Wednesday, September 10, 2014

3rd period, Week of 9/11/14

For the week of September 11, 2014: You should use the article that you selected in the Wall Street Journal. For your source, you will write: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is U.S Aims to degrade and destroy militants
    Article Date: The date of this article is 9/4/14
    Who: The people involved in this article is Barack Obama, and the terrorist group ISIS.
    Where: This article takes place in Syria
    When: The events in this article are going on right now.
    What happened: President Barack Obama said he wants to destroy the extremist group ISIS in Syria. His goal is to be joined by the international community to shrink ISIS influence, effectiveness, financing, and military capabilities.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because the ISIS group has killed two American citizens on video and are sending threats to the united states.
    Reaction: I feel good knowing that the U.S is planning to take down the ISIS group and that they are not just going to sit and let these killings and threats happen.
    Opinion: I think what the ISIS group is doing is wrong and that they should stop the killings and threats before they get whats coming to them.
    Connection: I chose this article because I am interested in whats going on in the world whether its good or bad.

  4. Source: (Wallstreet Journal)
    Article Title: Fake Gunmen, Real Terror
    Article Date:Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: A police officer and a pretend Gunman
    Where: Atascocita High School in Atascocita, Texas
    When: Thursday
    What happened: A local police officer pretends to be a gunmen and an entire episode of a drill, arranged by the retirement home's management to prepare employees for an armed-intruder scenario.
    Why this event is relevant: After Sandy Hook, more states are preparing for mass shootings.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was surmised because I didn't know states were preparing for more mass shootings and getting people prepared.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is necessary so people would know how t react if they were ever in this situation.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I chose this article because I think more states should follow and prepare for these shootings so we can be prepared and possibly prevent this from happening.

  5. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday September 4,2014-Vol.CCLXIV No.55
    Article Title: For Some Grads, College Isn't Worth The Debt
    Article Date: The article date is September 4, 2014
    Who: The people involved in this article is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
    Where: This article take place in New York City
    When: This happened September 4, 2014.

    What happened: This article is mainly about college graduates with jobs; are earning barely more than those with only a high diploma. Whereas many Americans are submerging into student debts with having nothing to reveal. It's evident that, the investment for a four-year degree arises as the economy have begun taking out more jobs for college degrees than for college graduates. For example, the article states that, Michelle Poltyakov a student who studied education and English at Drake University in Iowa is in debt with $30,000 after graduating. This could put Michelle's life and career at a risky situation by not being able to find a job, home and etc. Meanwhile, Michelle applied for a part-time job as an ACT tutor and a position in financial sales that will help her college cost.
    Although, the students debt now exceeds $1.1 trillion and one in borrowers is 90 days late on payments. Meaning that people are thinking about their cost of a college degree. Another example, taken in this article is that out of every 100 kids who enter college, 40 don't graduate and for the 60 who do, doesn't make as much money as if they hadn't gone to college. Now I see why students chose not to attend college because of these circumstances.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because today many college graduates are having to pay a lot of money that leads them in debt.

    Reaction: I feel that debt can cause various reasons in a person's life for whom is a college graduate due to earning money and not earning enough money to pay off their debt.

    Opinion: I think that their should be more jobs for college graduates because if it continues to be this way students will not want to attend college nor finish it out.

    Connection: I chose this article because it is relevant in today's world. By being on the news and stating that college students are in so much debt because of not earning enough collage degrees.

  6. Source: (The Wall Stree Journal)

    Article Title: Putin Sets Out Peace Terms

    Article Date: Unknown

    Who: Russia & Ukraine

    Where: Ukraine & Russia

    When: Doesn't Say

    What happened: Russia & Ukraine have been in a mini war for about a year now. But now, after months later, Russia decides to push a cease fire on Ukraine. This is a great thing because this will put an end to the tension and missile strikes that are being fired at each other. Not only that but there is also another possible war going on, that could involve all of the UN. A terrorist organization who goes by the name of "ISIS" has killed 2 American Journalist and the U.S is asking for all of it's allies help. Thankfully since Russia and Ukraine are on somewhat of good terms, they could be a potential help to the U.S and other countries to take this threat down.

