Sunday, May 10, 2015

5th period, 5/11-5/15

Due by Friday 5/15 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article title:House passes bill banning abortions after 20 weeks

    Article date: Thu May 14, 2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The House of Representatives passed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Earlier in the year House Republican leaders were forced to cancel a vote on “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” when seven female House Republican members go against it. Rape could threaten the party’s efforts to attract help and support from young voters and women. The original legislation was a requirement that women who want abortion after being sexually assaulted would have to file a police report. Rape victims must have medical attention and counseling 48 hours before they can have the abortion. Passing an unconstitutional nationwide ban on abortions don’t help women, it threatens their health and lives. GOP supporters claim the bill is to protect the unborn. I think this is unfair because how about if the person who got raped do not want to give the baby up and can raise the baby on her own. Some people are PRO LIFE or PRO CHOICE and people just can’t decide for someone else. I think they should just leave abortion up to the parent not them.

    Provide a proper MLA citation: House Passes Bill Banning Abortions after 20 Weeks -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015.

    Full web address (Date of access)

  2. Article title: AP Source: Man arrested near a White House over drone
    Article date: May 14, 2015
    Summary: A man was arrested for launching a drone. The drone was launched just feet away from the White House. However, it is unknown if the drone was launched to take pictures of the area or actually at the White House. This is the second incident that the White House has experienced within the year 2015. Ultimately, this incident has led to tighter security on the White House.
    Personally I feel as though there is a chance that this situation was blown out of proportion. However, nowadays it is nearly impossible for security issues like this to be pushed to the back burner. I do believe that the actions that were taken were appropriate. However, I do wonder about the fate of the man that launched the drone. Ultimately, the only thing I think that could be done as of now is to increase security.
    MLA citation: "AP Source: Man Arrested near White House over Drone." 6abc Philadelphia. 14 May 2015. Web. 14 May 2015. .

  3. Title: Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect
    Article Date: August 15, 2015

    In Arizona, an on duty police officer rammed his car into the body of an armed African American male on Tuesday morning. Prior minutes before the incident Valencia has been causing ruckus in the neighborhoods. This incident has brought on a huge debate of was this excessive force or not. Arizona police are standing by the decision saying that they are a hero for ending the mayhem. Video was retrieved from the police officer dashcam.

    When I first read this article it made me think of America as a whole is not living up to the equal protection clause that is enlisted in our Constitution. I think both sides were wrong because he shouldn't never been carrying a rifle down the street and the cop didn't have to use that tactics to cease the issue. The cop could have killed innocent civilians because he ran into a brick wall. What if someone was walking behind that wall? The cop could have tried to surround the assailant.

    Todd, Brian. "Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect." PBS. 15 Apr 2015. ( 12 May 2015)

  4. Article Title- The name of this article is , Amtrak Crash. Video shows plain speeding up before derailment.
    Article Date- The date this article was published on is , Thursday, May 14th 2015.

    Summary- This article is about how the Amtrak train was speeding one hundred miles per hour down the tracks. The train detailed and eight people were killed, two-hundred people were injured severely. Brandon Bostain 32, from new York was the engineer, and he explained he do not remember what had happened. Brandon remember is coming down looking for his phone turning it on and failing 9-11. The data collected shows the train was going100 miles per hour one estimate, before it hit the curve. That line to me means that the train was speeding twice as fast as the regular speed limit BEFORE it came across the curve. The train was already speeding down the tracks , that can be a possible reason it tipped, because of the fast driving and the driver was not aware of the curve they were approaching and could not stop the train / slow it down. Mayor Michael Nutter, says that, the engineer interview was too short, and vague. They mayor is singling Brandon out because he survived a tragic car accident he was in, which was a lot similar to this train crash. Also he is singling him out because his interview are really brief and he is not trying to talk and express what he knows what happened. I understand why the mayor wants to single him out but at the same time, we have our rights and if he do not want to speak, he does not have to. He is not obligated to do interview, they can take that to trail.
    Connection- I choose this article because it was interesting, and it was interrupted on TV the night it happened and it was pretty short and simple on the news and I wanted to know exactly what happened so I decided to search for this article.
    Mla- Amtrak Crash - videos shows train speeding up before derailment., Bote Greg, Ford Dinna. CNN , May 14th 2015 May 14th ,2015.

