Wednesday, September 9, 2015

2nd period, Week of 9/18

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/18

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


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    Article Title:Obama Warns Business On Cyber security Threats

    The day the article takes place is on Wednesday September 16th of 2015. It involves people who are high in the government. Such as Barack Obama, the U.S Congress and Trade Ministers. This event took place in Washington D.C while involving other countries around the world. This event is taking place now as we speak working on solving the issue that we are facing (2015). This event is about the danger that people are facing online. President Obama feels as though that the cyber security is basically under attack. He feels as though that we need to take this issue into consideration and perspective. Our president is also working on a trade pact and he needs an approval from the U.S Congress.

    This article is relevant because our president is trying to make the cyber security a safer place to stop the treats on the events and he needs support and approval.I feel as though that Barack Obama truly does care about the people in this country and their safety. If he didn't he wouldn't be working so hard to make a change in the cyber security. I think that there's nothing wrong with the security but if Barack knows that it's being threatened then I'm glad that he's taking the time to fix it's issues.

    I chose this article because I've always been interested to read about Barack Obama but I never really took the time to actually read about him. So, I decided to choose an article that involved him and him making a change. I chose this particular one because it was about something that I never heard about before and I like to lean new things about the government that tend to involve or affect me in the end!

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Net neutrality doesn’t violate Bill of Rights, FCC says
    Article Date: The article was written on September 15, 2015
    Who:The groups involved were the FCC, ISPs and the Supreme Court
    Where: This happened in Washington DC
    When:This has been happening for that past few years
    What happened: FCC is fighting back against ISPs saying that the FCC is hurting their First Amendment rights. The FCC is saying that ISPs First Amendment Rights aren't being infringed on as they are "simply conduits for the speech of others." The FCC has also said “The Supreme Court has repeatedly cautioned that common carriers do not share the free speech rights of broadcasters, newspapers, or others engaged in First Amendment activity.”
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the internet is a part of our every day life. By instituting Net neutrality your internet provider can't limit your speeds artificially and can't block you from using Internet. Also this has been a huge debate.
    Reaction: This makes me happy because the FCC is fighting against ISPs and destroying the monopoly on internet.
    Opinion: I think that the ISPs should be limited from throttling internet speeds artificially because people pay for a certain speeds and they shouldn't be throttled by the ISPs because the website owner didn't pay the ISP so that they can be in a fast lane. All websites should be in the "fast lane".
    Connection: I chose this article because I am very interested in this topic.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:The GOP seeks plan to avoid shutdown and defund Planned Parenthood.
    Article Date:This event took place on Wednesday September 16, 2015.
    Who:This event included Top House Republicans, John Boehner, President Obama.
    Where:It took place in Washington.
    When:This event happened on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 during the GOP conference.
    What happened: Top House Republicans, members of the GOP party, are trying to stop funding, or paying for, Planned Parenthood. They are trying to stop doing this to circumvent government shutdown. However, President Obama and other Democrats could still veto the legislation if they do not agree.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because Planned Parenthood is used a lot more often now because many teens have been becoming pregnant over the past few years. They usually go to Planned Parenthood to seek help or explore the options they have.
    Reaction: This article makes me feel sad that the government is threatening to take away Planned Parenthood because so many people, especially teens, need it and find it resourceful for many things.
    Opinion: I think that the government should not stop funding Planned Parenthood. I think that a compromise would be to cut down on the funding rather than to just cut if off completely,
    Connection: I chose this article because I am interested in this topic. I'm interested because I think it's unfair and I wanted to express my opinion on it.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:An Overdose of Donald Trump at the G.O.P. Debate
    Article Date:SEPT. 16, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump, followed by Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and other candidates, walking onstage at the Republican debate Wednesday.
    When:Wednesday the 16th of September, 2015
    What happened:A national debate between several politicians.
    Why this event is relevant:This is very relevant because this debate shows America who is ready for power and who is not. People of America needs to see these things up close and get the full insight.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Reading and watching the debate gave me a little bit of insight on the people there. I noticed certian people's attitudes and how they react to things. I feel like some of thr runners up are capable and some are not.
    Opinion (I think..)I feel as though Donald Trump is no longer getting support by people because of his actions. It seems to me that everyone is slowly turning away from him. He is way too aggressive.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this articial to clue in
    on the debate of all the people running for president but mostly focusing on Donald Trump.

