Sunday, September 21, 2014

5th period, 9/22-9/26

5th period, week of 9/22-9/26

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Pennsylvania woman blamed for her own rape in state response to lawsuit.
    Article Date: This article was published Thu September 25, 2014.
    Who: A state prison clerk, Law suit, Omar Best.
    Where: This event took place in Rockview in Bellefonte.
    When: This event took place back in 2013.
    What happened: Former state prison clerk blamed for her own rape. This 24 year old women that worked in a prison, named Rockview was raped back in 2013. By a inmate, she was chocked til unconsiousness abd raped for 27 minutes. Mind you this inmate (Omar Best) was convicted three times in the past for sex - related issues. But the law suit wants to blame the state for the rape. Knowing this mans background which is ridiculus. They blame this incident on the state because, the superintendent moved the clerk office from a safe floor to a location in a cell block. Law suit says with them knowing Omar Best background, he should've never had access to the offices of female employees. So that was dumb on their part, they should've kept things secure so something like this wouldn't happen.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because a female got raped. Also because the state prison should be more aware of their inmates.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt bad for the lady, because nobody should deserve to be taken against their will. And the fact that she isn't getting justice behind it is crazy and annoying.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the state prison should take this seriously.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect with this situation because I'm a female myself. I could only imagine how she feels, things like this are sick.

    1. This is outrageous. Granted, she assumed some risk when she took a job in a prison, but the prison should have increased protection for their staff to maintain the safety of its employees.

  2. Source: (entire website address) :

    Article Title: The name of this article is called, “ American Matthew Miller starts North Korean prison sentence; photo released”.

    Article Date: This article was published on Thursday September 25,2014.

    Who: An American, Matthew Miller, and North Korean government is involved in this article.

    Where: This event takes place in North Korea.

    When: This event happened on Thursday September 25,2014.

    What happened: Matthew Miller, an american, is being held in a North Korean prison because he is being accused tearing up his visa when he got to north korea. He did it because he wanted to go to their prison so he could show the human rights violations in there.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because North korea and the United States hate each other. We are enemies. They say he was sent bc he is with the United States campaign against North Korea. Plus we just really don't like them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this event is really neutral because i don't really understand the exact reason why we don't like Korea but i know its something deep.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that Matthew was brave to basicly volunteer himself to take foot into a prison in a country where he is greatly hated.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because i couldn't find anything else related to government. Pus this article interest me a little because i thought that what Matthew did was brave but i'm not 100% sure of why he did what he did . I mean i do because i read about it but i don't know what it truly means.

  3. Source: CNN
    Article Title: Pentagon spokesman on ISIS: 'I think we are in this for a matter of years'
    Article Date: September 25, 2014
    Who: United States and Allies
    Where: United States to Syria
    When: Sepetember 25, 2014
    What happened: The US and their allies is defending themselves from airstrikes that hit oil refineries in Syria used by a terror group. US airstrikes hit places in Syria where ISIS had been to produce oil that makes $2 million a day. The attacks are focused on the base around the refineries. Even if they wanted to stop their oil flow, they couldn't because they still have a lot of money in the back now.They snatched about a third of a billion dollars from the central bank of Mosul. ISIS had collected millions of dollars from european governments and traded in some of their oil. US want to cut off all funding to ISIS. ISIS targets in Iraq were also hit Thursday morning. Jets carried out strikes on four ISIS warehouses, which was were the miltary stuff was. The US is focused on refineries.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the US and ISIS is beefing now and we don't need no more problems.
    Reaction: My feelings toward this is I dont really have none toward this long as it's not like a 911 type case.
    Opinion: I think ISIS just need to quit it and stop doing what they doing.
    Connection: I chose this article because it's informating me about what is happening with us and ISIS.

  4. Source: CBS NEWS
    Title: NY officials downplay subway attack reports
    Article Date: September 25, 2014
    By. CBS
    Who: ISIS plot attack on the U.S. may be a hoax.

    When: This event happened Thursday, September 25, 2014

    Where : The incident was reported Iraq but news traveled to U.S.

    What happened : US ally Iraq prime minister was informed by ISIS imprisoners that the terrorists group was going to plot a possible attack in N.Y. subways and also another U.S. ally Paris,France. However U.S. and France intelligence said that they were never informed about a possible attack but they're are investigating into it to the fullest. Iraq prime minister Abadi said that ISIS had some connections in Iraq but were not Iraqi citizens. Albadi however refused to tell US officials where the possible attack can happen. This set President Obama to set all intelligence officials straight and say that any information they have should be shared to the media. But until any new information we urge our citizens to stay calm.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt g their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country.

