Wednesday, September 10, 2014

5th period, Week of 9/11/14

For the week of September 11, 2014: You should use the article that you selected in the Wall Street Journal. For your source, you will write: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES ALWAYS!!! or no credit given

  2. Source:The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:The article is titled "Putin sets out peace terms."
    Article Date: The article is dated 9-4-14
    Who: Russian President Vladamir Putin was involved.
    Where: The setting is in Russia.
    When: This article took place 9-4-14.
    What happened: Putin pushed a cease fire deal with Ukraine
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because its happening today.
    Reaction: My reaction is that this is a good idea.
    Opinion :My opinion is that a cease fire is a good idea.
    Connection: I made a connection to this article because it stood out to me.

  3. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of my article is Fake Gunmen, Real Terror.
    Article Date: The year of last October.
    Who: Michelle Meeker and a strange man were in the article.
    Where: The article takes place at the Colorado nursing home.
    When: This situation happened last October.
    What happened: Michelle Meeker approached a strange man where she worked at. The man then flashed a gun in her face and then force her into an empty room. The gunman was a local police office and the whole episode was a drill. The drill was to get employees ready for a situation like this. Ms. Meeker filed a lawsuit against the office and the facility because she was left traumatized from what the drill had done.
    Why this event is relevant: Why this is relevant is because the drill had left the young women traumatized and she had to quit her nursing job.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I do not think this was a good way of doing a drill on someone, something worse could have happened to anyone.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that Michelle Meeker was right for filing a lawsuit against the officer and the facility.
    Connection (why you chose this article): A connect to this is when my aunt worked a an bank, and her and other employees would play like their bank is being attacked. Then the day came when it was being attacked, and when my aunt yelled no one believe her until the gunman came for them too.

  4. Source: The Wall Street Journal Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of my article is "Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads
    Article Date: The date of my article is Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: Democratic Sen. Mark Udall, and Republicans
    Where: This took place in Colorado
    When: between July 30 and August 3
    What happened: A television show ad in Colorado showed a group of women nodding happily as the candidate says a idea of selling birth-control pills over the counter. Republican challenger, Rep. Cory Gardner, supported abortion and forms of contraception. The ad determine whether Republicans win over the Senate, support of the women voters. Republicans held a 17 point led over democrats. Elected officials in Virginia, Minnesota and Louisiana are speaking up about over the counter sales of birth control pills to win more votes from women. A spokeswoman for Emily's List helps raises money for Democratic women who likes abortion rights.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because now a days in the U.S you can get birth control pills from a pharmacy or over the counter
    Reaction My reaction is ok because I don't really have nothing to say , you should be able to get birth control from any store.
    Opinion (I think birth control can be sold over the counter because it shouldn't matter or need anything to get it.
    Connection: I chose this article because birth control being sold over shouldn't be a big deal because it's pills but since I read this I see the government have a problem with this idea.

  5. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title:Putin Sets Out Peace Treaty
    Article Date:September 4, 2014
    Who:This article includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko.
    Where: This is taking pace In Russia
    When: These events happened recently and this article was published on September 4, 2014
    What happened: President Putin and President Petro came close to agreeing on a cease fire. This would stop rebel offenses and pull troops out of Kiev. President Petro said he supported Russia's readiness to implement a joint plan for peaceful resolution.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it's what going on in the world right now.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that it is a positive opening road for both presidents to walk down.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that peace would be better for both countries
    Connection (why you chose this article)I picked this article because I wanted to know how the situation would turn out.

  6. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Title: Putin sets out Peace Terms
    Article Date: September 4, 2014
    By. Paul Sonne & Gregory L. White
    Who: Russian President Putin was involve in trying to make peace with Ukrainian President Poroshenko.
    What happened: President Putin made a cease peace deal with Ukraine to backed off Russian Supremacist. President Putin said that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko are very close into a deal. In this compromise it would end the 5 months rebel offense but the Ukrainian troops would have to push back too. They would also implement a joint peaceful compromise to end the Ukrainian-Russian crisis. It’s been a whole 5 decades since the whole Russian government decide to take little by little of Ukraine. In 1954 city that Russia took control of was Crimea. What they did was annex the Peninsula by sending in troops. Russia now is very much bigger than Ukraine and have better opportunities and advances than Ukraine. Some may call it bullying because Ukraine is smaller. Russia is purposely taking all of Ukrainian borders to cripple them. Some people believe that Obama and the US should get involve and help the Ukrainian citizens. While others say US should stay out of the problem.

