Sunday, September 28, 2014

1st period, Week 9/29-10/3

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/3

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Texas judge under fire for rape sentence

    Article Date:may 6 2014

    Who:judge Jeanine Howard

    Where:Dallas Texas

    When: in May

    What happened: a man raped a 14 year old girl in her high school and the judge could have sent him to jail for a long time however she only wanted him to be on probation now people fear that this might stop people from reporting rape if the judge is just going to put them on probation although he was convicted people still don't understand why she would only want him on probation and not in jail for years

    Why this event is relevant: because rape is serious and still happens today and a lot of voices are not heard because they fear to speak up this is something that needs to change

    Reaction I feel upset because that's my fear that if I get raped or something will the judge let the person go will put him on probation to thats stupid and how would she feel if that was her in that predicament she would want him in jail

    Opinion (I think..)that the judge should be fired and jailed herself because in a case of rape the person should rot in jail for years I think she knows the boy who raped the girl that's why she didn't want him in jail

    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because I'm surprised In the judge and I wonder if she has a child because what would inspire her to put this man on probation why is she a judge she should be fire rape is something that still happens and needs to stop that's why I choose this article

  2. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Police unleash tear gas in hong-kong protest

    Article Date: september 28,2014

    Who: police and residents of hong kong

    Where: Hong Kong

    When: september 21

    What happened: in hong kong police were trying to bring a end to protest for democracy from residents. the government tried to block an influential westminister committee from carrying out an inquiry into the ongoing tension in hong kong. Authorities in hong kong unleashed tear gas and mobilized riot police had long-barreled guns to disperse crowds that have surround the city government for three days but thousands of residents holding only umbrellas and face masks, refused police orders to clear the area.after the police sought to break up the protest, large crowds of demonstrators remained nearby. Confronting lines of officers and chanting for them to lay down their truncheons and shields. Police officers were also injured in skirmishes with protestors. streets of a city known as a safe enclave for commerce became a nighttime battleground. Some protest leaders called on residents to retreat, announcing fears that the police would use rubber bullets on the crowd. The hong kong government warned residents, to leave in a commanding manner or officers would use a higher level of force.

    Why this event is relevant:because nothing like this normally happens in hong kong and it shows that their residents strongly disapprove on the government trying to stop chinese interference

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) shocked because I thought countries like hong kong were more strict in their country and had more control over their people, but their residents showed civil disobedience giving me a better view that the government are not so commanding in their country.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the government in hong kong is effecting their country by unleashing tear gas towards their residents, it can cause health problems and the people won't have the same respect for the government as they once did.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was a first time protest in hong kong. and it show how the government of hong kong can be so cruel towards their residents. Trying to take advantage of their residents by being violent towards them can only lead their residents to not have the care in mind for the government.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ashley- you need to include the complete web address in order to receive credit. You until Friday at 3:30pm to correct this.

  4. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title: ISIS threat: Syrian town fears massacre as Obama admits underestimating rise

    Article Date:Mon September 29, 2014

    Who: Isis Vs Syrian town

    Where: Syria

    When:September 29, 2014

    What happened: Since the bombing that was enough to stop the isis group. They are now trying to take over east of Kobani. If isis take control that would take land from the capital of Raqqa to the border of Turkish. Right now the president of Kobani says he's terrified and feeling helpless. The president of Kobani is requesting help , he says he need more weapons, more airstrikes being attempted. Basically he wants anything to help that will slow Isis down so that they won't get into Kobani. The U.S. military believes the ongoing bombing campaign in Syria has decreased ISIS command and control capabilities drastically already. In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," President Barack Obama said the U.S. government underestimated what had been taking place in Syria. He's basically saying that as a country we really didn't understand what we was getting into we never realized how much they probably had this planned out already. We also didn't realize how much their spreading or what they have up their sleeve as an comeback. According to a new CNN/ORC International poll, 73% percent of Americans support the U.S.-led coalition of airstrikes in Iraq and Syria and 60% of people agree to sending ground troops in the fight.

    Though Obama has said he will not put combat troops in the region, the United States does have military advisers on the ground training for what might happen in the long run.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because Obama has finally came out and said we don't know what we're up against. We don't know what isis has in plan we’re basically going with the flow whatever happens, happens.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this was irked because its like we don't know what were going to do for real everything is all over the place, everybody is trying to fight everybody. Isis is being difficult and trying to take over everything and nobody know what's to do to stop them.

