Sunday, September 1, 2013

Period 5- Week 9/1-9/6

Current event for week 2: September 1- September 6 at 3:30 pm
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

      Ohio Man Confusses In Video TO Killing Man In Crash
      There monts ago there was an accident, involving Matthew Cordle and Vincent Canzani. Unfortunanly, Canzani lost is life by a drunk driver(Cordle). On June 22nd a video was posted a confession that he killed Canzani. Cordle even said " he would even plead guitly i trail". He even undestands that that video gives prosecuters everything they need to put him away for a long time.
      I feel that drinking and driving is unaceptable, but I think he shouldnt be sent to jail for a long time because most people would have deny evrything. Cordle didnt, and taht shows intergry. I think that Cordle his intergry and yes people makes mistakes, but it matters did you learn from them. Well drinking and driving is something everyone is the world has and problem. So would even judge them too. but what they dont see is th background of the story, or even the person it is. So I say give them a chance.

  2. Article Title:All U.S can do is punish Syria

    Article Date:August 28,2013

    Who:Syria and the United States are involved.

    Where:This article is based on Syria's use of chemical weapons on their own people.

    Article Date:August 28,2013

    Who:Syria and the United States are involved.

    Where:This article is based on Syria's use of chemical weapons on their own people.

    When:This happened in this year of 2013.

    What happened:This article is telling about how the U.S must be careful on the decision they make about acting on Syria.In the United States President Obama is deciding on wither they should take actions on Syria or not and how it needs to be done. This article talks about how punishing Syria is the only thing to do because certain actions that are made can be very risky. Also depending on what action president Obama makes, could make the U.S look weak.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the author wants to let the world know that the decision that President Obama makes is not to start a war or take over Syria's chemical weapon,the decision is made just to punish Syria for their use of chemical weapons.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): People reading this would probably agree because we don't want war with Syria and what ever decision that is made could be dangerous.

    Opinion (I think..): what I think is that United States should just stay out of it and stand by because it could start a war between the United States and Syria. This happened in Syria not United States so we should just mind our business.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I thought it was important to know about how risky it is to make a decision on what to do about Syria. Also I think it is important for people to see that you just can't make any decision and think that everything will be fine after that ,President Obama has to be careful about his decision.

  3. Article Title: Obama Looks to Congress to bolster legal case for Syria strike
    Article Date: September 2, 2013

    President Obama, unyielding on his decision to bring the military to Syria, now needs the green light from Congress to go through with his plan. He claims that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its civilians, and if that behavior continues, it could affect not only the grand scheme of Syria, but the surrounding regions, leading to a domino effect that could spill into other nations, too. On September 1, 2013, Obama spoke at the Rose Garden about the "humanitarian" and "moral" reasons to go to war with the Syrian government. Despite the fact that United Nations law states that one country cannot attack another country unless through self-defense or by approval of the Unites Nations, Obama believes that approval by Congress will add credibility to the case of using military action.

    Obama has been criticized, of course, in more ways than one. Several believe that President Obama is following the concepts of George Bush, concepts that Obama himself has condemned in the past. Several are also comparing Syria's civil war to other civil wars in the past that the U.S has gotten themselves involved in and the amount of American soldiers that have died in the process.

    This specific situation is relevant because the prestige of America is hanging in the balance. This is, technically, not our war. If America goes through with this plan and it backfires, America runs the risk of never being the same again. Personally, I feel as though Obama should delay this decision to confirm if it will lead to anything serious. Right now, war should not be on our list of priorities. He needs to decide if he's going to try to enhance the legitimacy of America or risk the well-being of our military and our image. I chose this article because it could make or break not only America, but Obama as well.

  4. Source:

    Article Title:Battle over birth control mandate could reach Supreme Court

    Article Date: This event happened on September 4, 2013.

    Who: Religious business owners and the president are included.

    Where: This article is located in Washington, DC

    When: 2013 is when the event occurred.

    What happened: What happened was there's a disagreement over birth control which can send Obama's healthcare law back the supreme court. Religious business owners in a store called " Hobby Lobby" are in the center of all of this. The members of the mandate is stating that it will make business owners go against their religious beliefs for forcing to provide insurance coverage for employees that includes all types of birth control.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because for one, there are seventy cases opened for this event. Another reason why this event is relevant is because now this law is getting taking to the supreme court due to President Obama's health care.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is mixed feelings. I do think its a good idea but then there's apart of me saying that this is a bad idea and it wont succeed.

