Saturday, November 1, 2014

5th period, 11/3-11/7

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/7

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Georgia, Connecticut: Voting irregularities

    Article Date: It was updated on November 4,2014.

    Who: It was Georgia, Connecticut, Virginia and North Carolina voting polls were talked about.

    Where: Voting irregularities happened in Georgia, Connecticut, Virginia and North Carolina.

    When: It was Tuesday, November4,2014 which was election day.

    What happened: On Election day, people were voting for new senators. Georgia started to receive irregular problems their website. Voters were upset because the senator decides the control in the upper hall, so they want the best. At the same time they want to see if there would be an expulsion of the democrat Jason Carter as a governor. In Connecticut, they have reported problems at Hartford polling places, so Gov. Dan Malloy asked a judge to increase the voting hours. Voting problems are happening across the country on election days. That is why these indiscretion are being observed for no problems in the future. It is going to happen in 2016, because North Carolina are making a new law to have Voter ID when going to vote.

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant, because everyone that is the age of 18 or older were going vote, so they needed to know about the irregularities.

    Reaction: I am shocked, because there has been so many campaigns to get people eager to vote but on the day to vote, problems up rise. I would never have thought that there would be problems.

    Opinion: I think the people who volunteered to work at the voting polls may have done something to the voting polls before people voted.

    Connection: I chose this article because election day is a big day and I wanted to know what could possibly be the irregularities.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: ISIS says Islam justifies slavery - what does Islamic law says
    Article Date: November 5th
    Who: ISIS and Professor Bernard Freamon
    Where: Syria and Iraq
    When: The article doesn’t say
    What happened: Professor Bernard Freamon who teaches classes on slavery in today’s world and human trade says that ISIS reasoning behind their killings, slavery and trading of people is not supported by Islam. ISIS has claimed that their actions are justified by the Quran but their interpretations are far off, wrong and outdated. The specific verses ISIS quoted aren’t exactly approving ISIS but are verses saying that how other religions are wrong. ISIS takes this into an extreme interpretation which ultimately approves them.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the information and ideas of a terrorist group we’re fighting
    Reaction: I feel glad that Professor Freamon disproved ISIS because the fact that they’re using Islam to make their crimes seem okay is sickening to me.
    Opinion: I think that instead of spreading Islam and bringing glory to the religion they’re defiling it. I think that when people think of ISIS they think of Muslims even though not all Muslims are like that and that makes me mad.
    Connection: I chose this article because it touched on my religion and I was interested in learning how ISIS is using Islam.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:US sends Guantanamo prisoner back home to Kuwait
    Article Date:November 05, 2014
    Who:U.S Government, Obama,Fawzi al-Odah,Taliban,Al Qaeda
    Where:Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
    When: November 04, 2014
    What happened:Fawzi al-odah was arrested for 13 years in Guantanamo Bay ,Cuba was finally able to go home back, he was only able to be released because his country had a transfer agreement with his country because the U.S government panel says he is no longer a threat.Since he is transferring the detention center population will decrease to about 148,ever since the month of May, Obama was mad that congress was trading 5 tablian for an army srgt without notifying an law enforcement knowing of this, Fawzi al-odah was held in Cuba without charges back on February 2002 because U . S official thought he was apart of a terrorist group Al Qaeda or the Taliban, but his claimed that he was just a school teacher from Afghanistan that was wrongly accused by U.S official , during the time he was on there he went undergo terrorist training ,bust show no level of terrorist leading in anyway, Obama tried to closed the destination camp but didn't happen. He is forced to do militant rehabilitation program in Kuwait.
    Why this event is relevant: because this is something that is happening today .
    Reaction: shock to why was he held with no charges, because I thought you to have charges in order to be held.
    Opinion : they shouldn't assume because that's like judging a book by its cover.
    Connection:I can make connection to where today people are being falsely accused for stuff they didn't do but have to serve time for it .