    1. Add more to the"what happened" section in your next post

  11. Source:

    Article Title:The title of my article is "In speech to CEOs, Obama threatens China with retaliation over hacking".

    Article Date: The date this article was published was September 16,2015.

    Who: The people involved in this event are President Obama, and the CEOs.

    Where: This event took place in Washington.

    When:This event happened on Wednesday September 16,2015.

    What happened:Things that occurred in this event was Obama addressing the CEOs about China's computer hacking numbers increasing. China has hacked into numerous things involving the white house emails, databases, etc.. Mr. Obama is addressing the CEOs because he wants to put a stop to China's willingness to hack America's databases. Also President Obama is making this number one on his agenda because it is such a very important thing that need to be handled.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because we need to know whats going on in our world. We also need to know if what other countries are doing is going to affect us. In which, in this case it is.

    Reaction:This event makes me feel more curious about what I post on the internet and also makes me feel unsafe when it comes to personal documents. I feel this way because our information can get into the wrong hands and maybe start a conflict.

    Opinion: I think we should try and put a stop to this ASAP because personal and very important documents can get into the wrong hands over there in China.

    Connection:I chose to do my current event on this article because it was a very interesting topic. It was an interesting topic because I wanted to see what action or what the next step America is going to take.


  12. Source:
    Article Title: Federal air Marshals allegedly solicited prostitutes
    Article Date: September 17th, 2015
    Who: Two Federal Air Marshals are the people included in this investigation.
    Where: This event occurred in Chicago.
    When: This investigation has been around for the last three months.
    What happened: A Federal Air Marshal by the name of 'Agent A' filled a workers compensation claim, saying that he got hurt on the job. His government phone got confiscated, and they also took 'Agent B' phone as a part of the investigation of the compensation. The video on the phone revealed that 'Agent A' actually got hurt outside of work and not on working grounds. Shockingly, to their surprise they also found footage of 'Agent B' and 'Agent C' engaging in sexual activity with prostitutes.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves Federal Air Marshals. They were very inappropriate with their actions, and also not intelligent enough to think about what they were actually doing. I also believe this relevant because the people of America need to know what kind of disgusting things these 'Federal' people are doing.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel disgusted by this information. I also feel that it proves a point to many people who are already skeptical about governmental and federal acts.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that whatever punishment these air marshals receive is deserved. I don't understand why they thought this was a good idea, not to mention they used their governmental phone to record the act! I am disgusted in every way any person could be. I think they should be fired from their job and, let somebody with more common sense to fulfill the task they left behind.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I felt like it was a topic people need to hear about. It really does prove everyone right who already had oppositions against federal forces. It is disgusting, and these Air Marshals need to be blasted and feel embarrassed about their actions.

  13. Asja'Rae


    Article Title:Kerry Favors an American Commitment to Bringing in More Refugees

    Article Date:September 9, 2015

    Who:Secretary Of State John Kerry, Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, Senator Lindsey Graham


    When:In the last month when we really began talking about refugees.

    What happened:John Kerry told lawmakers that he favors the increasing number of refugees that the U.S was going to accept. The limit was set to 70,000 in 2015, but the congress is looking to increase next year to 75,000.Senator Lindsey Graham disagreed and didn't think that the average American had any idea to live in the Mideast. But lawmakers said that they are worried about absorbing Middle Eastern refugees into their communities.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because administration officials stressed to find a political solution in Syria. More than 4 billion that the United States has provided in humanitarian assistance for Syrian refugees is more than that given by any other nation.

    Reaction: I am surprisingly shocked because Iraq and Syria would join in an air campaign in Syria against the Islamic State due to Obama administration weighing the amount of refugees to take.

    Opinion : My opinion is that I agree with Obama Administration to take the amount of refugees that they want.

    Connection: I chose this article because I was curious about the refugees in the United States and what we were were going to do about it.


