Wednesday, September 10, 2014

1st period, Week of 9/11/14

For the week of September 11, 2014: You should use the article that you selected in the Wall Street Journal. For your source, you will write: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Who: This is American House Holds.
    Where: This is in the United States.
    What Happen: People in America are not getting the resources to eat every night. Many students are not eating at home. The Federal government has a lot to do with it. Food is being raised in prices. Even food stamps are only being given to certain people.
    Why: People are not able to eat and hunger has been a problem for a while now. This just shows that no one is still not helping the people who need it.
    Reaction: My reaction is i do not know what to say, or how to help. I think more people should come together and try to find a solution.People are dying daily over this kids are losing their mothers and fathers or hunger. Sometimes the other way around. The government has a lot to do with this too, they take away resources based on money. The budget should be spent more wisely then if this is what it comes to. It seems like someone has to suffer when there are cuts.
    Connection: This reminds of how when natural disasters happen, the US try to lean a hand, but on their own people do not get the same treatment. This is a connection because its the opposite of what America get from the government. Like previous said, we don't get the help we give. That's not fair or right, and the government is the one to blame.

  4. Source:Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:politics juice up Brazilian stocks
    Article Date:september 4,2014
    When: September 4 2014
    What happened:stocks emerging problems are not easily being solved investors are making economic pressure which causes the governerment in brazil to make this a serious issue brazil is struggling because they cant fix the issue investor are losing intrest and changing their mind around about brazil.
    Why this event is relevant: this is important because brazil needs help and their economy is making them look bad
    Reaction this irritates me and cause me to become angry because no one is helping them even their investors are changing on them a little bit
    Opinion (I think brazil should come together and try to fix the issue because as I read it seems like the government is struggling so many the people of brazil needs to help
    Connection; ive choose this article because I did a research paper on brazil and I never noticed that they were struggling so this interested me

  5. Source: Wall Street Journal

    Article Title: US regulators tweak final rule for banks buffers.

    Article Date: The date of the article is, September 3rd, 2014.

    Who: US Banks are involved with this article.

    Where: This event happened in the United States.

    When: This event took place, Wednesday September 3, 2014.

    What happened: There was a new currency rule passed last Wednesday which required more than 30 of the biggest US banks to add a combined 100 Billion Dollars in cash. Previously, these banks were expected to raise at least 200% of their current value but US regulators have said, that percentage has dropped since the rule has been put into action.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because now the US Banks will have some extra money stored away for the people who go to their banks. Just in case the bank goes down the people can get at least a portion if not all of their money before the banks lose it all. Its a great safety net!

    Reaction: I feel like this is a great idea because it gives the banks and the people insurance that they have nothing to worry about and that their money is extra safe. My only concern about this rule is that if the banks can actually come up with all of this money because 100 Billion Dollars in cash is a lot of money. But there are 30 other big banks who have to pitch in for this total amount so im not very worried about it that much.

    Opinion: I think its a very smart and safe idea for the bank and the bank-goers.

    Connection: I honestly chose this article because it was the only article I could grab in time. The morning I was going to start the assignment I had to go somewhere so I just grabbed the first page of the WSJ and went with that.

  6. Source:The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title:Powerful New Cancer Drugs Offer Hope At Steep Cost

    Article Date:September 4, 2014

    Who: Government health

    Where: U.S. , Japan

    When: September 4, 2014

    What happened:The first of a promising new class of cancer drugs went on sale in Japan this week at an average annual cost of $143,000. The new type of drug that harnesses that body's immune system to fight tumors, including melanoma.The drug has a high cure rate and can stave off more costly health intervention. About 62% of patients receiving the drug were still alive one year after starting treatment,while 43% were still alive at two years.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it found a new drug to cure tumors, including melanoma cancer.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This is great that they found a new drug.

    Opinion: I think that they should lower the prices so everyone that could use the drug can afford it.

    Connection:I’ve chosen this article because I know people that had died from cancer, and knowing this drug can help others is a good thing.

  7. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: The Mystery of “Living will’’ rules for banks

    Article Date: Aug 2014

    Who: The U.S top 11 largest banks

    Where: The united states

    When: Aug 5th

    What happened: “ The Will “ an act required large financial institutions consider systemically important to submit orderly resolution plans each year. Didn’t justify it’s cost.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because banks fail to persuade governors that they have realistic and safe plans for winding down.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) betrayal by good expectations i thought of, but turn around and backfire

    Opinion (I think..) i think this is blackmail and makes it difficult for people.
    Connection (why you chose this article) i choose this article because the process makes it difficult to understand what is, acceptable. the government gave the highest banks contingency plans for crises a failing grade, without making clear what’s needed.

