Sunday, May 24, 2015

5th period, Week of 5/25-5/29 LAST ONE!

Due by Friday 5/29 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article title: Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force
    Article date: Tue May 26, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The city of Cleveland and Department of Justice agreed to change the city’s police force. A report from DOJ investigators heard police were violating civil rights. Some people see people as enemies , while others see them as part of the community. A Cleveland officer just shot a little 12 year old boy because he was walking with a fake gun. Cleveland police are poorly trained and reckless. Cleveland police officers used unnecessary and unreasonable force and also violates the 4th amendment. Cleveland police officers shoot at people who do not pose a threat of serious harm or death to officers or others. They hit people in the head with their guns and also contribute or cause the Executive Use of Force. To change the police laws an agreement was the city had to create a reform plan. I think this is a good idea because they need to change the police laws because police think they can do whatever they want because they are the law and I do not think it is fair.
    Cleveland, DOJ Announce Changes in Police Force -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 26 May 2015.

  2. Article Title: U.S. threatens peace in South China Sea, Beijing says
    Article Date: Friday, May 22, 2015

    On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, the United States took a surveillance plane over the South China Sea for a reconnaissance flight. While there, the Chinese Government called it an invasion of peace. According to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, the planes were a possible threat to China’s islands and reefs. If an accident occurred, Chinese lands would want to retaliate because their land and homes could be potentially harmed. On the way to the China Sea, the Chinese navy radioed the U.S. navy telling them to turn around and leave the area eight times. However, because the United States contains the right to navigation, it proceeded with their movement. Many members of the Chinese Government believes that it is reckless and dangerous. Of course the United States disagrees. It is willing to do whatever it must to proceed with their navigation. I feel uneasy about this. This is because countries can be very territorial over their land and will no anything to protect it. Some may even start a war because they feel threatened, just as the leader of South Korea almost had done.

    I think the responsible thing to do is for the United States to turn around before a serious problem arises. If Chinese lands continue to feel ignored, there is no telling what they would do. A connection I have made was the sinking of the Lusitania in World War 1. This is because another country felt threatened with America approaching the land and decided to sink our submarines and China feels threatened because we are approaching their lands.

    Lendon, Brad. “U.S. threatens peace in South China Sea, Beijing says”. cnn. 22 May, 2015. (27 May, 2015).

  3. Article Title: Gov't phone calls shut down Sudan newspapers
    Article Date: May 27, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: At Al- Khartoum there is a weekly meet on Monday when the found out the news paper has failed. The government had ten called the editor and what Ibtisam Affan said was that the wastepaper had to shut down at once. They did not know why. They also had no clue on why it was happening. But they could disrespect Ibtisam and go behind his back and disobey him. The costs of them now listening could result them being in prison. My reaction to this is I feel it is unfair for them to shut down production without being given a legit reason. In my opinion unless they had a legitimate excuse on why the newspaper had to close then the newspaper should have closed. This relates to civics because the government called the newspaper and said that they could not make anymore. It also relates because this article had alot to do with politics.
    Melvin.Don." Gov't phone calls shut down Sudan newspapers." CNN. 27 May 2015. ( 28 May 2015)

  4. Article Title- House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.
    Article Date- updated on May 29th 2015.
    Summary of article- This article is about how the republican party women canceled a vote on abortions because they were out numbered. The vote that they did not rule in favor of was called "Pain capable unborn child protection act" . The republican women in the house of representatives decided that is was not fair to have a abortion act which is not helping women with health medical- care. The original plan was for women to report their sexual assaults after it happened , and then they would be provided with medical care and then reievce the abortion after two days of counseling. The democratic party was not in favor of this decision. They thought that act should have continued to be placed into act.
    Reaction/connection- my reaction to this article was that they should have a plan for these women especially in the case of rape, its hard for someone to carry a baby around that had to deal with rape, mentally and physically. I connected this article to some states that are still pro choice about abortion, I believe that abortions should be legalized in every city country, state ,it does not matter what the case is, it should be available in every state, 9/10 people will second guess their actions, they might say they want an abortion, go and get scared or nervous and keep the baby, only people which have been asexually assaulted will most likely receive the abortion. Other people just talk, or is not mentally stable and is unsure as in what to do .
    Mla- Walsh, Beird. "House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks" May 14th 2015 29th 2015)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Article Title: Former speaker indicted for hush money cover-up
    Article Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015

