Wednesday, September 9, 2015

1st period, Week of 9/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/18

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. SirCarr J.
    Reforming Public Pensions

  7. Source:

    Article Title:White House Campaign Urges Legal Immigrants to Become (Voting) Citizens

    Article Date: September, 17, 2015

    Who:Judith Escobar, Fernando Valenzuela, President Obama, Donald Trump, Alfonso Aguliar

    Where United States

    When: September, 17, 2015

    What happened:White House officials want legal immigrants to vote for next years election. They feel as though the more people that help vote, the more change can be made.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the election is coming up and they want the right person to be in office and not just anyone.

    Reaction: Towards this article i feel as though this is good because the more legal immigrants the better it will be because someone who is worthy can get into office. It may not seem like much but every votes counts and if you can get the right person in office, do that and make a change for our country.

    Opinion: I think that more legal immigrants should vote because their vote can make a change and put someone who belongs in office there. A lot of times wrong people get into office and people complain but if you give your vote you can make a change and put someone right in. Every vote counts and anyone can make a change as long as they give their vote.

    Connection: This is a popular topic in the national news because this is election season and were starting to see who will be our president in the next year. Also we are seeing who really is for the people and who just wants to get into power, so people are seeing who should they vote for to get into office.

    1. I love what you've written for your opinion. As we go through this year, begin to think about how could we, as a nation, increase voter turnout?

  8. Source:

    Article Title:U.S. to Announce Loosening of Business and Travel Restrictions on Cuba

    Article Date:September 17, 2015

    Who:The U.S , Cuba , Obama , Raul Castro , Pope Francis

    Where: U.S and Cuba

    When:September 17, 2015

    What happened: The U.S and President Obama are starting to do business and travel with Cuba again. Obama is loosing up restrictions on business and travel in Cuba because he wants it to be more business opportunities over there.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Obama is trying to re-establish ties between the U.S and Cuba. Its also relevant because it can open up more possibilities for business companies and ships to go in Cuba.

    Reaction : I feel good about this because its good for the U.S to have good relations with other countries because we will never know when we might need them. I also feel good about this because it gives the U.S a chance to give Cuban citizens jobs.

    Opinion : I think this is a good idea because this could possibly make the U.S some money. It also strengthens their relationship with Cuba and makes it easier for us to go into Cuba.

    Connection: I choose this article because its important to know whats going on within my country. This is popular in national news because the U.S and Cuba had not been traveling and doing business.

    1. Cuba has many goods that US citizens would love to buy. It will help our economies, for sure.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: Syrian army starts using new weapons from Russia - military source
    Article Date: Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:08am EDT
    Who: Syrian Military, Russia, United States, Walid al-Moualem, Bashar al-Assad, Peter Cook, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Josh Earnest, Israel.
    Where: Latakia, Syria
    When: Thursday September 17, 2015
    What Happened: Russia has been supplying Syria with air and ground weapons that has got the United States on notice. It was said that these weapons hit precise targets. The Syrian army has been trained to use these weapons and now they are just deploying them. The foreign minister of Syria has said they stepped up supplies over the recent months and never mentioned no other detail. Al-Moualem also said he wants to go further into asking Russia to fight along side him in the future. The United States and Syria is bombing Islamic states, however it has sparked tension between the U.S and Russia. Due to the bombings, it has caused a curfew in Islamic states in two parts of the city.
    Why is this event Relevant: This event is relevant because this poses a big threat to the United States. As Syria continues to grow and become more powerful, the United States continues to sit back and do nothing about it except bomb other military equipment. .
    Reaction: This is making me very concerned about what lies in the future for the United States and Syria. If Syria continues to grow its military and get more allies on there side, the United States will be in a world of trouble.
    Opinion: I think the United States needs to build some relationships with a lot of countries and also rebuild relationships with old allies. I think if we can make our military stronger and build our relationships with countries, we could pose a huge threat to Russia and Syria.
    Connection: I chose this article because I've been hearing a lot of things about how Syria has been growing and I looked through this article thinking this is something I need to talk about. I do not want to see another big war happen. If one happens, this could be the end of the United States forever.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Hillary Clinton's real troubles may be with moderates, not the left
    Article Date:
    Where:washington, on clition campaign
    When:september 17, 2015
    What happened:Hillary Clinton is running but she is very behind.Hillary Clinton’s poll ratings are free-falling as democratic socialist. She had an interview and states she "she is very confortable and very comfortable." She believe she knew it was already going to be a competitive election and she is prepare for whatever comes her way.Clinton’s campaign says her numbers will bounce back once she has a Republican challenger, which will allow her to draw a clearer contrast
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because not only does it informs us, it lets us know whoever is electing what place they at and how well they doing at the election each day.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i feel as though i dont really know too much about hillary clinton so i wouldnt know if she is going to do good in the election. In my opinion if you are going to run have good facts why and what to make a change.
    Opinion (I think..) I think for the election it should be fair and the person who actually want to help people should win.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because i think this was an interested article and its a good news article to learn about.

