Sunday, September 8, 2013

Period 4 Week of 9/8-9/13

Current event for week 3: September 8-September 13 at 3:30 pm 
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Pakistani leaders push for Taliban Talks

    Article Date: September 2013

    Who: Pakistani political leaders

    Where: Islamabad

    When: Monday

    What happened: Pakistani political leaders met on a Monday in Islamabad to have a conference about having peace talks with the country's Taliban to continue social and economic development.

    Why is this relevant: This article is relevant because it shows how one's country wants to change their ways to continue to grow.

    Reaction: I feel relieved because people are trying to change.

    Opinion: I think that is good because it is a first step.

    Connection: ObamaCare

  2. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Philadelphia schools amid uncertainly
    Article Date: updated today at 6;55pm
    Who: Philadelphia schools
    Where: Philadelphia school district
    When: 9/9/13
    What happened: So many teachers in Who worked in the public school system gotten laid of. The story goes on were they interview a person head of Martin Luther king High school.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction Scared
    Opinion (I think that you need to look at what other states are doing with there school system.
    Connection I am kid in 11th grade and it's important for kids to get a high school diploma to get some where in life.It's hard to get the highest the highest paying job out there in life. Going to a good high school will boast in life and in college. Also give you the best job out there. This state PA needs to do something or every school will be broke with nothing to do for. There might be no public schools at all. People need to rethink school budget and stuff like that everyday when the new school year comes. People need to take school as a first thing of life.

  3. Source: (website)
    Article Title:CNN Poll: Who would get blamed for government shutdown?
    Article Date:September 11th, 2013
    04:00 PM ET
    Who: government and obama
    Where: washington
    When: this week
    What happened: there is a budget battle between congressional Republicans and the White House. That deadline comes one day before a key element in the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
    Why this event is relevant: they thinking that because of this its going to be a shutdown for the government all because of the Obama care

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was uoset because I feel like Obama is trying to help us out ad the republicians is not
    Opinion (I think..) that the republicians shoulldrealize that's its not this deep and let president do his thing
    Connection (why you chose this article because I feel like its really important to recognize that its a struggle for Obama to be in the white house and everything he do is a problem

  4. Source:

    Article Title: The legacy of Danny Lewin, the first man to die on 9/11

    Article Date: September 11th, 2013

    Who: Danny Lewin

    Where: The U.S., Isreal

    When: September 11th, 2001

    What happened: A man, Danny Lewin, was considered a great man that accomplished many things. He was a very determined man, doing all he can to make a difference in the world. As stated in the article, Lewin was a very intelligent man and successful man, fulfilling a lot before the age of 31. He had his own company called "Akami Technologies". It was a company that made the web faster and more efficient. He also had a stellar academic career but decided to do business. He was also a very determined person back in his younger years. He had good grades and joined the Isreal military. But, on September 11th, he was stabbed to death by a terrorist because he knew their language. the article even states that he was the first passenger to die, seat 9b. It was tragic because he had accomplished so much in 31 years of his life.

    Why this event is relevant: Because today is 9/11 and people have so much respect and grief for the lost lives.

    Reaction: I felt sad about reading the article because Danny Lewin sounded like a great man. All he ever wanted to do was make a difference in the world.

    Opinion: I think if Danny Lewin was still alive, he could really change the world with his intellectual abilities and talents. Like, think of all the possibilities he could have thought if and what he could do for America. He was a vey successful man and shouldn't have been robbed of his life.

    Connection: I can't really think of a good connection but it kind of reminds me of the Trayvon Martin case. Like how everyone was mad about Zimmerman not going to jail and such.

