Friday, November 28, 2014

3rd period, 12/1-12/5

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/5

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (
    Article Title: Young Voters Aren’t a Sure Thing for Democrats

    Article Date: 6:37 am ET Nov 28, 2014
    Who: Young voters for Democrats
    Where: In the United States
    When: After the Midelections
    What happened: In surveying the youths that aged from 18 through 34 years that did not vote during the midterm elections that were held in 2014, it was found that they would have voted for democrats by a 19 percentage of difference. In listening to this fact the youths had not known that an election was in place and outraged many of the democratic political leaders that needed the votes. This year’s numbers among those that did vote have shown to go down even more with young voters with each passing year.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows how many people were unaware of the fact that they had to vote in order to help the democratic party come up in numbers.
    Reaction (I feel as though it’s not too surprising because most young adults try not to bother themselves with voting because they think it’s a burden, but if they don’t participate it’s only going to make things worse for those that do agree with the democrats and did not vote.)
    Opinion (I think that since there were more youths that did not vote they did not want to get caught up in the election, but they only harmed themselves because new laws are going to have to be passed and since the democratic numbers have dwindled down the laws that are needed won’t get through so easily.)
    Connection (I chose this article because it is just interesting to see how the U.S. citizens support themselves by supporting others, and then they wine about how things may not have gone right when they are a part of the problem in the first place. The first step to fixing a problem is you and then it’s getting everyone around you on board. That is the message I believe the article is trying to portray. )

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Charles Barkley says Ferguson grand jury got it right; looters 'scumbags'
    Article Date: December 1, 2014
    Who: NBA player Charles Barkley
    Where: Fox News
    When: Monday, December 1, 2014

    What happened: This article is mainly about how Charles Barkley NBA player speaks his mind and he is not fretful about getting his voice/ point across. Charles Barkley lost fans but gained more after speaking with the grand jury about declining to indict Ferguson. He also says that it is not the right thing to do for people to be burning down people's businesses and police cars. They should be reacting to this decision in a better way.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is being discussed/ talked about all over the news, internet and everywhere due to the announcement being made that the Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson who shot an unarmed African American teenager Michael Brown was found NOT guilty.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is disappointing and upset because this should've not happened. I feel as though that officer could have handled it in a better way by not shooting Michael Brown so many times after he shot him once that should've been it or he should've not shot him at all.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the police officer Darren Wilson should've DID some time because he still committed a murder.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article, because we discussed it in class and I felt that it was very important to include in today's event.

    1. This is an extremely important task and I'm glad celebrities are also taking a positive stand on this.

  3. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Grand Jury Declines to Indict NYPD officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Death
    Article Date: December 3, 2014
    Who: Eric Garner
    Where: New York City
    When: July 17, 2014
    What happened: A grand jury in New York city has cleared A New York cop in any wrong doing involving the death of Eric Garner. Jurors said that there wasn't no probable cause when the policeman put Eric Garner in a chokehold in order to arrest him. Eric Garner was videotaped when he told cops that he couldn't breathe. Eric Garner died at a nearby hospital. The medical examiner said his death was a homicide but the choke hold was only one part of his death. There were 14 whites and 9 non whites on the Jury.
    Why this event is relevant: Eric Garner was stopped by police because they suspect him of selling loose cigarettes illegally. The videotape Eric Garner being put vin a chokehold by the cop. The police officer said he didn't mean any harm.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is that police are trained to protect themselves and people around them. There are other ways to arrest a unarmed person instead of placing them in a chokehold.
    Opinion (I think..) In my opinion, I believe that the chokehold was too extreme and when Eric Garner told the police he couldn't breathe the cop should have let go Mr. Garner. The police officer should have been guilty on all charges.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because some police officers should be held responsible for their actions. No one should die for selling loose cigarettes.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Obama: 'Too many Americans feel deep unfairness'
    Article Date: Thu December 4, 2014
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: Thu December 4, 2014
    What happened: Surrounding the events in Ferguson, another black man has been killed and the blood was on the hands of another white officer. On Thursday, President Obama has addressed these situations by saying that "too many Americans feel deep unfairness" with respect to the criminal justice system. More protests have risen after a father of six has been killed by an officer. The president called the mayor of New York to praise him about the way they have handled the protests in a positive and non-violent way. He pledged to find more solutions to end the law enforcement problems in the nation in upcoming months.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to some discussions we've had in class about the indictments of the officers.
    Reaction I was glad that people realized how they should handle situations like this without hurting the community.
    Opinion I think that this is the most positive article about the law enforcement situations, it's definitely going to spark a positive solution.
    Connection I chose this article because it's interesting and related to class discussions.

