Saturday, September 26, 2015

4th period, 9/28-10/2

Due by 3:30 pm on10/2

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Iyanna Williams
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Congress avoids government shutdown
    Article Date:September 30th 2015
    Who:Barack Obama and Congress
    When:September 30th
    What happened:Congress recently passed a short term bill. It will keep the government running to December 11th. There was talk of a government shutdown because of the arguing over funding planned parenthood. It's split between the republicans and democrats. They hope to settle in mid-December.
    Why this event is relevant:It is relevant because it would be a big problem if the government shut down.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am relieved that there won't be a shutdown but annoyed that they almost shut down again.
    Opinion (I think..)I think it's ridiculous that there was a risk of shutdown.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I remember when it shut down before. I was confused to how it could shutdown. And I didn't understand why.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:State Department Releases More Of Hillary Clinton's Emails
    Article Date: Sept. 30, 2015
    Who: Hilary Clinton
    What happened: Hilary Clinton's emails from her private email address was release. But this was not the first time her emails was released. The emails provided inside look on the correspondence between Hilary Clinton, her aides, and other government officials. The state department put out the emails in court. They did this after revolution that she was using a private email while she was secretary of state.
    Clinton's campaign have been filled with questions about her private emails. The emails mentioned the people that she relied on privately. They also mentioned logistics and how she was planning for mundane. Also they talked about her having events in Libya. Many pages of Clinton's emails were private.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is someone who is running for president who could be our president and she is having private emails and blocked pages she could be hiding something big and important.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was that I didn't really care but it is important to know what a candidate for president is up to.

    Opinion : In my opinion she shouldn't have blocked pages and private emails because that makes her look suspicious.

    Connection: I chose this article because I wondered what was in the emails. Also Because this wasn't the first time that her emails have came out.

  3. Dimear Gordon Jackson. 10/1/15

    Article title: Bush tells Trump to put on his 'big boy pants'
    Article date: 8:53 AM ET, Thu October 1, 2015
    Who: Bush and Trump
    Where: Bedford, New Hampshire
    When: Wednesday September 30
    What happened: Jeb Bush and Donald Trump clashed over how to handle the Syrian refugee crisis, In their most substantive policy dispute, the two disagreed sharply over whether refugees who fled the Middle East amid ISIS' rise should be allowed in the United States.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Bush and Trump are having a big disagreement and are throwing shots at each other.
    Reaction: had me laughing because Bush told trump to put on id "big boy pants" because he is about to be right at him with about refugees who fled the Middle East should be able to come to the U.S.A
    Opinion: I think that the refugees who fled the Middle East should be able to come to the U.S.A , I think we should help are fellow friends
    Connection: I choose this because I like listening to Trump he's very interesting and entertaining.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: IF I Tank, I'll Drop Out
    Article Date:Thursday October 1, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: Across The Nation

    What happened:Donald Trump is saying he might drop out the Republican Presidential if he finds him self alongside republican contenders.So he is saying that he don't want to tank the people he is going against. Because they are struggling to get off the ground so like they don't have enough money.He says he isn't planning to return to his business empire soon.But he said for now it's no reason to go No where because of the real estate mogul has consistently led the national GOP polls for months.

    Why this event is relevant: Because This could be are next president and we all need to know about what's going on and who is going to be in the office next when Obama leaves office that's my answer.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I really don't care about this but I should because running for president is a good thing to know about and I should watch and know these things about this that's how I feel about this .

    Opinion (I think..): I think this is good to know about this because it would be big is he drop out of the race and that's what I think about it that's my answer that's all I got to say that's all.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because this stood out to me and i really think this is big if this happens that's my answer that's all I got to say that's all.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Trump University fraud claims follow Donald Trump on campaign trail.

