Saturday, October 25, 2014

3rd period, Week of 10/27-10/31

Due by 3:30 pm on 10/31

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (
    Article Title: CDC Responds Rapidly to New York Ebola Case
    Federal and State Officials Try to Apply the Lessons Learned From Dallas

    Article Date: Updated Oct. 25, 2014 10:34 a.m. ET
    Who: A doctor from New York known as Dr. Craig Spencer thought to have the disease after coming back to America from treating Ebola patients in Africa.
    Where: Situation takes place in New York City
    When: On Thursday the Center of Disease Control discovered a possibility that a Doctor in New York may have had the deadly Ebola virus.
    What happened: Dr. Craig Spencer after tending to patients of Ebola in Guinea, Africa had been monitoring himself with symptoms of the Ebola virus when he was returning to the United States. On Thursday he had call the NYC Department of Health and he was evacuated to an Ebola treatment facility. The Center of Disease Control (CDC) has been tracking him and anyone he has had contact with. Learning from the mistakes they had made in Dallas, researchers found that diagnosis in Texas was slow for the patient and that two nurses had caught the virus when treating the patient. While in New York the blood Sample read was faster in locating the virus, causing for better reaction. The nurses have been said to be free of Ebola while stricter monitoring of the outbreak and clean up of patients’ living spaces will be enforced. Extreme measures have been made in Dallas as well as in other places to handle any future contractions of the virus.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because just a few weeks ago Ebola had made it to the United States in Dallas, Texas and had spread due to two nurses being incautious of procedures to take. Now in the United States it is said that Ney York has a person who has the virus meaning it could spread depending on how well officials handle this situation saying that they learned a lesson from dealing with the news in Dallas.
    Reaction (I can understand that this happened and I am just incredibly shocked at how close this virus is to where others and I am. We are in Philly and the virus is in New York it is just too close for comfort.)
    Opinion (I think people need to take a break from going to Africa for a while because their situation is spreading here and even though were equipped to take care of it in a quick manner, there is still no need to be causing a panic or situation of it being spread to others.)
    Connection ( Being prepared is possibly one of the things I am good at, but best believe I am not going anywhere for a while without some wipes and hand sanitizer.)

    1. At least you will be keeping Purell and Lysol in business :)
      Great post.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Obama to officials: Don't react out of 'fears' of Ebola
    Article Date: Tue October 28, 2014
    Who: President Obama, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo
    Where: U.S.
    When: Recently
    What happened: President Obama is trying to convince civilians and other political members not to fear Ebola and "not to react out of fear". The governors are trying to mandate all medical workers who are coming from West Africa to be quarantined but the President is trying to say that it is unnecessary. Although the Army that was deployed in West Africa has been quarantined and there is discussion that the whole military will be quarantined as well.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the Ebola virus is going around now.
    Reaction: I was surprised by how the governors handled this situation and how the President is trying to maintain it.
    Opinion: My opinion is that the governors are taking this to extremes because the CDC knows how this disease is spreading and are controlling it so the fear makes them nervous probably which is why the president is requesting for them to calm down.
    Connection: I've really been interested in the case of Ebola since it's been viral recently and it concerns our health so I've been up to date with what's happening about it.

    1. Great article choice. I am growing a little tired of this panic over Ebola. The government is stepping up and taking every action they need to.

  3. The terrorist group ISIS is using people to use remote control bombs to take out enemies. They pay is $3,500 to do this job. But that job isn't save causing some of their own troops lives.

    This group claim that they fight for the freedom and justice of their own. But the even tho they give vivid proof of problems their people face, many people know that they are only taking their poverty and problems to turn against thier enemies.
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: ISIS
    Article Date: 10/28/2014
    What happened: ISIS is using bombs to take out thier enemies.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like the u.s is taking too long to take out a threat that can harm us.
    Opinion (I think..) the u.s is waiting to another big attack on thier land causing many lives of people just like they are taking their time with ebola just to control their population.
    Connection (why you chose this article) another 9/11 might happen if they don't handle this.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: SEPTA Union: We're going on strike, but not right now
    Article Date:October,28,2014
    Who: SEPTA Union
    Where: Philadelphia
    When: To BE Announced
    What happened: The Union President Willie Brown told the media that the Union will go on strike as early as next week if SEPTA doesn't give the transport workers a new contract. There are about 5,000 SEPTA employee in the city. Willie Brown said to the media that he doesn't want to strike. We have to strike. The disagreement is about pension and retirement benefits. Mr. Brown also said be prepared for a long strike.
    Why this event is relevant: Is a SEPTA strike happens all buses, trains and trolleys will come to a stop and it will be chaos in the streets
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad if it was a strike because a lot of people cant get around or at school
    Opinion (I think..) I believe it is wrong because a lot of people have to take buses to get to places and they have no car neither
    Connection (why you chose this article) If it was a strike I don't really don't know how to get around school.