    1. These recent events are so different than other cases in the recent past, like Trayvon Martin. It seems people are finally taking ownership and acknowledging the problems within our society in an effective way.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Car bomb attacks kill 37 people in Iraq
    Who: Iraq people
    Where: Iraq
    When: Dec 04, 2014
    What happened: Car bomb attacks in Iraq killed 37 people on Thursday. The attackers targeted Shiite districts in the capital, Baghdad
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because innocent people are dying from these attacks
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel sad for the family of the wounded and killed Iraqi people.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the Government of Iraq need to come up with more solutions to stop violence in their country.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because the crime rate in Iraq is increasing every year.

    1. This post does not meet the length or topic (government) requirements.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: House votes to block Obama's immigration actions
    Article Date: December 4,2014
    Who: Barack Obama
    Where: The white house
    When: Today
    What happened: President Obama recently has just took actions to protect the millions of immigrants in the united states from immigration. However, the "house" has disagreed with president obamas actions and have created a bill o their on that counters obamas actions. It is called the Yoho bill. The white house has veto the bill but more than likely the Yoho bill will go into effect.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this determines whether or not immigrants from other countries will have to be deported.
    Reaction: Im upset that The House is trying to counter Obamas plan to protect immigrants. They more than likely moved here for a better life and they're just trying to kick them to the curb.
    Opinion: I think immigrants should be treated just like american citizens
    Connection: I chose this article because It caught my eye when i saw the title and i just had to read it.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Hillary Clinton It's really, really hard to be president
    Article Date: December 4, 2014
    Who: Hillary Clinton
    Where: A conference in Boston
    When: Thursday December 4, 2014
    What happened: Hilary Clinton spoke at a conference in Boston about the upcoming presidential race. Many people have been wanting to know if she will run for president for the second time. Hilary's response was that she is unsure because being president is stressful. She then went on to explain how being president effected her husband and gave an example. She says that due to technology connecting us many people from all over will want opinions on things almost right away and sometimes you don't have all the time you need to think it over which causes stress. She says she is thinking of running as long as she has the right people by her side to keep her level headed and light.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it shows how candidates feel about being president. This side of the story is never really brought up. As the public we think we understand how hard it is being president but do we really know? President Obama is pretty good at stay cool calm and collective and we never see him "stressing" but who knows what happens behind closed doors. Hillary is giving insight to exactly that.
    Reaction: I'm happy that Hillary is being honest and relaying her opinion about being president. She may become our first female president ever so for her to come right out and say she doesn't know if she wants to be president because it's too much stress make her more relatable. We all get stressed on a day to day basis so seeing someone who could possibly become president talk about it is almost a relief.
    Opinion: I think because Hillary was in the White House with her husband she got to see first hand how thing effected him, her and just their household all together. I think if she were to become president just from reading this article she would be very real with whatever she did. I feel like she would talk to everyday people and try to figure things out from a different person. I just think she would be a really down to earth president but still be able to hold her own.
    Connection: When Hillary went on to say how some of her friends started treating her differently and not just the ordinary person she was because her husband was president it made me think about how people go through that everyday. You might start a new hobby or job and your "friends" start to look at you differently because if it. This is another thing that make her relatable and fell genuine. All in all I think what Hillary talked about in this article wasn't anything other then the truth.

