Sunday, September 8, 2013

Period 1 Week of 9/8-9/13

Current event for week 3: September 8-September 13 at 3:30 pm 
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article:Syria Hostage Domenico Quirico 'Treated like Animal'
    Article Date:September 10,2013
    Who: Domenica Quirico/ Pierre Piccinin Da Prata
    Where: Syria
    What Happened: Domenico disappeared fours days later after arriving to Syria. He and another person was passed from one army group to another. They were held captive. They took long, dangerous Journeys that took them across Syria. They were kept like animals in small rooms with windows closed. The rooms was hot and given scraps from food to eat. Also, they were thrown on straw beds. The men who held them captive found satisifaction from this. Children and old people even treated them mean and tried to hurt them. Deminico was held to two mock executions, one at gun point. Then one night when he have to walk with a gun pointed at his head, he then is freed from be held captive.
    Relevants: This is relevants because the U.S. is about to declare war on Syria.
    Reaction: I think the people who held these innocent men captive is cruel. No one should ever have to face such treatment as they have. Syria is a country of evil and need to be reconstructed in thoughts on how they treat people.
    Opinion: I think syria should be held responsible for this and should be punished because no one should have face nasty treatment as these men have. Syria cilivians should have to go through mock executions and being held captive for a long time, since they treated these men like that. They should feel the pain, stress, and fright that the men felt.
    Connection: I choose these article because the U.S. is about to declare war on Syria. I think it is a good idea because Syria is harming american citizens.

  2. source:

    article title:CNN poll: Public against Syria strike resolution

    article date:updated 8:30 AM EDT, Mon September 9, 2013

    who: President Barrack Obama and congress.

    where: us and Syria

    when: Monday

    what happened:
    (CNN) -- As a Russian proposal to strip Syria of its chemical weapons began to take shape, the White House eased off the gas on Tuesday in its drive for congressional approval to strike the Middle Eastern country.

    President Barack Obama asked Senate Democrats to delay voting on authorizing military action in Syria while the diplomatic process works itself out, according to senators in a meeting with Obama.

    A White House official told CNN that during his meeting on the hill, the president said that his administration would spend the days ahead pursuing this diplomatic option with the Russians and U.S. allies at the United Nations.

    The president "asked for some time to work things out -- a matter of days into next week,"

    relavants: This is relevant because if president Obama chooses to go forward with this , than it can cause a lot of conflict leading to war.

    Reaction: my recation to this is it is a lot to take in as you read to know that any decision that is made next on that topic can start another war, and me never being alive during a very serious war I do not know how to take this all in.

    opinion: my opinion is Syria should try to come to an agreement that will meet the US standards because if we went to war I believe we would win at the end of the day.

    connection: I choose this article because I choose an article very similar to this one and wanted to continue on it.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Obama meets Russian gay rights advocates

    Article Date: This event happened on September 6, 2013.

    Who: President Barrack Obama and social Russian activist groups were included.

    Where: This event happened in Russia.

    When: September 2013 is when the event occured.

    What happened: Russian President, Vladimir, passed a law that bans the public discussion of gay rights and relationships. Obama disagrees with the law so it was set for him to meet with leaders of Russian social activist groups. Obama and Vladimirmet on the 5th of September at the Group of 20 summit meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because I believe that all types of people should be able to have equal rights, all over the world! If we start with one area, the rst can work on the others.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was that, I do kind of agree withthe idea of not talking about gay rights in front of children. at the same time, on the other hand I do not support the ban of talking about gay rights.

    Opinion: I feel as though, the president Vladimir is being bitter. He needs someone to change his mindset on things.

    Connection: I chose this article because gay rights are a big and important thing in ths world. Everyone should be able to have equal rights.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Source:

    Aritcle Title:CNN Poll: Who would get blamed for government shutdown?

