Saturday, September 26, 2015

2nd period, 9/28-10/2

Due by 3:30 pm on10/2

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Man who commutes to work on foot brought to tears by Roeland Park officers good deed.
    This article was published on September 25, 2015 and this is a national topic. This article involves a man named Samuel Meixueiro and a officer named Zach Stamper in Kansas City in the last week. Meixueiro announced that sometimes he has to sleep outside because he wants to keep his job. He admits he has a rough past that led him to losing his home and under the circumstances, he has to walk a 5-6 hour distance to work everyday. Meixueiro got the cops called on him while in a park because of suspicion. Instead of taking a more aggressive approach with Samuel, Officer Stamper treated him like a friend as Meixuerio explained his story. Feeling sympathetic the officer drove him to work and bought him a bike to travel on, this brightened both of there days. This event is relevant because there have been a lot of murders committed by the cops leaving a negative view on them, causing citizens to not feel safe like they should but threatened and uneased by them. This article shows there is still dependable cops out there that actually take pride in what they do and provides little hope towards cops.
    Honestly, I feel very distant towards the cops. If I get too close I might get accused of something that weren't in my intentions nor actions so I rather stay away. I'm not scared of them I just don't feel comfortable when they are around. Although, I think this article creates some happiness because a good deed was done by a cop and got enough recognition to be published in an article showing that some people do care about good cops going unnoticed. I chose this article because Philadelphia is losing hope in protection and safety and this article is a breath of fresh air.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:The title of this article is "Poll: Ben Carson, Donald Trump run neck-and-neck."

    Article Date:The date that this article was published on was September 27,2015.

    Who:The people mainly involved in this article are Ben Carson and Donald Trump.

    Where:This article took place in Washington,D.C.

    When:This event took place on dates September 20-24, 2015.

    What happened:What happened in this event was it explained to us how close Trump and Carson are in the polls. It also showed where the other candidates are in the poll.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the next election date is coming up and this article helps those who will be able to vote come November.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was people must really like what Trump is saying because he 21% in the polls and Carson is 20% in the polls.

    Opinion:I think this is very helpful for the people that can vote. I say that because they can see whats going on in the polls and see everyone running against each other totals as well.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because it gives us an update on whats going on in the polls.

    Article date:2years ago.
    Who:mayors and the voters
    Where:Boston,New York City,Seattle and several other large cities.
    When:several years ago
    What happened:Voters in Boston,New York City,Seattle and several other large cities elected a new group of liberal mayors.It was the same year when President Obama gave a speech on economic mobility which he said "the defining challenge of our time".
    Why this even is relevant:It makes companies raise wages and that will help people get some more money.
    Reaction:I think it's good for people for this wages.
    Opinion:I think the speech that the president made was good.
    Connection:The title captured my attention.

  4. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: organ shooting at Umpqua college leaves many dead
    Article Date: This article was published on October 1 2015.
    Who: A 20 year old man
    Where: The shooting occurred at Umpqua Community College, which has about 3,000 students, in a rural community.
    When: October 1,2015
    What happened: A 20 year old man went ton shooting rampage in Roseburg on the Umpqua college campus, killing 13 victims and injuring to least 20.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there has been multiple genocide killings in the united states.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings to this article are that schools and the government need to go out for their way to protect students. Not only college students but everyone and make sure that guns don't get into the hands of the wrong person.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that colleges all around the united states should make sure that there is enough police and security so that their students are safe and protected.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it reminded me of a book I read in 9th grade called Never Fall Down. This book was about a boy that witnessed genocide killings in his country. And this also reminds me of the theater shooting that happened a couple years ago.

  5. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title: The title of this article is, FBI Director Confirming Inquiry Into Clinton Email Setup.

    Article Date: This article was posted on October 1st, 2015.

    Who: The people involved in this article is Hillary Clinton and the FBI Director.

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: This event has been in occurrence for the last few months

    What happened: Hillary Clinton has allegations against her stating that she was sending out and receiving classified emails.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because many politicians out there are trying anything to be heard, or to get a voice. Once they get the publicity they need, it may not always work in their favor because of things like this.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though if Clinton actually did do this, she should be honest about it. One, she is running to be our president, so if she denies allegations like this, what else would she like about?