    Opinion: I think this article is very important and that the courts should get to the bottom of this very quick.

    Connection: I chose this article because birth control is a major topic to speak on. a lot of people takes birth control very seriously because to me it helps prevents a lot of problems but it also cause different views due to religions.

  5. Jamonnie Wheeler

    Article Title: Shellie Zimmerman convicted of perjury
    Article date: August 28, 2013 National

    In Sanford Florida in June 2012 the wife of George Zimmerman, Shellie Zimmerman lied about how much bail money the couple could afford. She told prosecutors they didn't have enough money because she was currently attending school and George was out of work.

    This article deals with taxes and the government.

    This article made me really mad and aggravated. A young boy lost his life for nothing and all these people can worry about is money. I think its not fair. They shouldn't even be able to have bail, period.

    I made a connection to segregation and racism. The way people treated African Americans back in the day.

  6. Kenesha Moss

    Obama mulls spending aid to Egypt
    9/15/13 National

    Barack Obama,Mohammad Morsey,U.S and Egypt

    In Washington D.C

    September 5,2013

    President Obama National security thinks that they should suspend alot of money in aid to Egypts military.

    This is relevant because it was talking about the president and th e other president in Egypt. The author wrote this article because she wanted to inform us about how much the president spend on military and she wanted to know is they going to suspend the aid in Egypt.

    I don't like the fact that Obama is spending all that money on military aid. In the article is says " 1.5-1.3 billions of dollars they spend on military aid ".

    I think the government and the president spend way too much money on military aid.

    I pick this article because I wanted to know what president Obama was up too.

  7. Source: (website)
    Article Title: A Big Chill: A dominant Obama meets a cool putin at G20
    Article Date: September 5, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin
    Where: This event took place at the G20 summit
    When: September 5, 2013
    What happened: This even happened as a back up for the events that were previously going on earlier in the week. Vladimir wanted to try and stop the chemical weapons that were planning on being dropped in Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: This Event is relevant because united states citizens need to know what our president is planning on doing to other countries just in case it back fires on us. It is also relevant because we need to know that because this agreement happened there should no longer be a problem.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I think that this is really a good thing. I don't think the United States need anymore bad attention from any other countries
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the United States as a whole should be trying to make immense with these other countries. I also think that this was good because we do not need to start another war this way. I also think both presidents didn't want to do this but they know this would be good for both countries.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because i keep hearing about this bombing on Syria and i wanted to know was this still going to happen or were they going to stop it .

  8. Source: (website):
    Article Title: Obama to give personal reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. at 50-year anniversary of March on Washington
    Article Date: August 28,2013
    Who: Barack Obama reflecting on Dr. Martin Luther King's speech and how it come true now as he is a African American president
    Where: Lincoln Memorial
    When: August 28,2013
    What happened: Barack Obama said his remarks on how what Martin Luther King said in his speech "I Have a Dream" and what he said in the speech- did it come to life in later terms now that he is the first African American president, yes. Also how now blacks and whites are now equal and can hold hands without any violence. Also that we can now vote and have our Civil Rights.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if it didn't happen their will still be segregation between blacks and whites. Also is that we as African Americans can vote to whomever we want our president. We can eat where ever we please and drink without any separation.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My attitude towards this is making me proud and happy that Martin Luther King and his helpers paved a way for us not only blacks but Jewish and other races. My feeling were over joyed because Whitney Young that was with Martin Luther King is now sharing a moment with First Lady Michelle Obama in a documentary.
    Opinion (I think..) it is good that Obama touched on that because it is a memorable event that happened and made a lot of progress for the last 40 or so years.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I connect to this because I've been learning about them both since before I knew about whole situation of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965. Its a major event that changed the worldwide United States and even more.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Iranian leader: U.S. will 'definitely suffer' if it leads strike on Syria
    Article Date:Fri September 6, 2013
    Who:Syria and the US
    What happened:Syria is using chemical weapons and the U.S doesnt want them to. The U.S thinks Syria could use the weapons for warfare. British scientist actually found traces of sarin gas. In 2011 Syria used this gas and killed an estimated 100,000 people.Also the British prime minister said that they found the gas in clothing and soil. Syria was using the chemical against their own people.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because Syria can attack the U.S with chemical warfare. Chemical warfare is very deadly and it can start a war with Syria and the U.S.
    Reaction: I don't want Syria to launch a attack on the U.S especially a chemical one. The president should hurry and make a decision on what to do with Syria.
    Opinion: I think we should go attack Syria and collect all the weapons they have. Also send troop to Syria and make sure the are not using chemical warfare on their own people.
    Connection: I chose this article because using chemical warfare is very bad thing to do. Using guns and all that other stuff is bad but i think using chemical is the worst thing you can do. The president really needs to put a stop to this before Syria try to use the chemicals on us.

