Sunday, November 16, 2014

Extra Credit Blog for 11/17-11/21

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/21

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: 'Cake Boss' star arrested on DWI charge in New York, police say

    Article Date: Thu November 13, 2014

    Who: Bartolo "Buddy" Valastro vs Police


    When: Thu November 13, 2014

    What happened: Bartolo "Buddy" Valastro, star of the reality show "Cake Boss," was arrested in Manhattan on Thursday for driving while impaired, according to New York Police. Valastro was pulled over around 1am for swerving through lanes between 20th and 32nd streets and just being reckless in general. Valastro breath smelled of alcohol and his eyes were bloodshot red red it was clear that he was drunk. Valastro was so drunk that he failed an simple field sobriety test. Valastro was charged with driving while drunk and driving with impaired ability. The problem is this isn't the first time Valastro has had problem with public safety, authorities said that Valastro on July, Valastro had a different type of experience with public safety authorities when his 32-foot Boston Whaler got lost in heavy fog in New York Harbor. They needed Both fire and police harbor units to rescue his boat and tow it to Jersey City. They could have crashed into other people and ships.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because because of these incidents one should see or conclude that Bartolo Valastro has a drinking problem and he's ruining his life and something should be done before he hurt himself or another.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): While reading this article I was shocked. I was shocked because I don't understand why people who are living great financially makes stupid decisions. I was shocked when they said he his boat got lost and their was nine children on that boat, he could've killed somebody's child and himself if they didn't get help in time.

    Opinion (I think..) I think he need to probably put himself in rehab to help because it is clear that he has an huge drinking problem.

    Connection (why you chose this article) : I chose this article cause Buddy makes cakes. lol i would never think he would go around and become so drunk that they can't walk. Yes, everybody has their days but from the article this had happened one time before which lets you know there's a problem and it needs to be fixed.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The name of this article is Manhunt ends with suspect placed in slain trooper's handcuffs.
    Article Date: This article was published on October 31, 2014.
    Who: This article is about Eric Frein and two Pennsylvania troopers.
    Where: This article takes place in Pennsylvania.
    When: Eric Frein was captured yesterday. Thursday, October 30, 2014.
    What happened: Eric Frein was being searched for several weeks after being suspected about killing one Pennsylvania trooper. Also he wounded another sometime in September. Frein may be given the death penalty. Frein was one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives. Frein was charged with several different charges.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with the state troopers, who are apart of the government. Also this story may have been a big story on the news yesterday and today.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was surprised at how long it took to find him. I understand that things may take time but I don’t believe that there was no way he was not seen by anybody. Frein had to have some type of trying or had been planning this because all of the rifles and kits, belonging to Frein, that were found.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that Frein should be given all charges that he is receiving and should be sentenced to the death penalty. You cannot kill someone and expect to walk the streets safely.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I just heard my grandmother talking about it and it was an article relating with the government.

  3. Source:

    Title: US

    Article Date: Tuesday November 13,2014

    By. Evan Perez, Pam Brown, and Ralph Ellis

    Who: ISIS networking skills are improving recruiting from larger countries.

    When: This event happened on November 13,2014

    Where : The incident was reported to take place in the United States.

    What happened : The extremist terrorist group ISIS is rapidly expanding. They are using their networking skills to gain more recruits even in the United States. Due to ISIS networking skills this force the US to go to the extreme on stopping the spread . However these tactics are only trying to stop teens of joining the terrorist group. Not only the US are trying to stop this but American allies are too. They use recruitment videos that can be found on the web. These videos are what intrigued the three Colorado girls. Thanks to US allies Germany stop them in their tracks. As a result US is trying to find a method of techniques to stop this .

    Why it's Relevant: This is relevant because it is showing how everything in the world is connected. Think about it this all started in Syria. Now god forbid but it's spreading worldwide. Also because of ISIS it's bringing our allies closer but on the negative side we don't know who's really our enemies. Because of social media ISIS is spreading and if we can stop this movement we can stop any future attacks on US soil. Also it is sad that somebody would even behead a person how sadistic do you have to be. ISIS members are very intelligent that they networking on the internet to find hopefuls. It's very simple that you can go on to get recruited. However US counterterrorism group found a way to monitor ISIS social media skills in an act to stop them. Also how US tries to stop them. This is an ongoing process and are looking for any other movement to suppress recruitments.

