Sunday, September 15, 2013

Period 3 Week of 9/16-9/20

Current event for week 4: September 16-September 20 

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article Title:Navy gunman had federal clearance despite disturbing history
    Article Date: September 17, 2013
    Who:Aaron Alexis,Thomas Hoshko,and Alexis' roommate
    Where:A Washington military facility
    When: September 17th,2013
    What happened:Aaron Alexis shot 12 people but injured 8 at a Washington military building,who has a perplexing history of psychological issues and terrible behavior like using guns against people.
    Why this event is relevant: This event has currently happened that involves the Navy Seals and the government.This event is relevant because it shows what is happening in our Navy that our nation is in danger of deadly gunmen in our society that will potentially harm people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel shocked that the Navy and our nation has been penetrated by forces of our own.This affects me because what if I was up there in the military place,being in the same building as him?This prepares me to watch out for my surroundings even more than usual.
    Opinion (I think..)I think Barack Obama should double check our military soldiers even more.I mean since he is the Chief of Military,he should up the background checks on the soldiers so he can prevent this for happening in the future..Aaron Alexis should be triple checked because there is no despite his psychological issues.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because this is basically Civics at its best.The government receives terrible news,involving flaws in their military.The President is involved in this because his position in being Chief of Military is being put at work.He has to make sure that our nation is safe from harm from other countries and from inside our country.

  2. Source:

    Article Title: The name of this article is Obama meets with Russian Gay Rights Advocates

    Article Date: This happened on September 6,2013. But allow updated throughout September 16, 2013.

    Who: Russia's social activist group are involved and of course president Obama

    Where: Russia is where the event happened at.

    When: Friday September 6th is when the event occurred.

    What happened: The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin had a law passed that you could not talk bout gay rights or relationships. Obama felt offended by the law due to the fact that he supports gay rights and same-sex marriage. Then Obama scheduled a meeting with Vladmir and the two talked about how they felt on the situation. The officials and leaders said it could have been another long summit meeting before coming to any conclusion.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because gay rights is a huge back and fourth conflict right now in office and needs to get resolved.

    Reaction: I honestly don't believe this problem with should their be same sex marriage and things of that nature will ever come to a conclusion because no one in office can come to an agreement about this gay rights.

    Opinion: I personally think gay rights shouldn't be passed cause it goes away from my religious beliefs and ways of life but years down the line this law may be passed.

    Connection: I can relate to this current event in politics of government because there are some problems in my life right now that I am trying to resolve but it will take time.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Military chiefs warn forced budget cuts undermine security

    Article Date: Sept. 18th, 2013

    Who: Military chiefs, republican party, and democratic party.

    Where: A hearing in Washington DC

    When: Wednesday, September 18. 2013

    What happened: Military chiefs discussed with both parties the risk of the budget cuts/spending goals in 2020. These spendings include less money for Military Forces and even defense cuts. Military leaders say that this is a huge risk concerning America and their forces. Less defense means less protection and could hurt America and their forces badly. But democrats believe that we should provide some more funding while adjusting spending levels. While Republicans say to hold overall spending to the level that included the sequestration cuts.

    Why this event is relevant: This could risk protection for both American and troops all around. We could be in danger, not to mention that we need a strong military support in case of war risks.

    Reaction: I was actually a little angry when first reading this. It made me feel upset that the military was begging for more money even though they have so much already. But it made me feel scared because I did want to be protected. There's a lot of controversy and tension right now. I'd hate to see/become another 9/11.
    Opinion: What I believe is that the military shouldn't be begging for money so much. America should be more worried about the recession and education cuts instead of things like WAR. Honestly, with the UN's help and a lot of Allies I don't see the point in gradually building up our defenses at this moment. Unless somehow the military knows something we don't. But it still doesn't give the right to add more military and defense because we'll look suspicious? That would lead to war! However, like I said before we should be focusing on recession, unemployment, and education before even thinking of war.

