Monday, September 15, 2014

3rd period, week of 9/15-9/19

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address) Newspaper
    Article Title: Republicans for what?
    Article Date: September 4, 2014
    Who: Republicans
    Where:United states
    What happened: The gop wont get the victory it seeks without a positive agenda. The trouble is that the house gop already provides that check, and voters are even more unhappy with congress than they are with Mr. Obama.
    Why this event is relevant: Us citizens (voters) are not happy.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I mean i feel like we should have some rights like the article says the voters unhappy with Mr. Obama but im sure he doing his best to please us or help the issue.
    Opinion (I think..) Obama should give in a little more and give it his best to keep being president i think he's a great person and president.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i wanted to read into it a little more after i saw Obama name in it.

    1. What newspaper? This week should have been a news article.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Kerry: Countries 'in the region' willing to aid strikes against ISIS
    Article Date: Sun September 14, 2014
    Who: John Kerry, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, ISIS
    Where: Syria, Middle East
    When: Recently
    What happened: Secretary of State John Kerry says that Middle Eastern countries are willing to assist militarily and in actual strikes to defeat ISIS. Airstrikes alone are not said to work but they also aren't planning to put troops on ground to fight. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham disagrees with this plan and says that the U.S. should use all sources and not worry about safety. She also stated that, "There is no way in hell you can form an army on the ground to go into Syria to destroy ISIL without a substantial American component." She also urges the President to end ISIS before they come on our ground.
    Why this event is relevant: This talks about plans and the strategy of U.S. defeating the terrorist group, ISIS.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt that the strategy still has many flaws and risks but I don't think they'll come up with a plan that won't risk ISIS doing something radical in return. It's quite frightening.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the President's plan is better than what Graham suggested because if we go out all at once, they'll defeat us in a heartbeat, we don't even know where this group is hiding.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because we still talk about ISIS in class, and I find the news about political strategies a bit interesting.

  3. Source: (entire website address) Wall street journal
    Article Title: Russia Europe stocks gain on cease fire
    Article Date: September 4 2014
    Who: Russian and Europe assets mainly in Ukraine
    Where: Russia and Ukraine
    When: 2014 when the event occupied
    What happened: News of a possible cease fire agreement spurred some investors to buy in which had hit Russian assets hard do to the conflict in Ukraine. Do to the conflict in Ukraine there was high percentage rates with in money being ceased and exchanged. Do to those high amounts of investments this news should cease investors but would be to early to restore foreign demand of Russian assets as the conflict isn't fully restored.
    Why this event is relevant: It shows how other countries are managing their stocks as well as they do in America on stock exchanges.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I found it crazy on how many dollars they have finance and exchange and also having to manage.
    Opinion (I think..) is important do to the fact that in Russia and Ukraine they do things different from America.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article since I thought it would be interesting and see how things manage in other countries.

  4. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Article Title: The title of my article is Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads.
    Article Date: This article was written on Sept. 4, 2014
    Who: This topic has come up between Sen. Mark Udall and Rep. Cory Gardner.
    Where: This article takes place in Colorado.
    When: This article has no exact date
    What happened: This article is about Cory Gardner trying to sell birth control over the counter to gain more votes for women . Among men Republicans held a 17-point lead over democrats . Women however , favored a democratic - controlled congress by 14 percentage points . Another Reason for him to get votes was to bring up the fact that women get paid less and it should be based on work ethnic and not gender .
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because a lot of younger people are starting to have sex at early ages and are getting pregnant and may not want their parents to know so they could buy them over the counter . Also this is important because women naturally does get paid less and that's not really fair when some women do the same thing and the same hours as men and for women to get paid less is unfair when the work is equal it shouldn't be based on gender .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt like this is necessary because if selling birth control over the counter can get people from not having as many babies and can have a better future than I support it just like the plan B pill they sell it & a lot of people has stopped their pregnancy from happening .
    Opinion (I think..) I think that birth control should be sold over the counter. People can now stop having abortions and just get on birth control in the first place this can prevent it
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I don't believe that men should get paid more than women it should be equal and birth control could help out a lot

