Wednesday, September 9, 2015

5th period, Week of 9/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/18

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ahmed Mohamed will be transferring to another high school, family spokesperson says
    Article Date:September 18, 2015
    Who:Ahmed Mohamed

    Where:Texas high school
    When: Monday Septemeber 14,2015
    What happened:

    Ahmed Mohamed brought a clock that he proudly made to school and was arrested because police thought it was a hoax bomb. He was pulled out of class by his principal. He was taken to a room where five police officers questioned him for a hour and a half. He was incriminated and wasn't able to talk to his parents at that time.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This event is relevant because it shows how society still stereotypes an entire religion. What makes it worst is that they would think a child will make a hoax bomb and is brave enough to bring it to school. Also this event is significant because it shows how it seems as if your child isn't safe to attend school because they just incriminated Ahmed and interrogated him without parent consent and he wasn't able to communicate with them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like it is important that we shine light on this subject because the way the school and our criminal justice system handled the situation at hand. Especially handling a child
    Opinion (I think..)I think its sad that the just racially profiled a child and incriminated him and made him look as a threat amongst his pears

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I felt connected because me and Ahmed are the same age range and this story made me wonder what would happen if this was me. It made me think also about how things I thought like stereotyping is dead but is very much alive today and is closer to me than I thought.

  2. Source: (entire website address)

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    Current Event Sources

  4. Current Event Content Requirements:
    You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
    (10 sentences).
    Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  7. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  17. Current Event Content Requirements:
    You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
    (10 sentences).
    Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


  18. Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  20. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  22. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  23. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  24. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  25. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  26. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  27. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  28. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  29. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  30. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  31. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  32. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  33. Source:

    Article Title: The GOP Debate: 6 Takeaways

    Article Date: 9/17/15

    Who: Various presidential candidates.

    Where: Reagan Library, Simi Valley, CA

    When: September 16th, 2015

    What happened: Various presidential candidates participated in a debate. The debate's goal was for spectators to identify main points and identify what they like about each candidate. There were 11 candidates. There was supposed to be only 10 until Carly Fiorina argued that since her votes went up, she should be apart of the debate. The main points and issues of the debate were about immigration, debt, and relationships with other countries. Many shots were thrown back and forth between the republicans but the one who had the most to say about the others was Donald Trump. Trump was a big focus in this debate mainly because he has a lot of policies that people disagree with. Despite this, he is #1 in the polls. The debate gave millions in the country an insight on who they should vote for and why. The debate also shows why our next president will most likely be republican.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it gives an insight on who should and could be our next president.

    Reaction: I actually liked the debate and it made me think a lot about American policies and the fact that we need to change a lot of things involving the country.

    Opinion: I honestly do not want a republican president. I've always took a liking to democrats, but after watching this debate, I've realized party doesn't matter, but personal candidate platform matters.

    Connection: I chose this article because it gave me a lot to think about, regarding this upcoming election.

    Obama Criticizes GOP "doom and gloom"
    September 16,2015
    This revolves around the Republican Debate and President obama's opinion and each of the candidates. The president weighed in on the upsoming debate saying that "He will not be watching the debate." He instead chimed in on what the republican candidates might have to say. Quoting the president as said "They don't seem to offer many solutions for the disasters that they perceive, but they're quick to tell you who to blame." The president didn't watch the debate because of the fact that their weren't many real answers said, but fingers were pointed. This is what the president had to say about the republican debate which happened that Wednesday. The president made a very well prediction and a very clear one. Now me being a very open minded person and some what aware of the world around me I have to agree with the president. The republican debate was a very long and hard to watch because as the president said there were no answers to any of the questions they were asked. The whole debate seemed more like high school students making cruel jokes at one another. I have to say it was enjoyable to watch grown men and women argue like high school students but i have to say the amount of time and effort they but into the into blaming the president for the "weakness" in the american economy sparks a bit of animosity in me. Though i chose this article for the president's opinion I more or less picked this story for the real chance to retell my opinion of the debate having seen it.

