Saturday, September 21, 2013

Period 5 Week: 9/22-9/27

Current Event for Week 5: 9/22-9/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Statement of Levin and Graham on Trip to Guantanamo Bay - See more at:

    Statement Of Levan
    Friday, March 16, 2007

    The tribunal President made an inquiry as to whether the allegations of abuse affected the testimony given to the tribunal. Regarding their trip to Guantanamo Bay 2007, they talked about the 9-11 attacks. It affected many people. This case represents an important milestone in the War on Terror.They took this to national news. It changed history a lot.It made me feel sad. I think we should always keep 911 in our minds and never forget all the innocent people who lost their life. This reminds me of the sing Aaliyah. She also died on a plane.

    1. Jamonnie,
      This sounds like an interesting article. I'd like to know more about it. Please expand your summary of what the article talked about. Your post does not meet the length requirements. I think it would help if you copy and pasted the list below and filled in the information in complete sentences.
      Source: (entire website address)
      Article Title:
      Article Date:
      What happened:
      Why this event is relevant:
      Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
      Opinion (I think..)
      Connection (why you chose this article)

    2. The tribunal President made an inquiry as to whether the allegations of abuse affected the testimony given to the tribunal. Regarding their trip to Guantanamo Bay 2007, they talked about the 9-11 attacks. It affected many people. This case represents an important milestone in the War on Terror.They took this to national news. It changed history a lot.It made me feel sad. I think we should always keep 911 in our minds and never forget all the innocent people who lost their life. This reminds me of the sing Aaliyah. She also died on a plane. This also reminds me of the young girl Malala who was shot in the head for standing up for what she believed in. Although she did not die, she was still another innocent person that was killed.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: 3-year-old girl dies after being trapped in a sofa bed
    Article Date: September 24, 2013
    Who: A 3-year-old little girl was trapped in a sofa bed with her sister.
    Where: This event took place at a Harlem Apartment.
    When: September 23, 2013
    What Happened: A fifty-year-old man was watching 3-year-old Aissante and her 10-year-old sister when it happened.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because there are some many kids without aduld super vision and bad things happen to them or they end up doing bad things.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that I feel sad that the 3-year-old gilr died because she was just a little kid.
    Opinion: I think that the man who was suppose to be watching them should've gotten arrested, because he needed to watch them. They were little kids, they needed super vision.
    Connection: I chose this article because I remember when I was little and my dad use to leave me in the house by myself late at night, and I use to cry for him to come home.
    -Dominique Frazier

  3. Source:
    Article title: Sarah Palin: Hillary Clinton ill-suited for president
    Article date: September 23, 2013 –national
    Who: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton,
    Where: Washington
    When: N/A
    What happened: An attack happened where men who were of importance were killed. A woman named Sarah Palin blames Hillary Clinton for this incident. Palin also thinks that Hilary shouldn’t run for office or be elected in 2016 if she decides to run. Palin also says something about men being in office and not women. Another woman commits on these views and says that Hillary would make a very good president if elected and would even win very greatly.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because it gives America the real opinion on what goes on in office and the frit and grime towards candidates and their mistakes.
    Reflection: This article made me angry, because I feel all women no matter what should be able to run for president. I feel that if a person makes one mistakes they will always have a million and one things to recover and help people forget about what even happened. Also I feel that this article shows some true incite about how people feel on a female president I feel that what happened with the killing of these men had nothing to do with Sarah’s anger I feel she genuinely feels this way about all women in office.
    Opinion: I feel Sarah Palin is being sexist. In the past many male presidents or people in state have made mistakes or bad decisions and they weren’t just cut out of the running. So I feel Sarah Palin has unfair judgment and should give Hillary the benefit of the doubt and help her up instead of putting her down.
    Connection: I feel this connects to history in general. This connects because in history women were looked at as weak, and unimportant or not strong enough. I feel this connects because I think Sarah I saying Hillary doesn’t have what it takes to run for president to win.

  4. Source:
    ( Found this in the 'Justice' Section of the news website )

    Article Title: New trial ordered for Florida woman in warning-shot case

    Article Date: Thu September 26, 2013

    Who: Marissa Alexander

    Where: Florida

    When: She court date was earlier in the year.