    Reaction: When I read this article it made me sick that people are living inside countries plotting to hurt their own citizens. Its just stupid. Also that a group of people our plotting against U.S. but live in our country. You also can't trust anyone and it's sad . It's sad that because we have the technology doesn't mean we're one step ahead of them. How are we supposed to suppress this with ISIS one step ahead of us? Can we ever stop them? Will we stop them?

    Opinion: I think it's revenge for what the US did to their leader Osama Bin Laden. I also believe that their may be another attack sadly because ISIS is expanding. We should also be one step ahead of ISIS to stop any future terrorist attacks.

    Connection: I chose this topic because this is the main issues that be on the news and can possibly happen on our soil.

  4. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of this article is “Tribe says Keystone approval would be ‘act of war’.”

    Article Date: This article was published on November 18th, 2014.

    Who: A Native American tribe, Congress and President Obama is involved.

    Where: This is happening in the House of Senate.

    When: This happened on Friday.

    What happened: A Native American tribe from South Dakota warns that approving the Keystone oil pipeline would be an act of war. This came from a Rosebud Sioux tribe and was posted online after Friday’s House vote on this pipeline. They are conserved that this pipeline route would cross over into tribal lands. President Obama wants to review this route before he lets anything happen. He would have to think on whether or not he should use his power and veto this bill if it is passed, but they will bring this up again in the new Congress next year.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to deal with the House of Senate, and how Obama could overrule their vote, which we learn in Civics.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like the Native Americans are right. This is just like how the Pilgrims came in and took over their land, and they do not want it to happen again.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that they should take the Native Americans view into perspective before passing this.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I found it very interesting.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Clock Counts Down On Immigration Action Wait
    Article Date: November 19, 2014
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Myanmar
    When: Last Friday
    What happened: President Obama held a meeting in Myanmar discussing the topic of immigration. He stated that we would act on an immigration reform before year's end. Obama stated that the immigration system in the U.S. is broken, as that is completely true. He wants to make sure that immigrants treated fairly but also abide by the laws and paying taxes.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because immigration was always a huge part of the United States. However, illegal immigration has unfortunately been a huge problem. Also, immigration also leads to stereotypes and racism issues. In the end, Obama is doing all he can in an attempt to get everything involving immigration sorted out.
    Reaction: I have no doubt in my mind that President Obama will do anything he needs to in order to make sure an immigration reform is made. I am thoroughly impressed. This issue just adds to President's Obama resume as president. He has shown nothing but resiliency and persistence. If this immigration reform is a success, this may go down as a historic achievement.
    Opinion: I am impressed with Obama's plan and his handling of the immigration issue. He is just building on his already good resume.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title stood out to me. My parents are immigrants and I was intrigued to read this article. The way Obama is planning to handle this is nice.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama to Announce Major Immigration Executive Action Thursday.
    Article Date: The date of the article is November.19, 2014.
    Who: President Obama is involved in the article.
    Where: This was announced at the White House.
    When: This happened on November.19, 2014.
    What happened: President Obama invited lawmakers to the White House for dinner to explain his immigration decision. Democrats went to the Senates to defend Obama’s action. They thought they could avoid it by passing immigration reform by themselves. President Obama will address the U.S to explain the executive decisions. Obama has been defending the executive authority against immigration.
    Relevance: This is relevant because it is happening today. Immigration is also an important topic in the U.S. Lawmakers were at the White House to listen to Obama’s explanation on why he was defending it. Obama is showing that he is interested. There was a lot of relevance in this article.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article was good. I think President Obama is doing the right thing. He is concerned about immigration. People try to immigrate in the U.S. illegally which is a criminal act. Obamas is showing that he cares about this topic.
    Opinion: My opinion on this article is I think Obama is doing the right thing. Illegal immigration must be stopped. The government is trying to put an end to it. I think this is a good way to solve this problem. Lawmakers are doing everything they can to stop this.
    Connection: I made a big connection to this article. As I was reading I was engaged with the article the whole time. The article explains to me why Obama was defending the executive authority against. Also he shows that he is involved in trying to make the U.S. a better country. After I read this article it opened my mind up to things I never knew about.