  14. Source:
    Article Title: Trump doesn't change anti-muslim questioner at event

    Article Date:September 18,2015
    Who:Theodore Schleifer
    Where:in Washington D.C but took place at his event in New Hampshire.
    When: Thursday September 17, 2015
    What happened: An attendee of the event made a comment about Muslims being whats wrong with this country, and Trump did nothing to confirm or deny the statement.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because Trump is a candidate in the presidential race right now. So everything he is saying will be either used against him in a positive or negative way.
    Reaction: i feel like this is extremely disrespectful. Not all Muslims are terrorist, or bad people. They don't deserve to have to be discriminated against or penalized for there religious choice its really rude.
    Opinion: i think that Trump doesn't deserve his spot in this presidential race.
    Connection: I chose this article because it really stood out too me. Its something that should be made a bigger deal of.
    Arianna Linder p.2

    1. Opinion: i think that Trump doesn't deserve his spot in this presidential race. He is constantly offending a certain race or religion and its not ok.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Ahmed Mohamed will be transferring to another high school, family spokesperson says
    Article Date:September 18, 2015
    Who:Ahmed Mohamed

    Where:Texas high school
    When: Monday Septemeber 14,2015
    What happened:

    Ahmed Mohamed brought a clock that he proudly made to school and was arrested because police thought it was a hoax bomb. He was pulled out of class by his principal. He was taken to a room where five police officers questioned him for a hour and a half. He was incriminated and wasn't able to talk to his parents at that time.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This event is relevant because it shows how society still stereotypes an entire religion. What makes it worst is that they would think a child will make a hoax bomb and is brave enough to bring it to school. Also this event is significant because it shows how it seems as if your child isn't safe to attend school because they just incriminated Ahmed and interrogated him without parent consent and he wasn't able to communicate with them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like it is important that we shine light on this subject because the way the school and our criminal justice system handled the situation at hand. Especially handling a child
    Opinion (I think..)I think its sad that the just racially profiled a child and incriminated him and made him look as a threat amongst his pears

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I felt connected because me and Ahmed are the same age range and this story made me wonder what would happen if this was me. It made me think also about how things I thought like stereotyping is dead but is very much alive today and is closer to me than I thought.


    The tittle of the this is free but failing. The date his came out was Sept. 17, 2015 | 11:30 a.m. EDT. This was written By Judah Bellin. Obama made this speech in Washington DC. Obama basically made a speech that he wants tho make a plan where if first two years of community college free for students who make good progress toward obtaining their degree. Attend school at least half-time and maintain a 2.5 GPA (stated in second paragraph 3 sentence 3). Saying this people we outraged because they think its a bad idea. They stated a fact that The most reliable estimates suggest that only 20 to 25 percent of community college students eventually move on to four-year schools. By saying this they are saying that its a bad idea because people would take over this opportunity. They will only go for 2 year and they wont continue on so then they would loss budgets in colleges. Basically there saying its a bad idea because the economy is already in det and they don't need to be in more det. T his is relevant because Obama is trying to do something that will help people that are really smart and deserve to go to college but just don't have the money to go. Which could be good but i also agree that most people don't finish college and that will case problems in the economy but it could go both way maybe by letting people get 2 years of college they can get a better job so they will have the money to go to college the rest of the year but, i agree not everyone thinks alike its just my opinion, I picked this because it was interesting to me. I think this was interesting because its important to the future its not just important now it will be important the rest of are live because if he gets this to past then a lot of people will be getting more education it he don't pass it then it will just stay the same. :)

    1. Great post- I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this issue. I think the answer to this may be to have clear requirements that must lead to finishing a degree, or you pay the money back. But it is true that community colleges have a very low graduation rate.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: Obama invites Texas student arrested for homemade clock to White House
    Article Date:Wed. Sep 16, 2015
    Who:Ahmed Mohamed, Barack Obama
    Where:Dallas Texas
    When: Sep. 16, 2015
    What happened: 14 year old Ahmed Mohamed, an American Islamic, made a homemade clock to show off to his new classmates and took it to school but staff at MacArthur High School mistakes it as a bomb and the police came and arrested Ahmed. But President Obama invited Ahmed to the White House to participate in astronomy night. Also Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg invited Ahmed to drop by his California-based company.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because they arrested a young boy, not even over the age of 16, for making a clock.
    Reaction: In my opinion, they are making a typical stereotype that all Muslims are terrorist but i think that its wrong and crazy that people today still think like that.
    Opinion: I think that they should've checked the clock first instead of just arresting him on-sight.
    Connection:I picked this article because to me its sad that people still thinks like this. Its a lot of people in this world that really don't care for nothing and they don't care for people's feelings. I Can connect to this because the same thing happen on 9/11. If people would stop going off of what society thinks then in my opinion, the world would be a better place.