  5. Source: (entire website address) Carter, Chelsea J., and Susanna Capelouto. "Australian Police Move against Pending Terror Attack." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 18 Sept. 2014.
    Article Title:Australian PM: Public execution terror plot foiled
    Article Date:September 18,2014
    Who: Australia and terrorist
    Where: In Australia
    When: Thursday, September 18.
    What happened:Two men where arrested and where connected with a terror plan to destroy America. The two planed to kidnap someone in the United states and to cut their head off and hang it on an ISIS flag. ISIS is a terror group that addresses to themselves as the Islamic State. This terror group goes around and take over villages in Syria and Iraq, they also kidnap Americans and eventually kill them. On Thursday one person was arrested with a charge of terrorism and fourteen others where detained for questioning. Right now Australia terror level is at 'high' right now. Which mean that a terrorist attack is most likely to happen at any given moment.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS is one of the biggest threats right now. This group is doing anything in their power to try to take down the united states. If ISIS have people inside of the US planning to help them. Then the whole state is going to be in trouble.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is that im upset that the US have to deal with another terrorist attack. Also I upset at the people inside if the US that are condoning what ISIS is doing because it shows they don't have any loyalty towards the US.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the people will release that being apart of ISI is not the right thing to do. And i think that we wont have any problems with ISIS anytime soon hopefully.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because im very interested in this whole ISIS thing because im worried what will happen to the US and if We will get into a war or not.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Lubbock, Texas, unveiling statue of man who wouldn't take 'freedom on the cheap'
    Article Date: Wednesday, September 17th
    Who: Tim Cole
    Where: Lubbock, Texas
    When: Happened in 1985
    What happened: A man named Tim Cole who was found guilty for the rape he didn't commit of 20 year old, Michele Mallin was sentenced to 25 years in prison died on September 17th
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a man who was charged for a crime he didn't commit ended up dying in prison and paying for someone else crime.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was sad after i read this article because a innocent man was in prison for numerous of years for nothing.
    Opinion (I think..) I feel like this could have been prevented if he had a better lawyer.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it stood out to me and i could only imagine he pain and suffering he went through.

  7. Source: (
    Article Title: House Approves Arming Syrian Rebels to Fight Islamic State.
    Article Date: This article was published on September 17, 2014
    Who: Those involved in this article were the President Barack Obama and the House of Representatives.
    Where: This discussion took place in the capitol where the house of chambers resides
    When: This event took place on Wednesday
    What happened: What happened was that the House of Representatives gave its permission for Syrian Rebels to be armed in order to fight of the Islamic Extremist group Known as ISIS aka (ISIL). Lengthy debates formed while votes were being made, the debates were about whether lawmakers were willing to send US troops back into the state they were trying to take them out of or If arming the Syrian Rebels would result in a rebound of the weapons falling into the wrong hands and causing even more of a ruckus in the middle east. Democrats had a vote of 114 those of republicans voted 159 for the amendment while 71 republicans along with 85 democrats voted against it. The law was passed even though fears were told on the threat ISIS committed with the murder of the journalist who were from America. The amendment is for the preparation of Syrian troops for combat against the Islamic state with the distribution of training and guns, but it also served as a variable to get a bigger and better plan for going up against the terrorist group. The amendment is formed, so that the training last until the middle of December ending on the 11th. President Obama had authorized an airstrike in Iraq in the last month, but last we had promised to eradicate the terrorist group for good.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it brings updated reports of what our government plans to do with the potential threat known as ISIS. U.S thought that Al Qaeda was not a threat and paid the price, so in order for a problem to be avoided tabs on what is being planned for our nation as well as others are being kept and analyzed for outcomes that won’t be regretted.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though we as a nation with this vote to arm the Syrian rebels may have been a good call because you may not know what could happen and they need to be ready. The outcome can be either way, but it would be worse if troops died without the means to back themselves up or take a stand.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that a lot more thoughts have to be exchanged before more decisions are made because even though no one knows when they could strike if the U.S. Moves to fast the results may be in resemblance to what happened during the Vietnam war and efforts would have been for nothing.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I was curious as to what was happening with the progression of plans to stop this terrorist group when it was presented to me by my teacher. In order to get a better grip of the situation I chose and read this article to help instill some more insight.