  7. Source: The source for this article is
    Article Title:The article title is Obama to unveil immigration plans Thursday.
    Article Date:The date of the article is Nov, 19 2014
    Who:This article deals with President Obama and aliens in the United States.
    Where:This will happen in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    When:This will happen on Thursday November 20, 2014
    What happened:President Obama is getting ready to promote his immigration plans on Thursday.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because it deals with foreigners in our country. It lets us know how they will be dealt with. It lets us the citizens know what the president plans and how he will persuade congress.
    Reaction: President Obama never really told us his views on this topic. Why not? Is it not important? Or was it not an immediate problem?
    Opinion I think President Obama should have been spoke about this topic. This topic is touched on a lot but never particularly by our president.
    Connection I choose this article because one of my old friends was an illegal immigrant. He got sent back to Mexico. He said the conditions were poor in his city and it was harder to get over the border legally than illegally. However he was born here but his mom was illegal. So they both had to go back. I find that unfair because if someone can birth a child here they should be able to live here legal or not.

  8. Source: (
    Article Title: Obama Turns to Facebook to Announce Big News

    Article Date: 4:06 pm ET
    Nov 19, 2014
    Who: Barack Obama
    Where: White House
    When: On Wednesday
    What happened: Barack Obama has taken to the social media of the masses known as Facebook to avoid the hounding of the press through traditional media. With this Secretary John Earnest from the White House approves this because millions of people have been reached and briefed about upcoming events such as the scheduled prime time event for Thursday 8 p.m. that will discuss Barack’s Immigration plan. Also many others wonder if taking the untraditional route and going straight to a social media site like Face book was a wise choice, while those like John Earnest and others ashore them it was and is safe due to many other transactions over the site has taken place.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the immigration plan needs to be talked about because it may affect many people in certain ways based on the verdict, as well as if Barack being on Facebook was a smart thing to do because even though there are many people on Facebook it is still not one hundred percent safe for regular people let alone the leader of our country.
    Reaction (I am not so shocked that he used Facebook, I would just think that it would not be the best option because safety is everything and there are still things that could happen that may cause a commotion.)
    Opinion (I think it was a smart move to go on Facebook to run the immigration plan straight passed the judging media and to the people, but at the same time many compromises are on Facebook that are not always known.)
    Connection (I myself possess a Facebook page only because my friend moved from Philadelphia, but still id rather meet people the traditional way because some things online are just out of control and I do not need to be a part of it.)

  9. Source:
    Article Title:
    Israel to demolish homes of synagogue attackers
    Article Date
    : November 20, 2014

    Who:Israeli Police and Palestinian attackers

    Where:This happened in east Jerusalem.
    When:This happened sometime this week but numerous attacks against Israelis.
    What happened: Two men from Jerusalem walked into a synagogue and killed four rabbis and a Arab policemen. They used meat cleavers and guns to kill these five men. There has been an uprising of attacks and violence over an ongoing conflict because of Jerusalem's most Holy site known as two different things between Muslims and Jews. They has been some rumors of fear that Israel won't let Jews worship there since they took over the area after the Mideast War of 1967.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This is relevant because this has been on of the most deadliest attacks since 2008. I think this is relevant because what if this sparks tensions between everyone all over because of the two popular religions debating.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    I'm saddened that these five men were killed especially while practicing and doing there worship which is supposed to be peaceful.
    Opinion (I think..)
    I think that there should be separate days or time when people can worship peacefully without fully being in harm. This is something that I believe won't actually happen because they believe that their person of worship rightfully gave them that site.
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I choose this article because I was deeply affected emotionally when I heard these men were killed in a synagogue while they were in their place of worship.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Missouri gun sales spike in runup to Brown shooting grand jury decision
    Article Date: November 20, 2014
    Who: Jon Swaine
    Where: St Louis
    When: This past month
    What happened: Residents in Ferguson are purchasing shotguns, at an abnormal rate and they are buying them, because they are scared of the fights breaking out in the streets which all started from the innocent killing of Mike Brown. Citizens are going to local gun shops, and making purchases out of fright. Gun sales have increased fifty percent, and have sold more this month than they did in the past year all together.
    Why this is relevant: This is relevant, because due to all the innocent killing going on in the world, citizen are now scared to step out their home without feeling safe. They are now turning to guns for protection. this can lead to more innocent killings, and more crime in the city of Ferguson.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that the people should not just turn to guns but for something else. I believe that something else czan be done, and it dosen't have to go this far.
    Opinion: I think this is very sad that the people don't feel safe, and that Mike Brown is now dead, and this is result of his killing in his home town.
    connection: I chose this, because i feel as though when people are scared. they tend to go with their first instinct, but this may not always be best. buying guns may not always help, but they can hurt and kill too.