    Article Date: Wed September 30, 2015.
    Who: Donald Trump.
    When: From 2005 to 2010.
    What happened: Donald Trump launched Trump University back in 2005 and promise the students who attended that they would be “Winning”. Students had to pay to attend the school and they believe that trump never lived up to his promise and also may have stole their money and says his school is a fraud.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he could possibly be our next president and if he’s stealing young people money who knows what he’ll do with a whole country.
    Reaction: If this is true he doesn’t deserve to be the president of the U.S. I also want to know if this is true why would he do something like this.
    Opinion: I think he he’s guilty. i think he’s guilty because he’s a businessman and businessman has that type of mentality.
    Connection : I choose this because i am very interested in this problem and see if this is all true.

  6. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Ben Carson: 'Hitler could happen here'
    Article Date: October 1, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where: Campaign event in New Hampshire
    When: September 29, 2015

    What happened: In this article, Ben Carson discusses his opinion on Nazi-like force coming to the United States. Most people say things such as that would never happen but Ben Carson disagrees. Carson feels that if no one in the country speaks that their mind, things can go really bad. Bad meaning a dictatorship. Ben Carson expressed that without opposition plays a big factor in the country running smoothly.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant simply because Ben Carson is currently involved in the presidential election which mean if people agree with his opinion more people would most likely vote for him. He is giving a voice to people that feel similar as him.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel very similar to how Ben Carson feels. I may not agree on how he'll go about it but his argument makes sense.
    Opinion (I think..) We as unite should take Ben Carson's theory into consideration. The worst thing we can do is act oblivious to what he is saying.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The main reason I chose this article is because after watching the Republican debate, I wanted to take a deeper look at the candidates view point.

    Chania Coleman

  7. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Oregan shooting:Gunman dead after college rampage
    Article Date:Thursday October,2015
    Who:(unnamed)gunman, Sheriff john hanlin, Obama, Oregan college students.
    Where:Oregan Umpqua Community College
    When:October 1,2015
    What happened:In this article, there was a mass shooting at a college campus where a man open fired on several classroms. There was a total of ten men and women who were killed and seven men and women were severely injured. Not too long after the shooting the man was shot and killed by police.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because all throughout this year of 2015 there have been 45 school shootings this year and this is becoming common for the United States.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel sad for all of the families of the lives that has been lost at that school and my deepest condolences go out to their families.
    Opinion (I think..) I think there should be metal detectors at the entrance of every school so that nothing like this could happen ever again.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I am concerned for the safety of other schools. This topic interested me. Also this is a trending topic in the U.S currently.
    Jason Young


  8. Lidia Abebe
    Article Date: October 1st, 2015
    Who: President Obama
    Where: The White House
    When: Thursday Oct. 1st, 2015 after the massacre at an Oregon college
    What happened: On thursday morning at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, shots were fired. A male gunman killed 10 people and injured 7. After president obama heard about the situation he decided to speak out. Barack said " I hope and pray that I don't have to come out again in my tenure as president to offer my condolences to families under these circumstances. But based on my experience as president, I can't guarantee that....I would particularly ask America's gun owners, who are using those guns properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, or protecting their families, to think about whether your views are properly being represented by the organization that suggests it's speaking for you,". Baracks overall point was that massacre killings have become a "routine" in the U.S and anyone who owns a gun use it "properly, safely, to hunt, for sport, or protect families".
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because over the past few years alot of massacre shootings
    Reaction: My reaction towards this was not shocking at all because something like this happens all time.
    Opinion: I think that even though this has happened not only once but more than once guns should have a stricter rule along with it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I don't think alot of people are realizing that this is happening very often now. Massacre shootings are happening all the time now and this should be taking seriously.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Jennifer Lawrence says if Donald Trump becomes President the world will end
    Article Date: October 1,2015
    Who: Jennifer Lawrence, Donald Trump
    Where: New York
    When: Today
    What Happen: When it first announced that Donald Trump was running for President, everyone took it for a joke. Nothing to serious right? Wrong, Donald Trump is actually leading the Republican race. While Americans make joke and short videos of his rude conduct, his support grows. One celebrity that has spoken about it is Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. It is reported that she said if he wins this election that the world will end. In the interview she basically calls Donald Trump politically incorrect. She also blames TV. That reality TV as reached a point where stuff like this becomes entertainment. I agree with her. I think that its scary to believe that this man has a chance at even winning. Nobody is taking this serious when they should be. I think that TV does play a huge roll in politics. Elections to me is a big popularity contest, oppose to caring about real issues. Donald Trump running for president is a good example. This man is all for himself and should not in any way being leading in any poll. So I agree with Jennifer in all her points. I picked this because I, just like her, believe that our country will be in trouble if he wins.