    1. This seemed to be a hot topic in the news this weekend, and will be a hot topic until the first Democratic debate on 10/13.

  11. Qaadir Ray


    Article Title: Debate Coach: Trump's Disgraceful Autism Claim

    Article Date: September 17, 2015

    Who: 11 Republican candidates

    Where: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

    When: September 16, 2015

    What happened: It was said that Donald Trump thinks vaccines cause autism. They said that it was the most significant and the most disappointing moment of the evening. The CNN debate moderator, Jake Tapper noted that Trump has repeatedly linked vaccines to autism. Trump spoke about a child that was recently vaccinated and now has autism.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Donald Trump is wrong and there are facts behind it. There are no links between vaccinations and autism.

    Reaction:I'd expect Trump to say something such as this. He didn't provide any facts behind his reasoning. He just mentioned a child that has recently been vaccinated that has autism. I don't think that's enough reasoning. When Trump said his initial statement, that sparked something in a lot of people that caused them to prove him wrong.

    Opinion: I think that before you speak on a topic, you should at least know something about it. Sometimes in that debate, Trump was just talking just to talk he provided little to no background information on the topic.

    Connection: This article stuck out to me because I see Donald Trump to say something of this nature. I also chose this article because I wanted to see some of the reactions of the people.

    1. Love the opinion you shared. There are studies out there that he could have pointed to, but he is clearly not well-versed on the topic.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:Immigrants Fight Texas' Birth Certificate Rules
    Article Date: September 17 (National)
    Who: Donald Trump and the citizens of Texas
    Where:The Republican Debate in Simi Valley, California
    When: Time frame
    What happened: What happened is that during the republican debate Donald Trump assailed illegal immigration. Saying that parents who have came to the US illegally don't have the option to give their children a proper birth certificate. Texas has denied many birth certificates that parents have made more copies of. He doesn't know if they should even be considered American citizens. Texas holds some of the toughest rules, enforcing that countries limit the type of ID's that parents came have in order to make their child a legal citizen. This response goes against the 14th amendment. Other states in the US don't have these type of problems because people in Texas have different believes, many people immigrate there and is right on the border of the ocean. A woman says that the children are not the ones who committed the crime they were. So the ones who should be at fault are the parents.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because Immigrants coming to the US are having trouble finding their place here in America. They want to be able to live a wonderful live and conquer their dreams they couldn't get in the previous country they lived in. The citizens want Texas citizens to follow the 14th amendment.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feeling towards this article is conflicted. I feel as though these people should have the rights to live here in the US. But at the same time the parents were not born here. I am still leaning towards Texas making illegal immigrants citizens more even though the parents weren't born here.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the government should make more stricter rules so they know who is a legal and who isn't a legal citizen. They should enforce these rules and make those illegal citizens apart of america by answering questions and passing some serious tests.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I choose this article because I think this is a very important and recurring topic. We should really think about immigrants more clearly and put more thought into them because they are people who want to have better opportunities and want to be here in America because they love our country.

