Sunday, September 15, 2013

Period 5 Week of 9/16-9/20

Current event for week 4: September 16-September 20 

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article: Charlotte police officer charged with manslaughter after shooting unarmed man
    Article Date: September 15, 2013
    Who: Officer Randall Kerrick.
    Where: Charlotte, N.C.
    When: Saturday, 9/14/13
    What happened: Officer Randall Kerrick shot and killed 24-year-old Jonathan Ferrell, because a women heard Ferrell knocking on her door for help, and for her it was a misunderstanding. She called the police, and Ferrell ran towards the police and Officer Randall shot and killed Farrell several times.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because a lot of police officers shoot and kill people because of a misunderstanding. They want to do their jobs, but some officers abuse their power, and think they can get away with anything.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that, I feel sad that Jonathan ferrell died all because of a big misunderstanding. He was only 24 years of age. He was still very young.
    Opinion: I think it was a good thing that the officer turned himself in, because even though he feels sorry about it, he still ended someone else's life because of something he thought.
    Connection: I chose this article, because it reminds me of what happened to Trayvon Martin. He was shot and killed all because of what Zimmerman thought he was doing or going to do. He was only a 17-year-old boy and now he's dead.
    -Dominique Frazier


    Article title:Shooting reopens stalled debate over access to guns for mentally ill
    Article date: September 17,2013

    Who: Aron Alexis
    Where:washington navy yard
    When:Monday,September 16,2013

    What happened: Aron Alexis a 34 year old defense contractor and former reservist used a valid pass to gain access to an area at the navy yard in D.C where he started shooting and killing people in the deadliest massacre and used a shot gun that he brought in lorton,VA.they also talk about alexis motive still being a mystery and how the toxic of mental illness and access to guns a lot of people say it is a pattern and they criticized the government for not taking more actions to make it harder to get guns today. the killing of the people by the 34year old defense contractor make our society wonder if this will change the way people are able to get guns.another thing this article talk about is how legislation can't put an end to all violence then how lawmakers must do what is right and close the gaping holes in the system in order to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the severely mentally ill people on our streets.

    I chose this article because it stuck out to me and had me a little emotional because I hate when innocent people get hurt or killed by someone foolish accidents and now no one can change the people lives that were too ken because they aren't here any more

    This is relevant because it has to do with our government and lawmakers.I say this because people that's mentally ill should not be able to purchase a gun but yet today they do and they hurt and kill a lot of people then want to use they're sickness as an excuse so I think that if they're not able to have access to a gun then it will stop the killing and then they won't have any excuses.
    My reaction to this was shocking because it made me upset to know that one of the innocents got killed once again in our world today by someone that shouldn't have access to a gun.

  3. Article Title: After unprecedented financial crisis, Philadelphia students head back to changed schools
    Article Date: September 03, 2013
    Who: Public School District and Mayor Nutter
    Where: Philadelphia, PA
    When: September 3, 2013
    What happened: Philadelphia and the school district realized that there isn’t enough money to open schools up on time. It had already begun earlier in the year when 37 public schools were closing after the end of the school year. Now that school is starting back up schools need $50 million. We borrowed money from our future sales tax but this still isn’t enough money. Teachers are getting laid off, extra staff is getting fired and the remaining teachers are getting pay cuts.
    Why this event is relevant: I feel bad for the teachers who get paid by how they teach. Most kids need most of the staff they fired, like college counselor.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): they are taking away someone’s pay check, after you already laid people off which adds more jobs to those still at the school, but they’re not getting paid for it.
    Opinion (I think...): I think most of our money went to new prisons, parks, and roads, things that aren’t nearly as important as kid’s knowledge. I think this completely unfair to the children already in a crowded public school who now have to go to another crowded public school.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this because I know a lot of people that go to these schools that got closed or who though their basketball teams would get taken away because they don’t have money to fund it.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Suggets Tougher Checks Might Have Prevented D.C Shooting
    Article Date: September 17, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Washington, D.C.
    When: Monday , September 16,2013
    What happened: President Barack Obama talks about the Washington Navy Yard shooting and says that it may have been prevented if tougher background checks were in place. He says that we do not have a firm enough background system and that makes the U.S vulnerable to those kinds of mass shootings. He says that he has done all the the necessary actions that are in his control and now the next step is for Congress to go ahead and move.
    Why is this relevant : this is relevant because if our nation had a stronger background system then it would be easier to figure out or prevent mass shootings which are coming a common thing in the U.S.
    Reaction: When I read this I was surprised that something like that could happen again in our nation & if someone needs help then they should go get it! Not go out and take someone's life & yours.
    Opinion: I think that the Congress and all of them should take this very seriously because mass shootings, bombings & killings or happening a lot in the U.S & this is scaring a lot of citizens. I also think that they should be on top of these kind of things already based on what happened these last couple of years.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because in the schools that I've been to in my life , every time where the school thinks something might happen , the whole school practice having lock down drills so we could know what to do in a time like that. Also, not everything can be stopped but if you keep practicing or finding out solutions then it could get better.