  8. Include:

    Article Title: Eric garner deserves justice
    Article Date: December 3,2014
    Who: Eric garner
    Where: New York
    When: earlier this week
    What happened: police officers accused garner for selling untaxed cigarettes. Garner and officers got into an argument then multiple police tackled him and choked eric garner to death. Meanwhile garner is yelling "I can't breathe" police continued to choke him.
    Why this event is relevant: this is very relevant because this the 3rd time something like this happen and no justice has happen.
    Reaction: I feel sad for the garner family and believe they deserves justice. Like why do police continue to kill people for no reason!!!! Like the man could've handle this in a different way instead of choking him. The man is yelling I can't breathe and you continue to choke him? Seriously this has to stop. I hate the grand jury sorry to say it but I do they never handle it the right way! Still this man is walking on the street.
    Opinion: the police man should be put in jail no ifs or buts about it
    Connection: I chose this article because I wanted to read more about it.

  9. Include:

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is 'Woman Held in Abu Dhabi Killing of American Teacher Ibolya Ryan
    Article Date: 11 hours ago
    Who: Ibolya Ryan, middle aged woman
    Where:Boutilk Mall
    When: Monday afternoon
    What happened: A Middle Ages , middle eastern woman whom name has not been released yet has stabbed a kindergarten teacher and mother of three Ibolya, in a bathroom stall in Boutilk Mall. This middle age woman also aimed at an doctor when she planned a crude bomb in his home. She wanted to create chaos, she planned to kill these people based off of their nationally. The police still do not know who she is because she was garb head to toe in all black.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because the middle eastern people and Americans are not friendly right now. With ISIS and everything else many eastern people are upset with the people of the same nationally of them being inside of the United States .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) my attitude towards this is that it's crazy that people will go as far as killing somebody because they do not agree with the same choices. I think that people should think their decision over wisely because not only are they hurting themselves they're hurting other families.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the United States need to get this together with the whole situation and the middle eastern people because this is causing chaos to our people.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it's important that we get this under control.

    1. Wow. I had not heard about this. So much violence around the world is disheartening.

  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:So What CAN'T a President Do by Executive Action?
    Article Date:Nov 21, 2014
    Who: President Obama
    Where:Washington D.C
    When:Nov 21, 2014
    What happened political parties are arguing whether President Barack Obama should have the authority to grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants to the U.S. It has been said thatThe presidential power has increased over the past few decades ever since President Harry Truman had nationalized the U.S. steel industry during the Korean War.
    Why this event is relevant: they are deciding what the president can and cannot do by executive action. Many presidents face a lot more restrictions on their powers on U.S. soil that is much compared to what they can do overseas and which leads they are only avaible to do so much.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as tho the preisdent should have some rights to do certain things such as helping immagrants or so but, not having to much power.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the president should have some type of avaibility to do some things in order to help others and the citizens of the U.S
    Connection (why you chose this article) Found this to be interesting and had came across it.

    1. Great article choice given that we are just getting into the powers of the president with this chapter.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:Was a New York police officer's chokehold on Eric Garner necessary?
    Article Date:December 4th,2014
    Who:New York police officer
    Where: In New York.
    When: In July.
    What happened: A BLACK male was chocked to death by a NYPD officer. He said he couldn't breath 8 time and was still killed. His killer is a free man he did no time in jail.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has happened too many times and we need justice.
    Reaction. This is outrageous there have been too many accounts of event happening like this and as a black female with a black male brother I am hurt. Because I would be devastated if it was my brother or cousin.
    Opinion: I think that as a black community we need to change and come together to get justice for these individuals that are not here anymore.
    Connection: I chose to read this because I have been hearing about it and I'm fed up with this. It just keep happening over and over again and we never see justice.

    1. This event happened before the Mike Brown case. Did you wonder about why the media had not covered this event as much as or more than the Mike Brown case?

