Sunday, September 1, 2013

Period 4- Week 9/1-9/6

Current event for week 2: September 1- September 6 at 3:30 pm
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article Title: George Zimmerman to get his gun back

    Article Date: July 14, 2013

    Who:Zimmerman, Zimmerman's lawyers, Good morning America

    Where:Sanford, Florida

    When: July 14, 2013

    What happened: After George Zimmerman was found not guilty, he went onto his life of secrecy. Zimmerman emerges this time and feels that he has a right to have a gun after what has happened to Trayvon Martin. There has been much debate over this.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows how the government works and how they are willing to give someone a gun who was accused of murder of a teenager. Many people don't agree with the verdict of Zimmerman so of course they would be in uproar about him having a gun again.

    Reaction : My reaction to this is shocking because I believe that he should not have a gun after all of this. Zimmerman is already a huge target after what happened and giving him a gun will add fuel to the fire.

    Opinion : I think that this is a bad idea because I think it dosen't show the justice system because people may think that Zimmerman will have no problem doing it again.
    Connection : I chose this article because it relates to killings now on the street and this happens everyday and it goes unnoticed.

  2. Source:

    Article Title:Israeli President Voices Strong Support for Obama’s Decision on Syria

    Article Date: September 2,2013

    Who:President Shimon Peres,President Obama’s, Congress, Population of Syria

    Where: JERUSALEM

    When: September 2013

    What happened: The population of Syria was gathered and protesting the government warned them and told them to lave. They didn't the end result was them getting bomb with chemicals. This resulted in the united states being concerned since we just left out of the Mid-Eastern.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we had a war in Iraq for 8 years. So we are attached to them and care about their well being.

    Reaction: I feel as though this event is sad. For them to kill so many of their own people is sad. It's also sad that the Congress doesn't want to help these people. If we were n this position we would want someone to help us.

    Opinion: I think that Syria needs to become more independent. But, at the same time there are certain situations hen you must get included.

    Connection: I chose this article because this was all I was hearing on the news. I also chose this article because I felt it was sad what they did to those people.

  3. Source: (website)
    Article Title:George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon Martin's death
    Article Date:Sun July 14, 2013
    Who:gorge zimmerman, travyon martin
    Where:florida in the court room
    When: late saturday night july 13th, 2013
    What happened: zimmerman was found not guilty for killinga 17 year old that was unarmed. he got away with taking a innocent life that affected many lives today
    Why this event is relevant: because of this we figure that zimmerman got away with this because he is white and the reason why it took so long , but if it was other way around the black person would of gotten lock up
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) when i found this out i was mad and upset that the fact that he got away with this, as a outcome a 17 year old lost his life and zimmerman should get some type of punishment for his actions
    Opinion (I think..)i think that we go through this everyday and its never going to end about racism and justice
    Connection (why you chose this article) i chose this article because i really felt offended about this that he got away with it. i really truly believe that the outcome was unfair

  4. Article website; Source:
    Article Title: Same sex spouses may get military benefits
    Article Date: August 8, 2013
    Who: Same sex couples
    Where: Washington
    When: Around February
    What happened: It about same sex couples getting military benefits if one of the is in the armed forces.
    Why this event is relevant: The reason is not all states will call this a real marriage.
    Reaction My reaction is being shocked and scared.
    Opinion I believe anybody who is anybody should be treated with respect. Plus same sex couples should get the same as everyone one else.
    Connection The reason I choose this article is I am big supporter of The equal rights amendment. I love people.

  5. Source: (website) http://www​​013/08/21/​politics/f​lorida-sta​nd-your-gr​ound/index​.html
    Article Title:Flor​ida lawmakers won't have special session on 'stand your ground'
    Article Date: August 21,2013
    Who: Florida residents, George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin
    Where: Florida
    When: August 20,2013
    What happened: Residents in Florida believe that the stand your ground law should be banned. They think this law is giving people a way to kill our human beings.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a killer got to walk for using a law, when it was clearly obvious he murdered a teenage boy.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this law should be taken away because if people do not use it right then there is no point of it.
    Opinion (I think..): I think George Zimmerman did not use this law, therefore the police, jury and anyone else who believes he was in the right should look at the situation from my perspective.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article for two reasons, one because I have a 19 year old cousin who lives in Sanford. Another reason is because if someone tried to use that law with my little brothers, I know how my family and I would react and feel.

