Sunday, May 10, 2015

1st period, 5/11-5/15

Due by Friday 5/15 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article Title: Mike Huckabee seems to be going his own way on social programs
    Article Date: May 6,2015
    This article was about Mike Huckabee considering himself the guarding of entitlement programs. He made a statement saying " Let them end their own congressional pensions not your social security". However, with Huckabee making this statement about social security and Medicare it put him at odds with the republican opponents. Republican concerns are traditional regarding the governments largess. Some people are growing fears of their long term insolvency. Conservatives who mistrust the government but depends on their programs for older Americans. These issues could cause a serious issue within the republican party.
    My reaction is why is Mr. Huckabee so concerned with social security. The Republicans always have an issue with something. Therefore, It seems that many candidates talk about the same things to convince voters.
    In my opinion Mr. Huckabee can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. In other words I feel he's just trying to persuade me but he did not sell it good enough.
    I connect this to my presentation in civics class when I had to sell Taylor Andrews. Moreover, My candidate had some good view on what the people wanted but he just was not that convincing. He did not give me much to work with. Andrews is another person who talks good but does not convince me to vote for him.

    Haberman, Maggie. "Mike Huckabee Seems to Be Going His Own Way on Social Programs." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 May 2015. Web. 11 May 2015

  2. Article title: The title of this article is "Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police"
    Article date: The date of this article is May 7, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) The summary of this article is basically just letting the public know that the justice Department is going to do an investigation on the Baltimore Police Department. They will be investigating the actions of the police officers during the Freddie Gray incident and many other officers of the Baltimore Police force.
    My reaction to this article is that I am very happy and pleased to see that justice is being seeked by people with power and that police brutality is finally getting a brighter light shined on it. I feel like this whole genre of a thing is moving in a direction for the best is just sad that so many people had to die in order for it to get moving.
    My opinion on this matter is that the police department deserves to be investigated and all the officers in the department deserve to be investigated. Even the so called good cops. If they're good then they have nothing to hide.
    The connection with this article that I can make is that it's probably the biggest thing going on in America. Baltimore has all the lights pointed on them just to see what actually happens to the police officers involved.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Ford, Dana. “Source: Justice Department to investigate Baltimore police.” CNN. May 7, 2015. (May 13, 2015)

  3. Article title: US Government Gets Impatient, Wants Cars to talk to each other now
    Article date: May 14, 2015
    The US government wants cars to communicate with each other now. They want it done no sooner than 2016. Driverless cars and flying cars are what people want in the future. However, the government is pushing towards the idea of communicating between vehicles. Isn't that cool.
    My reaction to this is a skeptical one. Why is communication more of a priority than flying cars and other ideas? I believe communication between vehicles is cool and all, but they are much better ideas ahead. All in all, lives will be saved with these inventions. However, the US government should reconsider their list of ideas.
    Novak, Matt. “US Government gets impatient, wants cars to talk to each other now.” Gizmodo. May 14 2014.

  4. Article Title: Armed robber in Cosi spree sentenced to 35 years
    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    A man from Philadelphia pleaded Guilty in the case of three armed robberies at cosi. He was sentenced to 35 years in prison. 29 year old Ramon Martinez stuck up 3 cosi resteraunts. On December 3, 2013 he robbed the cosi on 235 s 15th street of approximately 1600. On December 9, 2013 he robbed the cosi on 140 S. 36th street for 2300. He was taken into custody on January 3, 2014 . Prosecuted beneath the Hobbes act. He was also eligible for a life sentence.

    My reaction to this is he should have been put in prison because he basically admitted to robbing 3 restaurants. In my opinion the courts did the right thing because he was robbing the restaurants and was getting a couple of thousand I ate of just hundreds. Maybe life in prison was a little extreme , but the 35 years was a fit punishment for the crime. My connection to this is another story fro the new when a guy robbed a convenient store and was pleaded guilty. He was pleaded guilty because he sat there an basically told them he robbed the store.
    Wood , Sam. " Armed robber in Cosi spree sentenced to 35 years." 2015. February 26, 2015. February 26, 2015)

  5. Title: Official: Bodies found with wreckage of missing U.S. helicopter in Nepal
    Article Date: May 15, 2015

    What this article speaks about is the missing Marine helicopter that was supposed to aid those who were injured by Nepal’s massive earthquake was found. In the wreckage were 3 dead bodies. Nepal had 2 major earthquakes that killed thousands and left thousands injured. My reaction to this was very sorrowful to the families and lives that were taken during the tragic event. Also, my reaction to the 3 bodies found was very sad. I didn’t know so much from these incidents could happen. Even though Marines were going over just to help their lives were taken too. My opinion on this is that they should monitor the aircraft's they send over seas just incase another incident like this happens. More and more of these problems are starting to occur so I think there should be a new kind of tracking device that goes in the system. A connection I could make to the missing helicopter is when the Malaysian airline went missing. To this day, it is still missing. Nobody knows what happened to it and I honestly believe that it will never be found.