  18. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Experts say a government shutdown is likely. D.C says its ready.
    Article Date:This article was published September 16.
    Who:The government
    Where:This took place in Washington D.C.
    When:October 1 through the 16.
    What happened:Congress can not seem to find a way to fund the government so there will be a government shutdown. A government shutdown is the name for the Executive Branch most inter into when Congress creates a funding gap by choosing not to or failing to pass legislation funds. But the city will continue to work as usually.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because people that work for the government will be out of work from some time without pay.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel worried about the future of the city because the government cant find out how to spent the money that the city make in a good way.
    Opinion (I think..)I think the the government needs to find a way to use the money that we make wisely. Also the government should use the tax money that citizens pay to give back when the city is going through a shutdown.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because i was interested on why the government sometimes shutdown and what the city does to prepare itself.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Ahmed Mohamed swept up, 'hoax bomb' charges swept away as Irving teen's story floods social media
    This article was published on September 15, 2015 and this is a national topic right now. This article involved a fourteen year old boy, Ahmed Mohamed in Irving, Dallas. This incident occurred in the last week at MacArthur High school. Ahmed has a creative mind that allows him to build his own radios and repairs his go kart. To impress others he built a clock to show off to his teacher and classmates. He brought the clock to school and his teacher immediately called the police thinking it was a bomb as soon as she seen it. Ahmed was then arrested once the police arrived. He tried to explain that it was a clock but felt everyone was against him since his skin color was brown and his religion was Muslim.He got put into a cell while the police farther investigated. This event is relevant because it shows how good things can go unnoticed. Ahmed just wanted to get acknowledged for being creative. Instead he gets thrown into a police car then into a cell. This article proves that there is discrimination in the world whether its blatantly said or you get looked at like a terrorist such as Ahmed did, when he didn't mean any harm. This article upsets me because instead of people letting others contribute to the world positively, it's always something that seems to stop you from doing just that. Even from creating something little like a clock it seems as though his intentions were completely misunderstood. I think our world as a whole needs to think before we take action. The teacher had the time to wait for the police to get there so she had the time to ask Ahmed what was his creation and why had he created it. Instead she racially profiled him immediately and thought he meant harm. I honestly think you shouldn't be a teacher if that's how your mind works. I know a bomb is a big deal but a young, innocent boy getting accused and thrown in juvenile detention center is a big deal as well. I chose this article because this is a popular topic in the national news.

  20. Article title;Hatchets arrested
    article date; this week
    who was involved?
    the police

    where did this event happen: this event happen florda
    when did this event happen:the past few weeks
    what happen? There was a lady that was arested for having knives swords and other cutting weponds they found over 3,714 cutting weponds they were going 500 wepond in each room. police found fake body parts the kind you will see in a halloween store. they also found skeltons on da walls of her house. this hole story happen in florida. It took the police five houres to arrest her.She also had body traps at her house.
    the reason why the authore wrote this beacuse he wanted to show you how crazy this woman was and what was the reason to have so many wepond and what was the pont of the fake body parts.This event is relevant beacuse she could of heart someone or or did damnage to her selif.
    My reflection on this is i think the whole story is crazy and why did she have all thows weard thing in her house hold and what was the point of this.
    My opinion I agree with the police she need to get are agrest who do something like this. wgat ever she was think about doing she took it ti far.This was a interesting topic beacuse i have alot of question to ask her one of the the questionis what was she thinking about? what was she trying to do? the reason why i choose this artical beacuse beacuse i seen this on the new and i wanted to find more about it

  21. Source: (

    Article Title:Trump tells Bush he didn't want a Florida casino, but he did.

    Article Date:The date of this article is 5:16 pm, Thursday, September 17, 2015.

    Who:The people that were in this article are, politian Jeb Bush, business man/politian Donald Trump and John Thrasher.

    Where: This happened at the Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

    When: This article happened Wednesday 9-16-15.

    What happened: What happened is that politian Donald Trump lied about wanting
    casino gambling in Florida.

    Why this event is relevant: Because if we elect him as P.O.T.U.S.A. we dont want him liying to us(america) as hes in the office, saying one thing and doing another.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though if hes liying now he'll lie in office.

    Opinion (I think..) I think he just shouldent be allowed in office in the first place.