  6. Source: (website)
    Article Title:White House confident on winning Hill support on Syria but scrambling to get votes
    Article Date:September 2, 2013
    Who: President Obama, the Syrian government, Americans, John Kerry, Congress, Bashar al-Assad
    Where: United States, Syria
    When: August 21, 2013
    What happened: In this article, I read that President Obama is struggling to get votes from Americans or even get approval from Congress to invade Syria, one of the U.S allies, in order to protect the innocent people of Syria. After the Aug. 21 sarin gas attack on Syria, killing 1,400 people, provoked by their own president Bashar al-Assad, Obama declared that he wants to go to Syria to stop this conflict, which is considered a "red-line" in his mind and if something is not done to stop the Syrian government, other countries may think that the use of deadly chemicals is okay.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant to the U.S government now because Syria is one our allies and Obama is the President of the U.S. What would the American people think if our democratic and free country turns its back on the poor Syrian people in need. Also, it is important because it may seem like a small problem now, but it can create some huge serious conflicts in the future.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like President Obama is absolutely right in not wanting to turn his back on the people of Syria who are very much in need at this moment. I think that he should get the votes and support he needs to stop this conflict now before more countries make it into a worldwide issue. I was shocked that the Syrian government and president would do such a thing like kill 1,400 of its own people.
    Opinion (I think..) I think if I was old enough to be involved in politics like this or old enough to vote, I would definitely support Obama in this decision.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I honestly did not know what other thing to choose, but I ended up really understanding about the article and what is happening in Syria right now. I think I can connect to this because I really feel strongly about what I think Obama should do, but it sucks that I can't have any say.

  7. Article Title: After unprecedented financial crisis, Philadelphia students head back to changed schools

    Article Date: September 03, 2013

    Who: Public School District, Mayor Nutter, Republican governor, Tom Corbett,

    Where: Philadelphia, PA

    When: September 3, 2013

    What happened: Majority of the summer, Philadelphia and the school district came to the realization that there wasn't enough money to open schools up on time. It had already begun earlier in the year when 37 public schools were closing after the end of the school year. Now that school is starting back up we needed $50 million to re-open schools that weren't getting closed. Of course, we didn't just magically come up with the money, but we borrowed money from our future sales tax and we still don’t have enough money. With the borrowing we did, teachers are still getting laid off, unnecessary staff is getting laid off and the remaining teachers are getting pay cuts and paid based of their teaching skills.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because public schools are already “not the best” and now you are combining the worst with the worst which will just be fights, no knowledge gained. Also I feel bad for the teachers who get paid by how they teach.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This just doesn’t make sense, how can you pay somebody based on how you think they teach, and take away someone’s pay check, after you already laid people off which adds more jobs to those still at the school, but they’re not getting paid for it.

    Opinion (I think...): I think everyone should be asking “where did the money go?” I just read in my civics text book that our taxes is public goods, which go to public/ community schools so where is the money because my mom pays a lot for taxes.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this because I know a lot of people that go to these schools that weren’t going to open on September 9th, 2013 because of no money and those who schools got closed.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Jury: Zimmerman not guilty in Martin death
    Article Date: this article was written on 7.14.13, but edited at 11:50 AM on 9.3.13. 
    Who: The people involved or talked about in this article are George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. 
    Where: This court day took place in Florida. 
    When: This event happened on a late Saturday night in the Florida court room. 
    What happened: At the time, George Zimmerman was being charged for killing a young man (Trayvon Martin). Although Zimmerman never denied killing Martin, he claims it was in self defense. Zimmerman grabbed his gun and followed Trayvon. After seeing trayvon and calling the police. Of course Martin put up a fight and Zimmerman got even more afraid and shot Martin.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because after Zimmerman called the authorities, out of fear that Martin was gonna do something while walking home from the store, they told George to stay inside. But he did not listen. All in all, this is relevant because Zimmerman shouldnt have left his home that night to go follow some kid. 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I felt as though George Zimmerman shouldn't have even called the authorities in the first place. One reason is because Trayvon was minding his own business. Another reason is that he was not a threat to anyone. 
    Opinion (I think..) I think Zimmerman should not have gun rights if he's going to use them incorrectly. 
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it reminds me of the Emmet Till situation. 