    Why this event is relevant: This mini war is one of the most talked about topics on national television.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) In a way, I feel a bit relieved because i thought this would go into a huge war and possibly another world war, since we are kind of allies with Ukraine.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Russia just wanted to get some attention and send a message that they are back on their feet, since no one has really heard from Russia since the Cold War ( A war where Russia kind of went bankrupt after spending all their money on military stuff such as $100 Million Submarines, that currently, are just laying in a radioactive lake of junk.)

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it was something i focused a lot on whenever the news came on. Also, I like to focus on anything that has to deal with war.

  7. Source: (The Wall Street Journal)

    Article Title: The title of this article is “Investors should Fear the Fed's Rate Shadow”.
    Article Date: This article was published on Thursday, September 4 2014.

    Who: This article was written by Justin Lahart.

    Where: This event takes place in a variety of places that deal with the stock market and the
    Federal Reserves, impacting businesses and people alike.

    When: This event started taking place for a long time, but has been tracked in the middle of 2004 through to 2008 in December and it is still on the continuing to be monitored through years 2016 and so on.

    What happened: This article is mainly about the possibility of Financial Rates being raised a year from now by the Federal Reserve. The increasing rate of change has been tracked from past to present. The Feds tried to bring the economy to a better place and in order to do that they installed new materials to help the economy grow such as bond purchase programs and forward guidance, but since investors can use cash and have zero interest the short term rate has gone down passed zero to a negative zone. Sources Jing Cynthia Wu and Fan Dora Xia have created a shadowed rate to show what would happen if the cash that investors had wasn’t an option to be used.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows what could happen to the investors of America as the interest rates take a turn for the worst and present themselves sooner than most have expected. Meaning that if the Federal Funds Rate increases, so will the prices of many goods that people have to buy and Bank Prices will rise along with mortgages and credit cards. It is also relevant because it shows how much time it would possibly take for the shadow rate and the Feds rate to be on par with each other which could spell either good or bad things.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): It’s a little hard to think about this type of topic because I’m not fully aware of what may happen just as the many investors of the world are, but in researching this topic I see that many people benefit from forward guidance which is a promise to keep interest rates low. Seeing the Feds say that it is a possibility that they may be rising may mean that me and my family might have some rough times or not it’s a real possibility.

    Opinion (I think...): I believe that it will still be hard for many of the investors to gauge the rates and that when and if the rates do raise it might spell out more trouble for the many people that thrive off of businesses and loans.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it looked very interesting. I wanted to test what I could understand about it and how it would in term affect me and everybody around me. In all it has some very interesting concepts of prediction that I am looking closer into and a probability that may prove to help the economy or worsen it.

  8. Source: (entire website address) Wigglesworth, Alex. "Social Security Workers among Five Charged in Welfare-fraud Scheme." N.p., 5 Sept. 2014. Web. 14 Sept. 2014
    Article Title: Social Security workers among five charged in welfare-fraud scheme
    Article Date: September 5,2014
    Who: Five woman whose charged with Welfare Fraud, Forgery, Theft and other related crimes.
    Where: Philadelphia, PA.
    When: This scheme has been happening since 2009, until 2014.
    What happened: Five ladies have been cheating out the government. Three of these ladies were all employed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) , while the other two were employed at the Reading Rainbow Learning Center. Over the five years they've been doing this the five ladies received over $76,000 in SNAP, Child Care and Medical Assistant. The five ladies lied about their annual income in order to qualify for food, child care and health benefits from the government.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, it shows how some people are taking advantage of things to help those in need. This can be a big problem because it can hurt others that really need help, already some people in this country believe that Welfare should be taken away. And with these five ladies lying about the money they receive might hurt others.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings toward these five ladies is that I'm annoyed by it, because there are people in this state that are struggling to make ends meet and there are stingy people like them that makes it hard fro them to get help. I believe that these five ladies are stupid and selfish for doing thing , and its been years that these selfish acts have been going on. They've did something so stupid that will cost them their life with their families.
    Opinion (I think..) I believe that this will open people eyes to stop doing fraudulent things. Like people who are doing this type of things would come to a realization that cheating out the system isn't right. And not only are they cheating out the system their cheating out the people in need.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because, it was the most interesting in my eyes. It shows how selfish people are.

