Sunday, May 24, 2015

1st period, Week of 5/25-5/29 LAST ONE!

Due by Friday 5/29 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article title: Distrust of US Government unprecedented: Mike Huckabee
    Article date: May 25, 2015
    The US government has always at some point been questioned one way or another. After the National Security Agency was discovered to have a phone spying program, it just made the people of today question the US government even more. It didn't help that Hillary Clinton was accused of using private servers for looking at official emails. Huckabee says that there has never been a time where people have been so distrustful with the government. He also stated that if they are in fact keeping tabs on people's phone records then why haven't any terrorists been caught?
    Very valid points by Huckabee, a 2016 presidential candidate himself. I agree with everything he said. I have never been a huge fan of the US government myself because I always believe that they are too secretive. Not that this is necessarily bad but it doesn't bode well with the citizens who would like to know what is going on between the lines. In the end, it probably won't change because the government has to be somewhat secretive in their work. All in all, they do keep this country afloat so I can't complain. Hopefully in the future they can be more vocal with the citizens.
    N/A. “Distrust of US government unprecedented: Mike Huckabee” PressTV. May 25, 2015.

  2. Article Title: US Senate backs 'Fast-Track on Trade deals
    Article Date:May 23,2015
    This article was about Obama receiving 'Fast Track' powers that would help him keep track of trade deals.Attention if now on the house of representatives to granting the president power to negotiate trade deals that can be approved or rejected by Congress but not amended. Obama needs trade promotion authority to complete the partnership. My reaction is I'm happy that Obama recieved the fast track power.However, I dislike how he has to go through the house of representative and congress to get a trade promotion. My opinion is a question why did Obama not been have this power to track trades? if he's the president of the United States why is he having to ask for permission. I connect this to a lesson we learned in Civics about checks and balances of the branches. Why is the executive branch have so much restrictions. If I was president I would request that I should be able to do what I want if its not hurting anyone. How do we know if checks and balances is actually working effectively. In civics it seemed that checks and balances keep everything balanced so no one would gain to much power. Moreover to me it seems that the power of the president is hindered by having to go through all these people. Ngan, Mandel. "Senate Backs 'fast-track' on Trade Deals." CNBC. Getty Images, 23 May 2015. Web. 26 May 2015.

  3. Taking Sides in the Pump-Your-Own-Gas Debate in New Jersey

    May 25, 2015

    Right after the holiday weekend lawmakers will be continuing a debate about self service on gas in New Jersey.There are only two states in the entire U.S. that do not allow people to pump their own gas. Most people think that self service t be allowed because there are merely any safety hazards. It will also boost gas station convenience stores economically. There is no need for ban on self service when it causes no harm.

    From the looks of it this legislation will not be passed anytime soon as long as Steve Sweeney is still the Senate President. He looks at all of the advantages this full-service gas has on people. Especially people who are elderly or disabled. Also 63% of people who live in New Jersey have no problem with this law. I think that the full service gas is great and that the law should not be changed. This helps out people a lot. There are still a lot of people with mixed views so we'll see.

    Catalin, Michael. "Taking Sides in the Pump-Your-Own-Gas Debate in New Jersey." NBC10. 25 May 2015. May 26 2015

  4. Article Title – An Egyptian court has sentenced a 27-year-old American citizen to life in prison
    Article Date – April 11,2015
    Summary – An American man name Mohamed Soltan was accused of being in Egypt helping a religious group name, Muslim Brotherhood protest against Egypt's military. Soltan was arrested an later convicted to life in prison, along with soltan, egypt's judge sentenced over 35 defendants in the same case life in prison including the leader of this religion group, Mohamed Badie. According to Soltan's family members, egypt's judge were going to appeal the decision. The decision of the case were viewed as a wicked sentence because random people were being accused of being apart of the protest and convicted based on false evidence from officers testimonies. Obama sent millions of dollars over to egypt for their military's aid. Egypt came up with a verdict after this arrangement from Obama. The top official of human rights Tom Malinowski criticized Soltan's sentence saying,'' attending a protest will get you life in prison.''

    Citation – Kirkpatrick D.David and Malsin Jared.''American Among Nearly 40 Sentenced To Life In Prison For Egypt Protest.''The New York Times.April 11,2015. (5/27/15).