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Local Syrians protest possible military action by U.S.
    Article Date: August 30,2013
    Who: The people involved are the local Pennsylvanian Syrian's and the U.S Military
    Where: Allentown, Pa
    When: August 30,2013
    What happened: 150-200 people of Syrian descent marched, and took the streets chanting due to the issue about Obama Administration is ordering the attack on Syria. Many believe that Obama shouldn't attack because it will turn Syria into Civil chaos. Many f these Syrian- Americans still have family in Syria which also concerns them.

    Why is this relevant: I think this is relevant then it would be sort of the Iraq situation all over again. History will then be repeating itself, and it also shows if the government is sensitive to it's citizens feelings.

    My reaction: My reaction is understanding to both sides

    Opinion: I think that we should wait to declare war before we get our hands and other countries affairs. I do think this reminds me of the Iraq situation but at the same time, the Syrian people have to consider the governments reasons for doing so.

    Connection: Iraq and U.S

  10. Source:

    Article Title: What's the evidence of Syrian chemical weapons attack?

    Article Date: September 4,2013

    Who: U.S. government, Syria Government, Britain, France, Germany, Russia

    Where: U.S.

    When: August 21, 2013

    What happened: In this article, there is a discussion on whether the evidence is true that Syria is using chemical weapons. There are many deductions from different point of views, such as the Secretary of State, John Kerry saying that the evidence is obvious. Like, how he says that they've declassified a lot of unknown info and how it proves that Bashar al-Assad used rockets & artillery on Damascus, capital of Syria. Then the U.S. says that Syria have used chemical weapons on oppositions. Then, there's reports about the number of deaths, according to assessments. Then, Britain, France, and Germany give their views on Syria that there isn't much evidence that Bashar al-Assad issued the attack. Then, there's the U.N. probes that are limited, only detecting the use of chemical weapons but not in who used them. Lastly, there's Syria's false allegations of using chemical weapons

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Syria could be planning on using chemical weapons on other countries. Then again, the U.S. could make the same past mistakes and such.

    Reaction: I feel as though that Syria could be risking other lives by using chemical weapons. That and it makes me a bit paranoid about the evidence about it as well. Who knows when or where Syria could strike next.

    Opinion: I think it needs more evidence. I want to know why are they using chemical weapons and on whom. Also, the government shouldn't be so hasty to conclude that Syria wants to start a war. Also, who were the oppositions?

    Connection: This reminds me of the war between the Iraq and the U.S. Like, I don't really know how to explain it but I think a rap song that I know could explain it better than me. If you want to listen, the artist is names Lowkey and the song is named "Terrorist?"

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Obama: It's the world's 'red line' on Syria; Senate panel backs military strike plan

    Article Date:September 4, 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama, U.S. Military, Syria

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: August 2012

    What Happened: President Obama wanted to basically put a stop to chemical weapons in the U.S. and Syria.They are contemplating where they will need military attacks to get their point across and if so, will it start another war?
    Why is this relevant: I think this is relevant because war tears people apart and the fact that they may or may not use military force.

    My Reaction: My reaction is understanding to the President's side.

    Opinion: I think we should send a letter through the secretary of defense and the president stating what and why they are doing what they are doing because it is a more peaceful way to get points across.