  35. Source:
    Article Title:Obama warns businesses on cybersecurity threats
    Article Date:Wednesday, 16 Sep 2015 | 1:05 PM
    Who:President Barack Obama, General Electric,U.S. Congress and U.S. lawmakers
    Where: Washington
    When: Speech occurred September 16, 2015 (Wednesday) also.
    What happened: President Obama gave a speech on the threats of businesses. The president said that they have to focus on the businesses more. One business in particular that Obama talked about was the banks. He said that he was "mind boggling" that the Congress didn't re-authorize the banks. He was concerned because more jobs was coming but no banks were there really to dispense money.
    Why this event is relevant: I think this is important because it deals with our society. Also it deals with jobs and our money. For him to give a speech about it makes it important enough to get our attention. He thought that this was a problem that he had to address so he gave a speech on it. Which brought it to our attention.
    Reaction: I think that it was a good thing for him to do. Why because we all could of heard the speech with would of gave us our own opinion on it. Which was good.
    Opinion: My opinion on it is that we all can have open feelings to it. What I mean by all is the country, because he did it to address us on it. I wish they would re-authorize the banks because I like money.
    Connection: I can connect this to the debate in class that we watched. I say that because each person had a say in what they believed in. Even though everyone bashed them but they got to say what they wanted.

  36. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Why It's Good To Speak Spanish In America
    Article Date: The date of this article is September 17th 2015.
    Who: Republican and conservative leaders were involved in this discussion.
    Where: This discussion happened at the CNN debate on wednesday night.
    When: The debate was on September 16th 2015.
    What happened: Republican and conservative leaders answered yes when asked if they think all people in america should speak spanish. It was agreed upon that they could be viewed with suspicion and maybe be asked to leave if they speak another language.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because many people in the U.S speak other languages. This can directly affect them and their lives because they don't speak english.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this article was anger. It made no sense to me and seemed unfair.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is very segregational. It's unconstitutional that the politicans agree that everyone should speak english. Why would you agree that people should be treated different because of the language they speak.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because of a personal connection. My stepmother is morrocan and doesn't speak english and it bothered me when i saw this article. If she was treated like less than a person because she doesn't speak english, that would upset me.

    1. Great opinion- you are absolutely correct that this would be unconstitutional, as argued under civil rights and the 14th amendment.

  37. Source:
    Article Title:The article title is called:Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date:The date of this article was September 18, 2015
    Who: The people involved in this article were Donald Trump, Barack Obama
    Where:Washington, DC
    When:September 18, 2015
    What happened:When Donald trump was asked if he became president when will he get rid of Muslims, he simply did not answer.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because back in 2011 when president Obama was president, Donald Trump challenged Obama not only where he was from but where he was born which corresponded with his religion. At the debate an audience member said that this country has to get rid of the problem which is Muslims and president Obama is one and he claimed Obama is not even american.
    Reaction: I feel as though Donald Trump is not being honest with his country. What i mean by that is that he is not giving his whole thought on Muslims living in america. The american people know that Donald trump is honest but he may be hiding what he plans do to to the Muslim population if he becomes president.
    Opinion I think that Donald Trump will be asked more questions about religion in general and will have no answer, again.
    Connection I chose this article because i am Muslim and I want to know what Donald trump thinks of me.

  38. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date: 9/18/15
    Who: Donald Trump, Campaign reporter
    Where: Washington
    When: 9/18/15
    What happened: During a questioning at the town hall during a debate Trump was asked a very disturbing question by a anti-Muslim. In the article the reporter said that the Campaign reporter said, "We have a problem in this country, its called Muslims"(Schleifer 1). Immediately Trump didn't reply to the question causing huge backlash by many people. This hasn't been Tump's first time in a situation like this. He also challenged Obama by not believing he was a Christian.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is a very serious topic and issue to discuss. Especially if this man is running for our president. It also shows how stereotypes towards Muslims are still being held.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am not surprised to hear something like this about Trump. This isn't his first time being very against Muslims and its sad to see that this man is running for president for our country.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Trump should forget about his campaign. To not even acknowledge a question like that is very serious. I would like to see Trump not win the President race due to his crazy actions throughout this campaign.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This is a popular topic in the national news because this is the president debate. The president is the leader of our country. I wouldn't think people would want to stand by a man who isn't equal too all he has really showed his true colors today.