    Connection: This connected to me because I don't approve of wars or military. I'm a peaceful kind of person so for me to hear about the military wanting more money means I get less of a chance for education. The military seems fine so far without the extra money. We need to focus more on opening schools and jobs. Thus, making me concerned that the military is up to something. So I like to keep an eye over it.


    Article Title:Navy Yard shooting: Up to speed in 3 minutes

    Article Date:September 19, 2013

    Who: Aaron Alexis and The Navy Yard

    When: September 18th, 2013

    Where:Building 197 on the Navy yard in Washington D.C.

    What Happened: A man names Aaron Alexis went on a shooting rampage on a Washington D.C. navy base. He was a contractor on the base so he was able to get on the base, the gun he used was unattached inside of a bag he was carrying. He went inside a bathroom put the gun together and came out shooting. It took the cops over a half hour to locate him and then when they did they shot and killed him.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has something to with the government because of the Navy base and The FBI were involved.

    Reaction: I was surprised by what had happened because of how he did it. It made me a little upset because my aunt works in D.C. and they put her school on lock down because of the situation and i had to wait around to hear if she was okay or not and my uncle works for the government so every time something like this happens i get little worried. I think the Aaron was stupid for what he did and even if he was upset with his life he should have handled the situation differently.

    Connection:I made a connection with other mass shootings there were in high school and the shooting that took place at Virginia Tech since its the closest to the Base in D.C. When people have problems with themselves so the commit acts of crimes like this and they either get killed or kill themselves.

  5. Source :

    Article Title: Tweets tip off former NFL player about teens partying in his home.

    Who: NFL player Brian Holloway

    Where : Stephentown, New York

    When : Sep 19 , 2013

    What happened? Over 300 teenagers damaged this man home causing 20,000 in damage , while he was on vacation teens were tweeting his son about the party they were having in their home.

    Why Relevant :Because I think that more teens I the world are committing more bad things in the world.

    Reaction : I think that it was so rude for them to go in his house without asking for his permission .

    Opinion : I think that it was very wrong and they need to pay him the money back , may be they need to work for him to pay it off or they need to figure out something because that was a lot of money and damage.

    Connection : My connection is when my cousin had a little party while her parents was on vacation and she messed up there and was left to clean it up without anybody to help her so her parents made her get a job and pay them back .

    1. Shakiera,
      This post does not meet the length requirements. Your post must be 10 complete sentences. Expand on what happened in the article.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Gunman and 12 Victims Killed in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard

    Article Date: September 16, 2013

    Who: Aaron Alexis

    Where: In a secure military facility in Washington, DC

    When: September 16, 2013, 8:00 am

    What happened: A former nay reserve named Aaron Alexis drove into the military base using his contractor ID and shot an officer and an innocent civilian. Next, he went up to a floor looking over people eating break feast and shot a bunch of people. Eight people were injured. Three of them were shot, including Officer Scott Williams of the Washington police. Others were injured and survived the deadly shooting. He was later arrested and 3 guns were found of him. There is no motive as to why he did what he did but as he sums up his actions, he claims he blacked out.

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because these kind of events are tearing America apart. Don't know where you can go to be safe, I mean what is safer than a military yard?

    Reaction: This made me quite upset because who can do that to innocent people.

    Opinion: I think that he meant to do it, he did not black out and his story is full of crap, he just wants to make an excuse but there is no excuse here.

    Connection: This reminds of the tragedy that took place at Sandy Hooke about a year ago. Innocent lives taken.

  7. Source: ( NBC News’ Frank Thorp contributed to this report.)Article Title:
    Article Date: September 17, 2013
    Who: Carrie Dann and Kasie Hunt, NBC News
    Where: In the Senate in Washington D.C.
    When: The original gun bill was proposed in April of 2013

    There has been a stall on legislators proposed gun bill that could curve or prevent who is able to purchase guns in America. The gun legislator bill was 5 votes short and Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa. bill was stalled again. The current event also mention that after two major shootings one in Newton and Washington Navel yard did not move members of congress to push this bill forward. The gun legislator bill is relevant because the bill would mandate criminal background checks on most private sales and mental health records included in these background checks.

