Monday, September 15, 2014

1st period, week of 9/15-9/19

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. :

    Article Title:defendant dares judge to give death penalty
    Article Date:september 15 2014
    Who:a south florida man
    Where: florida
    When: 2008
    What happened:a man convicted for murdering two people they were trying to give him the death penalty he was telling them to kill him because they were wrong he was innocent he felt like the supreme court was not going to let him die over something he didn't do it was evident that he didn't pull the trigger he didn't even want to speak to the judge that's how confident he was on knowing that they couldn't give him the death penalty
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because he is up against a death penalty for something he did not do and that's wrong because the evidence clearly says its not his fault he did not pull the trigger
    Reaction im angry because if its evidence that I didn't do it why are you still trying to kill me that's not fair I feel the judge jury and everyone else is abusing their power
    Opinion (I think the situation should be reconsidered the death penalty should not be in effect under any circumstances no one should die especially if I didn't do anything
    Connection I choose this because this is something I would like to defend when I become a lawyer and this is major in something I want to do so if he was my client I would defend him to the best of my ability and make sure he does not die

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Obama- U.S. ready to take the lead in Ebola fight.

    Article Date:September 16, 2014

    Who: African citizens.

    Where: West Africa.

    When: September 16, 2014

    What happened: Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The United States plans to send troops, materials to build field hospitals, more health care workers, community care kits and more medical supplies.Hospitals and clinics in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone these countries were hit the hardest by the outbreak. This virus killed 2,400 and thousands more people are infected.

    Why this event is relevant: This virus killed 2,400 and thousands more people are infected.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): It’s that all these people died from Ebola.

    Opinion:I think Obama is doing a great job by taking action and sending supplies and troops over to West Africa.

    Connection: I chose this article because I think that it’s sad that West Africa has to go through this and lately cases of Ebola were detected in a couple U.S. citizens.

    1. I need the full web address to find your article. In the future, this would receive a zero.

  4. Source:
    Article Title:Rare respiratory virus spreads to Pennsylvania

    Article Date: September 16 , 2014
    Who: everyone
    Where: in different states
    When: the week of September 8, 2014

    What happened: a virus had spread around the world but only has been confirmed in 12 states. In Delaware there has been 12 children hospitalized for this virus and they are trying figure out if the children at suffering from EV-D68. This virus cause severe respiratory illness. Children with asthma are at a higher risk. It likely spreads from one person to another when the infected person touches something or someone sneezes or coughs. You are more likely to get infected with this virus in the summer or fall

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant beacause this is a disease that is being spread around the world and could possibly be deadly if the wrong person is infected

    Reaction: my reaction to this is to try and keep myself safe and anything around far and clean so that no bacteria of this disease could enter into my body

    Opinion: I think that if you keep your self and surroundings clean you should be at risk to catch the virus but if your not doing the right things to protect yourself than you will most likely catch the disease

    Connection: a connection to this is when the swine flu broke out and it was spreading all over the world there was even a shot for this virus to protect people from getting infected.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Warning of Terror Risk, Regional Leaders Show Their Focus on Safety
    Article Date: september 15, 2014
    Who: Two Governors, Chris Christie and Andrew M. Cuomo
    Where: Midtown, Manhattan
    When: september 11th
    What happened: ISIS posed a serious potential threts to the united states. The governons came together in a conference where they warned of terror threats. And they are working hard to protect citizens of the united states gov, Mr. Cuomo said, ''Attacks on the united states has elevated''. Because the u.s balance strikes against ISIS. Both of the governors promised an immediate review of security and counterterrorism procedures. To be prepared and stop any perform threts attacks of ISIS.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because the governors are focusing on the saftey of the citizens of are country from terrorist attacks

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) anxious because this is a serie of matter and the attacks that ISIS are planning can effect this country or even can be deadly for a lot of citizens of the united states.

