Saturday, September 26, 2015

1st period, 9/29-10/2

Due by 3:30 pm on10/2

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


    Donald Trump: 'Radical Muslims' a problem

    September 20, 2015 in a conference in Washington D.C, Trump said Muslims were a major problem in the country and I don't think he's right. All Muslims aren't a problem in the country. I hang around a lot of Muslim people and they aren't a problem to me. 9/11 were caused by Muslims, but terriost led by Osama Bin Laden which later on in a couple years, Obama got him executed. The problem in my eyes are police because they're so quick to go pick up a gun and shoot a victim instead of talking and asking questions. If Trump wants to say someone is the problem, it's the police and their lack of protection. They were hired to keep us safe and protect us but they're killing us more than saving us. I think this article is relevant because of his statement. I thought it was out of hand and wrong for him to say at a televised conference, but he will have his own opinions and we will have ours. My Muslim friends aren't a problem and that effects people who are Muslim because if he becomes president, no one knows what he'll do to keep Muslims out of the country. My opinion on Trump is disgusting. I don't want him as the president of our nation and I hope he doesn't get elected because my Muslim friends are good and cool to be around and I'm sure other people has Muslim friends also and they might feel some type of way too.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Donald trump probably doesnt follow you on twitter
    Article Date: October 1, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: the nation
    When:2 hours ago
    What happened: Trump is very particular about who he follows other than his family.but he follows a number of its personalities on Twitter, a list that includes O’Reilly, Greta Van Susteren, Bret Baier and Geraldo Rivera. he also only follow a small group of athlethics one would be johnson.The founder of World Wrestling Entertainment;
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this article is relevant because he only wants to follow people he believe that is important to life. Also that he likes and enjoy.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I kinda figure that because famous people dont tend to follow people back that are not famous. I also think he does it to be smart so people so people can have something to talk about.
    Opinion (I think..) i think e shouldnt have a twitter at all.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting. I wanted to know who he would follow on twitter.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Government Set to Hit Borrowing Limit on Nov. 5, Earlier Than Forecast

    Article Date:Oct 1 ,2015

    Who:Federal Government, Jacob J. Lew


    When:This Week

    What happened:The government is setting the borrowing limit on November 5. Government cant go over limit anymore

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because now only the goverment can spend only money that they have after November 5. Also because now it causes the government to find a way to get more money.

    Reaction: I feel neutral about this decision because it good because now the government won't be spending to much. Its bad though because now if the government needs to get something they might be able to.
    Opinion : I think it was an okay decision to do because it was a smart but also a bad one.
    Connection: I chose this article because it concerns me because I live in the U.S. I also choose this because I want to see how this affects me

    1. Post does not meet length requirement. Include more in the summary of what happened in the article.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Trump on taxes, ISIS, health care and being more popular than supermodels
    Article Date: September 27, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump,Scott Pelley, and American citizens
    Where: Des Moines
    When: September 19, 2015
    What happened: In an interview, Donald Trump talks about plans of raising taxes for the wealthy and reducing taxes for the middle class people. Trump also plans on having healthcare for everyone that the government will pay for. Trump feels that the Islamic State people are a disaster and wants to get rid of them. Lastly, Trump feels as though he's better than supermodels because he's on more covers than them.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Donald Trump is talking about providing healthcare for everyone and reducing taxes for people, which could be very beneficial for middle class people.

    Reaction: Trump seems conceited, but helpful and caring at the same time.

    Opinion: I think it's a good thing that Trump wants to provide everyone with healthcare. It's also a good thing that he wants to help middle class people financially by reducing their taxes. I don't really undertsand his point of talking about supermodels and how he's on more magazine covers than them. That has nothing to do with his plans if he becomes president.

    Connection: I chose this article because it was interesting. Also, because Donald Trump was discussing topics that people should know about if he does become president.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: US-China agree to not conduct cybertheft of intellectual property
    Article Date: September 15, 2015
    Who: President Xi Jinping & President Barack Obama
    Where: The White House
    When: September 25, 2015
    What happened: President Obama and Jinping make a mends. They both decide that both governments will be apart of any cybertheft.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because of the fact that the Internet plays a big part in both societies.
    Reaction: I feel that this was the best move. Instead of putting both governments against each other, they came together.
    Opinion: I think that this is a great example of leadership. By trying to avoid chaos that came to common ground. This is how it should always be.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stuck out to me. I like to see president Obama make good decisions. Decisions that affect not just him. But the whole country.