  13. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Hillary Clinton's real troubles may be with moderates, not the left
    Article Date:september 17 2015
    Who:Hillary clinton
    Where:washington, on clition campaign
    When:september 17, 2015
    What happened:Hillary Clinton is running but she is very behind.Hillary Clinton’s poll ratings are free-falling as democratic socialist. She had an interview and states she "she is very confortable and very comfortable." She believe she knew it was already going to be a competitive election and she is prepare for whatever comes her way.Clinton’s campaign says her numbers will bounce back once she has a Republican challenger, which will allow her to draw a clearer contrast
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because not only does it informs us, it lets us know whoever is electing what place they at and how well they doing at the election each day.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) i feel as though i dont really know too much about hillary clinton so i wouldnt know if she is going to do good in the election. In my opinion if you are going to run have good facts why and what to make a change.
    Opinion (I think..) I think for the election it should be fair and the person who actually want to help people should win.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because i think this was an interested article and its a good news article to learn about.

  14. Paulizar Doe Pd.1

    Title: Joe Biden and aides calling around about presidential 2016 run.

    Article date: Thursday,13 Aug.2015

    Who; Joe Biden

    Where; South Carolina

    What; Joe Biden is thinking about running for president but is not sure if 110% focus. Although Joe Biden has the potential to run for president, he is still distraught about his son death. Joe Biden has not made an decision yet, but he is still paying close attention to the presidential run.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, as we speak, there is an presidential run going on. As a citizen of America its important to know who is running to lead our country and who wants the best for us.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes); I feel as though Biden should run. He may be dealing with personal issues, but I think that he is strong enough to get through it. But, as he said in the article, if his emotions is going to get in the way, it would be best for him not to run.

    Opinion: I think Biden has a lot of experience, and knowledge that would make him a good president, but he should do whats best for him and his family.

    Connection (why you chose this article); I picked this article because I am I fan of Jo Biden and agree with his policies. I am interested in knowing what he is going to do and his current status on the presidential run.

    1. Keep an eye on the news; he has until October to enter the race.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Man at Trump rally calls Obama 'Muslim,' 'not even an American'
    Article Date: 9 hours ago
    Who: A man at the rally; Donald Trump
    Where: New Hampshire
    When: Last Night
    What happened: During Donald Trump's rally in New Hampshire yesterday, a man asks him a question. The man talks about an ongoing problem that he thinks is going on. He says that Muslims are a problem in this country and then adds that our own president is also Muslim. After the man asks the question Trump never corrects him on his point of view. But, during 2012, Trump called for Obama to show his birth certificate and Obama later showed that he is not Muslim nor Middle Eastern. After that, Trump even took credit for it, but, in July of this year when being interviewed with Andrew Cooper, he was asked whether the president was born in the U.S or not, Trump answered" I don't know, I really don't know. I don't know why he wouldn't release his records, but honestly, I don't want to get into it."
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this will affect his strong run in the campaign. It seems that he will lose credit for other races than white since he lied about knowing President Obama's birth certificate.
    Reaction: I feel as though this man is such a terrible candidate. He is such a terrible person. He makes me feel as though he is a racist towards people he thins will be a threat to society even though they now currently contribute to America in a positive way.
    Opinion: I think he should not win for the terrible key points he has brought up and for his lack of answering any important questions and actually speaking the truth for once.
    Connection: I can relate to it since I am not Donald Trump's race. This is a very interesting topic that people must know about. And also, this is a very important topic in national news.

    1. Even with these terrible key points you reference, he is still leading in the polls, although his numbers are down since last week.


