Saturday, November 1, 2014

3rd period, 11/3-11/7

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/7

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: One World Trade Center open for business
    Article Date: 3 November 2014
    Who: The governments General Service Administration, TJ Gottesdiener and Owings & Merrill
    Where: World Trade Center in Manhattan skyline, New York City
    When: Monday, 3 November 2013 at 3:53 P:M
    What happened: This article is mainly about how the World Trade Center officially opens up for business since the attack of September 11th. This $3.8 skyline building took eight years to rebuild and is now considered to be the tallest buildings in the United States. The World Trade Center marks a memorial in the footprints of the old towers and a museum within the skyline. The New York skyline is a remarkable building that will now be open to the public.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because of those who died at the World Trade Center in terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and the dream of building the Trade Center again became a reality today.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is great to see something that was destroyed and is able to stand tall again at 1,776ft. It would be amazing to see the other tower be built (Twin Towers).

    Opinion (I think..) I think that this could be a testimony for our lives that when you fall down you could come up even stronger.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was inspirable and memorial due to the 9/11 attack. The World Trade Center marks the final piece renewal of Manhattan that was rebuilt for what was lost. While I was in New York City during the summer I saw that the World Trade Center was under construction and it was looking marvelous. I was eager to see what it was going to look like when completed.

  2. Source: (
    Article Title: GOP Picks Up Two Senate Seats from Democrats
    Article Date: Updated Nov. 4, 2014 8:53 p.m. ET

    Who: Tom Cotton vs. Sen. Mark Pryor and Rep Shelley Moore vs. Natalie Tennant
    Where: In Arkansas and Virginia
    When: In recent days due to elections. November 3 and 4

    What happened: Republicans seem to have gained the upper hand in the senate when six seats have been secured by them due to the compiled votes of Virginia and Arkansas. In Virginia Rep. Shelley Moore managed to pull through beating out Natalie Tennant who was a Democrat for the seat. While in Arkansas Tome Cotton beat Sen. Mark Pryor for a seat. While others states may have won easier victories, the fight continues in some of the states to gain an elected governor most favors in other states seem to be tipping on the sides of republicans.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant due to the fact that some of these outcomes have not have been seen for years on end, as far as republicans owning more seats that could possibly sway the senate into any direction they want. This could lead the house to become House Majority Republican.

    Reaction (I do not think it is all good because I believe that if there is no balance that a whole barricade of problems may arise from this time forth.)

    Opinion (I think that if all these Republicans do get elected for governor in their perspective states that it will indeed cause sort of a hindrance to the decisions that could be made by our President Barack Obama in his last year of service.

    Connection (I do not really have any connections with this I just know that multiple problems may arise when one group may be on terms with each other against an equal authority, and it does not end well. )

  3. Source:
    Article Title:How will Feds deal with legal pot in D.C.?
    Article Date: Wed November 5, 2014
    Who:This article was about the U.S. Federal government and D.C.
    Where: This happened in the United states.
    When: Wed November 5, 2014
    What happened: This article was about two major points taking place in Washington D.C.. One is that in recent days voters have been debating with official's on weed legalization. The voters are in favor of it and have decided to approve the legalization of small amounts of the substance. This measure was put into their polices for recreational use. The problem with this and the second event is that as far as the federal government is concerned this is still illegal. The federal government is planning to enforce law.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it involves the federal governments weed policy.
    Reaction: I have no reaction to this event.
    Opinion: I believe that the federal law should be over turned.
    Connection: this might effect me in later days in some way don't know how but it might.