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: The title of the article is, “Cyrus cruise ship rescued migrants ‘refuse to disembark’”
    Article Date: The date of the article is September 25, 2014.
    Who: The Syrian refugees, Salamis Cruise Lines, Cyriot defence ministry and the Cyriot authorities were all involved in the article.
    Where: This dramatic event occurred off the coast of Cyprus.
    When: The ship was supposed to sail at 10:30 pm on September 24th, but people wanted to debate.
    What happened: About 350 migrants were running away from the striking rise of conflicts in Syria. Many of them wanted to escape to Italy and Malta, when suddenly their fishing boat was caught in dangerous conditions overseas. Once the Cyriot authorities picked up radio signals from the 52 children that were on boat, they immediately sent Salamis cruise ship to rescue them. As the ship arrived everyone ‘s lives were saved and in good health, but the cruising line felt as though the migrants were destroying their company, because they were spending thousands of dollars to rescue them, instead of making money off of passengers who want to travel. Even more problems erupted when the refugees did not want to leave the cruise ship.
    Why is this event relevant: I believe this event is relevant because the citizens in America are now informed of what is happening to the civilians in Syria and overseas.
    Reaction: I’m astonished by the risk of them willing to leave the violence in Syria and saving their lives.
    Opinion: I think there will be more Syrian refugees, who will flee because they might think the violence will worsen over time . Due to that, it will cost ship more money since they cannot turn away human lives.
    Connection: I chose this article, because I have heard a lot about the conflicts in Syria and I wanted to know what know what the civilians there are able to do. So as I watched the video of this article, it gave me the answer on how they wanted to flee and escape the violence. The video interested me to point where I had to continue reading the rest of the article.

  6. Source:
    Article title: Obama challenges Arab Muslim states to fighting.
    Article date: Aired 09/24/14.
    Who : It is about president Obama and Arab Muslim states .
    When: During September.
    What happened: Mr. Obama addressed the UN general assembly by saying that the world is at a crossroads between war and hope. He accused Moscow of endangering the entire cold war order, with it's aggressive action in Ukraine .He also said that , the last of this world the thinking process of this world is that the mighty is always right. Then after that , he said that fighting , together with the Islamic group will be a threat to the world . Because of the problem the UN has with the ISIS. And lastly he said that , the purpose of the campaign is to:
    1. Degrade and destroy the "Islamic State" group.
    2. De legalize ideology of extremists groups .
    3. Reduce sectarian conflicts.
    4. Create opportunities in Arab Muslim World.
    But then the people should help themselves , all the US will do is to aid the helpless.
    Where :At a UN meeting.
    Why is this event so relevant: it is relevant because the is good for the US to be clear who she sides.
    Reaction : when I read it I was very happy , because it made me feel very safe.
    Opinion: I think that , the US showing it's kind of allies is going to be a very good thing to help US be safe and help the US get more allies.
    Why I choose this topic: I choose this article it educated about what is going on about the US.

  7. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:"Ebola Virus Inefection" and "What You Need to Know About Ebola Virus" is the name of the articles I will discuss about.
    Article Date:The Ebola Virus Infection" article was published in the summer of 2014.The "What You Need to Know About the Ebola Outbreak" article was published and updated on September 22,2014.
    Who:The ebola virus,the people thats infected and not infected,doctors,and helath care providers are all involved.
    Where:The Ebola virus orginated from Africa specifically in Guinea,West Africa.
    When:This outbreak started in March 2014.
    What happened:A deadly but rare virus that kills up to 90% of its victims orginated from West Africa.The Ebola virus is spread through skin to skin contact or body fluids.The main transmitter is through blood.The symptoms of this virus in the first 2 to 21 days are high fever,headaches,stomach pain,and joint and muscle aches.This virus can go from country to country so The U.S may have a chance of getting an outbreaks.The centers of disease control predicts that there will be cases up to 1.4 million by January.Over 2,900 peoble have died because of this virus.There is no cure for the Ebola virus yet.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because this outbreak could reach the United States and sense there is no cure yet it is avery dangerous and deadly virus.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I am very nervous and hope that this virus wont make its way to the U.S.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that all of the doctors and scientist should get together and try to find the cure for this virus.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose these articles because I heard people talking about this virus and I didn't know about it and I wanted to know about it so i decided to educate myself.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:After creepy message man confessed
    Article Date:9/25/14
    Who:Matthew Gibson
    When: September 2014
    What happened:Matthew Gibson is a man that killed a women back in 1997 and confused to the murder he committed in 2014, one day Matthew revived a mysterious text message saying "Anita Touched " he thought it was the one that he killed name because he never knew his name, he was feeling guilty that he drove all the way to Arizona from North Carolina in guilt and told the officer that he have to confessed to a crime he have done , he told the cops about what happened in 1997 where he met the women that he killed he told them he took her back to his trailer and she wouldn't level so he beat her with an object and tossed her body on the side of a river and the object ahead on the road after he got done confessing the cops look up the women he killed but that name but it wasn't her that was another name the women he killed name was Barbara Brown his attorney said he prolly confessed because of his religious he found. And came more close to
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):I feel said it went 16 years for nobody to know who Killed this lady and and not know her murder until 2014
    Opinion: he should've been have confessed his from and not just wait for karma to come find they got a warrant for his a rest and he was sentence 10 1/2 in jail but Gibson was really sorry and didn't mean to kill the women.
    Connection:a connection I made was to the show pretty little liars where the revive mysterious text message and things but they didn't know com who just as the man did in this article