    Article Date:Septemeber 11, 2013 @4 pm

    Who:Obama and the Government

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When:September 2013

    What Happened: Congress is trying to blame Obama on his Obamacare plan and it is not working. But lawmakers need to make a new health care plan by the end of the month for the funding budget. There was also a poll. According to the poll, if a government shutdown lasted only a few days, 11% of Americans think that would cause a crisis and another 38% forecast major problems. Only a third of Americans are blaming the president for this crisis.
    Why is this event relevant:It's relevant because, almost every American is on some type of health care and without health care the only people who will be "healthy" is rich people. The government is already trying to get the middle-class. So it will only be rich people and poor people.
    Reaction: My reaction is that I am honestly not shocked. They blame Obama for everything. I'm not saying that he is always right, people make mistakes, but you can not blame him for everything. The government is trying to blame the health care plan on him buth they control the plan.
    Connection: My connection to it is that people blame other people for their mistakes and can never own up to their problem.

  6. Opinion: I think that they should own up to their mistake and fix the problem their self. Mostly everything that is controlled, is controlled by the government.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Ohio town readies for battle over weapons in parks law

    Article Date: September 9th, 2013

    Who: City Council of Oberlin

    Where: This is taking place in Oberlin, Ohio

    When: On September 16 is when they will decide whether to rescind the local law, or challenge the state law in court.

    What happened: An Ashland County man notified city police that the state law supersedes the city's. Then Mr. Kuzawa told Tom Miller, the city's police chief, in an email on August 2nd, 2013 that he and his family would be attending a city park the next day carrying their firearms. Now the city Council is trying to make it a state law to wear as you carry a firearm in a park at all in Ohio.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the city doesn't want people to be allowed to carry firearms in , public places such as a park . for one its a park so you know there tons of kids there anything can happen.

    My reaction to this is surprised . Surprised that this should even be up for debate and not just straight out immoral. For one why would anyone wanna support putting their kids in danger. because i'm sure Mr. Kuzawa is not the only man who will be carrying a gone. also i feel as though this can lead to bigger controversy if in the end of this someone ends up getting hurt due to one of the adults guns in the park

    I think they should not allow guns in parks , because Oberlin city council main goal is to keep the city happy . i don't think they will be able to do that if this is allowed . i also think that people who do think guns should be allowed should very good and moral reasoning for it .

    I chose this article because imagining the sight of guns at a park , without cops having a problem with it is kinda scary . i also chose it cause i didnt support it and wanted to share my opinion out along with just sharing the knowledge of this going on in Ohio. This is in no way like anything i've seen before , people wanting guns around their children , being in the possession of other strangers.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:How the Syria plan broke through, just in time
    Article Date:Posted: Sep 11, 2013 4:16 PM
    Who:Barack Obama, The U.S. and Syria
    When: It is still going on
    What happened: Pres. Obama came up with a plan to attack Syria.He has asked Syria to turn over their weapons and chemicals. They are not feeling that it bought up some more steam.They People of Syria is agreeing to turn over anything, but yet they agree to the dictator and killing their own people...crazy right? People are dying everyday over there from the weapons and chemicals over there that they refuse to turn over. Syria was even called a ZOO. Pretty soon no one will be living in Syria because Asaad will still have more power and probably tell they people doing the killings to kill themselves. Another country will eventually move in and be bigger.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because we are about to enter a war. I thought it would never be a World War again.Even though President Obama postponed his reaction to stop from going into a war after Syria's own people started killing innocent people of their own country for nothing.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)- I feel as though the U.S. shouldn't go into a war because we have problems here in the U.S. We should be worried more about us not a country all the way across the world.
    Opinion (I think..)I think President Obama has something up his sleeve because going into a war might be a good idea, but we are spending so much money over there everyday for them to just kill each other. It's worthless we have thousands of people homeless and people living in poverty, a great lack of 50 million dollars for education in Philadelphia. The Money that's being used is worthless when we have problems here not even handled.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because I think it is important for us to talk about this. I don't think we should go into a war because Syria is still going to hate us anyway.