    Opinion (I think..) I think the idea of the gov to form a review of security throughout the u.s is good idea because any of the terrorist can be anywhere planning threts and base on the security around through states are a safe way to keep a eye out on people that's helping ISIS and monitoring any suspecious act of the unknown helpers of terrorist of ISIS

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to get a better understanding on where the u.s was at on keeping track of the focus of the terrorist and how they plan to keep everyone safe of the united states and what's there plan on catching and defeating ISIS. And it also stood out to me that this event was on the 13th anniversary of 9/11. that this was a meeting so the united states could be prepared for any attacks similar from 9/11 thirteen years ago.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Home prices rising, but slowly

    Article Date: August 26

    Who: Everyone

    Where: National

    When: June

    What happened: Throughout the course of this year home prices are slowly but surely rising. This is not just happening in one state or city, it's happening all over the US. Statistics show a dramatic change in home prices from over the course of 6 years. This year is the highest the prices of a house every rose to.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it's a national problem — soon people will not be able to afford a house in that will then lead to all the wealthy people buying houses and all the and unwealthy people will be forced to rent houses from the wealthy people.

    Reaction: I feel somewhat mad because by the time I decide to buy a house it will be very hard to pay for. The mortgage will most likely be in the way, so I won't be able to get what I want in my life because I might be paying my house off forever.

    Opinion: I think the prices should not be rising the way it is. I think that because some houses aren't even that nice and some areas aren't the best.

    Connection: This is something that affected one of my family members this year. I hate to have to see them let everything they worked ghard for go because of this problem which should have never occured.

    1. I need the full web address to find your article. In the future, this would be a zero.

  7. SOURCE:
    Aritcle Title: Ban welcomes US support in Ebola response Ahead of Security Council Emergency session on out Break
    where:Thus event is taking place in West Africa.
    When:this started in 2014 and recently updated on the 17 September and is still be dated.
    What Happened : The Ebola disease is spreading rapidly and mr.Ban must see what he will do The UN must gather 987.8 million dollars to get what require for the out break such as gloves and medical care.
    What is Relavent: This is relevant because the outbreak is spreading rapidly through Africa with sierra leone, Guinea, and Liberia. The Outbreak is really taking over people lives and should be stop , but to do that we all have to help.
    Reaction : I feel that the united states and others should come up with the money to help Africa because we all live on this earth and the virus could spread to us . In order for it not to we have to cure it or keep it to a minimum.
    Option: I think that this is a tragic out break and is one of the most talked about events on the news and in newspapers.
    I think the virus will reach the United states and then the government will enforce treatment to people.

    Connection : This reminds me of the Swan Flu Virus in the 2000's We're everyone had to get shots and go to the hospital. There was a lot of people who died and could not get treated. This was not a good time for the United states because most people couldn't even go to work if they
    did not have the swan flu virus shot.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: U.S. ready to strike Syria, military officials say
    Article Date: September 18, 2014 (updated)
    Who: Barack Obama/ U.S. military
    Where: Syria
    When: September 18, 2014
    What happened: The U.S. military is fully equipped and ready to strike Syria. It is currently waiting for the approval of the President. For awhile now, intelligence and military specialists working for the U.S. military have been working on where exactly to strike. The overall plan however, IS to destroy ISIS. The military will present to President Barack Obama the time, date, and place of the planned strikes.
    Why this event is relevant: ISIS has started to become a serious and dangerous threat to neighboring countries and even Europe and Asia altogether. Obama and the U.S. military are going step-by-step and taking extreme caution when it comes to what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Part one would be to send strikes on Syria, potentially "flushing out" ISIS.
    Reaction: I believe Obama and the U.S. military should be credited with taking action. However, what comes with this plan is much more harm than good. Civilians would be killed, and there is no definite assurance that ISIS will be "flushed out". Basically, I appreciate that the U.S. realizes that ISIS is a major problem and are trying their best to do with them, but it comes at a cost, as some civilians could and probably will end up losing their lives.
    Opinion: I am kind of 50/50 on this move. It's more of a high risk, high reward type of move. The strikes could locate ISIS or affiliates of them but could also end up killing innocent people.
    Connection: I chose this article because I was interested to see whether President Obama lived up to his promise of taking affirmative action in Syria and neighboring countries to find and eradicate ISIS. He meant what he said and now on his word, part one of "ISIS destruction" could soon commence.