  8. Source: Philadelphia Metro
    Article Title: Police Investigate complaint from 'Django' Actress
    Article Date:Sept.16,2014
    Who: The police
    Where: Los Angeles
    When: Over the weekend
    What happened: A police officer handcuff a women just because he thought she is a prostitute and the actress said the police stop her because she was black and her boyfriend was white.
    Why this event is relevant: Police profiling
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am upset that she got handcuff because of the color of her skin
    Opinion (I think..) Its wrong for a cop to arrest because of the color of your skin
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because racism still exist.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Clinton shifts to domestic issues, with a focus on women
    Article Date: 9/18/2014
    Who: Hillary clinton
    Where: Washington
    When: This week
    What happened:What is going to happen is that Hillary Clinton is going to start a campaign for womens issues going on in america like equal pay, and affordable child care. She is going to give speeches and panels in new york next week to address the issues going on for womans rights. The united states is the only country that doesn't give their working woman paid leave. This issue has become a central focus for her possible 2016 presidential campaign.
    Why this event is relevant: I think this event is relevant because Woman should have just as much pay as men, and should be treated as equally as men. Woman need jobs that can help provide for themselves and their family if they have one.
    Reaction: i didn't know that working woman dont get paid for leave especially if they are in the army. I also didn't know that woman in the army are being sexually assaulted. Now that i know this, i feel bad for all the hardworking woman in america who are not getting paid enough to provide for their family.
    Opinion: I think that woman who work should get some type of raise.Its not fair to them.
    Connection: I chose this article because i was not aware of the issues woman have as far as finance, and being sexually assaulted in the army

  10. Source:
    Article Title: U.S Ready To Strike ISIS In Syria
    Article Date: 9/18/14
    Who: U.S & ISIS
    Where: Syria
    When: Waiting On Approval From Barack Obama
    What happened: The U.S Is Waiting For The Approval From President Obama To Make A Move Against ISIS. The U.S Has Been Planning To Make A Move On ISIS But Never Actually Did Anything About It. The Military Are Trying To Bomb ISIS Before They Make A Move On The U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: Because ISIS Had Originally Sent A Bomb Threat To The U.S. ISIS Planned On Attacking The U.S. So Finally They Are Making An Effort To Stop Them Before They Get A Chance To Attack On The U.S.
    Reaction: I Feel Like We Should Be Able To Have A Chance To Prepare And Also To Stop Them From Planning To Bomb Us.
    Opinion: I Think That Obama Should Approve Of This Method Because Who Knows What ISIS Is Planning To Do Against Us. Also When Is That Ever Gonna Happen, It Can Happen Today Or Tomorrow. I Think This Is Good.
    Connection: I Picked This Article Because We Have Covered This In Class And It's All Over The News Now Which Makes It A Real Serious Problem.

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Obama thanks lawmakers for approving aid for Syria rebels
    Article Date: September 18,2014
    Who: president Obama
    Where: Iraq, Syria
    What happened: Mr.Obama is honored to have the lawmakers approving his request to Syrian rebels to fight ISIS, Obama said " I believe that we are the strongest nation when it come to president and congress working together and wants to thank members of congress for the speed and seriousness." The U.S military has its resources it needs to strike back ISIS camps, the Islamic state so far it has to captured 16 villages. The group ISIS just keep gettin worse and worse so the military leader has decided to plan a strike on ISIS, in Syria.

    Why this event is relevant: this is revelant because ISIS is becoming more and more a threat to the U.S so it's important for the government to do what they do best.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)I think this article is ok
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it stands out more then Any other articles.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: U.S ready to strike ISIS in Syria, military officials say
    Article Date: Thursday, September 18, 2014
    Who: CNN Pentagon Correspondent, United States and ISIS
    Where: Syria
    When: September 18, 2014
    What happened: This article is mainly about how the U.S military is ready to take action against ISIS in Syria. In order to act they have to anticipate President Barack Obama's permission. Over these past weeks, U.S troops have been gathering a list of targets from different areas that might cause conflict within Syria.
    However, President Barack Obama plan to keep America safe by using strategies to increase support and military supplies. For more reasoning, the military chooses where the action will happen after the President come to a resolution. In other terms, President Barack Obama plans to strike ISIS in a progressive way by not taking action quickly and not signing off on every strike that may appear. It can be made clear that, the President Obama has to make risky decisions by being discrete and handling a presidential level.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant in terms of ISIS by the president being aware of the bombings, threats being made and other within Syria or any other country.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to this event is that I feel as though the President is doing his job as to planning to make changes in our country and doing what's right and safe for all of us.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that the United States is somewhat ready to strike ISIS in a more moderate way due to military forces.
    Connection (why you chose this article: I chose this article because, it has been talked about on the news, class discussion and internet.

