Sunday, September 21, 2014

3rd period, 9/22-9/26

3rd period, week of 9/22-9/26

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: White House intruder was carrying a knife, court document says
    Article Date: September 20, 2014
    Who: The President, Secret Service Agent and Gonzales (an intruder)
    Where: The White House
    When: Friday, September 20, 2014

    What happened: This article is about an intruder named Gonzales jumped a security fence at the White House and entered the presidential area. This intruder was carrying a knife at the time he was arrested and then taking to get medical treatment. However, the man claimed that he was trying to give some important information to the President of the United States. Gonzales served several tours in Iraq and was known to be a sniper. It was found that President Obama and his daughters had just left the premises before the intruder came over the fence. Although, the secret service officers went over to the White House after the intruder got through a door in the White House.

    Following this further, the secret service people were not seen at all on the property of the White House when this had happened and the door was open. This means that the President of the U.S and his family can be in danger leading up to this case, even though it wasn't severe enough. Hence, it can be made clear that this investigation will continue until further announcement as to what exactly happened.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, it has been on the news and internet as to what happened on the White House grounds and what could've be handled.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to this is unbelievable that something like this happened on the White House grounds and they have security everywhere "supposedly."

    Opinion (I think..): In my opinion, the people who are responsible for protecting our President of the Unites States and his family has failed to their job as keeping them safe and America as well. This should've happened at all according to what has happened.

    Connection (why you chose this article: I chose this article because, it was important to discuss and know about based on our President.

  2. Source: (://
    Article Title U.N. Speech, Obama Vows to Fight ISIS ‘Network of Death’
    Article Date: September 24 2014
    Who: Individuals that are involved in this situation are the President of the United States of America Barack Obama and those of the House Representatives. Other individuals consist of those in Syria who are trying to figure out how to retaliate in dealing with the terrorist threat known as ISIS.
    Where: The threat takes place in Syria, but opinions on the matter were being exchanged in the United States of America.
    When: The President Pitched a speech yesterday September 24, 2014 on his new plan on how to deal with the terrorist organization known as ISIS.

    What happened: President Barack Obama shows the nation another side of him that has put the peace resolving side we all know and love to shame. He presents us with options of arming the Syrian troops with weapons and rushing the ISIS terrorist group in an attempt to cut it off from all possible means of survival. An example of this would be Abraham Lincolns Anaconda plan, the president wants to flush them out by cutting the flow of food supply and individuals that would transfer over to the terrorist group. The president is still being cautious on how to approach the situation, but judging by his speech many have begun to wonder if he is following in the same footsteps as some of the other past presidents. As the speech goes on some of the past incidents and agendas are brought up and the stress of the president showing that negativity shared by others on the matter of the worst case scenario is also in orbit in his mind. In all the American coalition was his main target of his speech and he spoke in order to enlarge the idea that was best which was joining with the Islamic state to bomb terrorist force out of Iraq.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows what is happening in our world today. The fact that just as in the past violence has still gripped the world the struggle between good and evil, right and wrong is still continuing as though many things have not been resolved. Lastly this situation affects everybody whether many would like to deny. Everybody has a part to play and even though it may not be now it sure will be later.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that this problem is really senseless. I would rather not think about it, but it’s impossible because it could get worse in the blink of an eye. I felt as though a mistake is possible in the air and this pessimism may show to be one of the worst possible outcomes yet.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that with this being said even though Obama’s taking the initiative, we might be running into something skeptical and were not fully going to be prepared. If we look at all the other battles we’ve had in the past and see what they were due to it seems because we couldn’t mind our business. I know we can’t back out of it now because threats have been sent to the U.S. and they’ve killed some of our own, but if we do rush too quickly into this situation you can bet a whole bunch more will have to be sacrificed.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I when I want to instill hope in some way I may act in a manner of confidence, but in other means this situation revolving around everybody is a dangerous one. I have been in some dangerous situations and have had some dangerous plans to try and rebuttal the affects of such plans and like those that have seen Barack Obama and his latest speech they have thought that I may have lost my mind, but sometimes all you can do is wait and hope for the best. Normally patience is a virtue, but how long can a problem wait before it gets out of hand.