    Through the District Court of Northern Illinois on Thursday afternoon, case files were released dealing with the White House, FBI, and former U.S. house speaker, Dennis Hastert. It was brought to the public’s eye that Hastert lied about covering up the past misconduct and misbehavior of the country and paying 3.5 million dollars to a private organization to cover it up. It was not until the Justice Department monitored his spending and noticed he was taking out many large withdraws that equalled up to 1.7 million dollars in which he then p9aid to an unknown person. Dennis Hastert has gone through great lengths to cover this up by taking out amounts under 10 thousand dollars, not to set off federal banks. When addressed by not only the public, but police officials, Hastert admitted to keeping the money and only giving a portion to the subject. I feel jeopardized because the country’s secrets can fall to whoever now, and if the other nation feels like it, they can destroy us from the inside out.

    I feel as though as a nation, Hastert should be banned and someone from all three branches should be brought together to find a way to guard the nation’s secrets. As our government, certain measures should be taken to protect our country. A connection I have made is that during World War 1, a German spy by the name of Carl Lody was caught giving Germany’s secrets to the enemy. This is similar to Hastert letting the U.S.’s secrets go to waste.

    LoBianco, Tom. “Former speaker indicted for hush money cover-up”. cnn. 28 May, 2015. (28 May, 2015).

  7. Article Title:Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto
    Article Date: may 27, 2015
    Summary(reaction/opinion/connection):This article made me think about when I was reading up on my candidate bobby jindal who was for the death penalty, I personally think that the death penalty should be in affect due to the crazy rings people do in this world doesn't even deserve to live with themselves. I can connect to this because I was reading an article about this man who had kept girls locked up and tortured for years, and another of two men who tried to tape a baby, people like that should be put to death, I wouldn't let them live if it was up to me. This article kind of shocked me because of the fact, why would they want to ban the death penalty. After of hours of debating and getting emotional 30 to 19 vote that cut across party lines.
    Bosman, Julie.Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto.NewYorkTimes.27, May 2015. May, 2015).

  8. Article title: Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense
    Article date: May 4, 2015
    Summary: Since 2005, half of the states had passed the law. The National Rifle Association had led the charge, had argued that Stand Your Ground laws would improve people's safety. The law made so that if a person who is harmed or killed can presumptively claim self-defense. This means that only if the force of in use had to be necessary to prevent serious harm or death. This law had failed to increase public safety. 60% of people who we're making self-defense claims had be arrested before, a third of those people had been arrested for for violence crimes in the past. What this is saying is that this law is only making away for people to say they killed someone for self-defense. When they could've killed he/she purposely. I think that they should not have passed this law. This law can increase the murder rate.

    Spitzer, Robert. "Stand Your Ground Makes No Sense." The New York Times. May 4, 2015. (May 28, 2015)


    Article Date: Wednesday May 6, 2015

    During the month of May many high schools celebrate and dress up of senior and junior year accomplishments. This is also the time for mom and dad to roll out the picture film to capture the moment and now post it online. Unfortunately, in Denver eight local teens who attend Chaparral High School decided to highlight their picture with a confederate flag while two female's hold up guns. This incident has brought up a huge debate between American's. Some say that this flag is apart of history while others find this extremely offensive and racist.

    This article intrigued me and made me mad because this is yet another form of racism in its purest form. However, to play devil's advocate, some people does have the right to say that this is apart of history. But do that under the sheets so to speak because that is very offensive to African Americans who endured pain from that unfortunate pain. You don't see KKK members walking out with their white clothes freely or members of the Nazis supporting a swastika. What is challenging enough is that these are kids so they had to learn from somewhere.