    Man who plotted to kill and eat children gets more than 26 years in prison

    Tue September 17, 2013

    In Boston,A 40 year old man named Geoffrey Portway who plotted to kill and eat children was sentenced. He was sentenced to 26 years on Tuesday. He was ordered to pay $3,000 in restution to five children.He also will be supervised for the rest of his lifetime. The childrens images were found online.This relates to court cases and taxes.This made me feel bitter sweet. Im happy he's being put away. But at the same time little children were hurt. I think he should never be able to walk the streets again. He reminds me of many people that has killed innocent people.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: U.N. weapons inspectors to return to Syria
    Article Date: 9.18.13
    Who: The Syrian regime, Ake sellstrom, U.N Investigators and Russia are involved.
    Where: This event takes place in Syria.
    When: After August 21st attack they're expected to go back to Syria as early as next week.
    What happened: The chemical attack on Syrian people by Bashir Al-Assad on August 21st has resulted in a lot of problems. Now U.N investigators will rerun to Syria to find more evidence of chemical weapon use. Also, Russia, who is the alli of Syria is willing to work with the U.S to solve this problem in a peaceful way. They came up with a plan to take away Syria's chemical weapons without force but if they don't cooperate then they will have to take military actions. The U.N will finish their investigations.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because now the U.S is involved.
    Reaction: My reaction to reading this is that I'm scared and angry because I have a feeling that a war is going to start and it is not going to go the way everyone thinks it is.
    Opinion : I think the United States should mind their business.
    Connection: I choose this article because I feel empathy for them people, that can happen to the U.S anytime and now that it involves us it makes me think of the Vietnam War how the U.s got involved and it didn't go the way we wanted it, so we lost that war.

    1. Taylor,
      This is posted in the wrong class period. Great article choice, however.
      Ms. Rachael

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Obama urges action of immigration; suggests more piecemeal approach
    Article Date: September 17, 2013

    Amidst the controversy with Syria, President Obama is now urging the congressional approval of yet another bill -- immigration reform. Obama has stated that he's willing to take a more "piecemeal" approach, or in other words, a more gradual process. Obama wants to tackle central problems, including the advancement of border control and making sure that employers aren't taking advantage of illegal immigrants to save money. This event is relevant because immigration has been a long-standing dilemma when it comes to border control, illegal immigrants and such. Passing this bill would be a great success for Obama.

    I personally believe that Congress has a point in taking this process piece by piece. I'm aware that this country was built on the premise of immigrants, but throughout the years, immigrants have illegally crossed borders and taken work for small pay rather than going through the immigration process and it's a tax on the American people. We need a more fierce way of letting immigrants into America -- backgrounds checks, "enforcement provisions" as said in the article, and other things. We can't keep paying for something like this.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: The name of this article is "Small West Va. city finds charter states women cannot vote".