    Why it is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows Russia trying to get supperalism over Ukraine and become more of a super nation that it is. It can also hurt are alliances because Ukraine is a huge ally to US.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is sad because Russia is trying to take control over a nation that has less advanced than the super nation that Russia.

    Opinion: It makes me sick that a big vast nation that Russia is would actually try to control the small nation that Ukraine is. I believe that Russia should be helping gain Ukraine trust instead of trying to cripple them.

    Connection: I chose this article because we are trying to stop bullying but we fail to realize that they're doing it to countries. Dont you know countries have people in them and that you're scaring them.

  7. Source: (entire website address) Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Article Title: The title of my article is "U.S. Aims to 'Degrade and Destroy' Militants"
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4,2014
    Who: The U.S. government, Barack Obama & ISIL(ISIS)
    Where: Islamic State
    When: 2015
    What happened: President Obama wants to destroy or degrade the extremist Islamic State. In the Islamic state the organization of ISIS were getting out of hand and in the state they describe them as "barbarians" because of how much killing is going on.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is getting out of hand and many innocent people are being killed over there, so President Obama wants to be able to manage the problems that are going on in ISIL.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I believe this was a very good idea of President Obama's because this would most likely work.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that they should do what they are already doing before these problems get out of hand and out of control.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article because this is similar to what we have been discussing in civics class.

  8. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:The tittle if my article is Rebulicans woo women in midterm Ads
    Article Date:
    Who:this article involves women voting and why they vote for certain candidates
    Where:this article happens in Michigan state.
    When: this article happened between july 30 and august 3
    What happened:This article first begins with the topic of abortion and some form of contraceptives.. and there is an ad that said that , the support of the Democrats is mostly from women. then the topic moves to women and begin with women being paid less than men , Even though they do equal amount of work.But a candidate said that the women and men are not being paid by gender , but rather different job responsibilities.and then the topic came back to abortion, and Mr. Barack Obama attacked Mitt Romney, for opposing abortion rights . And he said that women have control of what is in their body.
    Why this event is relevant: This topic is relevant because there are a lot of women in the U.S and it is important to know why women vote for certain candidates.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i feel good about this topic because i am a female.
    Opinion (I think..) i think this article is going to be relevant to all women.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  9. Source: (entire website address) This source is the Wall Street Journal
    Article Title:The title of this article is "Putin Sets Out Peace Terms'.
    Article Date: The article's date is September 4th 2014
    Who:The Russian President Vladimir Putin was involved. Also Mr. Poroshenko was involved in this article.
    Where:This article is about an event that took place in Vladimir Russia
    When: This event took place on September 4th 2014
    What happened:The President,Vladimir Putin made a decision to cease fire with Ukraine that would freeze in place gains made by Russian-blacked separatists. Mr. Putin said he and the President of Ukraine were extremely close to agreeing to ceasing the five month long shooting. This shooting was a huge conflict between the two.The effort to try and move forward from this conflict was not successful as they tried multiple times.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these types of conflicts are currently occurring in may different counties.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is that it is a smart move to try and end the conflict between the two places because if they don't then the problem will never end.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that if they want to cease the fire now then maybe they shouldn't have started the feud in the first place.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose to write about this article because it is important to what is going on today and this is something that really stood o

  10. ​Source: The Source of the article is Wall Street Journal.Article Title:The Title of the article is Putin Sets Out Peace Terms.Article Date:The article took place on 9/4/14.Who:The important people in this article are the Russian president Mr. Putin and his supporters and non supporters.Where:This happened between Russia and Ukraine.When: This happened last Wednesday What happened:Russia and Ukraine are at a stand still on the border. Some people are deciding if they should help Russia. Others are deciding if they should go against Russia. Russia has gained some enemies because of their political views. They also gained friends through some other alliances.Why this event is relevant: Russia is an allie of the US. So this could possibly drag us into war.Response I dont think the situation is big enough for a world war. However wars can start over small things and another world war could happen and that strikes fear for me.Opinion I think its not a good idea for Russia to keep going against different countries.Connection I chose this article because it made me think of world war and what a WW3 would look like with all this science and technology.