  16. Source:
    Article Title:Republicans vow to erase Obama's Record,but such promises are barely kept.
    Article Date:September 25, 2015
    Who:Obama, Carly Fiorina, Senator Lindsey Graham, Scott walker, Ted cruz
    Where:Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
    What happened: All Canidates were gatherd to debate on wensday at the Ronald Reagon Residential library to come up with the affordable care at to erase Obama's record. Senator Lindsey also wants to close the embassy which president Obama recently reopened. What makes them skeptical is that Obama has yet to deliver a 2008 promise to close the military prison at guantanama bay, cuba.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because is things that are happening now and others do have a opinion on it.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My reaction on this is that I don't think its right to erase his record because he should have credit for the things he did do.
    Opinion (I think..)I think.. they shouldn't erase his record even though they may not like the way he did things. I also think that completely changing things he did isn't a great idea. Some of the things he did was beneficial
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because I didn't really know you can erase a presidents record and also I thought it was interesting to read. Articles about Obama seem to catch my eye.


  17. Source:
    Article Title:Winners and losers from last night's debate
    Article Date:SEP 17 2015
    Who:candidates for president
    When: last night
    What happened:the president term is over and the candidates had a debate so the the citizens can hear what the candidates plan to do once they are in office
    Why this event is relevant:this event is relevant because we the people need to know what the candidates plan to do so that they wont put we the people in more dept or danger and that they are looking out for everyone.
    Reaction: when i first read this article i was think that most candidates had good points and stated good ideals on what they will do once he get in office but trump was not and i didnt really feel sure about trump being in the lead
    Opinion: i feel as tho Donald Trump is not the best candidate because i believe that Donald Trump is only trying to look out for him self and he is trying to make himself look good and become know. i feel as tho he dont feel care for all the people
    Connection: how i connect to this article is because i was think about being on a debate team and that debate show me off how the debate is suppose to go and the type of way you are suppose to state you facts

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.
      Also, no name.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:Clinton calls on GOP too avoid government shutdown
    Article Date:September 2015
    Who:Hillary Clinton
    Where:Washington, DC
    What happened:Hilary Clinton speaks on John Boehner and Congressional Republicans to not shut down the government over Planned Parenthood funding.Clinton says the GOP president is stating lies in the debate that occurred on Wednesday night.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because Planned parenthood is for us women health care all around the world and the government needs to continue funding it.
    Reaction: I agree with Hillary because its not right for them just to take women's health care, also there should be regulations on women rights and laws.
    Opinion: I think they shouldn't stop funding for us women care. For me being a young women,I wouldn't have the rights for my health and its not fair at all.
    Connection:I chose this article because I could relate to this article, as me being a young women, and this article targets a specific audience, and more people should speak out on this.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement. For future posts, add more to the "What happened" section.

  19. The article's source is;

    The article's title is, Trump throws more barbs about Fiorina's business record.

    The article's date is, September 18, 2015.

    The article involves Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina and Halyna Sorensen.

    The event takes place in Rochester, New Hampshire at the Republican debate.

    The article was updated on September 18, 2015.

    On the night of the republican debate, Donald Trump continued to call out Carly Fiorina on her political views and business views.

    The event is relevant, because it is talking about current events in the United States and, also future events that will happen in the United States(2016 Presidential Election).

    I feel as though its just crazy as to see how far Donald Trump would go to get elected and win the republican party. He chooses to put Fiorina's business failure in the race to just make her lose the republican party.

    I think its good that Donald Trump informed the world about the business failure on the republican side, especially because she is a running candidate for a 2016 presidential election spot and the world should know that about a president, but Trump should not have spread that in a republican debate, but in a infomercial or press conference.

    I chose this article, because even after all the bad publicity Trump has been receiving, he still runs his mouth in a bad way and talk bad about everyone.