    1. This is a very well written post. This reflects great maturity and intellect. Nice work.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ferguson Unrest Resumes After Michael Brown Memorial Burns Down
    Article Date: September 24, 2014
    Who: Michael Brown,
    Where: Ferguson, Mo
    When: September 24
    What happened: Michael Brown was a teenage that was unarmed and killed by Darren Wilson a Ferguson police officer, on August 9, 2014. Michael surrendered and kneeled on the ground with his hands in the air, he was shot six times by Wilson, which eventually killed him. This soon sparked up a protest for Michael's rights and the rights for everyone else. The people of his home town made a memorial for Michael and just days ago it was burnt down. Nobody knows how it caught on fire, many think it was because of all of the candles near it or maybe someone purposely did it. This movement has hit home for everyone, famous people, civil rights activist and ect. The people in Ferguson was so upset that they began a new protest, and this eventually lead up to several people being arrested. In one of the pictures that was posted on line an office was wearing a bracelet that read, " I AM DARREN WILSON."
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its sad that a innocent black teenager was shot and killed for no reason at all. and this is also important because it shows that these cops believed that it was okay what Darren did, this wear thins saying their him shows the lack or respect they have for Brown.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) im upset with the system that is going on around the world, that its okay to shot an unarmed, helpless child. its sick that these police officers would even think its okay to wear something like that.
    Opinion (I think..) that they need to set some ground rules, and that people should only wear certain things at work. I also think that things might get better for this country.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because its too much killing going around , especially inside of the African American population. its too much killings and not enough love, also because he's not the only black child that was killed by a white person for no reason at all. its sad.

  4. Source:
    Article name: Hurdle removed for politics passing ISIS vote
    Article date: September 17,2014
    The conservative group Club for Growth is making things easier for the voters Wednesday. No lawmaker will be held responsible for the vote they choose. They're voting on a bill in which keeps supporting Syria economically. In this economic support some of it goes towards keeping Syria armed and ready to fight. Taking away this source from ISIS can give its enemies an advantage. Usually, the club for growth uses the vote against member during reflections. Without the weight of that on the voters shoulders it's easier for them to vote.
    This event is important because it can help America's problems with ISIS. If Syria is unarmed it will make it easier for the U.S. to defend against them. I feel as thought, we as the U.S. Can defiantly benefit from this. we can put plans into actions and be action and begin to break ISIS down. I think the vote for the bill should be put into action. I chose this event because it is relevant in the situation that ISIS can gain power and rebel against us even worse than their past succeeded rebellions, without the votes of the members of the politicians to hauler the funding of Syria.

    1. You did an excellent job with paraphrasing a challenging article. Great work.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Obama to U.N.: "We are not moving fast enough" to curb Ebola virus
    Article Date:September 25,2014
    Who: Barack Obama
    Where: West Africa
    When: Today
    What happened: The Ebola virus is spreading in West Africa, and could really cause an humanitarian catastrophe if not treated asap. President obama is trying to come up with some sort of a plan to stop the spreading before it starts to affect other regions. Part of obamas plan is to more aid like health workers over to africa. Thousands of people have already died from ebola, and could spread to worse cases if not stopped. President obama feels as though people know about the disease but aren't trying to do anything to help stop it. The U.S is also partnering up with Senegal to find a way to get more aid into west africa faster.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we dont want this disease to spread toother parts of the globe, so we need to find a way to stop it now. We also need to find a way to cure the people who have it
    Reaction: It makes me a little scared to know that if the disease does spread that it can become a very serious problem
    Opinion: I Think Obama is doing the right thing by trying to support the health workers in West africa by sending over aid and supplies.
    Connection: I Chose this article because i've been hearing a'lot about Ebola and i wanted to read about it myself.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Cuomo's Confession: The media’s spanking debate gets personal after NFL star
    Article Date: September 25, 2014
    Who: Adrian Peterson,
    Where: N/A
    When: September 25
    What happened: There is a debate about an NFL star named Adrain Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings who got sidelined for child abuse of his 4year old son. They interview people who commented about Peterson's being a good parent and how he made a mistake by breaking the law or is a crime for punishment his child the way he did. However Peterson got to the point to when he didn't even intended to hurt his son and be judged or his parenting skills. Around the world today people debates about how Peterson's actions should and shouldn't be illegal.
    Why this event is relevant: this article is relevant because it debate about how parents spanking their kids is a problem
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this article was a overwhelming I kinda felt bad for the 4 year boy, Peterson didn't have to be so rough with spanking him too the point where he had bruises and marks on the boys body.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Peterson learned a valuable lesson with not punishing the child
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because child abuse should be legal