  8. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: Turkey Targets Jihadist Highway
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: Turkish forces
    Where: Antakya, Turkey
    When: On Wednesday
    What happened: Turkey is trying to close down a Jihadist highway to stop foreign militants from going into its borders into Syria. On Wednesday president Barack Obama talked about destroying the extremist group and turning it into a manageable problem with the help of allies. Turkey is the primary route for jihadists to join Syria civil war because of easy visa policies
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if they are able to sneak their way into Turkey then they could also try to do the same to us.
    Reaction: It’s good that Turkey is trying to protect their selves even though they are basically hostages of ISIS.
    Opinion: I think that America should get evolved as soon as possible so they wont be able to do that in America.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminds me of how Adolf Hitler had got into power.

  9. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: Republicans, Democrats, and Women voters
    Where: Parts of The United States
    When: July 30-August 3
    What happened:The same Republicans who favored to outlaw abortion for the benefit of women voters. Are the same Republicans who are persuading women to vote for them. So that birth control could be given over the counter, trying to shut down the democrats election. However, Democrats aim to legislate women equal-pay between men to supply enough coverage for their insurance for the advantage of birth control.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because women voters would actually vote for politicians who are willing to help them.
    Reaction: This is an outrage and disrespectful to ladies all around. If they think they can make an attempt to convince women voters to vote for them just to sell birth control pills over the counter, their insane!
    Opinion: I think this is idea is stupid and dangerous. Because, its better to get birth control pills from someone that knows the effects and the values of it, than someone who just gives it out and knows nothing about it. I also thinks that women should be educated more and knowing whats best for their body before accepting any pills off a counter.
    Connection: I chose this article it was caught to my attention, just to know how Democrats and Republicans see women voters plays a part in the elections.

  10. Source: The wall St journal, Thursday, September/4/14
    Article Title: U.S. Aims to 'Degrade and destroy' Militants
    Article Date: This article was published, September,4,14
    Who: The United States, ISIL or ISIS and President Barack Obama are talked about in this article.
    Where: This event took place at news conference in Estonia.
    When: This was on September,4,14.

    What happened: President Obama response to ISIS threats about reacting 9/11. Mr. Obama left unclear what the U.S. strategy is , but is planning to destroy ISIS and it's organization. He also didn't give any information on the United States involvement.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because ISIS has recently threatened the United States of reacting 9/11 and recently killed two American journalist.

    Reaction: My reaction to this event is I'm very scared of the happening and I wanna know if this does happen where will ISIS hit.

    Opinion: I think ISIS is very serious about reacting 9/11 because they have already kill to American journalist, and they wouldn't be scared to kill more Americans specially if that's what they are know for where they come from.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is going on right now and if this does happen me , friends , and family will be effect not in a good way.

  11. Source: The Wall Street Journal 
    Article Title: U.S. Vows NATO Defense of Baltics
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014 — Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Tallinn, Estonia
    When: Wednesday, September 3,2014
    What happened: President Obama promised that he would defend Baltic nations against Russians in the speech that he gave (September 3, 2014). President Obama then met with other organizations who were also struggling with safeguarding Ukraines plee for a closer relationship with Europe. The blame for fighting in Eastern Ukraine went to Moscow. So, President Obama called a united stand. Also, A Rapid Trident is expected to occur on the 15th of September, which Army soldiers will be sent to Ukraine for a 12 day exercise. Which includes bombing, convoy operations and patrolling. The NATO will most likely be looking to the U.S. for leadership whether the U.S. likes it or not.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is Relevant because it includes our home (The U.S.) . Also, there's decisions that the United states have to make to defend the Baltics nations.
    Reaction: I didn't really think much about this article. But the one feeling I felt was confusion. Confused as to why President Obama vowed to defend the Baltic nations. What did they do to earn his promise ? What did they do for us ?
    Opinion: I think that this should not even have taken place with the ISIS group around. They should focus more on ISIS than the Baltics because what's goingbon with ISIS is a national issue that needs to be taken care of.
    Connection: I chose this artice because of the title, "U.S. Vows NATO Defense of Baltics". The title seemed political so, I read it, got the feeling of confusion and got interested .

  12. Source: (Wall Street Journal)

    Article Title: U.S Aims to 'Degrade and Destroy' Militants

    Article Date: This happen September 4 2014

    Who: Barack Obama, ISIS, ISIL are in this article

    Where: Took place in a conference in Estonia

    When: the conference was on September 4 2014

    What happened: In the press conference Obama discusses a plan to decapitate ISIL. Obama can't decide whether to try to shrink ISIL forces by Eradicating them, Or making their Faction manageable. The terrorist group already killed/beheaded 2 American journalist, so Obama is determined to retaliate and not be threated by ISIL or ISIS forces.