  9. I read the CNN news article on politics titled, “U.S. officials: United States to act on Syria on it’s own timetabled”. This article was published by Elise Labott on August 28th. This event happened in the United States in Washington State at the White House in year 2013 on august 28th . This article was about President Barrack Obama insisting on telling the media that he had not yet made a decision on responding to Syria, but the American officials instead that the President will decide on his own time. Agreeing with the President, the British Parliament suggested that the President should extend his time on deciding to respond to the Syria Act. Also agreeing with the president and the British Parliament, one of the U.S. senior officials said, “We can’t wait, we need to act according to our interest”, which made this more things simple to suggest about, that had things moving quickly since the President had no decision yet. The British Parliament also consider a resolution that calls for no military action before the United Nations Security Councils decide to go for a weapon inspector, whom is still to be in Syria and who is inspected to be there for several other days. Now a second senior U.S official said, “Why do we need to wait for a UN report to tell us what we already know… Targets would not be in areas where inspectors are located”. The second U.S. official suggested that they shouldn’t have to wait for the UN report because they have more power and that they should let the inspector stay in Syria for the weapons. This article is relevant because it talks about how should the President handle with the decision to make about the Syria situation. I agree all the way with the President, British Parliament, and the first U.S. senior because it make sense, like the President should take his time about his decision because it’s a decision that decides as if they might want to go to war with us or if they want to be reasonable with us and agree with our decision. I chose this article because I to want to know what Barrack Obama is bound to do with this decision and I hope he makes the right choice.

  10. source(website)
    Tonight I read the Fox News artical called the U.S and Russia discuss Syria's chemical weapons. The people that were in volved were President Obama, Sec. State, President Assad. This artical was published on September 12,, 2013,, in Washington, DC. Recently the Sec.of State claimed they Syrian President Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. I also read that our own President Obama discusses the proposal and and military strike and that this is still an option. Also Obama wanted approval to launch a series of tagret military strikes on Syria in retaliation of Assad regimine's use of chemical weapons against its rebels. I picked this artical is relevant because i believe americans are nervous of the outcomes of this conficts. I feel its a little dumb for us to involve ourselves in civil wars ,i believe every country has one, I feel we shouldn't get involved. Ithink we should withdraw from the situation. I choose this article because it is one of the biggest topics in in country now.

  11. HTTP://

    China to curb coal use to combat air pollution

    On September 12, 2013 China's State Council began plans to reduce air pollution in major cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. From now on. The Chinese State Council has decided to make efforts to decrease air pollution in major cities. Beijing, the most famous, is often covered in "smog". Smog is a combination of factory smoke, car exhausts and other forms of debris rising into the air. The State Council has made the decision to ban coal burning to power power plants. They also plan to shut the biggest offenders down. This article is relevant because with all the talk of pollution and global warming, China appears to be one of the main sources of the pollution. My reaction to this is ambiguous because it is good that they're trying to reduce their air pollution, however it's horrible that it got so bad, the government had to get involved. Overall though I am more happy for China because it's an amazing place but their trying to re-beautify their country.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Fire rages along NJ boardwalk damaged by Superstorm Sandy

    Article Date: September 12, 2013

    Who: The people of new jersey

    Where: New Jersey

    When: September 12, 2013

    What happened: A raging fire that started in a custard shop had tore through a New Jersey shore boardwalk. It destroyed more than 30 businesses.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it was a big fire that went through a lot of things. New jersey has already been through a lot an it seems like it keeps getting worsts.

    Reaction: I feel bad for New jersey and the people that live there. I say that because it's thing after hing after thing. They can't get it together because it's something always going on.

    Opinion: I think that New jersey should come up with some type of plane to get what they need to be able to get there self's together.

    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to know what else New jersey was going through.

  13. source:

    article title: Colorado recall a proxy in national gun control debate

    article date: September, 10

    who: the senate and the state of Colorado

    where: the state of Colorado

    when: July of 2012 to now

    what happened: every since the Colorado shooting in the movie theatre there has been controversy on gun laws. There have been many debates by the senate since then on fixing and making new gun rules. They are trying there best to get this gun problem resolved.

    Why is this in relevant: this is relevant for two reasons. One is that the shooting happened recently and this effects how we use guns today. Also we need this to be resolved for a better future.

    Opinion: I think that this is a very important topic because we as a country have a lot a crimes which mostly involve guns. We need to fix these laws to reduce those types of crimes.