  9. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: The President's Public Enemies
    Article Date: Thrusday, September 4, 2014
    Who: President Obama is the only evolved in this article.
    Where: This took place at Obama's speeches in Westchester County, NY, Newport, Rhode Island, and in Milwaukee.
    When: This Happened late last week. It doesn't have specific date.
    What happened: In his speeches Obama identified the real enemies as republics. But he also touches on topics such as ISIS. Obama says that ISIS isn't as bad as it seems it just that social media is making it worse. Obama tries to reassure that America isn't in any danger.
    Why this event is relevant: ISIS is an topic that has been talked about all summer. Now that the U.S. Government has plans to help and aid middle eastern countries to gain back control.
    Reaction: in this article it the author seems to be neutral on the decisions President Obama has made concerning ISIS
    Opinion: I think that Obama as correct when he said social media was making the situation worse than it actually was. Now anybody can see wants going on and make their own interpretation of what's happening and the governments decisions.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title had really stuck out to me.

  10. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: Slightly Fewer Households Struggle to Eat

    Article Date: This article was published on September 4, 2014.

    Who:Americans struggle less to eat.

    Where:This is happening in U.S households.

    When: This article is comparing U.S household struggles from 1998-2013.

    What happened:The number of U.S households struggling to put food on their table is reaching millions of people and the numbers are getting higher.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because the food-stamp numbers are historically high and with the data they have it implies that Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder continue to face challenges.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I somewhat feel bad for people that have very low food security because everyone needs to eat and just because you are in a financial situation i think its good that we have these government assistances but I also think some people just take avantage.

    Opinion (I think..): That most americans on food-stamps and other types of food assistance are lazy. Because there are so many different things to do out here to get money. Most people are just lazy and instead of getting up and trying to find a job to support their families they would rather collect government assistance. But then there are people who really just can’t afford food and they really need help.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I know of alot of people being on food-stamps and some of them are really just lazy. Them numbers would be way lower if most people just got a little bit of ambition to get up and get money and grind for money to help provide for their families.

  11. Source: The Wall Street journal
    Article Title: This article is titled "How Astra Fueled Obama's Attack on Tax Deals"
    Article Date: this article was published September 3, 2014
    Who: The companies involved in this event are The Obama administration, AstraZeneca PLC, Pfizer Inc., Morgan Stanley and Evercore Partners.
    Where: These events took place in the U.K and U.S
    When: This event started earlier this year and is still ongoing.
    What happened: British companies AstraZeneca PLC and Pfizer Inc. targeted Washington by hiring Wall Street advisers from Morgan Stanley and Evercore Partners which are close with the Obama administration. The company wanted a inversion which would allow a U.S company to add to its headquarters overseas and lower tax power. This trend of inversion began to spread so the Obama administration wanted to fight the trend. Making matters worse Burger King made a deal to buy Canada's Tim Hortons Inc. This is an inversion that would move the Burger King chain to Canada. This inversion trend continues between many other big companies but has not been stopped. Though lawmakers agree that this is not a good practice they don't want to fight it because it may cause a tax overhaul and lower corporate tax. They believe the only solution is a tax reform because anything else would only make it more of a trend for foreign companies to buy U.S companies.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because as American citizen we pay taxes and the inversion trend is an abusing the tax system.
    Reaction: I feel like the all and all concept of inversion isn't that bad but the fact that it is now trending on such a big scale it could possibly start to effect everyday taxes we pay as citizens.
    Opinion: I think that a law should be past against this act because it is causing rifts between many big name companies and the government and when that happens the rich tend to get richer and the poor or middle class lose money.
    Connection: I honestly choose this article because I though no one else would pick it. After reading the article i have a somewhat better understanding of what's going on in the world of big corporations but it's still a little unclear. I also think I picked this article because it is relevant not only to adults but also my generation (young adult) who sometimes overlook articles like this because we don't see a connection or have an interest right away.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:U.S . likely to get Beijing's 'quiet' support in bid to destroy ISIS, analysts say
    Article Date:Thursday September 11, 2014
    Who:This article involves the U.S. and Beijing.
    Where:This takes place in the U.S.
    When:Thursday September 11, 2014
    What happened: In this article President Obama Is addressing the nation on the possible support against ISIS by china. President Obama starts by reminding the country that for many years China has had a long standing to stay a neutral nation and not interfere with the affairs of other nations. Although they have to stay neutral for safety reasons Obama says that the U.S will most likely be getting silent support from Beijing to counter the ISIS threat. The Chinese foreign prim minster states that China is willing to enhance communication and cooperation. This is translated by politics as a more symbolic hand and not a supportive hand.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it could mean more support against ISIS.
    Reaction: I feel relived and excited to see what we can do with China's help and how far they will aid the fight.
    Opinion: I think that other allies should help but i can understand wanted to keep their own country safe.
    Connection: I have no connection besides being an american.

