Saturday, September 21, 2013

Period 3 Week: 9/22-9/27

Current Event for Week 5: 9/22-9/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Obama urges new gun law push at CBC Foundation dinner

    Read more:

    Article Date:September 22, 2013

    Who: President Obama And Congress

    Where: White House

    When: September 22, 2013

    What happened: President Obama Urges that a new gun law pushed out of congress so that people that are dangerous do not get their hands on weapons so they can cause harm to the world. Obama promised that the bill would be passed after the deadly shooting at Sandy Hooke Elementary School. He used this meeting to highlight the two deadly shootings that happen in both of his hometowns, Chicago and Washington. He states that they need to work harder and harder each day so that things like Sandy Hooke and other mass shootings like that does not happen again. He says that they fought a long hard fight but admits that came up short and
    "that means we've got to get back up and go back at it because as long as there are those who fight to make it as easy as possible for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun, then we've got to work as hard as possible for the sake of our children. We've got to be ones who are willing to do more work to make it harder."

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because to many bad people are getting their hands on guns and causing mass shootings.

    Reaction: I agree with what the president is trying to do. We need to get the guns out bad peoples hands.

    Opinion: I think that congress needs to pass the gun law soon before this happens again.

    Connection:This reminds me of the "Nazi Weapons Law." Heres more info if you want to read into it,

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Struggling, San Jose Tests a Way to Cut Benefits
    Article Date: September 23, 2013
    Who: San Jose
    Where: San Jose, California
    When: In the present (as we speak)
    What happened: San Jose is getting violent and closing down public goods.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because public goods are important and very useful for the city because all people can't afford to pay for things. A public good is a product or service that is available for all people to consume, whether they pay for it or not. San Jose has already spent one-fifth of its $1.1 billion general fund on pensions and retiree health care, and the amount keeps rising. They closed down libraries, community centers, and other services or public goods. They fired city workers, reduced salaries, and new facilities left unused for lack of staff. This affect kids kids everyday life and it changes their society.
    The city problems are just growing and growing. According to the article, vandalism and graffiti has risen as services has been cut. More home burglaries has risen and their becoming a bad city which they aren't known for. They are trying to prevent San Jose to becoming bankrupted like two other California cities, Stockton and San Bernardino.
    Reaction: I find it very disturbing that we, U.S citizens, have to suffer because our government is not handling their job correctly.
    Opinion: I think this is a serious problem and they need to figure out a plan quick.
    Connection (why you chose this article) Being as though Philadelphia recently had close downs, reduced salaries, and fired city workers, I find this article interesting and was curious to see how things are on the West Coast.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Kenya seeks UK woman Samantha Lewthwaite's arrest

    Article Date: Sept. 26, 2013

    Who: Interpol, US, Canada, Germany, UK, Samantha, terrorist, and Kenya

    Where: International and west of Africa

    When: from 2011-today

    What happened: Kenya's police believes a woman known as the "White Widow" is a part of an elite terrorists group since her husband died after the terrorist attack in the UK in 2005. She was originally charged for having a fake passport and slipping into Africa. However, 2011 she was also charged for planning another attack and holding weapons(bombs). Now, she is wanted internationally and was last seen fleeing to the west of Africa. Kenya doesn't believe she was tied into the attack in the Shopping mall a couple of days ago.

    Why this event is relevant: This is important because terrorism causes a state of panic not only in the country but Politics. They have to figure out who the terrorists are, how to calm the country, and learn more on how to protect it by passing laws.

    Reaction: This sort of surprised me to see so many countries working together in order to find one woman. She must be really horrible if they are after her. This is something that left me completely flabbergasted and speechless.

    Opinion: To be honest, I'm not surprised this happened. Samantha is probably upset her husband died but somehow "proud" of him for doing what she considers right. She is probably also following in his foot steps. But, I'm not sure if even the government can find one woman. I hope they can?

    Connection: This connects to me because I saw the caption "White Widow." I thought it would kind of be a cool person like Black Widow from the avengers. She is also a strong woman who has everyone on the run just like the White Widow. However, the white isn't good. Which is kind of ironic because white symbolizes peace and pureness.