  5. Title: ISIS tries to justify slavery, sex with girls
    Article Date: Saturday December 13, 2014

    On Friday December 12, 2014 the Iraqi city Mosul now under control of the terrorist group ISIS, after Friday's prayers were bombarded with armed troops. The troops handed out pamphlets about their new rules on female sex slaves. These new addition to the sex slave deal is that they can take non-muslims in captivity, even preadolescent females, and they have the right to trade them and buy them. However the Iraqi citizens did not take this new document lightly, creating protest gatherings. ISIS members believe that the woman's that they are taking into slavery are the women's of ISIS nemesis.

    Many believe that this should not come as a shock because of the ISIS brutal tactics earlier in the year. In the pamphlets it says if she is a virgin they can have sexual intercourse soon as the ownership is fulfilled but if not you we will have to wait for the second menstrual cycle just to make sure she isn't expecting.ISIS believe that these pamphlets justifies slavery. ISIS got these ideas from ancient Middle Eastern and Mediterranean codes on war and imprisonment. Many lawyers believe that these codes are hypocritical and are just replying on male fantasies. This makes me sick because it is male's yet again

    CBS. ": ISIS tries to justify slavery, sex with girls".Cbs. 14 Dec 14 Apr 23)

  6. Title: The title of this article is “School District of Philadelphia May Privatise Nurses.”
    Date: The date this article was written on is May 14, 2015.
    Summary: This article is about the change that the Philadelphia School District plans to make within the nurses working in it. They, The School District, wants to replace over 100 unionized nurses with others from a private firm. In the past years, the district cut jobs to save money but now they feel the need to bring some back. The reason being is that the nurses may be the only one with health care profession that the children are seeing. I feel as though this may be a good move because there are times where nurses are needed. My reaction to the situation was not so surprising. I felt as though they would be trying to eventually put nurses back into the schools. Nurses are needed and i feel like that is one of the sacrifices that the city should have made with their money.
    6abc. "School District of Philadelphia May Privatize Nurses." 6abc Philadelphia. N.p., 14 May 2015. Web. 15 May 2015. .

  7. White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    May 12, 2015

    Everyday that passes, ISIS grows stronger and smarter. Our president, Barack Obama want to do something about it. President Obama wants to send a request to take a fight to ISIS stop them. However Congress won't give him permission. Since the president has to get permission from Congress to send an army somewhere he couldn't do what he wanted. He argued with Congress back and forth about exceptions to the rule.

    I think the president is going about this the right way. He is going through the proper channels and is thinking about our people. Its possible ISIS might grow so big that they might take over take over the ways of traveling in the Middle East and travel to other places like here in the U.S.

    Jeffe, Alexandra and Walsh, Deirdre. " White House to request permission to fight ISIS." CNN. 5 February 2015. (19 March 2015)


  8. Article Title: Freddie Gray death ruled homicide; officers charged

    Article Date: Friday, May 1, 2015

    Friday, May 1st, six police officers are finally charged with the murder of Baltimore adult, Freddie Gray. On April 12, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, African American, Freddie Gray was put in the police truck for minor a crime. When he refused arrest, the police officers placed him in the van in which procedure dictates he must be hand cuffed. He was however not handcuffed. And it is to say that after the ride, he was pained with severe spinal injuries. The officers later admitted to taking Gray for a "joy ride". This term means that they drove recklessly around the city to cause harm to Gray. The officers are finally brought to justice as they are being tried for the murder of Gray. The verdict is still out and it is anyone's game, however, this is a major stepping stone for the community of Baltimore.

    I think the officers should be punished for the full intent. Meaning that they should be imprisoned for life or placed in the death penalty. I believe that the city of Baltimore is in severe heat and the only way to fix it is to find justice for Gray. The only way that would happen is if the ones responsible for his death is never able to do the same to others. A connection I have made is to the Trayvon Martin case in Florida years back. Martin and Gray were both African American males who was put to death in a racial divides town. Their deaths both became in the eyes of the public.

    Pearson, Michael. "Freddie Gray death ruled homicide; officers charged. May 1. Cnn. (May 15, 2015)