    Article Date: This article date was written on September 14,2013

    Who: The people who are involved are the officials and women of the town charter.

    Where: This event occurred in a small west Virginia city of Sisterville.

    When: This happened in the summer of 2013

    What happened: What happened was official found out that their part of town still does not allow women to vote only men. The mayor was not doing his job correctly so the officials are trying to find a way to replace him.The city attorney told a local paper bout the situation but this would result in public hearing.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is something that should not even be happening due to the fact that the law for anyone to vote been was accepted.

    Reaction: I don't like this because it makes me think of segregation. Women in this town probably feel some type of way that can vote and other women in the U.S. can, so to me i think the law of everyone treated equal is really operated.

    Opinion: I think the women or anyone should have reached out soon as possible bout this because I know for a fact that they been knew. This town was 175 years old and no one spoke up.

    Connection: I chose this article because i thought it would be interesting just by reading the title. Also i think this is a crazy and misunderstanding.

    1. Great choice for your current event. I had not heard of this yet.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Government Shutdown: Again, Seriously?
    Article Date : September 18,2013 3:14 pm
    Who : Congress and president Barrack Obama are talking about the threat of government shutdown.
    Where: This takes place in Arizona.
    When: The threat of the government shutdown is happening now, but it might happen on October 1.
    What happened: Congress and Obama are talking about shutting down the government because of money issues. Republicans are making demands in exchange for government funding and Democrats are saying no. Some House Republicans are threatening to prevent mandatory government spending bills from moving forward if the health care law, also known as Obamacare, isn't defunded. The Republicans are trying to get rid of ObamaCare for good.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because it is important to know that out government is about to have a shutdown. This effects us because if the government stops working, than people will not get paid.
    Reaction: I feel as though they are only having a threat of a government shutdown, because the Republicans want to get rid of ObamaCare. The Republicans think that ObamaCare is a waste of money.
    Opinion : I think that once the government shuts down then it will cause bigger problems and more people will be in debt. I think shutting the government will do more harm than good.
    Connection : I chose this article because it stuck out to me that thus is not the first time the government had to shut down. I wanted to read the reason why they are having another shut down.

  10. Source:

    Article Title: Obama urges action on immigration; suggests more piecemeal approach.

    Article Date: September 17th, 2013

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: This event occurred in Washington, DC.

    When: This event happened on September 17th.

    What happened: In this article Obama talks about the status of the immigration issue. Right now it is hard for immigrants to get documented. Obama is trying to fix that. He says that he's going to be open a House Bill, but only if it focusing on the central issue that needs to fix the immigration system. He doesn't want the immigrants to be taken advantage of because of the strong border system.

    Correcting this issue word be a big achievement for Obama. But time is restricted. He has a lot to worry about. By June, the Senate bill will allow undocumented immigrants to have a legal status. the only con to this is that this requires s series of security and enforcement provisions. It may take some time for immigrants to gain full citizenship.

    Why this event is relevant: This deals with immigrants trying to enter our country.

    Reaction: Seeing this make me feel like we don't have equality in out country.

    Opinion: It's going to take a long time before they can gain full citizenship.

    Connection; I chose this because I learn learning about immigration.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Urges action on immigration; suggests more piecemeal approach.
    Article Date: September 17,2013
    Who: President Barack Obama , Senates , and house of representatives.
    Where: This is a international issue since the topic is immigration to the U.S.
    When: This issue is happening right now.
    What happened: President Barack Obama wants to get congressional approval of immigration reform as quick as possible. President Obama said he would be open to take a different approach as long as it speaks to the main issues like stronger border security and to make sure employers are not taking advantage of undocumented workers.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is going on in the U.S. right now and it is important to know.
    Reaction: I feel happy the President is trying to make immigration laws better because it can improve a lot.
    Opinion : I think President Obama is right and I also believe the quicker the reform is pushed the better.
    Connection: I choose this article because I wanted to find out more about immigration laws and this gave me more current things going on.