    Gary Lonon
    October 1,2015

  10. Kenya Cratic-Smith


    Article Title: 10 Killed in Shooting at Oregon's Umpqua Community College

    Article Date: OCT 1 2015, 8:31 PM

    Who: 17 college kids, family and friend, and a gunman

    Where: Oregon

    When: Today, Thursday 1, 2015

    What happened: In SouthWest Oregon was a gunman who had gone on college ground and started shooting. He wanted to know his victims religions and had open fire on this Thursday morning. After all that the gunman had died in a firefight with Douglas County sheriff's deputies. There were 13 people that had died after what happen near Roseburg, that someone called in at 10:35am. No officers we hurt in this shooting. Also no one knows if the man was involved with the 10 people that were killed. Another thing is that the way they describe the man was a 20 year-old man and that was all.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there is a lot of shootings going around in the world. As we can see it’s not only in Philadelphia with black people. But as well in schools and in different cities and countries.

    Reaction: I reacted to this in speechless way because there was no real reason why the gunman had came on campus grounds and started shooting up the place because he wanted to know his victims religions? That makes no kind of sense. I feel as though he was a crazy man and he just decided today is going to be the day where I shoot up a college and then afterwards get into a shooting fight with an officer!

    Opinion: I think that the college should get more people involved because involving people helps out more such as where the college is located it should maybe be a community around there and they could get the community together so that way that current community could lock and load (not load guns) there community meaning that there are people of community secreach or community watch.

    Connection: The way I can connect to this article is because the way things are happen here it’s also happening all over the world. One with Malala getting shot in the head because she tried to stand up for girls rights by going to school.But survived and still stood up with girls rights and made a big difference. Two here in Philadelphia where our black men our getting shoot up because well there is no reason and that’s the crazy part about it not a single black man that got shot did anything or had no evidence that they did anything. Third Oregon which happen today a gunman decided to take innocent people’s lives because he wanted to know their religion which isn’t a good reason at all to take people's lives. But the point of the matter is that neither of the victims in all the examples actually did something. One wanted to equal rights, the other didn’t harm the officers, the last ones just wanted to go to school. But in the end no matter what happen we all stood by each other and made/is trying to make a change.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: "Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home"
    Article Date: October 1st, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: United States
    When: Today
    What happened: Donald Trump says that he would send all of the Syrian refugees the the United States accepts back home if he becomes president.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the US accepts refugees because of what they are going through in their country. When Donald Trump says that if he becomes president, he will send all the refugees back, this shows that Donald Trump is trying to change US history. The US, for a very long time, have been accepting refugees so its very weird for him to say he would send them all back.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reactions towards this article is that I am very shocked. I am shocked because it is surprising to hear all of the foolishness that comes out of his mouth.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that Donald Trump doesn't think before he speaks. I say this because some of the things that come out of his mouth make you stop and say "Really?" He also would be giving the US a bad reputation if he stops accepting refugees, because the US is a country who accepts everyone.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I like to keep up with what Donald Trump says.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Alan Greenblatt writes the article, The Most Important Mayoral Races of 2015, in Governing: The States and Localities, issuing it on October 1, 2015. Mayoral and presidential campaigns are going on and soon a new president will be in office, in addition to new mayors. Years before have shown that republicans have been winning the mayoral offices but lately, even know, democrates are leading and may be in office again this year. With the liking from the citizens and what they are standing for, there is no doubt democrats will win office in large cities like Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Charleston, Colombus and Ohio, in addition to smaller cities also. Many, if not all democrates, will be focusing on traffic, budget and development in their term.

