Friday, November 28, 2014

1st period, 12/1-12/5

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/5

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: the title of this article is Grand jury won't indict officer Michael brown death.
    Article Date: this even took place on November 24 2014.
    Who:this was posted by Anya van Wagtendonk
    Where:this took place in ferguson Missouri .
    When: this took place on November 24 2014.
    What happened:the grand jury states that they will not arrested Michael brown killer this police officer killed an unarmed black teenager and was not arrested for it .
    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because this is the second time a white man has killed a black man an gotten away with it racism plays a big part in this situation.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I'm upset because an innocent black person was killed for no reason and even his death won't get him justice and what I think about most is that he could be walking the street ever so happily while a family has lost there child.
    Opinion (I think..)I think ferguson should protest some more against there law enforcement because power was over used the cop did not have to keep shooting at no teenager that's just wrong.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this because this could be my family or friends this is something that needs to be stopped cops are abusing there power and getting away with it so how are the people who are suppose to protect us and how is justice are killing us.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Teacher admits to sex with 17-year-old student
    Article Date:December 2, 2014
    Who: an eastern peen high school teacher
    Where: Pennsylvania. PA
    When: July 2014
    What happened: an eastern Penn high school teacher admits that she had sex with a 17 year old student who she allegedly been flirting with while chaperoning a senior prom. she remains free on bail and faces a possible maximum seven to fourteen years in prison when she's sentenced. she was fired after her first arrest in January. Prosecutors say Ginnetti had sent sexually explicit texts and videos before they had sex.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because their has been a lot of foul things like this happening around the world and young men are getting charged for it when its really the adults leading them on.
    Reaction my feelings towards this that she was wrong because why are you having sex with a 17 year old boy and your a grown woman its sad
    Opinion I think she should be sentenced because she's in the wrong . that's rape
    Connection I choose this article because I have heard a similar story to this and the boy was sentenced to prison instead of the girl because she said he raped her when he was lead on by her.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: The name of the article is McConnell Has Big Plans if Supreme Court Throws Out Obamacare Subsidies.
    Article Date:This article from December 2, 2014.
    Who: This article invloves U.S republcans
    Where: This happened in washington D.C.
    When: This happened a day ago.
    What happened: The court is thinking about cutting off Obamacare. Thsi could really affect alot of people. The surpreme court feels because they have to take it out of taxes its not fair to the citizens.
    This event is relevant because alot of people depend on Obamacare and if the Surpreme court cuts them of then alot of people will be left stranded.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is just wow, This is really going to affect alot of people.
    Opinion: I think that the supreme court should think long and hard because these could have easliy been them. The government is supposed to help you and protext you.
    Connection: I chose this article because this could have been someone I knew or could have been my family. I just feel they need to think this decision all the way through.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Cleveland Police poorly trained, reckless
    Article Date: December 4, 2014
    Who: Cleveland police
    Where: Cleveland, Ohio
    When: Did not mention
    What happened: This article does not really talk about anything that happened that recently. While the U.S. is in a state of turmoil over the past few weeks and even months with the Michael Brown case and the Eric Garner situation, police in most states began to reevaluate themselves. As for Cleveland, their mayor has said that the Cleveland police need to be trained better, as over the past couple of years they also have fired unnecessary shots at victims and sometimes even innocent people.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because police across America are under fire for their handling of certain situations (Michael Brown, Eric Garner). Cleveland police department is just one of many across America that have stated their police are not trained enough to encounter certain situations. Politicians all over are criticizing America's justice system and the police are apart of that justice system.
    Reaction: I feel somewhat worried. The mayor of Cleveland came out and said that their police are just not ready to protect citizens at all costs. This may make most question if the police in their respective cities and states are well equipped and trained enough to protect the people.
    Opinion: I think more states should come out and admit that the police force still needs improvements.
    Connection: I chose this article because it is the absolute appropriate time to analyze it. The U.S. is going through all these police-involved situations so this article just seemed like another piece to the puzzle.