    1. Great post, Kashaan. This sounds like a really interesting article.

  5. Source:

    Article Title: 9/11 Attacks

    Article Date: September 11, 2013

    Who: Civilans and a terrorist group

    Where: New York City, at the Twin Towers

    When: September 11, 2001

    What happened: On this day, 12 years ago, two american airlines planes crashed into the Twin Towers. When the first planes hit one of the towers, evacuation was immediate and broadcasting began. People initially thought that it was an accident. They were wrong, 18 minutes later, video footage caught another plane crashing into the second twin tower leaving the city in great peril. It is highly believed that this terrorist act was a result of a terrorist group named Al-Qaeda. This group was lead by their leader Osama Bin Laden.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it showed how the U.S can be attacked at any moment. It's relevant because thousands of people were killed and love ones were lost. Out of respect, every year we honor the survivors, people that were killed and the people that risked their lives for other people.

    Reaction: My feelings toward it was shocking. When it first happened, I was very little so I didn't understand what was going on. Once I got older, I understood it better and the only question I could come up with was Why?

    Opinion: I think that it is more to the story than what meets the eye. I think that it is a bad thing that happened, maybe one of the worst and I hope that every year each families can get through it because I know it's a struggle for some people.

    Connection: I chose this article because it brings attention to the things that matter the most like terrorism. People need to be aware and not be so carefree. I'm not saying be worried but don't be so loose about everything. The 9/11 attacks brings a connection to everyone because it could have been my family that went through that and I pray for the ones that lost someone close to them. Those families make the connection to other ones because it shows how grateful you are but also respectful of those families.

  6. Source: (website)
    > Article Title: DNC head Wasserman Schultz blames colorado loss on 'voter suppression'
    > Article Date: September 12, 2013
    > Who: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Gessler, spokesperson Sean Spicer
    > Where: Colorado
    > When: August 12 and gave other voters until August 26
    > What happened: the voters were mad because they're votes were recalled, there has been 6 changes since Colorado governer did this. because of the changes people had to go to the county district to vote instead of just mailing their vote in.
    > Why this event is relevant: because the lady that was the chair person lost her seat and she spoke on it then chair people were talking too.
    > Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) its kind of similar to what I wrote about last week just a little because the NRA donated money to contribute to the county's that the people had to vote.
    > Opinion (I think..) I think this is a good topic because in our class we might talk about the govt. like this how peopleget into and out of power.
    > Connection (why you chose this article) it was the 1st article I saw after I choosethe govt. topic on the foxnews website.

  7.  Source: (website)
     Article Title: Obama Signs Student Loan Bill Lowering Interest Rate
     Article Date: August 9, 2013
     Who: Most of the article was about what Obama did, and other congress members in the room had little comments.
     Where: This signing of the bill took place in the White House.
     When: The actual bill was bought about in late June, and the bill was in affect July 1st, 2013.
     What happened: Around late June, Obama came up with a law or bill about student loans and the interest rate. Obama feels the rate is too high, especially since college is already expensive. Also he feels this is the reason why we can’t get jobs or jobs are scarce because the graduates get a job and their entire paycheck goes to the government for loans. The bill was supposed to be in affect by July 1st, 2013 and it was but it was a lot of contradiction, debating, and arguing amongst other congress members. Congress finally came up with the deal to the rates from 6.8 percent to 5.4 percent for grad students and PLUS loans for grad students will go to 6.4 percent from 7.9 percent.
     Why this event is relevant: If the economy improves over the next couple of years, it will become more expensive for the government to borrow money and it would affect students. Overall, 18 million loans will be covered by the government, which totals $106 billion this fall. This saves more money because over the next decade, this bill would reduce the deficit by $175 million.
     Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes). This is a positive bill. It should positively affect everyone, students, the government, and parents of the students.
     Opinion (I think..) I think this is the best bill Obama every came up with. I think he understands how hard it is, and stressing to go to college because of money. It’s stressful paying to get in, which results in huge loans which are even harder. I also think the bill should have been brought about earlier in the year so it wouldn’t have been much chaos. Being as though, the bill was passed so late, the 2013 high school graduates graduated, they had to go in and give most people money back or it just didn’t apply to them yet.
     Connection (why you chose this article)… I chose this article because I will be attending college in two years, and even though I have well enough grades (honors student) and play four sports, it still seems stressing on paying for school, especially the schools I want to go to (Penn State Main). I think it is important for my class to know about this so we could appreciate Obama even more, because the article says, “The compromise is a good deal for all students through the 2015 academic year,” and that my year of college. With that being said, my class is the most affected by it, because if the economy gets better than the bill on the loans will get lower and that’s less money from me.