  4. Source:
    Article Title: U.N. Climate Change Report Offers Stark Warnings on Global Warming
    Who: The UN and the world
    Where: The entire world but this took place at Copenhagen
    When: Nov. 2, 2014
    What happened: On Nov. 2, 2014, UN members met to discuss the everlasting problem of global warming. The members discussed how the harm of climate change can be reversed or even stopped. This issue has been ongoing but was constantly neglected from attention. This year the effects of global warming was strongly present and if the globe doesn’t stop the continuous CO2 emissions the world can have very dangerous changes in the next century. Scientists say that the world can run on other low emission sources instead of oil and other fossil fuels. Nations must meet a deadline on lowering the CO2 emissions by 2015.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is an issue every nation must deal with especially the United States which is the 3rd CO2 emitter
    Reaction: I feel worried for my future because if we don’t do anything about this my future or my future children lives may be jeopardized.
    Opinion: I think that we should stop ignoring this problem and face the fact that this problem won’t go away on it’s own. I also think that countries should implement a new way to power itself.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel this issue should get more attention and I support lowering CO2 levels.

  5. Source: http/
    Title: How will republicans influence policy on ISIS Iran sanctions.
    Date: 11/5/14
    Who :The republicans and the president.
    Where: Iraq and Iran.
    When: Towards the end of this year.
    What happened: the president said in his news conference talked about whether ISIS can be stopped or if their power can be stopped. The republicans were very critical of the president for not funding the so called moderate Syrian Army. When the president ordered the bombing of some places in Iraq and Iran the republicans were happy about that and this is because they were all about the safety of Americans and people associated with the US, but they did not want to vote before the election. The Sanctioning of Russia had a deadline which was November 24 to come up with a deal that will restrict Iran's nuclear program, informing the world that they would not be bombing anywhere anytime soon. This sanction was mainly because of the cold war and the distrust of Russia. The goal was concluding the so called specific partnership.
    Relevance: this is relevant because we are in civics class and all we mostly learn about is government and wars that have happened.
    Reaction: When I read about this I felt a little safer because of the sanctioning of the Russian country.
    Opinion: I think this article is very important , and I really don't have any connections to it.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: The title of my article is, “Ferguson mayor sees possible protests in region when grand jury decides”.
    Article Date: My article was published Thursday November 6, 2014.
    Who: Involved in this event were, deceased teen Michael Brown, the Don’t Shoot Coalition, Ferguson mayor James Knowles, and Michael McPherson.
    Where: This event took place in Ferguson, Missouri.
    When: My event happened on August 9, 2014, and is still an issue today.
    What happened: Ferguson teenager Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white officer after trying to surrender to the law with his hands up. Ferguson is split into two groups as the officer’s court date approaches. Most believe that he should be put away due to killing an innocent person out of racism while others believe he should be freed because he was defending himself. A group of concerned citizens formed, calling themselves the Don’t Shoot Coalition who side with jail time for the officer. The mayor of Ferguson James Knowles said, “prepare for the worst” which means he knows that people will react wrongly. This is already shown when the citizens divided themselves. The Don’t Shoot Coalition produced the 19 Rules of Engagement which are rules that they believe the police should follow and carry themselves in order to prevent more injustice.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it takes on many aspects of human life, and shows the injustice today. It also demonstrates the anger citizens contain when regarding their natural born rights.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel like the coalition is correct in doing what they are doing and they are helping more than the mayor and government. I believe that the coalition should do all they can to make sure the officer pays for this.
    Opinion (I think..): I think the officer should be put away due to manslaughter due to racism.
    Connection (why you chose this article): A connection I made is that in the formation of the United States, when faced with injustice, colonists created their own groups to get what they wanted just as the Don’t Shoot Coalition did.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Among midterm winners many historic firsts
    Who: U.S politicians
    Where: The United States as a whole
    When: Wed Nov. 5, 2014
    What happened: This past Wednesday was historic in the U.S. The most notable one is the huge win for Republicans which made it the largest win since World War II. The other historic things that happened was Tim Scott becoming the first black Senator in the South since the Reconstruction period making him the first in over 133 years. Another historic record is Mia Love being elected to Congress as the first Haitian American. Two more out of the other records was Gina Raimondo becoming the first female governor of Rhode Island and the first time women Congress members reached 100 ever in U.S history.
    Why this event is relevant: This is event is relevant because it talks about the political changes in the United States.
    Reaction:I feel happy that these things happened because we’re seeing women take control in this country and it can inspire other women.
    Opinion: I think that the U.S has come a long way from its terrible past. I also think that these wins will always be a big part of U.S history.
    Connection: I chose this article because I didn’t know that women also had a great night and this should be talked about instead of the big changes in political sides.