  6. Source: (
    Article title: orgon shooting
    Article date: October 1,2015
    Who: this article was about people at a college that had a shooting
    Where: umpqua community college
    When: October 1,2015
    What happen: police got a call saying there was someone in the school with a gun poluce rushed over to the school and when they got there it was a shooting at umpqua community college. There was 10 people dead and 20 were injured.
    Why was this event relevant: this event was relevant because it happen at a school and I go to a school so it was important to me this also is relevant because this happened outside of school. anything can happen you never know what might happen at any time.

    Reaction:what was this man thinking when he went in the school and shot up all those people ? I think this man should get the death penalty because it's a shame how you just going to a school and kill a bunch of people when those people didn't do anything. I also think that they need to get the people some type of counseling so they can get better they won't be messed up for the rest of their life. I think this is a shame.
    Opinion: Margot pain is that this message get the death penalty because he took of the people lives with no apparent reason I think you get what you deserve he also need to think about what he did he shouldn't you shouldn't have never made that dumb mistake. Still want to know what was the point of all of this why should u take other people's lives for something dumb this is why people my age don't live long.
    Connection: the reason why me such a good connection with this article because people lost their lives over something that was dumb and something for no reason this happen all the time young people losing their lives for nothing. It also talks about violence and what happen around us. This also talks about everyday life you never know what might happen you can be here today and gone tomorrow.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: U.S assesment on Russia in Syria: A 'strategic blunder'
    Article Date: Oct 1, 2015
    Who:Syria, U.S, and Russia
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: Lately, we have been having trouble with ISIS and now brought Russia into it to help us. Our plan is to do this as non-violently as we can. Although yesterday, Russia went against us and bombed areas in Baghdad.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this a problem that needs to be done in a positive way. Russia tried it and made it worse for us. One official even called the event a "strategic blunder." Putin would have actually got credit for this, but, the downside to all of this is that the first strikes hit the region CIA-backed anti-Assad rebel forces. Officials are saying that this strike serves no purpose. The reason to that is that this is very expensive to do and Russia can't hold out for long on this.
    Reaction: I am upset but at the same time what would you expect from this guy. Putin is kind of a sneaky person and does things behind our backs and isn't really with us anymore.
    Opinion: I think we should ask help from another ally that's around the area and make Russia step down.
    Connection: I chose this article because this can happen in the U.S at any moment and we need to prepare soon.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: What Happens When Schools Stop Providing Buses?
    Article Date: July 2015
    Who: Citizens of Indiana
    Where: Indiana
    When: 2010-
    What happened: In the state of Indiana the Supreme Court says that districts don't have to provide public transportation since education is free. Other schools in Indiana found themselves in similar situations due to the dept that happened in 2010 that made them get rid of bus services. The Franklin Township went through this and they even tried to tried opposing student fees to fund bus services. As a result it was outlawed in 2012. If they have transportation for school, they say it just piles up more money from the school. Currently Indiana might lose public transportation of schools and the government is working on making it happen.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because children need to be able to get to schools without problems. Their education is important.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that it just isn't fair for families who cannot afford to pay for public transportation. They should get rid of this opposed law.
    Opinion: I think this is not a okay decision in the slightest. It would give children less opportunities to get to more schools for education. Only having this for sports doesn't make any sense. Some families are probably struggling with caring for their children at home. So this law should be banned.
    Connection: I choose this article because I am a student and I wouldn't want to go through this even though in high school. In elementary school, I always took the yellow buses. If I wasn't allowed it would take a toll on families and schools.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Planned Parenthood fight lays battle lines for 2016
    Article Date:September 30th, 2015
    Who:Republicans & Democrats
    What happened:Democratics and republicans are going between whether the government funding package should allow millions of federal dollars to flow to that organization. Many republicans oppose to it but, it might go against their religious beliefs.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because their are plenty of people who get abortions not just to do it but because they firmly believe its the best thing for them.
    Reaction: I was kind of shocked seeing this article because i didn't think it was problem in that way.
    Opinion: i think that they should just support the organization even though its not what they want and should just think about all the other people in the world who believe its best for them.
    Connection: My only connection to this is that i see a lot of protest about abortions and how wrong it is.