  39. Source:

    Article Title:Can Congress behave itself when the pope visits?

    Article Date: September 16, 2015

    Who:Pope Francis, Congress, Democrats Dan Lipinski, Juan Vargas, Republicans Jeff Fortenberry, Tim Murphy, John Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Gerry Connolly.

    Where: Within the U.S, in the state of Pennsylvania.

    When: September 21st - 27th

    What happened: Congress is afraid that it will embarrass itself when the Holy Father himself arrives within U.S ground. The matter regarding this is not as trivial as meeting a foreign president or leader. With his Holiness himself, given the official titles of Vicar of Jesus Christ, and Successor of the Prince of the Apostles makes for a extreme situation for the U.S to make sure all is perfect for his coming.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because The Pope, who has over a billion adherent all across the world, is such a powerful image even for the U.S. Should Congress make a mistake with his Holiness stay, it would prove to destroy the U.S reputation that's been put on the line. For the Christians and Catholics waiting in anticipation for the Holy Father's entrance, it would without a doubt enrage them, giving rise to a probable riot within the streets of America.

    Reaction: I don't know how I feel about this, I'm catholic and I would prefer the Pope enjoy his stay. Since this is a once in a life time experience for many, it would be disappointing should something really went in the wrong directions.

    Opinion: I think the Congress will try it's best to maintain near perfection for his arrival, but with the individuals who cannot contain themselves, that will be for the Congress to deal with.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's an unusual one that I don't think I'll come across again in my life time. This is a huge deal, with the Pope himself coming to the U.S.

  40. Source: CNN
    Article Title: Family: Ahmed Mohamed, clock-making teen, transferring to another school.
    Article Date: Friday September 18th, 2015.
    Who: Ahmed and President Obama.
    Where: All around the United States, but mainly Texas.
    When: The beginning of this week.
    What happened: A high school student Ahmed Mohamed made a clock and brought his product to school, but instead of people being supportive of his creation. He was then arrested for his clock and being asked if his clock is a "bomb" because Ahmed is a Muslim and black. Ahmed's situation was broadcasted all over social media and TV's being supported by everyone.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is important because this relates to situations that's happening now. Police not doing their job and bothering well reserved citizens who would never hurt anyone.
    Reaction: This made me think about today's society and how things haven't changed much. But I love how supportive everyone has been to him.
    Opinion I think this was extremely wrong because he just wanted to share his creating instead his was being hated against.
    Connection: This relates to situations that happening now in the world and situations that everyone goes through.

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of CNN, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  41. Source:
    Article Title: Russia defense chiefs break silence to discuss Syria crisis
    Article Date: Sept 18, 2015
    Who: Russian defense chiefs, U.S, Syrians, U.S defense secretory.
    Where: Syria
    When: sept 11, 2015
    What happened: Recently Syrian president Bashar al-Assad gained support from Russia and the U.S opposes it. Just last year the Pentagon cut off high level military talks with Moscow after Russia's annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraine. The last time a U.S. defense chief spoke with Shoigu was in August 2014, the Pentagon said. Both Moscow and Washington say their enemy is Islamic State, whose fighters control large parts of Syria
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this problem was brought up in the republican debate this week.
    Reaction: I feel like that that Russia supporting Syria is a sweet and sour thing. It is sweet because by Russia supporting Syria they might let refugees from Syria get into their country because a lot of Syrians are trying to get out of Syria and get away from all the fighting. It might also be sour because they might supply them with weapons and by Russia doing that it could lead to even more civilian casualties because Isis is not in particular part of Syrian they are every where and by the Syrian army looking for Isis there might be civilian casualties.
    Opinion: I think what Russia is trying to do is supply the Syria with weapon so they would have a war wit Isis in their own land and when the war is over and their is too many casualties the Russians is going to swoop in and try lend Syria money so they can clean up the mess that happened and afterwards Syrian would be in dept to the Russians.
    Connection: I choose this article because I've been following the things that been happening in Syria for the last two summers when the Isis first came into Syria and the fight broke out between them and the Syrian army and bombings started happening around civilians.