  10. Source:

    Title: Head of Charter School Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charges

    Date: August 13, 2013

    Who: Masai Skief

    Where: Harambee Charter School

    Date of the event: N/A, This happened a while ago, the evidence is just uncovering

    What happened: Masai Skief, executive officer of Harambee Institute of Science Technology Chatter School pleaded to the charges of weird fraud. He wired up to $88,000 from the school and it's college fund. Skief purposely tried to conceal the withdrawals he as labor cost.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant to me because I went to that school for 8 years, and while there the school already received ridicule from its first scandal. This relevant to everyone else because Masai stole from the school's college fund, and from the school. Students coming from the school, or were relying on the college fund are greatly affected.

    Reflection: This frustrates me because while I went to the school, they always told us not to steal, and to always do the thing. Masai's father John Skief was the executive officer before him, until he died which was when I was in sixth grade. John Skief was the smile behind all the teachers in the school.

    Opinion: I think it's a shame that the students coming from the school have to go to interviews knowing that they could easily be rejected just because of the actions of their leaders.

    Connection: I chose this article because me and one of my sister's went to this school at the same time, and as soon as she told me, the only thing I could think of was the very first scandal about the school owing money to the owners of the building.

  11. Source- Http://security
    Article Title: Breaking up is hard to do: the Obama Putin relationship
    Article Date: August 4, 2013 –Local
    Who: President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Dmitry Medvedev, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    Where: United States
    When: January 2009
    What happened: Obama and Putin were good friends, and their relationship was hard to keep, because, when Obama went into office January 2009, he had hoped that U.S and Russia could be on good terms. But because everything went south when George w. bush was in charge. In April 2010 they signed a new arms agreement. June 2010 there was a Russian spy ring that the FBI broke up. In Moscow December Putin accused Clinton of stirring up things basically this whole time Obama and Putin are trying to get the U.S and Russia on good terms.
    Why Relevant: This information is relevant to me because when Obama first went into office he made a couple of promises to America, peace happened to be one of them. So to me this shows him trying to fix and make America a better place for the youth growing up.
    Reflection: I feel this article is very informative towards knowing the improvement on America. Also I feel that Obama is really trying to keep up his end of the barging to the U.S and its people.
    Opinion: I think that Russia and the U.S should get back on good terms. Because, it seems that the two presidents are very good friends, and I think they shouldn’t let old terms control what happens now. Because they are in control and they can call the shots. I think Russia and the U.S becoming untied again would be a very good idea.
    Connection: I choose this article because it proved that Obama was fighting for change. The reason my family sat down and discussed Obama when he first became president was because he promised to fight for change and this shows him doing that. That’s why I choose this article.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Maryland Gun Applications Soar As Stricter Control Law Looms.
    Article Date: September 6, 2013
    Who: The state of Maryland is soaring ahead with the start of a tough new firearms law that sets new magazine capacity limits and bans the sale of certain types of assault weapons.
    Where: State of Maryland
    When: September 6, 2013
    What happened: The Washington Times reported that the state police gun purchase applications increased from 2011 to 2013. Gun dealers say they have been overwhelmed because of the laws Oct 1 effective date.
    Why this event is relevant: I think this was relevant and helpful because it shows how easily people buy guns in this country and how the percentage of gun purchases increase every year.
    Reaction: When I was reading this article, it made me a little upset because its disturbing to find out how the purchase of guns are increasing more and more each year and there are more and more crimes committed by guns in this country.
    Opinion: I honestly think that the gun population is getting worse each year. There should be stricter laws in place for people that want to get a gun because guns end up in the wrong hands.
    Connection: I chose this article because I believe there should be something done right now to slow or stop the purchases of guns. I chose this article because I believe all states should enforce stricter laws and regulations regarding guns.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Putin, Obama unlikely to budge on Syria after talks in Russia
    Article Date: Friday, September 6,2013, 12:51
    Who: President Barack Obama, and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin talked on Friday about Syria.
    Where: This happened in Syria. Obama and Putin were disgusting if they should place a attack against the Syrian government.
    When: This started on August 21 when the United States gassed 1,400 people and 400 of them where children in Syria.
    What happened: the United States and Russia are in a disagreement with Syria. The Syrian government thinks that the United States used chemical weapons in a bid get aid and support from "those countries who support them." Putin and Obama have talked about ways to solve the Syrian crisis peacefully.
    Why Relevant: This is relevant because we should know what is going on in the world. We have the right to see what Obama is doing as a leader of this country. We should see if Obama is ending or creating more wars in the world. As you can see, Obama is trying to end things peacefully.
    Reaction: I am happy that Obama is not trying to use violence in this situation. He is trying to talk things out in a calm and peaceful manner. As president, he should want to call off any problems instead of creating more problems.
    Opinion: In my opinion, Obama is doing great as president he is not creating problems, but solving them. Obama is doing his best in trying to keep the military out of any fights.
    Connection: I can relate to this because before Obama was president, we were always in wars. I would always hear that we were in deep debt and soon at war. With Obama he is trying to get us out of debt and far away from any problems.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Obama steps up campaign for Congress' support for Syria strikes
    Article Date: September 2,2013, 11:15 p.m.
    Type: National
    Who was involved?: Barack Obama, Congress, Syria
    Where did this event happen: Washington
    When did this event happen: Labor day weeknd
    What happened: After various allegations,Syria, had denied using chemical weapons. But in August 2013, a suspected chemical attack just outside of the Syrian capital, Damascus, caused a strong reaction from countries such as Britian, France and the United States. This event and many before it have caused Barack Obama to want to intervene in these events to protect many civilians who are at risk of another attack and those who have survived the last. But before Obama can do anything he needs Congress to support and vote that he can do the things needed to help Syria in their time of need. Therefore, he is trying his hardest to persuade Congress to support his position on Syria.
    Why is this event relevant: The article is relevant because the events and attitudes expressed not only affect political figures and foreign nations, but ultimately the United States, so the author wanted us to be informed and opinionated.
    Reaction: When I first read the article I was shocked and did further research into the situation at hand. Just knowing that so many innocent livew were lost just makes the situation worse.
    Opinion: I honestly think that Obama and the U.S. should just stay out of this whole thing. The reason being is because
    anything could happen and this does not fully affect the U.S. True enough innocent lives and various other tragedies ar at risk of unfolding, I think we should just focus on the United States for now.
    Connection: The reason why I chose this article is because I kept hearing about the tragedy in Syria, but I did not know exactly why it happened and who was the blame. Honestly I still need to do more research on the topic, but now I feel more comfortable about speaking on the topic.
    Aaliyah Haynes