  5. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Chronic Diseases are killing more in poorer countries

    Article Date: Dec 4, 2014

    Who: People of poorer countries

    Where: Mumbai, India and Africa

    When: over the past decades

    What happened: Diseases such as cancer and heart diseases are rising fast in low and middle income countries striking far young populations than in rich countries and causing much worse outcomes. Deaths from chronic diseases have risen by more than fifty percent in low and middle income countries over the past decades. According to reporters the increase is part of a shift in global mortality patterns in which infectious diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, have declined extensively and are no longer the leading cause of deaths in the world. The shift in poorer countries is being driven by urbanization and other major changes that have led to improvement in aspects of public health, such as hand washing, sanitation and vaccine. That has led to sharp declines in infant mortality.

    Why this event is relevant: because it tells how the people in a poorer countries are dieing faster of diseases than people in a rich country

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) shocked because I ain't know that a lot of countries that are poor go through these things I thought that other wealthy countries reach out to help these countries by sending medicine and other supplies to try to stop these diseases.

    Opinion (I think..) the u.s should send over supplies that will help poor countries prevent these diseases and the people in these countries should be prepared to try and stop these diseases from spreading so they won't continue to rise and get worst throughout their country

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I feel as though the countries that go through this can't help their selves and if other wealthy countries don't try to help stop these diseases it will get worst over time and will probably continue to spread more and develop in different countries

    1. This topic does not meet the requirement of involving government.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Michael Brown's stepdad: Sorry for outburst

    Article Date: December 3,2014

    Who: Michael Brown step dad

    Where: Ferguson, Missouri

    When: December 3, 2014

    What happened: Michael Brown step father apologizes for his emotional outburst after hearing Darren Wilson wasn't going to be indicted of killing Michael Brown. They are trying to blame his step father for other people actions of burning down a place in Ferguson. The County Police will not be charging him. They say the step father only said this out of angry and he doesn't mean any harm to the community.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because they believe his step- father was the reason why people burned a place down in Ferguson.

    Reaction: it's sad that they really think he did this. They shouldn't have made this a big deal because he said this out of angry and he was hurt that justice wasn't going to get severed for his step-son. His step-dad wasn't trying to hurt anyone just trying let go of some angry.

    Opinion: I think that they shouldn't have made a big deal out of this because if this happened to the child they would say the same thing out of angry.

