Saturday, September 21, 2013

Period 4 Week: 9/22-9/27

Current Event for Week 5: 9/22-9/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Nairobi attack: Kenya forces 'clearing' Westgate centre

    Article Date: September 23,2013

    Who: U.S. President, Kenyans,

    Where: Kenya

    When: September 23, 2013

    What happened: There were terrorist attacks upon the Kenyan Westgate Mall. They managed to kill 3 terrorist and they said that 63 people remain unaccounted for. The official death toll is 62 and more than 170 people have been injured. Also, British Defense Secretary Phillip Hammond said that 6 Britons had been murdered. The Somali Islamist al-Shabab carried out the attack against Kenya in response to them for military operations in Somalia. Though, Kenyan officers has the mall under security, meaning there's no escape for the terrorists. Also, President Obama has stated that they will support Kenya by sending a Foreign Emergency Support Team there. There was 10 bodies retrieved from the building and some 200 civilians has been rescued and 65 are in the hospital. Also, 11 soldiers have been injured. Many people were shot or cut into shreds by the terrorists, like children and a famous radio presenter. Other nationalities were killed as well, like Indians, French, Dutch, Canadian and South African. Kenyans are responding for blood donations. Al-Shabab, has repeatedly threatened attacks on Kenya if Nairobi didn't pull their troops out from Somalia.

    Why this event is relevant: It involves the president

    Reaction: I was kind of surprised about the attacks upon the Westgate mall. I mean, it's good that the Kenyan officials are trying to protect people but it's just sad that they couldn't save them all.

    Opinion: I think that the terrorist attack was unnecessary because al-Shabab could have compromised with the Kenyans, or at least make a treaty about what they want and how they'll abide by the terms.

    Connection: I chose this article because it reminds me of Syria except in this article, they aren't killing their own people...I think. Also, people are doing everything ti protect the citizens from terrorist attacks.

  2. Source:

    Article Title: Rouhani: Iran not a threat, sanctions are 'violent'

    Article Date: September 24, 2013

    Who: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, United Nations General Assembly, Barack Obama

    Where: New York

    When: September

    What happened: The Iranian President attended the United Nations Assembly and announced that his country wasn't a threat to the world and how he is willing to resolve the problem with the nuclear program. It also talked about how the Iranian President Obama might now be on good terms, so good that it may make history. Now others, as well as President Obama are disagreeing because they could be still making the bomb as they speak. Overall, they are still in disagreement and are still not on the same terms.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because two countries are trying to settle disputes without using coercion.

    Reaction: I was surprised that it didn't literally go to a war. No one really wanted to use violence it seemed.

    Opinion: I think the Iranian President needs to stop trying to argue the situation out, saying they are going to stop something then go right around and keep doing it. He needs to agree with President Obama.

    Connection: I chose this article because it sort of takes me back to the holocaust days where a mass majority of people died.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:Obama Administration sets first-ever curbs on power plant emissions
    Article Date:September 24, 2013
    Who: Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: on firday
    What happened: Obama puts a stop for carbon emissions . because of this people would have to you less of the coal fire. Obama is trying to fight global warming by making a climate change packet.
    Why this event is relevant: it is relevant because it effects us all around with the air we breath and the world we live in.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) they are always trying to pick on Obama for all the things he do. sometime we do need to cut back on what we do in our everyday life. we need to realize that the globe is being warmed by human actions.
    Opinion (I think.. that Obama is doing the right thing by cutting down on certain things that he can control. for instance he can not control what we do in our house or watch us for we are littering.
    Connection (why you chose this article) this just reminds me of all the natural disaters now happening and things that are going on antartica

  4. > Source:
    > Article Title: concerns made about fewer drone strikes amid continuing terror attacks
    > Article Date:September 25, 2013
    > Who: the united states is mainly involved but you can say the other countries are 2
    > Where: Kenya, Pakistan,and Yemen
    > When: this had been happening since July 1
    > What happened: first there was sixty people that got killed in Kenya and then the percentage of drones over Yemen and Pakistan have dropped, not to mention the recent findings of nuclear weapons in Syria
    > Why this event is relevant: the drones help tell the u.s. what is happening without people risking their lives to go see themselves and the amount of them are dropping we need to be talking about this in class.
    > Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this is really weird because they just don't care really they say don't worry, what if they try something what's going to happen then.
    > Opinion (I think...) they should send more drones and get back on their A game they're slacking and its not cool.
    > Connection (why you chose this article)this article just stood out to me because of the name so I had to read it then I was like I mine as well do my current event on this.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is " Surprise! Obamacare foe Cruz votes with Democrats on spending plan".
    Article Date: This article was written on Wednesday 25,2013.
    Who: The main person in this article is Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.
    Where: The event took place in Washington.
    When: The date of this event was also Wednesday 25, 2013.
    What happened: Republican Senate Ted Cruz says yes to Obamacare which makes the votes in the House of Representatives 100 to 0.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because with his vote he is agreeing to any funding for Obamacare. This means that Obama Healthcare will start to receive funding.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I really like what is going on with the Obamacare. I believe that Obama Healthcare should be receiving a lot of money.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is good because than mostly everyone will have health insurance. I think this is bad because people will be paying for it probably in their taxes.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because maybe this means my Grandmother will have Health Insurance. It may not be the best but i do think this is great for the people that can not afford Health Insurance at all.