  10. Dashauna Lovett
    Article Name:Pope secretly met Kentucky clerk over gay marriage licenses
    Article Date:October 1,2015
    Who: Pope Francis and Kim Davis
    When:Last Thursday afternoon
    What happened:An Kentucky clerk went to jail because she wouldn't issue a same-sex marriage licenses.Kim Davis and her husband met privately with Pope Francis.Pope Francis encouraged her to stay strong.Kim went from democrat to the republican party because the democrats didn't support her.Pope Francis defended her because he thinks that should be human right.
    Why is this important:This is important because Same-sex marriage just became legal so Kim may have luck with her case.Also this is important because people don't really have a freedom of speech.Also the Pope is seeing that the people of united states don't really have freedom.
    Reaction:My reaction to this passage is Pope Francis is correct about how people suppose to have freedom of speech.But at the same time people should be able to love who they want.
    Opinion:My opinion on this subject is people should love who they want without being juged by other people. I also think people should be treated equally so Kim should be able to say she don't believe in same sex marriage because of her religion.
    Connection: I don't actually have a connection to this passage but i support people of same-sex marriage because i have many people in my life who like the same sex as themselves.

  11. Source:

    Article title: Black Americans Would Be Hit Hardest By A government Shutdown

    Article date: 10/1/15

    Who: Federal government, African-Americans

    Where: Nationwide

    When: Analysis released 9/30/15

    What happened: The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) formed a future prediction of the outcome of a government shutdown which would effect the African-American workforce greater than the than the private sector workforce. Currently 20 percent of the federal workforce is African-American and only 10 percent of the total workforce is a private sector.This makes a disproportionate impact on the African-Americans. Women are also being impacted greatly by this type of shutdown. Back in 2007 and 2011 the great recession costed local and state governments almost 765,000 jobs. 70 percent of those loses came from jobs held by Women and 20 from African-Americans. Now the federal is still climbing up from this downfall. Since 2007 it is still 381,000 federal, local and government jobs that are not appointed. Only 74,000 of those have been added in 8 years. This loss is so. impacting today that the African-American unemployment rate is at a staggering 9.5 percent which is almost double the nationwide rate of 5.1 percent. Government jobs are crucial to diversity in the workplace and have been since the 60's with anti-discrimination laws coming about. But if a government shutdown were to happen then policy shifts and budget cuts are probable in the near future.

    Why is this relevant: The African-American population is becoming a larger minority in this nation. With unemployment returning to an all time high if a government shutdown were to occur than it would take alot longer to climb back out of the hole.

    Reaction: I think that the government should not agree to shut itself down whever there is a problem without a clear conclusion.

    Opinion: I think their needs to be particular policies in effect to keep certain jobs immune to government shutdowns because if the jibs were lost that it would be more loss than gain.

    Connection: I chose this article because I seemed more interesting than other things like the political race. Also I ha e family member who hold government jobs and they would be affected by a government shutdown.

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of Huffington Post, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  12. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Averting Shutdown
    Article Date: September 30, 2015: National
    Who: Congress,John Boehner,Rep. Ted Cruz,Rep. Hal Rogers
    Where: Washington D.C., Capitol Hill
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: Congress has approved a stopgap bill on Wednesday to keep the federal government open. Although there is no guarantee this won't happen again in December. House Republicans had a 277-151 vote, while the Senate approved it in a 78-20 tally. The bill was than sent to president Obama for his signature.The legislation finances the government through Dec. 11, providing 10 weeks to negotiate a bigger budget. That would continue past the 2016 presidential election. During this stopgap approval there was much debate between Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner. The Republicans want Planned Parenthood to receive no money from the government,because they supply tissue from aborted fetuses for scientific purposes. Compared to the direct opinions of the Republic Party, the Democratic votes were anonymous. Boehner decided to leave Congress at the end of October, because he doesn't want other Republicans, to cause a government shutdown. Over the controversial views of Planned Parenthood. Representative Ted Cruz from Texas, uses the argument as a personal gain for his presidential campaign. He stated, "Republican leadership chose to abandon its constitutional power of the purse and to fund 100 percent of President Obama's failed agenda". The chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Rep. Hal Rogers from Kentucky said during a House debate. It is a shame only a short- term solution has been found to solve the government budget crisis.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because the less money the government has in their control to spend, the citizens of the United States will suffer. If the government shutdown there will be no money to spend on schools, or fixing roads. There would probably be a national crisis, because the needs of the people would not be met. The nation would be in panic, protests everywhere. This would be a bad situation for the government to be involved with all together.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards the issue about the government shutdown are it's unnecessary. The government should think about the needs of citizens, before themselves. They are more concerned with their own opinions, and themselves to think about anything else. You shouldn't want to get ahead of a race, because of someones failures.
    Opinion (I think..) I think if the government is judging Planned Parenthood there is a major problem. Republicans are only judging the negative story about the organization, but they help a lot of single mothers in need. They are trying to cut there funding, based on this. As anyone should well know everything you read, or hear is not always true.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because, the government is supposed to help or try to help every citizen. When the government is very judgmental, you feel unsafe for them to control everything. You won't know if something you do, or say contradicts their beliefs or values. As a nation we should have freedom of speech, but in America do we really have a free- range on what we say?