    What happened: This article is about a female named
    Marissa Alexander who was sent to jail for 20 years for " aggravated assault". She fired a gun towards the wall to scare off her abusive husband. The appellate court ordered a new trial ruling that the jury was improperly instructed on self-defense. There's going to be a retrial because the jury was incorrectly told that she needed to prove that her husband was trying to attack her. She was happy because this means she has one move chance to be with her family.

    This case sparked a lot of tension. The case gained the attention of civil rights leaders. They said she was only convicted because she was black. U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown said the sentence was too harsh and she shouldn't of been convicted. But the judge said he had no choice but to sentence her to 20 years because she fired the gun towards the area where the children was.

    Reaction : Ever since I been tracking this case I have been outraged.

    Opinion: I think she should be let free.

    Connection: I chose this because this has to do with some ones rights.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Obama care premium rates lower than expected.
    Article Date:September 25, 2013
    Who:President Obama & Consumers.
    Where:A national issue.
    When: This happened this year.
    What happened:Obama care premiums cost less than predicted shown by the data. The data shows different plans and budgets according to your income. The data also shows the more money you make the more the monthly plan will cost. The article gave release dates and addition information on the requirements you need to apply for Obama for Obama care.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people in America are applying for Obama Care.
    Reaction : My feelings toward this was I find this article to be helpful and informative.
    Opinion I think this article is good and it gives alot of information on key facts.
    Connection: I choose this article because I know alot of people who are thinking about using Obama care and its important to keep on track with whats going on.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: WH: Obama to 'cut through all the noise' on Obamacare
    Article Date: September 26th, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: A Maryland community college outside of our nation's capital,

    When: This Thursday the 26th of September

    What happened: Barack Obama talked campaign style about the new health reform. He was trying to clear up all the speculation going on . Also tried to inform us about The Affordable Care Act . He announces that on October 1st people will be able to have affordable health care.

    This event is relevant because many Americans today don't have health assurance, and the President is announcing the new reform just passed. This event is also relevant because its shows that President Obama are making changes and getting things done.

    My feelings towards this are , grateful to have a president fight so hard to help minorities and families who can't seem to afford health care. Also makes me wonder on things will change for many now that they have an affordable option plan .
    I think President Obama is the best president since my 16 years of living ,because he truly fights for what he wants and believe in . I also think that the US will become a more healthier country.
    I chose this article for one because its involves Barack Obama and i admire. then its him making change and helping others. This article reminds me of a time when the Eagles school bus came to my school , and was giving free eye test . Also gave out free physicals for kids in need of one.

  7. Source:
    Article Title :GOP tension grows as Tea Party senators push off ObamaCare vote
    Article Date : September 26,2013
    Who : Republican tensions grew Thursday as Tea Party-aligned senators rejected a bid to speed up the vote on a bill.
    Where:The activity occurred late Thursday afternoon on the Senate floor.
    When : The bill itself, passed by the House last week,would keep the government open past Sept. 30.
    What happened : The Republicans are trying to get rid of ObamaCare once and for all. On Friday they plan to have a vote about ObamaCare and plan to send that vote to the White House.
    Why relevant : this is relevant because we should know that the republicans are trying to get rid of ObamaCare. Most people depend on that and it is not fair that they are taking it away.
    Reaction : i feel as though that this is not fair for the people that need it. This helps people who are in need and it makes me angry that they are trying to get rid of it.
    Opinion : I think the Republicans don't like ObamaCare because it does not benefit them. They may think that it is irrelevant as a type of resource.
    Connection : I can relate to this because during student council meetings, not everybody will agree with you which could cause an agrument. During the meeting's they would work things out and try to come up with a solution to the problem.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Obama: "I Will Not Negotiate" on Affordable Care Act
    Article Date: September, 26. 2013
    Who: Obama, uninsured Americans and Republicans.
    Where: This takes place in the United States.
    When: Gave speech on Thursday, September 26th.
    What happened: President Obama is trying to pass a law that will guarantee uninsured American the right to health care, free checkups, flu shots and contraceptive care all to be covered for 100 dollars or less. They will have the opportunity to choose between 50 plans with differing levels of coverage. It is scheduled for people who need health care to begin signing up and have up to six months to choose their health insurance plans and it will be in effect on Jan 1st. The only problem is that Republicans attempt to defund the Affordable Care Act. Obama says he won't negotiate anything. Nobody should have to spend their last on hospital bills just because they are sick and he won't stop until everyone gets healthcare.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because this affects the middle class which I am apart of. Even though I have insurance someone I know may benefit by this plan.
    Reaction: When I read this article it made me angry but happy because I can see this plan being good in the future.
    Opinion: I feel like Republicans are harsh and heartless people because how can you not want everyone to get healthcare or insurance. How can you not care about the well being of others? They are selfish people.
    Connection: I can connect to this because I know people that will need this and it will really help them.