    Connection (why you chose this article) Because we...I dont want a Presdent that lies.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.In future posts, add more to the "what happened" section.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump is right; paying politicians pays
    Article Date:September 17, 2015
    Who: Nicholas Wells
    Where: Washington DC
    When: September 17, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump says "paying politicians is the best way to generate returns". He is doing this to get more votes so that he can win. He is going to use the money to help companies that need it. However, Jason Trennert seems to think it is a bad idea. Jed Bush is going against Trumps lobbying efforts. He said that Donald Trump was lobbing for casino gambling. Although, Donald Trump is doing all of this it was said that stocks are doing well without the government connections.
    Why this event is relevant: This event it relevant because Donald Trump is trying to get the other Republicans to start lobbying.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that i don't Donald Trump should push the other republicans into lobbying companies when they don't want to. I also think that he shouldn't waste his time on lobbying companies that don't really need it such as casinos. He need to do it for good use.
    Opinion: I think that he is wasting his time lobbying companies like casinos, and trying to deny it.
    Connection: This is a popular topic because people want to know what he is doing and why he think it right to do it.

  23. Source:
    Article Title:Taylor Swift/Kanye West for President
    Article Date:Sep 8 2015
    Who:Jim Garrision
    When: September 18 2015
    What happened: At the 2015 VMS Kanye West won a award for video vanguard.During his speech Kanye said that he will be running for president in 2020.They say that Trump, Kanye and Taylor starting campaigns would never work out the same. They also say that Kanye and Taylor would be kind of perfect because they think they would be our political brokenness. As people would say Kanye as president is a out rage because Kanye is crazy as a person. Putting him in the hands of the world is not good. Kenye i\should just stay a video vixen as they call him. They say that kanye is a very smart and well learned man but as the people say he's know good for us , he's only good for music and should stay with the music and nothing else.They compare Trump to Taylor Swift that is a big No,No.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is our future in other people hands what they what and what they think we need.
    Reaction I feel as though it is not good for Kenya to be president
    Opinion I Think It would be fun and kind of funny for him to run for president
    Connection A music artist for president

  24. Big Money And Backstabbing Have Become Part Of The Iowa Game

    September 16, 2015 NATIONAL

    The people involved were politicians around the world and presidential candidates.

    This event occurred in Iowa. This event happened in 2012-2014 and in 2015. In this article it talks about how Sen. Kent Sorenson went back on his deal to only help campaign one President candidate, but winding up helping another one too. He received 73, 000 from Paul's' campaign, which shows evidence. In 2014 he pleaded guilty and got sentenced.

    This event is now relevant because, Rick Perry's top adviser jumped ship to Donald's Trump campaign. I feel that campaign staff should stick to their initial campaign candidate, to show their loyalty. Like Craig Robinson said, " I just think it diminishes your endorsement when you seem apt to jump around and not stick with a candidate from start to finish." I agree, its not right and it messes up you representation of yourself;. Also you can even go to jail, like Kent Sorenson did.
    I think this is a terrible and a corrupt thing. People who work for two Presidential candidates at a time, is only benefiting for themselves for the money. Good staff for Presidential candidates should help them to their fullest extinct and see the results in the end, whether good or bad. I was interested in this article because, in civics class we were just watching some of the debate. I saw Donald Trump, he was funny and an interesting character on the debate. I saw his name in this article, so i just decide to click on it and use it.But in the article nothing was funny and the article talked about an important matter.

  25. Source: (

    Article Title:Trump tells Bush he didn't want a Florida casino, but he did.

    Article Date:The date of this article is 5:16 pm, Thursday, September 17, 2015.

    Who:The people that were in this article are, politian Jeb Bush, business man/politian Donald Trump and John Thrasher.

    Where: This happened at the Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

    When: This article happened Wednesday 9-16-15.

    What happened: What happened is that politian Donald Trump lied about wanting
    casino gambling in Florida.

    Why this event is relevant: Because if we elect him as P.O.T.U.S.A. we dont want him liying to us(america) as hes in the office, saying one thing and doing another.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though if hes liying now he'll lie in office.

    Opinion (I think..) I think he just shouldent be allowed in office in the first place.

    Connection (why you chose this article) Because we...I dont want a Presdent that lies.

  26. Source: (

    Article Title:Trump tells Bush he didn't want a Florida casino, but he did.

    Article Date:The date of this article is 5:16 pm, Thursday, September 17, 2015.

    Who:The people that were in this article are, politian Jeb Bush, business man/politian Donald Trump and John Thrasher.

    Where: This happened at the Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.

    When: This article happened Wednesday 9-16-15.

    What happened: What happened is that politian Donald Trump lied about wanting
    casino gambling in Florida.