    Pokharel, Sugam, Sumnima Udas, and Laura Smith-Spark. "Nepal: 3 Bodies Found with Wreckage of U.S. Helicopter -" CNN. Cable News Network, 15 May 2015. Web. 15 May 2015. .

  6. House Passes Bill to End Nasa's Bulk Collection of U.S. Phone Records

    Thursday May 14, 2015

    Instead of keeping a big record of everyone's phone calls the House of Representatives voted on a bill to create a system to hold data of phone companies. This way if there is an actual issue they will be able to find that persons information but only because of the specific case.If this becomes a law this will be be very important , because it's the only change that has happened since the Edward Snowden case. Even our president Obama fully supports this bill. There was something similar to this last year but the bill did not get passed. This is also referred to as the Freedom act. This makes a lot of sense because it in a way free's U.S. Citizens from being looked at all of the time. A representative was recorded saying that now Americans can rest easy. The NSA has abolished the whole program. This has shocked me because I didn't think that something like this was going on. I feel as though stuff like this should be looked at more.

    Dilanian,Ken "House Passes Bill to End NSA's Bulk Collection of U.S Phone Records." NBC 10. Thursday May 14, 2015.

  7. Article title: House fire near VP's residence investigated, leaves 4 dead
    Article Date: May 15, 2015

    4 people died in a house fire near Vice President Biden's house. The fire has been deemed suspicious. Police are currently investigating. Three adults and a child were found dead by firefighters on scene. There is evidence that points to the fire was possibly an arson attack. I think that this may have been an attack possibly directed at the vp. I also think that Vice President Biden should be more aware of his surroundings. The Vice President will probably have to have more security. This may also have been done as a way to send a message to the president . Since primaries and a new presidential election is about to take place.

    Jaffe.Alexandra"House fire near VP's residence investigated, leaves 4 dead" CNN 15 May 2015 (15 May 2015)

  8. Article Title: Rough ride lawsuits echo Freddie Gray case
    Article Date: Tuesday May 5th 2015

    Summary: Dondi Johnson Sr. A man who is a victim of the Baltimore police rough ride who died two weeks after this "rough ride" trip that the police took him on. Dondi was arrested for peeing on the side walk. The Baltimore police but Dondi in the van with out the seat belt on. In Dondi's case there were no charges filed against the three officers. The three officers involved still have there jobs as police. They found Dondi with his neck broke and still didn't call the ambulance which caused him to be paralyzed and later on die.There are many cases of this "rough ride" thing and Many haven't been made into a big issue until Baltimore has had enough.

    I chose this article because I was really interested in the stories and tragedies of the rough ride incident and seeing how sad this is mad me want to research more about it. My reaction to this was that I could not believe that this have been going on for a while and police has yet to do something about it. My thoughts on this is that they should be punished and get the death penalty because this is cruelty and evil and they have violated a lot of rights. This makes me really upset. I want this to stop and this has to end now .

    Citation:Ganim, Sara. "Rough Ride Lawsuits Echo Freddie Gray Case -" CNN. Cable News Network, 2015. (07,May 2015.)

  9. Article Title: " House passes defense policy bill opposed by Obama."
    Article Date: May 15,2015

    Despite Obama's veto, the House of Representatives passed 612 billion defense policy bill. In result of this the democratic party worries of domestic spending. There was a bipartisan budget deal in 2011. The president promised to veto the bills that have to do with budget. Ultimately, Congress is putting out a lot of money in policy bills.

    I think this will cost a lot of money. The cost will make the United States go into debt. I believe the president should veto everyone to save the debt. This reminds of the checks and balances the president can veto to congress or vice versa. I understand using that will help troops, but we need to be conscious about how much were spending.

