Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week of 5/4-5/8, 3rd period

Due by Friday 5/8 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Article title: 6 Baltimore Police officers Charged in Freddie Gray death.
    Article date: May 1 2015
    Summary: Twenty five year old Freddie Gray was killed by Baltimore police officers, on April 12 Freddie Gray was arrested, not only was he seeking for medical attention why he first was picked up but he also was seeking for medical attention throughout his whole time with the police officers. There is a lot of police officers who are being charged three who was black and three whom are white, also one of the six is a female Sargent. The six officers never gave Freddie the medical treatment that he was asking for, and as a officer that is inside of their protocol also The driver of the van will be receiving the worst penalty because his Robin was one of the reasons why Freddy was in more critical condition then what he was before hand. The driver has been sentenced to manslaughter because his driver continuously damage Freddie. Although the riots is happening and the heartbreaks continue, a black female lawyer is fighting this case fighting for Freddie's name to be proven right and wanting everything to be okay.
    My reaction towards this whole situation is that it is sad that some one so young had to lose their life, it's also sad that the police team keeps abusing their power. I feel as though someone needs to show police that they are just like us that just because they are allowed to kill doesn't make it ok at all. Also we it's a community need to stop fighting each other and start helping each other. My connection towards this article is that is a lot of cases where black teenagers or black young males are being killed for no reason.

    Blinder,Alan. "6 Baltimore Police officers Charged in Freddie Gray death." The New York Times. ( 05/01/15). . (05/04/15)

  2. Clinton , Democratic presidential opponents to debate six times

    May 5th , 2015

    This article talks about presidential candidates debating . By this i mean 6 of them will get the chance to debate on stage with the primary lady miss Hillary Clinton . This is important because they will special and feel like they all have the chance to explain and voice their political views in the election . As far as the U.S is concerned this is a great way to start off the running and a great way to get those die hard , stuck on one person people to potentially change their mind due to one thing they might say . This is also giving the voters a chance to see what type of election we are going to have . Whether its dirty or clean its better to size up the competition . Most likely
    people will scream and shout for Hillary Clinton because everyone knows her . But due to the fact that i believe everyone deserves an equal opportunity she will be the last person i listen to because i know about her already . This connects to the world deeply because with these debates we see which side each party is on . We also see what the future may hold due to the things they say . The reason i cant stress this enough is because theres always a code and a way someone talks but just because they talk that way doesn't mean they can't be caught in a lie . I love to catch people slipping up so i plan on watching . Its personal because the next president will have my future in his/her hands . Id be a fool not to care or vote on something like this .

    Preston , Mark . “Clinton, Democratic presidential opponents to debate six times.” .5th May 2015 . (May 6th 2015 )

    1. Love your connection to this article! The next election is up to you.

  3. Privacy VS Security Patriot Act vote could split GOP

    May 6, 2015

    There is a fight between the security hawks and the privacy advocates in the republican congressional majority. This is over the USA Patriot Act. This is a law enforcement agencies the right of surveillance over all American citizens. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is in favor off this Act. The Tea Party aligned Republicans and liberal Democrats are fighting the Patriot Act. Republicans Sens. Ted Cruz stated that our liberty is threatened if the government has the right to spy on its own citizens. I agree with Sens. Cruz because our privacy is a constitutional right that should not be violated.

    Kelly ,Erin Privacy vs. Security: Patriot Act vote could split GOP,

  4. Article Title: Obama Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana
    Article Date: January 14, 2015
    What happened: It has been confirmed that President Barack Obama does support the legalization of marijuana in DC. This event of legal recreational weed in DC happened after Election Day in November. Even though he supports marijuana, he’s signing a spending budget the Congress set. This is misleading because the spending deal is only enough for the government to do different things and the fund to pay for the costs of the legalization of marijuana in DC isn’t included in the deal. Obama’s administration believes that Congress shouldn’t be involved too much in the issues of the citizens in DC. Obama is expected to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. The popular vote to put legal recreational marijuana on the ballot was 2 to 1. If enacted, DC citizens are allowed to have and use up to 2 ounces of weed which is equivalent to three marijuana plants. People fighting for marijuana says that Congress interfering with this is anti-democratic since they aren’t represented in Congress. Congress fight back by saying they’re only keeping the federal law up which bans marijuana.
    I feel like this will change the outcome of legal pot. I say this because If Obama supports then there will probably be a better chance of it succeeding. There are Republicans though who will try everything they can to stop Obama however.I think that Congress need to stop interfering with the citizens and just come to the realization that Americans want pot. Its obvious they do and there’s many facts that proves it's better than tobacco and alcohol so why not legalize it.
    (Dwyer,Devin.’’ Obama: Backs DC Vote to Legalize Marijuana”. CNN. January 14, 2015. Source: (May 7, 2015)

  5. Obama steps in with outsourcer at Nike

    May 8, 2015

    President Barack Obama is making a big move to side with Nike. The original plan for Obama's trade deal was New Balance, But he decided to go along with nike. Obama would visit a left-leaning state as he tries to come up with at least some Democratic support for the trade deal that he willing to do. There is a legislation that is called trade promotion authority in which would allow Obama to fast track the deal to a vote in congress without amendments. Critics had argued that manufacturing jobs in the U.S have been taken down by the lower-cost labor made possible by trade deals. A man Sanders had stated that the deal would "do nothing to encourage Nike to create one manufacturing job in this country. It would simply make Nike more money and increase the compensation packages of its executives.". I think that the deal that Obama is doing fine in supposing do to the fact that Nike is a very well good company. Even most believe he should of kept with new balance he went to Nike and hopefully has a much more successful business trade.