  12. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Obama: ‘ Too many Americans feel deep unfairness’
    Article Date: December 4, 2014
    Who: President Obama, The grand jury,
    Where: Washington, DC
    When: I guess yesterday
    What happened: President Obama is talking about how two black men was killed by the hands of white policemen. The Grand jury decision said not to indict the police officer who killed Eric Garner a father of six and on top of that the death of the black teen was similar to the death of Eric Graner death because both was killed by white policemen. Obama had address the situation by stating that “too many americans feel deep unfairness to the justice system”. Obama had called the mayor of New York to asked if he can handle the protests that have in a non-violent way he can.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reactions is similar to the discussions we had in class I didn’t like the deaths of black people of by white policemen and not be charged for it
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the world needs more people to protests about these kinds of things
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I’m against these kinds of violent in the world.

    1. This post does not provide the source (web address).

  13. Source:

    Article Title: More Jobs and Higher Wages: U.S. Recovery Starts to Hit Home

    Article Date: December 5, 2014

    Who: Citizens of the U.S,
    Jobs and wages increasing.

    Where: America

    When: 12-5-14

    What happened: People in the United States are getting new jobs and the U.S economy is growing to a new level. Wages of jobs are increasing meaning more money in people pockets. That can help better the life of a lot of people in America. Overall the article talks about out economy now and how it will look in future as time come.

    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it has something to do with our economy which is super important to know about. Also it shows sign to a better future for our economy.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this article was super happy. Now I can get looking for jobs with good pay because the economy is getting better.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that its great for wages of jobs to increase because that means more money for the U.S. Citizens. More money and jobs for people can help change a lot of this like homelessness. Everybody can now get jobs and help support their family.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it had something to do with economy. Jobs and wages are increasing. This is a sign that our economy is on the rise for the better.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: Teachers with Guns

    Article Date: 11/24/14

    Who: Teachers in Texas

    Where: Texas

    When: 11/24/14

    What happened: Basically,Texas is allowing teachers to carry a gun for the safety of their children. They say due to the numerous shootings that have been going on in schools it would be more safer for teachers to have guns to protect their kids. A lot of people do not agree nor support this decision Texas has decided, but few support it.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this could influence other states to do the same and allow teachers to carry a handgun to “protect their students”.

    Reaction: I was shocked reading this article because never in a million years would I think people would put let guns be near children.

    Opinion: In my opinion in see this in a good and bad way. The good way of this would be their reason, to protect kids. However, in the same sense, what if the teacher left their drawer unlocked.. The kid could go into their drawer and take the gun and accidentally kill themselves or others.

    Connection: I could make a connection to this because if Pennsylvania were to allow teachers to carry guns, our environment would be completely changed. Also, there would possibly be a lot more gun-violence incidents.


  16. Source:
    Article Title: Obama officials mum on reports White House weighing sanctions on Israel
    Article Date: December 5,2014
    Who: the article is about
    Obama officials mum on reports White House weighing sanctions on Israel
    Where: this event was taken place in Washington
    When: December 5,2014
    What happened:reports are saying that early Thursday claiming that the White House is thinking about imposing sanctions on Israel for the continue of construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because of the possibility of sanctioning Israel for its ongoing construction sends a signal that the Obama administration is able to go deeper in its denunciations of Israel then any previous White House.

    Reaction: the reaction of this event is undetermined yet because Obama had hadn't gone further into this situation yet.
    Opinion: I think that this even will solve a couple problems between Israel and America
    Connection:I chose this article because it has something to do with government

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement of 10 complete sentences.

  17. Source: Entire website address)
    Article Title:Hazmat team is at quarantined Dallas apartment where Ebola patient stayed

    Article Date:1:38 PM EDT, Fri October 3, 2014

    Who: Ebola Patient, Hazmat Team and people who possibly came in contact with the person

    When: September 20,2014 when he landed in Dallas and was feeling sick and September 26,2014 is when he went to the hospital with a headache or fever.
    What Happened: Thomas Eric Duncan was in Liberia. When he arrived back to the U.S. from Libera, he was feeling extremely sick. Six days after he touched down he went to the hospital which was on September 26, 2014. The hospital claims to have sent him accidentally and gave him only medicine, not knowing how serious his illness was. Two days after he was sent home. he happened to come back in an ambulance, and was sent to confinement. Duncan possibly came in to conact with four other people, around his apartment where the apartment was shut down.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relelavant because Ebola is a deadly virus that is easily spread through blood,vomit or feces. This could kill many people.
    Reaction: I think that this is crazy because this could eventually spread all across the nation and kill thousands of people.
    Opinion: I think that they should cancel all flights that are coming from the countries in africa where Ebola started untill the find a stable cure or untill they stop it. It would stop anyone in the U.S. from catching it and stopping the spread of it.
    Connection: I don't think that I can relate to this situation because I never had anything similar to this, or have had a virus like this.