    Connection: I have a connection to this article because I had a couple of friends that died from guns so I personally hope that these gun laws are felt with.

  14. Source:

    "Trayvon Martin medical examiner fired" Thurs, September 12,2013

    The man who did the autopsy on Trayvon Martin's body after he had been shot and killed by George Zimmerman, Shiping Bao, has been fired on September 12,2013 in Florida. He was fired from his job as the associate medical examiner for the Volusia County, Florida, Medical Examiner's Office, Apparently he has hired a lawyer and is planning to sue.
    This event is relevant because the entire Trayvon Martin case was a huge form of injustice and whenever you here something about it, it quickly catches people's attention. Shiping Bao was the one of the people who shook up the entire Trayvon Martin when he question his use of marijuana. My reaction to this story was shocked but also wondering what happened to the point where he was fired. I wondered if it has anything to do with the Trayvon Martin case or something else. I think once it becomes known why he was fired, things will become much more clearer. I chose this article because the Trayvon Martin case touches my heart and any new information about it interests me.

  15. Source:

    Article title: CIA-funded weapons reach Syrian rebels

    Article date: 9/12/13.

    Who: The CIA and Syria officials

    Where: United States to Syria.

    When: happening since April and CIA officials are now speaking out.

    What happened: The CIA has funded weapons to Syrian rebels to assist them, and weapons have begin to reach them. Syrian officials claim that they have not received any weapons.

    Why is this relevant: This can put the United states in the midst of a Syrian civil conflict. Therefore, the US civil government can suffer in a couple of ways including; threats of war, unnecessary funds for war and the lost of american lives in war.

    Reaction: I get mad every time i hear about stuff like this, because I think it is idiotic and unfair to the American citizens.

    Opinion: I think the government should stay out of Syria's CIVIL war, that's why its called a civil war. The US should use that money on much more important things that will benefit our future generations educationally.

    Connection:A connection would be like me walking down the street and seeing a fist fight and I hand only one person a weapon because I believe they are loosing the fight.


  16. Source:

    Article Title: Herat explosion: Afghanistan Taliban attack consulate

    Article Date: September 13, 2013

    Who: Afghanistan Taliban and The U.S. consulate

    Where: Herat, Afghanistan

    When: Friday, September 6, 2013

    What happened: An Afghan Taliban suicide bomber detonated explosives outside the US consulate, other fighters then opened fire on the consulate. There were 17 civilians that was injured.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because the US will withdrawal foreign combat troops from Afghanistan in 2014.

    reaction: I was shocked to hear this b/c they drove up to the front gate and attacked the US & Afghan forces.

    Opinion: I think this was a stupid terrorist attack because this may cause the US to stay in Afghanistan longer.

    Connection: I chose this article because Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of 9/11

  17. Source:
    Article: Trayvon Martin medical examiner fired
    Article date:09/12/13
    Who: George Zimmerman's , Shiping Bao , Trayvon Martin, Willie E.Gray,
    When: last week on Wednesday
    Where: Volusia County, Florida
    What happen: Shiping Bao, medical examiner in Trayvon Martin case, fired ,The medical examiner that performed Trayvon Martin's autopsy and offered conflicting testimony at George Zimmerman's murder trial has been let go of his position. According to a letter released by Volusia County on Wednesday, Shiping Bao was fired from his position as an associate medical examiner last week.Bao's lawyer Willie E.Gray plains to file lawsuit for unfair actions , unjust treatment against the medical examiners and others due to the case
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because the Trayvon case is very important and to find out more reasons why Zimmerman walked free this case could be more information to it .

    Reaction(your feelings) : I Feel as though he should've got fired . This man was incompetent and hurt piece to the prosecution case.He was a bad witness.They could never use him again in a criminal case. Being a good witness is the most important part of that job. One needs to be confident enough in the results to go up in testify with accurate statements.
    Oppion: I think that it's very important to have an consistent witness. Without a witness that knows what he/she are talking about its like your going against you opponent.

    Connections(why you chose this Article): I chose this because I saw the title and I feel very strongly about the Trayvon case so I wanted to know more about what happen. Also I never heard of anything like this so it was interesting to read about.