  11. Source:
    Article Title :Michael Brown: Missouri governor activates National Guard
    Article Date:17 November 2014
    Who:Michael Brown,Missouri governor National Guard
    When: November 2014
    What happened: A group of judges is debating on either to send Officer Darren Wilson to jail for the killing of young Michael Brown who was on in 18 on August 18,but the jury did not come up with a specific date when they will come together to deliberate,St Louis County I'd expecting the judges to make a decision in the middle of November probably.Michael Brown was innocent teenager that was shot and kill many people said he had his hands up in a surrender position the officer still shot at him and killed him,because this incident this set off many protest in Missouri the protest was about how law enforcement was carrying heavy weapons and killing innocent someone says you can turn off the tv and not watch but it's real life but its real life.
    Opinion : he should be charged with murder and should be fired from his line of ditty and not remember
    Connection: to today in life where innocent blacks are killed.

  12. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Grand jury decision on Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson could come Friday.
    Article Date: This article was published Thu November 20, 2014.
    Who:This article involved Officer Darren Wilson , Michael Brown protest group.
    Where: This event took place in Ferguson, Missouri .
    When: This event is going on as we speak.
    What happened: The Grand jury is basically still trying to get to the bottom of this Michael Brown case. Far as with Michael brown being unarmed and being killed for no reason. Racial tension is being experienced right not just for that simple reason. So supporters of the Michael Brown case are just trying to recieve justice for everything that happened because it's only right.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because these are issues are happening today, and a lot of African Americans are really fight for justice to be served.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) When I heard about this event I just was hoping that Michael Brown's case recieved justice.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that everyone should just really acknowledge the situation and think if it was someone related to them how they would feel.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this case has been around for a minute and I wanted to see if they made any progress.

  13. Article source-

    Article Date- this article was released November 18th 2014.

    Who- president Obama and immigrants.

    Where? The united states.

    When? November 18th .
    Why is this relavent? -,this article is relavent because criminals basically are illegally deporting the us border . people are say I that the us border system is broken now .

    What? President Obama announced that the biggest overhaul immigration system in years.

    Reaction- my reaction to this article is that if the immigrants have second hand jobs how are they paying taxes?, if they're then that means things such as medicare is.being lacked .

    Opinion- my.opinion on thus article is that these immigrants should try to get a job so they won't have to face problems when crossing the border and a passport.

    Connection- I connected this article from a previous article I read and they both explained how immigrant's tried to cross the border.I connected this article because children both tried to cross the border are being caught and are being held in detention centers for that. President Obama is Calling this a crisis and is trying to help promote naturalization for illegal immigration at the south west america border. They're crossing it and getting away security must be lacking and a few it other areas because they should not get to a point where that is the case.

  14. Source: (entire website address) Philly. com/news/? page/ id = 283348001
    Article Title: Cost_ Of Living Raises Boost top officials' Pay
    Article Date: November 20, 2014
    Who: Peter Jackson
    Where: Harris burg, PA
    When: January 1, 2015
    What happened: On January 1, 2015 state government officials are going to be rewarded a 1.6 percent cost- of - living increase in their paycheck top officials will earned more then 3,000 dollars extra in their earnings. Governor Corbett salary will go up to 191,000 dollars the state says it will counter the inflation rate. In 2011, some of the official returned their raises back in a order of good faith
    Why this event is relevant: This is important because it shows that the cost of living is going up and it may get a raise in the future.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) When I first read this article I was surprised that the governor is also getting a raise.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that if they get a raise every working person should also get the same 1.6 percent increase. The rich shouldn't just get richer.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because the schools need money but the top government officials is not giving schools enough money to stay open.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:Michael Brown's father calls for calm

    Article Date: November 20,2014

    Who: Michael Brown father

    Where:Ferguson, Missouri

    When: November 20,2014

    What happened: His father wants everyone to be calm doing the decision from the grand jury. The jury wants to find out if they should charge Darren Wilson who shot and killed Michael Brown. After Michael Brown the streets became more dangerous. They arrested 5 people for not moving when they protested in front of the police station. The streets of Ferguson were shut down when people started lying in the roadways.