    Bradner, Eric. "Obama Steps in with Outsourcer at Nike -" CNN. Cable News Network, 8 May 2015. Web. 08 May 2015

  6. N.S.A. Collection of Bulk Call Data Is Ruled Illegal
    May 7, 2015

    In this article, Congress are battling to pass a bill that would cease NSA’s authority to collect American’s phone records. They argue that it is illegal. The program will expire June first, however, Congress is wondering whether or not they should extend the program’s existence. Former President Bush is the person who created this program, after the 9/11 attack. This was one of his plans on preventing further terrorism.

    Reading this article, my first thought is about time. There are so many secret agencies supported by the government that allows them to invade “their people” privacy. In my opinion, things like this are illegal and should stay illegal. There should be no acceptions. The president cannot just say “it’s to protect our people” or “it’s to prevent further terrorist attacks”, there are better and legal strategies the country can take to prevent attacks like this from happening again. I can make a connection to this article because I will be working with the government in the future, and there will be tons of scenarios that I will encounter “violation of privacy.”

    Savage, Charles. “N.S.A. Collection of Bulk Call Data Is Ruled Illegal.” The New York Times. 7 May 2015. (May 7 2015).

  7. Veterans Groups File Suit Over New VA Policy on Benefits

    Many veterans have begun to file lawsuits against the Department of Veteran Affairs for making it mandatory for applications needing to be filled out in order for certain benefits to be received. The new policy had went into effect on march 24 ,while the lawsuit had been made on Wednesday. Many of the veterans has spoken up saying that filling out the applications could and would potentially cause problems for some veterans. The new rule has totally in some veterans opinions gone against the principals of the old beneficial agreement. This is due to veterans that have problems they were able to receive help in order to make the right claims that would get them set for beneficial help: that was with the old system though. With the new system a veteran who is weak in a certain area may not be accommodated causing them to be unable to receive the help that they, so desperately need. Many claims have been left in opposition against the new rule, but it has yet to be reversed by anybody. Hopefully a result will come soon that benefits our veterans.

    In my opinion I believe it is wrong for the law to be changed almost instantly without warning at first and then some veterans can not get the help they need because they may have been hurt while serving our country. Can they receive a break for once? Most of the homeless people in our country have served in the war and have no where to go, and now those that receive their rightful benefits are being hound by sudden changes. It is not fair at all. This is a problem that is relevant, because it may just be the cause of more people being sent to the outer protection of their homes to roam around with no where to go. The same problem may just arrive if a soon to be found solution is not present and everything is left as is.

    Shukla, Tarun.“Veterans Groups File Suit Over New VA Policy on Benefits” Wall Street Journal. (May 8, 2015).

    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    A senior from sankofa named Ciani fleming evans. Sankofa is a school that has all grades from K-12. For her senior project one of her majors is seniors exhibition. Ciani topic involves the relationship between the school to prison pipeline and decisions made by public officials. she chose this topic she see alot of teens dropping out of school and falling into the streets and going to jail. For ciani internship she decided to first intern at Youth United for a change. This focus on the problems that students face in their schools. Ciani truly believe that if those in charge took more responsiblity in the decisions they are making when it comes up to the education. Our young people we wouldn't have such a messed up and failing school system. I feel like this is a young smart eduactated young lady. And everything she is doing is positive for her community. She cares about the youth and want every kid to grow up in a school that they can learn and grow. I support her. I beleiebe she is opening doors up for others to try to do the same thing and step up. The youth Matters! To many kids going to jail and not getting education.

    "High School Senior Studies the School To Prison Pipeline | Teach For America." Teach For America. N.p., 06 May 2015. Web. 08 May 2015. .

  9. Article Title:Justice Department Begins Civil Rights Inquiry Into Baltimore Police
    Article Date: May 8,2015
    Attorney General, Loretta Lynch has began investigating Baltimore’s police to see if they engage in excessive use of force or racial discrimination. This is a Civil Rights Division which is separate from Freddie Gray’s investigation. The Mayor of Baltimore requested this deeper investigation. The Justice Department clarified that this investigation will be focusing on their use of force and policing under discrimination. They plan on improving police entirely. Civil rights investigation tend to take a while and it is predicted that this case will take about a year or so. The Ferguson investigation took 7 months in process. I was surprised that it took about a year just to finish the investigation, I thought it's just a debate. I think that they should've started this investigation in all major cities after Ferguson. This definitely connects to past but recent civil rights case. This situation puts many people in difficult thinking processes.

    PÉREZ-PEÑA,Richard."Justice Department Begins Civil Rights Inquiry Into Baltimore Police" NYTimes.(8 May 2015) (May 8 2015)

  10. Source:

    Article Title: U.S. Economy Added 223,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 5.4%

    Article Date: May 8, 2015

    Summary: This article is about how new jobs were created and the unemployment rate decrease. At this rate, U.S. Citizens will be able to get jobs. This also helps the economy in the long run. By having jobs, people will be able to get money and help they family out. Experts says that the percentage rate for unemployment will continue to go down as years go by.

    My opinion on this article is a positive one. I like seeing things like this happen. A guy like me need a job, the jobs are being created. My reaction to this is that better things are ahead for America. We are moving forward with the economy. I hope who ever the next president can keep us moving forward. I know some people who don't have jobs, but now it's more being offer out today. The economy is getting better. U.S. is getting better too. Barack Obama is doing the right thing in office.

    MLA Format: Nelson D. Schwartz. "U.S. Economy Added 223,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 5.4%". New York Times. 8 May 2015. (8 May 2015)