  20. Aniyah Govan
    Article Title: Clinton defends Planned Parenthood after Republican Attacks
    Article Date: September 17, 2015
    Who: Republicans, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Democrats and Carly Fiorina
    Where: Laconia, New Hampshire,
    When: September 17, 2015
    What happened: Republicans and Democrats are having a battle because of funding for Planned Parenthood. Republicans want to shut down and take away federal funding for the organization.The federal funding is not used for abortions. Hillary Clinton wants to keep the organization around because it's not just about abortions. Which the Republicans feel it is.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it affects millions of women throughout the United States. Without Planned Parenthood, women would not get healthcare services, such as screenings for Cancer.
    Reaction: Hillary Clinton feels as though the Republicans are wrong for wanting to shut the organization down. She is upset because women really need it.
    Opinion: I think Hillary is right. Planned Parenthood shouldn't be shut down because they do more than abortions. Women and teen girls need the organization for the screenings, exams and other tests.
    Connection: I was interested in this topic because women need it, especially if they don't have their own primary physician.

    Article Title: Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed creates clock, shows teachers, gets arrested
    Article Date: September 16, 2015
    Who: Ahmed Mohamed, His high school, the police
    When: September 16, 2015
    What Happened: Ahmed Mohamed (A Muslim student) created a clock to show to his teachers at school. When he brought it to school, the teachers called the cops because they feared it was a bomb. The police came and arrested him.
    Why is this event relevant: It is relevant because it shows stereotyping in America. It shows that the only reason the teacher was scared is because he is Muslim. It shows that the only reason he was arrested is because he was Muslim. So it shows the religious profiling in America today.
    Reaction: I am very mad about this. I mad that now its not only racial profiling, but also religious profiling and that is a big cause for concern.
    Opinion: I feel as do the teacher should not react to a clock like that. She did not even check it out, she just assumed it was a weapon because of religious profiling.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel like its a big problem in America today. It is very shocking to see stereotyping religions is still a thing and how they think everyone in a religion is the same just like some people think everyone of one race is the same.

    1. This was handled terribly, but as a teacher, sometimes we need to proceed with extra caution.

  22. Ahmya Hope

    Source: www.http//USA TODAY
    Article Title: General vows action if intelligence distorted to show gains in Iraq, Syria.
    Article Date: September 16, 2015, International
    Who:Gen.Lloyd Austin, top U.S commander, John McCain
    Where: Washington, Middle East
    When: Two days ago
    What happened: The top U.S.commander for operations in the Middle East said he would take appropriate action" if he finds out people under his command held back information, to make people think the U.S. is winning the fight against the Islamic State. The investigation shows that at the U.S. central Command changed records sent to the White House to look better than they really where. Although, the U.S lead airstrikes to help the Iraqi government and Kurdish forces. Take back territory from Islamic States, there was very little progress by Iraqi forces, and didn't have any luck to retake a Ramadi, a Sunni city west of Baghdad. Trying to battle the Islamic state in Syria, has slower progress than the government excepted. The Pentagon has been trying 5,400 fighters for years for a battle.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) The U.S. central command has been hiding information from the U.S commander, and government. They have inflated reports to make the battle in Syria show more progress than it really has been.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the government doesn't even know what is happening in Syria, because other parts of the government are lying to each other. No on really knows what is happening, because there are different parts of the story about the Middle East scattered around, and it is up to the government to pick up the pieces.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because it has a big impact on everyone in the U.S. If certain people in the Middle East attack the U.S, because they don't want there land taking away that is a big problem. When you take away other peoples countries. You also take away there power, and no one wants that to happen. If they really are power -obsessed, and money-hungry.

    1. Great writing! Be sure to include the complete web address that provides a link directly to the article.

  23. source:
    Article Title:Trump Doesn't Challenge Man's Anti-Muslim, False Obama Claims in New Hampshire
    Article Date:September 18, 2015 12:05am
    Donald Trump was at a gym with over 3,000 fans. He declined to correct the first questioner of the night who said President Obama was a Muslim and not a U.S. citizen.The man said, "We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American," "We have training camps growing when they want to kill us. My question: When can we get rid of them?" People have two problem with Donald about how he answer the question. First, he never correct the man about Obama being a Muslim or not.Second, about the training cramps he said they would look into it. This relevant because this leave the nation with many question. Many wanted to know Donald Trump views on this topic. It seem he was not trying to answer the question truthfully. I think it was a difficult for Donald to answer the question, but I think that he should have put more into his answer. I am interested in this topic because I think as a citizen in America i should know what's going on with candidates that's running for president.