  4. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Florida man continues to feed homeless despite looming criminal charges
    Article Date:November 06, 2014
    Who: Arnold Abbott
    When: Wednesday Nov 5th
    What happened: A Chef named Arnold is being fined for 500 dollars and sentenced to 60 days in jail for violating the new law by feeding the homeless. On Wednesday night Abbott and other chef served four course meals by the beach with police videotaping them. More than 100 homeless people were there to receive a meal.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows a ridiculous reason of why someone is being arrested for a good cause.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel good knowing that there are still good people in the world who would risk their freedom for doing something good for other people.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that there should never be a law that prevents you from feeding the homeless because that isn't a crime.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I give food to homeless people if i had some and i wouldn't want to be arrested for that because it is not a crime.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Pakistan Arrest 44 For Burning Christians Alive In Kiln
    Article Date: November 6, 2014
    Who: Pakistan
    Where: Islamabad, Pakistan
    When: November the 4 2014
    What happened: A Christian couple was burned alive in a Kiln on Tuesday November 4,2014 in Pakistan. Pakistan workers was angry at the couple because they believe the couple burned some pages of the Muslim bible the Quran. Forty four people are believed to be involved in killings. The mob of people broke the couple legs so they couldn't run or hide. They tossed the couple in the fire inside of the Kiln. The Prime Minister said he will have no mercy on the people who committed this crime.
    Why this event is relevant: It is important because a angry mob killed a couple because they felt the couple burned pages of the Quran. If people have the right to kill other people because of people religion than mobs of people will do the same thing all around the world.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad that the Pakistan people killed the Christians of what they believe in
    Opinion (I think..) I feel like it is wrong to punish anyone by death concerning religion. People shouldn't take the law in their own hands because someone has a different religion Everyone who is Muslim may feel different about killing someone because someone disrespected the Quran.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I am a Christian and I have friends that are Muslim. I don't think you should kill anyone because of religion

  6. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama writes to Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei about ISIS fight
    Article Date: November 6, 2014
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: Letter was sent in October
    What happened: President Obama sent a letter to Iran's leader saying both of the countries shared interest in beating ISIS. Iran made it very clear that they do not want anything to do with the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant becausepeople care about whats going with the U.s and we don't want nobody bombing on us.
    Reaction: I think there is some beef between the leader of Iran and President Obama himself.
    Opinion: I think there are a lot of problems that haven't been dealt with and I think it wont change for some time because Iran and U.s cannot get on the same page.
    Connection: I have no connect but it's kind of similar to what we be talking bout in civics

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement of 10 complete sentences.

  7. Article Title: The title of this article is, "Ferguson mayor expects protests on grand jury."
    Article Date: The date of this article is November 6, 2014.
    Who: The people who are involved are the grand jury during the Michael Brown trial and the city of Ferguson Missouri.
    Where: This article takes place in Ferguson Missouri.
    When: This happened today November 6, 2014.
    What happened: The mayor of Ferguson told the media that they should "prepare for the worst" and should expect protests across the city. Many people in the community are very furious and upset because they feel that this was an act of accessive use of force by the accused officer.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because people all across the US are furious about the acts of the officer and many of them in closing myself want justice for Mike Brown. Also because its very similar to the Travon Martin case. The whole country will have their eyes on this trial.
    Reaction: My reaction to this news is that I am not surprised and that I agree with the mayor of Ferguson when he says that people should prepare for the worst.
    Opinion: I feel that when the Mike Brown trial is over, I feel like the officer will walk free like always. Its sad that I feel that way but I can't feel any other way. The media and everyone against Mike Brown will find any and everything bad about his character and use it against him in the trial.
    Connection: I chose this because I am an African American young man and this could have been anyone I know. Also because I want the officer to be put in jail because I do feel like it was an act of excessive use of force and I believe that the officer had it out to kill Mike Brown.