  9. Source-

    Title- Scots decide whether to declare independence.
    Date- September 18, 2014
    Who- Scotland's government
    Where- Scotland
    When- September 18, 2014
    What happened- Scotland wants to become a independent state. Many Scots wanted to stray away from the union in England. Voters went out to vote when it started at 7:00 am. The outcome will be announced on Friday September 19, 2014. Scottish independence is important to the Scottish citizens.
    Relevance- This event is relevant because it is currently happening today. It shows how serious countries take independence. Being independent shows you can do things on your own. The United States is one of those countries. England controls Scotland so they are trying to break away from that.
    Reaction- My reaction is that this isn't surprising. You would think Scotland would've tried this years ago. It makes perfect sense. They want their own laws. They want their government to control how they live.
    Opinion- In my opinion this is a good idea. It shows that countries still care about things like that. Independence can take you a long. Makes you feel like you can do things on your own. This shows good leadership.
    Connection- I chose this article because it stood out to me. There were many other articles but I can relate to this one. I like to not depend on people for a lot of reasons. One is that I don't want to feel like I owe somebody something. Also I don't want people saying they are the reason for my success.

  10. Source: Metro News Paper, Philadelphia

    Article Title: Obama speaks on his plan to eliminate ISIL

    Article Date: Thursday, September 11 2014

    Who: Barack Obama, ISIL

    Where: Presidential speech in the white houses

    When: Wednesday September 10

    What happened: On Wednesday September 10 Obama tells Americans his plan to eliminate ISIL. Obama wants to continue to use airstrikes, but to expand the strikes in Iraq(Syria). Obama doesn't want to Immobilize his ground troops to fight Al Qaeda factions. They want to take the group out in a smarter way, Obama relies on its air power to take out ISIL.

    Why this event is relevant: ISIL is getting out of hand, not just with the US but also Asia and Europe. They already killed two American journalist, They could care less about our lives and could strike us again. That's why its good to try to stop them know rather than wait to see what they do to innocent lives.

    Reaction: I believe Obama is doing the best he can to eliminate ISIL forces. But a little upset that he doesn't do more to help the situation.

    Opinion: I think Obama should send ground troops in to fight small factions of terrorists rather than relying just on air strikes. Its a good plan but I don't believe that just sending airstrikes is going to get the job done.

    Connection: I choose this article to discuses the recent event between the American people. I'm an average American myself so I need to know what's going on with us being involved in ISIL.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Council Passes Tweaked Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
    Article Date: September 18, 2014
    Who: Mayor Michael Nutter, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Councilman Jim Kenney
    Where: Philadelphia, PA
    When: September 18, 2014
    What happened: Today, the city’s council accepted a law that would stop Philadelphians being charge for small portions of marijuana. Violators will be charged with a $25 fine, much like a speeding ticket. This won’t go on their record and they won’t be held under arrest. People who smoke marijuana and are caught doing the act in open areas will be charged with a $100 ticket however this can be taken away through community service. In each scenario the offender’s marijuana will be ravaged on the scene. This bill has been changed from the original to fit the needs of all public figures involved. Despite the adjusted bill, this bill has been approved and passed undisputedly.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is germane because we live in Philadelphia and any new laws or legislations that affects Philadelphia is important.
    Reaction: I think the council and mayor are doing a great thing with this law. I feel as though the law enforcers are wasting time and money arresting, charging and filing pot smokers when they can be spending time trying to catch killers, rapists and other serious offenders
    Opinion: I also think that passing this bill is an important push in legalizing marijuana and Philadelphia is now involved. I see taxed marijuana as a good way the government can get money because marijuana is “cool” and people would want to have it. I also believe marijuana is a better than tobacco and alcohol and that it doesn’t cause as much harm and it pose a lesser threat than other drugs.
    Connection: I chose this article because I’d always think marijuana isn’t as dangerous. I’ve been keeping a close eye on this bill since early summer. If Philadelphia decriminalize marijuana I feel other major cities across the Northeastern states will start doing so and that would be in the history books and it’s nice knowing Philadelphia would be apart of that.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is "Airstrike kills 40 Islamic state fighters."
    Article Date: The article date is September 18th, 2014.
    Who: The people who were involved in this incident were US troops and ISIS fighters.
    Where: This even happened in Iraq's 2nd largest city, Monsul.
    When: It happened earlier today in Monsul, Iraq.
    What happened: US air fighters flew over an ISIL occupied town and killed 40 fighters. This type of attack was ordered by President Obama later this week after he warned members of ISIS that this would be coming to them. The US is doing this to stop the dangerous group ISIS form killing religious refugees and many other reasons. Some officials say that US ground troops may be sent over there to fight but that hasn't been proven true.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these types of actions could cause a war on US soil if we aren't too careful. This is also relevant because the US is help stopping one of the most dangerous terrorists groups we've seen in a long time.
    Reaction: I feel good that Obama has warned the ISIL members about what could come to them is if they keep up their actions. I like how he's shown that the US is still stronger than them and that we can take them out at any time.
    Opinion: I just have a feeling that eventually something bad is going to happen because of this action by the US. I do think that ISIS will be stopped but not without the US paying some kind of price.
    Connection: I chose this article because ISIS has been all over the news for the longest. I just wanted to read more into it and see what the US has been doing to stop them.