    This event is relevant because mayors are the people who handles and make decisions in the state they are elected in first hand and direct. Where as the president handles things national so he or she cannot get small details closely that are important like the mayor would be able to. You should know the people that are trying to be the "one" of your state, making decisions and agree with their campaign. I like the focus of the candidates which are traffic, budget and development, because I think that they are the foundations and basics every state should be stable on and if done correctly, could improve Phildelphia and then other states could follow. I think if the mayors really mean what they say by their focus, especially if they're democrates, the nation or even Philadelphia could become better. I am interested in this topic because being as though the presidential campaign is taking place, no one thinks the mayoral campaigns are as important and needs the attention it is due. So I wanted to do something that is scarcely paid attention to that is too, extremely important.

    1. Mayoral candidates and voting citizens are all evolved in the candidate debate.

  14. Source:’s-disinterest-in-protecting-workers-UASA
    Article Title: Shocking crime figures reflect government’s disinterest in protecting workers: UASA
    Article Date: September 29, 2015
    Who: South Africans
    Where: South Africa
    When: Last Week
    What happened: South Africans are being treated unfairly by their government who is making them pay double on taxes, making it hard for them to survive because in their society they have to pay for things like "protection" unlike the United States.
    Why this event is relevant: This is a relevant event because it shows the differences between governments and how effective they are.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This makes me concerned, yet grateful because we don't have a government like this and as a American we don't have to go through things like this. Although we don't agree and support our protection program we are grateful that we don't have to pay out of pocket for it, the most they ask for is a percentage of our workers pay checks.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that South Africans should be treated fairly and that they shouldn't have to pay for protection because they work a 9 to 5 just like anyone else trying to make a living.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I thought it was fascinating on how we think our government is horrible and we get treated unfairly by the United States government but we don't realize what other countries governments are like and what they go through. This is relevant because today America as a whole is not doing well and I think we can change that, I also believe that we can help change others society and governments as well by setting an example.

  15. Zaynab Harris
    Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Obama Calls for Restricting Military Gear to Local Police
    Article Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Camden, New Jersey
    When: Monday, May 18, 2015
    What happened: President Obama wants to ban the deportation of military equipment to police departments. The main reason why the issue came abroad is because of police injustice against African Americans. The plan behind this was to come up with a solution to eradicate police injustice, by making policemen wear monitored body cameras and listening devices. This would have been a great way to gain trust between the law enforcement and local communities. President Obama says he calls this ban because he claims that the resort of this equipment could send the wrong interpretations to communities, due to their intimidation. He also says that because of their intimidation this could cause local citizens to become alienated.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because there are so many frequently popular stories about police brutality and police injustice discussed in the news. This automatically would catch the attention of people, especially African Americans.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I personally disagree with President Obama, because I don't believe that citizens will get intimidated by seeing an officer wearing wires over his shirt that connects to monitored body cameras and listening devices. People are concerned about their safety, and its sad that we must guard and protect ourselves from the same people who have vowed for our safety and protection.
    Opinion (I think..): I think President Obama is over thinking this plan. I believe that he truly should try it out first, and see if it is effective or not, and if it isn't then he should dismiss it and rehash a new plan.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I strongly believe that there should be an end to this police brutality and the murders caused by it. It seems as though, when there is an unfortunate situation between a policeman and a citizen the outcome always seems to be noted as "self-defense", and they don't end up with their true charge.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Trump, should he fall behind: 'Well, I'm not a masochist
    Article Date:September 30,2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    When:Midtown Manhattan Tower
    What happened:Donald Trump filed finacial disclosure statements which caused people to think he would become discouraged about running. But instead he shot to the top of the polls due to his stance on anti immigration. Aside from Donald Trump this article also discusses how voters pay more attention to the campaigners as the season chabges from fall to winter. It also says campaigners start to spend more money on advertising. Further in this article it talks about Donald Trumps poll ranking dropping due to attacks or arguments on and off the debate stage.
    Why this event is relevant:This article is relevant because its giving the viewers insite on what is happening with the presidential candidates. Donald Trump is one of the presidential candidates so this article was made to conflict with the voters opinion...maybe.
    Reaction : This article suprises me because its criticizing Donald Trump on how big of an affect his money has on his campaign, rather than his comments.
    Opinion : I think the media picks on Donald Trump because of the things he says and to conflict the voters views. I think they do this because they are afraid that people will by pass all his comments then vote for him because of his reputation.
    Connection: I chose this article because i look up to Donald Trump, well this businessman Donald Trump and its interesting for me to see how he is perceived in the media.