  8. Source:

    U.S. winning fight against ISIS recruiting
    Title: US winning fight against ISIS recruiting officials says.
    Article Date: Tuesday October 7,2014
    By. Laura Koran
    Who: US creates tactics to stop ISIS recruiting US citizens.
    When: This event happened on October 7,2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in the United States.

    What happened : The extremist terrorist group ISIS is rapidly expanding. They are using their networking skills to gain more recruits even in the United States. Due to ISIS networking skills this force the US to go to the extreme on stopping the spread . Early this morning as the US held a conference they were later informed that a 19 year old tried to leave the States to join the new reformed ISIS group. However these tactics are only trying to stop teens of joining the terrorist group. Not only the US are trying to stop this but American allies are too.

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be. ISIS members are very intelligent that they networking on the internet to find hopefuls. It's very simple that you can go on to get recruited. However US counterterrorism group found a way to monitor ISIS social media skills in an act to stop them. Also how US tries to stop them.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone and it's sad . It's sad that because we have the technology doesn't mean we're one step ahead of them.

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news and can possibly happen on our soil.

  9. Source- Article Title-Is real pledges to restore security at religious site.
    Article Date- this article was published on November 6th 2014.
    Who?- who was involved is prime minister Benjamin ivetanyah of Israel and king Abdullah the second.
    Where?- this event is happening in Israel.
    What?- what is happening thus far is that Isreal had committed to remain calm after weeks of tension between them and East Jerusalem.
    Why is this relevant?- this event is relevant because Jerusalem ambassador gave orders that said the move was for consolation in other words a meeting, and they wanted to protest their violation acts.
    reaction? My reaction is that whatever religion you are, catholic, Muslim , Christianity you should be able to practice your religion with out being asked to leave or violated.
    Connection- I connected this article basically to every day life and how certain places don't allow Muslims or Christina's because of their religion and what they practice,. Also if that's what they believe in that's what they believe in, people shouldn't be mistreated just because they believe in their own GOD, or maybe don't believe in a god at all. They should be treated equal and threats shouldn't be made just cause they're Muslim Practicing at a Jewish site vice versa
    Opinion- my opinion is, it doesn't matter religion race... Whatever you believe in, you should be able to practice without being hurt or judged.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Pastors, 90-yo man arrested for feeding homeless
    Who: Arnold Abbott and two pastors
    Where: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    When: Nov. 5, 2014
    What happened: On Wednesday two pastors and a 90 year old man named Arnold Abbott were arrested for publicly feeding a homeless man. These men were charged for violating a new city law which forbids the act of feeding the homeless in public. As they were being arrested Abbott was still trying to feed several homeless people. In 1999 Abbott sued and won a lawsuit against the city for being detained for feeding the homeless on a beach. It is speculated that he will not get away this time and will be face time.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it talks about laws and policing in a city in the United States
    Reaction: I feel like I’ve been offended too. Feeding the homeless isn’t a crime and Arnold Abbott being arrested upsetted me.
    Opinion: I think that this is a human rights issue. The homeless aren’t some type of criminals who deserve knowing and trying to help them shouldn’t be a crime.
    Connection: I chose this article because the fact that a 90 year old was arrested for helping the less fortunate made me upset.