    Article title: Security Council nearing deal on Syria

    Article date: September 26, 2013

    Who: Syria, Russia, and U.S

    Where: Syria

    When: N/A but the attack that happened in Syria was August 21, 2013

    What happened: "The Russians have agreed to support a strong, binding and enforceable resolution that unites the pressure and focus of the international community on the Syrian regime to ensure the elimination of Syria's chemical weapons"(Walsh 1). What this means is that the Russians have agreed that there should be no chemical weapons in Syria and they should be taken away. The article said that the Russians agreed to support it. So now the U.S is not alone when perhaps going to war with Syria. They have someone to back them up which is important.

    Why this is relevant: This is relevant because we are now deeply involved. We took it upon ourselves to getting rid of the chemical weapons in Syria. The U.S now have another country who agrees and supports with their beliefs on Syria. We as U.S citizens should be aware of this.

    Reaction: My reaction is to always read and article that has something to do with Syria because it is important to be aware of whether or not we will go to war with Syria.

    Opinion: My opinion as of now is to still stay back because although we think it is wrong what Syria is doing we have to keep in mind that we must play it safe. We should wait for other countries to attempt to support the U.S with going to war with Syria.

    Connection: A connection that can be made is when there is a place and a time for things. This relates to how decisions should be made and how we should do what is right but safe for us. This is what the U.S should keep in mind when deciding whether to go war.

  10. Source:

    Article "German tax protester won't pay up if his money to Geece"

    Article Date:September 26, 2011

    Who:Mark Zwicklbauer

    When: February 22, 2001

    What happened:He wasnt a tax advisor also a probity as far as paying his own taxes. Mark refuses to pay his taxes. Instead he wants to create a foundation.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because, insteaded of paying his taxes he wants to create a foundation.

    Reaction; My reaction of this article was, shocking because he refused to pay his taxes when he could have been in alot of trouble.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that Mark should have paid his taxes because his foundation might not have been supported or successful.

    Connection I have no connection to this article.

  11. Source:

    Article Title:Iranian media says CNN lied; Rouhani does NOT believe in Holocaust

    Article Date: September 26, 2013

    Who:irarian president Rouhani, CNN, and interviewer Christiane Amanpour

    Where:The Fars News network

    When: After CNN posted the interview with incorrect quotes and translations.

    What happened:CNN was accused by Iranian news that the interview with Rouhani was translated incorrectly. CNN clamis to have said that the iranian president said he actually believes in the holocaust. Iranian news claims this isn't true, they say the president said Rouhani referred to the holocaust as historical events. There were several false statement claims Iranian news. CNN defends the interview by saying the translater was sent by Iranian government.The president if Iranian government has not spoke in the issues himself but Bill Clinton said: "It's a crazy world we are living in if admitting the Holocaust happened qualifies one as moderate."

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is news within the government about information a president is given away and now denying.

    Reaction: I agree with Bill Cliton and think its all sad. if you are a grown man and a president at that you should confess up to what you said. Its annoying how someone with power doesn't even act mature enough to clear up his own statements.

    Opinion: I think the interview was unnecessary and that if he said those things then he said them, why should the world care about ONE persons opinion especially if he's saying something were not even sure he said.