    Opinion (I think..) I think we need to just bomb isis immediately, no questions asked.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because i didnt know obama didn't know what we was up against i thought we had this all planned out already.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:How could Obama have 'underestimated' ISIS?
    Article Date: September 29,2014
    Who: ISIS
    Where: Syria
    When: September 29,2014
    What happened:ISIS is smarter than what Obama thought.Their intelligence gotten better over time. Even when the fight is done with the terrorist will still fight back. This shows a big threat on the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: If ISIS start to fight back the U.S. is a big threat to them.
    Reaction: Its scary because you never know when they are going to attack.
    Opinion: I think Obama should find a way to call it a truss
    Connection: I chose this article because I think its important for me to know what's going on in Syria and what they are planning to do to the U.S.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Comcast’s Joseph Clancy Is Now Secret Service Chief
    Article Date: October 1, 2014
    Who: Joseph Clancy, President Barack Obama, The Secret Service
    Where: The United States
    When: October 1, 2014
    What happened: After the recent poor duty in the Secret Service under the supervision of Julia Pierson, former director of corporate security at Comcast, Joseph Clancy, takes up the job as the Secret Service chief. He isn’t just a random person however. He’d spend most of his time guarding former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and the current president Barack Obama. He had retired three years ago from the Secret Service but is now back to action. He also has ties to Philadelphia, being a history teacher at Father Judge and graduating from Villanova.
    Why this event is relevant: This relates to national security and the well-being of the the president.
    Reaction: I wouldn’t want our president to get killed because of lack of security and Joseph Clancy seems like the right guy to not allow that to happen. I also like him because he can represent Philadelphia in a positive way.
    Opinion: I think Joseph Clancy can turn things around with the recent Secret Service activity and responsiveness. I think that he can prevent future incidents such as the man climbing over the fence surrounding the White House and running into it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think that the Secret Service has been lacking and that puts extreme risks on our president. I always wish to never live through a presidential assassination and a new person in charge of making this happen is important to me.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is  "Obama Acknowledges US erred in assessing ISIS.
    Article Date: The date of this article is  September 28th, 2014.
    Who: This article is about President Obama, the US military, ISIS, and the  US.
    Where: This event takes place in parts of Iraq and the US.
    When: This event happened sometime before the publication of the article (September 28, 2014).
    What happened: President Barack Obama is now acknowledging the fact that he and his colleagues may have underestimated the power and relentlessness of the terrorist militia group known as ISIS. In previous speeches president Obama has said that he plans to get all the fighting soldiers out of the Middle East and back home to the US. Then he ended up redeploying soldiers back to the Middle East to help fight ISIS. The terrorist group has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons from Iraqi and Syrian miltary and is taking over many parts of Iraq and Syria. The US is over in the Middle east trying to put an end to this terrorist group but Obamas plan has panned out as well as he and his colleagues may have thought it would. Just for clarification, the US has started off with airstrikes and have not yet sent out ground troops.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this could actually lead to another big war where more soldiers have to be shipped out and more american lives will be lost for something that could have been avoided.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that I was very dissapointed in Obama because he held a big press conference saying that he will defeat ISIS quicker than they know and now he's saying that he may have underestimated them.
    Opinion: In my honest opinion, I believe that president Obama should have kept the country out of this and just let Iraq handle their own problems, since they were our enemy not too long ago.
    Connection: The reason I chose this article is because I find the subject of ISIS very interesting and I just want to see how strong they can get before they get destroyed.

  8. Source:

    Article Title:Ebola patient's leaving Liberia was 'unpardonable,' its President says

    Article Date:Thu October 2, 2014

    Who: Americans, Liberian president

    Where: Liberia and America

    When: October 2, 2014

    What happened: Today US has their first patient diagnosed with Ebola. The patient named Thomas Eric Duncan contracted the disease from Liberia and got on a plane back on the US. Duncan has lied on a questionnaire that doctors have gave him and he could have spread it to others. Any one that Duncan has come in contact with is to be tested so they can find out if they caught the disease.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this disease just touched down on American soil and could of spread. This could also be a part of a terrorist attack from ISIS.