    I personally feel that there will be a lot more deaths before this guns legislation is passed. My opinion is not alone that we need stricter laws on gun purchases. I am connected with this article because it was a sad thing that happened to Trevon Martin and some people I know who were killed in gun violence.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: The article title is The House votes to cut $4 billion a year from food stamps.
    Article Date:The article date was not listed.
    Who:The House is the only one involved.
    Where:This took place in Washinton D.C.
    When: This happened Thursday September 19, 2013.
    What happened:The House of Representitives are planning to cut $4 billion a year from food stamps.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because that means that America's number one food service will be cut down and not as many people will be using food stamps. Which can cause a lot of people to starve and struggle to survive because they rely on food stamps to eat and feed their families.
    Reaction That is not right because a lot of people depend upon food stamps to live.
    Opinion i think that is wrong of them to do that. It is like they are trying to get rid of the middle class and only make it an upper class and thats not right for no one.
    Connection I chose this article because I know a lot of people that is on food stamps and all I can think about is what's going to happen to them if there is no middle class.

    Article Title: UN: Assad has signed chemical weapons decree
    Article Date: September 13, 2013
    Who: President Bashar al-Assad
    Where: Syria
    When: September 12, 2013
    What happened:The government of Syria has decided to agree to prohibit chemical weapons and they signed a decree.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if Syria continued to use the chemical weapons, then it would've created an opportunity to effect the oil stored in Syria. If we allowed them to keep using chemical weapons, then that wouldn't be helpful for our country. We need oil to make money to ascend from the recession we're currently in.
    Also, they were using the chemical weapons to hurt innocent civilians. So we have no clue if they''ll decide to bomb another country. Maybe they plan to use the weapons against Israel, who's right next to Syria, from their previous war in 1982 and the U.S. can't wait for an incident like that to occur.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this is good because I'm glad we now don't have to respond in a violent way because that could've created more funding on war meaning less funding on school, streets, etc ...
    Opinion (I think..) I think it was a smart decision to agree with the U.S.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I like to know about my country and our dilemmas with other countries and my government.

  10. Article Title: Biden: House Republicans "Neanderthals"
    Article Date: September 13 , 2013
    Who: Joe Biden Vice President
    Where: Washington
    When: September 12, 2013 , Thursday Night
    What Happened: Biden Was At The 19th Celebration Act Fight For The Success Of Violence Against Women Act. This is About Joe Biden Who Fights For The Right For Women To Be Protect From Domestic Violence.He Is Standing Up For What He Belives In. He Also says That Anyone That Doesn't Agree Is A Neanderthals Crowd. He Believes That There Should Be A Women In The Senate There To Defend The Women. They Would Help Express The Idea. This Is Important Because Without This Twice The Number Of Murders Would Be Increase Because If Domestic Violence.
    Why This Event Is Relevant: This Event Is Relevant Because He Is A Male That Stands Up For Women's Rights And Protection.
    Reaction: I Feel That This Is A Great Thing Because Not A lot Of Men Stands Up For This Kind I Thing.
    Opinion: I Think He Is A Very Strong Man For This.
    Connection: I Can Connect To This Because My Friends Mom Use To Be In A Abuse Relationship.
    Opinion: I Think He Is A Very Strong Man For This.
    Connection: I Can Connect To This Because My Friends Mom Use To Be In A Abuse Relationship.
    Summary: This is About Joe Biden Who Fights For The Right For Women To Be Protect From Domestic Violence.He Is Standing Up For What He Belives In. He Also says That Anyone That Doesn't Agree Is A Neanderthals Crowd. He Believes That There Should Be A Women In The Senate There To Defend The Women. They Would Help Express The Idea. This Is Important Because Without This Twice The Number Of Murders Would Be Increase Because If Domestic Violence.