  13. Source: (

    Article Title: Pentagon Building Case for Air Force Fleet Upgrades

    Article Date: September 17, 2014

    Who: The U.S Pentagon

    Where: The U.S Pentagon

    When: September 17, 2014

    What happened: In this article the u.s pentagons has asked president Obama and the head of the united states central command for an expansion of the u.s air forces. In the report the defense secretary stated the he wanted to extend the air arsenal to help aid the air strike efforts in the Iraq and Syrian region of the mid west. This meeting was also to shine light on the increasing of age in our air fleet some planes even aging faster than back as far as 1955. many planes in the fleet are reaching 25 to 30 years of age. At the conference it is also mentioned that Chinese and Russian pilots are have more average flight hours than u.s training operations

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the U.S has one of the best military in the world and all of our branches need to be at its best if we want to stay that way. this is also important because if the U.S whats any chance of stopping ISIS from continuing their terror across the the western regions we need the best that money can by because president Obama has already stated that their would not be and ground troops fighting ISIS but there would be air strikes so it would only make common sense that we obtain the peak of technological advancement the we could find.

    Reaction (My reaction to this was a fairly positive one, I think throughout the Whole Article I was in agreement with the policy's put up for discussion.)

    Opinion (I think this is a good idea )

    Connection (I chose this article because it seemed very interesting and I wanted to to learn a little more of the status of our military)

  14. Source:
    Article Title: House approves plan to assist Syrian rebels
    Article Date: 9/17/14
    Who: House of representatives
    Where: Washington D.C
    When; September ,17,2014
    What Happened; President Obama's petition to lend military support to the rebels who are fighting ISIS was allowed after the House of representative voted yes. Republicans think the strategy wont't be able to defeat ISIS while democrats think it can be the cause of another war. The proposal will allow the Pentagon the ability to help the Syrian rebels; beforehand a strategy must be devolved.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because either it cold help free Syria and Iraq from ISIS or it could bring the start of another war that the U.S is involved in but didn't really have anything to do with.
    Reaction; I feel that that the house didn't make a good decision because there is a chance that the plan can backfire and the rebels can turn against the U.S and there may not be an army strong enough to take out ISIS.
    Opinion: I think that this decision could actually put the United States into another war.
    Connection; This article was important to me because its been all over the news and for better or for worse effects the United States.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Obama: ISIS threat against U.S., allies "doesn't frighten us".
    Article Date: September 18th 2014
    Who: Obama
    Where: Washington, from the White House
    When: Thursday (today)
    What happened: ISIS threatens the U.S by keeping our journalist as prisoners such as James Foley and Steven Sotloff and recording their execution and sending it to the U.S. So now Obama is planning to strike ISIS in the Northern part of Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it proves to ISIS were not frightened by their threats towards the U.S or towards our allies because it just makes us stronger as a Nation. And it also proves that were prepared to take them down.
    Reaction: My reaction to this event was that it’s nice that the U.S is finally doing something about ISIS.
    Opinion: I think that the U.S should have been gone down there to stop ISIS because of what happened to the American journalist
    Connection: I chose this article because it’s what everybody is talking about its one of our main problems and ISIS needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