  18. Source: ( )

    Article Title: Syria to declare chemical weapons, sign ban : foreign minister .

    Article Date: 9.10.13
    Who: President Obama , Walid Maullem ,Marc Thiessen ,
    Where: Syria

    When: September 2013

    What happen :After President Obama's public speech to get congress to declare a military strike on Syria ,Syrian foreign minister Walid Maullem agreed to join the chemical weapons convention. Also U.N. Security Council aimed at forcing Syria to make public its chemical weapons program, placing it under international control and dismantle it.

    Reaction - I was happy because they final took action .

    Opinion - I feel like this is a good step in the right direction

    Connection - I choose this article because it was the after my of my previous article .

  19. Source:

    Title: Fire consumes buildings on N.J. boardwalk

    Date: September 13,2013 12:20pm

    Who: The people who were involved were pedestrians walking the boardwalk, business owners, customers, fire department

    Where: Seaside Heights, New Jersey,

    When: Thursday September 12,2013

    What Happen: John Sundermann was en route to his store, Big Hearted John's, in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, on Thursday when his son called from the store and said, "Dad, there's a fire. There's a lot of smoke coming in."Sundermann wasn't concerned at first. The fire was down the beach, not much of a threat.He didn't count on a 20- to 25-mph wind carrying the flames eight blocks up the boardwalk in neighboring Seaside Park, consuming a massive swath of the pathway freshly rebuilt after Superstorm Sandy struck last year.

    Sundermann hadn't seen the damage to his store when he spoke to CNN on Friday, but he got close enough to see firefighters spraying water cannons through the side door of the store, packed with clothes and beach sundries.He said "I'm sure that's all messed up. I'm just worried to see if the roof is intact. That's the new front door, the 30-foot steel door we put up in the front. That's gone. So, we'll see what's going on," he said, adding that on the bright side, "At least I'm healthy and nobody got hurt."

    The boardwalk was reparable after Sandy wrecked it in October, but it took hundreds of firefighters nine hours to get the fire under control by Thursday night
    About 100 firefighters were still on the scene early Friday, handling various hot spots and mopping up, said Ocean County Fire Administrator Brian Gabriel.
    There were no civilian injuries and "one, maybe two very, very minor firefighter injuries," he said.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant to civics because it is involving the lives of humans beings. People's lives are in danger when they want to walk the boardwalk. The people who worked in those stores and their managers could have all gotten hurt very badly.

    Reaction/Opinion/Connection: How I reacted after reading this article was thankful . Thankful that really nobody was injured during this situation. People got out pretty much before the fire got bad. But the way that it spread over all the buildings was really crazy. While I was watching the news cast on it the beach and boardwalk suffered very badly from the fire. A lot of things were destroyed and people's lives were at danger. Somebody uploaded an anonymous clip of the fire starting and how it spread. In the video it almost looked as though people were walking toward the black smoke and not away from it. The fire chief made it clear not to come to that boardwalk for a while. It's too dangerous he says. I can kind of connect this situation to everyday life in a way. Teenagers to be exact. When teenagers see something like they might not have ever seen better they want to examine it. For example a fight. When kids see or hear people fighting they are quick to run and scope out the scene instead of being smart and going to get help to bring it up. The reasons for them acting in such ways is because its all about the hypeness. In this case it would be a bad example because who in their right mind would want to run toward a fire as big as that one but the people did So they could get it on video and take pictures. They were quick to pull their phones out and videotape it or take pictures but Noone thought to pull their phone out to actually call the fire department and put a stop to it.

  20. Source :
    Article Date: Friday September 13,2013
    Who: Barney Frank ( former congressmen) and Douglas Holtz-Eakin
    Where: Washington, D.C.
    When: September 2013
    What happened: Barney Frank joins the Financial Crisis Injury Commission to look at the lessons learned from the crisis and the state of financial industry and regulation today. Douglas sought to find causes of the crisis and advise lawmakers how to prevent that from happening again.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because it will prevent financial problems from happening in the United States again.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that this is a good way to learn from past mistakes & get better & prevent that from occurring ever again.
    Opinion: I think that if the U.S starting revising some of the things that went wrong before that those problems wouldn't be happening now.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because not everything in life is going to work out perfectly so now I know that if I revise a problem that happened in my life before & try to found ways to prevent it that it would be a better affect.

