Sunday, November 30, 2014

Class Blog Monday 12/1: Group A

Article 1:

Everybody Thinks Obama Called for Calm


RUSH:  Oh, yeah. I'm gonna get to Obama last night. Oh, man, am I gonna get to Obama last night.  Everybody thinks Obama called for calm last night.  That's what everybody thinks.
RUSH:  So the president of the United States, Mr. Hope and Change, appeared somewhere in the White House (looked like the briefing room) last night shortly after ten o'clock after the DA in St. Louis had finished his announcement and explanation and taken a few questions. Obama came out and... Well, he called for calm.  But then he went on and spoke for 20 minutes about all the things he thinks are wrong in America, all the things he thinks are bad in America in terms of race relations and police departments. 
For 20 minutes, maybe longer, in what was supposed to be an appeal for calm.  So he started out appealing for calm, and then kind of fed the rage.  At least that was our take, watching it.  The president said, "There are Americans who are deeply upset, even angry.  It's an understandable reaction."  See, here's the thing: If you look at this case with what is now known, there are facts. 
If you look at this case with the facts measured against the law, what happened could have had and should have happened two months ago.  This only played out as long as it did because of the fears that the emotional would explode in Ferguson.  But the facts of the case and the law do not matter to those who are deeply upset and even angry, because it isn't about that.  And I think it's... I don't know. 
I think it's sad, and I think it's a continuing sign of deterioration in certain elements of the country where what "is" -- the facts and the law -- don't even matter, don't even make an impression.  Now, I know it's not new.  I know here in 2014 there's nothing new.  Everything that's happening today has happened many times before.  But at some point, you want to stop it.  At some point you want to make progress.
At some point you want to have it stop happening.  You want to move forward.  Everybody wants to be the agent of that kind of positive change.  I know I'd like to be.  And it's very frustrating that the facts of what happened don't matter.  It's very frustrating that the facts of what happened measured against the law don't matter a hill of beans.  As I watched the president last night, it sounded to me like he was disappointed with the grand jury decision. 
He made his call for calm and then fed the rage.  He sounded like he was disappointed by the grand jury decision. He said, "It's tragic when a young man loses his life, but it was avoidable.  What happened in Ferguson needn't have happened, but it did, and that's where the great divide begins."  No fact about what happened in this incident that is in any way negative toward the gentle giant will even be processed, much less believed.
It will be immediately rejected and cast aside as bogus BS, and it will not even penetrate.  The grand jury system... I was kind of surprised.  I know the legal beagles that I have listened to, a lot of legal people for whom I have great respect, said, "TRush, this is a slam dunk.  The evidence, as much as we've seen and as much as we've heard about testimony, there's no way this cop gets indicted."
I said, "Yeah, but that he isn't the way things happen in the country anymore.  Episodes like this need sacrificial lambs, and everybody's gonna be focused on keeping the peace and everybody's gonna be focused on just make the problem go away."  So I was surprised.  The grand jury system worked, despite enormous pressures exerted by the president's representative, Eric Holder, the attorney general. 
The police officer was not indicted, and the president let it be known last night that if some people don't think justice was done, he understands.  If some people are deeply upset, and they don't think justice happened last night, or the last two months, then he understands 'em being upset.  I think the president missed a golden opportunity.  I can't tell you how many golden opportunities this man has missed. 
He missed an opportunity last night. If he really cared about unity, he could have done a lot for it last night.  If he really cares about bringing people together -- if he really cares about a functioning, orderly society, even if he wants to transform it -- he had a golden opportunity last night, and he punted.  He had 20 minutes of inane ramblings that were designed subtly to feed the rage.  And he could have done so much. 
You do have to admit that he is, when he applies himself, a very pervasive and talented speaker and orator. When he applies himself.  If it's on the teleprompter, and the words he wants to use are there, then he can do it really well.  He didn't even try.  Didn't even try.  It was just the exact opposite.  It was so disappointing to me.  But then I had to stop and realize that's not what Obama's about. 
Obama's transforming America. He knows it gonna be messy, and he knows it's gonna be filled with strife, and he knows there gonna be a certain amount of chaos.  That's unavoidable, given the scope of the change he desires.  He knows people aren't just gonna sit idly by and let it happen.  They're gonna fight it, those who don't agree with it -- and that is what community organizers do.  They agitate. 
That's what Obama, sadly, did last night was agitate.  He had a chance, he had a golden opportunity to do the exact opposite, and he didn't even try.  You see, to me, what happened in Ferguson last night... If you say, as the president did that it's an understandable reaction; that there are Americans deeply upset, even angry. It's an understandable reaction...
How is it understandable? 
What if the rage and what if the anger is not legitimate? 
What if it's the product of...? This is my whole point.  The Democrat Party, the American left has created, in its base supporters, a degree of anger and rage that borders on the irrational, and they do it about everything!  They do it about the Iraq war, the do it about the War on Terror. They do it about virtually everything.  And they keep their base supporters in a fevered pitch where their base supporters think virtual everybody is out to get 'em.
The deck is so unfairly stacked that they don't even have a chance even with a man who is historic as president, the first African-American.  That doesn't even matter.  You create this hopelessness. You create a circumstance where the foregone conclusion is disaster.  But why should the reaction last night be understandable, when it isn't, really?  We have to define "understandable" in the way Obama meant it. 
He meant it in a way of justifying it, and that's where he missed a golden opportunity. 
But this is unnecessary, and it's not going to change anything.  It's not gonna improve circumstances for anybody.  It's gonna make them worse for practically everybody involved, other than the people that benefit from this.  Who benefits from this chaos?  Who benefits from this strife?  Who benefits from the continuing racial strife in America?  Who benefits from this?  If you answer that question, you'll find out who's responsible for it. 