  8. Source: (website)

    Article Title: U.S. officials differ on status of military aid to Egypt

    Article Date: August 20,2013

    Who: Obama administration, Egypt military, U.S.

    Where: Egypt, Middle East

    When: August 18,2013

    What happened: President Obama's administration were holding back on some of the aid that they sent to the military in Egypt.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because anyone can get hurt or die from not having the medical attention they need.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I don't really have feelings or reactions on this article because it is hard to decipher which side is right.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the U.S. is right, but at the same time they are wrong because if something happens to someone in the military they might try to blame it on the U.S. or even come at the U.S. because a soldier either died or is really hurt.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it looked interesting. I also thought I should know about what is going on in the military.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirements.

  9. Source: (website) :
    Article Title: A Plea for Caution From Russia: What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria
    Article Date: September 11, 2013
    Who: Vladimir Putin (Russian President) and America
    Where: Moscow
    When: September 11, 2013
    What happened: Putin, the Russian president, made a speech about the state of the affairs in the case of Syria. In this speech, he mentioned that fact that he is discouraging any military strike on the grounds that a military strike would be just another way to start a huge international conflict that can be avoided. He also stated that in the United Nations' Charter, it stated that all countries will work together to create a better world despite all disagreements and quarrels; therefore attacking Syria would be against this agreement. He spoke about the speech on the matter President Obama recently gave to the International public. He states, "It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.” and ,"It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal."
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it is an ongoing debate between the international community that will affect each and affect each and every one of us in both the short and long terms.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel extremely proud of Putin giving a speech on political union and unity between the countries of the world.

    Opinion (I think..): I think I somewhat agree with some of the points that he is making about America being the world's police. I don't think the US has any right to go around the world like they are this all powerful judge that makes rules for all countries. I also agree about the false pride most American's have. When I see American exceptionalism, I don't see the smarted country or the most advanced or healthiest. I see a country masking strides toward equality, a country that cares about its people and what they have to say and also a country who, despites its problems, is working to make the world a better place.

    Connection (why you chose this article): Relevant to life at this moment.

  10. Source:
    Article Date: September 10, 2013
    Article Title:Obama blends threat of attack,hope of diplomacy
    Who: Barack Obama
    Where:Washington DC, in the East Room of the White House
    When: September 10, 2013
    What happened:Barack Obama made a national televised speech about future plans pertaining Syria and their chemical weapons. He believes we should use military force in this situation.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because we could possibly be looking at more war, and this has to do with government because he asked congressional leaders to postpone votes on legislation.
    Reaction:Not suprised, and faith
    Opinion: I think Obama is doing the right thing as of now yes it possibly may cause another war but sometimes war is necessary. I also think it is right because there are kids in Syria who have been gassed death. Obama says this in his speech. Obama said, "When with modest effort and risk we can stop children from being gassed to death and thereby make our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act. That's what makes America different. That's what makes us exceptional.
    Connection My connection is to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because people have the same mindset or set of emotions

  11. Source:

    Article Title:At least 3 dead as Colorado flooding cuts off mountain towns

    Article Date: September 12,2013

    Who: The population of Colorado

    Where:Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins, Greeley, Aurora and Boulder.

    When: Today September 12

    What happened: Multiple days of heavy rain caused flash flooding. Numerous roads and highways were washed out or made impassable by floods. Up to 8 more inches fell in an area spanning from the Wyoming border south to the foothills west of Denver. The concern now is mud slides.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because in Philadelphia we have some floods. Especially near the Schuylkill River on Kelly Drive. So we can relate a little.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was that this is so sad. The fact people have to live through these and don't really have that much of a warning. Also, they can loose some if not all of their belonging which is worse.

    Opinion: I think people shouldn't build houses near rivers or to close to anybody body of water for that matter. As a safety precaution and to save people thousands of dollars.