  10. Article Title: Fashion, plus-size modeling and race: When “diversity” isn’t so diverse

    Article Date: May 26,2015

    A lot of plus-size models are frowned upon in the modeling industry. A couple years back modeling industry's were suppose to make their models more diverse in many different ways. Such as height and weight, models that were 5'5" and weighed 130 something we're going to be considered in the modeling industry. Also diverse in nationality there weren't going to just be Caucasian models anymore. But even though these modeling agencies have vowed to make these changes it has still been a struggle actually receiving change. There has been a little attempt but not as nearly enough as it should be.

    I wasn't really surprised when I read this article, because skinny women have always been the ideal image. Thick and plus-size women were looked at as not as good. This is why women that were smaller always got further in life, without having to put in as much work as the plus-size women.

    I think that beautiful woman come in different shapes and sizes. You shouldn't be judge by your weight because that is petty. God made all of us different, none of us are the same, so we shouldn't pick each other apart like that we should embrace our diversity.

    Lisa Respers, "Fashion, plus-size modeling and race: When “diversity” isn’t so diverse", May 26,2015,


  11. Source:
    Article Title: Clinton Making First Campaign Trip To Iowa On Tuesday
    Article date:April 12,2015
    Who:Hillary Clinton
    When:April 2015
    What:Hillary Clinton travels to Iowa to take a tour of one of the small community college on Tuesday later then visit a distribution company in Norwalk Idaho. Then she Will hold a democratic elected official meeting to discuss business. This trip is to mainly discuss how to make there economy work better and faster,to help every American to get ahead in life and stay there at that new place in life. This is also clintion second time aiming for presidency , but she wants to stand clear from big events and focus more on interactions with voters.
    Reaction: this is very good that she wants to connect with voters because they are the main ones to determine if she will become the president.
    Connection: this connects to what we learned about what it takes to become a president and all the steps that it take to be one.

    Lucey, Catherine. "Hillary Goes To Iowa." The Huffington Post. Huffington Post, n.d. Web. 29 May 2015.

  12. Article title:Seventeen Are Killed in Terrorist Attacks in France
    Article date:January 7, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Two masked gunmen stormed the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo , a satirical weekly magazine, and killed 12 people, including the paper's top editor, several cartoonists, and two police officers. A third suspect named Hamyd Mourad, who was driving the getaway car, turned himself in to authorities. The two gunmen were believed to be brothers. News reports said the brothers have connections to Al Qaeda in Yemen and that Said trained with militants there. Reports also said the two had been monitored by police and intelligence officials in the past. The magazine had a history of mocking religious leaders. They made fun of the prophet Mohammed, the Pope, a lot of religions, and even world leaders. The company was attacked in 2011 after making a post about Mohammed. The two responsible for the deaths took a worker of the company hostage far away, and were chased down by police. Police freed the hostages and killed the two men. My opinion on this whole situation is the company got what was coming to it for disrespecting the religions of many believers. I feel sorry for the people that lost their lives, but they had it coming for the way the portrayed respected figures of the world.
    National Institute for Demographic Studies.“Seventeen Are Killed in Terrorist Attacks in France”. Info Please. 7 Jan, 2015. May, 2015).

  13. Article Title: After 33 years, the U.S. drops Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. Here’s what it means.
    Article Date: May 29, 2015

    Today the US took Cuba off it’s list of terrorist nations. A terrorist nation is a country that is oftenly affiliated with terrorist groups and have a number of terrorist in it. Cuba was enlisted during the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis years ago. This is one of the many acts the US has done to ease tensions with Cuba over the last year. The reason why Cuba was put on the list was because of Castro and his rule.
    I think this is an important step to restore the relationship between the US and Cuba. I’m actually surprised that this hasn’t happened already because of Obama’s speech earlier in the year. I wonder how fast the US will restore all ties with Cuba. I think opening up to Cuba will give us a high boost in trade and it will start the economy back up. I chose this article because it caught my attention on the website and Cuba’s status is important.
    Tharoor, Ishaan. “After 33 years, the U.S. drops Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. Here’s what it means.”Washington Post. 29 May 2015. (May 29)