    Why this event is relevant: Because if we elect him as P.O.T.U.S.A. we dont want him liying to us(america) as hes in the office, saying one thing and doing another.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though if hes liying now he'll lie in office.

    Opinion (I think..) I think he just shouldent be allowed in office in the first place.

    Connection (why you chose this article) Because we...I dont want a Presdent that lies.

  27. Big Money And Backstabbing Have Become Part Of The Iowa Game

    September 16, 2015 NATIONAL

    The people involved were politicians around the world and presidential candidates.

    This event occurred in Iowa. This event happened in 2012-2014 and in 2015. In this article it talks about how Sen. Kent Sorenson went back on his deal to only help campaign one President candidate, but winding up helping another one too. He received 73, 000 from Paul's' campaign, which shows evidence. In 2014 he pleaded guilty and got sentenced.

    This event is now relevant because, Rick Perry's top adviser jumped ship to Donald's Trump campaign. I feel that campaign staff should stick to their initial campaign candidate, to show their loyalty. Like Craig Robinson said, " I just think it diminishes your endorsement when you seem apt to jump around and not stick with a candidate from start to finish." I agree, its not right and it messes up you representation of yourself;. Also you can even go to jail, like Kent Sorenson did.
    I think this is a terrible and a corrupt thing. People who work for two Presidential candidates at a time, is only benefiting for themselves for the money. Good staff for Presidential candidates should help them to their fullest extinct and see the results in the end, whether good or bad. I was interested in this article because, in civics class we were just watching some of the debate. I saw Donald Trump, he was funny and an interesting character on the debate. I saw his name in this article, so i just decide to click on it and use it.But in the article nothing was funny and the article talked about an important matter.


  28. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:The man behind the man behind those Iran deal ads
    Article Date:September 17
    Who:Leif Anders, Scott Linder, Barack Obama
    Where: Washington D.C, Iran
    When:September 17
    What happened:A voice actor named Leif Anders has opposed Barack Obama signiture in the Iran nuclear deal. Now other voice actors are looking to replace Leif.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a lot of different voice actors are getting their names out there. And they are also having so much press around them which might actually land them a job.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think it's awesome that so many people are moving on this. It's cool that these people are getting recognized.
    Opinion (I think..) I believe that it was a bad idea to against Barack. You shouldn't go against the man who is the boss of you.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The main reason why i chose this article was because it just sounded cool to me. And it was an interesting one to read.

  29. Source-

    Article title-Man at Trump rally calls Obama 'Muslim,' 'not even an American'

    Article date- September 17, 2015

    Who- Donald Trump

    Where- Trump Rally in Rochester, New Hampshire

    When- September 17, 2015

    What happened- During the Trump rally, a man addressed Donald Trump with a comment that was extremely racist. This comment also attacked President Obama and falsely accused him of a nationality (or religion) that is not his own. When faced with this, Trump never exactly addressed the comment. He neither confronted the comment nor ignored it. He let the disrespect happen.

    Why is it relevant- This statement is relevant because of the fact that is opens people’s eyes to the type of racial profiling and discrimination that Donald Trump is condoning. Whether or not he said the comment, he never stood against the racial comment. Therefore, he, along with the man who state the comment, has disrespected the current President of the Unites States. This event is also relevant because people are planning on electing this man president. People should know what they’re voting for.

    Reaction- I am appalled by this horrible display of “morality” in our country today.

    Opinion- I think that Trump should have protected President Obama after the comment was stated. That would have been the right thing to do.

    Connection- I chose this article because I felt as though it somewhat appealed to me. People often mistake me as other nationalities.

  30. Source:

    Article Title: Is gun violence due to dangerous people or dangerous guns?

    Article Date: August 31, 2015

    Who: CNN, Journalist

    Where: Virginia

    When: 2007

    What happened: Two Journalist were killed in Virginia on live TV. And that sparked a conversation about gun violence back up. The government is trying to figure out a situation for the problem.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it became a debate about dangerous people or dangerous guns.

    Reaction: I can't really reflect on that but my reaction was like that's crazy that somebody did that on live TV. That person must of really did something Outta pocket to make someone that mad.

    Opinion: I think even if the government ban guns, people are still gone be rebellious and do under the table work and sneak guns across the border. Just like drugs, they are illegal but still manage to get here.

    Connection: I could relate to this article. I am interested in this topic. This a popular topic in the national news