    1. Excellent post. What you're describing in your opinion is called a proxy war or war by proxy. This is certainly something our government is suspicious of.

  42. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump Adds Something Unexpected to His Campaign: Discipline
    Article Date:September 16,2015
    Who:Donald Trump,Kevin Madden,Corey Lewandowski
    Where: Washington DC
    When:This Week
    What happened:Donald Trump was supposedly becoming a more discipline. Hes usually known for just saying anything out his mouth. Hes very rude and straight up and can come off disrespectful. But now hes calming down and talking better towards people.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because hes is of the people running for president and hes very popular and known.Also currently happening as of right now.
    Reaction: Hes just a rude person and hes not changing anything, you cant pick and choose what you want to be respectful to when your trying to be president.
    Opinion I think that he still rude and says anything out his mouth.
    Connection: I choose this article because its a very interesting topic to me. Donald Trump is leading in the polls and a lot of people are agreeing with what hes saying and doing. I don't but i want to know what hes doing and planning on doing. Hes a popular figure and i want to be up on news about our possibly new president.

  43. Source:

    Article Title:
    Detectives again search Kane's office; oath of secrecy at issue

    Article Date: Thursday, September 17, 2015, 1:12 PM

    Who: Attorney General Kathleen Kane

    Where:Montgomery County

    When: Thursday September 17, 2015, 11 A.M

    What happened: Montgomery County investigators conducted a new search to test Kathleen Kane's testimony that she never signed a key oath of secrecy.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its happening in the state we leave in which is PA and could possibly effect us the people.

    Reaction My reaction is neutral on the matter.

    Opinion My opinion is if shes not guilty in the first place then she has somebody out for her or so have enemies. Other than that why is she being charged if she so called is guilty. Sometimes things just don't make sense.

    Connection I chose this article because its a political topic that's happening close to where I am and i thought it was relevant to me.

  44. Source:
    Article Title: Senate rejects attempt to derail Iran in victory for Obama
    Article Date: Sept. 10, 2015
    Who: Barack Obama, Republican and Democratic senates
    Where: Iran, Washington D.C.
    When: Sept 8- Sept 18

    After years of fighting with Iran, the House of Representatives, but mainly Republicans, rejects Obama's deal the sign an agreement with Iran to receive nuclear bomb equipment. Democrats want to be able to bring peace, while republicans think that its 'The calm before the storm. If Obama decides to go trough with the deal, he will be sued by the government. This is relevant because we have been fighting with majority of the Middle East. If we can make a deal with Iran, it will be a step closer to fixing our relationships with the rest of that area. Even if there is still tension between the United States and the Middle East, The political nation would help us with the rest of the nations that we have a problem.

    In this need of trust throughout the world, we need to start with our worst enemy. With the Republicans known as the Conservative people in my mind, it wasn't a surprise to me that they would reject the deal Obama decided to make. I think that in the future, people who are against Obama would see that trying to make a deal with Iran wouldn't be so bad, even for the fact that most of his ideas went through perfectly. The reason I choose this topic because the names Iran and Obama have been in the news together for quite some time, its refreshing to hear that Obama is trying to come up with a compromise for the first time in the long time.

  45. Source: Source:
    Article Title: Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date:Fri September 18, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington
    When:2011- 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump didn't try to press the anti-Muslim questions based off the fact that a Muslim can't be the president.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he is running to be in office in 2016, so therefore, them pressing those issues are really good so we can know now.
    Reaction: I think that people need to especially that he is running for president. So if there are things that we need to know then we need to get it out of him now. Also, Trump dodges a lot of problems so if there are things we should know we should find out now rather than later.
    Opinion: I think that people should really pay attention to trump because he needs to explain things in weird ways than he really should. He should also be pressed to answer questions rather than dodging the things that he needs to really be answering.
    Connection: I chose this article because Donald Trump is always dodging the important things that go on in this country and feels as though he will be elected and will be a very good president and he isn't even answering the important questions that we need answered. I think that he doesn't actually know howto be president he just wants to flash his money around and say that he has being a president under his belt and he now has more money than almost everyone he beat to get to the top. he should also be eliminated. Or even be beaten. He just shouldn't be elected president. That's just what I think.