  5. Article title: The title of this article is " In old photo, ex-Chicago cops with rifles pose over black man who's in antlers"
    Article date: The date of this article is May 28, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Basically what happened in this arricle is that two former Chicago police officers had taken a very racially driven picture with a black man. The picture was of the two officers with big rifles and the black man on the ground wearing antlers. The picture is said to had been taken around 1999 to 2003. Reaction to this article is that I am really discusted by the picture and I feel like the officers should be ashamed of themselves for even wanting to participate in such an event.
    In my opinion I feel like this picture shows how racist people were and stull are in this country and this shows how they feel about blacks. We (as in blacks) are their prey and they (racist whites) are the hunters. The connection I made with this article is the fact that all across the news for the past 3 or 4 years, there have been countless events of black men being killed by white police officials. Its just sad.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Payne, Ed. “In old photo, ex-Chicago cops with rifles pose over black man who's in antlers.” Cnn. May 28, 2015. (May 28, 2015)

  6. Article title: The title of this article is " In old photo, ex-Chicago cops with rifles pose over black man who's in antlers"
    Article date: The date of this article is May 28, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Basically what happened in this arricle is that two former Chicago police officers had taken a very racially driven picture with a black man. The picture was of the two officers with big rifles and the black man on the ground wearing antlers. The picture is said to had been taken around 1999 to 2003. Reaction to this article is that I am really discusted by the picture and I feel like the officers should be ashamed of themselves for even wanting to participate in such an event.
    In my opinion I feel like this picture shows how racist people were and stull are in this country and this shows how they feel about blacks. We (as in blacks) are their prey and they (racist whites) are the hunters. The connection I made with this article is the fact that all across the news for the past 3 or 4 years, there have been countless events of black men being killed by white police officials. Its just sad.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Payne, Ed. “In old photo, ex-Chicago cops with rifles pose over black man who's in antlers.” Cnn. May 28, 2015. (May 28, 2015)

  7. Article Title- Paraguay man arrested in rape of girl, 10, who became pregnant
    Article Date- May 10,2015

    A man was accused of raping his 10 year old stepdaughter and getting her pregnant. He denies everything the authorities accuse him of. A international group is trying to persuade the Paraguayan to allow the girl get an abortion. It will be hard because they don't allow abortion in South America so it could be hard for the girl to receive one. The Paraguayan denied their request for getting an abortion.

    Her family wants her to get abortion, but they only give out abortion that can cause rise to the mother giving birth. They should let the girl receive an abortion because it would be too much on her body to give birth since she is so young. They found out the girl was pregnant on April 21 when she went to the hospital having abdominal pain. Authorities charged her stepfather and her mother. Her mother wants her to get an abortion but they said she will have to continue with the pregnancy. Study's show that 70,000 young girls die from the difficulty of giving birth.

    Hanna, Jason and Romo,Rafael ."Paraguay man arrested in rape of girl, 10, who became pregnant" 10 May 2015. (29 May 2015)

  8. Title: Official: Bodies found with wreckage of missing U.S. helicopter in Nepal
    Article Date: May 15, 2015

    What this article speaks about is the missing Marine helicopter that was supposed to aid those who were injured by Nepal’s massive earthquake was found. In the wreckage were 3 dead bodies. Nepal had 2 major earthquakes that killed thousands and left thousands injured. My reaction to this was very sorrowful to the families and lives that were taken during the tragic event. Also, my reaction to the 3 bodies found was very sad. I didn’t know so much from these incidents could happen. Even though Marines were going over just to help their lives were taken too.

    My opinion on this is that they should monitor the aircraft's they send over seas just in case another incident like this happens. More and more of these problems are starting to occur so I think there should be a new kind of tracking device that goes in the system. A connection I could make to the missing helicopter is when the Malaysian airline went missing. To this day, it is still missing. Nobody knows what happened to it and I honestly believe that it will never be found.

    Pokharel, Sugam, Sumnima Udas, and Laura Smith-Spark. "Nepal: 3 Bodies Found with Wreckage of U.S. Helicopter -" CNN. Cable News Network, 15 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. .