    1. Elijah- great post. This is a concern, but I feel like they always threaten this and we have never seen this happen.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Do americans think U.S ground troops are needed to fight ISIS?
    Article Date: 10/29/14
    Who: U.S troops Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Anthony Salvanto and Fred Backus
    Where: Iraq
    When: October 23/27-2-14
    What happened: U.S airstriked Iraq and Iraw basically wants pay back. Some americans think Obama doesn't have a good enough plan to deal with ISIS. Most republicans supporting the U.s why the democratics are not. Americans view Isis as an major threat the U.s security.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it envolves the U.s and we need to know about it. I say that because what if Iraq troops try to come to the U.S and start trying to kill people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this whole thing should I understand there has been previous problems but nobody wants to get hurt.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Obama has a plan for it because he's a smart man and he can handle it.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because Obama was in it and i wanted to know how he can handle pressure situations like this.

    1. I'm glad you chose this article I posted. I found it interesting how it seems the number of people who think we need ground troops has decreased in the last couple months. Things are not calming down, but getting more heated, yet people are disagreeing with sending ground troops. Why do you think that might be?

  6. Source:
    Article Title:Will there be a Republican wave in the midterm elections?
    Article Date:October 29,2014
    Who:The Republicans, Barack Obama
    Where: The United States
    When: The next upcoming election
    What happened: Many people and congressmen believe that the Republican party could possibly control the senate in the next election. Democrats are usually in control, but the republicans have recruited good candidates, the president isn't doing to good with the citizens, and they have more than enough money to compete. In order to win the senate, all they would have to do is get victories in six new states, and not lose the votes in the states they usually win in. The six states they have to win this time are Louisiana, Alaska, Arkansas, Montana, West Virginia, and South Dakota.
    Why this event is relevant: I guess you could say this event is relevant because the republicans usually dont win the senate and they have a good chance of doing it this year.
    Reaction: im kind of shocked and surprised because the republicans have a good chance off winning or the irst time, and if they do it could be a new day in the USA.
    Opinion: I think they might win because the president is a democrat and not to many people like him right now.
    Connection: I chose this article because i cant remember the last time republicans were pretty much in the senate and or the USA having a republican president.

    1. Jhamir, keep looking for articles about this. You will be shocked even more. The states that we once blue states are going red and vice versa. We are seeing an interesting shift in politics across this nation.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Teaching About Children’s Rights Through the Work of Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi
    Article Date: October 29, 2014
    Who: Malala Yousafzai who stood up for education and Kailash Satyarthi who is an Indian activist for children's rights.
    Where: In Birmingham, England
    When: Wednesday, October 29,2014 1:00 p:m
    What happened: This article is mainly about how Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi won the Nobel Peace Prize by issuing their work on children's rights and education. Malala has became an inspirable spokesperson for girls rights to education. She believed that children all around the world should stand up for their rights and not wait for someone else to take action. Satyarthi was one who stood up for global education and put an end to child labor in India. Malala and Kailash were strong activist who had a vision that every child should be able to uphold their rights to education, life and oneself.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because President Barack Obama gave an announcement to congratulate the two powerful people, who stood up for children's rights to education and he is for education. Meaning that he agree that each child should receive the best education that they can get to be success.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is strong because they stood up for children's rights and themselves as individuals. By speaking out to the world, believing that each child voice should be heard and have the right to receive the quality of education.

    Opinion (I think..) I think, Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi stood up for what was right by speaking up for what they believed in, which was inspirable and honorable.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it stood out to me because it focused on the rights of education and standing up for oneself.

    1. Malala also won the Liberty Medal and the ceremony was at the National Constitution Center.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Burkina Faso president defies calls to step down
    Who: the article is about Burkina Faso's President.
    Where: this article happened in Africa.
    When: this event happened today, October 30, 2014 around 8pm.
    What happened: what happened was that the President of Africa refused to step down from being president and the African citizens doesn't agree with his actions.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because it happened today and it is causing mad khaos in Africa.
    Reaction: I feel that if the people of your country doesn't want you in the office anymore, then they should have a right to say what they believe
    Opinion:I think that the president should just step down out of office because he is clearly not wanted where he is at the moment.
    Connection: I chose this article becAuse it stood out to me and it was interesting.