  16. Bahsil Franklin

    Source: Title:
    Article Date: Thursday, September 18th, 2014 3:31PM
    Who: The city of Philadelphia (City Council)
    Where: City Hall
    When: Today (going by date uploaded)
    What happened: The city of Philadelphia is looking to legalize small possessions of marijuana. They say that most of the marijuana people have is harmless and should not be getting stopped in the streets for it. The only time people will get stopped is if they hold less than 30 grams. Also, they will not charge this as a criminal offense, it will be at least a $100 fine and/or 9 hours of community service. This law was voted 14 to 2. Greenlee says that the bill should be signed by Mayor Nutter Friday.
    Why is this event is relevant: This is relevant because cops can stop wasting their time and also stop trying to stop people just to see if they have marijuana. This law is being changed every where and smoking marijuana does affect our community but for people getting arrested for it is unnecessary.
    Reaction: My reaction to this was that I was not extremely surprised. I knew eventually it was going to happen to Philadelphia because many other states and cities are doing the same thing.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is that I could really care less. I don't smoke and I never will smoke so this really doesn't affect me as much. But I know for a fact it will affect the people around me.
    Connection: I chose this article because this mainly seems to connect to teenagers. I know teens smoke and now they might get caught up knowing that there isn't really a big consequence. So overall, I chose this article because smoking usually involves young teens.

  17. Source: The Washington Post, Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    Article Title: The nation says ‘Yes’ to gay marriage. When will the Supreme Court?

    Who: The people involved are the Supreme Court, LGBT community, the nation as a whole, and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

    Where: This takes place at the Supreme court in United States.

    When: This event happened Wednesday, September 17,2014.

    What Happened: A little over a third of the states in the U.S allow same-sex marriage because of the Defense of Marriage Act. The Supreme Court is taking a while to have same-sex marriage in all the states.

    Why is this event relevant?: This topic is relevant because same-sex has been a hot topic for a couple of years now. The Supreme Court has been debating this also for a while. The Supreme court needs to come to an a agreement. The United States shouldn’t let this topic last for 5 years.

    Reaction: I am a Christian, so in my belief it isn't right for a man and a man or a women and women to marry. I believe that it’s a new era and that things will change more people are going to accept. For me, I have gay relatives and I accept them as who they are because I love them and I don’t care. I think if the Supreme court is going to do it they should make there decision as quick as possible.

    Opinion: I think that we should let the rest of the states pass a law allowing for same-sex marriage.

    Connection: This relates so much to our 5 ideals that the United States is built off of. One of the main ideals is equality. If we based America off of this ideal why not use it for your citizens well being. Another ideal would be rights. These to ideals go hand and hand. The LBGT community aren't monsters or aliens so therefore they should have the same rights as we have, such as being able to marry whomever you want to live your life with.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Ukraine to get $53 million in ‘non-lethal’ aid from the United States
    Article Date: September 18, 2014
    Who: Ukraine and United States
    Where: Ukraine
    When: May 2014-September 2014
    What happened: Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko reportedly ask the US for weapons to help aid them against Russia. However the US declined to offer any military assistance but instead offered 53 million dollars worth of non military assistance. The Ukraine president feels as though the US should help them become as powerful and important of country as they are. Being the country that the US is, they insisted that Russia try to began peace negotiations with Ukraine to end this war. Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko reportedly went to several countries asking for military assistance including Canada. Russia plans to negotiate with Ukraine on Friday and agree on a reasonable solution.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if the US decides to help Ukraine then that might damage the relationship it has with Russia.
    Reaction: I'm surprised that this has been going on for five months and they are just now considering trying to negotiate terms.
    Opinion: I think that Ukraine has the right to fight back and the only way that this will work out is if Russian separatists completely leave all territory they captured in Ukraine.
    Connection: I choose this article because I felt it was important for the US to stay neutral. If the US didn't stay neutral I feel as though Russia would be furious for us helping Ukraine when we are allies which would start something between us and them.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is Defendant Dares Judge to give Death Penalty.
    Article Date: This article is from September 15,2014.
    Who: This article is about a man name James Herard and the judge and jurors who convicted him.
    Where: This happened in South Florida.
    When: This incident happened in 2008 but the case reopened this year.
    What happened: This man named James Herard was convicted of murder was sent to jail for murder. He was sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit. But now they are saying that he murdered someone else and might get the death penalty. But James doesn't think so because he is saying that he didn't kill either one of the people.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because I feel like everybody should get a fair trial and get to speak multiple times to defend their case.
    Reaction : My reaction to this was shocked because James was basically saying he doesn't have a fear of what they're saying. He knows that the supreme court will not penalize him for something he didnt do.
    Opinion :I think that there should be some further investigation. There needs to be a liar detector. Also I think that if he got a new jury they might understand because all the other jurors already have become immuned to him. But I also think that if he tell them what he really feel then they might go a little lighter on him?
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel like so many innocent people are going to jail and dont have no time or no way to plead there case. The only perosn allowed to talk is the judge and the lawyers.