  7. Source:
    Article Title: House Votes To Authorize Aid to Syrian Rebels in ISIS Fight
    Article Date: September 17, 2014
    Who: President Obama, White House Officials, State Representatives, ISIS, U.S Military and Syria Military.
    Where: U.S, Syria, Iraq.
    When: September 17, 2014
    What happened: This article talked about the heated discussion between Representatives from each state, The President himself, and most likely congress members as well, about wether or not they should help Syria in the war against ISIS. Most representatives were against it, saying that they do not want another repeat of the long war in Iraq. They also questioned the trust the U.S even has with Syria. Not only representatives, but most veterans were also against the idea of helping Syria take down ISIS. However, the few supporters of this topic stated that the U.S is basically already in the war, since they're launching airstrikes on ISIS.
    Reaction: The only feeling I have with this article is curiosity, because it seems like most people are against the idea of getting involved in another war, however, President Obama is still pushing to get involved.
    Opinion: In my opinion, President Obama should listen to 400 representatives that voted not to help Syria with the fight against ISIS, and worry more about getting our troops home from Iraq.
    Connection: I choose this article because it potentially has a lot to do with my future since I want to join the Green Berets.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS' Worst Nightmare : Female Fighter Pilot
    Article Date: September 26th, 2014
    Who: Mariam Al Mansouri, ISIS and the United Arab Emirates
    Where: Syria
    When: over this past summer
    What happened: Mariam Al Mansouri is a female who has wanted to be a fighter pilot all her life but couldn't because of the way that Arabs view men and women. Now, she has her chance to be a fighter pilot against ISIS and ISIS is fearful. She's highly skilled in what she does but to make matters worse, she's a woman.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS has been an ongoing issue in the news for a while now. Having this woman wanting to fight against them and wanting to recruit others to band up and fight against them might finally put an end to this terrorist group.
    Reaction: I think it's great that a woman is causing such an uproar in a place like Syria. Women aren't treated fairly there and to hear about this one woman making such a splash is amazing.
    Opinion: I think that maybe now they'll see that if they let women get involved more and help more that they'll get further along in living peacefully as a country.
    Connection: I chose this article because I'm a girl. Ever since the beginning of time men have told women that they're not strong enough they're not smart enough they are to bear children and cook meals and women are capable of so much more. I like seeing a woman causing such a big problem in a country that treats women like they aren't even there. It gives me hope that maybe someday this entire "women are inferior" mindset can change completely. Not just in the US but everywhere in the world.

  9. Article Source:
    Article Title: Lawyer for woman beaten by cop
    Article Date: No date
    Who: 51-year-old grandmother Marlene Pinnock, Patrol officer
    Where: L.A, California
    What happened: A 51-year old grandmother was seen being pulled down onto the ground by a Highway patrol officer and beaten repeatedly over a dozen times.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because more and more cops from around the world have been in the news more often for negative things, which shouldn't be the case.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am disappointed by this because i feel as though that the cops should be helping and protecting the citizens instead of harming them
    Opinion (I think..) I think this could have been prevented because it was way out of hand for that officer to beat on an elderly woman like that especially if she didnt do anything to harm the officer.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because cops should be the ones that we can depend on to keep us safe and protect us when in danger. Parents, grandchildren, etc... should not have to grief over loved ones being killed or injured by people who enforce laws and help keep the society safe.

  10. Article Title: Probe At end in attack on couple
    Article Date: September23,2014
    Who: Philadelphia Inquirer
    Where: Center City
    When: September 11,2014
    What happened: Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey once the state to change the law that went u beat u a gay person it is consider a hate crime. The D.A. has enough charges on the people who beat up the gay couple in Center City
    Why this event is relevant: It is important because this may be considered a hate crime
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this situation is that I don't think this is considered a hate crime
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion on it is that a hate crime is usually a racist thing dealing with blacks etc.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it is too many people that are gay is getting beat up.