    Connection: I chose this article because I learned/know a lot about the holocaust and it caught my attention.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Kenya Mall Shooting -- Dozens of Families Unsure if Loved Ones are Dead or Alive
    Article Date: September 26, 2013

    Citizens of Kenya are in desperate need of answers after a mall shooting took place on September 21, 2013 and left 67 people dead, a majority of them being American. Al-Shabaab gunmen seized full control of the Westgate Mall on that day, holding hostages inside of the building. Men and women stood outside, waiting to see their family and friends once again. Many of them, unfortunately, did not get the chance to bask in that satisfaction, many of them did. But as for right now, after police spent several days in a standoff with the gunmen, many of them still do not know the fate of the hostages. The reason for that is because only 67 bodies were transported to the main city morgue -- that means that the fate of some of the hostages are still unknown. The building was partially collapsed, therefore it makes sense if some of them are trapped under the rubble. But it's impossible to rule out if or if not the death count will rise.

    This event is relevant because not only were Kenyans in the mall, but as were many Americans. These men and women had no prior knowledge of what would happen, and what fate would have in store of them. Another interesting layer to this developing story is that Americans are said to be among the gunmen. It's difficult to assume such a thing, and many are saying that these are not exactly American gunmen, but people from Kenya and the surrounding areas that immigrated to America and were given citizenship because of their "refugee status". The case could turn in any direction, but no matter what comes out of this, this is a time for consolation. In my opinion, I think this is a horrible occurrence. Shopping malls are a place for enjoyment and pleasure, and for tourists, it can be a great outlet to learn about a new culture. But the Kenyans and Americans that were killed on September 24 did not deserve such a tragic end to their lives. I chose this article not only because of its recent time in the public eye, but for the commemoration of the people that lost their lives on that day.

  13. Source: (entire website address 
    Article Title:Bolivian leader U.N : Lets take U.S to court
    Article Date: Thursday September 26,2013
    Who:Bolivian president Evo Morales and president Obama.
    Where: The U.N general assembly
    When: September 26,2013
    What happened: Bolivian president Evo decide to the United States to court because he didn't like the government. President Evo felt as if the United States shouldn't be incriminated for crimes against humanity. He wanted to call action against the Obama administration. The United States is blamed for failing to succeed in helping Muslims.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relavent because it hs to so with the government of the USA and the Bolivian president.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like The United States need to stop being in other countries business becaus it can start war with other countries. I felt as if the statement about United Stats was true.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that United States should not be brought to court but at the same time,I believe that the United States should sticking their head in things that don't have to do with us . I also believe that if we keep doing that our heads will he chopped off and we will be stuck in something we can't get out of.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The reason for why I chose this article was because this has to with democracy and the government. This also has to do with the United States and the Bolivian president. This involves things that lead up to a war with United States and another country which can put Americans in danger.

  14. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: School official tells students Trayvon Martin case proved it is 'legal to hunt' children
    Article Date: This was published on September 26, 2013
    Who: This is abbout Trayvon Martin
    Where: This happened in Florida
    When: Doesn't say when
    What happened: There was an email sent to students by a University of Maryland official that cites the Trayvon Martin shooting as evidence "it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida" is being blasted as the latest evidence of a left-wing bias on campus.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we still need to know some things that are going on with the Trayvon accident.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Well my attitudes and feelings towards this is all over the place because who wants to be looked saying oh your from Florida so I have the right to shoot you.
    Opinion (I think..) I think its really crazy what happens in this world and how one thing can impact the world so large as a whole.
    Connection (why you chose this article) My connection to this article is the one about Malala and how she was an activist like her dad and she believed that girls and women should be given the right to education and while she did her speech she got shot in the head.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Arms Treaty Draws NRA, Conservative Ire
    Article Date: The was posted September 25, 2013.
    Who: The United States, the NRA, and the Senate.
    Where: This event took place in Washington.
    When: This event happened this week.
    What happened: Congress is trying to decide weather to sign the International Arms Control Treaty.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because if we sign this treaty, the NRA says this treaty prevents the use of small arms which owned by law abiding American citizens.
    Reaction: This treaty compromises our safety within the borders of our country, and barely promises our safety outside of the country.
    Opinion: This treaty should have a more detailed set of rules the apply to each country, because we all have different authority systems in our countries.
    Connection: This is like the oils saying, "You have to break a few eggs to make an omlet." In order for our government to Secure our safety, we have to get rid of all weapons, even ours.