  14. Article Title: Kenyan man wants to ‘buy’ Malia Obama — for 70 sheep, 50 cows, 30 goats
    Article Date: May 26, 2015
    A Kenyan lawyer asked to marry one of Barack Obama’s daughters. He asked to marry his 16 year old daughter Malia Obama. He offered animals to marry her and the animals all together cost about $90,000 in US dollars. There is over 100 different animals. There are 70 goats, 50 cows and 30 sheeps. The man said he doesn’t want to marry her for the Obamas’ money and power but because he really love her. None of the Obamas have said anything about this or to him and they will more than likely stay silent.
    I think this is really funny. This man must not know US ways because we don’t use farm animals for the cost of marrying someone. The article doesn’t say his age but he has to be old to be a lawyer but he wants a teenager which is weird. He even said he fell in love with her in 2008 and Malia had to be real young which is disturbing. I chose this article because I seen a joke of this on Twitter. This relates to the government because it is about the Obamas.
    Curl,Joseph. “Kenyan man wants to ‘buy’ Malia Obama — for 70 sheep, 50 cows, 30 goats” Washington Times . 26 May 2015. . (May 29)

  15. Peter Schweitzer on Hillary's massive conflict of interest.
    May 28.
    Hillary Clinton was forwarded an email from a man named Clinton Clooney in Libya. he was paid $10,000 a month.he said he got this money because he was providing intelligence to Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile he had no intelligence in the aspect of running for president or politics in general. So he was providing intelligence in an area that he had no idea about, while he was at the same time providing for his company tracks from Libyan government. There are also charities that I set up in other countries which are said to be of good cause.In actuality, they are all shell company of Hillary Clinton's foundation. there are three that are known in the UK Swede and Canada. And they're covering this up through compensation. One of this covering up includes $750,000. There is news that every email that Hillary Clinton has deleted to save herself has been found in Utah, by a group of hackers.
    When I read this my reaction to this, was actually relief because now people can find out if she was really sending all those emails. But then I felt bad for her because she had been giving her money to someone for advice me while the present had no idea what he was doing. My opinion is that she should just take some time off and think about all that has been going on about her. She should reflect on the positives and negatives, and come out clean because the people like an honest president.

  16. White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    May 25, 2015

    Everyday that passes, ISIS grows stronger and smarter. Our president, Barack Obama want to do something about it. President Obama wants to send a request to take a fight to ISIS stop them. However Congress won't give him permission. Since the president has to get permission from Congress to send an army somewhere he couldn't do what he wanted. He argued with Congress back and forth about exceptions to the rule.

    I think the president is going about this the right way. He is going through the proper channels and is thinking about our people. Its possible ISIS might grow so big that they might take over take over the ways of traveling in the Middle East and travel to other places like here in the U.S.

    Jeffe, Alexandra and Walsh, Deirdre. " White House to request permission to fight ISIS." CNN. 5 February 2015. (26 March 2015)

  17. Article Title:Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto
    Article Date: may 27, 2015
    Summary(reaction/opinion/connection):This article made me think about when I was reading up on my candidate bobby jindal who was for the death penalty, I personally think that the death penalty should be in affect due to the crazy rings people do in this world doesn't even deserve to live with themselves. I can connect to this because I was reading an article about this man who had kept girls locked up and tortured for years, and another of two men who tried to tape a baby, people like that should be put to death, I wouldn't let them live if it was up to me. This article kind of shocked me because of the fact, why would they want to ban the death penalty. After of hours of debating and getting emotional 30 to 19 vote that cut across party lines. This article was mainly about how Nebraska does not agree with the whole death penalty going against a veto. Which is a right by the constitution That denies a decision and neither proposal made by the law. This article describes to go against their governor. The voting against or for the death penalty took many months. Republican legislators believe it was usless, senseless and cost too much. Their points even got the opponents to believe their ways. Even though republican's from other states might not agree Nebraska got everyone of the same page for the first time. The governor was appalled that they lost another way of law enforcement, he was very disappointed. Some think it should be used on the most worst crimes. They replace the death penalty with just life in jail.
    Bosman, Julie.Nebraska Bans Death Penalty, Defying a Veto.NewYorkTimes.27, May 2015. May, 2015).