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Pope's Visit Shines Spotlight on Prisons
    Article Date:September 25, 2015
    Who:Pope Francis
    Where: Philadelphia PA
    When:Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27, 2015
    What happened: Pope Francis came to Philadelphia on Saturday the 26th but on Sunday September 27th he was able to visit the prisons. While he was there he gave a speech so that he can gain attention on the fact that so many citizens are incarcerated and how we are in need for criminal justice. In the process of that it was discovered that their are 3,000 inmates but more that half of them have not been convicted of any crime. The fact that majority of them can't afford bail is causing them to stay behind bars until their court date. In order for any of these actions to take place they had to block the whole city hall off & limit the stops for septa. This was a inconvenience for a lot of citizens because most people had to call off of work because they had no way to get there. All Philadelphia schools were closed for the same reason and this really put a pause on the city for more than half of our citizens
    Why this event is relevant :This is relevant because one could see the advantages of having power and all of the significant actions you can do.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My reaction to this was mad only because I couldnt get on septa so it was like me and majority of the city had to stay in the house cause our transportation was out of service.
    Opinion (I think..) I think them shutting the city down and putting everything on hold was uncalled for. When the president came to Philadelphia all they did was cut a few blocks off. I would have been more understanding if the city would have got shut down for Obama because he's in charge of it.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I was very amused on the fact that one person could have so much power to put a whole city on hold for several days and have a impact on people's everyday schedule.

    1. But we thank them for choosing Philadelphia and giving us three days off from school :)

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Whatever you think of Planned Parenthood, this is a terrible and dishonest chart
    Article Date: September 29, 2015
    Who: Planned Parenthood
    Where: Congress hearing
    When: "Tuesday morning" (Sep. 29)
    What Happened: There was a hearing held because Conservative Republicans tried to build a case to defund Planned Parenthood after a pro-life group released critical videos of the organization. During the hearing, Rep. Jason Chaffetz showed a chart that was basically saying Planned Parenthood's abortion numbers have gone up, while life- saving procedures have gone down. Apparently, the chart shown was misleading. By 2013, the number of STD treatments had gone up, while the number of contraceptive services had declined.
    Why This Is Relevant: One reason this event is relevant, is because the pro-life group has people thinking Planned Parenthood is all around terrible and isn't really helping people when they actually are. Another reason this is relevant, is because people need to be educated on what Planned Parenthood actually does.
    Reaction: While reading this, I felt informed. I felt informed because I feel like I'm already a little educated on what Planned Parenthood does.
    Opinion: I think Planned Parenthood is a really good organization and should continue doing what they're doing.
    Connection: I chose this article because I find it interesting to hear what people actually think of Planned Parenthood.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin


  19. Source:
    Article Title: Russia strikes in Syria why should you be worried
    Article Date: Thursday , October 1st 2015
    Who: Russia striking on Syria
    Where: In a mid eastern country
    When: From Wednesday to Thursday night
    What happened: The Russian parliament waved through military intervention in Syria . The first air strike in civil war torn the middle eastern country were confirmed on a late Wednesday night . The next day there were more strikes on rebel positions .
    Why this event is relevant: Because this has to do with our world and we should be concerned because this could have been us .
    Reaction ; My feelings to this is bad that Syria had to go through this and I wonder what maybe have cause this .
    Opinion ; I think that whatever happened now they can prevent this from anymore strikes happening .
    Connection ; I choose this article because back in 10th grade I learned that in in world war 2 the united states dropped an atomic bomb on heroshima

  20. Josh Grant
    Job Numbers Are In, Not Good
    October 2nd, 2015
    National Event
    The month of september
    There are very scarce jobs in the US and many people (around 200,000) were supposed to be hired, but only around less than 150,000 were given jobs. 200,000 jobs was an underestimate and a lower number in many years. This event is relevant because it is effecting our economy and the worlds economy. It can put us in danger because it can lower the chances of us keeping our trading allies around the world which can spark many problems. We need to improve our economy and not keep letting it decrease with this lack of hiring people in the US. I feel bad for the people who deserve jobs, which is a lot, but were denied them for any reason. I can understand the need for money in order to supply for themselves and other loved ones, but not being able to do so. That is a very terrible situation to be in. I think more jobs should be way more open in their job opportunity criteria and not be so harsh on the people who are actually taking the time to apply for a job. I chose this article because I will soon be in the process of looking for a job and now I will go into the job application process with an open mind and showing my best self at interviews.

  21. Source:

    Article Title:Father of Umpqua college shooting victim: Gunman singled out Christians

    Article Date: Friday October 2,2015

    Who: Chris Harper Mercer

    Where: Umpqua community college

    When: October 1

    What happened: A gunman named Chris Harper Mercer shot up a community college in Oregon. He killed some people and left some harmed.

    Why this event is relevant: This article proves that not everyone is mature with guns. If problems like this continue then the world will get no safer.

    Reaction: I feel as though more tragedy will come. This will continue unless it's stopped. I also feel bad for the people that have to go through or witness these tragic events.

    Opinion: I think that no one, but the law enforcement should possess a gun. Even if they have a license, there's no guarantee that people won't use it inappropriately.

    Connection: I chose this article because I've never heard of Umpqua Community College. Then when I seen that there was a shooting it became more interesting to me.

  22. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump used to think I was 'great'
    Article Date: Fri October 2, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is invovled.
    Where: This happened in the USA.
    When: This happend sometime last week.
    What happened: Donald Trump has recently been attacking Clinton lately. Attacking his oppents have been working for him so far. Therefore we are in trouble because his numbers may spike up again. Hillary has been ignoring his comments saying that he used to praise her. She also believes that it's only because he is running againist her now.
    Why this event is relevant: This could posibly change the presidential race.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : I think it is childish for Trump to contine acting this way. I do not believe he can be a good president with that kind of attitude. Most people have been upset with the way he has been acting but it hasn't stopped him.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think this will be an interesting race.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I want to keep up on the race.

  23. Source:

    Article Title: Oregon Shooting at Umpqua College Kills 10, Sheriff Says
    Article Date: October 1, 2015

    Who:Staff, Students, A 'mad' man, police, sheriff and NYTimes
    Where: Umpqua Community College, Oregon
    When: Thursday

    What happened: A crazed 26-year old man gunned a community college. He killed 10 and injured about 7 people. He died after the college going into a lockdown and a shootout with the police officers. The death of people varied ranging around 13 as the highest.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people safety and education is in danger. The government needs to worry about the education and privacy that is being violated. If this keeps happening, no one will want to go to their class or school in general.

    Reaction: I think this is outrageous and needs to be somewhat under control. This is about the third or fourth time someone unchained (figuratively) is killing innocent people in a supposedly safe and learning environment. First children and now adults. It is outrageous and needs to be under wraps somehow.