    1. I love reading your posts. You always produce high quality work!

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Vladimir Putin Plunges Into a Caldron: Saving Assad
    Article Date: October 1, 2015
    Who: Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, President Obama, ISIS.
    Where: Middle East
    What Happened: Vladimir Putin and Russia wants to make sure that Bashar al-Assad is back as Syria's leader. Vladimir Putin is in full support of defending Assad as he tries to do something no one has ever done or tried to attempt. Putin could achieve a short term goal if he gets Russian forces directly on Syria's battlefield, which will cause options to be limited for the United States and its allies. However, the success would quickly fade as Russia's old success could come back to haunt them as Syria has been part of a four year civil war, which has caused Syria to only control 20% of that territory. In some cases, Putin is not looking for a victory, but may be more.
    Why this Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because there is a lot to lose, and a lot to gain for Russia and Syria. If Putin goes through with putting Russian forces on the battlefield, this could mean one of two things. One, the United States and their allies are going to have to do more in order to fight off Syria and Russia together. Or two, Russia and Syria lose lots of troops in the battlefield due to what is happening there already.
    Opinion: I just hope there is going no type of World War coming up in the future. The last thing everyone needs is another World War. The previous World War's have been enough. We have lost so many people, from family to friends. This could mess with peoples mindsets and how things might change if one happens.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I'm not really worried something is going to happen right now, but in the future something is going to go down between these countries.
    Connection: I chose this article because Russia is posing a big threat to the United States as he continues to work along side Syria in the fight to stop ISIS from becoming one of the most destructive and violent groups that the world hasn't seen since Hitler brought Germany back from being low cut to at one point unstoppable.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: Obama: ' Our thoughts and prayers are not enough'

    Article Date: Oct.1.2015

    Who:Obama and UCC college

    Where: White house

    When: Oct.1.2015

    What happened: President Obama speaks in Brady press at the white house, about the shooting at the Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. Our President says that their should be stricter laws on guns but his opponents has yet to come eye to eye with him.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because not only does is effect education and schools all around the world, it also effects the United States.

    Reaction: I feel as though the president is expressing his feeling emotional and is throwing a lot of shade on his opponents about gun laws. This is very appropriate because I know for a fact that everyone is fed up with gun violence.

    Opinion : I think what president Obama is saying is very important and should be reacted on. In this article Obama says that it is the political choice that we make, that cause things like this to happen and that made me think. It made me think about how people sit back and watch the government take over and do things that are ridiculous. But our president is trying to open our eyes and let us know that if we don't get gun laws, then we shouldn't expect change.

    Connection : I can make multiple connections to this event but the first one that pops in mind is the Sandy Hooks shooting. This event touched me the most. Looking at these two shooting and president Obama comments, I can make the connection that if congress would have listen to Obama, these two shooting could have possibly been prevented, simply by gun laws.

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:
    Article Date:
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)


    Jeb Bush’s Remarks About Blacks Echo a Showdown He Faced as Governor

    October 2, 2015

    Jeb bush


    January 2000

    Jeb bush didn't feel as though blacks shouldn't go to college. He was only worrying about helping whites attend college and not blacks.

    This is relevant because people look at what's going on now and feel as though this is similar to our times now. People feel like their is still racism going on even after so much time has past and that's things are getting worst.

    How I feel towards this is that blacks are right and have a point and I understand where they coming from. You can't try to take away someone education because of their color that's just not fair.

    I think this isn't right at all and it shouldn't matter what color you are everyone who wants their education should be able to get it without any problem. You shouldn't try and down play one color and try to bring up another color just because you feel strongly towards one color.

    I chose this article now because of a white cops killing black kids and not getting in trouble for it. They would commit a crime and nothing would happen to him. Things like this shouldn't happen their should always be a fair trail in jail and your skin shouldn't matter.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Where Is Yossele? Trust me
    You want to know.

    Article Date: September 30, 2015

    Who: Yossele Schumacher

    Where: Israel

    When: 1960

    What happened? : Yossele Schumacher, was abducted by his Orthodox grandparents and hidden from his real parents and the Israeli police. A few weeks past a and all of the Israelis knew of the case. The press largely into the story. His grandparents hid him in secret places and when the authorities started to noticed they started to smuggle him out the country. They would usually disguise him in woman clothing and make him look woman like.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because this isn't just happening in Israel but this is happening everywhere and to many young boys and girls and this should tried to be stopped.