  11. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: The title of my article is "Nervous Neighbors Look for Support".

    Article Date: This article was published on September 4th, 2014.

    Who: President Obama, Leho Kagu (an engineer) The U.S and Russia are involved.

    Where: This article takes place in Tallinn, Estonia.

    When: This took place in late August, or early September.

    What happened: President Obama gave a speech in the Estonian capital, talking about Estonia's independence, and he promised that they wouldn't loose their independence again while they are apart of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Many people came to watch the speech, and many of them, who had lived through the soviet's occupation in their country for 50 years, said that they knew what Russia was capable of. Even people from Ukraine stood in front of the Russian Embassy and held up Ukrainian flags, without minding the threats of a cease fire. Some of the people holding up Ukrainian flags thought that the recent events that had happened there was the invasion of a very powerful state. But, even with all this happening, the peace plan Mr. Putin put out got little to no attention from the media. An online retailer in budapest, Eva David, believes that Western Europe should look back to it's own history and see what Russia has done to them already. She believes Russia is not to be trusted.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the United States now has a duty to help Estonia out since they are part of NATO.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like this is too much for the US, honestly. They have to deal with ISIS, and helping out Estonia, and depending on how all of this turns out, we may loos many soldiers.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that everyone should wait and see what Russia is going to do. If Russia really poses a threat to Estonia (or any other country in NATO) then that's when the US should get involved. But, for now they're not really doing anything but sending threats, so we shouldn't immediately react on threats.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because this whole Russian invasion reminded me of ISIS trying to invade and take over other countries.

  12. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55.
    Article Title: U.S. Vows NATO Defense of Baltics.
    Article Date: This article was published on September 4, 2014.
    Who: Mr. Obama, Vladimir Putin, where involved in this event.
    Where: Ukraine, Russia, where present at this time.
    When: Has been on going since June.
    What happened: President Barack Obama gives speech in Estonia, involving Baltic nations. Basically the U.S is suppose to defend Baltic countries and they have to keep their word. Barack Obama persuaded Russia to attend the intervetion as well, and they decided to. But thus caused Baltic republics to become a little worried. But Obama has promised to be there to defend them, reassuring that they won't lose anymore. Now all of these countries are focusing on their alliance including the military. So basically this is what their discussing this intervention. Also Obama tries to get NATO to spend more money for military uses. Reguarding the fact that the U.S is responsible for spending almost three quarters of $1 trillion on military uses from NATO countries. Some of the countries are willing to help but not all of them.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because it affects the U.S because we are involved. We are only here to help are alliances, but affecting us. The NATO countries are costing us and we need that money, that is why the economy is the way it is now.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is just I feel helpless. Because I know there isn't anything physically that I can do. I am upset that this is the way things are but what can I do.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the U.S shouldn't be involved in everyones problem just because they know they can help. Because ultimately it's affecting us financially, the U.S should only get involved if it is necessary.
    Connection (why you chose this article I chose this article simply because it seemed the most interesting involving the government.

  13. Source: (entire website address)The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: The title of my articles the "U.S. Regulations Tweak Final Rule for Banks' Buffers".

    Article Date: This article has been published September 4, 2014..

    Who: U.S. Regulators and large banks in the U.S. are involved in this article.

    Where: This is happening all over the United States, but the new rule is being supervised in Washington D.C.

    When: The U.S. Regulators tweaking final rules for bank buffers have been happening in the year 2014 since there was a crisis with companies during 2008.

    What happened:Banks in the U.S have been running out of cash. So, the U.S. Regulators made a new rule on Wednesday of last week that required more than 30 of the biggest U.S. banks to add $100 billion more in cash. The rule was to protect the financial system from strain and and broader economy from periods of liability that helped weak companies.Before, banks needed to raise about $200 billion to meet the rule, but then regulators decreased since the rule was first urged. Spokespeople declined to comment on this rule while a Fed Economist, Bill Nelson thinks the rule may make credit more costly and it will cause financial crisis. They both do not think the rule is suitable. Meanwhile, the Clearing House are pleased with the changes,and U.S. Officials thinks the rule strikes a healthy balance between financial stability and economic growth, and last but not least the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation approves the rule.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because its dealing with money. The world needs money to survive through everything.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was surprised, because there are a lot banks that I would never think none of the banks are struggling from all the money they get from citizens.

