Sunday, May 24, 2015

3rd period, Week of 5/25-5/29 LAST ONE!

Due by Friday 5/29 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



  1. Obama Warns Senators on Lapse in Surveillance

    Obama continue to shows his the true reasons as to why we the people have chosen him as our president in 2008 election. The president this time around has taken a stand in urging the senate to reinforce some of the laws that have been in place since 200. He is performing this action in order to keep the american people protected and also stop old problems and nuisances from reoccurring as he speaks with the authorities of NATO. President Obama expresses that if the authorities are not renewed by sunday midnight problems such as bulk collecting of telephone datas may recur which could cause an even greater uproar from when the National Security Agencies Edward J. Snowden had chosen to give out the information. Obama’s work over the past years have yielded fruitful ties , such as the passing of the bipespitarian bill now as the U.S Patriot Act, which withholds the government's means of data collection in bulk. This act returns and keeps the peoples privacy in tact, but it will all be for nothing if congress does not renew the bills and it seems that they will not renew the bill in good enough time.

    In my opinion I am thankful that such actions have been taken by our president to secure some of the privacy that the american people hold dear to them. This is a big part of the people’s rights that we all do not want to have to worry about to a full extent. I believe he is very wise to keep a want of good tidings between the people and the government because in all actuality if t our information were to be collected like it used to be I believe many more people would be involved in the whole incident as to why the government's secrets have been revealed again. This news will prove to be very relevant because many people value their privacy and when one person is curious enough, that person may disclose information out to others to have justice back on their side. Being an iconoclast can prove to be real big problem, but in some cases it will cause unnecessary distrust towards the government.

    Baker, Peter. “Warns Senators on Lapse in Surveillance”. The New York Times (May 26, 2015)

  2. Six Baltimore Officers Indicted in Death of Freddie Gray
    MAY 21, 2015

    About time the six police who faced assault charges in the death of Freddie Gray. Freddie was brutally injured last month. Freddie was arrested because the police thought he was doing something illegal. He was arrested april 12 and died a week later. When Freddie was getting arrested they threw him in the back of a cop truck and didn't strap him up. The driver was driving reckless causing Freddie to a brutal injury in the spinal cord. Officers found a knife in his pocket. But I feel like they didn't have a reason to check him. is it because the way he look? Did he imitate anybody? When Mr. Gray arrived at the station he had already suffered catastrophic damage to his spine causing him to not breathe. The police should be ashamed of their selves. Im happy for the justice that was served.

    PÉrez-peÑa, Richard. "Six Baltimore Officers Indicted in Death of Freddie Gray." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 May 2015. Web. 28 May 2015. .

  3. Immigration ruling won't go to Supreme Court-yet

    May 27, 2015

    The Justice Department said on Wednesday that President Obama's immigration rule will make it to the Supreme Court. This rule was a executive action that President Obama enforced. The Justice Department wanted to discuss the merits of the case before it goes to a higher court. The Justice Department is allowing a temporary injunction for the immigration ruling. The Justice Department wants the ruling not to deport immigrants that have been living in the United States for a long time and raising American children.

    I am very surprise that the Justice Department is stepping in on President Obama executive actions. I understand that merits play a key role in this ruling. In my opinion, if there wasn't a merit standard any state could go by their own laws. A merit system should be passed. It shows honesty and integrity.

    Korte, Gregory. "Immigration ruling won't go to Supreme Court-yet" USA Today 27 May 2015. immigration-ruling-justice- department-response/28027903/


  4. Source:

    Article Title: Obama Meets Family of Journalists beheaded by ISIS

    Article Date: Thu May 28, 2015

    Who: Eric Badner

    Where: Miami

    When: Thursday, May 28th

    What happened: While on a trip in Miami, Obama met with the family of a man named Steven Sotloff, who was killed by ISIS in September. The group posted a video of his death to gain national attention. Obama met with The parents of the victim, along with his sister. Obama sat with them to discuss his work as a journalist and also his passion for writing stories. Obama also took time to stop by the memorial that the family built for their loved one.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because earlier in the year two Americans were held hostage by ISIS and later killed. This event also involves America’s role involving ISIS and how they are handling it.