  9. Article title:10 years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway
    Article date: May 28, 2015
    Summary: After 10 years of investigation about a young girl, Natalee Holloway, has now come to a tragic end. Natalee Holloway was a 18 year old girl vanished on her high school graduation trip in Aruba in 2005. She last existed with a guy that did not know at a Marriott hotel. However, between those ten years, a man, de Jong, confesses to be the last person to see her alive at an abandoned building with the same boy her brothers left her with. During her search it was never thought off to search there. Her father wasn't sure of his statement but turns out to be correct. It turns out that the same boy that Natalee with the night that she was murdered, was the same boy that murdered another young girl. The grand jury convicted him to be guilty. I feel happy that her father and her rest of her family finally got justice after ten years of searching for her. I think what the man did to a innocent young girl was unbelievable. These types of cases reminds me of law and order.
    Chris Boyette . “10 years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.” May 28, 2015. 28, 2015

  10. Article Title: The title is CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists

    Article Date: May 26, 2015

    Recently the CIA has decided to shut down a program. The program is called MEDEA which allowed some scientists info about the world from satellites in space. This program was actually shut down by George W Bush but it was recreated by Obama in 2010. The reason why the CIA is shutting it down is unclear but it may involve money. Scientists said this info was very valuable and helped with a matter of things in the science world.
    I think that this is weird how they suddenly decided to shut down the program. This program was just brought back 5 years ago and now they’re shutting it down. I feel like this is going to harshly affect the science community. The info was helpful and probably even helped prevent many casualties from natural disasters. This makes me think that the government is seriously underfunded or that this is a cover up for another reason. I chose this article because it involves the CIA which is apart of the government. This also relates to biology with ecology and how the climate affects us.

    Kiger, Patrick. “The title is CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists
    ”Discovery. 26 May 2015. (May 29)

  11. Article Title- “If You Type in N---- House Into Google Maps, It Will Take You To The White House”
    Article Date- May 19,015

    There was a glitch in Google Maps, where if you type in n---- house the White House address comes up. This was put on Twitter by a Howard student. He says that it was on an app that the school uses and it started getting around the campus and DMV area.It was stated that the resut may changed based on where you are. Since Obama has been in office he has received a lot of racial negativity.

    I think this is ridiculous and absurd. Its a shame that some people still can't accept the fact that we have an African-American president. I believe Google should take the blame and they need to fix it. They should delete it and put the right name. I just in shock about what happened. This seems like something that would happen during the 1960's when racism was heavy.

    Craven.Julia.“If You Type in N---- House Into Google Maps, It Will Take You To The White House." The Huffington Post.19 May 2015. May 2015)

  12. Article Title: Live anthrax inadvertently shipped by U.S. military to 9 states
    Article Date: May 28, 2015

    The U.S. Military sent shipments of live anthrax to 9 U.S. States and a U.S. Base in Korea. Anthrax is an infectious disease. This disease happens first in farm animal that produce things used by humans. Humans get this disease by having something that came from an animal that had been contaminated by this disease. The anthrax has been believed to have been shipped to these states and country over the time period of a year. This is important because anthrax is dangerous and could kill people. Also why would the military send it through fed ex instead of finding a better way to transport it across the country and world. Scientists say that humans would not be affected by the anthrax. I think that more people should be made aware of things like this. A lot of problems regarding U.S military is swept under the rug and ignored. Even when these problems can gravely affect American lives.

    Starr,Barbera"Live anthrax inadvertently shipped by U.S. military to 9 states"Cnn . 27 May 2015
    (28 May 2015)

  13. Article title: Chris Christie lays out foreign policy vision
    Article date: Monday May 18, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access) : In this article Chris Christie explains his plan for foreign policy. Although he does not have much experience in this field. Chris wants to expand surveillance programs. He also believes that the US should always help other countries in the world. Chris would also would like to improve military readiness. I do not think Chris Christie is the best candidate when it comes to foreign. He doesn't approve of Obama's plan for nuclear power in Iran. I choose this because it was on foreign policy. No one has yet commented on what Christie had to say. This has to do with the candidate project we just did.

    Jaffe, Alexander. " Chris Christie lays out foreign policy vision." CNN. Monday May 18, 2015. (May 29, 2015)

  14. Article Tittle: The Republican Hunger Games
    By Gloria Borger, CNN Chief Political Analyst
    Updated 6:05 PM ET, Thu May 28, 2015
    Lately republican candidates have been acting a tad but aggressive towards other republican candidates. Carly Fiorina for example showed up outside of an event held for Hillary Clinton. She made comments about being a woman and working super hard to get what she wants. Or Bobby Jindal making inappropriate comments regarding Chris Christie's GOP's anti-NSA surveillance gang as "misguided ideologues." There are more examples, but this just goes to show you haw competitive politics can be.