  13. Source
    Article Title:First results of Scotland vote trickle in

    Article Date: septembern18,2014
    Who: the votersnin Scotland.
    Where: this even happened in Scotland.
    When: this event happened today, thursday September 18.
    What happened: what happened was that the Scotish voted today on wheather they should become an independent nation or remain apart of the UK.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevent to me because it happened today and it is interesting.
    Reaction my reaction was being suprised becasue I never knew that the UK and Scotland were one nation.
    Opinion I think that this isn't more important than other major crisisses out here like ISIS and etc.
    Connection what grabbed my attention about this article was that it reminded me that us Americans have to vote soon for a new president.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer is accused of head-butting and fracturing his wife's nose.
    Article Date: July 21, 2014
    Who: Jonathan Dwyer and wife.
    Where: Phoenix at their home.
    When: July 22, 2014
    What happened: Dwyer punched his wife in the face and broke her nose. why? Dwyer wanted to kiss her and take her clothes off but she told him multiple times to stop and he didn't so she bit him on his lip. After getting bit in his lip dwyer head butted her and fractured her nose. July 22 dwyer began to punch on his wife and threw a shoe at their son.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it envoles a whole case.
    Reaction: I think dwyer is totally wrong like if your wife is telling you to stop then stop because woman are very sensitive. Ok I get it she bit him but he has to reason putting his hands on any female that's where he messed up. Then he throwing shoes at his son something is clearly wrong with this dude. Now days a lot of these NFL players been doing some crazy stuff. Ray rice beat his wife up on the elevator, adrien petterson beat his son. They crazy now days I don't know whats going through there mine but you are an millionare let it go!
    Opinion: I think he should have put his hands on her that would have kept him out of a whole lot of trouble. Now he might be serving time for a long time and you know she press chargers so I kinda feel bad for him. This man is in the NFL making lots of money I would never ever do some dumb stuff like that.
    Connection: I chose this article because of the caption like it caught my attention and I just kept reading.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:Ukraine gets support in U.S.,but not lethal aid

    Article Date:Thursday September 18,2014

    Who: The Ukrainian President and Obama.

    Where:This took place in Washington

    When:This Meeting happened on September 18,2014.

    What happened:Petro Poroshenko Ukrainian President sat down with the people of congress and also met with Obama to get military aid and help arming his troops. After the meeting he was given $46 million dollars to help buy things for military aid this did not include money for arming his troops because that request was denied. President Petro thinks that other thinks are important too but he thinks that they needed lethal aid.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the U.S is included in the and U.S is attempting to help Ukraine while they are in fighting por-Russian rebels.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) It’s somewhat good that Obama is trying to help Ukraine because if we were in trouble and needed their help or support he would want them to be helping us.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Obama should be careful with who he trusts because Ukraine could just be using the U.S to get money and help but not help the U.S if help was needed. Obama should be cautious and careful who he keeps close to him you never know they could turn around and try to hurt the U.S.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I thought it was interesting I never even knew Ukraine was fighting against Russia. And on top of that I never knew that the U.S was helping the Ukraine.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: ISIS Draws a Steady Stream of Recruits From Turkey
    Article Date: SEPTEMBER 15, 2014
    Who: ISIS, U.S, Turkey & Boarding Neighbors
    Where: Turkey
    When: Month Of September
    What happened:This article talks about how ISIS is achieving at spreading around and growing as an organization. Just in a week, ISIS went from 20,000 members to 31,000 members. ISIS is now recruiting in Turkey. The U.S has tried getting into contact with the turkish prime minister, to tell him to try and cut off ISIS' way to communicating or getting into their country. However, Turkey is sticking to their word of not getting involved of anything that has to deal with their boarding countries because they want to maintain peace. This made a lot of American officials angry. Lastly, it talked about how ISIS is recruiting people from the United States!
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this terrorist group is getting stronger and stronger and could possibly become a huge threat to a lot of countries, including the U.S.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this article, is somewhat shocked and curious. I'm curious because the U.S is putting so much pressure on Turkey to do better policing, so that ISIS can't recruit, however, ISIS seems to be easily recruiting members from the U.S, so maybe the U.S should worry about their home security, before pressuring another country to boost up theirs.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the U.S are being hypocrites when it comes to security because they always want other countries to have better security, but can't even improve their own.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it talks a lot about ISIS strategies, and I like studying "the enemies" plans.