    Reaction: After reading this article I was interested in how Obama took time from his busy schedule to meet with Sotloff's family and have a sit down. This article made me appreciate Obama more. This also shows that Obama is empathetic.

    Opinion: I think Obama decided to visit the family to see how they were handling his death and what they are doing now in their lives. He probably also visited them to show that his death would not be easily forgotten.

    Connection: I chose this article because it relates to civics and it involves the government.


  5. ource:

    Article itle: Obama Meets Family of Journalists beheaded by ISIS

    Article Date: Thu May 28, 2015

    Who: Eric Badner

    Where: Miami

    When: Thursday, May 28th

    While on a trip in Miami, Obama met with the family of a man named Steven Sotloff, who was killed by ISIS in September. The group posted a video of his death to gain national attention. Obama met with The parents of the victim, along with his sister. Obama sat with them to discuss his work as a journalist and also his passion for writing stories. Obama also took time to stop by the memorial that the family built for their loved one.

    This event is relevant because earlier in the year two Americans were held hostage by ISIS and later killed. This event also involves America’s role involving ISIS and how they are handling it.

    After reading this article I was interested in how Obama took time from his busy schedule to meet with Sotloff's family and have a sit down. This article made me appreciate Obama more. This also shows that Obama is empathetic. I think Obama decided to visit the family to see how they were handling his death and what they are doing now in their lives. He probably also visited them to show that his death would not be easily forgotten.I chose this article because it relates to civics and it involves the government.


  6. Article title: GM Is set to face criminal charges over ignition switches

    Article date: May 23, 2015

    This article is basically about the government of Federal prosecutors investigates the General Motors in which they are facing criminal prosecution and charges due to ignition switches. The General Motors over ignition switch was joined to more than 100 deaths. The prosecutors had got GM to an agreement where they will make a deal but one major issue between prosecutors and the company itself was getting GM to plead guilty or to postpone the agreement that was made recently. Toyota showed its wrongdoing in the agreement by delaying a fine for 1.2 billion, against an automobile company. The GM recalled the vehicles which led to a huge problem for their company. They are going to lose more money instead of increasing in making money.

    My reaction to this article is shocking because I did not think something like this would happen and led to a major problem. This affected a company and many people due to these problems that they are facing.

    I can connect this to the civics project we just completed that dealt with the presidential campaigns which focused on issues that they would like to improve or change. For example, taxation, environment, healthcare and others which relate to this.

    Molly Riley/Associated Press. "GM Likely to Face Criminal Charges Over Ignition Switches." GM Likely to Face Criminal Charges Over Ignition Switches. Microsoft, 23 May 2015. Web. 28 May 2015. <

  7. Article Title: White House unveils new medical research initiative
    Article Date: January 30, 2015

    President Obama has proposed a new act called the "Precision Medicine Initiative". Starting in Washington D.C, it will bring the people of the United States to experience the brand new ideas of medical treatments. From the start of January of this year, Obama has been revising this act over. According to the White House, the new act will allow others to research a global database of health questions and answers, and also scenarios to get a better understanding diseases and treatments. Although it costs $215 million, it is guaranteed to go far. I believe this is a good thing because it will be able to help many people that need medical advice and attention. Many will benefit from President Obama's medical idea.

    I think this will face many problems, however, will benefit many people. The medical advances will help doctors treat patients and help patients realize what they should do differently. This is close to a polygraph test. It allows future results to be shown and seen.

    Jaffe.Alexandra."White House unveils new medical research initiative".Thursday. 29 May 2015.


  8. Article title:China, U.S. engage in war of words over disputed islands

    2. Article date:May 28, 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) China and the U.S are disputing over territory in south china is escalating into war of words. China tells the U.S to think three times before taking any action. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter began a trip to the pacific region saying that the U.S will not back down its military operations. The china's foreign ministry demanded the U.S to take much caution.Chinese Navy repeated issued warnings to attempt to force a U.S. Navy P8-A Poseidon surveillance aircraft to leave the airspace over the islands. china's actions are beginning to bring countries in the region together in new ways. in my opinion what the U.S is doing id quite right they are just trying to be very protective and being much secure. This whole world war shouldn't escalate to anything much worse or else that will cause a real serious issue.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Sciutto, Jim. "China, U.S. in War of Words over Disputed Islands -" CNN. Cable News Network, 28 May 2015. Web. 29 May 2015.