  24. Source:
    Article Title: Supreme Court Uphold subsidies for Obamacare
    Article Date:Thursday June 25th, 2015
    Who: Obama, Supreme Court, Chief John Roberts,
    Where: Pennsylvania
    When: June 25th
    What happened: The U.S supreme court is debating on weather they should pose and subside the Obamacare health insurance that millions of Americans signed up for. This case is known as the Affordable Care Act which most likely will be passed and will help many people.Also it is the only comfortable insurance that many people can afford.Also they are trying to make a tax credits act. Many republicans have been known for criticizing this act. Obama also insisted that tax credits will be available to all eligible buyers of the health care insurance. After days went pass the supreme court agreed to this. Now every American and many more can have health care that they can afford. This is really helpful because even some of the less fortunate can afford this health plan.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because many Americans doesn't have the money to pay for other insurances and this is the only insurance that is in their paying range and Obama, as a president is really considering vulnerable help to his people.
    Reaction: i feel as though Obama is doing the right thing and also i am excited to see many people being cared for with their health. At the same time time my attitude was a little angry because i think everyone should've been agreeing with this act.
    Opinion: I think that Obama is the best president we had so far and he is one of the main ones who really love his people and really is trying to care for everyone.
    Connection : I chose this article because it is really interesting to see Obama trying to help people and i know someone who didn't have health insurance and now has the Obamacare. This is also a popular topic in the national news. Many people i know can relate to this topic.

  25. SirCarr J.
    Reforming Public Pensions
    September 17, 2015 .The public of the U.S has a recurring problem of reforming public pensions.Public pensions are in need. Unfunded liabilities threaten to cause bankruptcy in governments.Big cities like Detroit,Michigan and Stockton, California have already entered bankruptcy with pension costs being forms of causes. Some defendants say that the pensions have made an improvement from the great recession.Though analysts say that claims are greatly over exaggerated. They have failed to make calculated standards and have been on a slow decrease.The Government Accounting Standards Board encourages risky behavior .I chose to do this article because its gives a example of how the U.S. constantly loses money and has a declining income. This shows how the major cities can become bankrupt. In conclusion stay tuned to the govt. issues
    site :

  26. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Lawmakers Praise Top Sky Cop For Swiftly Handling Sex Scandal
    Article Date:September 17, 2015
    Who:Federal Air Marshal Service Director Roderick Allison is sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday
    Where:this event happened in Chicago,
    When:Last Thursday
    What happened:Last Thursday federal air marshals allegedly involved in hiring prostitutes while on the job recording on the phone.There was misconduct by June but suspended by mid-July.One of the employee reigned in July the other two are still on indefinite suspension pending the investigation.
    Why this event is relevant:I think its relevant because a lot of prostitution is going on all around the world
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)i think they should give a lot of warnings they don't do that just for fun they are trying to make a life a future.
    Opinion (I think..)i think they shouldn't arrest them i think the federal should think about what they doing that for instead just arrest them.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I have seen a show called cops and this is a major problem especially in LAS VEGAS.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

  27. Source:
    Article Title: Oil rises after Obama says no to crude exports
    Article Date: September 15 2015
    Who: Several West Texas crude oil companies
    Where: West Texas
    When: Tuesday, September 15 2015
    What happened: Texas oil companies plan to export oil abroad, but the white house does not approve of this decision backed by the house of representatives.
    Why this event is relevant: Not only would this decision be beneficial to the economy. It would raise national gas price if oil would be exported instead of used by consumers. Also most commuters travel with vehicles requiring gas.
    Reaction; I feel like the West Texas oil companies should be able too run their companies without interference from the White house.
    Opinion: I think the oil companies should compromise with the white house to sell their product internationally.
    Connection; I think oil is an important resource in the world.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