  13. Source: (The wall street journal)
    Article Title: Putin Sets Out Peace terms
    Article Date:I don't know what the date is.
    Who:The article is about Russia's President Vladimir.
    Where: The article took place in Moscow.
    What happened: The Russian plan would freeze Ukraine Separatists gains.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because it has something to do with the government and recent wars.
    Reaction: the reaction was that they want to start up a peace process so that evrything can be cleared.
    Opinion: I think that having wars are a waste of time and kills too many people honestly.
    Connection: I chose this article because I seen part of it of the news and wanted to read up on it.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this article is Investors Should Fear The Fed's Rate Shadow

    Article Date: The date of this article is September 4, 2014.

    Who:The Federal Reserve and investors

    Where: The United States Of America.

    When: A couple months ago.
    What happened: The fed reserve are trying to raise rates by the middle of 2015. The economy is low so people who are into stocks are angry about the raise in rates. Investors are second guessing in investing in the stocks that rates are raising because it a great chance it won't pay off in the long run.

    Why this event is relevant: It's relevant because it has something to do with the economy. When the economy is involve it very important we the the people pay attention to it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings on this is that I'm now very interested in learning more about our economy and investing. I always had a thing for business and money. So when I saw this article, I wanted to read it so bad.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the fed rates shouldn't go up now because we aren't great money wise in the U.S so if we start raising the rates, people want like that. They might end up protesting against it.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting to me. I wanted to see what all the economy and investing business was all about.

  15. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: The title of this article is called "The President's Public Enemies

    Article Date: The article was published Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Who: The people that are involved in this event are President Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner.

    Where: This event happened at the Seafair mansion in Newport, R.I.

    When: This event happened on Labor Day of 2014.

    What happened: President Barack Obama noticed that there was something going on with the Congress and was in search for a better one. He claims that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner who are Republicans, are threats to America.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because how will America look/feel knowing there is a bad Congress that isn’t doing anything but threatening the country.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it was interesting. I want to know what Obama will do for his next step.

  16. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014 - VOL. CCLXIV NO. 55

    Article Title:The title is Putin Sets Out Peace Terms.

    Article Date: This article took place September 4, 2014.

    Who: Russian Leader, Putin, and Ukrainian leader, Petro Poroshenko, and the United States were all present in this article.

    Where: The article takes place in Russia, Ukraine, and Mongolia.

    When: These events happened in September of 2014.

    What Happened: Russian leader, Vladimir Putin proposes a ceasefire deal with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. They agreed to put a end of the rebel offense, and a pull back of Ukraine’s troops. Covered by Russia’s plan, Ukraine would have to sketch out a boundary defining the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukraine is also at risk because they threaten peace in Europe. The Soldiers from the United States plan to take part in the military exercises near Western Ukraine and Lviv. However, because of the constant back and forth in Ukraine, this was delayed. As Russia tried to attack Ukraine, President Barrack Obama of the United States of America, states that Ukraine needs to be defended, but does not offer a single soldier or a promise of a fight. It is Ukraine’s duty to defend themselves or let Russia take over. It can be the end of Ukraine.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because with Russia in control of Ukraine, Obama will have to have more defenses.