    Opinion (I think..)I think the rule will be suitable because financial systems and the economy will be working together.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i wonder why a lot of businesses in my area have been closed down then turned into banks. Then, when I read the title of the article I wanted to know if the rule was about building more banks,so it interested me to read the rest of the article.

  14. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of my article is "Medical costs, Ebb, for now.
    Article Date: The article covers the events in the United states during the week of September 4, 2014.
    Who: This article involves the nation along with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
    Where: This event is taking place all over the United States.
    When: This event has been taking place since since 2013, and is still continuing today.
    What happened: In the United States the health spending has been at an all time low beginning in 2013. Although the economy is currently being rebuilt, the Affordable Care Act has new data to display. In 2013 the National health-care spending has increased to 3.6%. However in 2014 the national health spending growth is expected to increase to 5.6%. As the economy continues to improve, the nine million people that were once uninsured, will receive health coverage through the Medicaid health plan. In 2016 the national health care is expected to increase to 6.1%. By the year of 2023 the nation health-care is expected to rise to 19.3%. People are expected to spend less on health care because there will be a lot more out of pocket cost. Thus Medicaid will help many people in the long run.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because it explains how the medical cost is being effected, during the recovery of the recession.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I was surprised that the national health care spending had actually increased that much. The cost of healthcare was never of much interest to me, until the Affordable Care Act was passed.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that health care spending in general is being put on the back burner, and I doubt that people are actually aware of how much the national health-care has increased over the years.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article, because I feel as though health care and health insurance is a very vital part to the average adult, and with the information that was provided, I believe this will educate Americans, so that they can make better decisions.

  15. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55 ( )
    Article Title: The name of this article "Judge pore over case of tea" By Mike Esterl.
    Article Date: This article was published on Thursday September 4 2014.
    Who: The Arizona Beverage Company was involved.
    Where: This case took place in New York City Supreme Court.
    When: This event took place in September 2014.
    What happened: Two angry co-founders of Arizona Beverage Company are fighting over the valuation of the company. This has been a four year long fight . One co-founder believes Arizona Beverage valuation is between $3 billion and $4 billion. The other co-founder believes the company is worth $500 billion. Mr. Ferolito began looking to selling his stake in Arizona years ago but was blocked by Vultaggio. Now supreme court judge Timothy Driscoll will be the one who determines how much co-founder Domenick Vultaggio must pay John Ferolito to take full control.
    Why this event is relevant: This case is relevant because if the two co-founders do not work things out Coca-Cola Co. could buy a stake in the company. That means change is going to come to their company and the people should be aware
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..): I think this entire situation is petty and if they don't work things out like grown men another drink company will end up buying a part of Arizona. I dont think its worth a four year fight. its about time they put an end to things like seriously. I Like Arizona just the one it is . The people don't want any change in it.
    Connection (why you chose this article)- I chose this article because I drink Arizonas everyday. So i was interested in knowing what was going on with my favorite beverage company. I always hard is hard to believe that Arizona's are only $1, so knowing that coca-cola may buy part of it makes me believe the price will go up !

  16. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55 ( )

    Article Title: The name of this article "Judge pore over case of tea" By Mike Esterl.

    Article Date: This article was published on Thursday September 4 2014.

    Who: The Arizona Beverage Company was involved.

    Where: This case took place in New York City Supreme Court.

    When: This event took place in September 2014.

    What happened: Two angry co-founders of Arizona Beverage Company are fighting over the valuation of the company. This has been a four year long fight . One co-founder believes Arizona Beverage valuation is between $3 billion and $4 billion. The other co-founder believes the company is worth $500 billion. Mr. Ferolito began looking to selling his stake in Arizona years ago but was blocked by Vultaggio. Now supreme court judge Timothy Driscoll will be the one who determines how much co-founder Domenick Vultaggio must pay John Ferolito to take full control.

    Why this event is relevant: This case is relevant because if the two co-founders do not work things out Coca-Cola Co. could buy a stake in the company. That means change is going to come to their company and the people should be aware

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel this case is really a waste of time and that im mad because i really love Arizona drinks alot and i dont want them fighting .