    Connection: I chose this article because it rained today and I seen this article and it intrigued me.

  12. Source: (website)
    Article Title: House passes Bill To delay Obamacare Subsides
    Article Date: This event took place on September 12, 2013
    Who: The people that are involved is House Majority leader Eric Cantor and Other Republican Leaders.
    Where: This event Just so happen to take place in Washington, DC.
    When: The meeting took place on Tuesday, September 10, 2013.
    What happened: Within this article these republicans passed a bill to help people with healthcare. The White House are now trying to veto.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is very relevant to us as people. This is relevant because we need to know if this is going to effect our healthcare or how will we be effected by money.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling right now are very mutual about this situation. I am worried and happy at the same time.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a great way for the world to somewhat come together. Depending on what side people are on they will like what the republicans are doing.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it really stuck out to me. I say this because not everyone has healthcare such as my grandmother. So i think that anything that has something to do with healthcare i need to know and be aware because it has something to do with my grandmother's health.

  13. Source:

    Article Title: ObamaCare fix, as Obama meets labor leaders

    Article Date:September 13, 2013

    Who; Republicans, President Obama, Unions, AFL-CIO

    Where: AFL-CIO conventions across the U.S.A

    When: September 9th(day of Los Angeles convention)

    What happened: Many labor unions are upset by Obamacare and says it needs to be fixed before it is passed. particularly with the problem that employers will start to only hire part time employees to save money thus ending 40 hour work weeks. Unlike republicans union labor groups were initially supporters of Obamacare. Now they just want minor changes to ensure that they can have full time work employees by maybe getting more health care subsidies.
    Reaction: I feel like I agree with the unions and I am concerned on the turnout.
    Opinion: I think subsidies are an okay idea that should be negotiated but I think they should just give free health care to both full time and part time workers so at least the 40 hour work week is still there for people.
    Connection: I am always hearing obamacare from adults around me and i never knew exactly what it was or what was going on now i feel up to date with what it is and what is going on.


  14. republicans.neanderthals

    Article title: Biden:house republicans-"Neanderthals"
    Article date: September 13,2013 9:34am

    Who: Joe Biden
    Where: Washington
    When: Thursday night

    What happened: Joe Biden spoke on Thursday night at a event,which is designed to protect women from domestic violence against women act,also the renewal of measure as a "Neanderthal crowd".
    This is revelant because it deals with political rights for women and it has something to do with our law system and government .

    Opinion:I think that it was good that mr.biden spoke out on this because women need more right. Before women didn't have any rights but for men like mr.biden that changed the lives of women out here.

    I can connect to this because I am a teenage girl growing up and as a women I would want more for myself but I would also want more offered so I think the women should have the right to do anything just like men.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: 
    Article Date:
    Some time this week at 4:00pm (date was unavailable)
    The Govt. and Obama are involved, along wig some other irrelevant people. 
    This occurred in Washington D. C. 
    This happened sometime this week. 
    What happened: According to CNN sources --- 
    While coming closer and closer towards two dreadful deadlines, a new national poll indicates congressional Republicans would take more to blame than Barack Obama for maybe govt. shutdown 
    Why this event is relevant: 
    This event is relevant because, for one, we should all be informed about this and govt possible shutdown is also a big thing to be informed about
    Reaction +Opinion (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    My reaction is that I hope it never happens. In my opinion because i also think that the government being shutdown will cause a lot of chaos in the country and I think they'll try to impeach Barack Obama. Just my opinion
    Connection (why you chose this article): Ichose this article because I honestly couldn't find any other articles but I got more interested in it after I read it. 