    Opinion (I think..) I think Clinton should keep it real with us and come out with the truth. The FBI says that he has the evidence to back it up, so its up to Clinton to accept the fact that she has done this horrible thing and ask for forgiveness. Honesty is key.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because many people may not have heard about this story. I also feel like it is important because these are serious allegations, and she running to be our president. Think about it..

    1. She has been honest about it and turned over every email. However, she can't speak about most of the content because it deals with national security. We will likely not know the details due to the information being classified.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Virgina teen behind pro-ISIS Twitter account sentenced to 11 years

    Article Date: August 28th 2015

    Who: The people that was involved were Ali Shukir Amin, U.S Attorney Boente, John Carlin and James Comey.

    Where: This happened in Virgina , USA

    When: August 28th 2015

    What Happened: 17 year old Ali Shukir Amin got arrested on Friday August 28th 2015 with and 11 year sentence. He made a Twitter page that supports the ISIS. He also helped one of his friends to travel to Syria to join the terrorist group.

    Why is this relevant?: This is relevant because this is dealing with the world's most dangerous terrorist group. Also propaganda has lead this teen to support them.

    Reaction: I think this is crazy. To see young people follow after the wrong thing makes me feel sad because this world is already crazy and to manipulate a young person mind is wrong.

    Opinion: I think they did the right thing to arrest him because they don't know what he is capable of. He can end up doing a terrorist attack somewhere.

    Connection: I picked this article because it really stood out to me and I can relate to this because when we are young, it's easy for people to manipulate us and make us believe in the wrong stuff.

  7. Source: The source of this article is

    Article Title: The title of the article is Poll: Donald Trump up 10 points over Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina.

    Article Date: The article date is Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

    Who: The people involved in the article are Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Florina, and many other people running for president in the Republican party.

    Where: This took place in Washington, D.C.

    When: This event took place over the last couple of days between September 24-28, 2015.

    What happened: In the article, Donald Trump is surpassing some of his other competitors in the election. He is passing competitors like Ben Carson, Carly Florina, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is about the 2016 Presidential Election so it's very important that we know the status of each candidate.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): When I first read this article, it kind of shocked me. I was shocked because I didn't know that many people liked him and are willing to vote for him.

    Opinion (I think..) This scares me because I don't think that Donald Trump is fit to be our President. I think this because in my opinion, he's rude and I don't think he can solve many problems for this country.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it's very relevant in today's news and I wanted to express my opinion on this topic.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Obama: Our thoughts and prayers see not enough

    Article Date: October 1, 2015

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: Brady Press Briefing Room , 91st the White House

    When: October 1, 2015

    What happened: There was a shooting at the Unpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. Obama talked about stopping him violence and enhanced in background check, assult weapons banned and mental health programs. Obama also talked about how other countries have mental health issues but not the kind of fun violence in the United States.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people dying from gun violence are increasing everyday.

    Reactions: I am shocked because the twenty year old killed at least ten people at the Community College. I was even more surprised about the shootings that happened at the Ellenentary School in Newton, Comm and the killings at the church in Charleston, A.c..

    Opinion: My opinion based on this event is that people with mental health issues should not have rights to register a gun. I believe that all people who try should have a background check.

    Connection: This event connects to all gun violence that are happening, which is in need for improvement. Instead of gun violence increasing, we need to be trying to help decrease it.


  10. Source:

    Article Title: Trump Reverses Himself on Accepting Syrian Migrants

    Article Date: 10/1/15

    Who: Mark Murray

    Where: New Hampshire

    When: Wednesday September 31, 2015

    What happened: Donald Trump made the statement that all Syrian migrants are going back because they could be apart of ISIS. Which was reverse from his original statement in the begging of September about helping the Syrian immigrants by letting them come here.

