Sunday, September 20, 2015

5th period, Week of 9/21-9/25 EXTRA CREDIT POST

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/25

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Family: Ahmed Mohamed, clock-making teen, transferring to another school.
    Article Date: Friday September 18th, 2015.
    Who: Ahmed and President Obama.
    Where: All around the United States, but mainly Texas.
    When: The beginning of this week.
    What happened: A high school student Ahmed Mohamed made a clock and brought his product to school, but instead of people being supportive of his creation. He was then arrested for his clock and being asked if his clock is a "bomb" because Ahmed is a Muslim and black. Ahmed's situation was broadcasted all over social media and TV's being supported by everyone.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is important because this relates to situations that's happening now. Police not doing their job and bothering well reserved citizens who would never hurt anyone.
    Reaction: This made me think about today's society and how things haven't changed much. But I love how supportive everyone has been to him.
    Opinion I think this was extremely wrong because he just wanted to share his creating instead his was being hated against.
    Connection: This relates to situations that happening now in the world and situations that everyone goes through.

    1. Dajah storm

      Source: www. Nationalnews. Com/ government . HtMl
      Article Title:Supreme Court rules against federal seizure of farmers
      Article Date:7/15/15
      Who:national news
      What happened: The Supreme Court handed down 3 consecutive rules that affirmed the rights of farmers owners and immates. This caused a lot of abuse to the government because the amount of money they have to produce. Farmers went through a big deal with buying their own land after to damage of the Great Depression. Without this it will be difficult for them and other people to live and eat.
      Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this shows what people are going through just to own their land. They should have the right to do so,this is a great opportunity to make a good profit of money.
      Reaction (I feel ashamed about this situation because if you don't Have land to plant crops mostl likely people would be out into proverty. I think the people should debate on having the right to own their own land.
      Opinion (I think. That just because the Great Depression doesn't mean you can't grow your crops and still own your land
      Connection This is a popular topic in the national news because it reflexs on the stuggles of people owning their own land

  2. Source:
    Why business fought the Confederate flag
    June 24, 2015
    Multiple Businesses (where)around the U.S are removing confederate flags from their stores and websites. Since the racially motivated assassination of nine African Americans in Charleston many U.S citizens have called for the flag in front of the state capitol to come down. When the flag was removed (when)in a matter of days top businesses such as (who)Walmart, Amazon, ebay, and others have announced that they would ban the retail of the flag.The confederate flag was a piece of merchandise found everywhere. It has been converted from flags, to clothing, to chachkies, to any other form of retail. So to see that big businesses can put money aside and consider the changes that need to be made to help the efforts of getting rid of racism in America is very relevant. I feel this change was very mature for these businesses to do. It is known that businesses only care for how much money they make and care not for how people feel about their retail. So to see them remove this item that is racially insensitive to many citizens around the country shows that money won’t always be their number one objective, that what is right plays a part as well. I think that this event is another large step in combating racism in this country and keeping it where it shouldn’t have been but needs to stay, in the past. This reminds me of the stores that openly welcomed African Americans into their place of business after the jim crow laws were removed. Though many others felt they still had the right to deny them as customers, some businesses felt that it was time to welcome a new era of equality. I am happy that we still have a morally right open mind to this.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  3. Source:
    Article Title: The name of this article is called House Speaker John Boehner: 'I decided today is the day'
    Article Date: The date of this article was on 9/25/15
    Who: The people involved in this event were Pope Francis, and John Boehner
    Where: This article took place in Washington D.C.
    When: This article took place on Friday
    What happened: Ohio Republican John Boehner resigned from Congress
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has something to do with the United States Congress in which they help us pass laws to help better our Country.
    Reaction I feel as if the resignation of John Boehner will have some effect in our country in the near future either it will be a positive or negative effect.
    Opinion I think that that President Obama will address this event as we move on from this.
    Connection I chose this article because it relates to the government and this man has been hit with controversies since he became the speaker of the House of Representatives.

    1. Missing complete web address. Also, remember to add punctuation to indicate the end of a sentence. takes you to the main page of CNN, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  4. Source:
    Article Title:Biden Eligible for Democratic Primary Debate - if He Decides to Run
    Article Date:September 29, 2015
    Who:The people who where involved in this article are Vice President Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton,Governor Martin O'Malley,Governor Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb.
    Where:This event is happening in Washington, DC.
    When:This event occured last month.
    What happened: Vice presdient JOe Biden is now running for president because he now meets all but one of the criteria required to participate.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because it has to do with out country. also hes a democrat who worked wih Obama and will most likely continue some of his policies like Obama Care.
    Reaction:My reaction is neutral because he may help a lot but also not. I think he would do good since he worked so good with obama but you never know.
    Opinion: I think that he should run for office because he has experiance in office and is liked. I also think that he will do good because he meets the criteria. I really just want a Democrat to win.
    Connection: I choosde this article because im very interested in the presidental things going on in the news.