And don't doubt, somebody benefits from it, or it wouldn't happen.  
RUSH:  Let's listen to a little bit of President Obama last night.  Grab audio sound bite number 14.  This is where, remember, now, he starts out by asking for calm.  And then he could have quit.  He could have done a short appeal for calm.  He could have done so much.  He could have appealed to unity.  He could have appealed to the best.  He could have.  He didn't even try.  After asking for calm, he then fed the rage.  And I know some of you are saying, "That's a little bit extreme, don't you think, Mr. Limbaugh, feeding the rage?  What exactly are you talking about?"
Well, if you know how to listen to these things, and if you know how to hear these things as Obama's audience heard him, you listen to Obama with your feelings intact, and you hear him ask for calm, and that's it. "Okay, cool."  And you relax, and you watch the rest of it and you hear this smooth talking guy sounding intelligent, not really paying much attention.  You think at best he sounds like he's rambling.  But he wasn't rambling.  And so for you doubting Thomases out there, let me give you an illustration of that which I am expertly talking about.
OBAMA:  The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color.  Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country, and this is tragic because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates.  The good news is we know there are things we can do to help.  That means working with law enforcement officials to make sure their ranks are representative of the communities they serve.  We know that makes a difference.
RUSH:  Now, does this sound like he's appealing to calm?  This man's reciting what he considers to be ongoing problems in this country.  I mean, even after six years of him being in charge, it's still happening, it still exists.  "The fact is, in too many parts of this country a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color."  Right.  So this is all understandable, what's happening in Ferguson, after you call for calm.  "Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country."  What do you mean, the legacy?  Do you mean when it used to be real bad back then, or do you mean as it is today?  'Cause that's how it was heard.  The legacy justifies the present.  If you know how to hear this stuff. 
He knows who his audience is, and he knows how they're gonna hear it.  You think he's appealing for calm and making these intellectual observations about the status of law enforcement in our community.  And then he went on to parrot what Rudy Giuliani said yesterday.  Rudy Giuliani on Meet the Press on Sunday said to Michael Eric Dyson, "We wouldn't be," the white cops, "we wouldn't be in the neighborhoods if you weren't killing each other."  Giuliani said that to Michael Eric Dyson, who then blew his gasket.  Obama said the same thing.  And this is tragic, Obama says, "because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates."  Well, the reason a lot of cops are in there is because there's a lot of crime in there. 
And then, signifying that all that was bad news, the president then said, "Now, the good news is we know there are things we can do to help."  Well, we're six years in, pal.  What have we been doing to help?  The split screen.  Here's this guy calling for calm and asking and talking about it, and Ferguson's burning on the other half of the screen.  It was ironic.  It was uncanny.  I mean, if you weren't in full control of your faculties, you'd find it funny.  Here's Obama somber, cool, calm and collected, just like he did in the faculty lounge when he was talking to Jonathan Gruber about health care, thinking how stupid the American people are, and appealing for calm and explaining and justifying. 
And on the other half of the screen Ferguson's in flames, under a "Season's Greetings" sign.  Did you see that, Snerdley?  How did it happen that the original protests occurred under the Season's Greetings?  The same kind of sign that you see in It's a Wonderful Life, the Jimmy Stewart movie, Season's Greetings? (interruption)  Monday Night Riots?  No, no.  There are some who might like that as a regular show, Monday Night Riots, but I don't know. 
And then "There are things that we can do to help.  That means working with law enforcement officials to make sure their ranks are representative of the communities they serve.  We know that makes a difference."  Meaning, we got too many white cops in Ferguson, is what that means.  That means there are too many white cops in Ferguson.  That means if we're gonna have more policing we gotta have more black cops in there because they understand and might behave differently than white cops.  You never know. 
So Obama was admitting that the races really can't work together because they don't understand each other, and one of the reasons why there's all these problems in the poor communities is the cops are not representative of the people who are committing the crime.  If we would change that, then we know that makes a difference.  And then in typical Washington bureaucrat liberalism solutions, he said that he has instructed Eric Holder to immediately have meetings and make phone calls with law enforcement officials all over the country to fix this. 
That means problem solved.  In liberalism, you just say we're gonna have a meeting, and the problem's solved.  Be it jobs, deficit, call a meeting, or you instruct an underling to call somebody else and have a meeting.  Problem solved.  All of this is designed to comfort people and let them know that POTUS is on the case.  Meanwhile, on the other half of that screen, Ferguson, Missouri, was in flames.
RUSH:  This is Obama just prior to the sound bite we played moments ago.
OBAMA:  I also appeal to the law enforcement officials in Ferguson and the region to show care and restraint in managing peaceful protests that may occur.
RUSH:  Peaceful?
OBAMA:  As they do their jobs in the coming days --
RUSH:  Right.
Article 2:
Sean Hannity took on Brown family attorney Daryl Parks tonight over evidence presented to a grand jury in the Ferguson case.
Hannity said that the legal question in this case is whether or not Darren Wilson used justifiable force. He said witness after witness said that Michael Brown was in a struggle for Wilson’s gun and had charged at the officer.
“By definition legally, that is justifiable use of force,” Hannity said.
Hannity laid out testimony and challenged Parks, asking “Who acts like that toward a police officer?”
“Somebody struggles for a cop’s gun after a robbery and then charges a police officer like a football player with his head down, and […] you act as though you’re surprised that the officer had to defend himself. I’m not surprised, and I’m not surprised at the decision of the grand jury, either,” Hannity said. 