  6. Source
    Article Title:Are mass murderers using Twitter as a tool?
    Article Date: Thu September 26, 2013
    Who:Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab
    When: September 26.
    What happened:Armed terrorist entered a mall in Kenya and massacred innocent civilians
    Why this event is relevant: The attacks were announced on twitter.
    Reaction So if an attack was planed publicly on twitter. Does it not mean we should be able to counter said attack.
    Opinion With all these talks about the NSA spying on people should they actually do something about it.
    Connection I choose this article because maybe a while ago U.N sent troops to end the violence in the area of Somalia and Kenya but leaves because it was to violent. Thought we could you know try harder.

    1. Fadi,
      This is a really interesting article. However, you need to expand in the section, "What happened." I'd like to know exactly how they are using twitter. What are they posting?
      Ms. Rachael

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Pakistani Christians protest deadly church bombing
    Article Date: September 23rd, 2013
    Who: Pakistani Christians, Residents in Pakistan
    Where: Peshawar, Pakistan
    When: September 23rd, 2013
    What Happened: On a Monday night in Pakistan, angry Pakistani Christians declared a deadly attack. Suicide bombers blew them selves up. They were surrounded by hundreds of worshipers outside a historic church. This attack wounded over 140 people. The angry Christians blocked roads so that they can protest the bombings. Also tires were burnt and demanded protection over the Christian minority.
    Reaction: My reaction is that I feel bad for the people who were wounded. Especially, if the people were just happened to be there and not even involved in the situation. Just innocent people wounded by other people's actions.
    Opinion: Really, I think the people in the world are preparing for religion to really be recognized. I think the people in the world are going to fight about which religion they think is dominant.
    Connection: I chose this article because it made me think about religion and when they said the Muslims in Pakistan attack Christians because they view them as enemies. It made me think about life living in the United States. The reason why is because nowadays, people in my generation debate about religion, on which religion is better or just a division between the people because of religion.

  8. Source: http:/
    Article title: Obama Care Winners investors, lawyers, others make big gains from law
    Article date: September 4, 2013
    Who: This article includes Obama, lawyers, and other important people.
    Where: This happened in Washington D.C.
    When: It happened March 23.
    What Happened: A lot of jobs get money from this new law, Obama Care it is shown in the increase of companies since the law was established. Investor stocks have risen, doctor’s health care percentage, and the law is spreading throughout the country. Most people complain about the new law, but it has positively affected majority of the community of the United States. As of October 1, 2013 the Obama Care law will be in full affect and all American families who cannot get insurance will have insurance. Obama says this law is here to stay, even though 39% approved and 51% didn’t approve, but we need to make sure everyone is healthy.

    Why this event is relevant? This is relevant because the stocks and companies needed an energy boost, and this new law was like the energy boost for most companies, investors, etc. Also, besides the law bringing in new money it helps people that don’t have health insurance, so this a win win for most parents.

    Reaction: My reaction was neutral because I know it helped a majority of the population, but it affected that little percentage of population that didn’t really agree with law. But I think the law is positive and a smart idea from Obama.
    Connection: I chose this article because we read about this article because we just read an article about the house trying to impeach Obama over the law I just talked about. This is the reason I am neutral because most people are positively affected and the others that aren’t positively affected are taking major steps to get rid of this law.

