Sunday, May 10, 2015

3rd period, 5/11-5/15

Due by Friday 5/15 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article title:House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
    Article date: may 14 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article was about the house of representatives approving a bill that would ban abortions on a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant. Earlier in 2015, house leaders had to cancel a vote on something similar to this bill that was just passed. The original legislation that was cancelled required woman that were raped to file a police report two days before they use abortion services. Some members of congress disagree with the passing of this bill, saying that it does not help our women, instead it threatens their health and lives. When I read this, I didnt know whether to be happy or upset because some woman have to get abortions because they are not stable or prepared enough to take care of a baby. At the same time though, this gives every child a chance to live their lives and not be killed before they are born. In my opinion, passing this bill might not have been the best thing for woman who are pregnant, but its a good thing for those babies whose parents were thinking about killing them. I guess you could say this is a good thing because even if the parents dont want to keep the children, they can put them up for adoption instead of aborting them. I cant really connect to this being as though im a boy, and I dont know anyone who has had an abortion. I guess from a pregnant teenagers perspective, they might not like this because now they might have to drop out of school to take care of their child, and become an adult early.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Walsh, Deirdre. “House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.” CNN. May 14, 2015 . (5/14/15)

  2. Article title: The title of this article is " U.S. and Cuba to resume embassy talks."
    Article date: The date of this article is May 14, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The basic summary of this article that the former countries in The United States of America and Cuba will pick up the talks of reopening their embassies.
    My reaction to this article is that I am very shocked but excited that the US and Cuba are finally putting the past in the past and creating a bright future for many Americans and Cubans.
    In my opinion I feel like this is the step in the right direction. It shows that no matter what bad history you have with anyone you can always come to a compromise sometime in the future. And that's what happened with the US and Cuba.
    The connection I can make with this article is that I heard that Cuban cigars are actually illegal in the US and now I understand why, its because of all the bad blood between the two powerful countries. I chose this article just to get a better understanding on what the history was between the two and what are they doing to make things better for them moving forward.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Acosta, Jim. “U.S. and Cuba to resume embassy talks.” CNN. May 14, 2015. (May 14, 2015)


  3. Obama Offers Glimpse at Post-White House Life

    Barack Obama gives his post presidential plan as to what he is going to do when the time for him to step down as the 44th president.

    He revealed that he will resume his position as a community organizer that is relieved of the stresses of running the country and he will achieve this enlightened state with the sources and materials of starbucks and playing dominoes. He also explains the possibility of another book written in 2017. In addition to having a book come out he will be having a library built in the city of Chicago, because it is the symbol of some of his happiest moments. The last mission that the president is wanting to take part in is continuing his job as a community organizer. He has been said to really love the job because it is the process of helping young men who are from bad neighborhood to get good jobs.

    I believe the ending plans for the president seem to be within reach. Taking a long vacation after running the country for two terms is very appropriate. I believe his plans are very efficient he is going back to his job , with helping people. This will keep his name in good tidings with everyone of the american citizens, as well as give some new perspective of him now that he does not have to watch himself as closely as he used to. In my opinion this is just the warning that the president is leaving office soon,so the time to vote is approaching at a high speed. Hopefully more success will come to the president when he makes his second book, while his library is to be finished.

  4. Article title: ISIS on the offensive in Iraq’s city of Ramadi, governor says
    Article date: Friday May 15,2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
    ISIS launched an attack on Iraq security forces Ramadi, they tried to take the rest of the key to Iraq city. This all started on Thursday and went into Friday and included some suicide attacks with explosive rigged cars. The Iraqi security forces were fighting with ISIS fighters, in the middle of Iraqi’s Sunni. The ISIS is the Sunni extremist that took over parts of Syria and Iraq. This terrorist group has been fighting Iraqi security forces for quite some time now . The fight between them has had people fled the country about 114,000 has fled the area. All this war needs to stop I getting tired of hearing about terrorist groups that could be a threat to us. I think that this battle is unnecessary because I just don’t see why they can’t live in peace and they live in the same country.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:
    ( Basil, Yousuf and Hanna Jason. “ISIS on the offensive in Iraq’s city of Ramadi, governor says” CNN. May 15 2015. ( May 14, 2015)

  5. Michelle Obama on being black: ‘There will be times when you feel like folks look right past you’

    Michelle was saying that just because she's a black women, sometimes she feel like she have been over looked. Michellehe recently gave a speech to Tuskegee University in alabama. Tuskegee is a college famous for training for the military. Michelle was sayig duraing the speech that not everyone see how hard blacks work. They dont see the hours we put in to get what we get. Some of us really work hard for what we got. Alot of things we do get unoticed. Michelle was speaking the college graduates from tuskegee. She was also talking about how some of the blacks cant get the jobs they want because of their surroundings. Like she was saying the way the names sound ect. It's really sad because some people dont see the other side of us. Everyone need to be treated equal! I feel where michelle is coming from a 100 percent.Some people will just never change. " Instead they will make assumptions about who they think you are based on their limited notion of the world." Michelle Obama

    "Michelle Obama on Being Black: 'There Will Be times When You Feel like Folks Look Right past You'" Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015. .

  6. Rick Santorum on ISIS: 'Bomb them back to the 7th century’
    May 9, 2015

    In this article, Former Senator Rick Santorum distastefully called Obama out on his actions toward ISIS. Rick stated if he were the president, he’d use the military to bomb Iraq and Syria to pieces. In addition, he argued that Obama is not meant to be in office, because he is not a good commander in chief. Lastly, the article talked about Rick’s previous attempts to run for president, and his future plans to president.