    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to know why they were trying to charge his step-father. Also, I wanted to follow up on what's been going on in Ferguson after hearing the indictment of Darren Wilson.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Anonymous posts KKK leader’s personal data online in ongoing war over Ferguson
    Who: Anonymous and some KKK members
    Where: Over the internet
    When: This happened November 25, 2014
    What happened: The verdict of exonerating Darren Wilson, an officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teen, caused riots and chaos in Ferguson, MI. Before the verdict however the rioters were having peaceful protest with little violence. The Klu Klux Klan, an infamous hate group, stated that they will go to war in arms against protesters. An international hacktivist group called Anonymous has retaliated against the KKK threats by hacking their twitter account (which is still hacked and will be shut down later this week) and seizing vital things for the Klan. On Nov. 25th, Anonymous leaked information of Klan’s members including the Grand Wizard, Frank Ancona. This information included social security numbers, credit card numbers, pin codes, addresses and tax records. Anonymous’s main agenda is to wipe the KK from having a public voice any longer since it is only nothing of hate.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is on the issue in Ferguson, an American hate group that has history and an international hacker group taking action.
    Reaction: I think this is funny that Anonymous is publicly shaming the KKK.
    Opinion: I think that releasing some KKK member’s information was completely fair. Anonymous may have taken away some of the Klan’s life by financially ruining them but this doesn’t even equal to how many lives the Klan took physically. I also agree with Anonymous saying the Klan lost their freedom of speech because it is nothing but hate and violence and that shouldn’t even be allowed.
    Connection: I chose this article because I’ve been looking into Anonymous since the Ferguson incident and I support them fighting the KKK successfully.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is "Protesters Erupt in wake of chokehold death."
    Article Date: The date of this article is 12-4-14.
    Who: The people who were involved on the article was the NYC police department, the citizens of New York, and the man who was killed by a NY police officer. The who was killed was named Eric Garner.
    Where: This article takes place in NYC.
    When: The man was killed earlier this year.
    What happened: A 43 year old man named Eric Garner, was standing on a corner earlier this year when he was approached by a NY police officer. The officer gave Mr. Garner directions to do something and Garner refused because he was not breaking any laws. The officer then grabbed Garner into a chokehold and never let go. Garner was said to be severly asthmatic which causes him to have trouble breathing. The officer got him in a chokehold and Garner continued to say,"I CANT breath!" But the officer never let go of his neck. This led to Garner passing away on the spot. The officer who killed Garner has not been indicted for his actions and this has sparked protests in NYC.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its another incident where a WHITE police officer has gotten away with killing a BLACK man.
    Reaction: My reaction to the article is that I am very frustrated and upset because justice once again has not beem served. First Mike Brown and then Eric Garner.
    Opinion: My opinion is that I feel that any BLACK male will never be served justice when he is going up a WHITE police officer and his badge.
    Connection: I chose this article because I saw the video of the officer having Garner in the choke hold which led to his death. I also chose it because I really hoped that the officer would be put in jail. Especially because there was video and audio evidence showing that Garner was not doing anything illegal and that he was repeatedly saying "I CANT BREATH!" It just makes me feel so bad for him and his family.

  9. Source:

    Article Title:
    Chokehold death sparks calls for reform

    Article Date: December 4,2014

    Who: Nypd, Eric Garner, protesters

    Where: This article takes place all over the place in several states.

    When: This event took place today December 4Th.

    What happened: Today many people joined together especially those who live in northeastern states. They protested for Eric Garner. Eric Garner was killed by a police officer after being put in a chokehold. Eric Garner was killed by police officer Daniel Panatelo in Staten Island.
    Many of the protesters fell this is another example of police racial profiling. Some think the same thing that happened with Michael Brown in Ferguson will happen again in New York.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because If something isn't done about deaths at the hands of the police a war might possibly happen. More lives will be lost if something doesn't change and quickly at that.

    Reaction: I feel that America is going to be in trouble if their police officers don't find different ways to diffuse hostile situations.
    Opinion: I think that every police department needs to change the way they train their officers because nothing seems to be working for them because either people are being killed by police guns or by their bare hands.
    Connection: After everything that has happened recently it has only madee want to work harder to make sure that I have what it takes to get into law school and be successful. I want to make sure that what has happened now won't happen ever again. I want to make a difference in our society and this is giving me a push in the right direction

  10. Source:

    Article Title: Protests erupt in wake of chokehold death of Eric Garner

    Article Date: Thursday, December 4, 2014

    Who: Brooklyn Police, Eric Garner

    Where: Brooklyn NY

    When: Today

    What happened: The police once again end up killing a unarmed African American to stir up a protest in Brooklyn. The African American male didn't use physical violence at all to the police. But when he disobeyed them 5 police officers tackled him down. When Eric tried to push them off of him one of the police officers started to choke him. Eric yelled I can't breath to them but they didn't let him go. This caused a protest downtown with people repeating Erics final words' can't breath".

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is the second time a White police officer wasn't charged for the murder of an African American male. Michael Brown and Eric didn't receive any justice.

    Reaction: I'm SMH right now because for 1 police are still not receiving any charges regardless of his race. And 2 people just can't get along with one another which makes this world dull.

    Opinion: I think the officer should still be charged because he killed him.