    Why: This event is relevant, because it is an issue going on today. Trumps opinion is somewhat understandable. It would be very risky to take in a lot of Syrian migrants all at 1 time. But also he should take into consideration the fact they might just be trying to get away from the commotion themselves. In this situation whichever decision you make, its going to effect a large group of people.

    Reaction: I feel like this is a debatable topic because its the type of thing that can really go both ways. Like if they do decide to say no Syrians can migrate over here, then a lot of innocent Syrians are being penalized for 1 large group of people and to me that's not fair. But if you do let them come and the ISIS group expands while here and they attempt to attack while here while on U.S soil the we as a community are going pay the price.

    Opinion: I think if anything they should have a very thorough background search on all Syrian Immigrants. It might be very time consuming, but will most likely pay off in the long run. This way both sides get what they want and everyone remains safe.

    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. I'm used to automatically not being able to agree with Donald Trump, but this time I can somewhat agree with him. I can understand where he was coming from on somewhat of a level.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Obama Condemns ‘Routine’ of Mass Shootings, Says U.S. Has Become Numb

    Article Date:
    OCTOBER 1, 2015

    Where: The president delivered remarks from the White House after a gunman opened fire at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.
    When: The tragic shooting happend Thursday night on October 1, 2015.

    What happened: President Obama’s rage about gun massacres, building for years, spilled out Thursday night. As he acknowledged his own powerlessness to prevent another tragedy and pleaded with voters to force change themselves.10 people were tragically killed on Thursday night.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its starting to spark up another gun violence debate.

    Reaction: When I first head about the shooting I was thinking about the debate.

    Opinion: I think this will reopen a debate that occured a while ago.

    Connection: I chose this article because gun violence just keep occurring and nothing is happening.

  12. Lewone SimonOctober 1, 2015 at 3:11 PM
    Source: (
    Article title: orgon shooting
    Article date: October 1,2015
    Who: this article was about people at a college that had a shooting
    Where: umpqua community college
    When: October 1,2015
    What happen: police got a call saying there was someone in the school with a gun poluce rushed over to the school and when they got there it was a shooting at umpqua community college. There was 10 people dead and 20 were injured.
    Why was this event relevant: this event was relevant because it happen at a school and I go to a school so it was important to me this also is relevant because this happened outside of school. anything can happen you never know what might happen at any time.

    Reaction:what was this man thinking when he went in the school and shot up all those people ? I think this man should get the death penalty because it's a shame how you just going to a school and kill a bunch of people when those people didn't do anything. I also think that they need to get the people some type of counseling so they can get better they won't be messed up for the rest of their life. I think this is a shame.
    Opinion: Margot pain is that this message get the death penalty because he took of the people lives with no apparent reason I think you get what you deserve he also need to think about what he did he shouldn't you shouldn't have never made that dumb mistake. Still want to know what was the point of all of this why should u take other people's lives for something dumb this is why people my age don't live long.
    Connection: the reason why me such a good connection with this article because people lost their lives over something that was dumb and something for no reason this happen all the time young people losing their lives for nothing. It also talks about violence and what happen around us. This also talks about everyday life you never know what might happen you can be here today and gone tomorrow.

  13. Rand Paul Campaign: Around $2.5 million raised in 3rd quarter

    This article was written on October 1, 2015. The people that were involved were Sen. Rand Paul, Communications Director Sergio Gor and Ben Carson. It took place in Nevada during the 15-16 campaign. This article was about the money that the candidates are bringing in to support their country. People like Rand Paul are raising millions of dollars and also bringing in their own. This article is relevant because it shows the country what the candidates are doing to support them and make a change in todays society. When I read that Sen Rand Paul raised over 2 million dollars my jaw dropped. I was so shocked that someone cared so much money to support us. I think that someone who does all of this would make a good president but there's so much more to that. I am interested in this topic because I never really pay attention to politics and this fight to be the next president seems very interesting and eye catching. I still haven't paid much attention but what I've heard makes me want to learn more.