Article 3:

A closer look at Ferguson, Missouri, the St. Louis suburb where Michael Brown was killed

A closer look at the community of Ferguson, where 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed:
HISTORY: Incorporated in 1894 by founder William B. Ferguson as a railroad depot, the town quickly grew into a hub for freight and passenger traffic and a bedroom community for city workers. It also attracted many freed slaves looking for a home after the Civil War.
Before school desegregation, Ferguson and other parts of north St. Louis County were predominantly white. The racial makeup changed as many white suburban families moved to outlying areas such as St. Charles County, parts of which are more than 40 miles from St. Louis. Today, Ferguson is nearly 70 percent black.
POPULATION AND POVERTY: By 2010, the census counted about 21,000 people in Ferguson, which is about 10 miles north of downtown St. Louis in the broader area known to locals as North County. Fewer than half of the approximately 9,100 homes are owner-occupied, and about a quarter of residents live below the federal poverty level.
COMMERCE: Ferguson is home of the global headquarters of Emerson Electric Co., a Fortune 500 company that employs more than 130,000 workers worldwide. Just outside the city limits is Express Scripts, the nation's largest company that manages pharmacy benefits. Earlier this year, the corporation announced a $56 million expansion that will add 1,500 jobs. Ferguson's former rail depot is home to a redevelopment effort aimed at promoting small businesses in a pedestrian-friendly corridor, with a weekly farmers market and outdoor concerts in the summer.
SCHOOLS: Several North County school districts — including the Normandy system from which Brown recently graduated — lost state accreditation because of declining test scores and other academic shortcomings. Some students from the failing districts were bused to better-performing schools in other districts.
RACIAL CONCERNS: Some Ferguson protesters have complained that members of the city's predominantly white police force disproportionately target black motorists during traffic stops. A 2013 report by the Missouri attorney general's office found that Ferguson police stopped and arrested black drivers nearly twice as frequently as white motorists but were also less likely to find contraband among the black drivers.