    Connection: I chose this article to express how angry I am because after all these years people still care about your SKIN COLOR, I don't care what color you are, what you look like or even come from, If your cool with me then I am cool with you.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Was a New York police officer's chokehold on Eric Garner necessary?
    Article Date: Thu December 4, 2014
    Who: Eric Garner and NYPD
    Where: New York City, New York
    When: December 3rd
    What happened: The officer that choked Eric Garner to death will not be indicted for his actions says the Grand Jury. Although there is no law saying that choking is not a loud, but his department prohibits that kind of action so now everybody is wondering was it necessary to begin with.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because society is changing for the black man everyday and it's making us/them harder to live. Mans this is the second time a officer has not been indicted for the action of killing someone within a week or 2.
    Reaction My reaction is sadness and anger because to me this makes no sense while this case won't even reach court.
    Opinion I think the justice system is really fixed
    and messed up, because a couple of days ago a white officer was caught on camera choking a white teen and immediately got fired, the teen didn't even die from it.. it's sad to believe that this is white America.
    Connection: I can relate to this because I am a African American and it is happening right in front of my eyes.

  12. Source: (website)
    Article Title: The tittle is Millions face ObamaCare price hikes.
    Article Date: This article was published today December 5, 2014.
    Who: This articles talks about how ObamaCare affects us American homeowners.
    Where: This is taking place right here in the U.S.
    When: This is going on right now into the next years coming.
    What happened: People are facing prices rises on things like mortgage because of this new ObamaCare program.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this affects the adults in my family and could affect me when I get old enough to buy a house.
    Reaction: I was not really surprised by what is going on.
    Opinion : My opinion is that its not fair that the prices are hiked just to help other people.
    Connection: I can connect to this because some of my family members may use ObamaCare. This is going on right now all around me and it could affect me in the future.

    1. This article has less to do with homeowners and more to do with the healthcare law passed. The rising prices this article talks about are the health insurance premiums, not mortgages.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. /power.index.hpt=

    US dominance is science face Asian challenges.
    This took place on February 13,2014. The people that are involved in this area washington and a lady named Annie lowrey.A high high school in moulton,la. Is were this story was reported and researched. the research show that the united states cutbacks are less productive society . the US “global shifting” on landscape is really hurting the earth and the resources. this event is relevant because the united states spends 429 billion dollars a year for the research. yet we still crumble the resources. my reactions are that the united states are being inconsiderate of money because they rather spend money on looking like you are making a better change for the world. instead they decide to just spend money when we are already in dept. this connect me back to the president campaign where they state what they are going to do for the country and then get in office and never do it. my opinion on this is we are looked as the big brother to the other countries . the united states have much more than just spending money , we have brains and power and we should it then just spending money.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: The title of this article is "Wave of Protests After Grand Jury Doesn’t Indict Officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Case."
    Article Date: This article took place on December 3, 2014.
    Who: This event is about officer Daniel Pantaleo and an African American man named Eric Garner.
    Where: This event happened in New York on many streets of the city, from Tompkinsville to Times Square.
    When: This event happened after the grand jury made the decision to not indict officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner.
    What happened: In July of 2014 Eric Garner, an unarmed African American male, was selling loose cigarettes. A white officer Daniel Pantaleo had Eric Garner in a chokehold and killed him. This case was sent to grand jury to make a decision on whether or not it would be indicted. The decision was for the case not to be indicted. Many people became angry and outraged causing protests.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people feel as though this was unfair treatment and a racial issue.
    Reaction: I feel as though this case should have been indicted. I feel this way because there is no way that Eric Garner's punishment for what he did should have been death, especially because he was unarmed and the officer had no reason to attack him that way.
    Opinion: I think that the protests were necessary. There are other, more safer, less destructive ways the people could have reacted, but anger can be taken to a different level. Here, this is how they expressed their anger towards this situation.
    Connection: I chose this article because similar events, like the Ferguson- Michael Brown case & Trayvon Martin, has happened already and no one is doing anything about it. This is a racial issue and unfair treatment towards African Americans. Other people should notice how African Americans feel as a whole community.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: police officer shoots dead unarmed black man during scuffle
    Article Date: December 5th 2014
    Who: Police force/ Black man
    Where: Phoenix, Arizona
    When: December 4th, 2014
    What happened: Police in Phoenix, Arizona shot and killed an unarmed black male because of a "struggle" between authorities during a protest. The officer claimed he saw a gun, (which he didn't) so he shot.
    Why this event is relevant: Unarmed black men keep getting killed. It shows how black men in America keep getting killed for no reason. It shows how bad the police brutality is towards the black community.
    Reaction: My reaction to this was anger because it keeps happening and most likely that police officer that killed Rumain Brisbon will get his freedom without charges just like the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases.
    Opinion (I think..) Something needs to be done about police brutality
    Connection (why you chose this article) Because I feel a type of way that police think it's okay to kill our race and then say that they thought they were in danger. You shouldn't feel endangered just because the pigment in someone else's skin is different.