    Reaction: I feel as though in the future when I have kids I wouldn't want this to happen I would feel sad and depressed.

    Opinion: I think this is not right and everyone who has a child should be overprotective and keep him/her very secure so nothing can happen to the child. Also I think the police should be more on missing persons.

    Connection: I can connect to this article because my aunt has a child and he went missing one day and the outcome was he got kidnapped but he was found by the police in a park.

  18. website:
    Title: Oregon shooting: Gunman dead after college rampage
    Who: This event involved Everyone on Oregon Community College campus, 10 people killed, and the Shooter.
    Where: This tragedy happened at Oregon Community College.
    When:This event occurred on October 1st 2015.
    What happened: 26 year old Chris Harper open fire at multiple students. He aimed at the Christians first. He told the Christians to stand up and he killed 10 of them.
    Why is this relevant: So many mass shootings happen at schools in this country and we have not found a way to stop them. Innocent people is dying by the hands of a deranged person.
    Reaction:I was outraged at the fact that these mass shootings keep happening and we are doing nothing to stop this.
    Opinion: I think we should have more metal detectors, and more security guards at the entrance of the school and around the school.
    Connection: This remind me of the Colabine shooting. Its crazy how its been over a decade since that shooting happened and it is still a problem. America has done virtually nothing to stop it. They need to make a plan so we can eradicate shootings like this because it needs to be stopped.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Source:
    The title of the article is 'Father of Umpqua college shooting victim:Gunman singled out Christians'. The date of this article is October 2, 2015.The people involved were Boylan, her father, the gunman, and the dead students.
    This took place in Roseburg, Oregon.
    this happened yesterday.
    A gunman went into a college classroom and shot up a couple people. but when committing this crime he asked were the students Christian. he singled them out. This is relevant because because people shouldn't be prejudiced towards any other religion. I feel disgusted by this because some people just weren't raised up right.I think when this is brought to trial the man will not be found guilty. a connection I can make is when that man shot up the elementary school.

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Oregon shooting: "Our thoughts and prayers are not enough"
    Article Date:October 1,2015
    Who:Obama and people from the community college in Oregon
    Where:Washington D.C and Oregon
    When:October 1 , 2015
    What happened:Ten people were killed after a gunman open fire at Umpqua Community College. The shooting in Oregon has frustrated Obama. Obama said"our prayers are not enough."Obama feels as though something must be done. Saying a prayer is not helping the fact that people lost their life and families are grieving.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because gun violence have taken a huge and important toll on our nation.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)- I told total agree with Obama , and I want something to be done instead of prayers getting done.
    Opinion (I think..)I honestly don't think that Obama saying something once again will change things. I think hands on things need to get done.
    Connection (why you chose this article)This topic of gun violence means a lot to be because I lost my uncle to gun violence. Also I know how it feels to lose an innocent person to a bullet who had no name one it .

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


  23. Kanye West declares 2020 presidential bid at VMAs
    Updated 11:47 PM ET, Sat September 5, 2015
    National/Kanye West/Vma’s/On Aug 30th

    On August 30th Kanye West won a vanguard award, while on stage he gave a rather long but meaningful speech. To end his powerful speech he announced that he would be running for president in 2020
    The reason the author wrote this article was that this is another one of Kanye’s daring publicity stunts.
    There are many mixed feelings about it, some people like it and some don’t. As suspected most of the younger generation loves the idea of Kanye being President.
    Personally I think it would be entertaining to watch him debate but he does not have what it takes to be a president. He has a small temper and is not used to having the pressure of the affects his decisions will have on this country.
    Honestly I chose this article because it was the most interesting thing the included politics.

  24. Source:
    Article Title:Obama on Oregon shooting: 'Somehow this has become routine'
    Article Date:October 1, 2015
    Who: Barack Obama
    Where: Umpqua Community College
    When: Days ago
    What happened: There was a school shooting at a college in Oregon that left ten people dead. Barack Obama spoke about the incident. He is very upset about it, angered even. He wept in the White house briefing room. it states in the article that Obama thinks that this has become routine. "Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it ... We have become numb to this," Obama says.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because after all of this time, mass school shootings are still happening and its a serious topic.
    Reaction: This makes me uncomfortable because I waould like to know what the reason was behind all of this.
    Opinion: I believe that schools should be more alert and search around more thoroughly.
    Connection: I can connect to this because those people that were killed had families and I knew people that were killed and I saw how their family reacted