  11. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of the article used is “ So Who Actually Killed Osama bin Laden?”
    Article Date: This article was written on November 6, 2014.
    Who: Osama bin Laden, Robert O’Neill, Mark Bowden and Mark Owen are all involved.
    Where: The killing of Osama Bin Laden took place in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
    When: The killing took place three years ago, however, the man who actually killed bin Laden is just now speaking up.
    What happened: Three and a half years ago al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden was killed. Recently Navy SEAL, Robert O’Neill has spoken up about the killing of the Osama bin Laden. Robert O’Neill’s story happens to be different from Mark Owen, who also wrote about the day of the killing of Osama. According to O’Neill, he was the first person to enter the third floor bedroom to where he stood face to face with bin Laden. O’Neill then fired three shots into bin Laden’s head. However, according to Owen, once they entered the room of Bin Laden, he had appeared to have been shot already. To add, Mark Bowden further explained why O’Neill is just now going public. According to Bowden, O’Neill was just doing his job and O’Neill decided to go public, because he felt as though the truth about the killer of bin Laden was coming out eventually. Ultimately, O’Neill is the killer of Osama bin Laden.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant, because for many years it has been questioned who has actually killed al Qaeda’s leader, and now the truth has finally came out.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Personally, I feel as though O’Neill did a great thing, however, he was just doing his job. This is a huge deal that Osama bin Laden had been killed and that the killer has just come forward.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this put America in a better position as far as terroristic threats. Also, just that O’Neill was so humble just made this story even better, because it’s not like he was pressed to actually get out that he killed Osama bin Laden.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because I think it’s important that people, especially Americans know who actually killed Osama bin Laden.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Source: (entire website address) This article was found on

    Article Title: The title of this article is “Republicans gain largest majorities in decades in state capitols, plan push for more tax cuts”.

    Article Date: This article was posted on November 6, 2014.
    Who: Democrats, Replublicans, Tim Storey, and Gov. Tom Corbett were people included in this article.
    Where:The details of this article stated that this event occurred in many places such as Kansas, Missouri, New York, and Pennsylvania.
    When: This event took place on November 5, 2014.
    What happened: This article stated that Republicans of many different states have been taking over Democrats. With the people that have been voted for they said that they will be trying to accomplish a goal of deeper tax cuts, expand school vouchers and to impose new limits on public welfare programs. It was also said that Republicans will soon have full control of at least 28 state legislatures both being chambers: state Senate and State House), their largest total since 1928.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because some of the changes that may occur will affect many people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings toward this event is that I don’t think it is a big deal since it wont be affecting me or my family as much as it could be hurting others.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this many not be necessary for the government to be making these changes due to the fact that some people may not be able to have an income or way to get money and food.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it will soon be relevant and have an impact on many peoples’ lives.

  14. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The article title is " New Jersey voters approve of Christie's Ebola work" .

    Article Date: This article was published and updated on Nov 06, 2014 5:24 AM EST.

    Who: This article was about Governor Chris Christie and his new polities about Ebola.

    Where: This article is taking place in New Jersey.

    When: Governor Chris made his new approval in October 2014.

    What happened: Governor Chris made up a new politic whereas people from African or who has traveled their recently are to be checked and quarantined. Alot of people in New Jersey really like this new politic and agree that it would help reduced the Ebola outbreak. A nurse living in New Jersey recently traveled to sierra leone but she denied having any signs of having Ebola but because of this new policy she had to be quarantined.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because Ebola is a deadly virus that is killing people left to right. Everyone should be aware of new polities that involves this virus so they can know how to handle it. Ebola is now in the UNited States and thats our country so we have to protect it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction while reading this article is a curious and interested reaction. I totally agree with this new politie because Governor CHris CHristie is trying to keep everyone safe.

    Opinion (I think..) I think this article is very important and holds alot of great statics about this Ebola outbreak. Im glad people are taking actions to try to stop it and protect us.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I love reading updates on new politics about this virsus because it scares me. So i find joy in looking for updates on how our government is willing to stop the spread of EBola.

  15. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The article title is " New Jersey voters approve of Christie's Ebola work" .

    Article Date: This article was published and updated on Nov 06, 2014 5:24 AM EST.

    Who: This article was about Governor Chris Christie and his new polities about Ebola.

    Where: This article is taking place in New Jersey.

    When: Governor Chris made his new approval in October 2014.

    What happened: Governor Chris made up a new politic whereas people from African or who has traveled their recently are to be checked and quarantined. Alot of people in New Jersey really like this new politic and agree that it would help reduced the Ebola outbreak. A nurse living in New Jersey recently traveled to sierra leone but she denied having any signs of having Ebola but because of this new policy she had to be quarantined.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because Ebola is a deadly virus that is killing people left to right. Everyone should be aware of new polities that involves this virus so they can know how to handle it. Ebola is now in the UNited States and thats our country so we have to protect it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction while reading this article is a curious and interested reaction. I totally agree with this new politie because Governor CHris CHristie is trying to keep everyone safe.