    Current Event Sources:

  18. Source:
    Article Title: US faces tough struggle on ground to oust ISIS.
    Article Date: September 18, 2014
    Who: US and ISIS
    Where: US and Monsul
    When: September 18, 2014
    What happened: the US has come to a dead end as to how to stop the deadly terrorist group ISIS. Some people in the White House have no problem with air strikes and some people in the house do. President Obama has already said that he will attempt to destroy the ISIS organization if they continue to kill and hurt innocent people. Obama has kept his promise and has a plethora of strategies to stop the group but everyone doesn't agree on the ways to do it. Representatives in the pentagon plan to train over 20,000 soldiers to send over to Iraq to help destroy ISIS on the ground. They say they want to be able to train about 5,000 soldiers a year.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this involves my country. I want my country to make the best decisions for us as a nation. If the best decision for us to go along with these potentially dangerous strategies the president has put together then I have no other way but to trust it.
    Reaction: i really just hope that we will be making the right decisions as it comes to these strategies. I just don't want them to potentially backfire and start a bigger problem on US soil.
    Opinion: i think the US has everything under control and i think ISIS will eventually be destroyed by the likes of the US government and other Allies of ours.
    Connection: I chose this article because ISIS has been all over the news and stuff and I just felt like it was very important to me as an American and just as a student to read about it and write about it.

  19. source:
    Article Title: Obama: ISIS threat against U.S., allies 'doesn't frighten us'
    Article Date: September 19, 2014
    Who: ISIS, president Obama and U.S Military
    Where: Iraq and Syria
    When: Fri September 19, 2014
    What happened: President Obama is currently sticking with his plan to go in forward with the ISIS association by deploying U.S military to Iraq to assist and advice their partners on ground. Also more then 40 countries including Arab nations has offered to help and stop this war against the Islamic state. The U.S military has everything to be prepared and ready to attack ISIS in Syria but, they must wait for Obama's approval to sign it off to do so. Officials also has said that they may include an airstrike that will be effective towards ISIS. Many other countries are putting in effort including turkey by opening an border to help refugees/people flee from ISIS attacks in northern Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant do to the president making a big decision to help another country from an terrorist group and help those that are captured and being tortured and murdered.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel horrible that people are dying by this group and really destroying Syria down.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the president should sign it off and do it just to help that country from severe danger and innocent people that are dying.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article since I found that this event is very important and many people should know about it and say their opinion about this.

  20. Article Title: The title of this article is called Obama: ISIS threat against U.S., allies 'doesn't frighten us'
    Article Date: September 19 2014
    Who: United States and ISIS
    Where: United States and Syria
    When: September 19 2014
    What happened: The US had found there match with terrorist crew ISIS. This article is saying President Obama has told the media he plan on deceasing the ISIS group because this group keep killing and hurting innocent people that has nothing to do with anything. This article also show that Mr President Obama has been a man about his words and have plenty of strategies to the stop the ISIS group. This article always says that the US sent over thousands of soldiers to Iraq to destroy the ISIS group.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because use US citizens cant let a violent group like ISIS push us over and kill innocent people. Its also relevant because we as United Stats citizens do not want another terrorist attack (9/11)
    Reaction; My reaction to this article is that i get hope the US will make all the right moves and decisions so us citizens can be safe.
    Opinion; I this the US has everything handled and i also think this ISIS group will soon be the end of them because i believe in the US and feel like with all there strategies and decisions.
    Connection; I picked this article because this ISIS group has been floating all through the news. I feel as if this is important because ISIS want to take over and the US will not let them.

  21. Source :
    Article Title: The title of this article is called Obama: ISIS threat against U.S., allies 'doesn't frighten us'
    Article Date: September 19 2014
    Who: United States and ISIS
    Where: United States and Syria
    When: September 19 2014
    What happened: The US had found there match with terrorist crew ISIS. This article is saying President Obama has told the media he plan on deceasing the ISIS group because this group keep killing and hurting innocent people that has nothing to do with anything. This article also show that Mr President Obama has been a man about his words and have plenty of strategies to the stop the ISIS group. This article always says that the US sent over thousands of soldiers to Iraq to destroy the ISIS group.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because use US citizens cant let a violent group like ISIS push us over and kill innocent people. Its also relevant because we as United Stats citizens do not want another terrorist attack (9/11)
    Reaction; My reaction to this article is that i get hope the US will make all the right moves and decisions so us citizens can be safe.
    Opinion; I this the US has everything handled and i also think this ISIS group will soon be the end of them because i believe in the US and feel like with all there strategies and decisions.
    Connection; I picked this article because this ISIS group has been floating all through the news. I feel as if this is important because ISIS want to take over and the US will not let them.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Sets New Plans Against College Assaults
    Article Date: September 19, 2014
    Who: college students
    Where: Over 200 colleges in the US have signed a petition to participate so it's all over the US
    When: The movement was ordered in April of 2014
    What happened: Obama is trying to get together a new campaign against sexual assault in colleges. He thinks that involving men in certain informative courses will also help in putting a stop to sexual assault.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because as young people the majority of us plan to go to college and at least half of that majority are females. We should always feel safe in a school setting so it's important that we see and help in the steps being taken to stop this.
    Reaction: I was happy to see that something was being done because sexual assault has been a huge issue in colleges for a long time and knowing that there is something being done in the time frame that I'll be looking into college is good to know.
    Opinion: I think it's great that we're finally taking steps towards bettering the issue.
    Connection: I connected this to a movie that was made in the 90's called Higher Learning where one character was assaulted in her college career and it caused a big uproar on the campus.