  9. Article title: The title of this article is "Man who appeared on MTV arrested on terror charges in Washington."
    Article date: The date of this article is May 28, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) This article is about TV star "Kid Cole" and his terror arrest in Washington on May 27, 2015. Police are saying that Cole had made 11 phone calls making bomb threats and about held hostages.
    My reaction to this article is that I can't believe that someone who had a career in TV would do such a thing. It just shows how fame can sometime make a person go crazy.
    In my opinion I believe that this man may have some form of mental illness of some sort. And my connection to this article is that it was said that Cole has appeared on the very popular TV show catfish.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Lobianco, Tom. “Man who appeared on MTV arrested on terror charges in Washington.” CNN. MAY 28,2015. (May 28)

  10. Article Title: Nebraska becomes first conservative state to outlaw death penalty in 40 years
    Article Date: May 27,2015
    It was shock that the most conservative state in the country, Nebraska, has outlawed the death penalty. It was outlawed by overriding the state’s veto. They outnumbered the votes thorough a bill. The reason the veto was made because some punishment might require the death penalty. The governor considered this penalty a powerful tool in law enforcement. It's been 40 years since a republican state has outlawed the death penalty. Being conservatives, it's pretty tough getting such a "liberal" law, outlawed. After understanding the difference between conservatives and liberals, I understood that this news might've been a shock to many. I don't completely agree with outlawing the death penalty because I do believe that it is necessary at times to serve people justice. In relation to what we've learned in class, this shows how a balanced government works and how different parties act in such

    Schleifer, Theodore."Nebraska becomes first conservative state to outlaw death penalty in 40 years". CNN. 27 May 2015. (29 May 2015)

  11. Mike Huckabee: Supreme Court 'can't overrule' other branches of government

    This article is about Mike Huckabee staying a stand on the three branches of government. Mike said that his first rule was to get them back in order. He doesn't believe that the judicial shouldn't hold more power then the other two. He want them to be equal. Mike said he will up hold the laws of the constitution. He will do what is necessary to complete his goals. By that i mean he will do check and balance. He will be able to sue the judicial system if they over step their boundaries. I think that he is doing the right thing by putting his foot down. In my opinion. I think that he should be patient and lower them in to a trap so if they fall for it there's no way they can escape. Just like the legislative did to the executive.

  12. Current Event:

    Article Title:Police video shows 'horrifying' arrest of pregnant woman
    Article Date: Friday May 29, 2015


    In this event a police officer was caught on his body camera wrestling to the ground and arresting an 8 month pregnant black women because she got into a shouting match with a white women. Charlena Michelle Cooks was the women that was arrested and she was dropping off her child when her and a white women got into a shouting match over driving. This situation is viewed as a racial thing and has caught a lot of people's attention. The police were never punished and the only thing they did was drop the charges of resisting arrest but there was no real justice. People believe that this is wrong and the police should be punished for this.

    My reaction to this is that this is crazy you should man handle a pregnant women and wrestle her to the ground they could have killed the baby. I just don't understand why they picked the black women to do this to when they were both in the wrong. My opinion is that the officer who did this should be arrested . My opinion is that why would you do this to a black person knowing that the police already have a record of being racist. This is just going to make things worst. The reason I chose this is because I never heard of a police officer wrestling a pregnant women and the fact that the white women didn't get in trouble but the black person did when they were both in the wrong.


    Martinez, Micheal. "California Police Video: Pregnant Woman Arrested -" CNN. Cable News Network, (29 May 2015) Http:// . (29 May 2015.)

  13. Article Title: White House warns of NSA lapses as Congress seeks deal

    Article Date: May 28, 2015

    On Sunday. the NSA may shutdown if Congress doesn’t do anything to make a deal. The NSA monitors possible terrorist and if there isn’t an agreement by June 1, the agency will close, leaving Americans unsafe. If Congress doesn’t act then all of the data the NSA has obtained will close momentarily at least. The shutdown will lead to mistakes in the tracking of terrorists and this will also affect other countries. The NSA is primarily for members in terrorist groups but if Congress doesn’t do anything another program that tracks independent terrorists will shut down as well.