    Riechmann, Deb."House passes defense policy bill opposed by Obama." FoxNews29. 15 May 2015. (15 May 2015)

  10. Article title: Rick Perry to announce 2016 decision in June
    Article date: Friday May 15, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access): Gov. Rick perry is due to make his presidential decision by June 2015. He is a republican. He also ran in 2012. Perry is close friends with the Bushes but denies there being any tension with the fact that Jeb is also condering running for president. He also believes we need more border security to be able to secure our nation. I do not think that Rick perry is the best candidate for president due to his political views. I also believe that since he didn't win in 2012 he won't win in 2016. I choose this because it has to deal with my project. There's not much of a reaction from the public yet. But I for one am not excited about him running although I will be voting.
    Levy, Adam."Rick Perry to announce 2016 decision in June." CNN. Friday May 15, 2015. (Friday May 15, 2015)

  11. Title: " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks ."

    Date: May 10, 2015

    Summary: This article was about the increase in terrorist attacks. In statistics in the article from over the past years it shows that terrorism will never be able to be rid of; it will continue to increase. Now that is all because of the terrorist groups use of the internet to get more supporters and members. The example attack was the attack that happened in Texas, which showed an example of an lone wolf attack. Lone wolf attack means that an attack can happen at any moment without warning.

    What I felt about this article was the true opinion of people about the issue of terrorism. The way they told how it will not decrease, but will continue to increase. That was a scary opinion to share, but true. Why is the problem not able to be controlled ? I thought the United States could handle everything or almost everything... Why can't this problem be controlled ? That makes me think about the future, that mean that if the terrorist continue they can get stronger and smarter and can possibly accomplish bigger things. Like taking over the United States. The United States need to not give up on the terrorism problem.

    Foxnews. " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks " (15 May 2015)

  12. Title: " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks ."

    Date: May 10, 2015

    Summary: This article was about the increase in terrorist attacks. In statistics in the article from over the past years it shows that terrorism will never be able to be rid of; it will continue to increase. Now that is all because of the terrorist groups use of the internet to get more supporters and members. The example attack was the attack that happened in Texas, which showed an example of an lone wolf attack. Lone wolf attack means that an attack can happen at any moment without warning.

    What I felt about this article was the true opinion of people about the issue of terrorism. The way they told how it will not decrease, but will continue to increase. That was a scary opinion to share, but true. Why is the problem not able to be controlled ? I thought the United States could handle everything or almost everything... Why can't this problem be controlled ? That makes me think about the future, that mean that if the terrorist continue they can get stronger and smarter and can possibly accomplish bigger things. Like taking over the United States. The United States need to not give up on the terrorism problem.

    Foxnews. " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks " (15 May 2015)

  13. Title: " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks ."

    Date: May 10, 2015

    Summary: This article was about the increase in terrorist attacks. In statistics in the article from over the past years it shows that terrorism will never be able to be rid of; it will continue to increase. Now that is all because of the terrorist groups use of the internet to get more supporters and members. The example attack was the attack that happened in Texas, which showed an example of an lone wolf attack. Lone wolf attack means that an attack can happen at any moment without warning.

    What I felt about this article was the true opinion of people about the issue of terrorism. The way they told how it will not decrease, but will continue to increase. That was a scary opinion to share, but true. Why is the problem not able to be controlled ? I thought the United States could handle everything or almost everything... Why can't this problem be controlled ? That makes me think about the future, that mean that if the terrorist continue they can get stronger and smarter and can possibly accomplish bigger things. Like taking over the United States. The United States need to not give up on the terrorism problem.

    Foxnews. " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks " (15 May 2015)

  14. Title: " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks ."

    Date: May 10, 2015

    Summary: This article was about the increase in terrorist attacks. In statistics in the article from over the past years it shows that terrorism will never be able to be rid of; it will continue to increase. Now that is all because of the terrorist groups use of the internet to get more supporters and members. The example attack was the attack that happened in Texas, which showed an example of an lone wolf attack. Lone wolf attack means that an attack can happen at any moment without warning.

    What I felt about this article was the true opinion of people about the issue of terrorism. The way they told how it will not decrease, but will continue to increase. That was a scary opinion to share, but true. Why is the problem not able to be controlled ? I thought the United States could handle everything or almost everything... Why can't this problem be controlled ? That makes me think about the future, that mean that if the terrorist continue they can get stronger and smarter and can possibly accomplish bigger things. Like taking over the United States. The United States need to not give up on the terrorism problem.

    Foxnews. " 'Terrorism has gone viral': US officials, lawmakers warn of growing jihad-inspired attacks " (15 May 2015)