    Article Title: Gun advocates protest the safe act.
    Article Date: September 24,2013
    Qh: New Yorkers,Colorado Lawmakers,New York Lawmakers, and Tom King.
    Where: It's in New York and Washington D.C.
    When: Started in February and it's still going down.
    What: People in New York are protesting because of the new strict gun law. They are upset that people can actually have a gun in there bag and not get in trouble.
    Relevant: This is relevant because the New York government is.letting it's people have guns in there city. Also people is not happy about people caring guns atound even they are trying to protect their self.
    Reaction: My reaction is this is sad because people shouldn't be caring around guns but if it is.illegal ghen they would get penalized. For example," A lot of people are plain moving out because people are fed up with their freedom being tampered with"(king 11). This means that because they made this new law alot of people are leaving the city.
    Opinion: I think this is ridiculous because they shouldn't never made this new gun laws. Also I think it's stupid that you even have to make a gun law at all.
    Connection: I pick this article because I wanted to know more about New York gun law.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Theft of U.S weapons in Libya involved hundreds of guns, sources say
    Article Date: September 25, 2013
    Who: United States government, Libyan government, Muslim Brotherhood
    Where: Libya
    When: Approximately around last August.
    What happened: Several hundred of the U.S guns are now in the hands of militia groups involved with Muslim terror organizations. This stolen equipment had recently been used for United States special forces in training. Dozens of highly equipped and armed vehicles are also missing along with some night vision goggles. This advanced technology allows many advantages on the battlefield for U.S soldiers. These stolen weapons mean that the dangerous militias whom we are up against now have the capability of defeating out military. For example, the "salafists", a jihadist movement is already said to be a potential threat that can possibly cripple our U.S government. These stolen weapons also open the possibility of attempted attacks on the U.S to overthrow the government. Matters are only getting worse as the article mentions.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is guaranteed to bring much debate and controversy. It discusses the many problems in which our government is undergoing at this point in time and it is very important for the citizens of the U.S to understand that this matter is not something that we can control.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this article is that I feel a little disappointed. This is because for as long as I have lived in the U.S, I had never felt unsafe in any way to be completely honest with you, regarding issues in government that is. Now I think I have mixed feelings on whether I should be extremely worried or not because for once, the U.S is not in control and is not the only one with access to this advanced technology equipment. Now, I feel as though the tables are turned and this situation could go any way.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the U.S should be highly aware of just how serious this situation is. For example, maybe its time to take some of the focus off of Syria because of the fact that the U.S may be in some serious issues with this new update, both economically and regarding public safety. I also think that this just goes to show something; how much money we spend on the military, more than education for children and yet we are in more danger than ever.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because as I was scrolling down the newspage it was the only thing that actually caught my eye. When I saw the title, I asked myself, "How is our military losing against the Libyan government?" I also found the article to actually be very interesting and not boring, considering the fact that it deals with government.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Twin explosions in Yemeni capital wound 20 as leaders debate proposed changes to constitution
    Published September 26, 2013
    People of Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, The new U.S.-backed president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, and Abdul-Majeed el-Zidani. Two explosions on a street in Yemen's capital wounded 20 people on Thursday. The Interior Ministry said, in the latest episode of violence to hit the troubled Arab nation. People didn't get hurt the first explosion, but when a group gathered around the explosion a second blast struck, wounding 20 people. Then Abdul-Majeed el-Zidani called for a stronger a role for Islamic law in the country's new constitution. This event is relevant because the explosion took innocent lives. I was surprised when I first read the article because its not fair to the people that got killed and their families. I think that we should be worried because if they're bombing where they live they can do it other places as well. This article connects with terrorism because of the explosions and the death of innocent people.

  13. Source:
    Article Title:Postal rate hikes hike proposal faces senate scrutiny
    Article Date: 9/26/13
    Who: Workers at the postal service
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: 9/25/13
    What happened: People who work for the postal service want to raise the price of a stamp for a letter. The senate has to it is a okay.
    Why this event is relevant: The reason why this relevant because people everyday use the postal system like to mail bills for the phone stuff like that.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is crazy. People still use the postal system.
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion is that postal system needs to realize when you jack up the price lots of people are not can not afford it. There are going to stop using it. That means that they are not going to give them business. It's it good business practice to find money other ways. I hope that will.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I enjoy writing to people everywhere like Canada to Maryland. Plus getting letters back from. I am not sure if my pen pals are going to spend the extra money are not. I want to keep doing this. I enjoy it.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Kenya's Westgate siege; militants hired shopst ro hide weapons
    Article Date: September 27th
    who: al shabbab, al Qaeda, president uhuru kenyatta
    Where: mall in Kenya, Africa
    When: September 23
    What happened: At a mall in Kenya earler this week al shabbab let out an attack on the innocent. Many people were killed icluding the nephew of president uhuru kenyatta. The reason behind it was because Kenya was asked to withdraw troops fro Somalia but refused.Though the question was not why but how. Today it was confirmed that the terrorist snuck in by using fake IDs to rent shops there then hide and store weapons.
    Then they let out full attack on shoppers. Kenya officials will now be sending more troops to Somalia.
    Reaction: I was disgusted and surprised.I was sursurprised because I thought al shabbab and al queda was only attacked like Ametica and the middle east. My disgust was to the fact that they continue to attack the innocent.
    Opinion: My opinion is that Kenya needs to be cautious and not worsen the predicamet but . I also think they should not show fear. I think al shabbab showed weakness in hitting the weak out of fear instead of attacking fighters. Sometimes things like this scares me because it makes al queda seem unperishable like they just keep growing and keep nagging.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to learn more of al queda activity in other countries.

  15. Source:
    Article Title:Federal furlough notices in next 24-36 hours
    Article Date:september 26 2013
    Who:U.S Government
    Where:United states
    When: September 26 2013
    What happened:In this article it tells the funding plans for the united states. The planes are do to a stand still in congress there will be a federal furlough starting in the next day or to. Do to the furlough there will be hundredes of goverment funded programs to be shut down.Programs like food stamps that will leave many unimployed americans hungry
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevent because it relates to the politics at hand
    Reaction: I am outraged because many will go hungrey
    Opinion i feel that it is a shame that our goverment cant help us
    Connection i have no relation to this
