respect for each other, and so the hide behind computer disrespecting and making people unhappy. and the law is also the problem because they can not get arrested for threatening or disrespecting someone since they are not seen red handed . And that gives the strength to move o with their life. example is a court case where a wife filed a restraining order that the affected the man. He decided to retaliate by posting on face book saying that folding up a pfa and putting it in his pocket will not stop a bullet . Meaning that he was going to kill the woman, posing a danger to the woman.
    Why is this event relevant: this event is relevant because teenager now a days are prone to these kind of things and so raising aweness will help other people.
    Reaction: I felt very unhappy when I was reading this article because something like still happening to women means we have not become any better than we were decades ago .
    Opinion: I think this article will help a lot of people.
    Connection: I can not really connect to the article except the fact that I am a female.

  28. Source:
    Article Title: The title if this article is "NYC doctor tests positive for ebola".
    Article Date: This article was published October 23,2014.
    Who: The people mainly involved is the doctor which had the ebola virus.
    Where:This article took place in New York City.
    When:The NYC may have contracted ebola around some time at the end of september
    What happened: A Doctor named Craig flew over to guiena to help with ebola patients.After returnig back home in New York City he started having symptoms of the deadly virus.The officialls isolated him from everyone and everything he came in contact with, they even put his wife in quartined.Although catching the ebola virus is slim ,this was very suprising to everyone.The result of letting people back in to the United states with the ebola virus airlines are now becoming more strict.Anyone who comes back from Africa to the united states has to be under supervision for 21 days in case they have any symptoms.
    Why this event is relevant :This event is relevant because the airlines became more srtict with the ebola virus.
    Reaction:I think that what airlines is doing is very needed because ebola is a very deadly disease and by checking and making sure that noboby is slipping through our country with ebola it decreses the risk of an epidemic.
    Opinoin:it is scary to think that if you come into contact with an ebola patient that you would automatically be quarntined and tested.
    Connection: A connection is that two ebola cases has actually been here in philadelphia and the two patients had actually died and was related to one another.

  29. Source:
    Title:Ebola disease slow down.
    Who: west Africa and America
    Where: west Africa.
    When: October 30 2014
    What happened: The total cases of Ebola was 13800 and now the cases have reduced to 5000.And so quarantine policy may discouraged health care member.President Obama said that the only way yo assume that America is completely safe , is to make sure we have delt with the disease. Before the president spoke the Pentagon announced that all US troops servicing west Africa, will be placed in 21 day Quarantine. Tracy Hicoxs helped in caring for an Ebola patient I Seirra Leone was assumed to have contracted it but she came out negative, but the court still placed a home quarantine on her. But on the bright side , the cases are reducing.
    This event is relevant because , it calms people down from the Ebola scare.When I saw this article I had a feeling of relief, and happiness making me feel safe. I like this article because it simply makes people feel safe. My opinion is that people should read this article because it stops the Ebola scare.