  9. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: The title of my article is “Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign quietly begins to take shape”.
    Article Date: My article was published on Tuesday November 4, 2014.
    Who: Hillary Clinton, Democrats and Republicans, Former President Bill Clinton, Current President Barrack Obama, and other politicians.
    Where: This took place in Washington D.C.
    When: This event happened in the end of September of this year and is still continuing.
    What happened: In order to win a stronger place in the government, Hillary Clinton is building up her very own campaign to run for presidency. Clinton’s associates are compiling democratic votes in order to have a strong start. Her husband, Bill Clinton also former president of the United States has teamed up with Barrack Obama in order to strengthen Hillary’s campaign. Together, they have captured the attention of both democrats and republicans. Republicans are against Clinton and Obama’s collaboration, believing it will drive our country straight down. However, slowly but surely Hillary Clinton increases her popularity and votes with her strong campaign group.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if successful, Hillary Clinton would be America’s first female president.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I support Hillary Clinton’s campaign because it would be a huge leap in American history.
    Opinion (I think..): I think Clinton would be a good president. This is because her husband was a president and she saw how to run the country as a Former First Lady. She knows what the public needs, and is fairly trusted if current president Barrack Obama is supporting her.
    Connection (why you chose this article): A connection between Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Barrack Obama’s former campaign is that if either win, a huge step in American history is made. President Obama made history by being the first black president, and Hillary, if won, would make history for being America’s first female president.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Ferguson mayor sees possible protests in region when grand jury decides
    Article Date: Thu November 6, 2014
    Who: Ferguson Mayor
    Where: Ferguson,Missouri, USA
    When: Today
    What happened: After the teen, Michael Brown got shot by a white officer, citizens of Ferguson started to revolt and make riots in order to receive justice for what happened. The Don't Shoot Coalition created 19 "Rules of Engagement" which is to prevent anymore disputes between civilians and officers. In fear of the officers not responding to the rules, he told officials to prepare for the worst, like more chaos and riots in Ferguson. The rules are also meant to be spread throughout the region not just the particular town.
    Why this event is relevant: Because this topic has been around for a while, and people still want to outcomes of the incident.
    Reaction I was curious as to what this news could lead to in that region.
    Opinion I think that it is unjust that the officer still have not responded to the rules.
    Connection Because I've been reading about what's been happening in Ferguson and just think that it's interesting to see how the topic is stretching and the different opinions that surround it.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Legal pot on the ballot
    Who: People in Alaska, Oregon, D.C and Colorado
    Where: Alaska, Oregon and D.C
    When: November 4, 2014
    What happened: This year’s Election Day put two states and one district on the ballot for legalizing recreational use of marijuana. These places are Alaska, Oregon and Washington D.C. Washington is not trying to legalize the sell of marijuana but is making it legal to own under two ounces. This article also brings up the pros of this decision from Colorado. Colorado created $38 million in taxes which is going for the good of the people. It also brings up the cons like marijuana still being available on the black market and the lack of banks and federal places for marijuana.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant to government because it touches on taxes, federal systems and the status of legalizing marijuana across the nation.
    Reaction: I feel like these places should legalize marijuana because I think that it’s only a plant that many people are being imprisoned for.
    Opinion: I think that the legalization of marijuana is a good thing in many ways. For one, I think marijuana with taxes could help with America’s debt and it could also support reconstruction and industrial growth within the nation and the states. I also think that this will give people jobs which will lower the employment rate. This can also help stop cartels and other crimes.
    Connection: I picked this article because it seems like the past two years, including this one, was active with the issue of cannabis and this is interesting.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: How will Feds deal with legal pot in D.C.?
    Article Date: November 5, 2014
    Who: Washington D.C voters have voted and gained legal rights to carry small amounts of marijuana.
    Where: In Washington D.C.
    When:The law is supposedly going to take place in March 2015.
    What happened: Voters in Washington D.C have reached the goal to legalize a small amount of marijuana. Marijuana is still considered a restricted substance to the Federal government.
    Why this event is relevant: The is relevant because now that it is legalized there this may start a trend and all states may want to legalize marijuana.
    Reaction: This is shocking I didn’t think they would legalize marijuana.
    Opinion: I think this is a good choice because some people need it for medical reasons so now they will be able to purchase it.
    Connection: I chose this article because you always hear about people saying that marijuana should be legal because it doesn't really harm anybody but this is the first time I have heard it being legalized this close to Philly.