    Reaction: I'm a little worried because if this disease is in our country and could eventually spread through the whole country. They need to try to stop this disease ASAP because it can get worst.

    Opinion: This reminds me of the movie contagion because it started from 1 person, into half the country. I a little worried about this disease but its really nothing that I can do.

    Connection: I choses this article because this is breaking news that involves every American/Human on the planet.

  9. Source :
    Article Date: February 13, 2014
    Who: The people of Washington and Annie Lowrey are the main speakers
    Where: A High school in Moulton, Ala is were the report and research begun.
    When: Around February the scientific set back had placed untied states in the dirt.
    what happened: Research shows that the United States cut backs are showing a less productive society. The U.S "Global Shifts" on landscape is really hurting the earth as well as the resources we need.
    why is this relavent : This is real vent because we the US spends up to $429 billion a year on research. The United States is president or leader of science. , yet we still crumble are resources.
    Reaction: The United States really should not spend that much on research if they are not going to preserve. This makes me feel like the US is spending money to make it look like there effort I'd going some were. They are not really providing and maintaining resources.
    Connection : This connects me back to the president elections were they state what they are going to do for the American people. However, it's ends up never being able to put forth the action they stated .
    Opinion: I feel as though we are not being the big brot b et to other countries were we set hight mm standard of science and technology . I feel that the US can prove so much more if we use the money and really come back with answers from the research.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Court Allows Texas to Enforce Anti-Abortion Law
    Article Date: October 2, 2014
    Who: Texas State, U.S. District Judge, and U.S. 5th Circuit Court.
    Where: New Orleans
    When: October 2, 2014
    What happenede: This is about the court appealing to Texas Anti- Abortion law. The court argued since women were not able to drive about 300 miles to closest facility , then it should be acquired in the hospitals. By law, you must be admitted from nearest hospital if you own your own clinic. However there is a pay you pay; in order to get abortion women's must drive more than three hours to get it done
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because absorption is a hard topic to agree on. People have different opinions of why they it should be legal and why it shouldn't be. It's not an easy discussion.
    Reaction- This is a very disturbing story. There is no way this should ever be brought back up again, in the course of the law. This was a law for reason and it should stay that way.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think abortion shouldn't exist in the first place. It had no purpose, if you don't want children then don't have intercourse with different gender. However, if you end up having one, you are the responsibility for that baby, don't neglect it just because of the mistake you made.
    Connection- I chose this article because it was very engaging to me.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is Michael Brown grand jury under review for misconduct:Report
    Article Date:This article is from October 1, 2104.
    Who: This article involves a jury member and the st. Louis county prosecutor.
    Where: This article takes place in st.louis.
    When: This happened on Wednesday October 1 2014.
    What happened: There was rumor that a member of the jury for the Michael brown case tweeted that there wasn't enough evidence to indict the cop that shot Michael brown.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if this jury member spoke out it could potentially.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that this case should have been an easy vote because the police who shot him was wrong.
    I think that the jury member who spoke out on the case was wrong and shouldn't have said anything because it might hurt the case really bad.
    I chose this article because what happened to Michael brown was unfair and I think he deserves justice for what happened. The only way he will get justice is if people don't stop talking about it.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Justices mum on reviewing same-sex marriage

    Article Date: October,2,2014

    Who; The Supreme Court Justices, People in same-sex relationships

    Where: Washington D.C

    When: 10/2/14

    What Happened: The supreme court is debating on rather it will rather same-sex marriage will comply with the constitution but have yet to come to a decision and wont say anything about which way they are leaning toward. The Justices plan to have a meeting soon to consider the appeals their are to the five states that have banned same-sex marriage. Supporters from both sides of this decision wants the Supreme court to hurry up and make a decision.

    Why this event is relevant; This event is important because same-sex marriage has been a major topic of discussion in politics on rather it should or should not be unlawful for two people of the same-sex to get married in the United States.

    Reaction: People should be able to marry whom ever they want that is a part of freedom being able to do whatever you want to a law extent and marrying somebody same-sex or not is not and should not be unlawful.