    Article Title: Assad piles on demands amid chemicals weapons talks.
    Article Date: Sept,13, 2013
    Who: Bashar Assad
    Where: A discussion in the White House
    When: 6 days ago
    What happened: an emboldened Bashar Assad is adding to his list of demands in exchange for handing over Syria's chemical weapons, fueling concerns in Washington.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: This bothers me knowing that someone else is trying to be more powerful than the President by using harmful gadgets
    Opinion: I think what Assad is doing is affecting people in the USA.
    Connection: I actrually saw this news on fox 29, but I reviewed more on the politics.

  13. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Baby killed by baggage carousel in Spain
    Article Date: 9-19-13
    Who: An american woman and her 5 month old son
    Where: A airport in Spain
    When: Doesnt say
    What happened: The baby got killed by a baggegr carousel , they say the mother might of accidently put the baby on the carousel.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is one of the forgetful actions that people make all the time. And this can have people double check what they are doing.
    Reaction : I was very shocked when i saw this because thats a terrible way to loose anyone , especially your child , so i feel for her
    Opinion : My opinion is that we should always stay aware of what were doing because weird things can happen
    Connection : i cant really make s connection because i havent known anyone that lost there baby but my Condolences goes out to her and her family

  14. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Fund raises $91G for homeless man who returned lost money
    Article Date: September 19,2013
    Who: Glen James
    Where: Boston
    When: Saturday, September 14, 2013
    What happened: Glen James who is a traveler that is homeless turned a bag full of $40,000 in cash. In just over two days, more than $91,000 has been donated to the fund for Glen James. The Boston police honored James with a special citation Monday. A man named Ethan Whittington noticed his good citizenship and decided to raise money for the homeless man and raised $91,855 in donations had been made. Now the story is running like wildfire around the United States
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because it shows how people can be very generous and good citizens like the homeless man, he could've kept it for himself but by him not doing that he got way more than that.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My attitude was shocked that they did that Glen and Ethan one turned the money in then being that he raised money that was more than twice the amount.
    Opinion (I think..) that this is a good example that we need to show around the world because not every person you see in the world would've did that.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I connected to this because in 9th grade I was leaving from orientation and one of my new classmates dropped her money at first I'm going to be honest I was going to keep but something inside said no give it to her so I did. Now until this day we are good friends.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Teen convicted of killing baby gets life in prison
    Article Date: This article was posted on September 12, 2013
    Who: A Georgia teen was involved
    Where: This event happened in Georgia.
    When: March 21 of 2013 is when this event happened.
    What happened: A boy named De'Marquise Elkins was convicted of fatally shooting a baby in a stroller. Elkins was trying to rob the mother and the mother refused to give up her purse so he shot the baby in the head. Elkins would of been sentenced death penalty but he was 17 when he committed the crime.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a boy only two years older than me shot a child. Just because the child's mother wouldn't give up her purse.
    Reaction: This boy deserve to die. He shouldn't of shot the baby in the head.
    Opinion: This is in-human what this teenager did.
    Connection: I chose this article because this made international news. Also it is crazy how an 18 year old boy could kill a baby with no hesitation.

  16. Kenesha Moss
    Article:Senator to attempt minimum wage hike
    Article Date: September 17,2013
    Who: State Senator Christine Tartaglione,John Dodds,Brian Thompson, and Gabe Morgan.
    Where: In Philadel
    When: September 17,2013
    What: Senate Christine Tartaglione wants minimum wage to go up to up to 9$. Christine thinks people work hard so they should get payed more for it.
    Why: This is relevant because other states are raising their minimum wage and the U.S are trying to keep up. Also it is relevant because our economy has jobs but they just pay low-wages and that's not enough for people to pay bills.
    Reaction: I feel like the U.S should raise minimum wages because times are hard and people need more money to get through these hard times. An example would be ' Without more purchasing power for people at bottom the economy stays sick ' (John Dodds).
    Opinion: I think they should the cost of living has went up and people bare necessaries. Also they should raise minimum wage up because it's more money in people pockets.
    Connection: I choose this article because it talks about senator trying to raise minimum wages. Also because who wouldn't want minimum wage to rise up.