  13. The best military captain that is fighting against the terrorist group ISIS said air assault are working to slow thier effort down to harm others not only that but its leting them know that the u.s hear them.
    They are afraid that is they create a enemy line they wouldn't last against the u.s and it's ally forces.Source:
    Article Title: airstrikes pounds ISIS
    Article Date: updated
    Who:U.S, ISIS
    Where: this is in Kuwait .
    When:  this is currently happening
    What happened: Isis is afraid to show thier location.
    Why this event is relevant:it show the might of the u.s compared to ISIS.
    Reaction I feel like ISIS is hinding because they know they need more troop before they fight back. Opinion (I think we that the u.s and it's allies are making great improvements to stop ISIS.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chosed this article because it show that ISIS is standing down due to multiple assaults

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:ISIS Trains Child Soldiers at Camps for 'Cubs of the Islamic State'
    Article Date:November 7 2014, 1:47 AM
    Who: ISIS
    Where: syria and iraq
    When: november 7th
    What happened:ISIS militants are building a small army that is including small children and which is a war crime. they are teaching them how to use machine guns and using dolls to teach and learn how to behead people for an execution.ISIS has set up enlistment offices aimed specifically at signing up youngsters including one in Aleppo.
    Why this event is relevant: They are training young children to be terriost at an young age which isnt right at all in which they should be in school getting an education. Also that this terroist group is risking these young children lives and could possibly die in combat.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) im quite upset about this because young children shouldnt know anything about terroism or being ready to prepare for it.
    Opinion (I think..) I think what they are doing is absolutely wrong because they shouldnt drag children in something that is highly dangerous.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i belive that it is important to read and know about to see what this group is doing and preparting young children for war.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Same-sex wedding video sentenced
    Article Date: November 1, 2014

    This article discusses the "crime" of same-sex marriage in Egypt. There is a video of eight men dressed elegantly, amongst this small group are two grooms. They also had a cake with two male faces in it. Well, as one might infer by the details the setting is a wedding. After the discovery of this video the eight men involved were placed under arrest for three years. General Hisham describes the mens' actions as something totally against what they live for. Along with the three years sentenced in prison, seven of the eight men were physically tested to tell whether they were gay or not. All of those tested results came back as not gay. They were "proven" to not have had sex with another man. The eighth man did not show up to the testing. I think that this is upsetting. We have evolved into a different tradition, where everyone is different. These men should not get penalized for their sexual preference. Ostracizing those with differences doesn't make this world a better place. This is relevant because there are a lot of times when people's sexual preference determine their success and happiness in life. I think your success and happiness should be determined by you in your own life.

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Date:November 7,2014

    Who: Obama Bin Laden,

    Where: Washington
    When: Unknown
    What happened: This article talks about how a former Navy Seal Robert O’Neil was the one who shot and bin laden before his death in 2011. O'Neill said that he had participated in missions before but was afraid of this mission before. He also notified that when he shot bin laden he was immediately killed and not injured before he died. But before his he was shot O'Neill saw bin laden hands on a women pressuring her head. The CNN National Security claimed that O’Neill was one of the shooter in Bin Laden’s the room but other are still confused if he was really the one who shot bin laden since there was others in the room who fired.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the killer finally came forth and confessed to the death of Osama bin laden.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) In a way I’m glad the bin laden was killed because he was involved in the 9/11 attack
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this article can put minds to rest that the killer of bin laden was captured
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I wanted to see who was the kill of Osama Bin Laden

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of my article is Philadelphia abduction witness called a hero

    Article Date: This article was written on November 7, 2014

    Who: This Topic is about Carlesha Freeland-Gaither & Her Hero

    Where: This article takes place in The Germantown section of Philadelphia

    When: This article is November 2, 2014

    What happened: This article is about Carlesha Freeland-Gaither A 22 year old lady that was kidnapped on sunday in the germantown section of philadelphia. She was fighting for her life but could not manage to shake him off. She kicked his back window out his car but still couldnt escape. This was a sad tragic event that opened alot of eyes. They searched everywhere and on finally tracked the kidnapper's car down and found her in maryland. They would have never knew that she was missing if it wasn't for her hero (Dwayne Fletcher) He was the reason as to why the cops were alerted and why she was found along with the other things , If it wasnt for him she wouldnt be here today.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because it was a big eye opener to alot of people and it teaches people to be aware of there surroundings and It shows how cruel the world is. Now they are giving lessons on how to defend your self when this happens.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that this is crazy and it makes me scared to walk down the street by myself . It makes me aware of alot of things.