  11. Source:
    Article title: Obama urges U.N to ramp up fight against Ebola epidemic
    Article date: This article was published September 25, 2014
    Who: President Obama, the Ethiopian president and The United Nations
    Where: The spread of Ebola is taking place in Africa
    What happened: Ebola is a deadly virus that has been spreading rapidly in some parts of Africa.Close to 3000 people have already died from the virus already and close to 2,000 new cases of Ebola have been reported in the past month. President Obama just last week gave one billion dollars to help solve the problem with military and medical supplies. But despite his efforts it is not enough and the health systems in Guinea and Sierra Leone are failing. The economies growth is slowing and if the Ebola continues it will cause complete chaos all over Africa. It is estimated that as many as 1.4 million people could be infected by January. The Presidential team is sending as many people as possible to work with Liberia to create treatment centers and to train African health care workers. The president says that stoping Ebola is a priority for the United States but we also need the support of the world.
    Why is this event relevant: This is a relevant because it is happening now. The fact that this is something that is not going on in our home country shouldn't change of outlook on it. This disease is a deadly one that is spreading at a fast rate and could kill many people.
    Reflection: This is the yet another situation were the U.S. Is getting involved in some other countries affairs. This time it does not involve a war against terrorism or extremist but against a deadly killer, Ebola. At the rate it is spreading now without something being done the population of west Africa would drop so rapidly. The president and the U.N have made the decision to try and help out and stop this killing machine from escalating any further.
    Opinion: I believe the president is making the right decision helping the people of West Africa with this problem. We the United States have the ability to help those in need with situations like this and should do so. Though some would disagree and say we should mind our business, Ebola is killing and spreading who knows where it would end up next. If this were to happen in the US we would want help as well.
    Connection: I use to have a game called "infection" and the objective of the game was to creat a disease so deadly it would kill everyone on the planet. In this game you were only able to start the disease in one place it would then kill everyone in that country and spread like wildfire. But working against you were scientist and the government and doctors trying to find a cure for it. If it wasn't for those people the disease would take over and the game would be easily won. What I'm trying to say is that if it wasn't for people like Obama and the U.N, Ebola would eventually spread and could have the potential to grow and become stronger wiping out many lives.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS Worst Nightmare
    Article Date: 9/26/14
    Who: ISIS & Mariam Al Mansouri UAE
    Where: United Arab Emirates (UAE)
    When: Friday, September 26 2014
    What happened: The UAE is planning on sending a female pilot fighter in on attacks against ISIS. This woman is Mariam Al Mansouri she first showed her skills during a strike mission against another terror group. She is a very skilled pilot & she is skilled in combat. The UAE is joining the U.S in the attack on ISIS. They are looking to attack ISIS from air.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the U.S may actually have a solution to stop ISIS from attacking them. They are planning to attack ISIS with air strike therefore they'll have more coverage. This shows that people are making efforts to stop ISIS from attacking the U.S by joining an alliance with the UAE .
    Reaction: I feel like this could help us because they are keeping the country safe from the harm of ISIS terrorist threat. If we didn't choose to attack who knows what could've happened to us.
    Opinion: I think this is a great idea because we are getting prepared against ISIS & having a chance to protect ourselves.
    Connection: I connect this with a lot of woman who are the first to do something that woman do not usually do it life . Like the first woman astronaut or like the WNBA. They're are woman who are the first to do things that no woman has ever done .

  13. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Controller says city should hire more, not pay more overtime.
    Article Date: September 26,2014 3:10am
    Who: Alan Butkovitz
    Where: Department of Health
    When: 2011-2013
    What happened: Alan Butkovits believes that is theses agencies hired more staff, they coukd save money rather than paying almost twice the amount for overtime. They could save thousands and help the economy by hiring more people.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because there are too many people in the U.S that are unemployed. We need more people hands or and stop being greedy
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):  Shocked, and very unfortunate. More people should be able to work if they qualify.
    Opinion (I think..): I think companies need to stop being selfish, and make opportunity fair and equal. Plus more work would get done and it will give other a break.
    Connection (why you chose this article): Sport. Some coaches only play there most valuable players instead of giving everybody a chance. Its unfair but there are poeple out there who are very selfish.