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Wendy Davis Eyes Texas Guv Run
    Article Date: Sept. 26, 2013
    Who: Wendy Davis
    Where: Texas
    When: Sept. 26, 2013
    What happened: Texas senator,Wendy Davis proposed a bill that would tighten regulations for abortion providers.
    Why this event is relevant: She wants to ban abortions in Texas.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes). I feel as though the senator is doing the right thing.
    Opinion (I think..) I partly agree with her, I think abortions should be banned with the exception of rape
    Connection (why you chose this article) I agree with her views on this topic.

  17. Source; -to-run-for-governor-in-texas/
    Article Title:Wendy Davis to run for governor in Texas
    Article Date:September 26,2013
    Who:Wendy Davis
    When: September 26
    What happened:in this article there is a lady named Wendy Davis who is running for Governor in Texas and will speak out publicly on October 3. The article says that Ms. Davis did not have a great upcoming childhood because of her being a teen mother,but she went from being that to Harvard law,to a famous filibuster.this article also talk about after Wendy filibuster which delayed a vote on a bill was meant to ban most abortions for people who are pregnant past 20weeks and implent strictly on abortion clinics.
    Why this event is relevant: this article is relevant because it has something to do with the system of government and also how it works with people that is running for it all the way down to their speeches.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)my attitude towards this was happy even though it's not on my side of the world but knowing that she cares about babies that's being killed when they're nearly developed is a great thing because it's too many young people out here today getting pregnant but don't really know what to do and waiting until the last minute to say I don't want to have this baby,by her in Ms. Davis speaking on this can maybe get all over the world and other systems of government will want or change the abortion laws like she did she can be the start of this change for the younger generation when they are older.
    Opinion (I think that Wendy Davis running for Governor is a good thing for Texas and they are about to have a great and big change coming.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I can connect to this article because being young with alot of people around my age and younger getting pregnant is a said thing which I have a cousin that is older than me but had two abortions and is upset that she got them but still came to success once she got older but also still had a child as a teen.

  18. Source:
    Article title: Mental health again an is sure gun debate
    Article date: The article was posted September 18,2013
    Who: the congress was involved.
    Where: This is happening September of 2013.
    What happened: Congress are debating whether to let people with a mental health problem have guns. A shooting in the Washington grave yard by a man with a mental illness might help the bipartisan mental health policy change.
    Why this is relevant: People with a mental illness and owning guns is a big issue. Since the people with mental illness have guns they can do harm Tom themselves and others.
    Reaction: I think Congress should focus more on helping people with mental illness problem. Not whether if they should have guns or not.
    Opinion: I think we should focus on helping the mental illness people. We shouldn't give them guns so they could possibly do something crazy and kill someone.
    Connection: My grandfathers little brother accidentally shot himself in the head with a gun and he was only 12 years old.

  19. Title: Strong quakr rattles Pakistan, killing at least 45

    Article Date: Tue Sep 24, 2013

    Who: The people of Pakistan.

    Where: Northeast Pakistan

    When: Tue Sep 24,2013

    What Happened: Pakistan had a big earthquake that killed at least 45 people.

    Why this event is relevant: Damage ti a city can be costly. It can might even affect others around the world. Such as their government will have to pat for all the damage that was done. This can really sit them back, and unable to evolve.

    Reactions: My feelings towards tgis article was if we are allies with Pakistan then ee can suffer too.

    Opinion: I think that Pakistan's government should have connections to fix their country. But if not they should seek help from other allies and pay it back later.

  20. Article Name - Killer hornets sting at least 19 people to death in China, nearly 600 stung

    Article Date- Seotember 27, 2013

    Who - Killer Hornets

    Where- China

    What Happened - At least 19 people have been stung to death by hornets in china. 600 people were stung.

    Why is this relevant - its relevant because 600 people was hurt and injured because of the hornets.

    Reaction - I was shocked because , I I never heard of hornets killing and stinging that many people.

    Opinion- I think that people should just watch where their walking so they wont be walking into anything that can hurt them.

    1. This was posted after the deadline. Also, this topic does not qualify. Please re-read the directions.