    Why this event is relevant: The Brown family should be able to get justice on the shooting of their son. Since he was innocent and gotten shot because of racial profile.

    Reaction: Happy, that The Brown family will finally find out if they will be seeking justices from the grand jury on Friday on the death of their son.

    Opinion: I think officer Darren Wilson should be charged with 1st degree murder. Also, he should be put in jail for life.

    Connection: I chose this article because I'm interesting in what's going on in Ferguson about the death of Michael Brown and when the officer will be convicted of this murder.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: US Government Spying On Citizens: Rise In Undercover Ops A ‘Danger To Democracy’
    Who: Undercover federal agents and U.S. citizens
    Where: This takes place across the entire US
    When: This article was published November 17, 2014
    What happened: The US government has been undoubtedly spying on citizens for quite a long time but this raise a concern for civil liberties. Government agencies use undercovering spying for a way to stop crimes but this is technically unlawful. One way they use agents is by making the agents dress up as everyday citizens and go into a crowd of protesters to obtain information on criminal activity. This is unlawful because an official has no right to infiltrate a protest if they aren’t acting unruly. This is dangerous to civilian rights and to democracy. These agents disguise themselves as anything to get info, from a homeless person to a doctor. Sometimes they even use real data from real people or even enlisting the help of minors.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this talks about the government and how they obtain information through people and also how they encroach on rights.
    Reaction: I feel like this is disturbing to know that some people I walk past downtown could be spying on me. However I also feel the government is doing their job and this is helping to stop criminals.
    Opinion: I think that the government has always been spying on us under the cover and this is nothing new but they should regulate the intensity of the spying unless there is a real deal to be made in that spying.
    Connection: I chose this article because this reminds me of what we’re learning in Civics when a government misuses their power and authority which ultimately invades a civilian life.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: State Department Shuts Down Email After Hacking Attack
    Who: The State Department
    Where: Over the internet
    When: This was posted on November 17, 2014 but the shutdown will happen this weekend
    What happened: Because of the October attacks on the government secret email the State Department will be shutting down their email over the weekend. In early and late October, hacking attempts have been made on the US government. Sources points that these hackers are possibly Russians trying to gain US intelligence. In response the State Department will shut down their emails to make improvements. This might however affect other public websites and how they work that people use in order to gain protection from potential hackers. Despite all of the hype the government has claimed that they weren’t affected by these attacks and that they caused no harm.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it involves the security of the government and its actions to improve it.
    Reaction: I’m worried over this. If Russians could’ve actually hacked the US I would be scared. I’m also worried that websites that I use might be affected
    Opinion: I think that the US needs to do better in its defenses. The hacker should’ve been terminated before it even got to the fake email. Hopefully this shutdown will make the systems stronger.
    Connection: I chose this article because this reminded me of the book Little Brother which was an option for our summer reading. I also chose this because there wasn’t anything else interesting me in the media.

  18. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:The U.S. government thinks China could take down the power grid
    Article Date: Thursday November 20, 2014
    Who: China and The United States
    Where: United States
    When: Thursday November 20,2014
    What happened: China could potentially shut down the United States power grid. With possibly the help of one or two more countries. We have Malware from China on the U.S. computers and could effect a average Americans life. These types of attacks are apart of common trends. There were hackers for the Chinese Government. They were trying to get into the U.S. systems. Which controlled water and fuel and what not. They are trying to steal information. But we saw them. This could become very troubling for them.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because this could effect citizens who live their everyday lives and if the U.S. power grid is off this makes it extremely difficult.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is that it is a bit upsetting. I say this because that like how other countries how other countries have this power and we dont is just shocking to me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is something that the U.S. government is going to have to do their best with fighting off.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting to me and because that the U.S. has gotten similar threats like this in the past is interesting.