Politicians urge protestors to be peaceful after Ferguson decision

 November 24  
Politicians responded to the news Monday night that a grand jury haddecided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown by urging protestors to voice their concerns peacefully and avoid violence.
Home state Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) responded shortly after the decision was announced. "We must balance the rights of Americans to exercise their free speech alongside the rights of people to live peacefully and safely in their communities," he said in a statement. "I join Michael Brown’s family in urging protestors to do so peacefully."
Missouri's other senator, Democrat Claire McCaskill, issued a statement saying, "There will be many people who are disappointed in today’s decision, even though it is a result of a deliberate legal process that’s being independently checked by Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department. While we await the conclusion of that independent investigation—and continue working together for solutions to systemic issues highlighted by this tragedy -- I’m praying that the good people of St. Louis and local law enforcement will remain peaceful and respectful of one another."


Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a civil rights icon, urged protestors to resist any desire to lash out violently.
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) took to Twitter to encourage followers to make their voices heard in the electoral process:
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) released a statement saying, “In light of the grand jury decision not to prosecute officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown, I ask authorities to respect the right of all people to express themselves during this understandably emotional time, as well as urge the people of Ferguson and the nation to respond peacefully and constructively. Going forward, it’s critically important that we do more as a nation to address the tense relationship between law enforcement and local communities that was prevalent well before this tragedy, particularly in communities of color."
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) was among the politicians who quickly voiced their disappointment with the grand jury's decision.
"An indictment in this case would have prompted a trial in which all aspects of Michael Brown’s death would be carefully weighed and considered, and justice could have been served," she said in a statement.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) concurred:
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said in a statement that he was "disappointed" in the grand jury's decision not to indict Wilson. But he added, "We must respect that decision. The Department of Justice will continue its review of this incident and the entire Ferguson Police Department, and I am confident that investigation will bring us closer to the justice that Brown’s family and the entire Ferguson community deserve."
The liberal group Democracy For America called on the Obama administration to pursue federal charges against Wilson.
"If St. Louis County won't hold Police Officer Darren Wilson accountable for killing Michael Brown, it's time for President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to ensure justice is done by issuing federal charges against Officer Wilson," Democracy For America spokesman Neil Sroka said in a statement.
Others later chimed in with calls for peace: 


  1. What I learned today in class was that people are racist. In one of the videos watched in class today the man said a white man was dressed like an elf and a black man was dressed in a suit. However the black man was stopped that's not fair and it angered me a black man is well dressed and still stopped for what reason. I honestly believe the best outcome for ferguson is to over ride there law enforcement as a team so police should not be licesned to carry if there shooting at people for no reason. Ferguson needs more black cops in my opinion well they need more down to earth cops the cops that think before they shoot. I can change my community by setting an example and inspiring others to do the same. Instead of being my selfish self I could actually reach out to others that need my help that would help my community out a lot

  2. What I learned today in class is that not enough evidence was proven to convict Darren willson in court. The best possible outcome for Ferguson will be everything will return to normal in the city. I can become an agent of change by helping out with my community by speaking up about injustices.