    1. Source:
      Article Title:President Obama pushes G20 leaders for support on Syria
      Article Date:6 September 2013
      Who:Barack Obama France, Turkey, Canada and the UK Russia
      When: September 2013
      What happened:US President Barack Obama is using his final day at the G20 summit to continue pushing for foreign support for a US military strike on Syria.
      Why this event is relevant: to show that Obama is at least trying something to unite everyone for a greater cause.
      Reaction: I just feel relieved that someone is trying
      Opinion: I think that Obama is trying but he needs to try a little harder to support for a US military strike on Syria.
      Connection: i chose it show that someone is at least trying no matter the small amount of time they have.


    Title:War of words between Russia, U.S. on Syrian crisis heats up
    Date: Fri September 6, 2013
    Who is involved: Obama & Syria
    Where did this even happen: In Washington
    When did this happen: August 12,2013
    What happened: some U.S officals are arguing that Russia has to do with preventing international efforts to do something to halt the Syria bloodshed. President Obama does not want to involve military action. he wants to solve this peacefully. People say that this is the worst since the cold war.
    Why is this important: Does America need another war? I don't think so. We want to keep the peace here, some understand and some doesn't.
    I think that its important for the president to show that we don't need weapons to save peace. Syria isn't as strong as us americans so, im not really worried about a war. but I think that Russia should stay out of it.
    Connection: I chose this article because everyone is scared that we will go to war with Syria. this article is to show that President Obama is willing to talk this out, and make sure things will be ok.