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The title of this article is Congressman wants a pay raise.

    This article was published on Tue May 19, 2015.

    This article is about members of congress not getting paid the amount the earned. Congress members are getting ripped off and they want their money and they want it work! The amount it cost to live is overwhelming therefore the government should consider that. Member get paid 147,000 annually. No raise had been reawarded in years: 2009. Staffers barely get paid if you asked me. The amount 35,000 annually is so not worth it. McDonalds would be a better job.

    I chose this article because I figured it would be interesting to learn how much an actually congress member makes . I figured it would be interesting because the average person always believes people involved in government makes a ton of money. My reaction towards this article was shocked because I expected a much better outcome than what is actually is. Why haven't they receive a raise since 2009 ? That is out of pocket. Reading this article has made me realize government is not a job I want as much as i used too. The money is not right at all !

    "Congress Wants a Pay Raise -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 29 May 2015.

  20. Article title:the title of this article is, Republicans Hope To Avoid Mitt Romney's Mistakes On Immigration.
    Article date: this article was updated May 21, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) Texas Gov. Rick Perry is running against Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the republican presidential campaign. Gov. Mitt Romney is very big on trying to beat, by getting all the help he can get. He disagreed with many of his decisions for the topic immigration. Rick Perry wanted to support in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants. Rommeny accused him of creating magnet for illegal immigrants. Romney went after him hard. Because of that debate, Rommeny earned 27 percent of the Latino vote.
    I believe that it was the right for Rommeny , because he disagreed and spoke up. Debates happen during campaigns. Rock Perry should have debated back with better arguments.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Foley , Elise. “Republicans Hope To Avoid Mitt Romney's Mistakes On Immigration”Huffpost. May 21, 2015. ( 29, 2015

  21. Article title:U.S Goverment Bonds Rally, Dollars Falls on Jobs Data

    Article date:3/3/2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The U.S dollar value dropped by %.8 compared to the euro. Even though over 126000 jobs were added Wall Street estimated the counties intake would only be 248000, which is low to our standards. Lowering the value of stock bonds as well. To me this raises the question of if it will lower the price of our common goods such as produce or make them rise.

    I think over time the U.S dollar could rise again. People seem to blame to government for what someone who was previously envolves did. It takes time for a system to recover. Even with a proactive leader, when you have so many people who are envolved you have to include them all. I think this effects people of ethnic background the most because when something happens we are always hit the hardest. Being African American this is one of those things that u see first hand. Sadly if money is taken I think it will be taken from our education if possible.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Zeng,Ming. “U.S Goverment Bond Rally.”The Wall Street Journal".May 21,2015.

  22. Article Title The title of this article is” CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists”.

    Article Date: This article was published on May 26, 2015.

    Itís been a recent discovery that the CIA has decided to shut down an important science program known as MEDEA. MEDEA has allowed a wide variety of scientists to gain large amounts of information using the worldís satellites. The program was discontinued by the decision of George Bush but there was never a straight forward reasoning to ending the program. Current president, Barack Obama has helped to reactivate the program and bring it back to life for the many scientists how used it in 2010. Many scientists believed that this information had a great value when it came to improving problem in the science world. I think that it is suspicious to decide to end a very important and useful program with having a good reason to do so. It just doesnít sound right that a program that has just been brought back to life only 5 years ago is being discontinued. I feel like this problem will have a large effect on many people and slow down the process of science. The info was helpful and probably even helped prevent many natural disasters or worse. This makes me think that the government is extremely low on money or they are trying to hide something from people. I chose this article because it involves the CIA, which is apart of the government. This also relates to the effect of biology science that occurs around the world.

    Kiger, Patrick. “The title is CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists
    ”Discovery. 26 May 2015. (May 29)