  14. Source: (website) the wall street journal
    Article Title: Jordan to buy gas from Israeli firms
    Article Date: September 4, 2014
    Who: israeli companies
    Where: Israel
    When: Thursday September 4 2014
    What happened: a group of Israeli energy companies have signed a letter to sell natural gas to a Jordanian power company. With that multibillion dollar deal it would strengthen ties between the two middle east neighbors. they said they would supply 45 billion cubic meters of gas over 15 years from the offshore to Jordan's national electric power C.O. the deal will hemp Israel build its credentials as an energy supplier. Finding a market for the gas reserves is difficult do to the growing hunger for energy.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant to show how these companies pay off a lot of money for gas to have electricity and seeing what the Israeli have to say about it.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that they shouldn't waste that much money just for gas to have energy but then again the people in those counties need that power.
    Opinion (I think..)I think they shouldn't have sign that letter off and should have stayed to themselves with the gas and not make that deal to earn all that money
    Connection- connection to this could be how other countries make deals with each other to get what they want from the other and paying off a lot of money

  15. Source:
    Article Title:Justices poised to tackle constitutional right of same-sex marriage
    Article Date:Fri September 26, 2014
    Who: This involves the american justice system.
    Where: This toke place in the U.S.A.
    When: Fri September 26, 2014
    What happened: This article is about the matter of same-sex marriage. In this article it states that the supreme court has just revived a new debate about the policy of same-sex marriage. It also states that there are justices in five different states conniving on the matter now. Because same-sex marriage is decided by states.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to the gay and rainbow community.
    Reaction: I am shocked they are still debating on this.
    Opinion: I feel that this should be taken care of by now we all have a right to love.
    Connection: I like gay right matters it is important in the community.

  16. Source:

    Article Title: Obama Speaks Directly to Muslim Youth at U.N

    Article Date: Article took place on Wednesday September 24,2014.

    Who: President Obama Spoke At U.N General Assembly.

    Where: At the United Nations General Assembly.

    When:Obama spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on September 24th.

    What happened: While Obama was speaking at the U.N General Assembly he took the time to talk to the Muslim youth. He explains that they come from good tradition and people who pull them away are doing wrong.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because he explains how America isn’t and never will be at war with Islam. America is filled with American Muslims and that they are apart of America is shaped and formed.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I believe this is true Islam is a Beautiful Religion but terrorist and others make it look bad because of the things they do.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that terrorists get the Islamic religion looked at badly when overall it is actually a beautiful religion.

    Connection (why you chose this article): i chose this article because I like how Obama took time in his speech to talk directly to the youth of the Islamic religion to tell them right from wrong so that they won’t grow older to be terrorists.

  17. Source:
    Article:ISIS worst nightmare , female fighter pilot
    Article Date: September 26, 2014
    Who: female fighter pilot
    Where : pakistan
    When : september 25th
    What happened : the female fighter pilot bombs up spots that were said to be used for ISIS interaction . The female pilot was trained to specifically attack the ISIS people and their places of command .
    Why was this event relevant ; becauae shes helping stop major issuses .
    Reaction : shes proving that the right woman can do a mans job .
    Opioni: im proid of her truly proud.
    Connection : this goes along with many other girls who show their strength in a mans division

  18. The blog for this week is closed.

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is NBC Ebola Patient: Seen Bad Things
    Article Date: This article was written on updated 11:20 AM EDT 10.03.14
    Who: This Topic is about the The Ebola Virus
    Where: This article takes place in Liberia
    When: This article is October 3,2014
    What happened: This article is about A Rhode Island camera man that was over Liberia study the life of the people over there and seen their living conditions and the little resources they have . He also seen the people dying from the Ebola virus . He later on started feeling sick and then tested positive for having the Ebola disease. This really hit him hard because he seen the people dying and how bad it was killing the people off. Now that he has it it's killing him inside. He wants to get better and do more research.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because it shows how quick people can catch the virus no even coming in contact with them you can still catch it. Also a lot of people can start catching it and it can create a big problem .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the people from Liberia shouldn't come over because they are going to cause Americans to get ill and we already have enough problems so keep that in there country don't bring it over here .
    Opinion (I think..) I think that they shouldn't come to America to get resources that not fair to risk everyone else's life .
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is scary and it can affect people around me even me . This can kill a lot of people . This is a big deal.