  3. 1. Today's class was very different from the normal classes that we usually have, because, we normally read and answer the questions.But i learned that racism is still going on in this day and age , this is really surprising to me, but then i also learned that the police are not always friends.
    2.I think this whole thing is going to be dissolved in like a few months , to be honest it does not matter why the police killed him all that matters is that racism is still going and we need to address that properly.
    3. I don't think i can do anything to change anything but all i can do is very little, and that is not being racist myself and loving people who are worth it.

  4. 1. What I learned today in class is that there are many injustices in the nation in which we live in. In addition, more facts were learned in class, as well as ways in which we can better the society. Given the evidence, it can be concluded that both parties were at fault; however, the death of Mike Brown was not justified. Throughout the class we analyzed the injustices found here.
    2. Since, the verdict has been given in Ferguson this caused a huge uproar. As a community, Ferguson as well as many communities across the nation need to participate in nonviolent protests. Violence will not amplify the point the others are trying to make. Thus, it is necessary for a change; however, a nonviolent change.
    3. I can change the community by actually practicing what I preach. I need to become an example for others to follow, because that is the only way that a change will actually come about. As a community I believe that more unity needs to be formed, before there is change.

  5. Today in class we expanded on the Mike Brown case. We learned more facts and also saw how the criminal system, race, and government come in to play with his case. Now that they have the decision f the Grand Jury, I think Ferguson needs to reconsider training of the cops and also have more community officers to protect and prevent incidents from happening. If this is a very bad community no officer should be by himself because it seems that a cops word always is over the other persons word. In my own community, I could find ways to build the community's trust between each other and also the cops. Examples such as group meetings and peaceful protests so that they cops and city see someone is trying to make a change.

  6. 1.Today, I have learned more about the incident that happened in Ferguson, Missouri. The verdict was made that Darren the police officer was found not guilty by the jury. I believe that is because the witnesses were questioned by the too many people including the police department, feds, and jury. I felt as though they couldn't uphold their witness story because human memory is not that good when having to remember what they said in the past. The people of Ferguson were mad about the decision, because the feds got involved since it was so much intention in Ferguson and that they took a long time to question the witnesses all at once.Everyone and I, myself and felt as though it was all apart of racial discrimination.

    2.I believe the best possible outcome of Ferguson, Missouri is to make the diversity of the police department the same race as the community there. The people won't be intimidated by the cops and they will feel that the community is in a safer place.

    3.I could communicate with the police department of my community. It will help the police department endure in a closer relationship with the community. Eventually the police department will want to come to high schools and middle schools to talk and engage in a relationship with students especially black students in the city. .

  7. What I learned today in class is that people are going to do what they want because of their position of power, because you have authority than others as a cop, plus in this world racism still exist in some ways. Blacks don't get the justice they deserve because we are stereotyped, especially young black males. The best possible outcome of Ferguson is to realize the tension between the people and the law and help build a better relationship with the authority, have more respect for it and don't be so aggressive towards them, because would lead to the situation of mike brown. I could be an agent of change in my own community/city by helping it out more, making it cleaner, safer and reach out to people who I normally wouldn't and let them know, I come with opened arms and a open mind.

  8. What i have learned in class today is the real reason why Darion Wilson was not indited . Also i learned my fellow peers opinion on this case . Also i learned facts some people were saying real good opinions but it is better to have the real facts and the run down of the evidence.
    The best possible outcome for this case is to make peacful portest dont sit around and let things happen like this over and over because it will never get better.
    I can be an agent by speaking up persuading others to speak up, dont sit back and watch it happen.

  9. 1) I learned much more in detail about the Micheal Brown case. I learned that this whole case is pretty much circumstanstial with all of these shady details that are being kept out of the press.

    2)The best outcome for Ferguson is to have a silent gathering for a prayer for Micheal Brown as if saying goodbye to him and to show the family that they tried to show justice for the family.

    3)I can change my community by gathering a crowd in a popular place for citizens and have a dicussion about what we do as American citizens and move on to bigger and better things.

  10. What i learned in class was that with the whole michael brown case was that not much of justice was being given in the right way because the police officer is set free and Browns family still didn't get the justice that they deserve. The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to just remain peaceful and don't cause any harm toward the city and just do non violent protest and do what is right. I could be an agent of change in my community by developing ways for it to be much better and non-violent and have it much safer for children.