    Kiarra Coleman

  46. Source:

    Article Title:Should the Government top off low-wage paychecks?
    Article Date: September 4, 2015
    Who: Government and Low-wage workers
    What happened:Ever since a senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute suggested that the wages low-wage workers receive should be subsidized, the government has been considering the change. The change in minimum wage would have a positive affect on those who are working paycheck to paycheck. The increase in minimum wage would encourage those who get paid low wages to work more hours. Although these actions may benefit those who receive minimum wage, it will also increase the amount taxpayers pay. You may also have to consider those who are working two jobs or those who are self employed. This event is very relevant to our community because many people are working jobs who pay low minimum wages. I feel very happy that the government is considering subsidizing the wages. It will also beneifit me because I'm working a part-time job. I think they should definitely follow through with subsidizing the wages.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. Subsidizing the wages will also encourage teenagers like my self to try to find a job.

    North Korea Threatens the U.S. With Its Nuclear Program
    SEPTEMBER 15, 2015
    North Korea is threatening the U.S with its nuclear program. North Korea’s nuclear reactor was shut down in 2007. It is said to be rearranged and began it’s normal operations. The article states “North Korea said “it will use its “steadily improved” nuclear program against the United States at “any time,”’(KRISHNADEV CALAMUR ). This event is relevant because it is a threat to America and the American people. North Korea has been a threat to the U.S for a long time now. I feel this comment made by North Korea should not be taken lightly at all. Not only has their nuclear program been voted to shut down by other world powers, but They opened back up again without permission. I connect this with WW2 when Germany rebuilt their army after the allied powers instructed them not to. This small treat could lead to something more.

    Current event by: Kadrisse Mcintosh

  48. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
    Article Date: 9/18/15
    Who: Donald Trump, Campaign reporter
    Where: Washington
    When: 9/18/15
    What happened: During a questioning at the town hall during a debate Trump was asked a very disturbing question by a anti-Muslim. In the article the reporter said that the Campaign reporter said, "We have a problem in this country, its called Muslims"(Schleifer 1). Immediately Trump didn't reply to the question causing huge backlash by many people. This hasn't been Tump's first time in a situation like this. He also challenged Obama by not believing he was a Christian.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is a very serious topic and issue to discuss. Especially if this man is running for our president. It also shows how stereotypes towards Muslims are still being held.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am not surprised to hear something like this about Trump. This isn't his first time being very against Muslims and its sad to see that this man is running for president for our country.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Trump should forget about his campaign. To not even acknowledge a question like that is very serious. I would like to see Trump not win the President race due to his crazy actions throughout this campaign.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This is a popular topic in the national news because this is the president debate. The president is the leader of our country. I wouldn't think people would want to stand by a man who isn't equal too all he has really showed his true colors today

  49. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Citing 'tough odds,' O'Malley brings presidential bid to Point Breeze
    Article Date: September 12, 2015
    Who: Martin O'Malley, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton
    Where: American Sardine Bar in Point Breeze.
    When: Thursday, September 10, 2015
    What happened: This article is for the most part, speaking on exactly what O’Malley has been doing in his race of the presidential bid. Giving insight on his speech to the crowd.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it speaks on the, Democratic nomination contest. Which is a focal point in the race for president. I infer that the Democratic nomination contest is to choose who will branch out from the rest of the democrats to represent them as a whole in the final race.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to O’Malley is for the most part that he comes off as a bit of a gloater to me. Not only going down the long list of his accomplishments but as well as doing ‘the most’. Closing out his speech playing a set of Irish pub songs with his former band, the Hooligans. Who had one of their earliest gigs at the now-closed Finnigan's Wake in Northern Liberties.
    Opinion (I think..):In my opinion I feel as though O’Malley is a smart man indeed but does not exactly give his opinion on things, only stating things about himself.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I wished to follow the race for presidency through further research.