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Navajo Nation to sign $554 million settlement from U.S. government
    Article Date:Thursday September 25th, 2014
    Who: The Navajo Nation, The United States and Bureau of Indian Affairs
    Where:Window Rock Tribal Park in Arizona
    When: Friday, September 26, 2014
    What happened: This is saying how on Friday will make history when they announce their 554 million dollar agreement from the U.S. putting an end to their lawsuit. The lawsuit was put up back in 2006 when the Navaho Nation claimed that the United States did not control their fund assets. Going back to 1946. They first thought about this agreement back in May. But it was put into effect on friday 9/26/14. Obama has worked extremely hard to make the relationship between the U.S and the Navajo Nation better. There will be many people in attendence. Including the U.S. Assistant attorney general Sam Hirsch. The Navajo Nation has over 300,000 people in it. Which makes it the biggest Indian tribe in the United States. Its reservation is so big it covers 27,000 square miles, which is over three states.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because there relationship hasnt been great over the years and plus the fact that this agreement is worth over 554 million dollars which is big for the U.S. to get involved in.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that this is was necessary for the U.S. and the Navajo Nation and it sends a word out to Indian tribes that are having similar problems. This also good for the U.S. financially. So I am not surprised at all at this because it was something that Obama did and had to do.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this should have been dealt with earlier seeing that this country has so many other huge problems. But nonetheless, I think that the U.S. should try to do this with other countries.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I felt it was important and to be more educated on the Navajo Nation. It is also involves president Obama which makes this an important topic.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this event is: 10 U.S. Airstrikes Hit ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
    Article Date: This article was published on Friday, September 26, 2014.
    Who: This articles involves the U.S. military and ISIS.
    Where: This current event is taking place west of Baghdad and Syria.
    When: This event took place Thursday, September 25, 2014.
    What happened: Since Thursday the U.S. military have reportedly sent ten airstrikes to hit Baghdad and Syria. The airstrikes that hit Syria have been occurring since early this week, in attempt to target the oil supply. Such actions are taking place, because ISIS which happens to be a financially stable terrorist group, are selling oil in order to fund itself. It is suggested that if the U.S. military continues to target oil fields in Syria, it would destroy ISIS means of funding.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because the airstrikes could potentially put an end to ISIS. The constantly airstrikes that are targeted at the oil supply, would destroys ISIS means of funding its terrorist group.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) By the U.S. military taking such actions, this makes me question whether or not if the world’s oil supply is in jeopardy. For instance by the U.S. military constantly hitting the oil supply that is funding ISIS, would this then cause ISIS to take over more oil fields, and then oil prices skyrocketing. The whole idea of this puzzles me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is a smart and dumb decision. Are we potentially putting ourselves in a dangerous position as a nation? Although targeting the funding of ISIS seems like a good idea it also seems pretty dumb, because there is no telling how ISIS will react.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because this could ultimately determine whether or not ISIS will actually bomb the trains in the U.S.

  11. Source:
    Article title: 10 U.S. Airstrikes hit ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
    Article date: The date is September 26, 2014.
    Who: The U.S. and ISIS.
    Where: In Iraq and Syria.
    When: It was September: 26, 2014.
    What happened: In Iraq is where ISIS was stationed. The U.S. Is trying to destroy them. They did 7 strikes west of Baghdad. The U.S. used a lot of different jets to do this. The U.S. Is targeting the oil factories.
    Relevant: This article is relevant because it's happening now. It also involves the U.S. Troops. ISIS has been in the news a lot lately. The U.S. Doesn't want them to spread around the world. That's why they are trying to destroy them now.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is I'm not surprised. The U.S. wants ISIS gone. They attacked them when they were in the oils factories. That's when they least expected a air strike. That effected Iraq and Syria.
    Opinion: I think this was the right thing to do. This is the only way they can be stopped. The U.S. are doing what they should do. ISIS are killing innocent people. They need to be stopped.
    Connection: The connection I found to this article was I saw this on the news. I watch the news a lot so I can stay up to date with politics. Also so I can be updated with other things. The U.S. troops are in Iraq once again. They are attacking ISIS.