    Opinion (I think..): I think this entire situation is petty and if they don't work things out like grown men another drink company will end up buying a part of Arizona. I dont think its worth a four year fight. its about time they put an end to things like seriously. I Like Arizona just the one it is . The people don't want any change in it.

    Connection (why you chose this article)- I chose this article because I drink Arizonas everyday. So i was interested in knowing what was going on with my favorite beverage company. I always hard is hard to believe that Arizona's are only $1, so knowing that coca-cola may buy part of it makes me believe the price will go up !

  17. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street journal,
    Article Title:Democrat Drop Out of Kansas Senate Race
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4 2014
    Who:Sen.Pat Roberts,Mr.Robert,Chad Taylor,Greg Oman,
    Where:This article took place in Kansas
    When: Wednesday September 3,2014
    What happened:Democrat Chad Taylor has dropped out of the election for senate in Kansas, nobody knows exactly why he have dropped out of the election but he he did.but he did made a statement that Wednesday saying "after much consideration and prolonged discussion" he drop out the election.Greg Oman a 45 year old man is still a candidate that is awaiting his challenge to Mr.Robert,Mr.Robert is another candidate who is wanting to go in his fourth term,also Mr.Robert had just went through a tough primary challenge. A democrats survey saying that Taylor and Oman are both drawing approximately a quarter of the votes,Mr.Robert has not 40% in the recent democrat surveys, surveys also suggest that an opponent that can unify Mr.Robert opposition may be able to overtake him.Mr.Roberts raised about $130,00 I'm July for the elections but that was way less to what Mr.orman had raised $671,000,Mr.orman had ran 2008 Senate elections but drop out before the primary he this because he said " if elected to Senate as an independent,he would caucus with republicans or democrats depending on which party was in majority".that leads Mr.Roberts the lead in favor of the race.
    Why this event is relevant: it have to with politicians dropping out of senate race
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) shocked to why would you ever want to drop out he still could have beat him and not think about why others say
    Opinion (I think..) Mr.orman should have stayed in the race for Senate elections
    Connection (why you chose this article) it have to do with politics and that relates the government

  18. Source:(entire website address)The Wall Street Journal, Thursday,September 4th
    Article Title:U.S. Aims to,Degrade and Destroy Militants
    Article Date:This event has been ongoing since 2011and still is current to this day.
    Who:The people that was involved were President Obama,ICIL also know as ISIS,Isalamic states,United States and militants.
    Where:This current event is taking place in the Islamic states specifically in northern Syria.
    What happened:President Obama wants to degrade and destroy ICIL (ISIS) and stop the expasion of the exstermist group before it gets out of hand.President Obama hasn't made an exactly clear stragedy and republicans think that he should be more clear.After a group of memebers from ICIL beheaded an American journalist he is determined to to end the problem .While making statements and demands about destroying ICIL he makes it clear that the U.S will not be dragged into fighting another war with Iraq.The president has sense increased the milatary effort.
    Why is this event relevant:This event is very relevant because if we dont do anything about this promblem than it will be a ongoing thing and the situation will be already progressed and it will be hard to tame it. So its better to do something about it while it's still growing.
    Reaction(describe your feelings or attitudes) Obama is doing whats best for the country and I agree with his decisions.
    Opinion:(I think...) If I was the president I would make the same decision President is making now.
    Connection (why did you choose this article) I choose this event because this is a very serious problem that everyone should be aware and educated about it.

  19. Source: The wall St journal, Thursday, September/4/14
    Article Title: U.S. Aims to 'Degrade and destroy' Militants
    Article Date: This article was published, September,4,14
    Who: The United States, ISIL or ISIS and President Barack Obama are talked about in this article.
    Where: This event took place at news conference in Estonia.
    When: This was on September,4,14.

    What happened: President Obama response to ISIS threats about reacting 9/11. Mr. Obama left unclear what the U.S. strategy is , but is planning to destroy ISIS and it's organization. He also didn't give any information on the United States involvement.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS has recently threatened the United States of reacting 9/11 and recently killed two American journalist.

    Reaction: My reaction to this event is I'm very scared of the happening and I wanna know if this does happen where will ISIS hit.

    Opinion: I think ISIS is very serious about reacting 9/11 because they have already kill to American journalist, and they wouldn't be scared to kill more Americans specially if that's what they are know for where they come from.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is going on right now and if this does happen me , friends , and family will be effect not in a good way.