    Why: this event is relevant: Because ISIS has already killed 2 American journalist with out no regret. So they don't have a problem doing it again just like the event 9/11/2001.

    Reaction: I feel as thought that they might attack the US in the near future just to prove that their serious about their actions. The might not do it the same way but I have a feeling that they will try something that will take a lot of people lives in the US.

    Opinion: I think that Obama is going to do the best he can to stop these terrorist groups the best that he can. He isn't afraid to retaliate to factions because of the 2 beheadings on the journalist. So if we can't come to a reasonable conclusion to stop them then, another war will start.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is the most serious matter at this present time. And discuss the problems we could have if things get out of hand.

  13. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, September 10, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: Congress Probes Police Militarization

    Article Date: Thursday, September 10, 2014

    Who: The people involved are Senate, Homeland Security, Police, Military, and Congress

    Where: It takes place in U.S where the United States sends other military personnel.

    When: This event happened on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

    What happened: The senate and other political personnel are worried about the federal programs giving out military grade weapons to the law enforcers such police officers.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this incident relates to an incident that happened not that long ago involving Ferguson, Missouri in which an unarmed African-American teen was killed by a Ferguson police officer. There were protestors there to protest for an unjust police department in which the police used military weapons against the protesters.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I agree we should lessen the military weapons. I think giving to police weapons like this makes them think they could use it on anyone and anybody. If we don’t then this type of violence will increase throughout the United States and even worldwide.

    Opinion: I think this article is important because the citizens shouldn't tolerate this violence.

    Connection: I choose this article because it relates a lot to my history. My history involves the Civil Rights Movement. During that time African American were again being racially profiled. The police in the south were using brutal force to stop the protester's which sounds a lot like what happened in Ferguson.

  14. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: Obama Vows Nato Defense Of Baltics
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014 — Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Tallinn, Estonia
    When: September 3, 2014
    What happened: President Obama promises that neighboring countries around Russia and Ukraine will have supporting defense from NATO. The plan is to assist countries around the Baltic Sea in their military needs. Russia is attempting to "team up" and/or support Ukraine in their military needs. As Russia intervenes even more, neighboring Baltic countries are anxious and almost feel threatened. Moscow has sort of rejected Western warnings and are pursuing to maintain a troop buildup around Ukraine's border.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the U.S. and its Allies are already putting major focus on the Middle East, ISIS, and their affairs. For a powerful nation such as Russia to carry out military affairs in a country such as Ukraine, it's the last thing the U.S. needed.
    Reaction: I feel that this puts pressure on the U.S. and its Allies because they not must interfere in this situation, which in turn interferes with their Middle Eastern affairs.
    Opinion: I think this spells bad news for the U.S.
    Connection: I chose this article because I found it interesting how the U.S. must turn its attention to something else once again.

  15. Source: Wall Street Journal. For your source, you will write: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title:Powerful new cancer drugs offer hope-at a steep cost
    Article Date: september 4,2014
    Who: the people involved were scientists all over the world.
    Where: the main place it took place was in china and america.
    When: it was reported about on September 4, 2014.
    What happened: a new cancer drug was found to be effective way of fighting cancer.
    Why this event is relevant: this event in relevant because it is another stepping stone in the fight against cancer.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)this event makes me feel wonderful. i think this is one of the most important thing to happen recently
    Opinion (I think..) this is awesome
    Connection (why you chose this article) because many people have cancer and this new drug is fighting it.

    1. Your post should be longer than this. Also, be sure to write in complete sentences.

  16. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of the article is Slightly Fewer Households Struggle to Eat
    Article Date: This article is from Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: The people involved are the Department of Agriculture and families of America.
    Where: This article says that this hungry homes crisis is happening all over the country.
    When: The Department of Agriculture has been doing this study since 2011 and are still finding new and improved data.
    What happened: This article was about how millions of homes are hungry because they only have one person bringing in money and its not enough to feed the kids. It also states that 17.6 million households have limited access to food. The USDA has also found that some households are not even eating adequate food, meaning the food is probably old.
    This event is relevant to because its shows that there is always someone out there who can't eat everyday. My reaction to this article was very surprising because I thought food stamps were supposed to stop people from being hungry. If kids are still hungry then the point of food stamps are pointless. I think that foods stamps should have certain qualifications so kids are not going to school hungry. No kids should have to be hungry because the parent is struggling.I chose this article because it stuck out to me. There are millions of kids hungry because there parents are struggling. I chose this article because I wish there was something I could do.