    Connection: Germany and czechoslovakia

  12. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama tries persuading the skeptical on Syria National/World
    Article Date: September 2nd, 2013
    Who: President Obama, The people in Syria,
    Where: Syria
    When:Sept 2013
    What Happened: The president of the United States Barack Obama and his team are trying t seek congress backing for military action against Syria. President Obama's plan is to ease or stop the fighting that is happening in Syria. To support his plan, he is trying to persuade lawmakers to endorse a U.S. military intervention in civil war-wracked Syria. The problem is that Obama is being confronted with the difficult foreign policy tests and have problems with the Congress over an divided number of tough votes.
    Reaction: My reaction would be is that I kind of get what the president is trying to do, but why is it important to him?
    Opinion: Personally, I think the president is doing a right job. If he is trying to stop violence with the people in Syria is a good thing. I just think at least first he should be worrying about the United States violence with the weapons.
    Connection: I chose this article because eventually I want to see what the outcome or results of what the president's plan is going to be? Is it a bad result or good result?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Source:
    Article Title:Syria’s civil war, key facts, important players
    Article Date:9-03-13
    Who:People of Syria and its neighbors
    When:2011 to present day
    What happened:Uprising are happening through out Syria
    Why this event is relevant: If things keep going violent around this area then the U.S solders are going to get involved and just another war going on in the middle east. Just like all the wars going on there.
    Reaction I see this as another revolt, just like in Libya and currently Egypt and who could possibly know which country is to go next.
    Opinion What should happen to easily end this right now is if the leader of the Syrian nation just resign. Just step down you are not going to win easily.
    Connection If U.S enters Syria how long will it take for all wars to just end.

  15. > Source:
    > Article Title: New York City's biggest gun bust ever yields 254 weapons, 19 arrests
    > Article Date: Updated 12:06 pm EDT 08.20.13
    > Who: Walter Walker and Earl Campbell
    > Where: North Carolina, South Carolina, and New York City
    > When: Sep.2012 to July 2013
    > What happened: Walker and Campbell were hiding firearms in their luggage using cheap buses that took them into Manhattan's Chinatown area.
    > Why this event is relevant: this is relevent because they're sneaking guns inside of New York City and they could be planningto kill someone.
    > Reaction: My reaction to this is sort of mad because if North Carolina and South Carolina's gun laws are so weak the government should change this so that criminals can't buy guns so easy.
    > Opinion: I think that the government should just change the law for guns in North and South Carolina then there will probably be less gun violence.
    > Connection: My connection to this is that I don't like guns because people die from them all the time one of the men on my block died from gun violence right across the street.

  16. Source:

    Article Title: Military has concerns about Syria mission
    Article Date: September 2, 2013
    Who: Gen. Martin Dempsey, Sen. Carl Levin, and other military officials
    Where: Washington
    When: September 2013
    What Happened: Many people in congress and members of the military were having concerns about fighting in Syria, which also happens to be the same way they felt about Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Why this Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because it is a question whether the military is really up for going on with the mission in Syria. They all had their worries and they needed to make their decision.
    Reaction: My Reaction to this is that it's relatable. I could really relate to their attitude about the whole thing. Normally the military would be a little worried before they go on a mission in any country.
    Opinion: I think that the congress should try to encourage the military a lot more than they did and do what they got to do to get them in order for the mission so it can go well.
    Connection: Having concerns and being worried is perfectly normally and it's something that I can relate to, which is the reason why I chose this article. I have many concerns that are going on in my life. It's apart of human nature.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Source: (website)

    Article Title: Philly School Parent Consider Class Action Lawsuit
    Article Date: Sept.06 2013
    Who: The parents of the students and city leaders
    Where: Philadelphia
    When: Sept.06 2013
    What happened: The parent wasn't so excited that their children was going back to school. They was confuse about what going on. They wanted to take the problem to court and have a case. the district and teacher have not yet made a closing deal with each other. The parents met with attorneys form the Public Interest Law Center to see was kind of legal they have. The lawyers said their a possible lawsuit.
    Why this event is relevant: This a reason why school is close and shut down. Children is losing their education if they are not able to be in schools.
    Reaction: My reaction is that this unfair for the parents and the children who want to be successful in life.
    Opinion I think that even though the schools don't have enough money, they shouldn't take the school education.
    Connection I pick this article because I am concern that schools had to get shut down because the city don't want to pay them enough to keep them open. It's not fair to the kids that they have go to others school just get their education.