  20. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:The title of this article is the Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads
    Article Date:This article was published on September 4, 2014
    Who:This article involve the republican Candidates and women.
    Where: This happened in the united states of america
    When:This event happened thursday, September 4, 2014
    What happened:What had happened was a handful of women agreed that selling birth control over the counter was not safe. the idea of this had not came from the democratic sen. It came from republicans.Obama did not like the fact that mitt romney was against abortion. He fought against him. Women should get the same pay as the men. The conservative group spent 1.25million on the television ad. Birth control should be sold over the counter if they have good insurance. their is a high percentage of females for it and also against it. Many women are for the right of abortions.
    Why this event is relevant:I believe this is relevant because I am a young female and I think I should know the importance of what birth control can and can not do for me.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though being for birth control is smart, sometimes you’re just not ready for pregnancy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this was one of the best articles in the news paper, it made me think of the importance and consequences of having sex.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it really caught my interest, and I believe it is important at my age to have more knowledge on subject such as this one.

  21. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of my article is Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads.
    Article Date: This article was written on Sept. 4, 2014
    Who: This topic has come up between Sen. Mark Udall and Rep. Cory Gardner.
    Where: This article takes place in Colorado.
    When: This article has no exact date, but I believe it is a recent event.
    What happened: This article is about the debates going back and forth about birth control pills being sold over the counter. Men were in the lead by 17 points, in a poll taken, when it was asked which party they rather have hadto pick leaders for congress. Different a states are now trying to show adds for over the counter sales to win from ladies votes. This whole article is about the differences from men and women. Women's pay being less than men's pay was also discussed in the article.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because a lot of people are getting pregnant. There is a great percentage of young people that are still in school also getting pregnant. Pregnancy is something that should happen , but at a point in your life when you're ready and birth control could help. Plus , the differences in women and men shouldn't matter. Pay should be the same
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think that birth control should be sold over the counter. Morepeople could prevent from bringing humans into this world that they are not ready for.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I don't believe that men should have a better advantage then women and birth control could help this country a lot.

  22. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:Fake Gunmen, Real Terror
    Article Date:This event occured last october.
    Who:The people who were involved were Michelle Meeker and a strange gunman.
    Where:This event occurred at The Colorado nursing home.
    When:This happened last October.
    What happened:A woman named Michelle Meeker approached a man where she works(Colorado nursing home). He then flashed his gun and forced her into an empty room. She tearfully begged for her life. But she did not know that the gunman was a local police officer. It was arranged by the retirement homes management to prepare employees for an armed intruder scenario. When finding this out, she filed a lawsuit against the officer and the facility because she felt traumatized.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this incident made Ms. Meeker quite her job and made her feel traumatized. This could happen to someone in reality. So that is what makes this relevant. It can happen to anyone.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that what happened was necessary. But, I do think the facility should have informed the employees that they would be doing this, so they could expect it.
    Opinion (I think..) I think she was right to file a lawsuit against the facility and the gunman because something worse could have happened.
    Connection (why you chose this article) A connection to this is when my grandma was alone at home and she heard the door open all of a sudden and she got so scared and started to scream because she thought someone was trying to break into her home. But it turns out it was just her husband.

  23. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014 - VOL. CCLXIV NO. 55

    Article Title: Putin Sets Out Peace Terms is the title of this article.

    Article Date: The events in this article took place September 4, 2014.

    Who: Russian Leader, Vladimir Putin, and Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, and the German government were involved.

    Where: The article takes place in Russia, Ukraine, and Mongolia.

    When: These events happened in early September of 2014.

    What Happened: Russian leader, Vladimir Putin proposes a ceasefire deal with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. The deal states a end of the rebel offense, and a pull back of Ukraine’s troops. Covered by Russia’s plan, Ukraine would need to sketch out a boundary defining the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. This also puts Ukraine at risk because they threaten peace in Europe. Soldiers from the United States plan to take part in the military exercises near Western Ukraine and Lviv. However, because of the constant back and forth in Ukraine, this was delayed. As Russia came at Ukraine, President Barrack Obama of the United States of America, states that Ukraine would need some help, but does not offer a fighting hand or a stand in the situation. It is up to Ukraine to attack or stand down. It is a matter of time before they are forced to make a move.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because with Russia and Ukraine almost head to head, it is a matter of time before the United States has no choice but to get involved.