  17. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: "Putin Sets Out Peace Terms"
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: Vladmir Putin, Russia, Ukraine
    Where: This story is in Russia and Ukraine
    When: February 21, 2014 - Present
    What happened: Since the Ukrainian Revolution in February 21, 2014 relations between Ukraine has declined and are on the brink of war. Russia, being a powerhouse, can easily takeover Ukraine but other countries especially the United States has intervened. Recently Russia and Ukraine are coming closer to a cease-fire which means they are close to a peace and neutrality with each other.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it also involves the United States. Because of this conflict the United States and Russia were close to war and that could’ve led to another World War which all nations are trying to prevent.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I am excited over this because I don’t want the world going into war either
    Opinion (I think..): Russia and Ukraine should handle this peacefully and without American intervention because America being involved may add to the tension.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because the world plunging into a war would be historic and keeping a close eye on these events is important.

  18. Source: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of this article is Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ad.
    Article Date: The date that this article was published is Thursday, September 4, 2014.
    Who: The main person that is involved in this article is Republican Rep. Cory Gardner.
    Where: It took place in Colorado.
    When: Between July 30 and August 3
    What happened: This article is about a television ad of an idea that Republican Rep. Cory Gardner in the Colorado Senate race about putting sales on over the counter birth control pills. Republican Rep. Cory Gardner wants to put sales on over the counter birth control pills to win more votes from women who support abortion and some forms of contraception. Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s purpose of this is because Republicans are accusing Democratic Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska of paying women staff less than male staff just because of their gender. This way women will feel like they have more support from Republicans more than Democrats. Democrats are trying to say that this false advertisement just to win votes. They believe that this is not a good idea because people are more worried about economy problems and not social issues. But on this television ad showing Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s idea, he already has lots of women supporting and approving of his idea. Republicans believe that this idea to win votes from women will work because in 2010 midterm election majority of the voters were women and they won. Support from women voters is possible to help him win the race.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows that women can get support and are not looked at or treated differently because they are women. This article is also relevant because it shows discrimination of gender. Everyone deserves to get treated equally.
    Reaction: When I first began to read this article I was confused on why that would be his idea to get more votes, but as I continued reading I understood. It is a good idea.
    Opinion: I feel like Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s idea is very smart because he is showing some support to women and letting women know that they are recognized. I feel as though it also will prevent teen pregnancies and abortions if birth control and other forms of contraception is cheaper, it will be easier to afford. It’s also a benefit for himself because with more women votes he has a better chance of winning the Senate race.
    Connection: I honestly chose this article because it stood out to me. I wasn’t sure what the title was trying to say so it seemed like it could be interesting.

  19. urce: The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55

    Article Title: US Aims to “Degrade and Destroy” Militants

    Article Date: September 4th, 2014

    Who: US, ISIL, Middle East, possible international affair

    Where: Iraq

    When: Ongoing for about a month

    What happened: A terrorist group named ISIL/ISIS is slowly taking over Iraq and its community and is posing a terrorist threat on the US. President Obama, being tihe commander in chief has to keep the US safe and secure so he has to make a plan to destroy the group or make it “manageable”. A US journalist got beheaded by the group which is what caught the attention of the US and the president and sparked the anger and the need to “degrade and destroy” the group. The president plans to press allies for commitments to a broader campaign in Iraq and Syria. But, Obama has stated that he will not get dragged into another war, he will only do airstrikes.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if Obama does not destroy ISIS they are capable of gaining more power and taking over more of Iraq and Syria and then putting harm on the US

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to this is kind of scared. Thinking back on what an impact al queda made on our country and how something simialar could happen again, it’s scary to think about what ISIS could do

    Opinion (I think..) Obama made a good decision not getting involved in the war but ftrying to find a way to destroy the group.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it has to do with the security of our country and it it interests me because ISIS reminds me of the Nazi’s in the holocaust.

  20. Source: Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4,2014-Vol CCLXIV No. 55
    Title: U.S Aims to " Degrade and Destroy" Militants.

    This article was wrote Sept. 4, 2014. It involves the U.S. presidents opinion on how he wants to handle ISIS.This is going on in Iraq and Syria. ISIS has been known about for the last three years since Syria president has fought against his own country and the group has been making it in the headlines over the summer.