    I think Congress should have been solved this issue. The NSA is important to American security but yet it is underfunded. We have money to go help fund issues we have no reason to be in but not the NSA. I would feel unsafe if the NSA was to close since terrorists would have an easier time. This article relates to Civics because it involves the Legislative branch. I chose this article because I heard about this earlier this year but I thought they would have solved this and since they didn’t I wanted to know more about it.

    Barrett, Ted. “White House warns of NSA lapses as Congress seeks deal” CNN.28 May 2015. (May 29)

  14. Nebraska Bans Death Penalty
    May 27, 2015

    On Wednesday, Nebraska became the first state to abolish the death penalty. There was a vote casted 30-to-19. This vote overrode the governor's veto, who is in favor of the death penalty. The article states that this vote had taken over a month because of conflicting arguments. The people who were in favor of banning the death penalty convinced Republican legislators, saying that the death penalty is inefficient and costs a lot of money.

    When reading this, I was actually pleased. No one should suffer from cruel punishment, such as the death penalty. I understand what they have done was probably extremely wrong, but killing that person does not solve anything. Also, there are a lot of wrongfully convicted prisoners. If they were to receive the death penalty, and years later investigators find out that the prisoner was actually innocent, all hell would break loose. The only connection I could make to this scenario is when I watched a TV series called Prison Break, where Michael Schofield's brother was wrongfully convicted of a crime, and was punished with the death penalty.

    Bosman,Julie. “Nebraska Bans Death Penalty.” The New York Times. 27 May 2015. (29 May 15)

  15. Immigration Stirs Up Bound Brook, Again

    August 8, 2008

    The federal government found out that Bound Brook was targeting Hispanic residents for housing violation, and the borough was in a situation when they had to debate about what to do to curb illegal immigrants. In the Borough Brook meeting their president was trying to solve a resolution to contact businesses who hire the immigrants so the police can check the peoples background on who they arrested. When there was flood in Bound Brook in 1999 and many immigrants was left homeless and some was undocumented and a report said that over at least 200 undocumented people were living in Brook during the flood. I also explained how some Hispanics was being harassed by the employers and landlord for an excuse to get Hispanic people. This article is upsetting because to see that Bound Brook was targeting Hispanics and renting to illegal immigrants, without unfair housing practices.
    In my opinion I don’t think that it was allowed for illegal immigrants to stay in home without paying the right price. Even though some was homeless and didn’t have a place to live. This can have a connection with Civics because we learned about Undocumented immigrant in chapter 7, with having the civics rights and civic responsibilities.
    Brustein, Joshua. “Immigration Stirs Up Bound Brook”. Nytimes. August 8, 2008. (May 27, 2015)

  16. Article : Being Moody : Inside the battle for Latino voters
    Article date : May 29th , 2015

    This article talks about how the voters in areas filled with them are undecided on who or what party they are voting for because they rarely vote . This caused a problem for most of the political parties because things quickly got out of hand with the way they campaigned . Most of the Latin voters are leaning towards a better future and hope for that in the democratic party . However the popular vote with in their race is republican . My thoughts is that this may cause more conflict or maybe not . The year 2016 is pretty big and important which means if they don't know they need to read up on whoever they plan to vote for . This is a big connection to the world because although I don't know the statistics of how much they are apart of the world but I believe everyone should have a say so they need to be wise about our next president .

    This article is important to our country and vital to the voting status . Why ? because everyone should be voting by now and they should be voting for someone who meets their needs or close to them . No one should feel badly about their president because he or she will be controlling their lives and money for the next 4 years . That's a long time to do major damage . So while ending this I hope they figure it out just like I plan to in the upcoming election for our next president . This is the year I graduate which means he or she will play a major role in my life . I'm hoping everyone thinks like me and plans to be smart .

    Moody , Chris. " Being Moody: Inside the battle for Latino voters " .Cnn.May 29th , 2015 .http://www.cnn.con/2015/05/29/politics/being-moody-latino-outreach/index.html. ( May 29th , 2015)