    Reaction: My reaction to this event is shock because Russia is trying to take over Ukraine, and the U.S isn’t helping.

    Opinion: My opinion is that the United States should ally with Ukraine because they can be a powerful force and they can help each other help defeat Russia, so that Russia has no power to take over anything.
    Connection: A connection I have made with this article is that like they are waiting to see there strategy kind of like watching a tape from another teams game .

  17. Source: (entire website address) Philadelphia Daily News
    Article Title: Obama OKS Airstrikes on terrorists in Syria
    Article Date: September 11, 2014
    Who : President Obama
    Where: In Syria and Iraq
    When: September9 2014
    What happened: President Obama announced he was sending 500 more troops to Iraq. He also launched airstrikes on terrorists and Iraq and Syria
    Why this event is relevant: Its important because President Obama is determine to stop terrorist attacks around the world
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is President Obama is trying to push the ISIS back and I am happy about it
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion is the ISIS will think twice before messing with the U.S
    Connection (why you chose this article) Because the ISIS is a treat to the world.

  18. Source: (Wall street journal )

    Article Title: Democrat Drops Out Of Kansas Senate Race

    Article Date: September 4th , 2014

    Who: Democrat Chad Taylor

    Where: Kansas

    When: September 3rd , 2014

    What happened:The Democrat Chad Taylor had no real explanation for why he dropped out of the race or what reason did he have for not wanting to run anymore but he did say “After much consideration and prolonged discussion “ with supporters he ended his campaign . Which meant that his candidate Republican Pat Roberts now has the opportunity of catching the upper hand in this election , although some say it may be challenging for Mr. Roberts to get back in the right place with no real competition at hand but hopefully he will have the chance to win without issues.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people in Kansas may have wanted to see Chad Taylor succeed or become something out of all his hard work .

    Reaction; I feel as though he should have not given up because everyone has goals and things they want done and they go for it , but who really knows what hes going threw so maybe he needs this pause to get his life in order .

    Opinion I think that anything can be done if you really out your heart into it and maybe his heart wasn't there , but he will race again i know he will .
    Connection i choose this article because i know what it feels like to give up and i know what it feels like not to want to go on , but he has a strong team beside him and will push threw .

  19. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: U.S. Aims to 'Degrade and Destroy' Militants
    Article Date: Thursday, Septemer 4, 2014
    Who: President Obama, the Senate and terrorist group ISIS
    Where: Syria
    When: Recently, 2014
    What happened: As the acts of ISIS grow and worsen, President Obama plans degrade and destroy the terrorist group or at least turn it into a "manageable problem". He talked about the strategy that he is willing to take but the endpoint is still unclear, they also need many Allies. There is talk that this could have been prevented earlier before ISIS reached this extreme limit. Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel said that the administration is waiting for the legal authority on acting militarily on Syria. The President does not want this to turn into another war that will be tough to get out of, just like they once did in Iraq. He is trying to have more military effort but will not serve in a combat role.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the U.S. always tries the best to avoid any terrorism due to the event of 9/11 and more so, right now there's a strategy being developed to end anything like this again.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I thought that they should've thought of this before.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this will take a lot of time since we won't be serving in a combat role although we could've took action earlier, before ISIS grew especially with the threats.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I felt it's the most relevant to what we're learning in class now and what's been happening in the world.

  20. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: the title of this is U.S Aims to Degrade and Destroy Militarians
    Article Date: the date of this article isThursday, September 4, 2013y
    Who: the people involved are President Obama, terrorist ISIS, SYRIA
    Where: this article takes place in Iraq,Syria
    When: its going on right now
    What happened: president Obama is trying to stop the terrorist group ISIS, his goal was to degrade the Islamic states group ability to operate,then ultimately destroy the extremist organization and cut of the groups funding and access to the global financial system.