  18. source:
    Article Title:#CrimingWhileWhite, #ICantBreathe dominate Twitter talk in Eric Garner case
    article date: 10:26 AM EST, Thu December 4, 2014
    Who:By Wilfred Chan, CNN
    where:New York
    when: December 5, 2014
    what happened: The citizens of New York protest in the city because they feel that whites killing whites receive justice, while whites killing blacks is ignored. they are mad, because no matter what color or race you are, if you are wrong, you should be punished for it. also the fact that cops are getting away with countless amount of murders and acts of crime is not fair.
    Why this is relevant: this is relevant, because this is what our world looks like today, and it is very scary and dangerous.
    reaction: I am scared, because this is happening to my race, and the cops are getting away with killing innocent people.
    Opinion: I think cops need to be trained better and learn when they are using too much force in order to control a situation. this is becoming too big, and justice is not being served.
    connection: Mike brown and Trayvon Martin, they were killed with out justice being served to the cops who did it.

  19. Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal Thursday, September 4, 2014- Vol. CCLXIV No. 55
    Article Title: The title of my article is Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads.
    Article Date: This article was written on Sept. 4, 2014
    Who: This topic has come up between Sen. Mark Udall and Rep. Cory Gardner.
    Where: This article takes place in Colorado.
    When: This article has no exact date, but I believe it is a recent event because this article was in a paper.
    What happened: This article is about the debates going back and forth about birth control pills being sold over the counter. Men were in the lead by 17 points, in a poll taken, when it was asked which party they rather have hadto pick leaders for congress. Different a states are now trying to show adds for over the counter sales to win from ladies votes. This whole article is about the differences from men and women. Women's pay being less than men's pay was also discussed in the article.
    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because a how can a man be paid more if they are doing the same work That's Not Fair.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think that they should sell birth control over the counter so everyone have access to it . I Think It's Weird That People Get Paid More Than Another for doing the same work.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I Am A Women And I think I should be paid the same amount as men.

    1. This is not an original post. This post was submitted and earned credit on 9/16/14:
      bryanna maxwell-greer September 16, 2014 at 11:30 AM
      Source: (entire website address) The Wall Street Journal Thursday, September 4, 2014
      Article Title: The title of my article is Republicans Woo Women in Midterm Ads.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: The title is House votes to block Obama's immigration actions.
    Article Date: This article was written on Dec 4, 2014.
    Who: This event envolves President Obama.
    Where: This takes place in the D.C White House.
    When: This event takes place on Dec 4, 2014.
    What happened: President Obama to charge to help and protect the immigrants in the u.s from immigrant ion. The White House disagreed with Obama actions. Called the Yoho bill. The White House has now veto the bill.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because with go immigrants they will be deported and ship back to there country
    Reaction: I'm upset that the White House don't not want to help the immigrants and let them be free and live were they want to live.
    Opinion: I think everyone should live where they want with no problem and be free.
    Connection: I choose this because I have friends that now from philly and there grandparents are immigrants.

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Senate torture report restarts debate on Bush terrorism policies
    Article Date:Fri December 5, 2014
    Who: This event involved Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the U.S government.
    Where: This happened in the U.S. senate
    When: This happened on Fri December 5, 2014
    What happened: In this article it talks about how the senate is planning to release a detailed review of American interrogation techniques. This is because of the tourcure reports of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2001 by the FBI. This report will help tackle the idea that tource actually uncovers Intel. also stated republicans have pulled their support.
    Why this event is relevant: This can cause some problems with federal governments
    Reaction: I have no reaction.
    Connection: I have no connection.