    Reading this article made me gain instant hatred for this guy. He is just one of the many people who like complaining about what the president is doing, and “how he would have done it better.” In my opinion, Rick Santorum would be the worst decision to make if he ever ran for president again. He is a person that believes using military action for everything is a great idea, that dropping bombs will solve everything. While reading the comments was a quote that stood out to me “You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can’t bomb the world to peace.” This is basically saying dropping bombs will not solve anything, nor will it bring peace. In conclusion, I can make a connection to this article because God forbid, if we have a president like Santorum, I will most likely be in a ridiculous war.

    Hensch, Mark. "Rick Santorum on ISIS: 'Bomb them back to the 7th century'" The Week. 9 May 2015. 15 May 2015.

  7. Article title: will Harriet Tubman be on the next $20 bill.
    Article date: May 12, 2015
    Summary: There has been a rant about if we should change our 20 dollar bill from our beloved Andrew Jackson to the important woman of our history. President Obama want to put the important woman on our bills to recognize them for all of their troubles. Their saying that it might also be the $10 bill up for change. Although there had been a fight for it it hasn't been official yet. Although it isn't official doesn't mean that a lot of people do not want it.
    My reaction towards this whole situation is that I believe that is it okay and that we should have a woman on the bill. First of all we need to let them be recognized for a good reason! They changed the world for the better and they help us get to where we are now in the world. I also believe that it would be a good investment to give back to the black community and our ancestors. It would be a change that everyone is happy with. Also it will be the biggest change in U.S. History.

    Lobos , Kaite. " will Harriet Tubman be on the next $20 bill?".CNN MONEY. ( 05/12/15). . (05/13/15)

  8. Article Title: House Passes Military Spending Bill After Fight on Cuts
    Article Date: May 15,2015
    Today, some lawmakers passed an annual spending bill for the military. It will be about $612 billion. The bill passed, by winning 269 to 151 votes. The Democratic party opposed this act, but Republicans say it is to provide the military with everything they need. The reason they opposed it is because, they didn’t think it was fair to provide all this money for just the military, other programs should get equal money. A Maryland Democrat said he doesn’t oppose the act except this act needs to be added to domestic things too. He believes in improving the economy-- helping people get into the middle class, these things also need money. I genuinely thought that this was a lot of money to spend annually on just the military. I strongly agree with democrats, if they want to help the military, they also need to help other departments in our country and I don’t know if this bill will result in overspending or poor economy. I think that this problem has happened a number of times before, but it’s just really hard to change the Congress’ mind.

    Parker,Ashley. “ House Passes Military Spending Bill After Fight on Cuts”. NY Times.15 May 2015. (15 May 2015)

  9. Source:

    Article Title: Sentence Reached for Dzhokar Tsarnaev in Boston Marathon Bombing

    Article Date: May 15, 2015

    Summary: This article is about the jury reaching a decision for the bombing that took place in Boston. Dzhokar is facing a life sentence or the death penalty. He was responsible for the bombing during the Boston marathon. There is seven women and 5 men on the jury. They was the same people who convicted Dzhokar with all 30 counts against him.

    My reaction to this is positive because it's great to see terrorist behind bars. He did something that will forever effect Boston. People like Dzhokar should be lock up for doing things like bombing. I hope this doesn't happen again for the sake of the people. I don't won't to see people die because of bombing. Bombs are use in wars not at marathons. Terrorist should be behind bars because they are trying to kill massive people. To this day, 9/11 will forever be remembered in U.S. history. That day a lot of people died because some terrorist decided to fly planes into buildings. I hope and pray these things will stop because I don't won't to see it happen.

    MLA Format: Katharine Q. Seelye. "Sentence Reached for Dzhokar Tsarnaev in Boston Marathon Bombing". New York Times. 15 May 2015. (15 May 2015)

  10. Musicians mourn the loss of B.B. King
    By Melonyce McAfee
    Thursday night at the age of 89 a very inspirational legend left us. A man of soul and the inspiration to many current artist B.B King wI'll forever be remembered. So today mourns go out all over. Many artists share their love from social media such as Lenny Kravitz,Kenny Wayne Shepherd,Gladys Knight and many more break to news to fans world wide and gave the Internet one of its most social acknowledges. I feel as though it's very respectful that people who honestly didn't have to went out of their way to show their appreciation to such a powerful man. And shows younger people what it means to be and once lived as a true icon A connection that can be made is the simple power that can come up it people show interest together

    Musicians mourn the loss of B.B. King,,5/15/15,

  11. Article title:House committee passes bill that cuts Amtrak funding after crash

    Article date:Wed May 13, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article is about a measure that was passed last wednesday. This measure was passed by the U.S house panel which has cut funding for amtrak. This cut was no less than a day after a major crash leaving more than seven dead. Specifically the decision was 30-21 in favor of reducing the budget by about 252 million dollars. They state that to boost the budget they would need to cut jobs. This is relevant because without funding amtrak will not be functioning. I feel that this is bad because lots of people depend on amtrak for transportation. I hope that this gets resolved soon and amtrak gets re established. I also feel sorry for those lives lost.
    Jeremy Diamond Eric Bradner. “House committee passes bill that cuts Amtrak funding after crash.”

  12. Article title:House committee passes bill that cuts Amtrak funding after crash

    Article date:Wed May 13, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article is about a measure that was passed last wednesday. This measure was passed by the U.S house panel which has cut funding for amtrak. This cut was no less than a day after a major crash leaving more than seven dead. Specifically the decision was 30-21 in favor of reducing the budget by about 252 million dollars. They state that to boost the budget they would need to cut jobs. This is relevant because without funding amtrak will not be functioning. I feel that this is bad because lots of people depend on amtrak for transportation. I hope that this gets resolved soon and amtrak gets re established. I also feel sorry for those lives lost. I think this should have been handled differently.
    Jeremy Diamond Eric Bradner. “House committee passes bill that cuts Amtrak funding after crash.”