  19. Source:

    Article Title:In St. Petersburg, UN chief stresses need for cooperation to tackle global issues

    Article Date: September 4th 2013

    Who:Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 

    Where:St. Petersburg State University

    When: September 4th 2013

    What happened: secretary Ban ki-moon gave a speak about wanted promote new patterns and models for environmentally sustainable economic growth.      

    Why this event is relevant: Ban-ki moon is a secretary who is involved with the government and he is pushing other national leaders to produce growth within education, national issues, money, and timing.

    Reaction: This article was impressive and my reaction was proud and happy. To know that someone involved with the government and connected to higher officials is worried about my education and my future in the next 20 years.

    Opinion: I think that he needs to have a meeting with all of leaders he reaching out to and tell them exactly what he wants to be done.

    Connection: I always like when people give speechs on the future. Ban-ki Moon was talking about the future of kids that will need jobs in the next 20 years and he wants to make sure kids have the tools and connection to get there.

  20. Source:

    Article Title: Syrian Crisis: Latest developments

    Article Date: August 29, 2013

    Who: Syria , U.S, British


    When: August 21, 2013

    What happened: On August 21, 2013 and attack in the Damascus area of Syria occured. Atleast 350 people has died and there is no direct culprit of the attack, though it is believed that the Syria government was behind it. There were meetings within the U.N discussing the state of mater but no real dicision has taken place this far.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because it is in this date of time and we as Americans may have to step in and make matters better.

    Reaction: This event suprised me of the fact that the Syrian government could be behind its own countries citizens death and disasters.

    Option: I think that someone should step forward and make a change before Syrian government continue to make more disaters in their own country.

    Connection: I choose thi article because the United States may go to war with Syria and I as a citizen should be aware with the reasons of why we are at war.

    1. This was posted under the wrong class period.

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Too Late? Obama sets national address on Syria, as lawmakers peel off
    Article Date:September 06, 2013
    Who: President Obama,members of the senate and military officials
    Where:this event happened in the United states senate in Washington D.C
    When: September 06, 2013
    What happened:President Obama announces on Friday that he will make his case on weather or not to use mililtary action in Syria next week. Obama has gotten resistence from the house of congress after giving there support because of the threat made by Syria and russia to continue attacks on the U.S and allies.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because President Obama case my cause U.S mililtary forces to be implemented in Syria. But this is not likely because of how many lawmakers are lining up to opose it.
    Reaction: My reaction is that this is just something our country may have to go through because this is the job of a super nation.
    Opinion:the united states needs to talk to the country invovled and why Syria is making these attacks before we make a move because we have our own problems.
    Connection:i picked this article because my mother showed concern in this story and it gave us alot to talk about