  11. 1. I leaned in today's class that not everything turns out as the mass wants it to be. So many people thought the police officer should have went to jail or be committed with a crime, but the grand jury didn't seem to think so.
    2. In Ferguson, they should take all of their anger and change it into something positive. They should create more after school programs to educate young blacks in the community and turn the violence around.
    3. I can be an agent of change by speaking up and not letting things just happen.

  12. 1- I learned that the selected jury have such a huge impact on a case. It's weird how a randomly selected panel could decided so much in a case of this magnitude.
    2- The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to maintain peace whether protesting or not.
    3- I can make sure everything is going well.

  13. 1) what i learned in today's class is that we are the change. we have the power to make a difference in society without violence
    2) The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to get over the incident, move on and try to make a change so this doesn't happen again ever.
    3) I can be an agent of change by speaking out and letting the world know what i believe and what i think could help this nation and what can change this nation.

  14. 1) I learned that many of my classmates are upset with the decision made by the grand jury. I have also learned that there wasn't enough evidence presented to the grand jury to charge Daren Wilson with murder.
    2)I think the best possible outcome is fir Ferguson to just continue protesting PEACEFULLY instead of vandalizing their own town.
    3) I ca be an agent of change in my community by just setting an example for the next generation and just being peaceful.

  15. 1. I learn at how the federal government could improve on the ideal that made this country in which everyone is to be protected fairly. I believe we as people need to come up with a better solution in situations like this.
    2. The best possible outcome of Fergusons is how so many different communities and cities come together to support a greater cause that needs to resolved. I feel this is exactly what we need to become a great nation and come together as a whole.
    3. Spread awareness and spread word about things in the community that can be fixed.

  16. 1. Today I learned that I have to encourage my race and myself to get change for us because racism still exist.]
    2. I believe the people in Ferguson should protest peacefully for some laws to changed and the information of police brutality there should be talked about.
    3.I can be a change in my community by letting everyone know that police brutality exist and they can get through it by fighting for equal rights and more help with the community struggle.

  17. 1) Today I learned in class was that in court they didn't have the accurate story of what happened with Michael Brown and Darrian Wilson. Darrian Wilson didn't know of Michael Brown robbing the store. He stopped Michael Brown and his friends for interrupting traffic. And he says that, he pulled up infront of Michael Brown and his friends they were disrespecting him by cursing at him. Michael Brown tried to reach up to him and grab his gun, he then shot six times the first two missed and the other four hit Michael Brown. Michael Brown layed there died for four hours and no crime scene investigators came to witness what happened and their excuse was that, they didn't have any batteries in to investigate. However pictures were taken of Michael brown at the hospital by investigators.

    2) The best outcome for the protestors of Ferguson is to protest peacefully until justice is served

    3) I can be a change in my community by informing the Unjustice rights of certain race of the community from the police and to make sure people be prepared for future situations as this

  18. 1)I learned that they judged Michael Brown inaccurately because they didn't have any primary source to tell the whole story. They were just going off the evidence that has at the crime scene and what the officer told them. I can't even say that officers story was or wasn't true because I wasn't their to give them accurate story. But most of the time white people think that black people are violent people, which is some times true but most of us aren't like that. Since blacks commit most crimes they would be quick to assume that the officers story was true. Which is wrong to assume because anything could of happen.

    2) Don't let the officers off freely because he still shot a unarmed teen in the HEAD. And also got shot more than once as well.

    3) Spreading the word on this tragic event, and help people be better informed so that something like this won't happen again.

  19. What I learned from today's class is more evidence about the Michael Brown shooting. The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to not cause more violence through protests. I can be an agent of change in my community by setting a good example for the people around.

  20. What I learned from today's class is more in depth material of what cops can and cant due and what they are trained to do. The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to protest peacefully and not in a way that is so destructive and make things worse in there own city. I can be an agent of change by setting a better example and to spread the word about things in the community that have to get better.