  19. Source:

    Article Title: Utah Looks to Old Execution Method: Death by Firing Squad

    Who: Utahn State Prisons

    Where: In Utahn state prisons

    When: This happened Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    What happened: What had happened was yesterday the Criminal Justice Interim Committee approved to send a bill which would approve firing squads to state legislature. The committee voted 9 to 2 on execution by firing squad to be reintroduced as a plan of execution for death row inmates. This came up as an option after the state reported not having enough lethal injections for inmates and also the efficiency of the lethal injections are questionable. Even though firing squad seems old the last time it was used in Utah was in 2010. Utah isn’t alone either. Other states like Wyoming, Tennessee and Louisiana tried and/or are trying to push for other ways of execution.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about new ways prison systems carry out executions in America.

    Reaction: I feel like the firing squad is old and kind of savagely. I basically have mixed emotions on which execution choice I would want prisoners to have.

    Opinion: I think the firing squad should only be used as a back up because lethal injection is more humane and subtle. However I think that with well placed aim, the firing squad would result in a much faster death for the inmate.

    Connection: I chose this article because I heard about it on the news and thought this would make an interesting current event.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: The title is Senior ISIS figure killed in Mosul
    Who: The people involved are Allied forces, Radwan Taleb al-Hamdouni and ISIS
    Where: This took place in Mosul, Iraq
    When: This happened November 19, 2014
    What happened: Today reports of Radwan Taleb al-Hamdouni’s death has been reported. The terrorist group ISIS had basically just lost a governor in the city of Mosul which is the largest city captured by ISIS on the Iraq and Syria border. Hamdouni was killed by airstrikes from allied forces fighting against ISIS. This is another setback from the list of setbacks ISIS has taken this week. They’re losing the battle over Kobani and they’ve lost the control of an oil refinery in Iraq.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its about a terrorist group the United States and many other nations are trying to stop.
    Reaction: I felt happy to see this because it seems we’re finally getting results from our airstrikes.
    Opinion: I think that the airstrikes are finally proving what they’re worth because before I thought they were not too helpful in stopping ISIS. I’m sure that since ISIS lost a key figure in their group they will slowly start losing more often and eventually be defeated.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think reports of ISIS being slowed down is important because since ISIS developed it seems like all they did was dominate and conquer.


  21. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Anaemic growth for shipping industry amid ‘stumbling’ global economy – UN report
    Article Date: It was updated November 20, 2014.
    Who: The Maritime Transport 2014, and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) were involved.
    Where: All over the world since it's dealing with shipping.
    When: Started in 2012 and is still continuing.
    What happened:In the review of Maritime Transport, the UN Conference on Trade and Development has noticed an increase of worldwide seaborne shipping over the past year through it's tense and demoralized industry. Their prior thought was about the growth rate in world fleets decreasing lower than the previous rates in the past. That changed when a trend reflecting the downturn of the shipping cycle peaked in 2012. Maritime shipping grew to a 3.8% in 2013. What led to a bigger percent which was 5.6% was the expansion of dry cargo flows such as bulk commodities in a container. Maritime transport made the shares higher in most developing countries. So, Maritime and UNCTAD was the the backbone of international trade and the global economy.
    Why this event is relevant: Everyone loves to ship things, so it is good to know if your things would be sent or not through any circumstance.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): Shocked, because I never knew there was a low growth rate in shipping since people are always sending something to love ones, friends or people at work.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the growth rate will increase more and more each year.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it is not only dealing with the UN but does with other countries because shipping goes everywhere. So it was interesting to know what was happening in the UN.