  4. Source :

    Article Title :Syria chemical weapons : US and Russia agree UN draft

    Article Date : September 26 , 2013

    Who : Russia and the Us , and Syria president

    Where : Currently taking place in Syria

    When : It all started in 2011 to Now

    What Happened ? The UN has called for a meeting to discuss the document . Russia planned under but Syria agreed to disclose. Since that happened it brakes an agreement of 2 and a half years over Syria .Syria's use of chemical weapons is the threat now to international peace creates something new for the use of chemical weapons. Syria's chemical weapons are special because they have to be delivered by aircraft and artillery rockets. Sarin used many rocket attacks many on the UN , the president of Syria says " the opposition force were to blame ." 100,00 and more people died since this first happened in 2011

    Why is it Relevant ? This is relevant because it just shows that you cant be allies with everybody because they might turn they back on the other country as soon as they can then they get upset when they do something bad to them.

    Reaction : My reaction to this is why did Russia not agree to this agreement that they had with Syria because they made a promise to them and they basically turned their backs on them and Syria showed them who really was the boss In the whole situation .

    Opinion : I think that it was wrong for the UN / Russia should not have bailed out on the agreement with Syria because they would have got attack on them.

    Connection : I can connect to this by when armies are going to war with each other the other countries want to be allies with them but start to turn their back and that's how they get sneak attacks. You really have to learn from your mistakes .

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Ted Cruz does not, will not like Obama care
    Article Date: This article was written on September 25, 2013
    who: This article is about Obama and Ted Cruz.
    Where: This happened in Washington.
    When: This happened in the year of 2008.
    What happened: Obama is trying to give the middle class the opportunity to have better medical care. Meanwhile Ted Cruz who is a republican disagrees with Obama care. All the republicans disagree with Obama Care. The reason is because that money will be coming out of their pockets. So therefore republicans think that getting better medical care is not needed.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because
    Reaction:Obama is doing the right thing by trying to give better care for the people with lower care than the rich.
    Opinion: I think this should be allowed because people need better medical care. I Also Think Ted Cruz is trying to be greedy with all his money.
    Connection: I chose this article because it connects with people getting low income and that republicans are being greedy with their money.

  6. Source:

    Article title: Killing outside the bounds of law?

    Article date: it doesn't say.

    Who: the us government, persistent Obama, the Obama administration, congress

    Where: internationally i.e. Where every the drones are sent.

    When: it also doesn't say.

    What happened? The publics seems to only be able to access small portion of what everyone believes to be going on with the "kill drones" the government has, because they are able to use them but they are apparently using them without consent for their own separate bidding and that is causing the people who are looking into this to want to look deeper into the situation and it also seems as thigh the drowns are used to make secret killings no one knows about or approved.

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because the us already has a bad name as an international bully so by doing this we are just propitiating this way if viewing the us and
    making more enemies then we need.

    Reaction: This article makes me fearful because if we can do this to we don't like who's to say there won't come a day where we use this on Americans who don't agree with what we are doing?

    Connection: I see where other nations and congress are cooing from because we shouldn't just be misusing our power like that it's unfair & we would do our best to stop it of another nations was doing so why so we get to.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Senate to Vote Friday on CR, Monday Deadline to Fund Government
    Article Date:September 26th,2013
    Who:Senate and the House of Representatives
    When: September 26th,2013
    What happened:The Senate wants to finsih a bill to suppy the national government.The HR's leaders had called plans to hold off weekend conferences so lawmakers can put the bill into action.Senator Ted Cruz spoke out against the ACA(Affordable Care Act) and why he desires to prevent the pursing answer.
    Why this event is relevant: This event tells of our government on a daily basis for the legislative branch to make laws official.
    Reaction:I feel interested in knowing when the Senate and the HR are finally going to put the bill into action.
    Opinion I think that its good that Congress is eager to put out that bill of funding the government because it can stop taxing folks who simpl can't pay their taxes..
    Connection:This artcile connects to the legislative branch because it basically shows the daily responsibilties of Congress to make laws that are right for the government.Also,it brings relieve for the citizens who are paying for funding the government more with taxes.

  8. Website:
    Who:Bill Nye
    When: Monday night
    Where:Dancing with the stars show.
    What happened: Bill Nye, dancing with the stars competitor torn ligament after taking a stumble in his step in Monday night’s show. Nye is 57 years of age and hopes he can continue dancing. The injury happened after Nye stepped on the cuff of his pants. The injury was worst enough to require medical treatment , but Nye didn't let that get in the way.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant, because it show you that you have to be careful at all times!
    Reaction : My Reaction to this was That Nye is 57 years old and didn't give up on himself. Many people his age wouldn't even be out there dancing right now. Nor would have got back out their.
    Opinion : I think no matter what age you are your never to
    Old or to young to try something. You shouldn't be scared.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded me when I was 14 years old and I had a dance show and I was on stage and I hurt my self but I had a performance coming up next I still went out and gave it my best. That's all that really matters