  50. ce:
    Article Title: For Carly Fiorina, money hasn't yet followed the hype
    This involved Carly Fiorina dealing with matters in Florida. This happened this past summer. Because she was the breakout star in CNN's Republican debate on Wednesday, Carly Fiorina should be one of the best fundraisers in the Republican field. It is relevant because it was brought up in the republican debate this week. My reaction was I am not surprised at all; referring back to the republican debate she was very interesting when she discussed how she was going to help budget America's funds. I think she should've been radically more funded than she was based on this passage and the republican debate. I chose this article for many reasons. One is because we just watch a video on the debate. Another reason is because it involvesa new candidate that i am interested in. Finally this topic is fun to learn about.

  51. Source:
    Article Title:Occupy Philadelphia protester sues for records of goverment spying
    Article Date:Thursday, September 10,2015, 5:18 PM
    Who:Lawyers, National Security Agency, CIA, Dustin Slaughter
    What happened:Like New York had Occupy Wall Street, Philadelphia held there own in 2011. They held sit-ins to protest how major companies were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.Many people took to the streets to protest. Recently lawyers from the group (Occupy Philadelphia) have sued the CIA and NSA for any spying the agencies have done.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because many people today are struggling to make ends meet, while others lolly-gag and flaunt their money. This is unfair to the hardworking blue collared worker.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am appalled by these actions. The government is made to help not hinder. Actions like this make people distrust the government and their plans. And spying on our citizens makes them look even worst. The government must do better if they want support
    Opinion (I think..) I think we have the right to know if the government was spying on the protesters, it's apart of our rights.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I picked this article because it happen in my home city. I am concerned about the future of Philadelphia because this is where I was born and raised

  52. Jayla Lynn September 18,2015

    Article Title: Grand Jury Could Get SANDRA BLAND CASE NEXT MONTH
    Article Date:Wednesday ,September 16, 2015
    Who: Sandra Bland, Assistant Attorney General Seth Byron Denns,U.S. District Judge David Hittner,Waller County and two jail employees.
    Where:Houston, Texas
    When: two months ago

    What Happened:

    A woman name Sandra Bland was pulled over in Texas, for a traffic stop.At first she was refusing to get out the car because she felt like she didn't do anything. When videos was released of the officer pulled her over. She was screaming and telling the officer your hurting me. The officer completely ignored her, she was arrested. She sent three days in jail, and on the third day she was found dead. The Texas police says she hung herself with a back trash bag. But with the evidence that was released it looks like someone killed her. The jury ruled her death as a homicide.

    Why is this event relevant?

    This event is relevant because so many situations had happen over the last passed year. That had to do with people deaths and police officers evolve in their death. Something should be done.


    .I feel this situation is very upsetting to see/ hear about. Another African American young woman has lost her life over something that could have been handle and that would have been it. Its a shame how this happen, she was so glad that she couldn't wait to go to court for her trail about her getting stop about a traffic stop. There's no way she did it. Just another African American getting to off this earth at a young age to soon.


    I am very interested in this topic for several reasons, Such as; one violence's is out of control not even just in Philadelphia, its everywhere. Another reason is police out here are abusing their power, and breaking the rules and due to their lost their lives. We as American must make a change and it all starts with us, things like this should be happening form people that are suppose to protect us. If we are scared of the police, who do we call when we need help? that's how people bring out guns and more violence occur. We as a nation need to come together as one, and not against each other.