    Opinion (I think..) I think this article is very important and holds alot of great statics about this Ebola outbreak. Im glad people are taking actions to try to stop it and protect us.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I love reading updates on new politics about this virsus because it scares me. So i find joy in looking for updates on how our government is willing to stop the spread of EBola.

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:The name of this article is “Police Philadelphia Suspect seized another,Woman face more charges”
    Article Date:This article was published on November 7th,2014.
    Who:The police,Delvins Barnes,a 16 year old girl and a 22 year old girl is all involved in this event.
    Where:Delvins Barnes kidnapped a girl in Germantown and traveled to Maryland with her.
    When:This event took place on October 1st , November 2nd.
    What happened:Delvin Barnes a 37 year old black male recently abducted a 22 year old nurse in Germantown.The abduction was luckily caught on camera and while fighting for her life she dropped her phone and jacket.Delvin then drove down to Maryland making a few stops at convenience stores and Acme,Delvin used the 22 year old card.This made police jobs easier because of tracking him.They eventually found him by tracking the GPS he used in his car.Not to long before this Delvin abducted a 16 year old girl.He hit her with a shovel and shoved her into a trunk of a car.Later he brought her to his parents house,sexually abused her and then pour gasoline and bleach on her while he dug a hole in the backyard she turned around and escaped.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because this was all over the news in different cities.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)This is absolutely horrifying because an abductor was on the loose.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that the man who was resposible for this should recieve life in jail without parole.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this article because i heard this on the news and i was completely surprised and scared.

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Delvin Barnes Charged With Kidnapping, Extradited to Virginia.
    Article Date:This article was published1 hr 48 mins ago.
    Who: This article involved Delvin Barnes, police, Carlesha Freeland-Gaither.
    Where: This event took place in Philadelphia in Germantown and Virginia.
    When: This event happened November 2, 2014.
    What happened: A 37 year old man named Delvin Barnes Abducted a girl in Germantown late at night. He forced the girl into a car and drove her away. The female left a trail hoping that somebody would notice and find her, she dropped a phone and glasses. A man saw the whole incident and picked up her phone and called the police, also it was caught on camera. The girl gave the man her credit card so that the police could track where she was and she was found in Maryland alive.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it was the biggest thing on news this week.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was so shocked when I heard about the incident and immediately thought about if it was me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think police should really focus more on things like this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I connected this to me because I myself am a young female.


  18. Source:
    Article Title:The president is upset
    Article Date: this article was posted on October 30, 2014
    Who: This article involved President Obama and the IRS
    Where:This took place in Washinton, D.C.
    When:this event happened on October 18, 2014
    What happened: Prsident Obama is upset and frustrated with how the goverment is handling the containment of Ebola. He isn't satisfied with the actions of the IRS, which is targeting conservative groups. He is stressing that it's his goverment and that he needs thing to flow more smoothly. It also talking about how scandals going on in the goverment and how we should handle them.
    Why this event is relevant: it's ios relevant because the things that ate going in in today's goverment is upsetting Obama.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as though the job of being president is very difficult and comes with a lot of baggage.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that Obsms should handle the stress as he's done for the past 6 years and hope for the best.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because it stood out to me that Obama is expressing his feelings and concerns about problems going on in his government.

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Veteran U.S. diplomat under federal counterintelligence probe
    Article Date: November 6, 2014
    Who:U.S. veterans and pakistani
    Where: Washington is where this was reported and happened
    When:November 6, 2014
    What happened: Agents of the FBI searched through a diplomats home. Raphael was the advisary of pakistan at the time. The department has been getting along with the colleagues for a while now but not all the time. They were aware of the enforcing matter of the law. This is a major matter. This investigation was described by officials as very suspicious. There were many allegations. Raphael used to be the secretary of south asia. She spent alot of her times over seas. So she shold be able to solve this problem with the colleagues and the law. In the future it will be solved.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it has to do with the law and if it is broken you will have to go to jail. So this is a very important topic generally.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is just why is the woman Robin had to get her house inspected just because of the law.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the State Department colleagues have got to get along with the veterans and just make up their mind when it comes to the law.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I felt that I needed to further educate myself on the law and that it is important.