  21. Article Date: Last updated September 10.

    Who: al-Qaeda and citizen of Italy Domenico Quirico

    Where: Syria

    Source: (website)

    Article Title: Syria hostage Domenico Quirico 'treated like animal'

    When: Sunday

    What happened: What had happened was that an Italian citizen had went over to Syria on April 6 and was reported missing only four days later. Domenico Quirico was held hostage along with Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin da Prata for five months.

    Domenico Quirico was released on Sunday and reported that he was "Treated like an animal." He is currently sixty two years of age and was malnourished after he stint of captivity. He is now back in Italy after what Italian authorities said "Were extensive efforts by the Italian foreign ministry and other state agencies."

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because America is currently having problems with Syria and if they are doing things like this imagine what they will do to American hostages if we decide to attack Syria or go to war with them.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though that they should have not kept this man hostage because he did nothing to al-Qaeda or the Syrian government and not posing as a threat and should have not been held hostage.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that Americans should absolutely not travel to the middle east of North Africa right now as it is just to dangerous.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i seen that another student had chose this article and i found it interesting and also decided to do it.

  22. Source: (website)
    Article Title: 4TH AMENDMENT FIGHT Fire truck pulls over DUI suspect, ignites debate
    Article Date: Sep 10, 2013
    Who: Fire Lt. Gordon Shatley, Dorothy Hoogland Verkerk
    Where: North Carolina
    When: May, 2011
    What happened: Dorothy said that Shatley violated her rights under the Fourth Amendment after he used his lights and sirens on the fire truck to pull her over. She pulled off and the Lt. called the cops to pull her over and was arrested.
    Why this event is relevant: This lady is a regular citizen like you and me. Her rights were not exercised right.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel a little upset that she was arrested because firemen can't pull you over.
    Opinion (I think..) I think she should not have been arrested.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it deals directly with the amendments and court.

  23. Source: Title:
    Article Date: 9-13-2013
    Who: Secratary of State John Carry, America, Obama, RUssia
    Where: New York
    When: The meeting will take place later this month
    What happened: Secretary of State John Kerry, rather than rush into military action plans to work out a compromise at the meeting later this month. Unlike some other president. Yes, Obama is still pushing on the fact that at least 400 children were killed in that gas attack in Damascus in August 21. Like he cares. Also, Assad said that if Obama doesn't call off his military, that they can forget about any forfeit or reposession of the chemical weapons.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because at least 60% of Americans don't want us to go to war with Syria, so of course they would pay attention to every action politicians, or countries would make to call on or call off the war. Plus, we have too much to worry about our own country and economy
    Reaction: I'm happy people like John Kerry exist. Because to avoid this war and any more casualties, we need a compromise. We need to do some horse trading.
    Opinion: I wish them luck with the meeting in New York and I hope more agree to stay out of the conflict than to enter it.
    Connection : I care about Syria

  24. Source:
    Article Title:After 32 years, Washington peace protest comes to a brief End.
    Article Date: September 12, 2013
    Who: Connie Picciotto
    Where:White House, Washington D.C.
    When: September 11, 2013
    What happened: this peace protest came to a quick end because authorities removed the people of the peace house and removed their shelter. Until they were retrieved by the owner and the people followed and the protest continued on September 12, 2013. Connie was determined not to be defeated
    Why this event is relevant: this protest is against nuclear proliferation from a makeshift camp in Lafayette Square next to the White House
    Reaction I feel as though the people running this are strong and they won't give up until they succeed I believe they are strong people
    Opinion I think this article is pretty amazing cause it shows committment and leadership
    Connection In order to be a leader you have to have people that follow you and gthat are loyal and this also shows stand up for what you believe in no matter what the consequences are.

  25. Blog is closed for this week. Great job, ladies and gentlemen!
    Ms. Rachael