  28. Sahmeer W.
    Title: Health Care, Economy to Be Top Issues in 2015
    Date: Jan. 2, 2015
    Who: Health Care
    Where: United States
    When: January 2, 2015
    What Happened: Americans in 2014 are stating their top issues in America and and they are voting on what problems they face in America. This event was relevant because a plethora of Americans was worried about the recovery from The Great Recession happening too slowly. Health care, immigration, and unemployment all followed. The United States was lucky that there wasn't a large issue or bad enough to motivate Americans on agreement. In 2015, the concern about government was most likely to decrease and Americans would turn their attention away from President Obama and turn their attention to the new President in 2016. As the economy continues to rise, President Obama continues to use actions to complete his priorities and his popularity rating among the Democrats will increase impressively. 50% of Americans stated the economy was getting more efficient and 45% stated the economy was getting more worse. Referred in the article, immigration will most likely be a problem as Congress continues to argue over Obama's response. My reflection on this article is somewhat confused. I say confused because Obama is currently president now but the issues that comes his way probably puts pressure on him. If he wants to stay president, he'll have to step up and fix the issues that Americans have. I think he should fix those problems and continue as being president of the United States. I am interested in this article because it shows how bad and good of a president Obama is being but it tells what he's doing wrong and there's more that he needs to do to stay president.

  29. Source:
    Article Title: the top 10 legislative issues to watch in 2015
    Article Date:January 2015
    Who:Legislators across the country
    Where:all around the country
    What happened:In this article it talks about the top legislative issues through out the country. The top three to me is, the affordable care act, school testing, and the tax policy. Although this article goes through way more important issues these three stood out the most. These are my top three because it talks about affordable healthcare, school testing(which deals with children in school), and taxing which has been a big issues for everyone for a while now.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant now because it deals with big issues that has been building up for some time now. Also these issues they talk about are sensitive because if these issues doesn't get fixed every one is effects everyone country wide.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

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  33. Dashaun Lovett
    Article:The week in public Finance:shutdown prep we sorta love teachers recession recovery.
    This event happened September 18th,2015.The president of the United States and citizens were involved in this event.This event happened in Chicago.This event happened 2 years ago.Two years ago there were a 2 week shutdown.It closed down national parks and halted federal funds for key human services and education programs like head start.This is important because if Pennsylvania attended the shut down for 2 weeks people wouldn't be able to go to work and make money for their house holds.Also places would be shutdown so maybe people needs wouldn't be being meet.My reaction to this event is its good to have education program and things like that opened because it could people but, it wouldn't help everyone so that could throw people off.My opinion about this event is why do a economic shutdown knowing people aren't really prepared for it.I also think the citizens should be involved in weather or not we should have the shutdown.I choose this article because I thought it was interesting that it happened in Chicago which mean it could also happen in Pennsylvania.

    1. Missing components: source, article date, who, where, when

  34. Source:
    Article Title:Obama warns businesses on cybersecurity threats
    Article Date:Wednesday, September 15 2015
    Who:President Barack Obama
    Where:Washington D.C
    When:September 2015
    What happened:President barack Obama has basically called a meeting to let business owners know that the internet is vulnerable for attackes. He lets them know to be aware that China has gained access to our software. Them but so have criminals gangs and non-state actors.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because the internet is a big thing now a days and people have there lives on the internet.Not only that but, if they can hack our internet they can look at our blueprints for weapons and use them against us.
    Reaction: I feel as though that congress should put a barrier on the internet making it harder for them to have access to our stuff.
    Opinion: In my opinion I think that this is one of the most severest things America had faced.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. Never in history did I think that there were people who were intelligent enough to hack our internet. And it lets me kno that our government and America is nothing compared to these other countries.

  35. This post does not meet the length requirement.