  20. Source:

    Article Title: Ukraine accuses Russia of sending dozens of tanks into its territory

    Article Date: Fri. November 7, 2014

    Who: Russia and the ukraine are involved

    Where: In the eastern regions of the ukraine

    When: As of november 7th

    What happened: In this article ukrainian officials are accusing russia of sending armored vehicles into eastern ukraine. Although these accusations are only speculated the kremlin has denied any involvement in the affairs.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if russia has any involvement with this it is not right and is persisting with unreasonable methods of obtain a nation this is already divided and breaking down from the inside out and by sending any more threatening objects into the region will only put more tension in the region.

    Reaction (I feel that whatever is going on need to stop soon before other countries get involved)

    Opinion (I think that russia should just get out of ukraine)

    Connection (I choose this article because I haven’t heard anything about the ukraine in a while so I Thought it would be an interesting to report about this)

  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: West Virginia Elects America’s Youngest State Laweaker
    Article Date: November 4th, 2014
    Who: kris maher
    Where: West Virginia university
    When: November 4th
    What happened: in this article it is about a freshman who campaigned out of her dorm who became the youngest lawmaker. The young lawmaker will represent a small district in West Virginia region. She campaigned to reduce certain taxes.sge defeated the 66 year old republican. She contribute 4,000 to her own campaign. She defer her spring semester to attend part time legislation. She promoted her youth as an asset during the campaign.There are more than 7,300 state legislators in the U.S., and fewer than 5% are under the age of 30. Republican incumbent in a primary when she was 17.
    Why this event is relevant: I want to go to West Virginia college.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : she is smart and well educated young women. I want to make a change like her.
    Opinion (I think..): I really like the fact that she is so young and doing what she wants
    Connection (why you chose this article): I want to make a change at a young age and have people remember me for something like they remember her.

  22. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: The article is called, “‘Political’ pull? Border figures posted, removed month before election.”
    Article Date: This article was published November 7th, 2014.
    Who: The U.S Government and Immigrants are involved.
    Where: The U.S. – Mexico borderline is where the main event takes place.
    When: October 10th, 2014 is when this happened.
    What happened: On October 10th, 2014 statistics were posted on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website, showing that almost a half-million people were trying to sneak across the U.S border. Five hours after the numbers were posted, they were taken off of the website though. No one has any clue to knowing why, yet. But, these numbers have pointed out that the number of immigrants trying to sneak across the border is dropping from what it was 10 years ago, but the number is still big. Another thing these numbers pointed out is that, since many of the people crossing the border weren’t Mexican, that the border could be a way for Middle East extremists to come into America, like the people involved with ISIS. But, the full report of the numbers should be posted on the website soon.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it involves the government and because it involves illegal immigrants trying to cross the border, which could turn into overpopulation or maybe even bigger problems for the government.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though the numbers should not have been taken down so soon. I also feel like this makes the government look kind of suspicious.
    Opinion (I think..): I think the government took those numbers down to try to hide something. I don’t think they want everyone to know that there could possibly be thousands of illegal immigrants coming into our country, making it harder for us to get jobs and etc.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I remember how we were talking about ISIS in class and how them crossing the border could have been a way for them to get to us if they really wanted to, and now it seems as though other people see that too.

  23. Article Title: U.N. Climate Change Report Offers Stark Warnings on Global Warming
    Who: The UN and the world
    Where: The entire world but this took place at Copenhagen
    When: Nov. 2, 2014
    What happened: On Nov. 2, 2014, UN members met to discuss the everlasting problem of global warming. The members discussed how the harm of climate change can be reversed or even stopped. This issue has been ongoing but was constantly neglected from attention. This year the effects of global warming was strongly present and if the globe doesn’t stop the continuous CO2 emissions the world can have very dangerous changes in the next century. Scientists say that the world can run on other low emission sources instead of oil and other fossil fuels. Nations must meet a deadline on lowering the CO2 emissions by 2015.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is an issue every nation must deal with especially the United States which is the 3rd CO2 emitter
    Reaction: I feel worried for my future because if we don’t do anything about this my future or my future children lives may be jeopardized.
    Opinion: I think that we should stop ignoring this problem and face the fact that this problem won’t go away on it’s own. I also think that countries should implement a new way to power itself.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because I feel that this has something to do with my future.
