Sunday, September 29, 2013

P. 1, Week of 9/29-10/4

Current Event for Week 6: 9/29-10/4

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:Federal workers prepare for shutdown process
    Article Date:Posted: Sep 30, 2013 4:05 PM EDT
    Updated: Sep 30, 2013 4:15 PM EDT
    Who:The U.S. Government
    What happened:The government is shutting down on Tuesday October 1,2013 because of a lack of funding for Obama care.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because not everyone in the U.S. has health insurance.With Obama care everyone will have health insurance even in the worst times they will have it because it will be affordable.Republicans are saying no to the new healthcare reform and that it will cost to much. So now the government will shut down until they come up with a agree.
    Reaction: I feel as though that Obama is doing the right thing with this healthcare reform because U.S. citizens die everyday only because they don't have health insurance or the money to go and get checked to see what is wrong with them.It effects everyone people are not going to get paid on time, monthly checks are delayed some people rely on those checks to get them through the month. Babies won't be able to get milk or food because social security, SNAP and WIC are being shutdown also.It also effects peoples jobs because they're not getting payed on time, museums are shut down, national parks, and if you was waiting on a passport keep waiting... they're delayed too.
    Opinion: I think it's unfair and that they're should have been a voting on whether the government should be shut down or not. Many americans rely on these programs daily that are being delayed. So I just see it as unfair to all americans.
    Connection: I chose this article because when the government is shutdown Tuesday, us americans have nothing to rely on unless they have a well paying job that will not effect them as much because they don't rely on most of these programs being shutdown, most people are already living in poverty today anyway.We don't even know how long the shutdown with last to be exact. So why shut it down?

  2. source:

    title: Former football player Paul Oliver shot himself in the head

    date: October 2, 2013

    who: Paul Oliver and the Oliver family

    where: the Oliver house in Georgia

    when; September 24 2013

    what happened: former football player for the San Diego Chargers was recently released after playing for them for six years. this all went downhill as he began to drink his pain away which caused problems at home. he and his where frequently arguing. one day on the 24th of September, they were arguing and he told his wife that he was going to kill himself. he ended up shooting rounds up to the ceiling and then shooting himself in front of his wife and his two sons.

    why is this relevant: this is relevant because this could be a violation of gun possession and police authorities are investigating the situation.

    reaction: when reading this I was very upset for the family and concerned on how to be more structured on gun laws and who possess them.

    connection: there are a lot of people out there now that are committing suicide with guns that they legally aren't supposed to used.

    1. This topic does not qualify. Please post on a topic relating to government.


    title: Wall Street Uneasy in Face of Government Shutdown

    date: September 29 2013

    who: the government and the people of the united states

    where: wall street and the capital

    when: the current month of September through now

    what: the United Sates is in a crisis in the government possibly getting shut down. the U.S. is having a lot of political disputes and a rattling market in wall street. also, there is a battle over the debt ceiling and how they were going to agree on a deal. the main thing is that on wall street, they want to stop making payment on their bonds.

    why this is relevant: this effect us now and how the market will now be shutdown. also, the government is shutting down and this effects the country.

    reaction: I am shocked and nervous because if the government really shuts down, then what will we do and go on with our lives.

    connection: sometimes I look on my phone at the stocks but I wonder what will they look like when it gets shut down.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Source:
    Article date: september 30, 2013
    Article Title:Syria Conflict: Neighbours pled for International help
    Who:Ministers from Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq
    What: Syria neighbours have asked donors for support in dealing with a huge increase in escapers at a meeting in geneva. Many people from Syrian have escaped from the chemical weapons situation. UN security council passed a binding resolution to take away Syria's stock of chemical weapons. Syria refugees is threating the political & social cohesion of the whole religion. Traditional donors were asked on Monday for financial support and offers to host some of the most vulneable people who escaped. Many said help Syria refugees is too much risk and it takes to much to help.
    Why this is relevant: This is relevant because Syria have used chemical weapons to attack its citizens. Meanwhile the citizen are escaping and need help. But none is given.
    Reaction:I think they should help the citizens because they have been through chaos with syria and they need mental and physical help.
    Opinion:I think that all deserve help when needed, especially when they are innocent victims and they are bring mistreated.
    Connection: I choose this article because i have been following the Syria case .