  20. Source : east/us-faces-tough-struggle-on-ground-tl-oust-ISIS-html?r=0
    Article Title : U.S Faces Tough Struggle On Ground To Oust ISIS
    Article Date : September 18, 2014

    This involves the group ISIS, Kurdish fighters,Iraqi Fighters, MiddleEast and United States. This is happening in the middle east. No specific date but discusses what difficulties U.S. are having fighting ISIS. Things that are being disscused is how hard fighting against ISIS with civilians in the way and how ISIS are adapting to the air strikes being sent to them by taking coverage in the ground.

    This is relevant because this involves the safety of our nation as ISIS has sent out a propaganda video which threatens the safety of our nation. Its also more relevant because U.S wants to send combat troops to train Iraqi and Sunni rebels to fight ISIS which may take 8-12 months. 8-12 months is time needed to train 5,000 shoulders. To me 8-12 months is a lot of time which gives ISIS time to get stronger and bigger if non one is coming after them. I'm kind of tired of hearing about all the advantages ISIS has and also about how a lot of time is needed to prepare how to get rid of them. I think we should arm rebels and let them handle ISIS on their own and let other nations know their help is needed asap. I choose this article because it shows how very serious ISIS is becoming and how we should have been got rid of them.

  21. Article title: Flordia man kills 6 grandkids, daughter.
    Article date: This article was updated Friday September 19, 2014.
    Who: This article involved Sheriff Robert Schultz, Don Spirit, and Sarah Spirit.
    Where: This took place in a Florida town called Bell, Gilchrist County.
    When: This event happened this week on Thursday afternoon.
    What happened: Don Spirit killed three boys and three girls, whose ages where between 3 months old to 11 years old. Before calling the police. Don Spirit called 911 and killed himself after a police officer arrived at the scene.The police officer found the bodies inside the home. Don Spirit already was known for having a criminal history. The police have visited Don Spirit's home many times before because of other incidents that happened. Don Spirit just got out of jail 8 years ago for "accidentally" killing his son, Kyle, in a hunting trip. He spent three years in prison for the killing of his son.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this incident devastated & scared most of the county, that has about 17,000 people. The police officer did not want to explain everything in detail about on the incident because of how devastated it would be to everyone. He said "we're all family here", meaning that a piece of everyone's family is gone now.
    Reaction: When I read this I felt bad about it because I hope that doesn't happen to any of my family members or to anyone in my neighbor. I hope that it stays as safe as possible.
    Opinion: I think that the police officer was right for not giving complete detail about the incident. It showed that he cared about how everyone else would feel.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. A lot of killings are going on around everywhere in major cites & minor cities we should be more aware.