    My reaction to this article was laughter. I find it funny and amusing how even candidates to through battle of competition. You may think you know, but it's really serious for candidates, because every vote counts for them. I feel as though with everything you do in life there will be some negative competition. Times will get rough when you may choose to bring out the dirt, but you have to be wise about everything you're doing and also prepare yourself if they come back. My opinion remains the same, and that is that you have to do what you have to do sometimes in order to win. Just be positive and confident.

    Borgor, Gloria. "The Republican Hunger Games -" CNN. Cable News Network, 28 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015.

  15. Title: " Unions pour millions into Clinton Foundation"

    Date: May 18, 2015

    Summary: This article was about a company pouring in millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation. They had recently started receiving a lot more money when Mrs.Clinton began her process of running for president. Different opinions from others and how they feel and thought about the fact that they were receiving all that money into their foundation. There was at least $2,034,500 that Big Labor donated.

    What I felt about this article was a lot of confusion. Like was their foundation for them to use when their running ? Or were they taking advantage of their foundation? But to use that money was really smart, for a process of running. Let alone that was enough money to get Mrs.Clinton started on her candidacy. This article to me raised a lot of questions for me. This is one that I will further look into. I want to know what kind of company Big Labor is.

    Washington Free Beacon. " Unions pour millions into Clinton Foundation " (29 May 2015)

  16. Title: " Unions pour millions into Clinton Foundation"

    Date: May 18, 2015

    Summary: This article was about a company pouring in millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation. They had recently started receiving a lot more money when Mrs.Clinton began her process of running for president. Different opinions from others and how they feel and thought about the fact that they were receiving all that money into their foundation. There was at least $2,034,500 that Big Labor donated.

    What I felt about this article was a lot of confusion. Like was their foundation for them to use when their running ? Or were they taking advantage of their foundation? But to use that money was really smart, for a process of running. Let alone that was enough money to get Mrs.Clinton started on her candidacy. This article to me raised a lot of questions for me. This is one that I will further look into. I want to know what kind of company Big Labor is.

    Washington Free Beacon. " Unions pour millions into Clinton Foundation " (29 May 2015)

  17. Article title: Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto
    Article date: May 27,2015

    The lawmakers of Nebraska voted on wednesday that they would stop the death penalty. They defied their governor by voting against him when he vetoed it. People who felt really strong about keeping the death penalty spoke their minds and the courts made their decisions. A lot of people were very excited about the outcome. Others were angry because murders of their family members no longer had the death penalty.
    People who helped get rid of the death penalty went through a lot of trouble to get rid of it. They won over republican legislators who believed in the same thing they believed in. They believed capital was not important and very expensive. Also Nebraska joined 19 other states that were against the death penalty. My feel that they did the right thing going around what the governor said and getting the bill passed. Some people don't deserve the death sentence, Also that is money that could be going to more important things. Instead of the death sentence they could just give them life it's the same thing. I can connect this to civics because were learned about how it has to go through different levels to get approved. Also about who can override who.

    Bosman, Julie. "Nebraska Bans Death Penalty With Veto Override." The New York Times. The New York Times, 27 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bosman, Julie. "Nebraska Bans Death Penalty With Veto Override." The New York Times. The New York Times, 27 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015. .

  18. Article Title: 'Hope' Poster Artist Shepard Fairey Says Obama Let Him Down

    Article Date: May 29, 2015

    Shepard Fairey, the artist behind Obama’s Hope poster in 2008, has said the President has not lived up to his expectations. Fairey said he isn’t different from any of the previous presidents and changed little. He doesn’t entirely blame Obama however. He blames the political system and how money plays a huge role in it. He says drones and spying has become what Obama’s administration stands for. Fairey has decided to stay out of politics and he nows focus on MTV.

    I disagree with Fairey and I think Obama has done a lot. Obama has been constantly made into a bad president from the media but he’s actually alright. I think Obama could have done better but his administration wasn’t easy due to Congress not cooperating with him. This relates to Civics because Obama is the executive branch. I chose this article because I wanted to know why such a strong supporter of Obama turn his back on him.

    Weinberg,Ali . “'Hope' Poster Artist Shepard Fairey Says Obama Let Him Down” ABC. 29 May 2015. (May 29)