    1. This post does not meet the requirements. (must be about government)

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Will young people pay a lot more under Obama care?
    Article Date:September 27, 2013
    Who: This article involves Obama and young citizens of America.
    Where: This even happened in Indianapolis
    When: This event recently happened
    What happened: This event is essentially saying that the price for Obama care will rise for young people all across the world. They project that this will particularly effect young men more then anybody. With prices that look very affordable, their deductibles are as high as 10,000 to 12,000 dollars.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with my age bracket and can effect my life and in the near future effect my pockets by me having to pay these types of prices.
    Reaction I feel as though that something that is there to help you shouldn't cost that much money. They should make it more affordable for low income people
    Opinion I think that overtime, people will come together and try to protest to make a change in this sudden change.
    Connection I connect this to a movement that someone tries to make but then charges the people that join it tons of money. They shouldn't have to break their pockets for something that you are trying to do.

  10. Source:
    Article title:Iran's president: Europe, U.S sound 'different compared to the past'
    Article Date: September 27th
    Who: Iran's President Hassan Rouhani
    Where: Iran
    When: Friday of last week
    What Happened: Iran's president spoke on how the U.S. and Europe are trying to settle their feud with Iran wasn't like in the past when they were feuding. They are trying to resolve the nuclear issue. It also tells how there was a big meeting with the officials and he was surprised because it hasn't been anything like that in over 30 years. The president is going to settle the issue between the US and says there wont be much of a problem with it anymore and the nuclear be solved. The President of Iran seemed he was happy there was no longer going to be a situation between the US, England, and Iran.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because of this has been an uprising issue in the U.S. and has been in the media for the pass weeks and Obama has been in a rough situation because of this.
    My Reaction: I am kind of surprised that this situation has ended like it has because most situations like this don't end as easily. And I was surprised when the president of Iran said the he didn't get a chance to shake Obamas hand if he had the chance. I know that Obama is relieved because he was put under stress because of this whole situation and was in the media and on the news a lot.
    Connection: My connection to this would be I seen this on the news for the previous weeks about Obama making decisions about what he was going to do in this situation.

  11. Article title: store in besieged Kenyan mall run by attackers or associates
    Date: September 27,13
    Who: civilians, Kenyan intelligence official, Al-Shabaab terrorists, or their associates
    Where: Besieged, Kenyan
    When: Tuesday September 24,2013
    What: On Tuesday September 24th terrorist raided and created a deadly massacre killing and injuring mothers ,children , fathers, and others from every store. The terrorist left at least 67 people dead and parts of the upscale mall destroyed. It was also said that Friday that 61 people remain unaccounted for.But Some could be buried in the rubble of the partially collapsed mall. Their were bombs set off ak47s every 5 seconds going off through the mall killing many innocent people and children. It was even said that one of the terrorist before shooting said, ''We don't normally kill women and children but then again you killed are women and children." In which the attack was planned.
    This event is relevant because this is a tragic incident going on in the world. where terrorist kill millions of people. For example, in the united states when 911 happened killing a lot of people because of terrorist and it being so easy for terrorist to invade and destruct things. Something that the government should do more about.

    My reaction : My reaction to this was sad because they killed a lot of children. Also these were innocent people being killed by the most powerful bombs and guns in front of their children and others. Some people they came in with didn't make it out.

    opinion: I think that the president should do more about terrorist attacks. having plans in action for when a terrorist attack happens and just anything that will help this not happen ever again.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: House Majority Leader Slams Federal School Policy In Philly Visit
    Article Date: September 24, 2013
    Who: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
    Where: Philadelphia, PA Freire Charter School
    When: September 23, 2013 , Monday Morning
    What Happened: Majority house leader Eric Cantor came to a Philadelphia school to slam federal education-funding policy. The justice department wants to stop the state from using public school money to pay for private tuition. Cantor doesn't think this is right he wants them to keep it going because most that gets the tuition are from lower family's. He believes that the improvement from 1960's haven't change from "little to none" effects.
    Why This Event Is Relevant: This is relevant because with out information from a party from the government we wouldn't know how both party's feel. It also affects future kids education.
    Reaction: I Feel That This Is A Great Thing Because he is standing up for what he believes in.
    Opinion: I think that this is good for the kid with private tuition but not fare for the public kids that they are taking away from.
    Connection: I an connect to this because I go to school where I have my tuition paid but my cousin goes to a public school and I feel I am taking away from his education.