    Article title: Iran President Urges 'constructive' dialogue

    Article date: September 19, 2013

    Who: Iran

    Where: Iran

    When: Thursday , September 19, 2013

    What happened: Iran president sneaks out on how he thinks the world should be more peaceful and gives hope to the U.S and them doing what they need to stop the Syrian dictator. He wants to promote, what he says is their peaceful nuclear energy program which will establish a place in the world and helps Iran's energy needs. But on the other hand we as U.S think this their way of developing nuclear weapons. Iran's president denies it and says he wants peace.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is giving us the views and insight of what is going on in other countries. Also how their decisions may affect the U.S.

    Reaction: My reaction was to look this up more and find out more facts about this topic.

    Opinion: My opinion is to not really trust Iran and their nuclear program because they can always have something hidden under their sleeve and this could truly be their way of developing nuclear weapons.

    Connection: This reminds me and let's me know that the U.S is concerned for our countries safety. We stay communicating and engaged within events going on around our country.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:Senators call for special committee to probe Libya, as Petraeus agrees to testify
    Article Date: November 14, 2012
    Who:David Petraeus, libya, Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.
    Where:capital hill
    When: November 14, 2012
    What happened:avid Petraeus agreeing to testify on the Libya terror attack, and would investigate the issue further.
    Why this event is relevant: there attacks on a different country thiere could be millions of lives on the line.
    Reaction: worried that there might be another war on the hand.
    Opinion : i hope it doesnt end in war and they could end it in a peaceful end.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Military chiefs: budget cuts harm security
    Article Date: This event happened on 9/18/13.
    Who: The people that were involved were the House Armed Services Committee, and the heads of the Army Navy Air Force and Marines.
    Where: This event took place in Washington.
    When: This ever but took place on Wednesday.
    What happened: The military chiefs are trying to explain to comes that this budget cut is going to hinder their service. The military is trying to get the money they lost back.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because the government has control over this, our safety could be in danger if the military doesn't have enough money to complete their duties.
    Reaction: At a time line this, the military is the last thing that should have budget cuts.
    Opinion: The government is focusing on sonant things right now, and they are just going off in every direction, nothing is safe from a budget cut.
    Connection: Since the twenty first century we have had meaningful budget cuts at the correct time, but we are disputing weather to goto war right now, this budget cut just undermines the decision Congress will make in the near future.

  20. Source:
    Date:September 19,2013
    Who? The people involved were Dan Snyder, some major sportswriters and media members.
    Where? Washington. D.C (state and national)
    What? there is a big debate on whether or not the owner of the Washington Redskins should change their name due to it's controversy and meaning. Even through all of this Snyder is unfazed and says he well continue to use the name.
    Opinion: I think that the name should be changed because it offends many people.
    Feeling: I feel that the name change would be a step in the right direction.

    Iran president urges 'constructive' dialogue
    By Greg Botelho, CNN
    September 19, 2013
    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was involved. This took place this week. The Iranian president wants to create healthy relationships with all of the countries. This is relevant because it includes our country and ending rivalries which is important.
    When I first read this I thought it was important based on the title. When I first read the title I knew it was something important. I think it is a good idea to end all rivalries between the countries because it can build better relationships. I chose this article because I thought it was important. I thought it was important because it involves ending rivalries between countries.

  22. Source:

    Title: 3-year-old among 13 hurt in Chicago shooting

    Date: September 20,2013

    Who: The people who were involved in the article were children, and adults. No names specific.

    Where: Cornell Square Park

    When: Thursday, September 17,2013

    What Happened: A mass shooting at a Chicago park left a 3-year-old boy in critical condition and returned the spotlight to gun violence in the city with the nation's highest number of homicides.