  22. Source:
    Article title: Syria posssible strike:Get up to speed in 20 questions
    Article date: September 03, 2013
    Who: President Obama, Congress, U.S. government, al-Asaad
    when: August 21st(alleged attack)
    what happened: al-Asaad had allegedly launched chemical weapons in a Syrian suburb. This act is against international law and President Obama thinks he should be punished. al-asaad denies ever launching these weapons. U.S. officials say they have forensic proof and over the course of the next week they plan to send an attack back.
    Why is this event relevant: it is a decision that can put our
    country in a another war and a decision happening this week.
    Reaction: I am scared and I hoped this does not happen the start of this sounds like the Vietnam war to me.
    opinion: I believe since this was illegal the al-asaad regime should be punished but peacefully. They should be cut-off in trade but maybe not from the U.S. who is already in hot water with the Middle east.
    Connection: I chose this because i am a resident of the U.S. who is anti war and anti violence.This article talks about both violence and war possibly rising between my country and another so i would like to know what is going on.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: Putin warns Russia could come to Syria's aid over U.S. strike
    Article Date: published September 05, 2013
    Who: Vladimir putin, president Barack Obama, U.S. general Martin Dempsey, Rep. George Holding, John Kerry,and Assad regime
    Where: St.Petersburg
    When: September 05, 2013
    What happend: When president Barack Obama landed in St.Petersburg he met with Vladimir putin. He warned that if the united states decided to strike Syria then, Russia will come to it's aid. He said they will come their aid by supplying Syria with weapons and supporting them with men. Others including rep. George holding think bombing Syria is a bad idea because it will cause conflict with Russia and Russia will just resupply Syria for what they lose.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because while not only it involves the president it also may cause conflicts. First starting with Russia if we strike Syria it will force Russia's hand and may start the second cold war.
    Reaction: While I do think we should do something about Assad Regime's actions I don't think war is the right option. We would start trouble with Russia and Syria and possibly an all out war and it's just stupid if Barack obama has no clear goal before attacking.

  24. Source:
    Article Title: Putin warns Russia could come to Syria's aid over U.S. strike
    Article Date: published September 05, 2013
    Who: Vladimir putin, president Barack Obama, U.S. general Martin Dempsey, Rep. George Holding, John Kerry,and Assad regime
    Where: St.Petersburg
    When: September 05, 2013
    What happend: When president Barack Obama landed in St.Petersburg he met with Vladimir putin. He warned that if the united states decided to strike Syria then, Russia will come to it's aid. He said they will come their aid by supplying Syria with weapons and supporting them with men. Others including rep. George holding think bombing Syria is a bad idea because it will cause conflict with Russia and Russia will just resupply Syria for what they lose.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because while not only it involves the president it also may cause conflicts. First starting with Russia if we strike Syria it will force Russia's hand and may start the second cold war.
    Reaction: While I do think we should do something about Assad Regime's actions I don't think war is the right option. We would start trouble with Russia and Syria and possibly an all out war and it's just stupid if Barack obama has no clear goal before attacking.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Joey,
      Please re-post under the correct week, Week of 9/8-9/13. Also, you need a minimum of 10 sentences. Try to expand on your summary of what happened. What was said in the interview? Explain more about why the event is relevant.
      Ms. Rachael

  26. Source: (website)
    Article Title: House passes Bill To delay Obamacare Subsides
    Article Date: This event took place on September 12, 2013
    Who: The people that are involved is House Majority leader Eric Cantor and Other Republican Leaders.
    Where: This event Just so happen to take place in Washington, DC.
    When: The meeting took place on Tuesday, September 10, 2013.
    What happened: Within this article these republicans passed a bill to help people with healthcare. The White House are now trying to veto.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is very relevant to us as people. This is relevant because we need to know if this is going to effect our healthcare or how will we be effected by money.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling right now are very mutual about this situation. I am worried and happy at the same time.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a great way for the world to somewhat come together. Depending on what side people are on they will like what the republicans are doing.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it really stuck out to me. I say this because not everyone has healthcare such as my grandmother. So i think that anything that has something to do with healthcare i need to know and be aware because it has something to do with my grandmother's health.

  27. source:
    article title:New Jersey judge quits, just for laughs
    Article date: September 19,2013
    who: Vince A. Sacari
    where:new jersey
    When: September 12th
    What happened; a new jersey judge who is also as a part time comedian was told he could not be both and was forced to choose between one or the other. he dedided that he would rather be a stand up entertainer than a judge because he hates being forced to do something. he fought for it but the court said that his stances in his background on homophobia and racial profiling shows he is not impartial.
    why is this relevant; it just happened and is a new law to my knowledge.
    reaction; I felt it was petty and I felt very sorry for the guy.
    Opinion; I agree with judges it does show he is impartial if in comedy he is expressing personal biases thus showing he is no fair judge.
    Connection; I always wanted to be a part time entertainer and professional and i hope this doesn't stop me.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