    Opinion (I think..) I we should make more awareness because this is happening too often.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i am a girl And i have friends this is scary.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Army apologizes for policy OKing word "Negro"

    Article Date: November 7, 2014

    Who: U.S Army, African

    Where: United States Of America

    When: November 7, 2014

    What happened: The United States finally removed a policy in the Army that allowed soldiers to use the word "Negro" to address an African American. CNN says the Army removed the policy once it was brought to their attention. This article also states that Senator Tim Scott, the first African American in the South elected to Senate, wanted to reach out to the Army after hearing news about this event.
    Why this article is relevant: This article is relevant because African Americans have been through racial inequality for years.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was anger. For one, the fact that this policy has just been removed is disappointing because this should have been abolished with all of the other racist policies that were removed in the 1960's.

    Opinion: In my opinion the U.S only removed this policy because it was looked up and brought to the public's attention. I also believe that the U.S thought this wasn't s a big deal and kind of brushed it off to the side.

    Connection: As an African-American I automatically have relativeness with this article, and also the fact that I want to be a soldier in that branch of the military.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Same-sex marriage heading for Supreme Court again
    Article Date:November 7,2014
    Who:Supreme Court, Gay couples
    Where:The whole United States
    What happened:A month ago, the Supreme Court denied same sex mirriage in a court ruling. Gay plintiffs are back again to try and persuade the Supreme Court to hear their reasoning so that they will approve this time.The Supreme Court has untill January to decide i they want to hear the case again in june. If not, the case probably wont be hear untill the 2016 election.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because gay people should be allowed to be married, they are still citizens of this country.
    Reaction: Im happy that they are still ighting to get gay marriage legal in every state
    Opinion: i think that gay couples should be able to get married i they want to
    Connection: I chose this article because i have a gay family member who probably wants to get married some day.


  20. Source:
    Article Title: Suspect in McStay case arrested, sheriff says
    Article Date:11/7/14
    Who: McStay Family and Charles Merritt.
    When: 2010- present
    What happened: Inside of 2010, a family of four vanished, unexpectedly. The police arrested Charles Merritt, a businesses associate of Joseph McStay, who has been charges on four murder charges. Before the murder charges and the arrest charges a motorcyclist found the remains of the family on the side of the road, more than 100 miles away from the families home. The police believed that this killing was carried out by more than one person. But the police will not tell how they were killed.
    Why this event is relevant: because not only did these people kill innocent people, but they also killed hopeless children, and this is not fair to these people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am upset about what happened because that isn't fair to the family , and not fair for the children.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that whatever he gets should be painful because he killed innocent children and hurt them for no reason at all !
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this arrival because it relates to a lot things happening today

  21. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Wolf to leave board of family-owned business 
    Article Date: Thursday, November 6,2014 
    Who: Gov.- elect Tom Wolf 
    Where: in office 
    When: This past Thursday 
    What happened: Wolf said that he would be stepping down from his previous position as chief executive officer (CEO) of his family owned furniture business of three decades. He wants to do bigger things with his life, and he wants to deal with the worlds politics 
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant, because we need strong people in office helping run things in America. Also, because it gives the people more options for representation in there cities. 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as though this is a smart way to go, because you will always have family holding down the business, and you can go and Perdue a career.
    Opinion (I think..): smart and noblem because at some point you have to venture off. 
    Connection (why you chose this article): life and family. You family will always be behind you, but you have to take the next step. 

  22. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:FSU gunman sent packages before shooting, acquaintance says
    Article Date:November 21, 2014
    Who:Florida State University students
    When: November 15th
    What happened: A gunman who shot and wounded three FSU students allegedly sent them packages before the attack. The shots fired at FSU's library around 12:30am.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people cant event go to school without feeling safe.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for the students that got wounded because they cant even be safe or feel protected at a place where you should.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this couldn't have been prevented because they don't know when something this serious is going to happen.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it shows how more and more school shootings are taking place each year.