    The things that the group ISIS have been doing is taking advantage of the people that have been sick of there countries government and turning them into their group to form their own government which has performed mass killings, rapes and other sickening things. The group Isis has killed two american Journalist within two weeks of each other, even after the U.S. has made efforts to exchange them something for the journalists. President Obama has made it clear that he will not except this stating this through many speeches that he will come up with a plan to "Degrade and Destroy" and make ISIS a minimal problem for all nations because they dont just threaten us. This article is relevant because ISIS has and still is posing a threat to countries by having people from different countries join there group who could come home after being there, performing duties that could pose great threats to a lot of lives. My reaction to thus article is that its kind of frightening to know that our own people who have joined them could come back home and pose a great threat without us evening knowing it until out happens. I think President Obama and other nations need to come together and really get as much facts as they can on this group to take them out before they do something terrible. I choose this article because we have had similar things like this in the past but also officials of military all over have said we seen no group like this before except from a long time ago in history and its going to be interesting to know how all the nations together will handle them

  21. Source: Wall Street Journal, Thursday, Septemeber 4,2014-Vol.55
    Title; The Presidents Public Enemies

    On September 4,2014 an article was written about the speech President Obama gave at a democratic fundraiser in West Chester , New York. In this speech the president gave his beliefs on why our government is the way it is and considered 2 republicans to be threats to America.
    President Obama believes that our government is non functional because the republican party beliefs are different than those of the democratic party. He thinks that republicans are rigid ideologists that don't compromise. President Obama believes a better congress will make America better but that's after getting rid f the threats in republicans Jon Boehner and Mitch McConell This event is important because if we had we a better congress America would be a country. I feel that because the 2 parties are so different it causes the congress to be unsuccessful. I think that eventually there will be a change in American government because the 2 parties don't get along. I choose this article because I like politics .

  22. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: For Some Grads, College Isn't Worth The Debt
    Article Date: This was published on Thursday, September 4, 2014.
    Who: This article effects College Graduates.
    Where: This is happening all over the United States.
    When: They have been tracking this over the past 24 years.
    What happened: It has always been a proven fact that getting a college degree will earn more money in the long run, but they are now saying that as much debt as colleges almost puts you in your back down with the high school diploma salary. Now only 46% of employees think that a college degree is necessary. 70% of our college graduates will now have to pay off loans for the rest of their lives. A quarter of the people who do graduate are making around 27,000, only two grand away from those with a high school diploma.
    Why this event is relevant: This is very relevant especially to me because I’m a high school student looking into colleges now. I do not want to be in debt for the rest of my life. Also people are being told the wrong information thinking that there that much of a difference when really its not.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I would have to look more into this because I still think that getting a good education in college will still boost up your income much more than a high school diploma.
    Opinion (I think..): I think this is very important and should b looked into more.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I’m picking my colleges no and I want to know what’s going on.

  23. Source: The Wall Street Journal
    Article Title: Putin Sets Out Peace Terms
    Article Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014
    Who: Russian president Vladimir and Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko
    Where: This is taking place in Russia and Ukraine
    When: September 4, 2014
    What happened: The Russian leader proposed an end to the rebel offensive, but also a pullback on Ukrainian soldiers.
    Why this event is relevant: It would resolve a five month conflict.
    Reaction I'm surprised that two countries so close to each other would feud like this.
    Opinion I think this should be done as soon as possible.
    Connection It seemed the most relevant out of all the other potential articles.


    1. Source:

      Artical title:

      peacekeepers killed in Mali, U.N. says

      Article Date:October 3,2014

      Who: The u.n. is involved in this incident.

      Where:This incident takes place in Mali.

      When: October 3,2014

      What happened: Nine peace keepers from the U.N. have been killed. This is not the first time this has happened either, two weeks ago a similar incident occured when a U.N. vehicle hit a homemade bomb and detonated.

      Reaction: this event makes me wonder what will happen if these attacks continue. i think this is a very imortant isue because many people have alkready died and more may still die.

      Opinion: this is a very bad thing to happen.
      Connection: i think if this continues the united states may need to get involved in this or it may become a worse problem than it is now

  24. Source:
    Article title:Republicans won’t dismantle Obamacare, but watch for these changes
    Article Date: November 6,2014
    Who: The people involved are republicans and democrats in the senate.
    Where: it is happening in the senate.
    When: this event happened on november 6,2014
    What happened:the republicans have recently gained majority in the senate, this means they have most of the senate's power. the republicans have always had problems with the democrats, and this may mean the repeal of obama care. this will be a bad thing because this will mean that we will no longer have a unified healthcare system.
    Reaction: coming from a democratic family, this did not seem like a good idea to me, and while i may not completely agree with everything about obama care i believe it is better than nothing.
    Opinion:in my opinion this is not an ideal situation, because the republican tend to side with the elite in our society.
    Connection: i felt a connection to this article because i have public health care