    1. Source: (entire website address)

      Article Title: US shutdown: Barack Obama cancels Asia trip

      Article Date: Oct 4 2013

      Who: Barack Obama

      Where: U.S. and Asia

      When: Today

      What happened: as a result of recent bickering between democrats and republicans getting a new budget passed the government has shut down. Now Obama has to stay in the country in order to fix it and has to cancel a trip to Asia.

      Why this event is relevant: THi is relevant because we know that our president is working diligently to get his work done in America first.

      Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that this is great that Someone is finally caring about us before attending to international affrirs.

      Opinion (I think..) Ithink this is great because someone is finally caring about America instead of international affairs

      Connection (why you chose this article) I chost popular on news sitese moose this article because it was th

      Article Title:
      Article Date:
      What happened:
      Why this event is relevant:
      Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
      Opinion (I think..)
      Connection (why you chose this article)

    2. Zahkeyah: You must provide the exact web address of the article.
      Davon: Your post does not meet the length requirement.

  6. Source:
    Article Title:Constitution and the debt: Can the president go it alone?
    Article Date: October 3, 2013
    Who: President Barrack Obama
    Where: Washington Dc
    When: today
    What happened: President Barrack Obama knew about a debt problem we had two years ago but he did not worry about it till now because it is more serious and more money is needed. because of this problem many people and places will not get the money they usually get from the government. The president is still ignoring the debt ceiling. Many say that he should have dealt with this problem two years ago. many believe that the 14th amendment does not cover what is the president is doing, which is ignoring debt ceiling. we will know about what will happen on October 17,2013
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this concerns all of the u.s
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My reaction to this was that I belief this is ridiculous we need to try our best to fix this as quick as possible.
    Opinion (I think..) That it was not responsible of Obama to do what he is doing seeing how it is only getting worse
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because it relates to the government ending

  7. Source:
    Article Title:The government shutdown: Americans on the edge
    Article Date:Thu October 3, 2013
    Who: Government
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: October 2013
    What happened:The article tells about different Americans and how they feel about the shutdown. Federal employees and contractors felt the pinch first. But the ripple only started with them. It's now radiating throughout the country. Veterans from the navy believe that the country is putting a bad impact on other Americans. Cancer patients think that they are denying or delaying potentially life saving treatments to Americans in need of a miracle. Nobody in America is basically safe on anything that they do. If they are retired, sick or working now , Americans are upset.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with us.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as though America is crumbling to pieces and no one is safe.
    Opinion (I think..) We should turn the government back on.
    Connection (why you chose this article) To show that our generation has to change America.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Latest House bid fails as bitter back-and-forth over government shutdown rages

    Article Date: This article was written on October 4th 2013.

    Who: Democrats and Republicans

    Where: Washington , DC

    When: On October 1st 2013

    What happened: On October 1st 2013 about 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck .The was the beginning of the Government Shutdown. Republicans in the refused to fund the government unless we defunded or dismantled they got rid of the Affordable Care Act. The House of Reps and Senate both refused to make changes to what the want change to possibly satisfy the other party. But most of all they refuse to change the health care reform.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is the first time this happened in 18 years which says a lot on how the government today is being ran. This event is also relevant because ironically the government gets shut down the day Obama Care begins, showing how much they disliked the idea.

    Reaction : My reaction was kinda scared because this is the first time it happened since i have been alive. But I also was kinda curious to see how fast the government would make changes and from my knowledge nothing had been done.