  21. 1. Today, I learned in class that this case is not just an issue for Ferguson it is an issue for America. I also learned that the grand jury did not have enough evidence on the police officer Darren Wilson who shot an unarmed teen Michael Brown where he was found not guilty.
    2. The best possible outcome for Ferguson is to regain the respect of citizens and make a difference because we are the ones who create changes within our society. Ferguson, as a community should rebuild for change and do peaceful protests. Thus, Ferguson should not cause any violence within their community.
    3. I can be an agent of change in my own community by continuing to work with people, treat people with respect and lead a positive example by creating change.

  22. 1. What I learned from class today about the Michael Brown case is that they came to the scene four hours later and when they have gotten there they claimed their wasn't any battery's in the camera. So they wasn't able to take picture of the crime scene. What when they gotten to the hospital they somehow found the battery's.

    2. I believe the best possible outcome for Ferguson is to change their police department to have more blacks. Also I believe they should have a nonviolent protest so they can get their point across in a nonviolent way.

    3. I could change the community by trying to the lower the rates of young blacks deaths. Also trying to make more peace and unity in our communities by trying to get the blacks and whites to work together.

  23. The thing that I learned in class today was that many people who have seen the situation in Ferguson had their point of views changed by another agent or factor that causes them to take up certain sides of who may have been right in the situation. Another thing I learned is that many of thoughts displayed were not being nearly thought about on a positive scale as to how everyone can proceed through the problem.

    The best possible outcome for Ferguson is for their people to continue their protest peacefully because the problem will have to be approached again with multiple solutions that satisfy everyone. If there is to be a mending of all the discrimination and problems faced on a regular basis to this reoccurring problem.

    I can be the agent of change in my community by being a leader who shows the bearings of his hard work. Meaning that if I do something good and it helps out my community many others could follow that example to increase our om munitions ten fold.

  24. I learned a lot about the situation. I learned that there wasn't enough information for the jury to charge Darren Wilson. I just feel sick like first treyvon Martin now micheal brown. Killed for no reason. Something need to change and the Daren deserves punishment.
    The best outcome is for fergerson to keep protesting peacefully and positivity.
    What I can do is just be a leader in my community.

  25. What I learned today in class is that you have to have accurate evidence to back up your case. The witnesses from the Michael Brown case evidence wasn't that strong that's one of the reasons they couldn't receive justice. The best possible outcome from Ferguson is they people are making a effort to fight back by protesting. A way that I can be a agent of change in my community is don't be silent when I see something is seriously wrong.

  26. What i learned in today's class is that people have mixed thoughts and feelings regarding the incident. It seems as though you have to have really goo evidence to back up your reasoning for people to believe you. Ithink the best possible outcome is for people to keep protesting untill some justice is done. I can be an agent o change in my community by peacefully protesting with the rest o the protesting citizens in philly.

  27. What i learned is that Micheal Brown is more guilty than people, actually saw him , because , he did attack the officer, but the way he was taken down was wrong. I think the best thing for people to do is voicece there opinion but peacefully.I can be a agent of change by promoting peaceful protest in my community.

  28. 1.) In class during our discussion, I learned that the Brown is the cause of many emotions that are surfing throughout our society. Everyone is faced with feeling some type of way towards what the grand jury decided. I learned many facts about this case, for example Brown blood was found on the police officer gun. So that does mean Brown did try in some way to get his gun but i believe Brown and the cop was both wrong. Yes, this situation could have been prevented if Brown would've just respected the police officer rules but the cop did not have to shoot him so many times.

    2.) I think the best possible outcome for Ferguson is to continue protesting the correct way. There should be no violence because at the end of the day violence is not going to make a difference in what was already decided . It just show anger and ignorance at the same time. Which means more lives lost and more freedom taken away. Peace is alwAys the way to be heard.

    3.) I can be an agent of change for my community by keeping a positive and open mind to many things. I can help be a role model to generations thats coming up so insteAd of coming the same thing over n over, just maybe encouraging them will encourage them to grow peacefully and respectful. Just maybe :)

  29. In Class I Have Learned That Some People Base This Unjust Situation On Race And Some People Base This Situation On Whether The Cop Followed The Rules Of His Cop Duty.