  53. Source:
    Article Title:CNN Debate Was More Like A Political Circus
    Article Date:SEPTEMBER 17, 2015
    Who: Republican Runner of The Presidential Debate
    When: September 16th, 2015
    What happened:Donald Trump started arguing with the other debaters which caused the debate to become mostly a comedy in my opinion. Also he criticized Jeb Bush (another canidate) on his ideas of what he would do with Russia's issues.
    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant in my case because of my age. I realize I'm becoming 18 soon so i will start being on my own and have to eventually start paying attention to actual life. And people such as the politicians that were on the stand are talking about changing some peoples way of life.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings were anger because of what they were talking about. For example, When they talked about what Obama did was "wrong" when he pulled back from the war. He was was smart because he didn't want to put his country in jeopardy of getting attacked by Iran and more importantly ISIS.
    Opinion (I think..): I believe that even if trump gets elected then we will have hard times dealing with bills and money in general. Most adults are on budgets already and for him and any other politician to take away more taxes is completely disrespectful.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I choses this article because I could relate to it. In the article it stated the comments they made on what they would do for the country and I disagreed with what they were saying. So therefore I knew I could put my input on the article in my current events paragraph.

    -Whales Robinson 5th period

  54. Source:
    Article Title:Occupy Philadelphia protester sues for records of goverment spying
    Article Date:Thursday, September 10,2015, 5:18 PM
    Who:Lawyers, National Security Agency, CIA, Dustin Slaughter
    What happened:Like New York had Occupy Wall Street, Philadelphia held there own in 2011. They held sit-ins to protest how major companies were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.Many people took to the streets to protest. Recently lawyers from the group (Occupy Philadelphia) have sued the CIA and NSA for any spying the agencies have done.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because many people today are struggling to make ends meet, while others lolly-gag and flaunt their money. This is unfair to the hardworking blue collared worker.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am appalled by these actions. The government is made to help not hinder. Actions like this make people distrust the government and their plans. And spying on our citizens makes them look even worst. The government must do better if they want support
    Opinion (I think..) I think we have the right to know if the government was spying on the protesters, it's apart of our rights.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I picked this article because it happen in my home city. I am concerned about the future of Philadelphia because this is where I was born and raised

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Source:
    Article Title:14 Year old Ahmed Mohamed arrested for bringing homemade clock to school
    Article Date: September 16, 2015
    Who: Ahmed Mohamed
    Where:A high school in Texas
    When:September 14, 2015
    What happened: Ahmed Mohamed made a handmade clock on Sunday. He brought it to school the next day for his classwork. However, he was taken out by police officers and interrogated when the teachers thought it looked like a bomb. Ahmed was then arrested for making a "hoax bomb".
    Why this event is relevant: I find this article relevant because it's related to our recent racial issues. His race is speculated to be a common "terrorist" race. It was unfair and racist that the school automatically assumed it was a bomb or "fake bomb". It was rather disturbing how quick people were to judge Ahmed for a clock that wasn't even meant to be a bomb in the first place. If he said it was a homemade clock then that's the end of the story. This shows how insecure and ignorant our society is around other races sometimes to the point that we don't trust them and we need to change that soon. He was treated unfairly as a citizen because of his race and we as a society need to fix that. If we can't trust a different race then how can we even trust our society?! Many similar racial issues happened recently as well and this another case. Hopefully all this will be resolved soon enough.
    Reaction: I am absolutely furious at this article. The action to arrest the kid for no reason was ridiculous and unreasonable. Articles like these are examples of how I sometimes lose faith in our Police Force and even the government. It must have been terrible for the kid to experience this and I hope he transfers schools soon because obviously it sounds like he wasn't even welcomed there.
    Opinion: I think that the school shouldn't have taken all that drastic action. They were obviously overreacting and that wasn't fair for Ahmed. All he did was bring in a clock that was handmade, possibly for a school assignment and to have it brought in, then being suspected as a terrorist?! Completely unacceptable and ludicrous!
    Connection: I chose this article because a favorite youtuber of mine was talking about this issue during the week and it got me very interested. I can also somewhat feel that this is relatable to me in a way because I know how it feels to be alienated or prejudiced before.

  57. Greg Andrews
    Iran Deal Debate Delayed as Talk of Secret Deals Divides G.O.P.
    9-9-2015 International

    Republicans, Peter Roskam and Mike Pompeo was involved.
    It takes place in Washington.
    This event is currently taking place.