    Opinion : I think they should try to come to a conclusion to make the citizens of the United States feel at ease. I also think President Obama is doing a good job by getting out to the media and have responses for the many questions being asked.
    Connection I choose this article because the government of the country I live in had recently

  9. Source:

    Article Title: Baghdad hit by wave of deadly car bombs

    Article Date: 30 September 2013

    Who: Citizens in Baghdad and criminals

    Where: Baghdad

    When: September 30, 2013

    What happened: A lot of car bomb hit Baghdad in the morning during rush hour. About 13 bombs hit in neighborhoods and it killed at least 47 people and injured way more than that.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because since 2008 there has been a lot of violence that occurred, sparking fears of a return to the bloodletting.
    More than 5,000 people have been killed so far this year. People say that this is bad an it needs to stop

    Reaction: My reaction to this was sad because a lot of innocent people were killed. Some people really don't care about what they do to you. They don't care what age you are, everybody seems to be the enemy.

    Opinion: I think that the police need to be on high alert. To many people are being killed for no reason. Watch out for anything that looks suspicious or people. Don't go over board and begin locking up any an everybody. That is what i think.

  10. Source

    Article Title: Capitol Police Protecting Congress In Shooting Aren't Getting Paid, Thanks To Congress

    Article Date: October 3 2013

    Who: Police and Congress

    Where: Capitol

    When: October 3 2013

    What happened: Police officers are still protecting members of Congress even though their not getting paid, due to the shutdown of he government. They will eventaully be paid, but not until the funding deal is reached. Sanders said that he thinks they should be gettin paid now, they still have thigs to worry about in their personal life like their family and kids. Its not fair that members of Congress still get paid, beause their salaries come from mandatory funds that aren't affected by the shut down.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its nice to know that our police are still doin their job even though they are not getting paid right now. They are trying to keep the world safe.

    Reaction: Im not suprised by why that cops are doing, thats their job and thats what they love. They are going to do what they love, even if they are going to get paid later and not today.

    Opinion: i think that the cops are doing a very good thing.

    Connection: i choose this article because ive been seeing alot of cops around on my block lately , and its nice to know that they are doing their job faithfully without pay.

  11. Source:

    Article Title:The government shutdown: Americans on the edge

    Article Date: October 3, 2013

    Who: Government

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: October 2013

    What happened:The article deals with the reaction to the government shutdown. Federal employees and contractors were the first to be negatively impacted by the shutdown. The effects are now starting to be felt throughout the country. Veterans from the navy believe that the country is putting a bad impact on other Americans. Cancer patients think that they are denying or delaying potentially life saving treatments to Americans in need of a miracle. The shutdown is really inconvenient.

    Why this event is relevant: The government Shutdown effects everyone in the united states whether it is personally or in the long run.

    Reaction: I was outraged truthfully. I had a feeling this would happen, knowing our government, but when it really shutdown, all i could do is be upset.

    Opinion: I feel upset. All these people get paid to do is take care of our government. They are appointed by American citizens, with trust that they will do a good job running the government. It starts to get annoying, because it shows that our leaders and law makers are just immature and stubborn. Events like this make you appreciate your government much less. They are playing with peoples lives and its not cool.

    Connection: I connect this event to school as an excuse. Why should us school students act mature and set examples, if a group of older, ivy league politicians cant even act mature.

  12. Article Title: Rwanda condemns US M23 child soldiers sanctions
    Article Date: 4 October 2013
    Who: Rwanda, U.S.
    Where: Rawanda
    When: October 4
    What happened: U.S. has sanctioned Rawanda ( an African country ) for supposedly having child soldiers. The country denies such accusations. In fact a military spokesperson said, "It is surprising that Rwanda would be liable for matters that are neither on its territory nor in its practices." The U.S. and Rawanda used to be close allies until 1994, when Kagame came to power. Rwanada is also being accused of backing up the M23, which is a rebellion group in the Congo.
    Why this event is relevant: We are in the U.S. and are one of the world's biggest countries when it comes to world decisions. I live here, so it's my duty to know what we're doing with other countries.
    Reaction: It reminded me of the whole Kony 2012 thing... for some reason.
    Opinion I think no country should train or even have child soldiers... the invisible children situation made me made enough.. ( with uganda)
    Connection I chose this article because I was sick of talking about the U.S. only And Syria.. I've been tlaking about them way too much.
    Current Event Sources:

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Doctor Shortage, Increased demand could crash health care system
    Article Date: October 2,2013
    Who: Doctors and Physicians from Kentucky
    Where: Lexington, Kentucky
    When: not an exact date
    What happened: Doctors are unsure about what will happens to their offices and hospitals. Because of certain things on ObamaCare the government has shut down the line of people who have been waiting to get on. When people approved to ObamaCare doctors offices will be crowed and that would cause a lot of commotion.
    Why is this relevant: this is important because if doctors offices are crowned then people would not be seen. Also a lot of people need to see doctors.
    Reaction: I feel as though it causes a lot of commotion with ObamaCare and the government. And honestly I feel as though I'm kind of scared to be a doctor.
    Opinion: ObamaCare has to be revised to be better for everyone.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because when I be in the doctors office it takes a while for me to be seen.

  14. Source:

    Title: Hunt for clues in Capitol shooting

    Date: October 4,2013

    Who: Miriam Carey, Her 1 year old daughter, police and pedestrians

    When: October 3,2013

    Where: Washington D.C.

    What Happened.Authorities investigating why a Connecticut woman rammed barricades and led police on a chase near the U.S. Capitol found medications in her apartment to treat schizophrenia and other mental disorders, a law enforcement source briefed on the investigation said Friday.The woman, identified by law enforcement sources as Miriam Carey, 34, died after police shot her.The discovery of the psychiatric medications comes a day after Carey's boyfriend had told police in December that she appeared to be delusional, believing that President Barack Obama had placed Stamford, Connecticut, where they lived, under lockdown and that her home was under electronic surveillance, a law enforcement source involved in the investigation said. Thursday's incident played out in one of the most heavily policed places in the world, temporarily locked down Congress and sparked anxiety among tourists and staffers alike.
    Police say Carey rammed barricades and police cruisers -- actions Washington police Chief Cathy Lanier said appeared deliberate -- and sped down Pennsylvania Avenue before crashing. Two law enforcement officers were injured, and officers shot her to end the incident. Carey apparently did not have a weapon, but did have a 1-year-old girl in the car with her. The child emerged from the chaos unharmed, officials said. Authorities who searched Carey's apartment in Stamford found risperidone, a medication to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, a law enforcement source said. They also found escitalopram, an antidepressant commonly prescribed under the brand name Lexapro, according to the source.
    It was not known if she was taking any of the medications, and authorities have not officially linked the incident to mental illness or any other factor.

    Why Is This Reverent: This article is reverent because it was putting our U.S. Capital In danger and putting others in danger too. This insistent could have put many people that are in higher offices in danger of loosing their lives.

    Reaction/Opinion/Connection: When I first read this article the first thing that came to mind was was her 1year old daughter okay and secure. Her mother should not have ever put her own flesh and blood, her own baby at risk like the way she did. She should have known as an adult to make a much better Choice then the one she mad. In my opinion like the article says this lady is crazy. She has had previous Psypiactric problems. She was crazy, well still is. A connection I can make us from the bombing last year with the two brothers and how one was caught by the police. I'm connecting it to that because they were putting millions if peoples lives in danger even children and caused a huge scene and like this women she put her own daughter in danger and caused a huge scene as well. People need to learn that violence is never the answer.

  15. Title: Iran's President: Europe, U.S Sound Different Compared to the Past's
    Date: September 27th
    Who: Hassan Rouhanni, President of Iran
    Where: The US, Iran, and Europe
    When: Sept. 20 2103
    What Happened:The President of Iran discussed the "disagreement" between the U.S./Europe and Iran They are trying to settle it with Iran. They are attempting to rectify the nuclear issue. It also tells how there was a big meeting with the officials and he was surprised because it hasn't been anything like that in over 30 years. The president is going to settle the issue between the US and says there wont be much of a problem with it anymore and the nuclear be solved. The President of Iran seemed he was happy there was no longer going to be a situation between the US, England, and Iran.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because of this has been an uprising issue in the U.S. and has been relevant for quite some time now.