    The child was among 13 people shot in Cornell Square Park on the city's South Side late Thursday night. None of the other victims were listed in critical condition early Friday.

    The 3-year-old victim was shot in the ear, and the bullet exited through his mouth, said Officer Ron Gaines of the Chicago Police Department.

    The other victims included two 15-year-olds who were listed in stable condition, Gaines said. The remainder were adults ages 21 to 41. Four were in serious condition. The conditions of the others were listed as stable or good. One adult was treated and released from a hospital.The shooting occurred in Cornell Square Park.No suspects were in custody late Thursday.

    Why Is It Relevant: This article is relevant because peoples lives are at risk and we the people need to work on a better safe environment. it's bad enough that older people are being killed but now 3 year olds are being killed. Kids can't even play at playground and be safe.

    Reaction/Opinion/Connection: My reaction to this article was surprised. When I read this article my hear went out to that 3year olds family. They couldn't even see 18 or 21 or even 58. It's ashamed how many people die at a very young age and die for no reason. In my opinion I think whoever shot that kid should be put away forever. I can only imagine how that child's parents must feel. No parent wants to burry their child. If anything they want their children to burry them not the other way around. A connection I choose was the Treyvon Marten situation. He was shot and killed because he had a hood on. He died for no reason. He died and he shouldn't have died.

  23. Source:

    Name of article: Shooting reopens stalled debate over access to guns for mentally ill.

    Article: September 17, 2013

    Where : Washington D.C

    Who: Aaron Alexis

    When: September 16, 2013

    What Happened : a man name aaron alexis who was a former agent at the U.S Navy yard. in Washington D.C. He went back to the navy yard and shot and killed many people. People was curious about how people with mental illnesses get these kinds of weapons in the first place. They want the U.S government need to be more aware of their belongings. They wanted guns to be hard to get. The government and the people also wanted to know what made him do a horrible thing like this,

    Opinion: I think that the man was wrong for shooting and killing the amount of people that he killed.

    Why is it relevant: Its relevant because innocent people lost their life's because someone who had a mental issue had a gun.

    How did I react: I was shocked to hear about this news, because I never heard nothing like this before.

    Connection: I choose this because this kind of thing reminded me of school shootings when people just walk in the school and shot kids and or students that have mental illnesses snap.

  24. source:
    article title : syrias chemical weapons
    who:united states and Syria
    what: The article is about Syria and how the united states wants them to destroy their chemical weapon by a deadline. In Syria it is said that their leader is using chemical weapons on its own citizens. Which the U.S thinks is not right and is going through a process of figuring out weather their going to declare war or not.
    This is relevent because it has everything to do with the united states considering their thinking of war. This could effect us in major ways considering we really dont have the funding to go to war with them espically because of the fact that we are currently in a ression. And it might even cause a bigger problem and more war with other countrys. So the united states dont know wether to help or to just stay out of it. One way or another everyone will be effected by this decision.
    opinion: I do not think that we should go to war i think that we should just mind our business and worry about ourselves. its enough of the untited states playing save everyone.

  25. Source:
    Article title: Mental health again an issue in gun debate
    Article date: The article was posted September 18, 2013
    Who: The Congress is involved.
    Where: This is happening in Washington.
    When: It is happening September of 2013.
    What happened: Congress are debating whether to let people with mental health problems have guns. A shooting in the Washington grave yard by a man with a mental illness might help the bipartisan mental health policy change.
    Why this event is relevant: People with a mental illness and owning guns is a big issue. Since the people with mental illness have guns they can do harm to themselves and others.
    Reaction: I think Congress should focus more on helping people with a mental illness problem. Not whether if they should have guns or not.
    Opinion: I think we should help the people with mental illness. We shouldn't give them guns so they could possibly do something crazy and kill someone. People with mental illness shouldn't even want guns.
    Connection: I chose this article because my grandfather little brother killed himself at the age of 12 with a gun.