    1. This is interesting. I had not heard anything about this.

  9. Source:
    Article Title- Ferguson police chief: 'I'm going to stay'
    Article Date- October 30, 2014
    This article brought up the case in Ferguson of 18 year old, Michael Brown, African-American, being shot by a white officer. Darren Wilson, the police officer who fired the shots at the young teen leading to his death, proclaims it as self defense. All the while, Brown was unarmed and seemed to have surrendered when the shots were fired. Darren Wilson says in this article that his will not retire. He says has support in the community but then the article goes on to contradict this statement by saying that there has been many violent acts of the people of Ferguson since the 'incident'. Wilson isn't the only one being judged, Chief Thomas Jackson is also being frowned upon with dismay about the way the court handled the shooting and death of young Michael Brown. This is all important. There comes plenty of times in society where racism is used to cover up wrongfulness and deceitful actions. This is relevant and will always be relevant for as long as equality is poor. Equality is poor because people don't base your wrongs or rights on whether you're WRONG or RIGHT. They base you're wrongfulness on your skin, social class, where you live and other unfair judgements. That's poor! I think that Darren Wilson should have been placed under arrest and sentenced for taking the life of Michael Brown. I say this because I believe in equal equality, not because the color of my skin, but because I know right from wrong.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Treated like Cattle : Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS
    Article Date: October 30, 2014
    Who: ISIS jihadis and young Yazidi woman.
    Where: This happened in Erbil, Iraq.
    When:This happened last August.
    What happened: ISIS went to the village and took more than 2,500 woman.They told the woman they had to convert to islam of they would kill them. Jana was a 19 year old she was put in a three story house with multiple other young girls. Some were taken in groups of three and four. One girl told Jana that she was raped others were beaten.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because ISIS is still holding people hostage but now its women and they are being raped and beaten.
    Reaction: I couldn’t imagine being a young girl and being held hostage. Alo, the thought of young girls being raped by old men is crazy.
    Opinion: I think..this is outrageous they need to stop they are going to far there young women are now being really hurt and like Jana gave up on her dreams of being a doctor they may be ruining the rest of the girls life.
    Connection: I chose this article because I remember talking about ISIS in class and I hear more about it now then I did before and i think its sad that these young girls have to go through this.

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:After capture, fugitive Eric Frein held at police barracks he allegedly ambushed
    Article Date: Oct 31, 2014
    Who: Eric Frein, state troopers
    Where: northeastern Pennsylvania
    When: sep 12, 2014
    What happened: Eric is a 31 year old wanted man, for the killing of a state troop and wounding another state troop. Eric was found Thursday afternoon in an abandoned airport and once he was found he was lock up in the handcuffs that was owned by the dead cop. While on the run Eric carried around a sniper rifle and a handgun, the police thought that this manhunt would turn deadly.
    Why this event is relevant:because it shows how the world is getting more deadly, and with all the fighting its scary with our Americans killing each other and the threat of ISIS
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i think that it was stupid for him to kill a state troop and go hide out because that just make things worse n his part.
    Opinion (I think..) that the world is getting worse as the day go on, and maybe one day there will no longer be killings
    Connection (why you chose this article) i choose this article because its interesting and it shows a lot about the environment we live in.

  12. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ban urges calm, inclusive dialogue as mass protests sweep Burkina Faso capital
    Article Date:30 October 2014
    Who:African Union and the Economic Commission for West African States (ECOWAS).
    Where:Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso
    When: Thursday 30th 2014
    What happened: The united nations were concerned by the deteriorating security situation in Burkina Faso since it wasn't as safe. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is working on a way to put an end to the violence and is working on his plan for West Africa to the crisis-gripped country. Media reports suggest that thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in the capital and have been attacking Government buildings and the state television headquarters, which have left the airport closed.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because its taking part in another country and its showing the violence there is going out of control and needs some major changes.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt that this was ridiculous on how the citizens were reacting but also is the government fault for not doing anything about it.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should do a better job and actually do more of a better job and get that country under control.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article since its interesting and caught my attention so I wanted to learn more about it on my own.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Ferguson police chief: 'I'm going to stay and see this through'
    Article Date: Oct 30, 2014
    Who: Michael Brown and Darren Wilson
    Where: Ferguson, Missouri
    When: Thursday
    What happened: Darren Wilson, the officer that fired a fire armed to young African man.
    Why this event is relevant: young kids are dying for nothing at all
    Reaction: SHOOKED
    Opinion :I think this article is important to the society because are young people are dying left and right and its sad we need to make a change.
    Connection: I can connect with this article because being raised or being from the hood you can things like this often but not to the point officers are killing people for nothing at all.