    Opinion: I think that the Justices should make the decision to let same-sex marriage happen in the United States

    Connection: I choose this article because I have a couple friends who are in relationships with people of the same-sex and I feel they should have the option to marry them if they want

  13. Bahsil Franklin
    Article Title: Officials: Fence jumper made it far into W.H.
    Article Date: September 30, 2014
    Who: Iraq Vetern (Fence Jumper), White House Guards
    Where: Washington, D.C.
    When: does not say
    What happened: A 42 year old Iraq veteran jumped the fence of the white house with nothing on him except a pocket knife. He somehow got past all the guards and actually ran in the white house and got through some rooms.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the white house is suppose to be the most protected place on earth and yet they have 1 person run through the front gate and go inside without being stopped? That is unacceptable and that is why this is relevant.
    Reaction: When I first heard of this situation I was shocked that 1 person can get past so many guards. I thought the guards would've been trained enough to stop 1 person but I guess I'm wrong.
    Opinion: I think people should be getting fired for this event, and that is what's happening now. Some officials have already lost their jobs due to the situation.
    Connection: I choose this article because it caught my attention and I have been hearing about it on the news lately.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: California becomes first U.S. state to ban plastic grocery bags

    Article Date: October 2, 2014

    Who: Aaron Mendelson

    Where: California

    When: Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    What happened: In California they are completely banning plastic bag use in their grocery stores. California is the first U.S. state to ban plastic bag use due to the signing of a decree or single-state law. In California they believe that plastic bags are a waste of money and that reusable bags would be much more suitable. People are wondering why California is worried about bags and not something more major.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is something that is showing the government don't really care anymore. Meaning that they passed a law that shouldn't even have been of effect.

    Reaction: I feel as though that banning plastic bags will indeed help people save money. However, it will not help people breathe. Using reusable bags means chopping down trees and creating paper. When your chopping down trees you decreasing the oxygen from the air.

    Opinion: I agree with those who think that that law should be opposed and or not in effect. I agree with that group because there's more things in California to worry about other than plastic bags. Plastic bags aren't posing a threat to California. People just need to take classes on the importance of not littering.

    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded me of Philadelphia. It reminded me of Philadelphia because we shut down public schools because of budget cuts. But yet we still build buildings that create more debt. Therefore, both Philadelphia and California are worried about the wrong things.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Australia joins fight against ISIS in Iraq, hours after Turkey voted for action
    Article Date: October 3, 2014
    Who: Australia military,U.S. military
    Where: Iraq
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: Australia's military will now join forces with the U.S. military for potentially taking out ISIS in Iraq. The Prime Minister of Australia declared that,"ISIS effectively declared war on the world. It is absolutely in Australia's national interests that this mission go ahead."
    Why this event is relevant: Because the U.S. military and its Allies need all the help they can get to eliminate ISIS. Obviously, the chances of eliminating them greatly increases the more help there is. Australia seems to realize that ISIS is not just a threat to neighboring countries or the West, but they are a threat to the entire world, so to speak.
    Reaction: I was extremely happy when hearing this news. As soon as I pictured Australia, I imagined a huge military because it's an entire continent. So to think that a powerful military that the U.S. possesses, it will help hugely for Australia to come into things.
    Opinion: I think this is good for the elimination of ISIS. "The more the merrier".
    Connection: I chose this article because I was excited to see yet another powerful military to assists the U.S. military and its Allies in taking out ISIS.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS fighters enter Syrian city of Kobani
    Article Date: October 3rd 2014
    Who: ISIS
    Where: Kobani, Syria
    When: Thursday night, October 2nd
    What happened: ISIS is invading the Syrian city of Kobani. The Islamic group is quickly accelerating their rate of takeover. Kobani is near the Turkish border meaning that they're heading that way. This is scaring the civilians of Turkey so most of them are fleeing. Also, Australia has joined the US alliance to take down ISIS. The country said they feel threatened and need to protect their countries. So far there are only 60 Australians in Syria but there are more to come to help the US and the other allies defeat this terrorist group. Australia has already sent some air strikes.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows how ISIS is taking over the Middle East and how they are a threat to the rest of the world.
    Reaction: My reaction is scared because they really are taking over a lot and it doesn't seem like the air strikes are doing anything to take the group down.
    Opinion (I think..) that the US and allies need to think of a better way to take down ISIS because what ever they're doing isn't working.
    Connection: I chose this article because I want to keep up with what's going on with ISIS.