    My article is about the Republicans that are trying to fight to get a deal done with Iran. The Republicans seems to be having a hard time to get anything done. The International Atomic Energy Agency are making side agreements with Iran so the problem could finally be resolved. The deal is to let countries part of the world powers monitor Iran nuclear program.
    This event is relevant to the world because we will never know what goes through the minds of the Iranian leaders. They could be plotting to do anything. I feel as though the U.S. needs to hurry and begin to strike a deal with Iran. No one knows what conversations the leaders are having but people lives may be or may be not in danger. I think that Iran needs to stop being stubborn and trust the U.S. and other countries that are taking part in this matter. I think this is important. It attracts me because we see and read what’s going on behind the scenes. This is being talked about internationally.

  58. Abubaker Abdurahman
    Muslim Teen Ahmed Mohamed creates,clock,shows teachers and gets arrested
    September 16,2015 Stae

    Ahmed Mohammad,his teacher and police were involved
    It took place in Texas.This evented happened on a Monday.

    A teenager boy had a dream of being a engineer.He tried ti impress his teacher by showing him that he can build a clock.The teacher thought it was a bomb and reported it to the police.He got arrested that same day but was released once the police found out it was only a clock.
    This event is relevant to the world because it shows how society feels about certain religions.The boy that was arrested was muslim.Him being muslim had something to do with them thinking it was a bomb.If he was not muslim they would have probably praised him for making a clock instead of assuming this muslim was building a bomb.In my opinion i am disgusted in what happened.This boy who was arrested because he wanted to make his dream of becoming an engineer a reality.It shows what type of society we live in and how we still are flawed and have ways to go in order to fix out problems.The reason i chose this article is because i dont think news that pertain to muslim being treated this way is shown enough on the news.I could also relate to his because i am muslim as well and things like this could happen to anyone but its a shame it happened to a smart 14 year old tying to make something of himself.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Jayla Lynn
    Article title:Trump University fraud claims follow Donald Trump on campaign trail.
    Article date: Wednesday Septemb
    Who involved:Donald Trump 30, 2015
    When did this event happen? California
    What happen?
    This man once said " There will be so much winning when i'm president" this man is Donald trump. Yes he is receiving three lawsuits due to his "Fraud Claim" on his university

    1. Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because in his going to be our President, we need to know we can relie on him and he wont get our on us. Like action do speak louder than words. and right now Doanld Trump is all talk and he should learn to stand by his word, and he wouldnt be getting lawsuits.
      Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)i feel mad because money don't grow on trees. This students pick his University thinking that its good, and paying their money and not give getting their money worth. He should be a shame, and this look bad on him, especially because his running for President.
      Opinion (I think..) I think Donald trump is full of it. He dont deserve to be president and he shouldnt treat people like that. If that was me and i wne too his college and i didnt learn anything, I would have gave hima lawsuit too, if thats was me, that is not fair at all. He should think about what how this could interfer about him running.
      Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article becasue it was really interesting.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Source:
    Article Title:Chris Harper Mercer, Oregon Gunman, Is Recalled as a Recluse Close to His Mother
    Article Date:OCT. 2, 2015
    Who: Chris Harper and his mother
    Where: Oregon
    When: Today OCT. 2, 2015
    What happened: Chris Mercer murdered his mother due to the fact she didn't want him to go to a school out of state so she could be close to him if something happened.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relaevent because it is shocking people everywhere. Also because some people think that he should just be set free. Others feel as though he should be thrown under the jail for the things that he did to his mother.
    Reaction: I felt as though he had no reason to kill his mother and he should have just taken her suggestion. She was just trying to be a good mother to him. I believe she would have let him leave if he wanted to.
    Opinion: I think that he was being to hard on her. Mostly because that was his mother. I could not imagine loosing my mother over something like college. But he also could have a mental issue and that's why he did it.
    Connection: I chose this article because people everywhere are talking about it. Also more people should know about this situation. People should take this more seriously than they are now.