  22. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:FBI threats to MLK prompt snooping warnings
    Article Date: November 19,2014
    Who: FBI
    Where: The New York Times
    When: Wednesday, November 19 2014
    What happened: This article is mainly about how a decade- old letter was sent to Martin Luther King Jr. by the FBI due to the scope and history of US governmental surveillance programs and their potential for the government was a disturbance. However, the 1964 letter was unsigned meaning that it had no title.
    The FBI people had been following King because he criticized the government for failing to enforce the Civil Rights and March of Washington which caused the threats to spread five decades ago.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant and important because it deals with the Civil Rights movement and March on Washington. Martin Luther King Jr. was one who had a dream (I Have A Dream speech) of racial and economic equality in the United States and strongly changed America in many ways by being a leader and standing up for all rights of citizens.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for civil rights for all citizens and I feel like that it was memorable and powerful.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Martin Luther King Jr. was an influential and inspirable African American leader who play a huge role in the Civil Rights Movement of 1964 by ending segregation.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it stood out to me, due to the title and what was being discussed.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: Joint effort must be made to save Atlantic City
    Who: People who works or is involved with Atlantic City and the New Jersey government
    Where: Atlantic City, New Jersey
    When: This was posted November 20, 2014
    What happened: Over the past few months Atlantic City has been “dying out”. Since Hurricane Sandy which destroyed the East Coast, Atlantic City has not been able to jump back from this. All attempts has fail and casinos in Atlantic City have been closing down one after another. An idea to bring Atlantic City out of this has been made. It is to make AC more adulterated. If this was to be in place AC would become the Las Vegas of the east and that would separate it from it’s contenders. The idea suggests that AC becomes a recreational marijuana zone. People with hotel rooms could buy marijuana from stores but must use it while they are there. The marijuana would attract many people. Strip clubs, smoking joints and other adult themed things would be put in place in order to attract adults and revenue.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this speaks about actions that needs to be taken to help solve the issue of AC being engulfed with debt and marijuana legality
    Reaction: I was interested in his proposal because it seems as though all other attempts have failed and this proposal seems capable of pulling AC out of debt.
    Opinion: I think that the government should seriously take this up as a reason because if they don’t then they’ll have to rely on sports betting which isn’t a certain promise. I think this too would be hard but not too hard.
    Connection: I chose this article because I always hear about AC failing and casinos closing and I wanted to look up ways for AC to take up ways to reverse this.

  24. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Text to Text | The Bill of Rights and ‘The Bill of Rights We Deserve’
    Article Date:September 25, 2014
    Who: Bill of right and citizens
    Where: New York city
    When: September 25, 2014
    What happened:New York City announced in 2012 a proposed limit on soft drink size, the beverage industry fought back by saying the ban was an attack on “our freedom of choice.” With that happening many people weren't so pleased to hear about this and felt that this was changing their right of freedom. The right of the people to consume alarmingly large sandwiches washed down by more than 16 fluid ounces of soda shall not be infringed
    Why this event is relevant: currently is a problem for others since they cannot drink as much soda as they would like to.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this is very unfair and doesn't follow up to the bill of rights.
    Opinion (I think..) you should be able to drink as much as you please to since its not affecting anyone else but you.
    Connection (why you chose this article) found this interesting and wanted to know what was the whole situation with drinking soda and how it had to deal with the bill of rights.

  25. Source:

    Article Title: Obama to Send 1,500 More Troops to Assist Iraq

    Article Date: November 7, 2014

    Who: U.S, ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran

    Where: Iraq

    When: November 7, 2014

    What happened: U.S Government is deciding on sending 1,500 more soldiers into Iraq to fight the terrorist group, ISIS. They also plan on continuing the efforts to train Iraqi soldiers, to fight terrorists groups like this. In addition, most of the soldiers are specifically going to a certain part of Iraq, where they believe ISIS is hiding at. This location is known as a bloody invasion in the year 2003 led by the U.S. Lastly, the article talk about the White House's budget on the efforts to get rid of ISIS and train Iraqi soldiers, so they have asked congress for five-billion dollars.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if it were to become another war, taxes could be risen.

    Reaction: I feel annoyed by this article because the U.S seems to be too concerned with ISIS and is keep pushing other countries to do their dirty work.

    Opinion: In my opinion, I believe the U.S should just ignore ISIS until they actually do something that involves the U.S.

    Connection: My connection with this article is my interest in my future. If I were to follow my dreams as a Green Beret, I will most likely be stationed back at Iraq.

  26. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:The article of this title is “Two men arrested in death of Honduran beauty queen and her sister”

    Article Date:This article was published and updated on November 19,2014.

    Who:Thui article is about a 19 year old honduran girl and her sister and the two men that killed them.

    Where:This event occurred in Hondurans, the bodies were found near a mountain are near a river.

    When:The bodies were found on Wednesday and the news was delivered to that family around the same time.