  14. Source:

    Article Title: Obama says response to shootings has become too routine in wake of Oregon college shooting.
    Article Date: Thursday September 1, 2015
    Who: President Obama, associated press
    Where: The President spoke about the tragedy in the White House
    When: Thursday September 1, 2015
    What happened: The president spoke in the White House about the mass murder in Umpqua Community College in southwestern Oregon. The shooter was a 20 year old gunman who killed at least 10 people. President Obama was clearly upset about the problem and says that Americans thoughts and prayers are not enough. And he also mentions that who ever will be elected to be the next President should be someone who will do something to keep this from happening again. Obama thinks that it shouldn't be that easy for someone to get a gun. However, in 2012, He has tried to put a law against that but it didn't pass through.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is making more people worried about going to certain places. It also is relevant because there are a lot of people getting guns for "protection" but not many people know how to use them.
    Reaction: My feelings towards this is the same as the Presidents. I say this because every time there is a mass shooting it seems like nobody is doing anything about it to stop it.
    Opinion: I think that the President is right about saying that who ever is going to be elected to be the next president should be someone who care about this kind of tuff and is willing to do something about it . Because if they don't care then this will keep happening.
    Connection: I chose this article because gun violence is a big deal and it should be looked over. I also think that it should be a law passed that the only way you can get a gun is if you have a license and give a reason why you are getting the gun.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Hillar Clinton Camp Is Making Moves to Check Joe Biden.
    Article Date:SEPT. 30, 2015
    Who:Hillary Clinton
    Where: Democratic National Committee Convention
    When: Septembre 26
    What happened:Hillary Clinton’s campaign, increasingly worried about the threat of a challenge from Vice President Joe Biden., is making a sudden and urgent effort to throw roadblocks into his path.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because two head people are going head to head in this compitition of being our president. It's very important for our country to know what leader we would be having and how they are.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I honestly feel overwhelmed by all the debates and things they have to go through in order to get where they want to be. But I understand why they are fighting so hard. I also feel like they should be concern only the people of the country and not this so called fight going on between them.
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because i wanted t know more about the people who are about to run this country and about who they are.

  16. Devon Johnson

    Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Obama’s remarks about mass shooting at Oregon community college

    Article Date: October 1

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: White House

    When: August 27

    What happened: Barack Obama was frustrated and emotional on his remarks on the deadly shooting at a community college in Oregon.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because violence in our country has been a major problem regarding losing lives.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I think this situation is very confusing and tragic. We shouldn't be killing our own kind.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that this situation effects a lot of people. It effects lives of many people and it kills our country's pride. We shouldn't be destroying our own people.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because many people in my city are killed everyday. My city is effect by a lot violence and it destroys neighborhood, buildings,and our culture.Our city needs more violence and is greater than that


  17. Raphael Hall.

    Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Oregon college Shooting

    Article Date:October 1, 2015

    Who: A person went into the school and asked the students about there religon
    and started shot 10 students it was a Massacre. The unidentified man had 10 guns. Luckely the gun man was shot by the police. The families are shocked that they lost loved ones in their life. The gun man pull the trigger on the innocent people based on there Religon. He was a young man with full of shame and hate.
    Everyone at the school was panicking. The students thought their was something that dropped or an explosion occurred.

    Where: This happened at Oregon university earlier yesterday news

    1. Missing web address
      Post does not meet length requirement

  18. Source:The source of this article is

    Article Title: The title of the article is Hillary Clinton campaign spends nearly 90% of money raised.

    Article Date: The date of this article is Friday, October 2, 2015.

    Who:This event included Hillary Clinton.

    Where: This event occurred in Boston, Massachusetts.

    When: This event happened over the last three months.

    What happened: During this event, Hillary Clinton spent over 90% of the money that her campaign raised. She is spending money on aides and air time for campaign ads.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Hillary Clinton is running to be our president and if she wins we need to know what she will spend our money on.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This article makes me feel unsure of my feelings toward Clinton because she has good qualities but she also has not so good qualities.

    Opinion (I think..): This makes me feel a little scared because if she already spent 90% of the money that her campaign raised, it makes me think how fast will she spend America's money and what will she spend it on?

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because this could be our future president and we need to know these important things about her.