    1. You need the complete web address in order to receive credit for this work.


  12. Source:
    Article Title:US has identified masked man in beheading videos
    Article Date:This article was published September 25, 2014
    Who: The people that are involved in this article are FBI Director James Comey, British Ambassador Peter Westmacott, and the masked man from the ISIS beheading videos.
    Where: This took place at a press conference in the bureau's headquarters.
    When: This took place recently in September.
    What happened: FBI Director James Comey told reporters that the U.S believes it has identified the masked man with a British accent that held a nice in the beheading video of two American journalist, his name is yet to be revealed and the British ambassador has also told the press they are close to identifying the masked man also.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because the lives of two innocent men were taking, and the killer has to face justice.
    Reaction: I feel as if the U.S is doing a good job of finding out who the man in the videos is.
    Opinion (I think..): I think the man in the video should be captured and questioned, then killed for his actions.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because, I've always found that killing a innocent person just because they come from a certain place is unjust.

  13. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Arab Bank Liable for Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds
    Article Date: September 22, 2014
    Who: Stephenie Cliford
    Where:the trail was taken place in Brooklyn
    When: September 22, 2014
    What happene:what is happening is they are bringing banks to trail and they are blaming banks for helping out terrorist in their visious ways and giving them a massive amount of money. They blame the banks because they figured they should have known that the people were terrorist. They needed large significant amount of money to do what they needed to do. Before the case had reached trail Obama felt the need to speak on it. The banks refused to give information. They couldn't really do anything with not much evidence during trail.Arab bank figured and farther issues would still be nothing more than a trail.
    Why this event is relevant: Tgey talk about places that have a high percentage of Islamic people, and abything that has to do with Islam I am very much interested in.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):I feel as though, what proof do they have? Not much at all that this transaction was going on.
    Opinion (I think..): they should have left the situation alone if they had suck then evidence to show for it.
    Connection (why you chose this article):I don't really have a connection but this did interest me.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The name of this article is " Dozens Charged in SE Pa. Drug Investigation."
    Article Date: This article was written on September 26, 2014.
    Who: This article is about a drug trafficking organization.
    Where: This takes place in SE Pennsylvania.
    When: This takes place in September 2014.
    What happened: This article is about many individuals being charger for being apart of a drug trafficking organization. This was a long going process and now many were arrested around the Chester and Delaware County. Although this case hasn't been seen by a judge yet, the charges will be released to the public soon.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant first because this is close to my city . A lot of of bad news has kept my city on the news.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I'm not surprised but kinda surprised because I didn't know big organizations like that we're going on here.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that all of those people should be arrested.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this articles because I see a lot of people selling drugs but this was a whole organization close to where I live.

  15. I got this article from: (
    The title of this article is “Chris Christie on 2016 Presidential Run: ‘I’m thinking about it’.”
    The date on this article is August 14, 2014.
    New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie is the only person mentioned in this article.
    New Jersey, USA is the place involved in this article.
    Christie announced that he was contemplating, running for President in August but he would run in November of 2016.
    Chris Christie wants to run for US presidency in 2016 but he has a lot to think about as he has been exposed in the recent past. Also he has been criticized for his decisions in the past and has to really think about if he would get far in the race for presidency.
    This is relevant because with November nearing, our next president will be elected in about 2 years. This is important as Obama (who’s entering the last half of his second term) sets up his final policies that his successor will hopefully continue to enforce when he or she comes in to office.
    I felt shocked that Christie is even considering not running for president in 2016. Past presidents have overcome scandals in the past so he should be able to do the same.
    I think Chris Christie should definitely run for president in 2016. I think he’s in line with our current president’s personality which apparently people liked enough to elect him. He is one of very few politicians who are REAL people. He doesn’t seem fake and he is seen in public with the citizens of his state on the beach and in other public places. He shows that he is human unlike some politicians who believe they’re above all.
    I chose this article because Chris Christie is by far my favorite Republican and overall politician because he makes decisions to help the people of his state and not for his own benefits. He obviously can lead people as he did when hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and he pulled everyone together in an effort to rebuild after the natural disaster.

  16. ​Source: NBCPhiladelphia.comArticle Title:The article title is ISIS Militants Behead 15 in Afghanistan.Article Date:The Article date is September 23, 2014.Who:This article deals with ISIS.Where:This event takes place in Afghanistan.When: This event happened on September 22, 2014What happened:ISIS killed over 100 people. They also beheaded 15 people. This group harmed over 400 people. Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS are harming the helpless. The US is supposed to help the helpless. Also ISIS is teaming up with the Taliban.Reaction I am devastated by the fact that ISIS is now teamed up with a more powerful more extreme group.Opinion I think something should be done about this immediately.Connection I chose this article because it can be a reason the US go to war back in Afghanistan.

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  17. The blog for this week is closed.
