Sunday, September 20, 2015

2nd period, Week of 9/21-9/25 EXTRA CREDIT POST

Due by 3:30 pm on 9/25

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Rahfiq Cole


    Article Title: Trump Remains
    Center Stage at
    2nd G.O.P. Debate

    Article Date: SEPT. 17, 2015


    Where: does not have a specific location.

    When: does not have specific day when this event took place.

    What happened: As in the last debate, Donald J. Trump had more speaking time than any other candidate. Efforts by the moderators to encourage the candidates to engage each other contributed to the imbalance. Trump is dominating in the debates because he is speaking more than any one else.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its the G.O.P debate about who becomes the next president or who will be running for office.

    Reaction: When I seen the video I was thinking that Trump should just give up because he start saying anything and start to go off topic a little bit.

    Opinion: I think Trump was sounding a lil repetitive, kept talking about how much money he got.

    Connection: I chose this article because we went over this in my civics class.

    1. I also chose this article because I want to start being into more politics this year. And I'm very curious of who the next president of the united states is gone b . Because we just can't have anyone as our president.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Of Course Ben Carson Isn't Apologizing For Insulting Muslims
    Article Date: September 21 ,2015
    Who: Ben Carson, Muslim community, Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsay Graham
    Where: Greenville, South Carolina
    When: September 18 ,2015
    What happened: Ben Carson said "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation." He then stated, that Muslims wouldn't be able to uphold the constitution because the religion forbids them to.
    Why this event is relevant: This author chose to write about this event because, it talks about a republican running for presidency and his views about a specific religion.
    Reaction: After reading this article, I am shocked that even though we have a freedom of religion that people still aren't accepting it in politics.
    Opinion: In my opinion, Muslims should be able to run for presidency. Anyone should be able to run regardless of their religion. In the end it's for the people to decide whether or not they want that candidate in office. Ben Carson said that he didn't think it was good idea because, he feel as though they wouldn't be able to uphold the constitution because their religion doesn't allow them to. On the other hand Christianity doesn't allow a lot of thing also. Every decision that is made isn't necessarily based on religion. It could also be based on your morals as a person.
    Connection: I could relate to this article because, I am Muslim. Therefore, Ben Carson's beliefs/opinion affects me as a member of the Muslim Community.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: The real story behind Trump's Florida gaming fixation
    This article was published on September 17, 2015 and this is a national topic right now. This article involves republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush at the republican presidential debate. This debate took place on CNN in California in the last week. At the debate Trump stated that he didn't want casino gambling in Florida. Jeb Bush replied with the accusation that Trump had interest in gambling and wants gambling in Florida. Bush said Trump gave him money and attempted to change his views on gambling. According to the past 20 years Trump and his company have consistently been on record trying to get casino deals in many different forms. Over the years Trump has tried to negotiate with lobbyists to help him pursue his wishes for casinos. Also, when Jeb Bush became governor in 1999, Trump attempted to make a deal for casinos once again but Bush and the GOP (Grand Old Party) Legislature denied his request. This event is relevant because Donald Trump is running for president and his lies have evidence behind them to prove he is guilty of the lies he has told about his gambling wishes, and yet he still denies the topic. This situation brings to surface what kind of people we have running to be in charge of the United States. Honestly, I am uneasy about Trump even having the opportunity to run for president. He can't even admit to the decisions he has been making for over twenty years now. What other secrecy will he bring into the U.S if he becomes president? I think Donald Trump is a joke & him running for president was just a game of truth or dare & he got hit with a dare. He doesn't own up to past affairs & this right here sets him up for citizens to question his loyalty as a whole. I chose this article because Donald Trump is popular in the national news.

  4. Source:

    Article Title:The title of this article is "Pope Francis gets political in Washington debut".

    Article Date:The date that this article was published on was September 23,2015.

    Who:The people involved in this article are Pope Francis and President Obama.

    Where:This article took place in Washington,D.C.

    When:This event took place on Wednesday September 23,2015.

    What happened:What happened in this event was Pope Francis and President Obama were having a talk. During this talk Pope Francis told President Obama his mission and what he planned on doing with his time here in the United States.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because Pope Francis is all over the news and a lot of people would like to know why he's here and what is his purpose for being here. His mission is to address the nation to weigh in on deeply divisive issues.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was shocking because I thought Pope Francis was just coming to America just to talk to Catholic people but that wasn't true. He came here to help change some issues.