  17. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title:CDC insists Ebola under control even as stricken man's relatives quarantined, home awaits scrub down
    Article Date:10/3/14
    Who: Thomas Eric Duncan
    Where: Texas
    When: Friday ( today)
    What happened: A patient named Thomas Eric Duncan who has Ebola is being treated legally in Texas at Health Presbyterian Hospital. He had came from Nigeria and is some to be prosecuted for lying to the airport about caring for an Ebola patient.
    Why this event is relevant: Because the Ebola disease can affect everybody in America and Ebola can break out.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I was upset when I read the article because he shouldn't be in America.
    Opinion (I think..): I think he should go back to Nigeria because he could be spreading the disease in America.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it shows that Ebola is in America and I could spread and the article has to do with the government allowing him to stay.

  18. Source: CNN U.S, Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    Article Title: " I'm Gay. Get Over It," Pennsylvania Senator Causally Comes Out.

    Who: The people involved is Pennsylvania Senator Jim Ferlo, LGBT community, and legislation.

    Where: This takes place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in the courts.

    When: This happened Tuesday, September 23,2014.

    What Happened: Senator Ferlo comes out about being gay stating that it was very obvious and he just hasn’t made it public. As he tell it publicly the courts in Harrisburg the lawmakers are trying to get more protection for LBGT community.

    Why is this relevant?: This is relevant because Senator Ferlo is one of the few gay senators. Also, the LBGT are not under Pennsylvania's hate crime law. So for them to have some type of protection would be good.

    Reaction: I feel as though the LBGT community should have the same rights as everyone else. The ideals that were used to build the U.S an even Pennsylvania are being contradicted. If the U.S and Pennsylvania

    Opinion: I think this will change history.

    Connection: This can connect wit Michael Sam coming out to the NFL about being gay.He was the first publicly gay NFL player to be drafted. To many people didn’t like it. I feel it was going to happen eventually. One of the teams he was drafted didn’t want him on their team. I think the LGBT community is starting to expand

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Tahira Thurmond

      Article Title: Ebola case: Patient's partner speaks out
      Article Date: October 2,2014
      Who: Ebola paitient
      Where: Liberia
      What happened: a guy named Thomas Duncan was the first person to have the Ebola disease in American , but a few days before finding out he was questioned and ask no to the questionnaire. Before leaving Liberia Duncan was ask if he had touched the body any one who's died from Ebola , he once again answered no . Leader tugbeh chieh says that Duncan have been caring for an Ebola patient. Kesselly says they will seek prosecute if Duncan has lied on his health screening. The Liberian president Ellen Johnson will talk with lawyers to make a decision on what to do with Duncan.
      Reactions: my reaction to this is irritated and upset that he would lie about his health and put people in America at risk with catching the disease of even dying from it .
      Opinion : my opinion on this article is that he should be prosecuted if he lied about a serious health condition Connection : my connection to this is when a similar disease was going around and people weren't being cautious about what they were doing and people in America were infected with the disease.


    Tile: Obama to immigration activists: Cover me

    Date: Fri October 3, 2014

    What Happen:This article is about how Obama is trying to change the Immigration system. By this he makes it sure that scange could not happen without their vote. When he has a Latino vote them this helps by having them take it to congress. After it is taken to congress then the next steps can be done. In the United States can not come togther to make a decision. The votes were not put together yet. This is relevant because the needs of the people are not being met and people want to be able to visit their families. But the immigration is not allowing it. My reaction that they should vote to help themselves. I think that is should not be left by the people to decide to change because the vote might not be helpful to all who needs it. My connection is when I was in school and we had to vote and not everyone will not want the same thing. So it just worries that not everyone wants the same thing and nothing will be resolved.

  21. Include:

    Article Title: Joe Biden explains how Ebola is like ISIS
    Article Date: Wednesday October 3,2014
    Who: Joe Biden is the only person who is involved in this article.
    Where: this article doesn't have a specific place.
    When: This happened today this morning.
    What happened: Joe Biden gives a speech trying to connect the to biggest problems America is facing right now.
    Why this event is relevant: it explains how Ebola and ISIS are alike.
    Reaction : I think that Joe Biden is right about ISIS and Ebola being alike in the fact that they both spread quickly and effects a lot of people
    Opinion : I think that both ISIS and Ebola can be stopped with a little more research and development.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I was curious about how he would connect these two things.

    1. This post is not long enough. Expand your "What happened" section.