  22. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:France joins U.S. airstrikes in Iraq, wipes out ISIS target
    Article Date:Fri, 19 Sept 2014
    Who: France and Isis
    Where: Iraq
    When: Fri, 19 Sept 2014 09:40
    What happened: France has finally struck against Islamic group Isis just a couple hours ago destroying everything. Four bombs hit the Iraqi military installation that had been overrun by the militants, and hit a munitions and fuel depot, they said dozen of people was killed in just four strikes. France is the first country to publicly add military to United States airstrikes against the group, which has drawn criticism around the world. but that's only because France was united states first ally. France and united states still don't want put soldiers on the ground yet. they want to do things in a an orderly and peaceful matter for now
    Why this event is relevant: this article is relevant because its our first attack against Isis who are out to get us
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) why reading this i became scared because this our first attack and we don't know what they have in plan to get us back but at the same is relieving to know that we finally made a move.
    Opinion (I think..) i think what the France did was smart because its better to get them before they get us
    Connection (why you chose this article) i choose this article because it just happened this morning and it was our first attack on them

  23. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: A new low in anti-Muslim American bias
    Article Date: Friday September 19, 2014
    Who: Oklahoma State Representative John Bennett is the the main person involved in this article.
    Where: The article does not have specific area where it takes place.
    When: This article does not have date of when it takes place.
    What happened: Stat Rep. John Bennett has discriminated against all Muslims, has continued to show his ignorance, and has been unapologetic. Other religious leaders, have asked for Bennett to apologize for his remarks. But not only has he just offended Muslims he also disrespected the late Michael Brown.
    Why this event is relevant: this ties into what we've talked about in class with legitimacy. John Bennett has lost a lot of his legitimacy due to his rude comments.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I am upset people agree with this man and his ignorance for other people.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think that Bennett should be pulled out of office for what his said. I don't believe he is fit for his position any more.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : The article stuck out to me because I don't like racist people so I wanted to find out what happened.

  24. Source:
    Article Title: Gen John Allen will lead new global coalition to crush Islamic State
    Article Date: September 17, 2014
    Who: US Troops & Gen. John Allen
    Where: US/Iraq/Syria
    When: Ongoing event
    What happened: The US is appointing Gen. John Allen to be in charge of getting all the nations that don't back ISIS together to eradicate them as a whole. John Allen was in charge of the NATO mission in Iraq from 2011-2013 and took down their leader. They came together and decided they are at "war" but not stepping foot on soil for an actual battle against them. 27 other countries have agreed to help us with the cause of defeating ISIS and being allies with us.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it deals with what's going on in the US today and how this could potentially change relations with some other countries
    Reaction: my reaction to this was happy because the US is taking good actions against ISIS. It's good that 28 nations are coming together for this effort, even joining with countries that they were feuding with.
    Opinion: I think this will work and the US will defeat ISIS in due time.
    Connection: I chose this article because I'm trying to keep up with what's going on in Iraq and with ISIS. I think it's crazy that some people view this as a good thing.

  25. Source: www.
    Article Title: U.S. Ramping up Ebola effort as Obama heads to CDC.
    Article Date: Tuesday September 16, 2014
    Who: Obama
    Where: Florida and Western Africa
    When: Tuesday and Wednesday
    What happened: This article talks about Obama goes on a trip for two days in a role for to face the problems in other two continents could maybe a threat to the U.S. While facing the terrorist in Syria, Obama faces the general infection in African that could probably spread, if the U.S. Doesn't take an action on it.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it's a international emergency and if the United States doesn't fix it before it spreads, it will increase more problems and more deaths all over the country. Also, if we respond to it now and make a strategy to defeat ISIS and find a cure for Ebola before it will be no way to control the infection.
    Reflection: Besides the ISIS situation Obama is doing a good job going overseas first to try and figure out what's causing it, where it came from, and how to stop it now and in the future. Unfortunately, the U.S. Isn't transmitting enough materials to the territory.
    Opinion (I think..)- I think sending medical professions and other hospitalized sources to Western Africa to cure the people with the virus is the best idea. It makes more sense to go there before it comes over in the United States.
    Connection - I chose this article because this disease could spread and I want know if it could be in the U.S. And also where it came from and how it could be treat it.

    1. Be sure to include the FULL web address where I can find your article. In the future, this would not receive credit.

  26. The blog is now closed for this week.