    The Best Possible Outcome For Ferguson Is For Them Just To Move On From This Situation And Grow Stronger As A Community. By Them Tearing Up Their Community Is Just Making Things Worst. Also Just Having A Peaceful Protest That's Fine.

    I Can Be An Agent In My Community By Speaking At Events And Explaining To People How To Do A Peaceful Protest And The Importance Of It.

  30. What I learned about this fregison case is that the cop who killed Mike Brown was proven innocent. This ruling caused people all over the world to riot over the ruling. The ruling was unfair and unjust.

    The best outcome of this whole thing personally is to have a candle light for the love but not forgotten Mike Brown . This won't bring him back but it would give he will be in his family prayers.

    I can change my community by having a little candle light around my area to show the respect that is due. Maybe this will show other African American kids that no matter what, do the right thing.

  31. What I learned in class is that the prosecution does not have enough conclusive evidence to prosecute the cop in question. Also even though he was seen by eye witnesses attacking the cop it can be seen that Michael was in the wrong. I believe the best thing for people to do is to peacefully talk about the problem at hand rather then riot. I can be helpful by staying calm and reviewing the story evidence.

  32. 1. In class, I learned that the officer who killed Michael Brown has been proven innocent. I also learned that there are 2 sides to this incident, one is if this incident dealt with race. The other is if the officer were following the laws. I also heard different point of views from people and how they felt about this incident.
    2. The best possible outcome for Ferguson is that they could've held a peaceful, non-violent protest instead of ruining their town. They could have also held candle lights to honor Michael Brown.
    3. I can be an agent of change in my own community by giving speeches at events for situations like this. I can also encourage future generations on these type of problems so they won't have to experience these horrible incidents and I can let them know that violence is never the answer.

  33. What did you learn from today's class? From today's class, I learned that it is very important for justice to be served and in the right way. I also learned that people will be stereotype for their race and the environment that they come from.Mike Brown's case in my own opinion was not handled the right way due to him being black and a white officer.
    What is the best possible outcome for Ferguson? The best possible outcome is that people are Ferguson protest in a positive way without affecting the others who live in the community. Also they should take this case to the Supreme Court, and continue to fight for the justice of Mike Brown.
    How can you be an agent of change in your own community or city? I can be an agent by advocating safety and public speech. Knowing what to say and when to say it can really save you also body language.

  34. What I learned about the Ferguson case is that justice doesn’t always mean peace. Whatever position you’re defending you can undoubtedly say that Darren Wilson receiving his “justice” caused unrest and disrupt. I also learned that Darren Wilson is lawfully cleared but this doesn’t necessary means he is civilly cleared.
    The best outcome of this thing personally is to stop putting Darren Wilson in a better life. Darren Wilson did a wrong thing but we’re putting him in riches. A prime example is how ABC paid Wilson six figures and he’s also getting other things which is giving him money. We’re suppose to be shaming him not bettering him
    I can be an agent of change by help teaching the youth on how to live in an urban place and how to handle risky situations.

  35. 1. In our class discussion I learned that this Michael brown case has been affecting a lot of people in America there was so much about the Michael brown case I didn't know before. I learned that that the grand jury did not have enough evidence for the on the police officer Darren Wilson that killed Brown in the shooting. How during the shooting the officers blood was on the the gun although brown struggle for the gun, also the police kept shooting brown after he was supposed to stop.

    2. The best possible outcome of the Ferguson is to seriously change the police department and add more blacks to the department because maybe having a black person would mean that the black person should be the one to handle hood situation in the world if he was raised in that time. Also they should have some kind of nonviolent protest in the community before actually about to handle it so they could hear ideas and not protest in a violent way.

    3. I think I can be a agent of change by making right decisions for the world and helping the world any way I can to make my coummunity better.

  36. 1. Today I learned people could be so biase towards African Americans. The Mike brown case was all about racism and the fact that the grand jury let Wilson off was unforgivable. Since then, it created problems in Ferguson, Wilson, and also the grand jury's decision.

    2. The best possible outcome is to let it go and move on, there is nothing to do about it. Doing riots is making it even worse for the city.

    3. I can be a change in my community by participating in any opportunity that my community gives to me. I could create Ideas for my community to better.