    1. Do you think war is unavoidable if the Syrians keep using chemical weapons? Is this our battle to fight?

  16. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Putin, Obama unlikely to budge on Syria after talks in Russia
    Article Date: September 6, 2013
    Who: Vladimir Putin (Russian president), Barack Obama (US President)
    Where: Meeting in Russia
    When: September 5,2013
    What happened: Vladimir Putin(President of Russia) and Barack Obama(President of US) met in a meeting to talk about the devastating Civil war going on in Syria at this moment. At the meeting, Putin explained why he had decided that he will not be intervening in the war. He stated that he will not aid in a military strike against Syria because he is in alliance with the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and that he is positive that the Assad Regime has nothing to do with these destructive and dangerous chemicals used in Syria. Because of these reasons, he is conflicted on which side to support, the rebels on the regime. Obama on the other hand, is positive that the Assad Regime has committed these crimes against the innocent people of Damascus; therefore he is set on a military strike on the regime. Despite their obvious different perspectives and ideas, the peacefully sat down and spoke about all the facts and tried to convince the other of their side.
    Why this event is relevant :): This article is extremely relevant to our country now because it affects out president, our government, out country and out military. This is because this decision to either help out or not is a very polarizing topic. America is completely spit on this potential strike. The people who are against this strike compare it to the Vietnam War stating that is completely unnecessary for the US to became involved because this Civil War between the Assad Regime and the Rebel groups had completely nothing to do with the US and does not affect it in any way, and that the US has no right to police the world like they own it, while those who are for this strike state that the US has a right to protect human rights and that the Assad Regime has crossed a red line by using the dangerous chemical weapon and killed 1500+ civilians including children, therefore the world must step in.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): This is a good thing that both countries did because it allowed both to see arguments from both sides and make better and more educated decisions.
    Opinion (I think...) I am completely conflicted. On one hand, if America sends troops into Syria to fight, not only will hopeless civilians be in the line of fire, so will American troops and America has no right to intervene in international issues that do not concern them. But on the other hand, no one has the right to viciously murder so many innocent people. So I’m torn.
    Connection (why you chose this article: I chose this article because this is a relevant issue that affects the whole world. Also because many people are speculating that if the US strikes, it might spark anther World War.

    1. This is posted under the wrong class period. Why do you think the US gets involved in conflicts in other countries? On what grounds will we get involved?

  17. Source:
    Article:Zimmerman lawyer and jurors followed law,not their hearts
    Involved was George Zimmerman ,trayvon Martin ,mark omara (attorney), 6jurors, judge
    And lastly martin's mother and father
    When:February 2012 to July 2013

    This article that I read about was about George zimmerman got charged for second degree murder in February for the death of travon Martin but now pleading a self-defense and got found not guilty.the jurors followed by law not their hearts is what most people think. This is revelant because it has something to do with goverments and laws.

    I felt some type of way about this because it seem as if give anybody the right away to kill and plead not guilty to self-defense when they know deep in their hearts what actions they wanted to make before they make them.

    I can connect to this because I have a cousin who was shot and the guy that he my cousin paralyze didn't get charged with nothin because he was so called defending his self.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Syrian Crisis: Latest developments

    Article Date: August 29, 2013

    Who: Syria , U.S, British


    When: August 21, 2013

    What happened: On August 21, 2013 and attack in the Damascus area of Syria occured. Atleast 350 people has died and there is no direct culprit of the attack, though it is believed that the Syria government was behind it. There were meetings within the U.N discussing the state of mater but no real dicision has taken place this far.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because it is in this date of time and we as Americans may have to step in and make matters better.

    Reaction: This event suprised me of the fact that the Syrian government could be behind its own countries citizens death and disasters.

    Option: I think that someone should step forward and make a change before Syrian government continue to make more disasters of their own country.

    Connection: I choose this article because the United States may have to go to war with Syria and I as a citizen should be aware with the reasons of why we are at war.

  19. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Syria crisis:Russia and US no closer.
    Article Date: September 6,2013
    Who:President Obama , U.S. government , China , and Russia.
    Where: This is a global issue happening in many parts of the world.
    When: This issue is happening right now.
    What happened: The U.S.government is upset with Syria because there military is using chemical weapons and they accused President Bashar-al Assad's forces of killing 1,429 people in a poison gas- attack. Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the United States and it is going to affect our country if the U.S. government decides to go to war with Syria.
    Reaction: I understand why the U.S. government would be upset with Syria because it is not safe to use chemical weapons and kill all those people for no reason.
    Opinion: I think we should try to work things out with Syria before getting involved with a war since war kills so many people and it causes a big issue around the world.
    Connection: This article is important to me because it involves my country and if we go to war with Syria it can cause a lot issues and more soldiers will have to go fight. Also the poison gas and other chemicals are not good to use and put in the atmosphere.