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Official says CIA-funded weapons have begun to reach Syrian rebels; rebels deny receipt
    Article Date:September 12, 2013
    Who:CIA,Syrian rebels
    Where:CIA base in Beirut Lebanon
    When:September 12, 2013
    What happened: This article is about the U.S congress deciding that they would help supply the Syrian rebels with weapons. With the use of the CIA congress has been able to send the rebels fighting in Syria shipments of weapons along with the training.theses claims have not been disputed by the U.S government.the weapons are how ever not made by U.S. the shipments have began to reach them as of two weeks ago.
    Why this event is relevant: this because it involves the U.S and its support of are allies.
    Reaction: when heard this i thought to myself that this is just right because when a country is allied with another there post to back each other up and help defend their boarders.
    Opinion: I think this is a noble thing for America to do backing up its supporters.
    Connection: I can connect to this because i am always supported by my family like the U.S acts for Syria and other country's.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Al Qaeda issues message about September 11th
    Article Date: This event happened on September 12, 2013
    Who: Al Queda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
    Where: This articl was located in Washington DC
    When: This occurred in September of 2013

    What Happened: The Al Qaeda leader, al-Zawahiri posted an audio message on the Internet earlier this week. In his message, he said that he has claimed victory over the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. Also called on terrorists to battle the US again, and telling us to spend more on security so that we could "bleed economically." But the United States' drone attacks has killed off the key leaders and the Obama administration has closed 19 embassies across North Africa and the Middle East, yielding them from any planned attacks.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is something that we should be aware of. We need to know if someone from another country is planning on attacking the United States.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is shocked but then relieved. I say this because at first al-Zawahiri was saying that he was going to attack the US, but then again the Obama administration closed the embassies and the drones killed the leaders so we won't be having any attacks any time soon.
    Opinion: My opinion about this is that if the United States continues to spy on Al Qaeda and get more information, we would be able to plan ahead in order to keep the US safe.
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to know what were the plans of Al Qaeda and I wanted to make sure that the US was doing what they had to do. It is very interesting to know these types of things. It gives me insight on what I should know about what is going on in our country.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: The title is Assad piles on demands amid chemical weapons talks between Kerry, Russian counterpart
    Article Date: It was published on September 13, 2013.
    Who: The main people involved are, Bashar Assad, Buck McKeon, R-calf, Kerry, The Russians, U.N Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, Obama
    Where: This Takes Place In Syria.
    When: This is happening now as we speak and live on.
    What happened: There seems to be some kind of chemical weapon that is being used and Assad demands acid chemical weapons, so this article is talking about the counterparts.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it acid and chemical weapons become more of use many people can get hurt and sick badly, may even cause more diseases to the world.
    Reaction : I am very upset that anyone would even think about make or even using such a weapon on their on species.
    Opinion : I think that everyone is just trying to over power each other and cause more chaos to the world.
    Connection : I was curious about what the weapon was and why it was needed and who was behind all of this.

  19. Source: (website)
    Article Title: House pulls spending bill amid backlash as government shutdown looms
    Article Date: September 12, 2013
    Who: House of Representatives (Republican leaders), government, John Boehner (house speaker), Congress, Tea Party group
    Where: The United States
    When: Thursday, September 12, 2013
    What happened: To begin with, this story talks about ObamaCare and also the possible shutdown of government. I read that House Republicans leaders pulled a plan to to fund the federal government temporarily after party members argued that it was "defunding" ObamaCare. the plan was to essentially have the House of Representatives vote on defunding Obamacare, then pass it by the Democrats in the Senate to negotiate. Furthermore, Congress is said to be dealing with many issues at the same time. The biggest issue that Congress is now facing is that they must work to not hit a debt ceiling in mid-October. To add, Bohner claims that he has already tried to defund, repeal and change ObamaCare so the senate must now do its part. However, everyone, including both parties are hoping that a government shutdown does not occur.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant becuase citizens should care about what is happening in their own government. For example, in this article, there was a mention about a government shutdown. Citizens should be asking questions like, "Is this going to affect me in any negative way?"
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reactions are that I am totally shocked because I had no idea that the government was on the verge to a shutdown because of debt.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Obama lacks in the debt part of the government and it is because we keep spending so much money on military services. I think that money should go more towards the funding of schools or other important factors.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because when I saw the words "government shutdown" I was so curious to know hwy are government is in so much trouble and what people in politics are doing about the critical situation.

  20. Blog is closed for this week. Great job, ladies and gentlemen!
    Ms. Rachael