    Opinion:I think this is a good thing and now I'm kinda thankful that the pope came here to help us a little.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because it's something very popular right now in the media. Also, I really wanted to learn the reasoning for why the Pope is here and what he plans on doing besides shutting cities down.

  5. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:The title of this article is, "Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Suspended From Practicing Law."

    Article Date: The date of this article is September 21st, 2015.

    Who: Attorney General Kathleen Kane

    Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    When: This allegation has been going on over the past year.

    What happened: Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General has allegations against her stating that she allegedly leaked grand jury information to embarrass political enemies. Kane denies these allegations, and states the she will not step down from office, even though many people disagree with that.

    Why this event is relevant: This is topic relevant because it shows how conniving some people can be to get what that want.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to this is no reaction. I really don't feel like it is that big of deal because it's politics, and in politics you are supposed to scoop up information on the opposing sides.

    Opinion (I think..): I think that its really not that big of deal because again like I said, its politics and that is what happens in politics.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I've heard little snippets of it on the news here and there, and I also felt like it was a interesting topic people would like to hear about.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Fiorina Will Need To Stand Out, Not Just Stick Out, On Debate Stage

    Article Date: September 18, 2015

    Who: The people involved are Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Allen Austin, John Brabender, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton and Jean Ray.

    Where: This took place in Dover, New Hamspire.

    When: This happened 2 weeks ago on saturday.

    What happened: People think since it is Carly's first time in a prime time event she will need to catch the eye of a lot of people, meaning she needs to stand out. Being as though she is a woman, she is already an underdog. 

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because along with other problems the world need to face is that they're a little sexist. They need to stop undermining woman just because they think they're not fit for the job.

    Reaction: I feel as though Carly Fiorina is a brave woman for trying to accomplish something that has never been done.

    Opinion: I think Carly will have a hard time throughout this process just because she's a woman.

    Connection: I can relate to this because I too am I female and things just don't get handed to us. we have to work a lot harder if we even want to make a little difference.

  8. Devon Johnson


    Article Title:Experts say a government shutdown is likely. D.C. says it’s ready.

    Article Date:September 16,2015/By Perry Stein

    Who:The Congress,City leaders,The Government

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When:September 30,2015

    What happened:Congress needs to agree on how to fund the government by Sept. 30.A government shutdown seems likely if not accomplished.Many local services could be suspended, such as trash collection, libraries, the DMV and health inspectors.When D.C. approved its fiscal 2016 budget,this means the city could continue to operate at locally approved budget levels in the event of a government shutdown.The city was well prepared.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it effects a lot of things going on in the system.People could be out of jobs,especially people with city jobs.Supplies could be limited because of closing of store.It could effect the school system too,because without teachers,we can't get the same education we are used to.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel like if there is no government,it will be chaos. I don't really feel any type of way.It all just comes down to making the right decision.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that the congress needs to fund more in the government. I think it's the main reason why a lot of schools are shut down.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because a lot of people need to know what are the effects of the government going through another shutdown.

  9. Source:

    Abortion Bills Advance, Setting up a showdown

    September. 17, 2015 National

    Who: Senate Republicans, President Obama, Chairman Harold Rogers, and Mr. McConnell

    Where: Washington D.C

    This happened a week a 1 day ago, which was on a Thursday.

    In this article the House of Republicans wanted to end all government financing for Planned Parenthood, which includes other women's health services also. They think the money can go to the government for more important things like, the road/ highways and schools. Our President refused to sign any spending legislation that cuts off funds for Planned Parenthood. In a result Chairman Rodgers and the Appropriations Committees came up with the plan for a "clean" temporarily spending bill. Which is like getting prepared to cut down the government or just funding what they want to fund. Mr. Rogers said, "Eventually we have got to pass a CR that the President will sign." I think this event is relevant because, the US is in serious dept and the Senate of Republicans are trying to cut any funding "They" think is necessary. So many people these days are having babies that they are not ready for, and they need the government to pay for it. It's entirely selfish that the Senate want to just stop the funding of Planned Parenthood. Some people can' t afford babies, so they need to get an abortion. The government is the people, so the Senate of Republicans shouldn't strip them of their funding. I think The President and the Senate of Republicans should come to a compromise, which could be not cut the funding for Planned Parenthood entirely but to just take away a little. So we can give some money to our Highway Trust Funds. I chose this article because, it was about reality and how they were about to cut PP funding. In my neighborhood a lot of young girls get pregnant and can' t take care of their babies, so if the government was to stop funding the PP, and that would be a horrible decision. Because what would they do ?