    1. This post is too short and does not meet the requirements.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Do Americans think U.S. ground troops are needed to fight ISIS?
    Article Date: Oct 29, 2014 6:33 PM
    Who: U.S Citizens, U.S Soldiers, ISIS
    Where: U.S, Iraq & Syria
    When: Oct 23-27 2014
    What happened: This article mainly talked about The White House calling citizens about their opinion on whether the U.S should or should not send ground troops to Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS face to face. They made a poll and found that forty-seven percent of citizens agree that the U.S should in fact send ground troops to hostile territory to wipe out the ultimate threat ISIS. However, most government officials still do not agree with sending troops over to Syria or Iraq, after they just finished a 14 year old long war.
    Why this article is relevant: This article is relevant because it will soon be the most talked about thing if they do intend on sending troops overseas again. It also determines a lot of people's future.
    Reaction: My reaction is anger because I personally think there is no need to send troops overseas after we just got done with a long war.
    Opinion: My opinion stays the same how it originally was. I don't think the U.S should send troops overseas. Personally, citizens of the U.S only hear what they want to and that's from the media, that only like to magnify things that are usually not that serious.
    Connection: I can make a connection with this because this will ultimately determine my future as a future soldier.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is Bomb kills 2 Lebanese Soldiers Near Syria Border
    Article Date: This article was written on Sept.19, 2014 8:30am EDT
    Who: This Topic is about the Lebanese Soldiers .
    Where: This article takes place near Syria .
    When: This article is Friday Sept. 19, 2014
    What happened: This article is about on Sept. 19,2014 A bomb that was towards a passing army truck near the Syrian border kills 2 soldiers and wounded many other soldiers . But on Wednesday , Some gun man from Syria snatched a Lebanese soldier , they also snatched of soldiers and police in August . 8 Soldiers are still held . These killings are question by police and believes that the Islamic state group , which control parts of Syria and Iraq also killed two Americans and British citizens in the recent weeks .
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because if they killed Americans then we have to get involved in it and this could cause a great big war . They could be a threat to attack us . This could be a start of a new big disaster .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though America should get involved to stop this because they killed some of our people . They crossed the line when they messed with our people . We should go attack because enough is enough . We gave them chances so we need to go now .
    Opinion (I think..) I think that we should attack and end all of this and show them what we are about . This should not go on .
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I like hearing about the war and bomb attacks . It Got My attention . Also when I was researching resent bombing and war thins the newer articles were boring so I searched articles that happened a while ago and this was interesting

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is called "Millionaire tax on the ballot in Illinois”
    Article Date: The date of this article is October 29th, 2014.
    Who: The state of Illinois is involved.
    Where: This event happened all over the U.S.
    When: This event will occur on Tuesday, November 4th, 2014.
    What happened: The government is trying to put 3% tax on ballots. They want to help refund schools.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because more money is going toward schools.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This seems like a good idea to me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a good idea but also, some people may not afford the extra money.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I want to see how this situation will turn out.

  17. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: “Treated like cattle”: Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS

    Article Date: October 30,2014 on Thursday

    Who: 19 year old girl Jana, ISIS, Yazidi women

    Where: Erbil, Iraq

    When: Yesterday

    What happened: A 19-year old girl named Jana has a dream of becoming a doctor. But everything then change when ISIS came to her village and ruined her life. Her and a couple of other women including her mother and other family relatives were captured by ISIS. They made them give their jewelry, money and cellphones devices, then they separated the men from the women. It was said that ISIS people gathered males 10 and over of age in pick-up truck and shot them outside the village. They believed that one of the victims in the shooting was Jana’s father and eldest brother. Jana and other women was taken to houses where other young women was being held, and was taken home with them. Nazand Begikhani said “These women have been treated like cattle”. They women was physically, sexually raped and sex slavery, also was exposed in markets. According to the testimonials begikhani team about 2,500 women was kidnapped, but about 4,601 Yazidi women are currently missing. When their was a first abduction a woman was receiving many messages and calls from different hostages, and now she can't reach a single hostage. After she had an interview and went through with everything she now decided she don’t wanna be a doctor anymore.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it affects many lives of the women that were captured but some were found, and there are still many women out there