    Reaction: My reaction to this event is anger because Russia is trying to take over Ukraine, and if they succeed, they will come after other countries, working towards larger ones.

    Opinion: My opinion is that the United States should side with Ukraine and help defeat Russia, so that Russia has no power to take over anything.

    Connection: A connection I have discovered with this article is that Russia is making Ukraine show its cards before it is ready too, like a card dealer does in a game.

  24. Source: (The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55)
    Article Title: The name of this article is"Turkey Targets ‘Jihadist Highway’".
    Article Date: The date of "Thursday, September 4, 2014".
    Who:The country of turkey is trying to shut down a highway to lets foreign force get through its country to get in to syria.
    Where: this is happening in turkey and is going in to syria.
    (when): this is currently happen as of (Thursday, September 4).
    (What happened): In this article that have read the nation of turkey has been trying to stop the travel of non-native military forces in to the country of Syria. while in the process of shutting down this highway Turkish forces have had an increase in arrests, patrols, and interrogations.This is in an effort to gather information to find out what is going into Syria, and while in this effort turkey is pushing for more western involvement. So in Wednesday (September 3) President obama has signed a bill that will allow for more american aid to help in the effort.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe that this is relevant because this is showing that large nation problem traveling from nation to nation is a major problem and needs to be addressed imminently
    Reaction (I think i feel as anyone with a right mind would feel turkey is doing the right thing for what they are doing to stop this problem.)
    Opinion (I think all the right things are being doing to stop the militant groups.)
    Connection (I chose this article because every day more and more things are happening and the U.S is becoming more involved to stop these threats.)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Bomb Kills 2 Lebanese Soldiers Near Syria Border
    Article Date: September 19,2014 8:30AM EDT
    Who: Lebanese Soldiers
    Where: Near Syria border
    When: Friday, September 19,2014.
    What happened: There were attackers that bombed a Syrian truck as it was passing by and it killed two soldiers and wounded three soldiers.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant, because they are constantly attacking each other, and its between the Lebanese troops and the Syrian Islamic rebels.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This is sad and unfortunate that we as people can't get along and just stop fighting each other for irrelevant opinions.  
    Opinion (I think..): I think we need to come to a mutual agreement to stop all the war, and just stay on our own land and tend to those needs.  
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article, because i find it important how there is constantly a war going on somewhere in the world, and we are killing each other. It shares so of the same characteristics with the battles we have here in America: Travon Martin and Mike Brown.

  27. Source: the New York Times
    Article: Arab Bank Liable for Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds
    Article Date: September, 22,14
    Who: A federal jury and a Arab bank.
    Where: Middle eastern
    When: September, 22,14
    What happened: A middle Eastern bank was accused of supporting terrorists in Israel. The bank was also accused of supporting the terrorist organization named Hamas. Hamas is responsible for 24 terrorist attacks, the bank helped Hamas by handling their transfers and payment. The bank was found guilty of this crime on September, 22, 14.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because terrorist attacks are happing very often and it has to be stopped.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is a shame because people should be able to trust their bank with their money and a bank should not be supporting terrorist.
    Opinion: My opinion is it's good that the bank was found guilty.
    Connection: I don't really have a connection with this article but I remember once I saw on the news about I bank a round my way getting robed, so that kind of the same.

  28. Source: the New York Times,
    Article: Arab Bank Liable for Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds
    Article Date: September, 22,14
    Who: A federal jury and a Arab bank.
    Where: Middle eastern
    When: September, 22,14
    What happened: A middle Eastern bank was accused of supporting terrorists in Israel. The bank was also accused of supporting the terrorist organization named Hamas. Hamas is responsible for 24 terrorist attacks, the bank helped Hamas by handling their transfers and payment. The bank was found guilty of this crime on September, 22, 14.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because terrorist attacks are happing very often and it has to be stopped.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is a shame because people should be able to trust their bank with their money and a bank should not be supporting terrorist.
    Opinion: My opinion is it's good that the bank was found guilty.
    Connection: I don't really have a connection with this article but I remember once I saw on the news about I bank a round my way getting robed, so that kind of the same.