  17. Source:http:
    Article title: The new threat: 'Racism without racists'
    Article date: Thursday, November 27, 2014
    Who: white and black Americans
    When: November 27, 2014
    Where: Everywhere
    What: This articles reveals disturbing details of racism. A couple of people did an experiment on white and black crime to see if people would select the correct race who the victim was and who was actually doing the crime. Unfortunately majority of the people who participated in the experiment chose the black person as the person doing the crime and the white person as the victim. Studies show that when it comes to racial discrimination, whether your black, white, rich, poor, we are all in denial.
    Why is relevant: This is relevant because it's a situation that the U.S.A has always been an issue with and it would be impossible for it to be vanquished.
    Reaction: I believe this article shows even though people are cruel to African Americans,not is possible that all race can come together and protect peacefully. Also, it explains how blacks can be easily blamed of crime which therefore is a stereotype.
    Opinion:This article helps understand more about why racial discrimination exists in our lifetime, and it has come to my attention that what has happened overtime makes me me even more outraged towards our society and how they feel about Blacks.
    Connection: This is a connection to boycotts and protesting of racial discrimination and it is an example of history repeating its self.


    Title: Sit-ins, Die-ins, blockades in U.S cities

    Article Date:The article was written on December 5,2014.

    Who:The people involved in this article is U.S cities protesters and the government.

    Where:It specifically happened in the NE region of the United States, but happened in other places in the U.S.

    When: This happened on Thursday, December 4, 2014.

    What happened: Protesters from different states gathered to protest against "a racial justice system." They protested because the Grand Jury decision to not indict two policemen for the killing of an African-American male teenager and an African-American male adult.
    Why this event is relevant: This is not the first incident where it involved Whites and African-Americans racially.

    Reaction: I am highly upset at what this justice system has come to as far as supporting the African-American community.

    Opinion:I think it has a racial component to it and alot of people is saying its not a racial thing. Alot of evidence points to race.

    Connection: This reminds me of the incident with Emmit Till and the White women of accusing him of "hollering at her". This happened in the early 1900s where it was a lot of segregation. He was falsely accused and was killed for it.

  19. Source:

    Article Title: Wave of Protests After Grand Jury Doesn’t Indict Officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Case

    Who: Citizens of US

    Where: All around US

    When: December 3, 2014

    What Happened: A police officer choked and killed Eric Garner. The video went viral in July. After hearing from witnesses and watching the video of the crime the Grand Jury decided not to indict the officer. Many people stated that the Grand Jury's decision proved that cases like these need to be handled in federal courts. Citizens decided to have peaceful protests in New York, Washington and other cities in the US.