    My Reaction:Of course I'm glad that the two (three) nations are trying to coexist without any trouble. More alliances and treaties equal less wars. I'd like for the US/Europe to remain on good terms because the one thing we don't need is another war.

  16. Soruce:

    Article title: Hunt for clues capitol shooting

    Article date: updated 11:30 am EDT 10/04/13

    Who: Miriam Carey. The woman who driving the car.

    Where: This event happen in Washington DC.

    When: This event occurred on 10/03/13

    What happen: Miriam Carey was on medication that treated schizophrenia. She was driving out control and police had to chase her down.

    Why: This event happen because Miriam Carey was under extreme med that she couldn't control. So it made her loose control and police shot her.

    Reaction: My reaction s was the police could have tried hard to end it without shooting her.

    Opinion: I would have found a better way of handling the situation.

    Connection: I pick this article because i like reading about things like these to find better ways to end these type of situations.

  17. The blog for this week is now closed.

  18. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: US shutdown: Barack Obama cancels Asia trip

    Article Date: Oct 4 2013

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: U.S. and Asia

    When: Today

    What happened: as a result of recent bickering between democrats and republicans getting a new budget passed the government has shut down. Now Obama has to stay in the country in order to fix it and has to cancel a trip to Asia.
    Obama has canceled a tour that would stop in multiple countries in Asia. Now the government is affecting the world. This is because obama could not go and attend some international places to advocate for America because our own government has failed to pass a new budget.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant for multiple reasons. One is that the president has to cancel an international trip because our government can not agree on a new buidget. Also this shows that the president of the United States of America actually cares about what problems we have before what is going on in other places.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that this is great that Someone is finally caring about us before attending to international affrirs.

    Opinion (I think..) Ithink this is great because someone is finally caring about America instead of international affairs

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose popular on news sites most this article because it was the most popular article under the politics section.


    Wall Street Uneasy in Face of Government Shutdown

    September 29, 2010

    Economists and congress are involved.

    This article is located in Washington, D.C.

    2013 is when the event occured.

    What happened was that there was a government shut down. There are many crisis that can occur during this shut down. There is worry of economic struggle. The man focus of main street is that the government may stop the payment on its bonds once we have met the borrowing limit. The republicans wants to open back up, but only if an agreement to shut ObamaCare down is passed.

    This event is relevant because for one, this effects the country in a big way. Who knows what will happen if they never open the government back up, it may cause a very big economic downfall.

    My reaction to this article is absolute fear. I am scared if the government never open back up, then we will live in absolite proverty.

    I think this article is very important and that the government needs to make a deciaion quick!

    I chose this article because of course I live in thia country, and I am concerned with what goes on in my country. This issue will effect me in many ways.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: Iran talks with the U.S
    Article Date: September 26, 2013
    Who: Mohammad Jauad Zarifs.
    Where: The U.S Embassg in Tehran.
    When: September 26, 2013
    What happened: The United Nations Security councils imposed sanctions 2006 after Iran refused to suspend its nuclear enrichment program.
    Why this event is relevant: Its help for the citizens in the U.S to pay attention to our country more.
    Reaction : Its getting more dangerous for our country to get in a war with another powerful country
    Opinion : I think Iran is dangerous and we should take caution, just to be sure.
    Connection : I choose these article because this is something people should take in considering of.

  21. Source:
    Article Title: White House denies Germany's claim of cellphone use.
    Article Date: This was written October 23, 2013
    Who: German Chancellor Angela Merket & German Government
    Where: In Washington
    When: October 23, 2013
    What happened: Chancellor Angela Merket complained to President Obama on Wednesday after learning that the U.S intelligence may have targeted her mobile phone.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows how crazy Angela sounds to make Obama sound bad.
    Reaction: I feel confusing because I don know what to believe about if its true that the White House is connected to Angela's phone.
    Opinion: I think the White House should be accurate if they know what they talk about in their different circumstances.
    Connection: I choose this article because I think this something people should take a action on.