    1. This needs the full web address. In the future, this will not receive credit.

  23. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Thinking About ISIS
    Article Date: The date of this article is on September 16, 2014
    Who: The people who were involved are President Barack Obama, ISIS, and the Congress.
    Where: This happened at a meeting.
    When: This event happened this week.
    What happened: ISIS is still taking over. President Obama is trying to do everything he can to defeat them. His plan is to get a stronger, bigger army.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it puts our country in danger.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel scared because I think about ISIS defeating us and how that will make us look.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this situation is very serious
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it is very important to me. I don't know what I would do if America was in danger and ISIS took over.

  24. Where:USA
    When: September 19th 2014
    What happened: The ISIS acttacks are on the outbreak and Obama plans to stop it and let them know that we are not afraid. Although they have some US citizens along with them we've already began to plan different ways to get back at them
    Why this event is relevant: because people need too know
    Opinion I think it's good that their taking action
    Connection because I to care about the world

    1. Missing: source (web address), article title, article date. This is also too short. In the future, this will not receive credit.

  25. Source:

    Article Title: For Britain, Fighting ISIS Might Add to Risk at Home

    Article Date: September 18, 2014

    Who: This article is about Britain and ISIS

    Where: This story take place in Britain.

    When: A couple of days ago.

    What happened: Pretty much this article is about how ISIS is in Britain and they are trying to attack them but it will affect them. So now Britain have to decide what to do. Are they going to try and attack or wait and see what ISIS is going to do. Britain ask for help from U.S in attacking ISIS. However president Obama hav'nt decided what to do. So this process is pending as of right now.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it has to do with ISIS and trying to take them out. We as the U.S are going to protect our people and if that means helping other countries. Then that's what will do.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like president Obama is really trying to help Britain in this fight against ISIS. Britain themselves are readying their military for any thing ISIS might try to do.

    Opinion (I think..) I think this article is was very informing. It gives a lot of info on ISIS and how if Britain tries to attack it might cause trouble in their own place. So it's a great risk for Britain.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it look like it's very important. It has to do with ISIS. Also we have been learning about ISIS in civics class. So I felt like it something to look into.

  26. Source:
    Article Title:U.S. ready to strike ISIS in Syria, military officials say
    Article Date: September 18, 2014
    Who: This involved the U.S. and Syria
    Where:This Took place in the U.S.
    When: September 18, 2014
    What happened: In this article it states that the U.S. government is prepared to commence an attack on ISIS. The only thing stopping them from attacking is that they have not gotten the order from President Obama. The reason being is that President Obama is reviewing the list of list of attack areas and to insure no unnecessary lose of life he is aiding the pentagon on the strike. The U.S. has been using drones to ind the leaders to put on the attack list.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it is matter of national security.
    Reaction: This was a logical choose so i have no reaction.
    Opinion: I have no opinion on the matter.
    Connection: I am an american that is my connection to this article.

  27. The blog is now closed for this week.

  28. Article Title: Probe At end in attack on couple
    Article Date: September23,2014
    Who: Philadelphia Inquirer
    Where: Center City
    When: September 11,2014
    What happened: Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey once the state to change the law that went u beat u a gay person it is consider a hate crime. The D.A. has enough charges on the people who beat up the gay couple in Center City
    Why this event is relevant: It is important because this may be considered a hate crime
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this situation is that I don't think this is considered a hate crime
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion on it is that a hate crime is usually a racist thing dealing with blacks etc.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it is too many people that are gay is getting beat up.