    Why this event is relevant: this article is revevant because ISIS already killed 2 people american journalist on video and is threatening the U.S.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel good knowing that the president Obama is doing all he can to put in end to ISIS and their terrible threats. But if we end up going into war with them I just might have to move far from here.

    Opinion (I think..) They went to far with killing 2 journalist and threatening my country now their getting what's coming for them.

    Connection (why I pick this article because this seems like a big thing that the U.S is fighting for that I appreciate them doing.

  21. The title of this article is How Astra Fueled Obama's Attack on Tax Deals. My article was dated September 4 2014. Who's in this article is  Obama. This article took place Washington DC in the white house where president Obama spoke on the tax deals. When this article is still going on as we speck. What happened in this article is that Obama trying to get AstraZeneca to lower the tax deals to make it more convenient for people but AstraZeneca is backing down to that deal. This article have been taken place for years but a hand full of tax deals has come in the past year. This article is relevant in many way because some people can't pay tax like other people and it would be better if tax was lower for the people and make everyone life easier. My reaction to the article was that this is a good article to stand by because this shows Obama really cares about are people feelings and trying to help in anyway. I think AstraZeneca should just give up and lower the tax deals for the people not everyone have the money to deal with high tax deals. I pick this article because it's a big deal in the U.S and this is what people ate upset with and I appreciate Obama for trying to help.

  22. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: The President's Public Enemies
    Article Date: Thrusday, September 4, 2014
    Who: President Obama is the only evolved in this article.
    Where: This took place at Obama's speeches in Westchester County, NY, Newport, Rhode Island, and in Milwaukee.
    When: This Happened late last week. It doesn't have specific date.
    What happened: In his speeches Obama identified the real enemies as republics. But he also touches on topics such as ISIS. Obama says that ISIS isn't as bad as it seems it just that social media is making it worse. Obama tries to reassure that America isn't in any danger.
    Why this event is relevant: ISIS is an topic that has been talked about all summer. Now that the U.S. Government has plans to help and aid middle eastern countries to gain back control.
    Reaction: in this article it the author seems to be neutral on the decisions President Obama has made concerning ISIS
    Opinion: I think that Obama as correct when he said social media was making the situation worse than it actually was. Now anybody can see wants going on and make their own interpretation of what's happening and the governments decisions.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title had really stuck out to me.

  23. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: Gang Rape Sparks Outrage In Kabul
    Article Date: September 4, 2014
    Who: 6 men 4 women and the people of Kabul
    Where: In Kabul
    When: The actual rape was dated August 23, 2014
    What happened: In the early morning hours of August 23rd, six men dressed in police uniform kidnapped four women and robbed them all, beat them all and raped three of them.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it gives us a look into what's going on in another country.
    Reaction: When I read this, I was shocked. I never knew things were as drastic in Kabul for them to be dressing up as police officials and raping women. But, I kind of think that it was an extremely radical demonstration. I think them dressing as police officers symbolized something.
    Opinion: I think that it would be really interesting to find out what the police disguises symbolize.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think that it's 100% wrong to ever rape a woman. Rape is wrong no matter what. I also chose this because there's a lot of holes in the story. I don't know why they wore police suits, I don't know what made them target those women and I don't know what happened to those women since the encounter so it's something I can follow up on for later.

  24. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014-Vol. CCLXIV No.55. Title: U.S. Vows NATO Defense of Baltics. Date of article: September, 4th 2014. Barack Obama makes a speech vowing to defend Ukraine's independence by working with Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Obama also meets with 27 leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO has also seemly struggles with this situation. Thus event is relevant because we have an alliance to hold up with Ukraine to keep our word. This event is also relevant in a sense of new enemies we might have to face for interfering with a battle that doesn't really have our name on it. My reaction is that I was proud of my country. I feel like by the US interfering it has it's pros and cons, we, the U.S. are setting an example of teamwork therefore showing leadership and exemplifies a stable country. Although sometimes we stick our nose in the fire and it burns. I think it's going to be a good look for the U.S. Working near middle eastern countries and trying to get alliances or even just help against ISIS. I chose this article because it interested me when I seen Obama vowing to protect them and them and then I though about how that help could fortify us against ISIS.