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings was bombed away by the terroir that ISIS is bring to other people. They also destroyed this childs dream of becoming a doctor. I was really sad to read this article

    Opinion (I think..) I think that ISIS should be hanged for their crime because they just keep doing more and more evil schemes and keep terrorizing the victims they captured already. I hope the government and Obama is coming up with some successful plan that will destroy ISIS FOREVER.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to know what was the outcome of Jana’s life and if she survived ok.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Obama Could Replace Aides Bruised by a Cascade of Crises

    Article Date: October 29, 2014

    Who: Ebola and the U.S And ISIS

    Where: The United States Of America Washington, D.C.

    When: A couple days ago.

    What happened: Pretty much this article about how Ebola is spreading but United States is facing crisis from ISIS and Ebola. President obama is trying in every way to fight ISIS but also helping Africa. Obama security team is protecting Obama but also wants to fight ISIS head

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it deal with Ebola and ISIS. Which is current news and people wants to know more about it. On the news daily they talk about Ebola and ISIS. I wanted to know more about it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like President Obama as president should send some type of medic help to Africa. Africa is in great need of help and somebody needs to help them out bad. I feel like U.S can do just that.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Ebola is a serious disease. We as American should help the poor and the sick because it's the morally thing to do. If we had problems, everybody would want somebody to help out. So why can't we help Africa?

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to know more about Ebola and what the US is going to do about it. How are they going to try to stop this outbreak quick before it becomes a serious problem.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Burkina Faso president defies calls to step down
    Who: Burkina Faso's President.
    Where: Africa.
    When: October 30, 2014 around 8pm.
    What happened: the president in Africa doesn't want to step down but the people want him out of office.
    Reaction: I feel that the people want someone who will deliver and do the right job let someone else take the position.
    Connection: school project and if kids want to work by them selves that's what they should do.

    1. This post does not meet the requirements. It is much too short.

  20. Source:

    Article Title: Obama strikes back at Christie on Ebola is the title of this article.

    Article Date: My article took place on Tuesday October 28, 2014.

    Who: The people involved are President Barrack Obama, Governor Chris Christie, and Democrat Andrew Cuomo.

    Where: This event happened in the United States and Africa.

    When: October 28 is when this event happened.

    What happened:New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently took a trip to an African country. President Obama went against his methods of dealing with the spreading of Ebola as soon as he came back. Obama believes that Christie’s quarantine policies are solely based upon fear, and this will make Africans work less on the cure.Christie rebuttals by saying that the effects are safe and kill probably help the citizens. Andrew Cuomo of New York also stood by Christie, but as Obama’s opinions and reasons unfolded, he quickly stood back. However, Christie stayed firm. He believe that his quarantine policies will protect his people in a positive light that will benefit all, while Obama believes that it puts more fear into all people, and discourages scientists in Africa.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows the battle between safety and morals while dealing with the lives of innocent people. It also raises the question of when do you go completely based on facts and fears, or do you always bring morals and ethics with you?

    Reaction: I feel at risk because if two people who represent us cannot even get along to kill a virus.

    Opinion: I think they should consult with Africa to come up with a cure. Or at least try to evacuate the most Ebola ridden places.

    Connection: I can connect this to the bomb that hit Japan. The bomb put out a gas that killed alot of people, just as Ebola travels and kills people.

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Senate control hinges on turnout
    Article Date:Fri October 31, 2014
    Who: This event involved the United states Demarcates and Senate
    Where: This event happened in the
    When:Fri October 31, 2014
    What happened: This article is about how this week the democratic party held a released a statement. This statement was about how the election on Tuesday could be a major turning point for the campaign. Turn out of the demarcates is said to be key for them to maintain majority in the senate. Also on an unrelated matter Obama appealed to a group of women he meet on a trip to new England
    Why this event is relevant: It could lead to a significant change in senate.
    Reaction: I have no reaction for I am not really political.
    Opinion: I feel it could be a good change of pace to see from the republican side of the senate.
    Connection: This involves the senate democratic and republican parties so is evident to civics

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.