    What happened:After two honduran sisters disappeared thursday night, both young were found killed near a mountainous area.Their mom thought that were just missing but police delivered bad news that they were both found dead and buried.These two young girls were very outgoing and participated in a lot,during the time they lived.One of the girls even participated in a beauty pageant and actually won first place and has become very known and famous for it.The sisters boyfriend and another man has been arrested.Honrando murder rate has significantly gone up throughout the years.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because I'm pretty sure other than Hunrandas this is not the only state with significant high murder rates.Plus its alwyas sad when someone is murdered for simply being innocent.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I think that these murders rates need to go down and the government and law enforcements needs to be doing more to control and lower rates.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that these girls did not deserve to die and that these men that was arrested should be found guilty,

    Connection (why you chose this article this absolutely scary to hear another story about young innocent girls around my age dying.

  27. Source:
    Article Title: A Favor to Hillary? Obama's Political Pros and Cons for Immigration Action
    Article Date: Friday, November 21st 2014, 12:47 pm
    Who: President Obama and Hillary Clinton
    Where: This has no specific place.
    When: This has no specific date.
    What happened: President Obama plans to loosen the rules on immigration. Which will put millions of deportations on hold. Republicans try to stop the President from acting by himself. The House of Representatives will have to fight hard to keep the rules from being lifted.
    Why this event is relevant: This is event that could decide the president in the next election. It could help Hillary Clinton if she decides to run. This will raise the number of Latino voters, which would possibly alienate caucasian voters.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): If the rules are lifted it would keep millions of families from would also give new hope to Latinos for better lives here in the U.S.
    Opinion (I think..) :I think the Immigration won’t be such a bad thing, many of them have lived here for decades and never caused any problems so why would that change all of a sudden.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : I kept hearing about this on the news and wondered what all the buzz was about. Now I know what this could mean for the future of America, which is important to me because I will be voting in the 2016 election.

  28. Source:
    Article Title:Boehner: House GOP files Obamacare suit
    Article Date:Fri November 21, 2014

    When: This event took place on Friday November 21st.
    What happened: In this article it talks in some detail about the Obama care lawsuit. This article tells how the House of GOP is planing to sue President Obama. The one who announced this lawsuit on Friday was GOP member Boehner. It also tells how Boehner criticized Obama's immigration plan.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevent because this may and will cause unwanted problems for Obama and his program.
    Reaction: I have no real reaction besides curiosity on his reasoning.
    Opinion: Im not sure what to think of this event.
    Connection. Not being on Obama care or being Obama i have no connection.

  29. Source:
    Article Title:president Obama announced immigration reform.
    Article Date:11/20/14
    Who: immigrants
    Where: everywhere
    When years back :
    What happened:President Obama said welcoming immigrants brought a great advantage for the American country over others. Is shaped character. The immigration system is broken and usually go colors of immigrants from other countries. Also said the DS illegal immigrants to stop staying in the shadows they can come out if you side to pay his taxes and stays the law. Illegal migration has been cut and sew have due to the security as the immigrations line. The number of the people who have tried to come to America has flodent ever since 1976. Immigrants are now allowed to live in peace is big you all their taxes and be patient when it comes to documentation.President Obama took a few options these are make more that's more secure the second was to make it easier and faster for skilled immigrants to stay in the country so they can contribute to the economy of the country. And lastly they take stuff and documentation of the immigrants who are right here already here. Insurance is showing his kindness to all immigrants all over the world especially in the US President Obama decided to make this law he said that did you have stayed in the US for more than five children in the country temporarily
    Why this event is relevant:this is relevant because it houses down economy R Us is showing welthis is relevant because it houses down economy R Us is showing welcome to all immigrants everywhere. When I read this article because it helps everyone and you keep everyone happy smile instead people deserve this and I really appreciate what is happening right now.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I don't really have any connection with this article just like the others that I have already posted but this really touches me.

  30. Source:
    Article Title:Boehner: House GOP files Obamacare suit
    Article Date:Fri November 21, 2014

    Who:This events between President Obama and the GOP
    Where: This happened in the United States.
    When: This event took place on Friday November 21st.
    What happened: In this article it talks in some detail about the Obama care lawsuit. This article tells how the House of GOP is planing to sue President Obama. The one who announced this lawsuit on Friday was GOP member Boehner. It also tells how Boehner criticized Obama's immigration plan.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevent because this may and will cause unwanted problems for Obama and his program.
    Reaction: I have no real reaction besides curiosity on his reasoning.
    Opinion: Im not sure what to think of this event.
    Connection. Not being on Obama care or being Obama i have no connection