    Opinion: In my opinion, they, as in the government and locals, should take arms (figuratively) to protect the American citizens in a school environment.

    Connection: My eldest sisters are in college. I shouldn't have to worry on a high scale for their safety. It may be on the other side of the country but people can be influenced by news. If some goes to my sisters colleges then I don't know what to do. I can't do anything. I want and need my sisters to be safe, not in total danger.

    Stephon Cratic-Smith

  24. Source: CNN
    Article Title: Fiorina, Trump and the "hot guy'
    Article Date: 09/17/15
    Who: Donald Trump and Fiorina
    Where: CNN
    When: 09/16/15
    What happened: Donald Trump call another candidate that she don't have a face as a president and why would people would vote for her.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because this is the man that is in first place in being the president so why would we want a person like that who put others down. Also, imaging if he do get in office would you think he would have a good attitude against the citizens. Finally, that Trump think that negative words coming out his mouth about the candidate mean he would win.
    Reaction: I feel that we should take time and look at this and see how negative Trump is. Also, I think that not right to put a candidate under the bus of the looks or that she is a women that running to be in office. Finally, I also feel that he don't care about the people just the money.
    Opinion: I think that people should pay attention of what Trump say and make a good choice for our president. Also, that Trump need to watch what to say before it come out his mouth he got a mouth of a teen not a grown men.
    Connection: I chose this article because I like to know what our candidate saying and how there action is and how he would help us being the president.
    Troy Drayton

  25. Dimear Gordon Jackson. 10/5/15

    Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders courts black voters in Ebony interview
    Article Date: 2:09 PM ET, Mon October 5, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders
    Where: Washington
    When: October 4
    What happened: Bernie sanders stats plans to take his campaign message to black communities across the country to tout his strong record on civil rights and his proposals to lift up low- and middle-income Americans," he's also trying to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, that's going to impact the country.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant to me because he is supporting black people also black women's rights and I support what he is fighting for.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : My reaction to this topic is positive because I understand and is are for his movement.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think there should be more people like him that fights for black people, I like that he is trying to raise the minimum wage up to $15 an hour that would really be a big change.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I choose this article because I seen that he was trying to do something good for the us ( black people) and seem like an unselfish person.

  26. Zaynab Harris
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Hillary Clinton and Her E-mail Story
    Article Date: October 9, 2015
    Who: Ed Pilkington reported this article.
    Where: Reporters have discovered a few organizations in China, South Korea, and Germany are involved with hacking Hillary Clinton's e-mail.
    When: This event occurred on March 3, 2015.
    What happened: Hillary Clinton's e-mail was hacked, and most of her information was exposed. Ironically, she says that she wanted America to see my e-mail.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I find this unprofessional. It doesn't make sense for anyone with her status to expose her e-mail address, and her information. She needs to stay focused and keep her mind on what is important and leave off all of the unnecessary things.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Hillary Clinton shouldn't be running for President, if she does immature things like this. Her information should be securely stored. No one should be able to hack her e-mail and actually make it through.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this is a popular case in media currently. Everyone has been talking about it.

  27. Dimear Gordon Jackson 10/15/15

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Joe Biden's family says yes -- will he?
    Article Date: Thu October 15, 2015
    Who: Joe Biden
    Where: Washington
    When: October 14,2015
    What happened: "Vice President Joe Biden has personally made a series of calls this week to Democratic strategists from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, asking a final round of detailed questions about how -- not whether -- to launch a 2016 presidential campaign."
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Joe Biden is a democrat and if he run for President there's no hope for Hillary Clinton because she is a democrat as will and I believe the USA would prefer a man instead of a woman.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction was positive he should run.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that he might be a good candidate for us because he works with Obama and I think he has similar views as Obama.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this because I'm just now finding out that the Vice President is trying to run for President and I think this is gonna be a good debate.