    1. Missing:
      Why the event is relevant

  20. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title:Justice Dept.: Cleveland police has pattern of excessive force
    Article Date:Thu December 4, 2014
    Who: Timothy Russell and Marlissa Williams
    Where: Cleveland
    When: From 2010 to 3013
    What happened: cleveland police are using and unnecessary amount of force with citizens for no reason. In on of the stories after a high speed chase two unarmed civilans were shot more than 20 times both and killed by officers. the other story says that a man was kicked int the head after a police chase, the victim was lying on the ground when he was kicked several times and justice was not sevred.
    Why this event is relevant: This relates to the Mike Brown incident where he was shot and killed. Mike Brown an unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer who was not convicted.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes):this is alarming becasue police are suppose to protect and serve the community and people and it seems like all they're doing is harming it more and more.
    Opinion (I think..) i think police are not being properly trained to handle these situations that they are in. I also believe that officers should be convicted like every other citizen
    Connection (why you chose this article) : it was interesing to see the police in the news AGAIN for they're violant behavior


  22. Source:

    Article Title: Eric Garner chokehold death: no indictment for NYPD cop, DOJ to open civil rights probe

    Article Date: December 3, 2014

    Who: Eric Garner case

    Where: New York City

    When: July 17, 2014

    What happened: It was about what happened in NYC on July 17, 2014 with a man by the name of Eric Garner and a police officer who's name is Daniel Pantaleo whon supposedly suspected Eric Garner of selling loose cigarettes. He tried to arrest Garner, but he said that he Garner resisted to be arrested so he put him in a takedown move that he was trained to do, but he was really being put into a choke hold which could clearly be seen in the video. The rest of the passage spoke about what family and friends had to say about the situation. Eric Garner's wife said she would not accept Pantaleo apology because if her husband was still alive then she would have accepted his apology then. Her husband had a lot of health problems, and one of the problems caused his death added to Pantaleo having him in a choke hold and not releasing him when he repeated over and over again tha he couldn't breathe. Peaceful marches and rallies will be held to stand up to police brutality.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the police officers in the country are abusing their powers and nothing is being done about it.

    Reaction: When I heard about this I was just shocked. Shocked because this has happened in different cases in different ways with police officers taking advantage of their powers and laws being able to protect them.

    Opinion: If everyone is created as equals then why aren't the police officers that broke the law in jail? That proves that things are still unequal in the country.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a major problem not only for the community but for the black community because this is happening more frequently within the black community. So if racial problems are being talked about then I'm half way in on it. If it was the other way around, I think the black officer would be placed in jail.

  23. Source:

    Article Title: Eric Garner chokehold death: no indictment for NYPD cop, DOJ to open civil rights probe

    Article Date: December 3, 2014

    Who: Eric Garner case

    Where: New York City

    When: July 17, 2014

    What happened: It was about what happened in NYC on July 17, 2014 with a man by the name of Eric Garner and a police officer who's name is Daniel Pantaleo whon supposedly suspected Eric Garner of selling loose cigarettes. He tried to arrest Garner, but he said that he Garner resisted to be arrested so he put him in a takedown move that he was trained to do, but he was really being put into a choke hold which could clearly be seen in the video. The rest of the passage spoke about what family and friends had to say about the situation. Eric Garner's wife said she would not accept Pantaleo apology because if her husband was still alive then she would have accepted his apology then. Her husband had a lot of health problems, and one of the problems caused his death added to Pantaleo having him in a choke hold and not releasing him when he repeated over and over again tha he couldn't breathe. Peaceful marches and rallies will be held to stand up to police brutality.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the police officers in the country are abusing their powers and nothing is being done about it.

    Reaction: When I heard about this I was just shocked. Shocked because this has happened in different cases in different ways with police officers taking advantage of their powers and laws being able to protect them.

    Opinion: If everyone is created as equals then why aren't the police officers that broke the law in jail? That proves that things are still unequal in the country.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a major problem not only for the community but for the black community because this is happening more frequently within the black community. So if racial problems are being talked about then I'm half way in on it. If it was the other way around, I think the black officer would be placed in jail.
